Система Orphus
Религиозная лексика английского языка
АРХИВ ДЗ: 2020/21 (1)

Orthodox Quote of the Week (197)

If we become aware of how God cares for us like an all-loving Father, and even more gently, like an adoring mother, then our hearts will be filled to overflowing with ardent and reverent love for Him.

Archbishop Averky (Taushev)


4 КУРС (к 10.12.2020 - ЗАЧЕТ)

В зачет будут включены следующие задания:

  • Biblical Studies: Translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 2:18 (from the words "He calls Himself the Bridegroom...") - 3:22. (oral task, 10 points).
  • Temple and Worship: Transcribe the ninth stichera "O wondrous elders of Optina..." from this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English. Send in your work via e-mail before midnight of 06/12/20.
  • (in writing, 10 points)
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism:
    а) Timeline of Major Dates: Analyze clusters of dates in Orthodox / Roman Catholic relations. What conclusion can be drawn from them? What Roman Catholic error/policy do they illustrate? What is Orthodox response to this error/policy? / б) The Grounds of Union: comment upon an obstacle to Orthodox-Catholic communion (the essence of the Roman error, the Orthodox view on the matter.) (oral task, 5 points).
  • Listening: Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it. Make an audio-/video recording of your speech and send it in via e-mail before midnight of 06/12/20. Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life? (oral task, 5 points)

    Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 15.12.2020 - ЗАЧЕТ)

    В зачет будут включены следующие задания:

  • Church Etiquette: Формы обращения к духовенству (Патриарх, епископы, священники, диаконы), названия духовных чинов и званий; названия церквей (Titles of the Clergy) (write the word via chat and pronounce it, 3 points)
  • Biblical Studies: Перевод названий книг Библии и личных имен с русского на английский (oral task, 10 points)
  • Temple and Worship: Перевод с русского языка на английский слов из книги Orthodox Mysteries согласно этому списку (write the word via chat and pronounce it, 10 points)
  • Listening: Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it. Send in an audio or a video recording of your speech prior to the exam. (oral task, 7 points)
    REQUIRED LENGTH: at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted speech.
    GRADING: for every lexical (pronunciation, meaning), grammatical and a bad phonetic mistake 0.5 POINTS is reduced.
    Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?


    Your TEXT BANK
    3 КУРС (к 15.12.2020 - ЗАЧЕТ)

    В зачет будут включены следующие задания:

  • Biblical Studies: Translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 1:14-45. (oral task, 10 points).
  • Temple and Worship: Translate from Russian into English words and phrases from the Old Orthodox Prayer Book according to this list (write the word via chat and pronounce it, 15 points)
  • Listening: Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it. Send in an audio or a video recording of your speech prior to the exam. (oral task, 5 points)
    REQUIRED LENGTH: at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted speech.
    GRADING: for every lexical (pronunciation, meaning), grammatical and a bad phonetic mistake 0.5 POINTS is reduced.
    Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?


    Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 17.12.2020 - ЗАЧЕТ)

    В зачет будут включены следующие задания:

  • Biblical Studies: Translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 3:31-4:23
    (oral task, 5 points).
  • Temple and Worship: Translate from Russian into English words and phrases from the English Liturgy, pp. D 1-14 according to this list
    ((write the word via chat and pronounce it) 10 points).
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Comment upon an entry from Theosis in the Bible in terms of Orthodox vs Protestant soteriology
    (oral task, 5 points).
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Summarize and be ready to discuss/answer questions on one of the following sections:
    Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) (from the words "The system of Church government...");
    Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists";
    Chapter 9 "The Twentieth Century, III: Diaspora and Mission", section Jurisdictional Divisions.
    (oral task, 5 points)
  • Listening: Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts you have listened to in this semester and speak on it. Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life? (oral task, 5 points)

    All materials covered in this semester are available through "Архив ДЗ" link at the bottom of this page.

    Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 08.12.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 1-3: page 13-14: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the beginning until the words "...to proclaim the coming of Christ").
  • Temple and Worship: Learn / revise words from pages 19-20 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 2 from the words "Alexandria's second major success..." until the words "...indivisibly, inseparably".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (5) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 08.12.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?) Make an oral presentation of your ideas and send in (a link to) the audio/video recording.
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 43-45: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Still one must be grateful..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 130-131) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (year 455 ff.: what relevance do they have for Roman doctrinal errors and Orthodox-Roman Catholic relations?).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs" from the words "In Kievan Russia..." until end of section (the words "...a golden measure, a royal way").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: No Regrets
    Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (196)

    In order to acquire humility, be silent when you are mocked and when they are angry with you, and pray within yourself the prayer “O Theotokos and Virgin.”

    Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) of Bogucharsk


    4 КУРС (к 03.12.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life? Make an oral presentation of your ideas and send in (a link to) the audio/video recording.
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 19-22: page 32-33, page 34-35: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the ninth stichera "O wondrous elders of Optina...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through The Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (9-11). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 6, Moscow and Petersburg section "Moscow the third Rome" from the words "Now that the dream..." until the words "...respect for human freedom".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Let's Create a Perfect World (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 5-12).

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 01.12.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 1-3: page 13-14: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only (including the summary of the chapter).
  • Temple and Worship: Learn / revise words from page 18 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 2 from the words "The Council of Nicaea..." until the words "...whose works are most widely read".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (4) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 01.12.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 43-45: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Still one must be grateful..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 127-129) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (year 382 ff.: what relevance do they have for Roman doctrinal errors and Orthodox-Roman Catholic relations?).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs" from the words "Byzantium conferred..." until the words "...the place of suffering in the Christian life").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Let's Create a Perfect World
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (195)

    If we call upon the saints with faith and love, then they will immediately hear us. The faith is the connecting element on our part, and love on theirs, as well as ours; for they are in God, and we are in God, Who is Love.

    Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt


    4 КУРС (к 26.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 13-19: page 32-33: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Or, by another interpretation..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the eighth stichera "Oh heavenly treasure hidden in an earthly vessel...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through The Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (8-11). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 6, Moscow and Petersburg section "Moscow the third Rome" from the beginning until the words "...the ends of Russian secular imperialism".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Let's Create a Perfect World (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 3-12).

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 24.11.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Read the article CAPITALIZATION OF PRONOUNS RELATING TO DEITY from a series on Bible language, and be ready to discuss it.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn / revise words from pages 16-17 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 2 from the words "The discussions at the Councils..." until the words "...one in essence with the Father".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (3) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 24.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 43-45: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...teaching us not to boast").
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 126-127) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (year 64 ff.: what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors?).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs" from the words "Cyril died at Rome..." until the words "...is predominantly Latin").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Constructive Arguing
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (194)

    And how can one work for God? You already know: you must pray and be vigilant over yourself, struggle with thoughts, not argue over trifles, humble yourself before others (even if this causes your work to suffer; afterwards you will gain all the more), make peace quickly, reveal your thoughts, partake more often of the Holy Mysteries, and so forth.

    Abbot Nikon Vorobiev


    4 КУРС (к 19.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 13-19: page 32-33: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "attribute that good to God's power").
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the seventh stichera "Rejoice, humble disciple of the glorious elder Ambrose...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through The Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (7-11). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "The Orthodox of the seventeenth century..." until the end of the chapter.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Let's Create a Perfect World (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 17.11.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Read the article THOSE DREADFUL WORDS IN ITALICS from a series on Bible language, and be ready to discuss it.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn / revise words from pages 14-15 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 2 from the beginning until the words "...a fence around the mystery; that was all".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (1)
    Answer Questions on this episode.
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (2) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 17.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 40-42: page 22-23: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 124-125) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors?).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs" from the beginning until the words "...the principal churches in the city").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Forgiveness
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 19.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 21-23: page 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn new words from English Liturgy (pages D-11-12).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments and altar items.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 9 "The Twentieth Century, III: Diaspora and Mission", section "Jurisdictional Divisions" from the beginning until the end of the section (the words "...not a political but a spiritual problem").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch an interview with Metropolitan Kallistos on coronavirus (YouTube)
    Answer Questions on it (Part I).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (193)

    Is it not the same with man? When he lives in full liberty, in abundance and prosperity, then he grows in body and does not grow in spirit, does not bring forth fruits— good works; whilst when he lives in straitness, in poverty, sickness, misfortune, and afflictions, in a word, when his animal nature is crushed, then he grows spiritually, bears flowers of virtue, ripens and brings forth rich fruits. This is why the path of those who love God is a narrow one.

    Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt


    4 КУРС (к 12.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 6-12: page 32-33: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "So the foreigners came to Jesus..." until the end of the section.
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the sixth stichera "O, venerable Father Ambrose,...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through The Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (7-11). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "The Orthodox of the seventeenth century..." until the end of the chapter.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Constructive Arguing (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 3-7).

