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2024 - Страница 2 - Форум
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readeralexey | Дата: Суббота, 03.09.2022, 19:39 | Сообщение # 1 |
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sasavasl15 | Дата: Пятница, 09.12.2022, 21:34 | Сообщение # 16 |
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| к 01.11.2022 1. The CONGREGATION thought a great deal of him. 2. They are a DISPOSSESSED people. 3. You come here to see the WANTON destruction. 4. We cannot put up with SACRILEGE.
к 08.11.2022 1. No one joins the CLERGY without having that epiphany. 2. The restiveness is not only among LAITY. 3. Blasphemy and APOSTASY still carry punishment. 4. SCHOLASTICISM is a European medieval philosophy, which is a synthesis of Christian theology and Aristotle's logic.
к 15.11.2022 1. The mercy of God is INFINITE. 2. The whole thing is utterly INCOMPREHENSIBLE. 3. SAINT MAXIMUS THE CONFESSOR is a Christian monk, theologian and philosopher, known for his irreconcilable struggle against heresies.
к 22.11.2022 1. God told Moses the commandments on MOUNT SINAI. 2. SAINT JOHN CLIMACUS is a Christian theologian, Byzantine philosopher, abbot of the Sinai Monastery. 3. DIADOCHUS OF PHOTICE is bishop of Photiki in the Illyrian Epirus in the 5th century, author of theological and ascetic works. к 29.11.2022 1. This led to a SANCTIFICATION that was as hard for him personally as it was helpful. 2. It was a far more SENSIBLE way. 3. IMMANENCE is the teaching about the manifestation of the divine in the material world.
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yarovaya02 | Дата: Вторник, 24.01.2023, 07:13 | Сообщение # 17 |
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| Who is the composer of the TRISAGION that you sang during the Liturgy? The EVANGELISTS are HERALDS of GOOD TIDINGS. During the Liturgy the choir sings TROPARIA, KONTAKIA and the PROKIEMENON.
Добавлено (24.01.2023, 09:33) --------------------------------------------- The seminary in Belford used to initiate MISSIONARY WORK. During the Liturgy the TRISAGION is sung and the EPISTLES are read. We pray to the GRACIOUS God.
Добавлено (30.01.2023, 13:50) --------------------------------------------- People in God have BROTHERLY LOVE and ONENESS of MIND. In the church we ask God to forgive our TRANSGRESSIONS voluntary and involuntary When students are interested in the subject, they HEARKEN to their teacher very attentively.
Сообщение отредактировал yarovaya02 - Вторник, 07.05.2024, 13:54 |
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amasaltseva | Дата: Понедельник, 30.01.2023, 21:58 | Сообщение # 18 |
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Сообщений: 209
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| на 30.01
1. GIVING ALMS to the needy is a beautiful habit, isn't it? 2. It's high time we prayed for PEACE and TRANQUILITY. 3. A friend of mine participated a MISSIONARY JOURNEY. 4. He always carries a SERVICE BOOK with him. 5. I wish people attained ONENESS OF MIND, BROTHERLY LOVE and PIETY.
Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 26.06.2023, 12:50 |
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yarovaya02 | Дата: Понедельник, 06.02.2023, 11:50 | Сообщение # 19 |
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Сообщений: 191
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amasaltseva | Дата: Понедельник, 20.02.2023, 22:35 | Сообщение # 20 |
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Сообщений: 209
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| на 21.02
1. Have you ever participated a MISSIONARY JOURNEY or done any MISSIONARY WORK? 2. Slavs had their native language as a LITURGICAL one and could hold SERVICES in it thanks to CYRIL and METHODIUS. 3. We ask God that we may be forgiven every OFFENCE, VOLUNTARY and INVOLUNTARY. 4. In each LITANY we ask our Lord to HEARKEN and HAVE MERCY on His SERVANTS.
Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 26.06.2023, 12:50 |
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tsvioletta17 | Дата: Воскресенье, 05.03.2023, 14:00 | Сообщение # 21 |
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Сообщений: 127
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1. DOCTRINAL CONTROVERSIES have caused much division within the Christian church throughout history.
