Религиозная лексика английского языка
АРХИВ ДЗ: 2023/24 (2)

Orthodox Quote of the Week (295)

Compassion for others and sympathy for their failings will bring the heart closer to the heart of God than any form of judging.

St. Hesychius the Presbyter


4 КУРС (10.06.2024)

В госэкзамен будет включен следующие задания по религиозной лексике:

  • Speak on the patristic quote you particularly liked. (Oral task, 5 points.)

    Нужно будет сделать небольшой доклад-комментарий на основании одного из ваших эссе по цитатам. Эссе можно брать за 3 и 4 курсы. На госэкзамен нужно принести распечатанный текст выбранной вами цитаты (2 экземпляра) для комиссии.

  • Speak on the podcast you particularly liked, and be ready to answer questions. (Oral task, 10 points.)

    Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it. Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    2 КУРС (к 25.06.2024 - ЭКЗАМЕН)

  • Bible Study: Read and translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 1:35 - 2:20 (until the words "...they will fast and struggle").
    (Oral task, 10 points).

  • Temple and Worship: Translate from Russian into English words from pages 127 - 138 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book according to this list.
    (Written task, 10 points)

  • Listening Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it.
    You may send in a pre-recorded video presentation of your talk.
    REQUIRED LENGTH: minimum 2 minutes of uninterrupted speech.Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?
    (Oral task, 10 points).

    GRADING: in both oral tasks for every lexical (pronunciation, meaning), grammatical and a bad phonetic mistake 0,5 POINTS is reduced.


    Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
  • 3 КУРС (к 25.06.2024 - ЭКЗАМЕН)

  • Bible Study: Read and translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 1:34 (from the words "He did not permit the demons to speak...") - 2:12 (until the words "...had filled him with strength").
    (Oral task, 10 points).

  • Temple and Worship: Translate from Russian into English words from pages 117 - 135 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book according to this list.
    (Written task, 10 points)

  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    - Translate from Russian into English dogmatic definitions according to this list (written task, 2,5 points).
    - Give English equivalents of heresies 1-10 from this list, and their definitions.(written task, 2,5 points).

  • Listening Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it.
    You may send in a pre-recorded video presentation of your talk.
    REQUIRED LENGTH: minimum 2 minutes of uninterrupted speech.Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?
    (Oral task, 5 points).

    GRADING: in both oral tasks for every lexical (pronunciation, meaning), grammatical and a bad phonetic mistake 0,5 POINTS is reduced.


    Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book

    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 07.06.2024 - ЗАЧЕТ)

    В зачет будут включены следующие задания:

  • Biblical Studies: Translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 4:2 (from the words "He went forth, not to burn up the accursed...", p. 37) - 4:25.
    (Oral task, 5 points.)
  • Temple and Worship: Translate from Russian into English words and phrases from the English Liturgy, pp. 12-20 according to this list.
    (Write the word and be ready to pronounce it; 10 points.)
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to discuss/answer questions on the content of one of the following sections:
    Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists" section Official Church-State Relations from the words "Tikhon realized..." until the end of the section (the words "...a far more independent stand?");
    Chapter 9 "The Twentieth Century, III: Diaspora and Mission", section Jurisdictional Divisions.
    (Oral task, 10 points.)
  • Listening: Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts you have listened to in this semester and speak on it. Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?
    (Oral task, 5 points.)

    Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (295)

    Compassion for others and sympathy for their failings will bring the heart closer to the heart of God than any form of judging.

    St. Hesychius the Presbyter


    1 КУРС (к 30.05.2024)

  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 2 (until "The Holy Icons"); you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 28.05.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 24, verses 42-49.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 18-20: page 26-27, page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...they will fast and struggle").
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (5) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 5 from the words "The Turkish occupation..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 6)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к .09.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to support/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 24, verses 1-9.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 24-25, page 26-27: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "By healing the body..." until the words "...had filled him with strength").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 132-135 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready for a test on entries 3-5 of Heresies (the English name and definition).
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (11-13). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4 from the words "Cyril died at Rome..." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 4 from the words "Photius also made plans..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the contextual meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Constructive Arguing (also here).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (294)

    Know that there is nothing the enemy fears like prayer.

