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readeralexeyДата: Суббота, 03.09.2022, 19:39 | Сообщение # 1
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tsvioletta17Дата: Понедельник, 05.09.2022, 22:46 | Сообщение # 2
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for 06/09
1.​ When I was a child, my dad dived into the ice hole  at every THEOPHANY.
2. ​At every FEAST OF TRANSFIGURATION, my dad consecrates fruits in the church.
3.​ In front of the church, every Christian says PRAYERS on ENTERING THE CHURCH.

Добавлено (11.09.2022, 22:53)
for 13/09
1. Everyone believes in the INFALLIBILITY and rightness of their actions.
2. Every Christian strives for the REDEMPTION of sins.
3. In simple words paganism is the DEIFICATION of things and physical phenomena.
4. King Herod was a real AUTOCRAT.

for 20/09
1. INFALLIBILITY was his exceptional trait.
2. Some priests think that every  Christian should RECEIVE COMMUNION more often.
3. His COUNTENANCE changed and his eyes sparkled.
for 04/10
1. At the meeting, she expressed DEFERENCE and bowed to them.
2. His fate was hard, he was a VAGABOND.
3. I
 GATHERED all my friends together.
for 11/10
1. There is a SPIRITUAL COMBAT going on inside him.
2. Spiritual development helps to ATTAIN inner victories.
3. THE MARTYRS SACRIFICED their lives for Christ.

For 18/10

1. The attempt atRECONCILIATIONofthe patriarchs was not crowned with success.
2. UNLEAVENED BREAD is cooked in monasteries.
3. The Lord commanded Noah to build an ARK.

For 25/10
1. My grandmother has FOWLS and A CATTLE.
2. SACRILEGE is a terrible sin
3. It is important to build SPIRITUAL COMMITMENT.

for 01/11
1. My dad has been at the CEREMONY OF THE HOLY FIRE.
2. The teachers taught me not to be WANTON.
3. The Patriarchs BETRAYED each other.
For 08/11
1. I like that my friends and I are not only friends, but also FELLOW-BELIEVERS.
2. My sister is a historian and studied MANUSCRIPTS during her studies.
3. He has an a SUPERIORITY in this sports team.
For 15/11
1. In 1921-1922, a partial RELIGIOUS REVIVAL began in Russia.
3. Every person strives for the REDEMPTION of sins.

For 22/11
1. Sometimes salvation seems UNAPPROACHABLE, but all people are given this opportunity.
2. The Transfiguration of the Lord was on MOUNT THABOR.
3. We studied EXEGESIS in the second year.

For 29/11
1. At the Epiphany the priest performs the blessing of water.
2. Man is a SENSIBLE being, created in the image of God.
3. The moment from the Bible with the BURNING BUSH is one of the most interesting for me.

For 06/12
1. MITRE is one of the vestments of priests and archimandrites.
2. A MOSQUE is a Muslim temple
3. I would say that monks lead A SACRAMENTAL LIFE.


Сообщение отредактировал tsvioletta17 - Понедельник, 12.12.2022, 01:35
veronikachernykh15Дата: Вторник, 13.09.2022, 11:01 | Сообщение # 3
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1. I still remember the HOUSE BLESSING of our new flat when I was 6 years old.
2. Food with which we BREAK THE FAST is always the most delicious.
3. All Christian more or less have its own tradition to say PRAYERS ON ENTERING AND LEAVING CHURCH.
4. Not all priests like a tradition to ASK FOR A PRIEST'S BLESSING instead of just usual greetings.
5. I consider that the fast for the LAITY should not be as strict as for monks and nuns.
6. DELIBERATE AND MALICIOUS MISTRANSLATION became the reason of increasing quarrels.
7. West an East churches had different approaches, for instance: Latins talked more of REDEMPTIONS and Greeks of DEIFICATION.

ulyana_kazakovaДата: Вторник, 13.09.2022, 12:26 | Сообщение # 4
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1 The Mother of God saw the CRUCIFIXION of her Son.

