Система Orphus

Religious Vocabulary
texts by students

* graduation year

(Part 1 is here
Part 3 is here)

Условные обозначения:
  • CAPITALS: active vocabulary words and collocations students have used
  • Underline: elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Underline and Delete: superfluous erroneous elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Italics: where appropriate, elements which explain the corrected mistakes
  • Dotted underline: elements not graded for various reasons (e.g. dubious or erroneous statements, vague in meaning).
  • [numbers in brackets]: grades students have accumulated by the time of this post (include grades for word tests)
  • [(number in parenthesis inside the brackets)]: grades the student has received for this particular post
  • [underlined numbers in brackets]: mid-term grades (include grades for word tests, class attendance, posts, as well as deductions in fines)
  • [numbers in brackets in bold type]: total number of grades students have accumulated throughout the semester (continuous assessment)
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4th year of study: Autumn 2020

1) Rare wall paintings were added in 1665 during THE REFORMATION period and they depict, among others, Adam and Eve in the Eden or the struggle of St. George with the dragon.
2) He received a JESUIT education and showed keen attachment to the Jesuit tenets.
3) The FRANCISCANS arrived in Cuernavaca in 1529 and founded their 5th monastery in New Spain there.
4) During the first two years of the school's existence, students received an intensive training for MISSIONARY WORK.
5) After the death of Cardinal Mazarini in England, his treasure passes to THE SOCIETY OF JESUS along with the Templar Ring that grants immortality in accordance with the legends.

1) “The sons of the BRIDAL CHAMBER” is a metaphor where “the sons” are Jesus’ disciples and the “BRIDEGROOM” is our Lord.
2) There are also numerous religious groups with Christian, Islamic, JUDAIC and animist roots.
3) The recommendations can be likened to putting new wine into old WINESKINS.
4) They stared at the RENTS in the clouds.
5) Our army HAVE BECOME vehemently INDIGNANT about the manslaughter by the enemies.

1) Judges failed to follow up on allegations by defendants that statements made were obtained UNDER DURESS, intimidation, inhuman treatment and possibly torture.
2) After the new synodal letter of the African council of 1 May 418 to the pope, and after the steps taken by the emperor Honorius against the PELAGIANS, Zosimus issued his Tractoria, in which PELAGIANISM and its authors were finally condemned.
3) While ENDORSING the statement made on behalf of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, he wished to outline a number of specific expectations.
4) Taxation increased in THE PAPAL STATES and the complaints of the inhabitants grew considerably.
5) TRANSUBSTANTIATION (from Latin transsubstantiatio) is the change of the substance of bread and wine into that of the body and blood of Christ, the change that according to the belief of the Roman Catholic Church occurs in the Eucharist.

1) As a result of this brilliant victory, the Russian Army of Wrangel was able to seize the strategic initiative and continue the offensive against Yekaterinoslav and Southern LITTLE RUSSIA.
2) Despite his support for religious tolerance, he did fail, however, to resolve the conflict stemming from THE UNION OF BREST split.
3) Let us not EMBITTER the people, let us support them in word and deed.
4) So he found his successor, someone TO PERPETUATE his legacy.

1) By about 1360, conflicts over grazing rights, taxes, and TITHES were causing concern for both parties.
2) The most depressing illustration of this has been the handling of the "European Constitution" and the Lisbon Treaty, and the totally UNEDIFYING means by which the European president, a key part of the Lisbon Treaty, is being selected.
3) These predatory campaigns raised the population of Dagestani villages in arms against the TURKISH JANISSARIES.
4) THE WORDS OF INSTITUTION (also called the Words of Consecration) are words echoing those of Jesus himself at his Last Supper that, when consecrating bread and wine, Christian Eucharistic liturgies include in a narrative of that event.

1) In British history, NON-JURORS refused to swear allegiance to William and Mary and their heirs or abjure the Stuart.
2) To LAUNCH NEW PRAYER INITIATIVES in the hope of obtaining from the Lord the GRACE OF CONVERSION OF HEARTS, an essential precondition for a genuine SPIRITUAL REVIVAL.
3) St. Nicodemus THE HAGIORITE or St. NICODEMUS OF THE HOLY MOUNTAIN is a saint of the Eastern Orthodox Church. He was an ascetic monk, mystic, theologian, and philosopher.
4) THE PHILOKALIA (Ancient Greek: φιλοκαλία "love of the beautiful, the good") is "a collection of texts written between the 4th and 15th centuries by SPIRITUAL MASTERS of the Eastern Orthodox Church mystical HESYCHAST TRADITION.
5) The FOLIOS are differently sized: the folio held by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is 28.25 cm by 37.46 cm, but there are pages as large as 31 cm by 41 cm.