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 10.11.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items 17-27 from the New Testament and be ready for a test on them.
    Read the article THOSE NASTY THEES AND THOUS from a series on Bible language, and be ready to discuss it.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn / revise words from pages 11-13 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 1 from the words "People today..." until the words "...to undergo martyrdom of blood"
    and Chapter 2 from the beginning until the words "...a fence around the mystery; that was all".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (1)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 10.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 35-39: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 121-123) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (9-13). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to translate / retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the words "Among the contemporaries..." until the end of the chapter (the words "...far less the end of Orthodoxy").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Forgiveness
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 12.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 13-20: page 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn new words from English Liturgy (pages D-10-11).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments and altar items.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "The official Church-state relations" from the words "But in 1927 - a crucial year..." until the end of the section (the words "...adopt a far more independent stand?").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 2 of the Protecting Veil series What is Anti-Christianity? (YouTube)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part II).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (192)

    Vainglory, like a moth, eats away all our good deeds, and therefore it is better to do all our good deeds in secret so that we do not lose the reward from our Father Who is in heaven.

    Archbishop Averky (Taushev)


    4 КУРС (к 05.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 6-12: page 32-33: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the beginning until the words "...without kinship of heart".
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the sixth stichera "O, venerable Father Ambrose,...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through The Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (6-11). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "One of the representatives..." until the words "...they have not normally done so").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "The Orthodox of the seventeenth century..." until the end of the chapter.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Constructive Arguing (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 03.11.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items 9-16 from the New Testament and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn / revise words from page 10 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 1 from the words "People today..." until the words "...to undergo martyrdom of blood".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the words "It was only natural..." until the end of the chapter.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the State of the Orthodox Church (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 03.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 32-34: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 120-121) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (5-8). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the words "Gregory began..." until the words "...and the seventh Ecumenical Council".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the words "Among the contemporaries..." until the end of the chapter (the words "...far less the end of Orthodoxy").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Forgiveness
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 05.11.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 13-20: page 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn new words from English Liturgy (page D-9).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments and altar items.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "The official Church-state relations" from the words "Let us consider the stages prior to the existing position" until the words "...that is, members of the traditional church").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 2 of the Protecting Veil series What is Anti-Christianity? (YouTube)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 5 ff.).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (191)

    Many of our departed neighbors, especially those who reposed without proper preparation, need our help incomparably more than those among the living who are extremely impoverished, because the reposed are now incapable of helping themselves. Only we the living can offer help.

    Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov) of St. Petersburg


    4 КУРС (к 29.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 6-12: page 32-33: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the fifth stichera "Having broken the chains of earthly reasoning...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through The Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (6-11). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "One of the representatives..." until the words "...they have not normally done so").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "The Orthodox of the seventeenth century..." until the end of the chapter.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Forgiveness (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 6-7);
    Frederica Here and Now: Constructive Arguing (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 27.10.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items 1-8 from the New Testament and be ready for a test on them. Revise items 33-39 from the OT, items 1-10 from Apocrypha, items 1-14 from Terms and Names and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn / revise words from pages 4-9 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Introduction (you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book).

    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 1 from the words "People today..." until the words "...to undergo martyrdom of blood".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the words "It was only natural..." until the end of the chapter.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Music and Hymnology in the Church (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 4-8).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 27.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 29-31: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 118-120) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (5-8). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 3 - first two sections, until "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy" excl. (you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book).

    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the words "When Orthodox writers..." until the words "...accept the theology of Palamas").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the words "Gregory began..." until the words "...and the seventh Ecumenical Council".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Old Age
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 29.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 2-12: page 36-37, page 38-39: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "To the disciples who asked Him..." until the end of the section (the words "...turn back and be corrected").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from English Liturgy (page D-7-8).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments and altar items.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists", section "The official Church-state relations" from the beginning until the words "...that is, members of the traditional church").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 2 of the Protecting Veil series What is Anti-Christianity? (YouTube)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part I, Qs 2 ff.).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (190)

    A wandering mind is made stable by reading, vigil and prayer. Flaming lust is extinguished by hunger, labor and solitude. Stirrings of anger are calmed by psalmody, magnanimity and mercifulness. All this has its effect when used at its proper time and in due measure. Everything untimely or without proper measure is short-lived; and short-lived things are more harmful than useful.