    Tito Colliander


    1 КУРС (к 23.05.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 13, verses 1-11.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 14-15: page 15-17: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until footnote 12 incl.).
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Old Orthodox Prayer Book. Be ready for a test on words from page iv of the Preface.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 2 (until "The Holy Icons"); you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the words "Ephesus and Chalcedon..." until the end of section.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2, section "The Holy Icons" from the beginning until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 21.05.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 24, verses 33-41.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 13-17: page 26-27: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Therefore neither should we be ashamed..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (4) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 4; you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 5 from the words "The millet system..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 5)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 21.05.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to support/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 24, verses 1-9.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 24-25, page 26-27: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "By healing the body..." until the words "...had filled him with strength").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 132-135 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready for a test on entries 3-5 of Heresies (the English name and definition).
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (11-13). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4 from the words "Cyril died at Rome..." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 4 from the words "Photius also made plans..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the contextual meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Constructive Arguing (also here).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 24.05.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to support/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 4, verses 1-8. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 24-25: pages 38-39, pages 40-41: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-20 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 9 "Diaspora and Mission", section "Jurisdictional Divisions" from the beginning until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (V) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 5.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    4 КУРС (10.06.2024)

    В госэкзамен будет включен следующие задания по религиозной лексике:

  • Speak on the patristic quote you particularly liked. (Oral task, 5 points.)

    Нужно будет сделать небольшой доклад-комментарий на основании одного из ваших эссе по цитатам. Эссе можно брать за 3 и 4 курсы. На госэкзамен нужно принести распечатанный текст выбранной вами цитаты (2 экземпляра) для комиссии.

  • Speak on the podcast you particularly liked, and be ready to answer questions. (Oral task, 10 points.)

    Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it. Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 17.05.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to support/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 3, verses 20-24. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 24-25: pages 38-39, pages 40-41: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-19 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 9 "Diaspora and Mission", section "Jurisdictional Divisions" from the beginning until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (IV) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 4.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (293)

    We must have self-denial. Self-denial will bring transformation, tears, humility; it will bring everything. God can't help but fill that soul with His grace. When we don't have grace, we don't struggle, and we immediately say improper things, talk back, get angry, shout and make gestures, and have inappropriate sadness at the slightest thing.

    Gerondissa Makrina (Vassopoulou)


    1 КУРС (к 16.05.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 12, verses 10-20.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 12-13: page 15-17: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Old Orthodox Prayer Book. Be ready for a test on words from page iii of the Preface.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the words "But Chalcedon..." until the line.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the words "Ephesus and Chalcedon were a rock of Orthodoxy..." until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 14.05.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 24, verses 22-32.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 13-17: page 26-27: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...Jesus saw Matthew the publican").
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (4) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 4; you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 5 from the beginning until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 4)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 14.05.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to support/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 23, verses 10-20.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 24-25: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...could heal their sins as well").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 132-134 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready for a test on entries 3-4 of Heresies (the English name and definition).
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (9-11). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy; you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4 from the beginning until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 4 from the words "Cyril died at Rome..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the contextual meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Forgiveness (also here).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 10.05.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to support/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 3, verses 8-19. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 21-23: pages 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-18 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "Official Church-State Relations" from the words "Even to exist in this isolation..." until the end of the chapter.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (IV) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 4.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (292)

    The Holy Fathers say that there are only four things we may think about during prayer. We are not exactly to think of them but to bear them in mind. These are death, the Judgment, heaven, and hell.

    Elder Thaddeus (Strabulovich) of Vitovnica


    4 КУРС (14.05.2024)

  • Bible Study: Read and translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 2:23-3:19 (from the words "Understand this also..." until the words "...six on the right and six on the left").
    (Oral task, 5 points: 2,5 for pronunciation and 2,5 for translation. 0,5 point reduction per one mistake).