2 Everyone has the possibility of REDEMPTION.

3 DEIFICATION of idols is a sin.

4 Self-confidence in one's INFALLIBILITY often leads to disappointment and failure.

5 The Roman Catholic Church has always considered CELIBACY especially significant for priestly life.


Сообщение отредактировал ulyana_kazakova - Понедельник, 12.12.2022, 10:04
sasavasl15Дата: Вторник, 13.09.2022, 16:12 | Сообщение # 5
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к 06.09.2022

1. During the BLESSING, the priest can SPRINKLE water on various objects.
2. INCENSE burning is an integral part of church worship.
3. During the all-night vigil on the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, branches of PUSSY WILLOW are consecrated in Orthodox churches, by sprinkling them with holy water.

к 13.09.2022
1. DEIFICATION is the doctrine of the union of man with God, the communion of the created man to the uncreated divine life through the action of divine grace.
2. It is often said about the prophets - that their food is SPIRITUAL FARE.
3. Greeks and Latins often made their mutual estrangement worse by DELIBERATE AND MALICIOUS MISTRANSLATION.
4. Orthodox people often ASK FOR A PRIEST'S BLESSING at services.

к 20.09.2022

1.     MORAL FRATRICIDE is one of the most tragic moments in the history of the church.
2.     The church has always faced a difficult moment to determine what is THEOLOGICALLY WRONG.
3.     TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY says that the members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will.
4.     The problem of PRIESTLY CELIBACY remained one of the most discussed topics.

к 04.10.2022

1. PAPAL CLAIMS to secular power gave rise to many disputes.
2. Soon after his ACCESSION he became involved in a war.
3. We will not recognize this USURPER to the throne!
4. In fact, we don't talk unless there's a LEGATE present.

к 18.10.2022
1.     THE PAPACY has been very politically active throughout history.
2.     THE DIPTYCHS are lists, kept by each Patriarch, which contain the names of the other Patriarchs
3.     You're not INFALLIBLE.
4.     AZYMES is an archaic English word for unfermented bread in biblical times.

к 25.10.2022
1.    These columns over here were brought back as spoils of war after the sacking of Byzantium during the CRUSADES.
2.    You've never looked for ECLAT before.
3.    THE HOLY FIRE CEREMONY is one that goes back several centuries.


Сообщение отредактировал readeralexey - Понедельник, 12.12.2022, 00:36
ulyana_kazakovaДата: Понедельник, 19.09.2022, 18:06 | Сообщение # 6
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к 20.09.2022

1 False Dmitry I was a USURPER, because he called himself the Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia.

2 The purpose of THE CRUSADES was to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims and subjugate these lands.

3 A LEGATE is appointed by the Pope and is sent to organize a certain important church event.

Добавлено (26.09.2022, 20:06)
к 04.10.2022

1 HERESY is a religious cult that rejects the foundations of the official church and fights against it.

2 This spring, the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church was DECLARED "enemies of Ukraine" by Kiev.

3 For godlessness, a person can be EXCOMMUNICATED from the church.


Сообщение отредактировал ulyana_kazakova - Понедельник, 12.12.2022, 10:05
amasaltsevaДата: Вторник, 04.10.2022, 01:06 | Сообщение # 7
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к 4.10

1) She was very ill, so her family decided to pray and say THE CANON FOR THE SICK.
2) He was told by the priest not to forget to say PRAYERS AFTER COMMUNION after having received the Holy Gifts.
3) We BROKE THE FAST with roast goose. It was wonderful.


Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 30.01.2023, 21:52
yarovaya02Дата: Среда, 05.10.2022, 13:39 | Сообщение # 8
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1. Let’s say MORNING PRAYERS and EVENING PRAYERS together.
2. Are there any “PRAYERS DURING THE DAY” in your PRAYER BOOK?
3. The VESPERS and the MATINS have been already served.