2. Many pagan traditions were CHRISTIANIZED as the faith spread throughout the world.
3. Christianity should not SERVE THE ENDS OF NATIONAL POLITICS, but rather prioritize the Kingdom of God.
4. THE BANE OF ORTHODOXY is when traditions or practices become more important than the love of Christ.
5. The use of SACRED VESSELS is an important aspect of Christian worship.
6. ECCLESIASTICAL TITHES help support the work of the church and its ministers.
7. SANCTIFIED objects and spaces are set apart as holy in the Christian faith.
8. THE SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY include a call to love and serve others, particularly the marginalized.
9. MITIGATING the effects of punishment is a central teaching of Christianity.
10. The DEATH PENALTY is a controversial issue within the Christian community.
11. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT has been used as a form of discipline throughout Christian history.
12. The monastic community of MOUNT ATHOS is dedicated to a life of prayer and contemplation.
13. The SACRIFICIAL DEATH of Jesus is central to the Christian faith and understanding of salvation.
14. "SELF-EMPTYING" refers to Christ's sacrifice and example, encouraging believers to give of themselves in service to others.
15. JUSTICE is an important principle within Christianity.
16. THE PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE GOSPEL are living out our faith every day in how we treat others.
17. MARTIN OF TOURS and ALBAN and BOTOLPH were early Christian missionaries who spread the faith throughout Europe.
18. SUZERAINTY and OVERLORDSHIP were common systems of governance in medieval Europe.
19. THE PRINCIPALITY OF MOSCOW and its GRAND DUKES played important roles in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church.
20. WARRIOR SAINTS like Saint Louis, King of France, were seen as models for members of the church to follow.
21. PAYING TRIBUTE is a practice that has been common throughout history and seen in biblical times.
23. EVANGELISTS like Paul and Peter were instrumental in spreading the Christian faith throughout the world.
24. Many Christian hermits WITHDREW INTO THE FORESTS, into THE WILDERNESS to pursue a life of solitude and devotion.
25. COLONISTS and explorer MONKS played important roles in spreading the faith to new lands.
26. PERSEVERANCE in our faith is key to living out the Gospel in everyday life.
27. THE ATTRACTIONS AND PLEASURES OF THIS WORLD can distract us from serving God.
28. Christians must remain strong in THEIR FAITH despite persecution.
29. THE OBSERVANCE OF FAITH is essential for believers.
30. THE PRECURSOR OF ANTICHRIST is a biblical concept that has been debated and interpreted throughout church history.
31. SENNACHERIB, the Assyrian king, once tried to conquer Jerusalem, but God sent an angel to destroy his army.
32. GOD’S PROVIDENTIAL DISPENSATION has always been at work, even in the midst of persecution and suffering.
33. The CHAPLAIN was a beacon of hope for those who underwent persecution for their faith.
34. The city was known as a GOD-PROTECTED city, where believers could freely practice their faith.
35. The INFIDEL and the MOSLEM were often the perpetrators of PERSECUTION against believers.
36. DESPITE THE OBSERVANCE OF THEIR FAITH, many believers had to endure violent PERSECUTION.
37. THE PRECURSOR OF ANTICHRIST was a foreboding figure in the minds of many believers.
38. SENNACHERIB was one of THE AUTOCRATS who CHAMPIONED ISLAM and persecuted believers.
39. Those who APOSTATIZED TO ISLAM often did so to avoid persecution or to gain favor with the ruling powers.
40. WITNESSING to THEIR FAITH was a brave act in the face of persecution and danger.
41. THE SAD CONFUSION BETWEEN ORTHODOXY AND NATIONALISM led to many doctrinal controversies.
42. SIMONY was a corrupt practice that plagued the parish clergy.
43. THE FLOCK looked to the Patriarchal throne for guidance and leadership.
44. ABDICATIONS from the throne were not uncommon in times of political upheaval.
45. Those who HELD OFFICE often suffered violent deaths at the hands of their enemies.
46. Eventually, even the most powerful leaders BOWED TO THE INEVITABLE changes brought about by God’s providential dispensation.