    Abba Evagrius the Monk


    4 КУРС (к 22.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 1-5: page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "The right hand is withered..." until the end of the section "...in the middle of the virtues").
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the fourth stichera "Rejoice, ye lovers of the wilderness...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through The Grounds of Union (page 3). Be ready to comment on the obstacles to the union (1-5). If you have problems, search the Internet or listen to two lectures on the subject: Lecture 1 and Lecture 2.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "One of the representatives..." until the words "...they have not normally done so").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "The Orthodox of the seventeenth century..." until the end of the chapter.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Forgiveness (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 20.10.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items 1-14 from Terms and Names and be ready for a test on them. Revise items 33-39 from the OT, items 1-10 from Apocrypha and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn / revise words from pages 4-8 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Introduction (you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book).

    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 1 from the beginning until the words "...the medicine of immortality".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the words "People today..." until the words "...to undergo martyrdom of blood".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Music and Hymnology in the Church (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 4-8).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 20.10.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 23-28: page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (footnote 16 and the rest of the commentary until the words "...because of the miracle").
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 116-117) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Orthodoxy and Heresy: Be ready for a written test on dogmatic formulae on: The Church (translate from Russian into English).
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (1-4). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 3 - first two sections, until "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy" excl. (you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book).

    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the words "Negative theology reaches..." until the words "...conferred by the grace of God").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the words "When Orthodox writers..." until the words "...accept the theology of Palamas").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Christian colleges
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode (Qs 5-8);
    Frederica Here and Now: Old Age
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 22.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 2-12: page 36-37: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Mark this:..." until the words "...a fourth part of the seed was preserved").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from English Liturgy (page D-6).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments and altar items.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read the text Theosis in the Bible and be ready to read aloud and comment upon quotes 17-18.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists" from the words "Nor is the teaching of atheism..." until the words "...so many remained faithful").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 2 of the Protecting Veil series What is Anti-Christianity? (YouTube)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part I).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (189)

    With all diligence ask the Lord for the greatest and most needful of all gifts — to see your own sins and cry over them. He who has this gift has everything.

    Abbot Nikon Vorobiev


    4 КУРС (к 15.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 1-5: page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...hindering Him from doing good").
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the fourth stichera "Rejoice, ye lovers of the wilderness...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors?) - year 1964 ff.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "Thus there came..." until the words "...we must shortly return").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "One of the representatives..." until the words "...they have not normally done so").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Forgiveness (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 13.10.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items 1-10 from the Titles of the Books of the Bible, the Apocrypha, and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from page 5-6 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the words "The Orthodox Church is thus a family..." until the end of the Introduction.
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the beginning until the words "...the medicine of immortality".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Music and Hymnology in the Church (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 13.10.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 23-28: page 18-19, page 20-21: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "The evil spirits are called..." until the words "...we must curb them").
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 115-116) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": The Church).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the beginning until the words "...the darkness of incomprehensibility").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the words "Negative theology reaches..." until the words "...conferred by the grace of God").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Christian colleges
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode (Qs 4-8).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 15.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 2-12: page 36-37: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "He first tells this parable of the sower..." until the words "...then he is trodden upon by many").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from English Liturgy (pages 2-5).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read the text Theosis in the Bible and be ready to read aloud and comment upon quotes 15-18.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / discuss / answer questions on Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists" from the beginning until the words "...in any normal sense of the word").
    Read and be ready to translate
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 2 of the Protecting Veil series What is Anti-Christianity? (YouTube)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part I).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (188)

    I realized that we all worry about ourselves too much and that only he who leaves everything to the will of God can feel truly joyous, light, and peaceful.

    Elder Thaddeus (Strabulovich) of Vitovnica


    4 КУРС (к 08.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 1-5: page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet (the third stichera "Come, oh ye faithful...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors?) - year 1964 ff.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the beginning until the words "...and anathematizing one another").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "Thus there came..." until the words "...we must shortly return").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Forgiveness (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 06.10.2020)

  • Bible Studies: Learn items 33-39 from the Titles of the Books of the Bible and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from page 4-5 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the words "Orthodox see history in another perspective..." until the words "...at least a beginning has been made".
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the words "What is meant by 'the Orthodox Church'?" until the words "...the majority of other Orthodox Churches".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Gender Issues in the Church (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part I, Qs 6-7; Part II).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 06.10.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 23-28: page 18-19: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 114-115) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": Jesus Christ).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the words "But even after 1054..." until the end of the section (the words "...has proved a great tragedy").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy", from the beginning until the words "...the darkness of incomprehensibility").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Native Americans and Orthodoxy
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 9-11); Frederica Here and Now: Christian colleges
    (also here)
    Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 08.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 2-12: page 36-37: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary, incl. footnote 2 (from the words "And when He was alone... until the words "...without thereby leaving it").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from English Liturgy (page D-3).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read the text Theosis in the Bible and be ready to read aloud and comment upon quotes 11-14.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "In the field of theology..." until the end of the chapter (the words "Persecution had already begun").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 8 "Orthodoxy and the Militant Atheists" from the beginning until the words "...in any normal sense of the word").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 1 of Breaking In the_Habit series Saving a Dying, Shrinking Church (YouTube, 9:48)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 8-10).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (187)