Добавлено (09.10.2022, 22:00)
PRAYER is a COMBAT, a WARFARE. The devil wants to BESET us, to HINDER in our journey. Nevertheless, we must STRIVE, PERSEVERE to attain the Salvation.


Сообщение отредактировал yarovaya02 - Понедельник, 12.12.2022, 10:28
ulyana_kazakovaДата: Понедельник, 10.10.2022, 18:14 | Сообщение # 9
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for 11.10
1 As the INFALLIBLE Word of God, the Bible is reliable.

2 It is the a Christian USAGE to hold a memorial meal after the funeral.

3 Women have no right to enter the ALTAR.

4 The sacrament of penance is a formal act of RECONCILIATION with God.

5 The TEMPLE of Christ the Saviour was demolished in 1931 as a result of Stalin's reconstruction of Moscow.


Сообщение отредактировал readeralexey - Понедельник, 12.12.2022, 00:18
amasaltsevaДата: Понедельник, 10.10.2022, 22:53 | Сообщение # 10
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на 11.10

1. Syrian Christian mystics is the best example of people whose life is UNCEASING PRAYER.
2.  Life of a Christian is a SPIRITUAL COMBAT.
3. In an UNSEEN WARFARE against the devil PRAYER is the best weapon, which HINDERS demons.

на 18.10

1. He always takes a PRAYER BOOK with him.
2. Being Orthodox we can't accept PAPAL CLAIMS TO UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION.
3. Richard the Lion Heart spent many years in CRUSADES.
4. The Pope is believed by CATHOLICS to be INFALLIBLE.
5. He was accused of HERESY.
6. They agreed that it would never lead to RECONCILIATION.


Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 30.01.2023, 21:52
yarovaya02Дата: Вторник, 25.10.2022, 08:32 | Сообщение # 11
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Important words are ITALICIZED. It is a DRAFT work, it needs EMENDATION. It is an IDIOSYNCRATIC VENTURE.

Добавлено (01.11.2022, 06:54)
My friends are UNANIMOUS. He did it not out of CAPRICE, but out of FIDELITY to the traditions. I like this unusual FONT. Let’s have at first DELIBERATION and CONSULTATION.


Сообщение отредактировал yarovaya02 - Понедельник, 26.06.2023, 20:12
amasaltsevaДата: Понедельник, 14.11.2022, 20:31 | Сообщение # 12
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На 6.09

1) At the FEAST OF THEOPHANY on which THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST is commemorated people usually take BLESSED WATER with them to use at home.
2) Being a religious person, he was BLESSING his meal every time before eating and GIVING THANKS FOR his food after.
3) I have never heard anyone saying “PEACE BE TO THIS HOUSE” while entering any home.
4) He asked me about my family traditions of CELEBRATING CHRIST’S RESURRECTION.
5) I MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS each time when entering the church.

На 13.09

1) All the people were surprised when she CUPPED her RIGHT HAND OVER LEFT and came to a tall, bearded man. They didn’t know she wanted TO RECEIVE THE BLESSING.
3) What distinguishes Orthodox tradition form Catholic one is diverse DOCTRINAL APPROACHES.
4) Being Orthodox, I can’t accept FILIOQUE as well as PAPAL CLAIM TO UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION.

На 20.09

1) She could not resign herself with POPE’S CLAIMS to THE UNIVERSAL SUPREMACY and what is more, him viewing INFALLIBILITY as his prerogative.
2) It is THEOLOGICALLY UNTRUE to believe that THE HOLY SPIRIT PROCEEDS from the Son as well as from the Father.
3) THE CRUSADES were religious wars directed by the CATHOLIC CHURCH in the Middle Ages.
4) Apart from Latins, Orthodox do not insist on PRIESTLY CELIBACY.
5) FILIOQUE is supposed to appear in Spain as weapon against the heresy of Arianism.