  • Temple and Worship:
    1. Be ready for a test on words related to Western Rite Glossary according to this list
    (written and oral task, 5 points: 2,5 for pronunciation and 2,5 for translation. 0,5 grade reduction per one mistake).
    2. Be ready to reproduce by ear the text of one of the stichera from this piece (together with the accompanying psalm verse)
    (oral task, 5 points).

  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    1. Either analyze a cluster of events from the history of East-West church relations. What development in the life of the Roman Catholic Church do they illustrate? What is the Orthodox response to this development?
    Be ready to comment on one of the obstacles to the union between Orthodox East and Latin West.
    (oral task, 5 points)
    2. Either Explain what Sola Scriptura means and be ready to give a Biblical argument why Sola Scriptura is wrong /
    to give a historical argument why Sola Scriptura is wrong /
    to give an argument from logic and common sense why Sola Scriptura is wrong.
    Explain what Theosis means and be ready to comment on Bible quotes in support of it (what understanding of salvation do they communicate, and how?)
    (oral task, 5 points)

  • Listening Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it.
    You may send in a pre-recorded video presentation of your talk.
    REQUIRED LENGTH: minimum 2 minutes of uninterrupted speech.Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?
    (Oral task, 5 points).

    GRADING: in oral tasks for every lexical (pronunciation, meaning), grammatical and a bad phonetic mistake 0,5 POINTS is reduced.


    Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book

    1 КУРС (к 25.04.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 12, verses 1-9.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 9-11: page 15-17: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of footnote 9.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Old Orthodox Prayer Book. Be ready for a test on words from page iii of the Preface.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the words "But Chalcedon..." until the line.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the words "Ephesus and Chalcedon were a rock of Orthodoxy..." until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 23.04.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 24, verses 10-21.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 26-27: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "But how can I be brought to Jesus?" until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (3) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4, section The Russian Church under the Mongols (1237-1448) from the Sergius of Radonezh..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 3)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 23.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 23, verses 1-9.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 24-25: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 131-132 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready for a test on The Church (you will have to translate two last dogmatic formulae from Russian into English, in writing) and entries 1-2 of Heresies (the English name and definition).
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (7-9). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "Among the contemporaries of Gregory Palamas..." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 4 from the beginning until the line.
    Make sure you know the contextual meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Old Age (also here).
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 8-12).
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 26.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 3, verses 1-7. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 13-20: pages 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-16 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "Official Church-State Relations" from the words "For the time being the submissive policy of Sergius..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (III) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 3. (Qs 3-4)

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (292)

    The Holy Fathers say that there are only four things we may think about during prayer. We are not exactly to think of them but to bear them in mind. These are death, the Judgment, heaven, and hell.

    Elder Thaddeus (Strabulovich) of Vitovnica


    4 КУРС (14.05.2024)

  • Bible Study: Read and translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 2:23-3:19 (from the words "Understand this also..." until the words "...six on the right and six on the left").
    (Oral task, 5 points: 2,5 for pronunciation and 2,5 for translation. 0,5 point reduction per one mistake).

  • Temple and Worship:
    1. Be ready for a test on words related to Western Rite Glossary according to this list
    (written and oral task, 5 points: 2,5 for pronunciation and 2,5 for translation. 0,5 grade reduction per one mistake).
    2. Be ready to reproduce by ear the text of one of the stichera from this piece (together with the accompanying psalm verse)
    (oral task, 5 points).