1) Being SPIRITUALLY REAWAKEN people could see their VAGRANCY.
2) He gave them power against UNCLEAN SPIRITS to CAST THEM OUT.
3) Why should we COMMUNICATE FREQUENTLY? As the ancient experience shows, Orthodox COMMUNICATED only a few times a year.
4) For the Numidians, to hand over scriptures was an act of terrible APOSTASY.
5) In the face of DISCOURAGEMENT and violence, our world needs unity more than ever before.

1) If the media wants us to be shocked by a massacre, it can broadcast LURID details of that massacre.
2) Calvi was STRANGLED BY Francesco Di Carlo, on PippoCalo's orders.
3) IN THE LAST RESORT, the main reason for reconstructing past events is to avoid their recurrence in the future.
4) The prime minister cannot HOLD OFFICE for a consecutive period of more than eight years.
5) Moreover no-one may be compelled to [publicly] proclaim their thoughts or beliefs or convictions, nor to REPUDIATE them.

1. If they SWORE ALLEGIANCE TO THAT USURPER, they could never return to their calm, slow paced life.
2. «Look at that OBSCURANTIST geek...» «it looks like we have two obscurantist geeks… did I say that?...three of us, then.»
3. For the APOSTASY TO another religion you are sentenced to execution.
4. Well, jolly good! And now, would you be so kind and HUMBLE YOURSELF before it.

А.С. [(25) 40]

1. Orthodox Christians do not usually make THE TWO-FINGER SIGN OF THE CROSS, but it is common among OLD BELIEVERS.
2. Theoretically Church life was separated from the civil power of MOSCOW TSARDOM, but in reality the Church was not completely independent.
3. Orthodox priests have wives, which means that MARRIED CLERGY is a normal thing for Orthodox Christianity.
4. I know some people who have converted to Christianity and before their first Confession were afraid to get ANATHEMATIZED for their sins.
5. There must be some serious reasons for a priest to get DEPOSED FROM OFFICE, such as spreading heresies, committing murders, etc.
6. One of the issues, in which Catholic and Orthodox teachings differ, is the question of existence of PURGATORY. Orthodox Christians are supposed to gain salvation just through REPENTANCE and regular receiving communion, while Catholic teaching says people are obliged to go through retribution.
7. Orthodox people also don’t believe in PREDESTINATION. We know that any person has their FREE WILL.
8. Another point of disagreement between us and Catholics is the question of GRACE. Catholics think it to be CREATED and UNCREATED, and we don’t split Grace like that at all.

М.Ч. [(6) 28,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement by Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt is about what is really important for us to care about. We need to be aware of the fact that we are mortal, we become older and our body becomes frail, it is inevitable. But our soul is immortal and God needs our soul to be good and spirit to be strong. And I quite agree that it is significant to make our spirit stronger by praying and living a virtuous life.

Н.Л. [(4,5) 51,5]

1) The Gospel says that God can WORK MIRACLES, and it is true.
2) God helps us to bear all SCOURGES.
3) Many people wanted to harm Jesus as He REVEALED their sins.
4) DEIFICATION is the main goal for all Christian.

Н.Л. [(2) 47]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with the statement. I strongly believe that because of the pride a person sometimes can simply be blind to his or her own sins. Judging others is what all people do I think because we can not know what exactly this person feels, we have not lived his or her life, that is why we must be merciful and caring.

Н.Л. [(3,5) 45]

1) Many priest were not allowed TO WORSHIP in twentieth century.
2) It is very sad when really good people FALL INTO A HERESY.
3) HERMITS are those who live in seclusion.
4) I think it is significant to always SHOW HOSPITALITY.
5) God will never force us to ALMSGIVING, prayer and fasting, but we must do it to be with Him.

Н.Л. [(2) 41,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Good deeds are one of many ways to serve God during lifetime. And I strongly believe that if a person does the right things, they must come from the heart, and the only reason there can be to do them is wanting to help. It is significant to do good things but it must be voluntary, so I agree with the statement.