47. INITIATING MISSIONARY WORK was a key way to spread the message of Christ to new communities.
48. THE FIRST MISSIONARY JOURNEY was a groundbreaking moment in the spread of Christianity.
49. SERVICE BOOKS were essential for taking and holding services in the liturgical language.
50. ALTARS were a sacred space for believers to come together and worship.
51. FOUNDING A SLAVONIC NATIONAL CHURCH was an important step in bringing Christianity to new regions.
52. THE VISION of spreading the message of Christ to all nations was a driving force behind many missionary efforts.
53. Being CONSECRATED as Archbishop was a great honor and responsibility.
54. PRINCIPALITIES often played a role in doctrinal controversies within the Church.
55. Christianity had a profound impact on the social implications of society, mitigating harsh punishments like the DEATH PENALTY and CORPORAL PUNISHMENT.
56. SACRED VESSELS and ecclesiastical tithes were essential for the functioning of the Church.
57. THE SANCTIFYING power of the Church was believed to bring blessings to believers and communities.
58. While some used Christianity to serve the ends of national politics, it could also be beneficial in promoting peace and JUSTICE.
59. Lent has a BENEFICIENT effect on the life of the Christian.
60. I believe that the DEATH PENALTY and CORPORAL PUNISHMENT is unacceptable as punishment.
61. Russia was CHRISTIANIZED in 988.
62. LITANIES are sung at the morning service.
63. Life in Christ gives us SALVATION.
64. It so happened that women cannot get to MOUNT ATHOS.
65. What а JUST punishment did he receive for his crime.
66. Every soul sometimes needs a PLACE OF RETREAT.
67. Saint Mary of Egypt was surrounded by the WILDERNESS, but this did not prevent her from being with God.
68. During the OVERLORDSHIP of Vladimir Russia became Orthodox.
69. The CHERUBIC HYMN is my favorite part of the liturgy.
70. Russia has BEEN PAYING TRIBUTE to the Golden Horde for about 300 years.
71. We loved our PARISH PRIEST very much and often went on PILGRIMAGE TRIPS.
72. REVERENCE seized us at the Easter liturgy.
73. The head of the monastery was PERSISTENT that the services were not canceled.
74. I admire the way the holy martyrs KEPT THEIR FAITH no matter what.
75. The obedience of the elders to God was A WITNESSING OF THEIR FAITH.
76. John of Kronstadt chose the MISSIONARY PATH in his life.
77. My dad was happy to receive a new SERVICE BOOK as a gift.
78. The human mind cannot understand that God's love is INFINITE.
79. My dad has a small but very friendly PARISH in the church.
80. LAITY cannot enter the ALTAR PART OF the church without the blessing of the CLERIC.
81. The Lord is GRACIOUS, but after REPENTANCE we have to correct our lives.
Сообщение отредактировал tsvioletta17 - Понедельник, 26.06.2023, 21:47 |
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yarovaya02 | Дата: Понедельник, 06.03.2023, 07:17 | Сообщение # 22 |
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Сообщений: 191
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| We ask God to INSTRUCT us of His Holy ways. We should have REVERENCE and FEAR OF God. We ask God to be DELIVERED FROM ALL TRIBULATIONS, WRATH and NEED.
Сообщение отредактировал readeralexey - Пятница, 23.06.2023, 20:40 |
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amasaltseva | Дата: Воскресенье, 12.03.2023, 16:52 | Сообщение # 23 |
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Сообщений: 209
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| На 24.01
1. The PROKEIMENON is taken from the PSALMS OF DAVID. 2. During the Liturgy the choir CHANTS the TRISAGION: HOLY GOD, HOLY MIGHTY, HOLY IMMORTAL, have mercy on us. 3. Each Sunday we remember that Christ HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD. 4. By the FLORENTINE UNION some of the Orthodox accepted the PAPAL CLAIMS. 5. After Constantinople fell to the Turks, THE GREAT CHURCH OF THE HOLY WISDOM became A MOSQUE.