  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    1. Either analyze a cluster of events from the history of East-West church relations. What development in the life of the Roman Catholic Church do they illustrate? What is the Orthodox response to this development?
    Be ready to comment on one of the obstacles to the union between Orthodox East and Latin West.
    (oral task, 5 points)
    2. Either Explain what Sola Scriptura means and be ready to give a Biblical argument why Sola Scriptura is wrong /
    to give a historical argument why Sola Scriptura is wrong /
    to give an argument from logic and common sense why Sola Scriptura is wrong.
    Explain what Theosis means and be ready to comment on Bible quotes in support of it (what understanding of salvation do they communicate, and how?)
    (oral task, 5 points)

  • Listening Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it.
    You may send in a pre-recorded video presentation of your talk.
    REQUIRED LENGTH: minimum 2 minutes of uninterrupted speech.Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?
    (Oral task, 5 points).

    GRADING: in oral tasks for every lexical (pronunciation, meaning), grammatical and a bad phonetic mistake 0,5 POINTS is reduced.


    Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book

    1 КУРС (к 25.04.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 12, verses 1-9.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 9-11: page 15-17: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of footnote 9.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Old Orthodox Prayer Book. Be ready for a test on words from page iii of the Preface.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the words "But Chalcedon..." until the line.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the words "Ephesus and Chalcedon were a rock of Orthodoxy..." until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 23.04.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 24, verses 10-21.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 26-27: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "But how can I be brought to Jesus?" until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (3) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4, section The Russian Church under the Mongols (1237-1448) from the Sergius of Radonezh..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 3)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 23.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 23, verses 1-9.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 24-25: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 131-132 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready for a test on The Church (you will have to translate two last dogmatic formulae from Russian into English, in writing) and entries 1-2 of Heresies (the English name and definition).
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (7-9). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "Among the contemporaries of Gregory Palamas..." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 4 from the beginning until the line.
    Make sure you know the contextual meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Old Age (also here).
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 8-12).
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 26.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 3, verses 1-7. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 13-20: pages 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-16 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "Official Church-State Relations" from the words "For the time being the submissive policy of Sergius..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (III) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 3. (Qs 3-4)

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (291)

    And so, it is clear that without zeal a Christian is a poor Christian. He is drowsy, feeble, lifeless, neither hot nor cold—and this kind of life is not life at all. Knowing this, let us strive to manifest ourselves as true zealots of good deeds, so that we might truly be pleasing to God, having neither stain nor spot, nor any of these things.

    St. Theophan the Recluse, bishop of Tambov


    1 КУРС (к 18.04.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 11, verses 10-32.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 9-11: page 15-17: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (from the words "At the same time, He comes to be baptised..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Old Orthodox Prayer Book. Be ready for a test on words from the first four pages of the file (including the table of contents).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the words "Alexandria's second major success..." until the line.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the words "But Chalcedon..." until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 16.04.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 24, verses 1-9.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 26-27: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "For the Lord does the same..." until the words "...my sins will be forgiven me").
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (2) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4, section The Russian Church under the Mongols (1237-1448) from the beginning" until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 2)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 16.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 22, verses 9-19.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 1-5: page 24-25: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (from the words "Many times..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 130-131 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready for a test on The Church (you will have to translate dogmatic formulae from Russian into English, in writing).
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (4-6). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "Gregory began..." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "Among the contemporaries of Gregory Palamas..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Old Age (also here).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (290)

    It follows that a distracted person cannot in any way be depended upon: he is an unreliable, unfaithful, light-minded person. He is inclined to let down, be unfaithful to or betray even those people by whom he is considered a close friend.

    Archbishop Averky (Taushev)