Н.Л. [(3,5) 39,5]

1)He was DETACHED FROM THE WORLD but it did not make him sad.
2)We are often ABSORBED IN WORDLY CONCERNS, but we must not forget the most important things.
3)TO KEEP THE FAST is really important to make your spirit stronger.
4)She already WAS WITH CHILD but we did not know.
5)All Christian make the SIGN OF THE CROSS, it protects from evil.

Н.Л. [(1,5) 36]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Well, to begin with, the first thought that struck me when I have read this quotation was that I need to print out this statement and hang it on the wall. Christ gave His life for us, He sacrificed Himself so that we could live. To be honest, I have always thought that real happiness is in self-development, and that is not the right way at all. Real love is when you can give your life for a person and it is real joy to make the other person happy. I hope that one day I will be smart and spiritually strong enough to think about the happiness of others more often than of my own. So I can not agree more with the statement.

Н.Л. [(3,5) 34,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This brilliant statement by Abbot Nikon Vorobiev is about how it is important for a person to feel your sinfulness. I agree that it is the greatest gift. Inner eyes must not be blind to your sins. I strongly believe that the ability to see all your sins is a gift from God. And it can be given only by grace.

Н.Л. [(5) 31]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Well, I believe that souls are immortal so all people we love are still with us. Also I think that praying for those who passed away is our duty. I really think so, they need our help, if we do not do it, who will? We must pray for all who departed but especially for ones we love. So this statement is absolutely true.

Н.Л. [(4) 26]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To begin with, there is a statement by Archbishop Averky (Taushev) about how can we do good things in a proper way. He says that «better to do all our good deeds in secret» and I suppose it is true, God sees everything, all your efforts, pain, all our deeds, so there is no need to tell anyone. The Gospel says «Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.» (Matthew 6:1).

Н.Л. [(4,5) 22]

1. PAPAL PRIMACY, also known as the primacy of the bishop of Rome, is a Christian ecclesiological DOCTRINE concerning the respect and authority that is due to the pope from other bishops and their episcopal sees.
2. PAPAL INFALLIBILITY, in Roman Catholic theology, the doctrine that the pope, acting as supreme teacher and under certain conditions, cannot err when he teaches in matters of faith or morals.
3. Extension of PETRINE PRIMACY to popes is known as the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, also known as the primacy of the Roman Pontiff.
4. DEVELOPMENT OF DOCTRINE is a term used by John Henry Newman and other theologians influenced by him to describe the way Catholic teaching has become more detailed and explicit over the centuries.
5. FILIOQUE — phrase added to the text of the Christian creed by the Western church in the Middle Ages and considered one of the major causes of the schism between the Eastern and Western churches.
6. ORIGINAL SIN is a term used in western churches that is different from what the Church originally taught as ancestral sin.
7. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION — a Roman Catholic dogma asserting that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was preserved free from the effects of the sin of Adam from the first instant of her conception.
8. DIVINE SIMPLICITY denies any physical or metaphysical composition in the divine being.
9. The SATISFACTION THEORY of atonement is a theory in Catholic theology which holds that Jesus Christ redeemed humanity through making satisfaction for humankind's disobedience through his own supererogatory obedience.
10. The conception of PURGATORY as a geographically situated place is largely the achievement of medieval Christian piety and imagination.
11. The word INDULGENCE originally meant kindness or favor; in post-classic Latin it came to mean the remission of a tax or debt.
12. CREATED GRACE is any grace that results from God communicating Himself beyond nature's demands, such as the beatific vision and all supernatural creatures positively leading to it.

А.Н. [(6,5) 39,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with the statement of saint Paisius that everyone who faces the problem on a spiritual level, prayerfully, isn’t exhausted. If we meet every problem or dislocation initially with a prayer, rather than begin to complain and wail immediately, trying to solve it by ourselves, the result will be quite different. We will not get tired of constant obsessive thoughts about the problem, our emotional state will not be exhausted. When we meet any problem with prayer, then firstly our thoughts are directed to God and we ask for his support, this is a struggle against despair and sadness. And also our state of mind after prayer will only improve.