На 31.01
1. Apart from THE GREAT LITANY, THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATIONS exists. 2. We pray to God and ask Him for THE PROSPERITY, TRANQUILLITY and PEACE. 3. After CYRIL and METHODIUS' missionary journey, and their work, Slavs could HOLD SERVICES in their native language. 4. During the SERVICES he enjoys staying as close to the ALTAR as possible.
На 7.03
1. If you’re baptized, you don’t need to bow when THE DEACON says: “Ye, CATECHUMENS, pray to the Lord”. 2. When the Liturgy of the FAITHFUL begins, none of the CATECHUMENS may REMAIN. 3. During the Liturgy we ask God to DELIVER us from all TRIBULATION, WRATH and NEED. 4. For SLAVS the process of CHRISTIANISATION was quite beneficial. They were CIVILIZED at the same time.
На 14.03
1. We ask for a GUARDIAN of our souls and bodies. 2. We want good and PROFITABLE things for our souls. 3. MASS BAPTISM of Russia was held during THE KIEV PERIOD. 4. We can face THE SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY in the Kiev period: there was no DEATH PENALTY in Kievan Russia.
Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 26.06.2023, 12:53 |
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yarovaya02 | Дата: Понедельник, 13.03.2023, 13:05 | Сообщение # 24 |
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Сообщений: 191
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Добавлено (28.03.2023, 16:14) ---------------------------------------------
The Son of God was incarnate for our SALVATION. He was CRUCIFIED, He ASCENDED into Heaven. We ask for REMISSION of our TRANSGRESSIONS, OFFENSES AND SINS.
Добавлено (02.04.2023, 20:25) --------------------------------------------- We ask God to be DELIVERED from TRIBULATIONS, WRATH AND NEED. We ask for PAINLESS, BLAMELESS and peaceful ENDING OF life. Let us COMMIT OURSELVES TO Christ.
Сообщение отредактировал yarovaya02 - Вторник, 07.05.2024, 13:56 |
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amasaltseva | Дата: Вторник, 04.04.2023, 00:08 | Сообщение # 25 |
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Сообщений: 209
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| На 4.04
1. He told me it is difficult for him to think of THE DREAD JUDGEMENT. 2. What is indeed PROFITABLE to our souls? 3. Is it possible to acknowledge all our sins and OFFENCES and REPENT? 4. When praying we should not only ask God to DELIVER us from all TRIBULATION but express the true gratefulness.
Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 26.06.2023, 12:54 |
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yarovaya02 | Дата: Суббота, 15.04.2023, 00:42 | Сообщение # 26 |
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Сообщений: 191
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| God, FORGIVE us our transgressions in IGNORANCE. We are looking forward to EVERLASTING life.
Сообщение отредактировал yarovaya02 - Вторник, 07.05.2024, 13:57 |
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amasaltseva | Дата: Понедельник, 08.05.2023, 23:27 | Сообщение # 27 |
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Сообщений: 209
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| На 25.04 1. How can one flee all the ALLUREMENTS and PLEASURES OF THIS WORLD? 2. Heartbreaking it is to see the CRESCENT instead of the cross on Hagia Sophia. 3. People bow when the priest shows the CHALICE. 4. We receive the HOLY MYSTERIES unto the CLEANSING and HALLOWING of our souls and bodies, and unto the ACQUISITION of the life and THE KINGDOM TO COME. 5. The COMMUNICANT is the one who receives the PRECIOUS and MOST HONORABLE BODY and BLOOD of our Lord God and SAVIOUR Jesus Christ. 6. By taking the Communion we taste of THE FOUNTAIN OF IMMORTALITY.
На 2.05
1. After having COMMUNICATED we HYMN God’s GLORY, for He has ACCOUNTED US WORTHY TO PARTAKE of His holy, divine, immortal and LIFE-CREATING MYSTERIES. 2. After the Communion people GO FORTH IN PEACE. 3. The priest delivers the sermon to his FLOCK. 4. We SEND UP GLORY to our God and ask Him to KEEP us IN His HOLINESS. 5. Many saints UNDERWENT PERSECUTION and SUFFERED VIOLENT DEATHS. 6. Greeks were under the rule of the INFIDEL, MUSLIMS, after the “GOD-PROTECTED” Constantinople had fallen in 1453.