    4 КУРС (к 09.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 24, verses 59-67.
    Comment upon any Bible passage or verse we have read so far using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. (Passages with questions are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Forum.)
    (For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.)
    Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 13-19: page 32-33: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "... we should attribute that good to God's power").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read the text Sola Scriptura and identify each marked group of arguments as belonging to one of the following categories: 1. Biblical; 2. Historical; 3. Logic and common sense. Be ready to comment on the second and third group.
    Read the text Theosis in the Bible and be ready to read and comment upon the scriptural quotes. (What understanding of salvation do they communicate, and how?)
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Men and Women (also here)
    Questions on this episode (Parts I - III).
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    1 КУРС (к 11.04.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 11, verses 1-9.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 9-11: page 15-17: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...all might witness Who He is").
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from pages 29-30.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the words "The Council of Nicaea dealt also..." until the line.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the words "Alexandria's second major success..." until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 09.04.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 23, verses 10-20.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 24-25, page 26-27: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "By healing the body..." until the words "...but had filled him with strength").
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (2) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4, section The baptism of Russia: The Kiev period (988-1237) from the words "In Kievan Russia..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 1)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 09.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 22, verses 1-8.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 1-5: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...believed that he would be healed").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 127-129 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready for a test on Jesus Christ and The Church (you will have to translate dogmatic formulae from Russian into English, in writing).
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (1-3). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "When Orthodox writers use the term..." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "Gregory began..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Christian colleges (also here).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 12.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 2, verses 15-25. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 13-20: pages 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-16 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "Official Church-State Relations" from the words "For those who could not accept the 1927 declaration..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (I) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 2. (Q 4.); Questions on part 3.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (289)

    The saints have also found that selfish thoughts, left unchecked, lead a person to sinful acts, passions, habits, and eventually alienation from God and neighbor; whereas godly thoughts, when cultivated, guide a person by the grace of God to virtuous actions, habits, and ultimately purification from the passions, illumination by the Holy Spirit, and deification in Christ.

    Bishop Alexis (Trader)


    4 КУРС (к 02.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 24, verses 50-58.
    Comment upon any Bible passage or verse we have read so far using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. (Passages with questions are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Forum.)
    (For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.)
    Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 6-12: page 32-33: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "So the foreigners came to Jesus..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through the Grounds of Union (page 3).
    Read the text Sola Scriptura and identify each marked group of arguments as belonging to one of the following categories: 1. Biblical; 2. Historical; 3. Logic and common sense. Be ready to comment on the first group.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 6, section The Synodical period (1700-1917); you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Doing Our Best in the Fast (also here)
    Questions on this episode (Qs 8-13).
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    1 КУРС (к 04.04.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 9, verses 18-29.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 7-8: page 15-17: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from page 28.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the words "Now if this "being made god..." until the line."
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the words "The Council of Nicaea dealt also..." until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 02.04.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 23, verses 1-9.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 24-25: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...could heal their sins as well").
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (1) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4, section The baptism of Russia: The Kiev period (988-1237) from the beginning until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (8) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 02.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 21, verses 22-34.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 43-45: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (from the words "Still one must be grateful..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 124-127 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready for a test on The Holy Trinity and Jesus Christ (you will have to translate dogmatic formulae from Russian into English, in writing).
    Be ready to translate orally from English into Russian "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": The Church.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "Negative theology..." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "When Orthodox writers use the term..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Native Americans and Orthodoxy.
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 8-11).
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 05.04.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 2, verses 1-14. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 13-20: pages 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-15 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "Official Church-State Relations" from the words "Inside Russia the policy of Sergius..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (I) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 2. (Qs 3-4.)

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (288)

    Grief has an opposite effect to pleasure; that is why it counteracts our fallen state and promotes our restoration. Because of these properties, sorrow is necessary for our salvation.

    St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)