А.Н. [(5) 33]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Yes, in fact, we are too confident in everything, in ourselves, in events, in the people around us. We make plans, and then when something goes wrong, we get disappointed or even depressed. We go to the church, but at some point we become petty, we forget that not everything is in our hands, that we are primarily in the hands of God and we are all under his will. Those people who rely entirely on God are happy, because all they have to worry about are good deeds, right actions and love for neighbor. They just worry about something good, are afraid to forget about their neighbors, family or people around them, and they are sure in everything else, confident that God will take care of them on earth and that’s why they are calm and peaceful.

А.Н. [(5) 28]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

We often see a splinter in our brother's eye, but we do not see a log in our own eye. We love to judge and discuss others behind their backs, though we are not holy people and we have a lot of sins. Thus, we do not get rid of sin, but rather we acquire more.
Indeed, we must pray and ask God that we can see our own sins and mourn them. The life of others is their life, we are not in a position to judge them. They can confess, tell their sins while confession, and in any case God sees everyone and knows everything. And maybe the person who is not even a believer, whom we judge, is much more righteous inside and lives more according to the commandments than we do.

А.Н. [(5) 23]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Humility is when a person accepts dishonor, joy, overwhelming sorrows and difficulties with open arms, with the thought that in this way the soul is healed from sins and diseases. When difficulties come and we are forced to humble ourselves, we need to remember that God cleanses our souls of past or present sins, or protects us from what may happen in the future.
On the other hand, that’s not so easy to humble ourselves and suppress the desire to fight back the offender. And it’s understandable because we are not saints and we are here to learn a godly Christian life. And I can’t agree more with Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) of Bogucharsk that in this case the prayer “O Theotokos and Virgin” can help to manage to acquire humility.

С.Х. [(5) 76,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I have read that when a conscious, heartfelt prayer arises in our souls, this prayer flies up like a ray of light to heaven to the saints and transfers to them all our requests. This happens at the same moment we say a prayer, and the saint hears it. The saints hear us immediately, you just have to pray with all your heart. I would say the heartfelt prayer is our connecting wire to heaven.
The saints hear us and help us, unless our requests are harmful to us. I have noticed that newcomers are especially lucky. Several times I was convinced that for those who, even without special faith, for the first time in their life, turn to a saint for help, help comes very soon.

С.Х. [(5) 71,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Everyone knows that the narrow gate symbolizes the teaching of Christ, which prescribes goodness, as well as the hard-working, ascetic and virtuous way of life. It recommends the rejection of luxury and indolence, laziness, revenge, popularity, avarice, love of power, selfishness. The path that opens behind the small gates is narrow and inconspicuous. It is narrow because a person walking this path (that is, embodying the teachings of Christ into their life) will endure persecution, inconvenience, oppression and difficulties. But only a narrow path in the midst of oppression allows a person to walk and come closer to the goal of thir salvation.
Thus, I completely agree with the statement of Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt. Indeed, few people live the way real Christians should live, observing the commandments of God. But sin and vice, in all their diversity, have a wide path because of their accessibility and ease of execution.

С.Х. [(5) 66,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Any earthly glory, in comparison with that which the Lord has prepared for those who love Him, is only dust and ashes. But earthly glory is futile not only on the scale of eternity. Even in a short period of our earthly life fame, high office, position are the most unreliable and short-lived things. But, nevertheless, many people strive for fame, honor and respect. And some make an idol out of this, turning vainglory into an end in itself.
It is not only those who are wholly obsessed with this passion suffer from vainglory. Unfortunately, vainglory is inherent in all of us to varying degrees. Everyone wants to look better in their own eyes than they really are, and most importantly, in the eyes of others. Any of us is pleased when he is praised, appreciated, and not scolded. Almost everyone seeks to occupy not the last position in the society in which he or she rotates. But this is not what the Lord teaches us. We should try to do good deeds, not for the approval of others, but in the vein of our hearts to help our fellow man. But if there is a choice to do good because of vainglory or not to do good, it is better to choose the first option.

С.Х. [(5) 61,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Seeing your sins is a necessary condition for a normal spiritual life for a Christian. But if someone thinks that this is an easy and not burdensome business, they are deeply mistaken. Of course, a gift is a thing that we receive it not according to our merits, but due to the love of the Giver. But we must prepare our soul to accept the gift of seeing our own sins. And the most appropriate tool for such preparation is the commandments of the Gospel. In essence, they are but the properties of a spiritually healthy person.
On the other hand, we can see them, perhaps. But at the same time, we do not recognize them as sins. In my opinion, this happens for a simple and tragic reason. After the first people fell away from God, sinfulness entered our very nature, and man stopped responding to sin as something unacceptable and destructive. Therefore, it is very important to understand that the ability to see our sins, in our current state, alas, is not inherent in us. This ability is a gift from God, a real miracle, as if a person who has been suffering from color blindness all his life suddenly began to distinguish colors.