На 16.05 1. We take the Holy Gifts unto the REMISSION of sins and life EVERLASTING. 2. After giving Communion, the priest asks God to save His people and BLESS His INHERITANCE. 3. How beautiful is the metaphor: “Let our MOUTH BE FILLED WITH THY PRAISE". 4. I had no idea that the word «прости» means UPRIGHT. 5. The term SIMONY means an act of selling church offices. 6. After being ordained a deacon, he became part of THE PARISH CLERGY. 7. Sadly, one of modern tendencies among non-Christian people is to confuse ORTHODOXY AND NATIONALISM. 8. What can WITNESS to a true FAITH?
Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 26.06.2023, 12:56 |
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yarovaya02 | Дата: Воскресенье, 14.05.2023, 14:14 | Сообщение # 28 |
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Сообщений: 191
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Добавлено (22.05.2023, 15:12) --------------------------------------------- 1. We ask God this WHOLE DAY BE PERFECT, HOLY, PEACEFUL AND SINLESS. 2. We ask not to be FORSAKEN and DEPRIVED.
Сообщение отредактировал yarovaya02 - Вторник, 07.05.2024, 13:58 |
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amasaltseva | Дата: Пятница, 26.05.2023, 17:46 | Сообщение # 29 |
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Сообщений: 209
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| На 23.05
1. We ask God not to FORSAKE us as we hope in Him and to SANCTIFY us as we love the beauty of His HOUSE. 2. After the prayer it is said: HENCEFORTH AND FOREVERMORE. 3. There are beautiful words in PSALM 33. It gives hope to those who believe: the Lord hears those who SEEK Him, and our souls will be PRAISED in Him, and the MEEK are GLAD, and there is no WANT for them that fear Him. God’s ears are open to the SUPPLICATIONS of all the RIGHTEOUS. 4. I hadn’t understood the meaning of “ENCAPE” in church Slavonic translation of the Psalm before I read it in English. 5. We should stay away from all evil, keep our lips from speaking GUILE, we should PURSUE the peace and have a CONTRITE HEART. Unto those is the Lord NIGH. 6. We ask the Lord to REDEEM our souls. 7. To tell the truth, I didn't know that “JESUITS” and “the SOCIETY OF JESUS” are actually the same. 8. THE AUGSBURG CONFESSION is one of the most important texts of the PROTESTANT REFORMATION. 9. COUNTER-REFORMATION happened as response to the Protestant Reformation to restore the position of the Roman Catholic Church. 10. FRANCISCANS are still known for UNDERTAKING MISSIONARY WORK.
--------------------------------------------- На 30.05
1. The last part of the service is called DISMISSAL: the priest blesses the LAITY and DISTRIBUTES the DORA. 2. Mostly in monasteries while people are kissing the cross, the CHANTERS sing “We who are WALLED ABOUT by the Cross...” 3. In Greek Orthodox tradition the most Holy and IMMACULATE LADY MOTHER of God is called THEOTOKOS. 4. Once I was in a UNIATE Church, which refers to the CATHOLICS OF THE EASTERN RITE. 5. In 1917 there were several CANDIDATES for the PATRIARCHAL THRONE. 6. What was better for Greek Orthodox under ISLAM: to fight or to BOW TO THE INEVITABLE? 7. It may be easier to overcome obstacles and TRIBULATIONS accepting them as GOD’S PROVIDENTIAL DISPENSATION to our life. 8. Many Greek patriarchs had ABDICATED, mostly involuntarily. 9. Leo Tosltoy was ANATHEMATIZED. 10. People who are EXCOMMUNICATED from the Church are cut off from participating in Sacraments.
Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Понедельник, 26.06.2023, 12:57 |
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yarovaya02 | Дата: Вторник, 30.05.2023, 09:26 | Сообщение # 30 |
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Сообщений: 191
Статус: Offline
| All people have immortal souls, although their bodies die for a time and their names are not PERPETUATED by others. We read PRAYERS FOR THE LIVING AND THE DEAD.
Сообщение отредактировал yarovaya02 - Вторник, 07.05.2024, 13:59 |
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