    4 КУРС (к 26.03.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 24, verses 42-49.
    Comment upon any Bible passage or verse we have read so far using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. (Passages with questions are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Forum.)
    (For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.)
    Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 6-12: page 32-33: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...without kinship of heart").
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to Western Rite Glossary.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through the Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (9-11). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter VI, section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "In the field of theology..." until the end of the chapter.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Doing Our Best in the Fast (also here)
    Questions on this episode (Qs 5-13).
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    1 КУРС (к 28.03.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 9, verses 8-17.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 6: page 13-14, page 15-17: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (from the words "The Lord Himself says..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from page 26-27.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the words "The life of the Church..." until the words "God became man that we might be made god" (On the Incarnation, 54)."
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the words "Now if this "being made god..." until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 26.03.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 22, verses 9-19.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 6-12: page 24-25: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on words from pages 136-138 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4 from the words "Cyril died at Rome..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (6) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 26.03.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 21, verses 14-21.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 43-45: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...teaching us not to boast").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 124-126 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready for a test on The Holy Trinity (you will have to translate dogmatic formulae from Russian into English, in writing).
    Be ready to translate orally from English into Russian "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": Jesus Christ.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 3, section From estrangement to schism: 858-1204; you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the beginning until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "Negative theology..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Native Americans and Orthodoxy.
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 29.03.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 1, verses 20-31. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 2-12: pages 36-37, pages 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "To the disciples who asked Him..." until the end of the section.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-15 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "Official Church-State Relations" from the words "Inside Russia the policy of Sergius..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (I) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 2.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (287)

    Do you know what communication with God means? Communicating all day long with God is an awesome thing! Just begin speaking with God and do not let go of His name. How do you think of your mother, your father, or some dear person? What does a betrothed girl do? She is captivated by thinking of her betrothed all day long. She sits and knits and remembers him. So, should we not remember Christ, our betrothed?

    Gerondissa Makrina (Vassopoulou)


    4 КУРС (к 12.03.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 24, verses 33-41.
    Comment upon any Bible passage or verse we have read so far using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. (Passages with questions are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Forum.)
    (For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.)
    Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 6-12: page 32-33: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Watch a video about Western Rite Orthodoxy (YouTube, 21:02). (More information here.) Be ready to explain what Western Rite Orthodoxy is, reasons for its existence, and your attitude towards it.
    Have access to Western Rite Glossary.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through the Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (6-11). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter VI, section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "Hitherto we have spoken chiefly..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Doing Our Best in the Fast (also here)
    Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    1 КУРС (к 14.03.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 9, verses 1-7.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 6: page 13-14: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...he hath a demon").
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from page 24-25.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the words "Constantine’s vision of the Cross..." until the words "...the Church’s coming of age."
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the words "The life of the Church..." until the words "...making it impossible for man to attain full salvation."
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 12.03.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 22, verses 1-8.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 1-5: page 24-25: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (from the words "Many times the Lord healed..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on words from pages 136-137 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy; you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4 from the beginning until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (6) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 12.03.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 21, verses 1-13.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 40-42: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 121-123 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": The Holy Trinity).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3 from the words "But even after 1054..." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the beginning until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q&A podcast (10).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 15.03.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 1, verses 9-19. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 2-12: pages 36-37: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Mark this:.." until the words "...a fourth part of the seed was preserved").
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-14 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "Official Church-State Relations" from the words "Inside Russia the policy of Sergius..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (I) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 1.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (286)

    When you are slandered, and therefore grow disturbed and sick at heart, it shows that pride is in you, and that it must be wounded and driven out by outward dishonour. Therefore do not be irritated by derision, and do not bear malice against those who hate you and slander you, but love them as your physicians, whom God has sent you to instruct you and to teach you humility, and pray to God for them.

    Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt


    4 КУРС (к 05.03.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 24, verses 22-32.
    Comment upon any Bible passage or verse we have read so far using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. (Passages with questions are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Forum.)
    (For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.)
    Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 1-5: page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "The right hand is withered..." until the end of the section."
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (8) from an Orthodox worship service in English.
    Transcribe the the last hymn (12:55-14:08) by ear. (You hear this hymn once every eight weeks at Sunday Vigil.)
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through the Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (1-3). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter VI, section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "Seraphim had no teacher..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: What Is Worship For?: Part One (also here)
    Questions on this episode (Qs 6-10).
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    1 КУРС (к 07.03.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 8, verses 13-22.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 4-5: page 13-14: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Likewise it might be said..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from page 24-25.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 1; you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 2, from the beginning until the end of the first paragraph.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the words "Constantine’s vision of the Cross..." until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 05.03.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 21, verses 22-34.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 1-5: page 24-25: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...not believed that he would be healed").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on words from pages 134-136 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "Among the contemporaries..." until the end of chapter 3.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (5) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 05.03.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 19, verses 27-38.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 35-39: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (from the words "For indeed He Himself..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 121-123 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3 from the words "At the beginning of the eleventh century..." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "But even after 1054..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q&A podcast (9).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (285)