    Someone who faces every problem spiritually is not exhausted.

    Saint Paisios of Mount Athos


    4 КУРС (к 01.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 23-28: page 28-29, page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Understand this also..." until the end of the chapter (the words "...a guide towards the good".
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet (the second half of the second stichera "Rejoice shepherds of rational sheep...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors?) - year 1950 ff.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the beginning until the words "...and anathematizing one another").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "Thus there came..." until the words "...we must shortly return").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Old Age (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 8-12).

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 29.09.2020)

  • Bible Studies: Learn items 27-32 from the Titles of the Books of the Bible and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from page 3 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the beginning until the words "...are not the same as in the west".
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the words "Orthodox see history in another perspective..." until the words "...at least a beginning has been made".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part II, Qs 13-15);
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Gender Issues in the Church (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part I).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 29.09.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 21-22: page 18-19: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 113-114) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": The Holy Trinity).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the words "At the beginning..." until the words "...left matters worse than before").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the words "But even after 1054..." until the end of the section (the words "...has proved a great tragedy").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Native Americans and Orthodoxy
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 01.10.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 2-12: page 36-37: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel (until the words "...let him hear").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from English Liturgy (page D-2).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read the text Theosis in the Bible and be ready to read aloud and comment upon quotes 8-11.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "Hitherto we have spoken..." until the words "...as one of their chief 'Apostles'".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "In the field of theology..." until the end of the chapter (the words "Persecution had already begun").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 1 of Breaking In the_Habit series Saving a Dying, Shrinking Church (YouTube, 9:48)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 4-10).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (186)

    Worthless is the charity of the man who bestows it unwillingly, because material charity is not his, but God’s gift, whilst only the disposition of the heart belongs to him. This is why many charities prove almost worthless, for they were bestowed unwillingly, grudgingly, without respect for the person of our neighbour.

    Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt


    4 КУРС (к 24.09.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 23-28: page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...and six on the left".
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet (the second stichera only: "Rejoice shepherds of rational sheep...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors?) - year 1596 ff.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam from the words "The Turkish occupation..." until the end of the section (the words "...Reformation and Counter-Reformation")."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the "beginning" until the words "...and anathematizing one another").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Old Age (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 8-12).

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 22.09.2020)

  • Church Etiquette: Learn Titles of the Clergy (Page 3) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Bible Studies: Learn items 18-26 from the Titles of the Books of the Bible and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from page 2 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the beginning until the words "...are not the same as in the west".
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the words "Orthodox see history in another perspective..." until the words "...at least a beginning has been made".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part II).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 22.09.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 16-20: page 18-19: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "They immediately put down..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 111-112) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the words "Soon not only the Papal claims..." until the words "...the verdict on Saint Photius").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the words "At the beginning..." until the words "...left matters worse than before").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 10)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 24.09.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 4: 1-2: page 36-37: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from English Liturgy (page D-1).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read the text Theosis in the Bible and be ready to read aloud and comment upon quotes 3-6.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "Seraphim had no teacher..." until the words "...not in Slavonic but in Russian".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "Hitherto we have spoken..." until the words "...as one of their chief 'Apostles'".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 1 of Breaking In the_Habit series Saving a Dying, Shrinking Church (YouTube, 9:48)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (185)

    The cross is not merely a sort of beautiful spiritual meditation. It is also enduring suffering in order to stand against the sinful world.