С.Х. [(5) 56,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I believe this statement refers to situations where nothing can be done. For example, you find yourself in the sea on a small boat on a clear day, with no one around, and suddenly a storm starts. And in such a situation you really should leave everything to the will of God. But we are people, and God gave freedom in decision-making to us. But where a person can act, think, do something, where there is even a small chance, it is more appropriate: “God helps those who help themselves”. Thinking “everything is in the Lord's plan” does not deny our own responsibility.You always do it yourself. God only helps, gives strength, multiplies ability, etc.
But sometimes the Lord presents to us tests that determine whether the human will remains in harmony with the will of the Creator. As for me, the fulfillment of the will of God is what makes it possible for a person, a created and limited being, to be in communion and union with his Creator, that is, it is the basis of human well-being.

С.Х. [(5) 51,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It seems to me that in this statement the standing against the sinful world implies the perfection of man in the spiritual sense. And we can improve ourselves through trials of life and tribulations. As for me, almost all people associate the turning points in their lives with some kind of challenge. At first everything is fine with them. But suddenly the Lord takes the child away from them. Crying and sorrows begin. Then Divine grace descends on them, and people calm down. They come to church, begin to confess, become close to the priests. Thanks to their child, they go to church. Pain makes them, in search of consolation, pray for the dead, attend services.
If you ask me, pain softens the heart, making it receptive to the word of God, even if it, being callous, had not received this word before. For example, in the bloom of youth, a person thinks only of himself, and not of someone else. They have diplomas, fame, health, beauty - everything. But when the illness ties them to bed, they begin to think differently. Earthly goods are futile and meaningless, like everything else in this world.

С.Х. [(4,5) 46,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with the statement of Fr. Jack Sparks. Indeed, pride is a product of the devil. Pride is preceded by such spiritual “illnesses” as arrogance, vanity, hypocrisy and many others. All these "diseases" are the result of the same spiritual “deviation” - unhealthy attention to one's own personality. In the process of developing pride in a person, vanity is first observed, and the difference between these two types of spiritual “illnesses” is about the same as between a teenager and an adult.
Fortunately, there is a remedy for this disease — obedience and humility. Just many circumstances every day convince a person of his limitations and failure, so we have no reason for pride. And if God gave us some kind of gift and due to this we became a little better than the people with whom fate brought us together, then we must remember that in the world there will always be people more talented and smarter than us. In addition, if we succeed in one thing, we fall behind and weaken in another.

С.Х. [(5) 42]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

People are predominantly afraid of physical death. But we need to be afraid of an insensitive, numb state of the soul, when the body is still alive. In the first case, death is a natural process, a consequence of the first Fall.
As far as I’m concerned, the death of the human spirit world consists in separation from the Divine and in union with sin. In this case, the body is a kind of coffin for the soul. This death is painful and terrible. It does not consist in separating the soul from the body, but in uniting them for eternal torment. That’s why we must fear spiritual privations.

С.Х. [(4,5) 37]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As for me, everything that began to exist was “created”, appeared as a result of the power of God’s working. Work is a part of God's design that success in a profession is the realization of a person's calling; a vocation for which God prepares a person and for which He gives everything necessary.
The talents that the master gives to his slave in the parable of the talents must be applied. What really important is that the person is not the owner of these talents, but the manager, the one who must arrange of the received wisely and effectively. This means that every working person serves his God with those abilities and in that profession that were created by the Creator and entrusted to man by Him.
I think work is a part of God's plan for man, a part of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Working for followers of Christ means serving Christ in your workplace, being a missionary, an ambassador of the Gospel of the Kingdom in your profession. Thus, I agree with the statement of Metropolitan Gregory.

С.Х. [(4,5) 32,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As a message of love, in my opinion, the Gospel brings work into the perspective of love. God's care for man is a constant work. Christ even works as a carpenter. And Christians are called to work "not for food that spoils; instead, work for the food that lasts for eternal life". Thus, labor is made dependent on the purpose of human existence, which is our improvement in love in the image of the God of love.
The Apostle Paul writes that he who does not work, does not eat. As we know, he was a tent maker and served not only his own needs, but also attends to those of his companions. He specifically exhorts Christians to work honestly with their own hands so that they can help those in need. Therefore, we should learn how to have the resolve to labor without sparing ourselves, in order to ripen in good works by having an opportunity to help others and rightly be gathered into the storehouse of life.