На 25.10

1) The TRISAGION prayer is an ancient Orthodox hymn.
2) They were arguing all the time because they weren’t UNANIMOUS in their views.
3) We can’t AMEND any word in THE CREED.
4) His death attested his FIDELITY to Christ.
5) He realised that such turn of events was INEVITABLE, so he could do nothing but pray.

На 1.11

1) The HAIL Mary prayer says: “Theotokos Virgin, REJOICE...”
2) He was reading the second Kathisma of THE PSALTER ACCORDING TO SEVENTY.
3)  Have you heard the A BULL OF EXCOMMUNICATION was laid against him?
4) THE CEREMONY OF THE HOLY FIRE  happens every year on the day which precedes the Resurrection.
5) THE GREAT SCHISM happened in 1054 and made a final division between East and West.

На 8.11

1) Each time I feel my human FRAILTY I take my PRAYER BOOK which is always SPIRITUALLY PROFITABLE.
2) The stories of lives of THE DESERT FATHERS are not only great examples but a way to be ENLIGHTENED about the  spiritual PRACTICES of holy people.
3) We use BOOKS OF THE HOURS in one of our classes.
4)  I haven’t met any OLD RITUALISTS yet.


Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 30.01.2023, 21:54
yarovaya02Дата: Понедельник, 28.11.2022, 17:44 | Сообщение # 13
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He saves the ORPHAN and the WIDOW, PERISHING with hunger.
PROSELYTES are the converted ones.
Don’t be FETTERED with conventions!


Сообщение отредактировал yarovaya02 - Понедельник, 28.11.2022, 17:47
amasaltsevaДата: Четверг, 08.12.2022, 14:18 | Сообщение # 14
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на 15.11

1) The GREAT LITANY starts with the words which are said by the deacon: "IN PEACE LET US PRAY to the Lord".
2) During the Great Litany we pray for many different issues, for example, we plea God for the SALVATION of our souls, for the peace, for being DELIVERED FROM ALL TRIBULATIONS and KEPT by God’s GRACE, we ask for God’s help and MERCY, and we pray for FAVOURABLE WEATHER, by the way.
3) After each plea which is said during the Great Litany, the CHOIR CHANTS “LORD, HAVE MERCY”.
4) In our book it is written that THE PSALM READER says PSALM 102, however in many churches it is chanted.
5) He prayed fervently for God’s GRACIOUSNESS and pleaded Him to HEAL all his INFIRMITIES and CLEANSE  him from INIQUITIES.
6) God’s TRANSCENDENCE doesn’t exclude any EXPERIENCE OF GOD.

На 22.11

1) How often do you think of death? I guess, we should not forget to remind ourselves that we came from DUST and will return to it.
2) In the psalm God is described with very beautiful and true words. He is called COMPASSIONATE, MERCIFUL, LONGSUFFERNIG, PLENTEOUS IN MERCY.
3) HESYCHASTS of Byzantium are mostly known for their mystical experience which was THE VISION OF DIVINE and UNCREATED LIGHT. St. Gregory Palamas proved that they indeed experienced this by making the DISTINCTION between the ESSENCE and the ENERGIES OF GOD. According to St. Palamas' approach, HESYCHASTS’ vision was of God’s ENERGIES.
4) The words “THY YOUTH SHALL BE RENEWED AS AN EAGLE'S” are quite mysterious. I can’t say that I really get the meaning of them.
5) The JESUS PRAYER, the one of INVOCATION of God’s Name is one of the most popular and widely used prayers.