    Metropolitan Saba (Esber)


    4 КУРС (к 17.09.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 23-28: page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet (the beginning of the psalm and the first stichera only).
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors?) - year 1444 ff.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam from the words "The Turkish occupation..." until the end of the section (the words "...Reformation and Counter-Reformation")."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the "beginning" until the words "...and anathematizing one another").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Old Age (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 15.09.2020)

  • Church Etiquette: Learn Titles of the Clergy (Page 2) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Bible Studies: Learn items 9-17 from the Titles of the Books of the Bible and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from page 1 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the beginning until the words "...are not the same as in the west".
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the words "Orthodox see history in another perspective..." until the words "...at least a beginning has been made".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Ethnicity and Nationalism in Orthodoxy
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs. 5-6);
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 15.09.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 16-20: page 18-19: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "to become Christ's first disciples").
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages 109 - 111) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the beginning until the words "...uncanonical interference in the affairs of another Patriarchate".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the words "Soon not only the Papal claims..." until the words "...the verdict on Saint Photius").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 9)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 17.09.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 31-35: page 34-35: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "The Lord therefore replies..." until the end of the section.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the words from English Liturgy (page D-1).
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube). See also photos of Western Rite vestments
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read the text Theosis in the Bible and be ready to read aloud and comment upon quotes 1-4.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "Paissy himself..." until the words "...by the light of the age to come".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "Seraphim had no teacher..." until the words "...not in Slavonic but in Russian".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 1 of Protecting Veil series (YouTube, 5:55)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 3-7).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (184)

    Since we value (and think of) ourselves so highly, we naturally look at others as if from on high (as if from a judgment seat), judging and despising them. For we seem to exempt ourselves from those faults we think others possess. Right there our enemy, the devil, who constantly looks for an opportunity to damage us, finds an opening.

    Fr. Jack Sparks


    4 КУРС (к 10.09.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 21-22: page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet (the beginning of the psalm and the first stichera only).
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors?) - year 1439 ff.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam from the words "The Turkish occupation..." until the end of the section (the words "...Reformation and Counter-Reformation")."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the "beginning" until the words "...and anathematizing one another").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Christian colleges (.mp3) (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 08.09.2020)

  • Church Etiquette: Learn Titles of the Clergy (Page 1) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Bible Studies: Learn items 1-8 from the Titles of the Books of the Bible and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from the table of contents of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction ("About the Author" section).
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the beginning until the words "...the egg which Rome had laid".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this html colour generator or this page (alternatively here or here) with a collection of web colours and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index (#) of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is reserved by someone else before you! :-) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Ethnicity and Nationalism in Orthodoxy
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs. 5-6);
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 08.09.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 16-20: page 18-19: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "to become Christ's first disciples").
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from the Preface to Древнеправославный молитвенник (pages vi - viii) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the beginning until the words "...was now neutral no longer").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the words "Photius was naturally alarmed..." until the words "...the verdict on Saint Photius").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 8)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 10.09.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 31-35: page 34-35: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Bring to class a copy (hard or digital) of the English Liturgy.
    Watch Western Rite Orthodox Liturgy (Mass) (YouTube).
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read the text Theosis in the Bible and be ready to read aloud and comment upon quotes 1-4.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "The system of Church government..." until the words "...the corporate and social aspect of the monastic life".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg", section The Synodical period (1700-1917) from the words "Paissy himself..." until the words "...by the light of the age to come".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Episode 1 of Protecting Veil series (YouTube, 5:55)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (183)

    Do not fear bodily privations, but fear spiritual privations.

    Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt


    4 КУРС (к 03.09.2020)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 18-20: page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "He calls Himself the Bridegroom..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listen to this piece (5) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the events (what relevance do they have to Roman doctrinal errors?) - year 1204 ff.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 5, The Church under Islam from the words "The Turkish occupation..." until the end of the section (the words "...Reformation and Counter-Reformation")."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5, The Church under Islam, section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the "beginning" until the words "...and anathematizing one another").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write from two to five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 10)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK

    2 КУРС (к 01.09.2020)

  • Church Etiquette: Download Titles of the Clergy and bring it to class.
  • Bible Studies: Bring to class a digital or a hard copy of the Titles of the Books of the Bible.
  • Temple and Worship: Download the book Orthodox Mysteries. Bring to class pages with the table of Contents and page 1 (The Church)
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Bring to class digital or hard copy of the Introduction (with "About the Author" section).
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Ethnicity and Nationalism in Orthodoxy (Ancient Faith Radio)
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    3 КУРС (к 01.09.2020)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 14-15: page 15-17, page 18-19: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from the Preface to Древнеправославный молитвенник (pages vi - vii) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 from the words "It was not until after 850..." until the end of the section (the words "...and the Crusades").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204", from the beginning until the words "...was now neutral no longer").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write three original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen toListen Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 7)
    Answer Questions on this episode;
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 8)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Hosted by uCoz