    If there is no evil will, there will be no evil works. This means that the main thing is not works but man's inner disposition, the good or evil will of his soul and the virtuous or depraved condition of his heart, from which good or evil works are born naturally.

    Archbishop Averky (Taushev)


    4 КУРС (к 27.02.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 24, verses 10-21.
    Comment upon any Bible passage or verse we have read so far using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. (Passages with questions are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Forum.)
    (For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.)
    Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 1-5: page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...for hindering Him from doing good."
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (8) from an Orthodox worship service in English.
    Transcribe the 8th stichera ("O wondrous elders of Optina...", 11:49-12:55) by ear (the words are not to be found on the Internet).
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through the Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (year 1724 ff.: what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors and/or East-West church relations?).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter VI, section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "Paissy himself never returned to Russia..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: What Is Worship For?: Part One (also here)
    Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    1 КУРС (к 29.02.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 8, verses 1-12.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 4-5: page 13-14: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until footnote 4 incl.).
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from page 23.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 1, from the words ""The first council in the Church’s history..." until the end of the chapter.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 2 from the beginning until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 27.02.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 21, verses 14-21.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 43-45: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (from the words "Still one must be grateful..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on words from pages 132-134 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "Gregory began..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (4) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 27.02.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 19, verses 14-26.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 35-39: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...cometh down from Thee").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 116-121 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3 from the words "Photius was naturally alarmed...." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "At the beginning of the eleventh century..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q&A podcast (8).
    Answer Questions on this episode. Watch Holy Communion in Turkana (YouTube).
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 1 КУРС (к 01.03.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage (writing): Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 1, verses 1-8. See the opening page of Genesis in the 1611 edition for the way it looked when first published.
    Comment upon this Bible passage using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.
  • Bible Study: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 2-12: pages 36-37: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "He went forth, not to burn up the accursed..." until the words "...he is trodden upon by many").
  • Temple and Worship: Have access to English Liturgy (page D-12 ff.).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "Official Church-State Relations" from the words "Tikhon realized..." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life (I) (YouTube).
    Answer Questions on part 1.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (284)

    Distracted prayer is not prayer at all, even though the Lord does accept it initially from those who are learning to pray. But there comes a time when one must begin to pray without distraction!

    Abbot Nikon Vorobiev


    4 КУРС (к 20.02.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 24, verses 1-9.
    Comment upon any Bible passage or verse we have read so far using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. (Passages with questions are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Forum.)
    (For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.)
    Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 1-5: page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (8) from an Orthodox worship service in English.
    Transcribe the 8th stichera ("Oh heavenly treasure...", 10:40 - 11:49) by ear (the words are not to be found on the Internet).
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through the Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (year 1274 ff.: what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors and/or East-West church relations?).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter VI, section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "The system of Church government..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Escalator (also here)
    Questions on this episode (Qs 4-7).
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    1 КУРС (к 22.02.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 7, verses 11-24.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 1-3: page 13-14: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "John prepared the way of the Lord..." until the end of the section").
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from page 21-22.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 1, from the words ""Now there are three kinds of martyrdom..." until the words "...a living embodiment of the essential nature of the Church."
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 1 from the words ""The first council in the Church’s history..." until the end of the chapter.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 20.02.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 21, verses 1-13.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 43-45: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...teaching us not to boast").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on words from pages 129-132 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the words "When Orthodox writers..." until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (3) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 20.02.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 19, verses 1-13.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 32-34: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "He did not permit the demons to speak..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 116-119 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3 "Soon not only the Papal claims...." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "Photius was naturally alarmed...." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q&A podcast (7).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (283)

    As the Holy Trinity, our God is One Being, although Three Persons, so, likewise, we ourselves must be one. As our God is indivisible, we also must be indivisible, as though we were one man, one mind, one will, one heart, one goodness, without the smallest admixture of malice - in a word, one pure love, as God is Love. "That they may be one, even as We are One" (John 17:22).

    Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt


    4 КУРС (к 13.02.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 23, verses 10-20.
    Comment upon any Bible passage or verse we have read so far using this FORUM. Some guideline questions are being provided after each excerpt. (Passages with questions are marked with an asterisk (*) in the Forum.)
    (For ideas and inspiration use Patristic exegesis (e.g. in Russian text or YouTube videos) or English-language Biblehub.com and/or your own personal reflections and response. For a more general secular commentary watch Jordan B. Peterson's Biblical Series (YouTube). His approach can be grasped in a nutshell in this compilation video.)
    Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 23-28: page 28-29, page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Understand this also..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (8) from an Orthodox worship service in English.
    7th stichera ("Rejoice, humble disciple ...", 08:58 - 10:39) by ear (the words are not to be found on the Internet).
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through the Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (year 1059 ff.: what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors and/or East-West church relations?).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter VI, section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the beginning until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Escalator (also here)
    Questions on this episode
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    2 КУРС (к 06.02.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 19, verses 14-26.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 35-39: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "For indeed He Himself..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on words from pages 126-128 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Be ready for "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204"; you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.

    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the beginning until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (1)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к 20.02.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 19, verses 1-13.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 32-34: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "He did not permit the demons to speak..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 116-119 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3 "Soon not only the Papal claims...." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "Photius was naturally alarmed...." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q&A podcast (7).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    1 КУРС (к 08.02.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 7, verses 1-10.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 1-3: page 13-14: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...the coming of the Christ").
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from page 21.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 1, from the words "The teaching of Ignatius..." until the words "...regarded by Greek writers as an equivalent to martyrdom."
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 1 from the words ""Now there are three kinds of martyrdom..." until the end of the chapter.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    1 КУРС (к 01.02.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 6, verses 17-22.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 1-3: page 13-14: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only (including the summary of the chapter).
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from page 19-20.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 1, from the words "People today... until the end of the paragraph.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 1 from the words "The teaching of Ignatius... until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 30.01.2024)

  • Bible Study: Download and have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 19, verses 1-13.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 35-39: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...cometh down from Thee").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on words from pages 126-127 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3 section From estrangement to schism: 858-1204 from the words "But even after 1054..." until the line.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 3, section Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy from the beginning until the line.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (1)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your roll book
    3 КУРС (к .02.2024)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Post your essay in the FORUM for credit. (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Bible Study: Have access in class to The KJV of the Bible, Genesis Chapter 19, verses 1-13.
    Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 32-34: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "He did not permit the demons to speak..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from pages 116-119 of the Old Orthodox Prayer Book.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3 "Soon not only the Papal claims...." until the line.
    Be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "Photius was naturally alarmed...." until the line.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q&A podcast (7).
    Answer Questions on this episode.
  • Write two-three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK
    Your gradebook
    Your roll book


    1 КУРС (к 25.01.2024)

  • Biblical Studies: Download and have access in class to the KJV of the Bible, Chapter 6, verses 8-16.
    Read the article CAPITALIZATION OF PRONOUNS RELATING TO DEITY from the series on the language of KJV of the Bible, and be ready to discuss it.
  • Temple and Worship: Have access in class to the book Orthodox Mysteries. Be ready for a test on words from page 18.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 1, from the words "Suddenly there came... until the line.
    Be ready to read and translate Chapter 1 from the words "People today... until the line.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and post them in the TEXT BANK forum. Highlight the words and collocations you use in CAPITALS or bold type.

  • Your TEXT BANK

    Hosted by uCoz