на 29.11

1) He loved PSALM 145, especially the words in which it is said that God will ADOPT the ORPHAN and the WIDOW.
3) One should remember that Platonism contradicts Christian view on human body. We are created IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. Body is not the prison of the soul - by taking a human body and INCARNATION CHRIST made the FLESH an INEXHAUSTIBLE source of SANCTIFICATION.
4) According to a famous Russian theologian Vladimir Lossky, the divine ENERGY is THE GRACE OF GOD which is a direct MANIFESTATION of the LIVING GOD Himself.
5) We can distinguish a SMALL LITANY from the Great one by the words with which each begins. In the begging of the Small Litany the deacon says: “AGAIN AND AGAIN, IN PEACE LET US PRAY TO THE LORD”.

На 6.12

1) BEATITUDES which are chanted during the LITURGY are taken from the Gospel of Matthew.
2) We need to be MEEK, MERCIFUL, PURE IN HEART and  to attain eternal blessedness. We need to suffer for truth and to make peace to BE BLESSED.
4) Each Sunday during the Liturgy we remember that CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD.
5) Singing TRISAGION, we praise our Triune God.


Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 30.01.2023, 21:51
ulyana_kazakovaДата: Четверг, 08.12.2022, 23:16 | Сообщение # 15
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1 Being one CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD, Adam also had the ability to make free choices.
2 The SANCTIFICATION blessing of a house is performed by a priest according to a special rite containing prayers aimed at inviting God's blessing upon the house and those living in it.
3 God is TRANSCENDENT and is outside of his created being.
4 A belief in God's IMMANENCE holds that God is present in all of creation, while remaining distinct from it.
5 The Russian poet Alexei Khomyakov was a LAY THEOLOGIAN.
6 SACRAMENTAL living means to look at all of life the way we look at sacraments.
7 The task of the ECCLESIAL community can be defined as the salvation of a person in Christ.
8 CHRISTOCENTRICITY is a focus on the person of Jesus Christ, his teachings and commandments.
9 The second part of Dante's Divine Comedy describes PURGATORY, the afterlife into which souls go.
10 The Roman PAPAL CLAIMS to supremacy in the Church can be seen from the first centuries of Christianity.
11 As the church grew, individual CONGREGATIONS no longer were served directly by a bishop.
12 Russian Orthodox Church lost the right to plead with the Tsar on behalf of the poor and DISPOSSESSED.
13 At the taking of the monastic vows, a spiritual father takes the SPIRITUAL COMMITMENT to teach the newcomer the monastic life.
14 Metropolitan Peter Polanski was the SUCCESSOR to Patriarch Tikhon.
15 During a CHRISTIAN BURIAL, the main thing is to pray for the soul of the deceased.
16 The essence of Christian SCHOLASTICISM is the attempt to conceptualise and systematise the truths of faith.
17 MYSTICAL THEOLOGY explains mystical practices.
18 CLEMENT was a Christian theologian who was head of the church school in Alexandria.
19 Among the famous CAPPADOCIANS are usually Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa.

Добавлено (09.12.2022, 20:55)
1 Every Christian knows that the Last Judgment is INEVITABLE.
2 To those who do everything DILIGENTLY out of zeal for the faith, out of love for God, the Lord opens souls and teaches the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
3 The Domostroy includes the requirement of UNANIMOUS church services.
4 Patriarch Nikon's reforms consisted of liturgical and ceremonial innovations AMENDING liturgical books and rites.
5 "TRANSFIGURATION" was Raphael's last painting, on which he worked until his death in 1520.
6 God is GRACIOUS, merciful, patient, full of goodness and truth.
7 Without REVERENCE, prayer, for a person, becomes just a kind of set of information that he or she voices.
8 The HOLY HOUSE of Marfa and Mary is linked to the name of the Grand Duchess Elisabeth Fyodrovna.
9 People suffer TRIBULATION and sickness to cleanse past sins, to humble their pride and to gain salvation.
10 God's WRATH is a response to the appearance and action of sin.
11 The purpose of the ancient peoples' WORSHIP of idols was to placate the deity, so that he would not be angry or punished, and to praise him.


Сообщение отредактировал ulyana_kazakova - Понедельник, 12.12.2022, 10:06
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