С.Х. [(5) 28]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As far as I’m concerned, only in Christ a person finds genuine, real joy, because only Christ gives this joy and consolation. Where Christ is, there is true comfort and paradise jubilation. Those who are far from Christ do not have true joy. They can indulge in dreams: "I will do this and that, I will move there, I will move here", they can be honored, they can indulge in entertainment and therefore feel joy, but this joy will not enrich their souls. This joy is material, worldly, and worldly joy does not enrich the soul, and a person remains with an emptiness in their heart.
Worldly joy gives something temporary, which is pleasant only at the moment, does not give what spiritual joy gives. Spiritual joy is heavenly life. Those who have carried the Cross and are spiritually raised live in Easter joy. And our hunger is satisfied, and our sorrow turns into joy. So, I cannot agree more with Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt.

С.Х. [(5) 23]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I believe that the work was originally blessed by God, for the man was placed in a garden that had to cultivate, where it was necessary to name the animals and plants. Man was placed in paradise, where there was a harmonious relationship between man and the world around him. So, the Fall destroyed this harmony, because harmony was God's plan for His creation. But man abandoned this plan: he refused to live according to God's law, and therefore harmony disappeared. And in order to exist, in order to ensure their survival, a person had to work hard. In addition, man had to take care of his own safety, because nature became hostile to him – after all, harmony had been destroyed.
Therefore, labor is not a curse and not a punishment, and I believe the punishment for sin was the destruction of the harmony of being. Man's relationship with God and with the world around him was interrupted, and in order to exist in this world, it was necessary to work hard. And through labor we fight with weaknesses and thus receive the seal of God's holiness.

С.Х. [(4) 18]

1) The Lutheran REFORMATION came to Denmark from Germany in 1536.
2) The first Portuguese settlers were the JESUITS who established a church in the 16th century.
3) The FRANCISCANS arrived in Cuernavaca in 1529 and founded their 5th monastery in New Spain there.
4) On 17 October 1939, Panteleymon Rozhnovsky was appointed bishop of Grodno and UNDERTOOK MISSIONARY WORK in Western Belarus and Ukraine.
5) THE AUGSBURG CONFESSION is the primary confession of faith of the Lutheran Church and one of the most important documents of the Protestant Reformation.
6) FREE WILL, faith and GRACE are some of the most controversial doctrines in the history of Christianity.
7) To divorce SCRIPTURE from TRADITION — or vice versa — is to both needlessly and dangerously tear apart the whole of divine revelation. Taken from its context within Holy Tradition, the solid rock of Scripture becomes a mere ball of clay, to be molded into whatever shape its handlers wish.
8) Marriage is one of THE SACRAMENTS of Holy Mother Church.
9) Catholic teaching regarding PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD is bound up inseparably with the doctrine of purgatory.
10) PRAYING TO THE SAINTS is to pray to those who can ask God to help us in our various needs in accordance with His will.
11) The LAITY can play an important role in the history of the church.
12) THE SOCIETY OF JESUS was founded by Ignatius of Loyola and six companions with the approval of Pope Paul III in 1540.
13) EXCOMMUNICATION is an institutional act of religious censure used to deprive, suspend, or limit membership in a religious community or to restrict certain rights within it, in particular receiving of the sacraments.
14) Some arguments can be ANATHEMATIZED as heresy.
15) UNIATE is the name given to former Eastern Christian or Orthodox churches that have been received under the jurisdiction of the Church of Rome and retain their own ritual, practice, and canon law.
16) At THE COUNCIL OF FLORENCE's stake was the greater conflict between the Conciliar movement and the principle of THE SUPREMACY OF THE POPE.
17) The ancient, apostolic and biblical PRACTICE of baptizing infants and children has been challenged by some in recent times.
18) LITTLE RUSSIA is a geographical and historical term used to describe the modern-day territories of Ukraine.
19) THE UNION OF BREST was a decision of the Ruthenian Orthodox Church eparchies in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth to break relations with the Eastern Orthodox Church and to enter into communion with, and place itself under the authority of the Pope of Rome.
20) GREAT RUSSIA was the land to which the ethnic Russians were native and where the ethnogenesis of (Great) Russians took place.
21) A JANISSARY was a member of the elite infantry units that formed the Ottoman Sultan's household troops, bodyguards and the first modern standing army in Europe.
22) PURGATORY is an intermediate state after physical death for expiatory purification, according to the belief of some Christians, mostly Catholics.
23) PREDESTINATION is the doctrine that all events have been willed by God, usually with reference to the eventual fate of the individual soul.
24) TRANSUBSTANTIATION is the change of the substance of bread and wine into that of the body and blood of Christ, the change that occurs in the Eucharist.
25) SANCTIFICATION is the act or process of acquiring sanctity, of being made or becoming holy.

С.Х. [(14) 14]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with archbishop Averky`s saying. This idea is very appealing to me.
I reckon, God`s Love is the most fulfilling and beautiful love in the world. He is the only one who will never leave us and will always be around because He is omnipresent. And I think, it could be quite a healing idea for modern people because everyone has a God-shaped hole in them. And we desperately try to fill it with earthly things and feelings but it never helps because we long for something else.
So, after experiencing the sense of fullness and realizing that it comes from God, our love for Him will also become deeper. That`s the way our conscience works. Whenever we become aware of something we develop stronger feeling and deeper understanding of it.

К.Е. [(5) 37,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I believe, Archbishop Seraphim`s saying is quite a wise advice which might be relevant for modern people.
By reacting to the mockery and anger we encourage the continuation of the conflict, in which we find ourselves. I believe, it`s already scientifically proven that people who bully others feed on the victim`s response. So, if the person starts to protect themselves vainly, in fact, they will just give pleasure to the mockers and they`ll do it even harder. Actually, mockery is also a way to establish dominance within a certain community. Therefore, there`re two ways of responding to it: either to show one`s weakness and become a scapegoat or to show one`s power by ignoring such vile methods of communication, so to say.
Anger is a bit different thing. It is an emotion and a sincere one. Usually when someone is enraged, it means they`re disappointed but they can`t or aren`t allowed to show their disappointment, so they cover it up with rage. It is also a way of communication but a tricky one. A spiritual person should really strive to learn how to see a distraught human being maybe with a broken heart or somehow offended behind an enraged man or woman. That`s why we should be silent.
Moreover, an angry person can actually tell you something you wouldn`t like to know or prefer to ignore. By learning such things we also become meeker because we start understanding how imperfect we are.

К.Е. [(5) 32,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can agree with Righteous John`s saying only partly.
On the one hand, it is true that it`s better to have less distractions when a person tries to live a spiritual life. For example, cluttering our living space we also clutter our mind and that`s why a great psychotherapist Jordan Peterson so often suggests to start a mindful life by cleaning a person`s room. So, less money means less distractions. On the other hand, however, less money in certain cases means more stress. For example, when someone has a family and is responsible for their children and other family members, it`s a great stress which might become a greater distraction than any earthly pleasure.
So, every case is unique and, I guess, there can be no general formula for those who love God. A person can become spiritual in both cases. It depends on person`s predisposition, family, worldview, surroundings, experience and many other factors.

К.Е. [(5) 27,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with the quote of Archbishop Averky about vanity. This sin really destroys a person from the inside. We may not even notice how vanity sneaked up invisibly, and now we are already helping some poor man or woman in the street just to be seen by people, so they could tell others, and to praise us of course (to be praised by others). Vanity encourages us to do good deeds and actions not for the glory of God, but for the good of our glory.
It is very difficult to get rid of this sin.
Romain Rollan said this phrase: “A vain man doesn’t care about who he is, but cares about what he seems to be”. He wants to stand higher in the opinion of others than he is worth. He tries to appear to others in a favorable light. A "two-faced" person appears. “Even the one who is no longer afraid of anything in the world is afraid of ridicule" (Gogol). Society regulates the behavior of its members with its opinion. In this way, they become "slaves of public opinion". The thought "what will they say?" gets paradoxically more powerful sometimes. Also pride and vanity go hand in hand.
The only way to get rid of vanity is in reverse: to do good deeds in secret and to pray. If we avoid vanity, we can be involved in the glory of God in the eternal life.

А.Н. [(5) 18]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It seems to me that the main meaning of this quote is human humility. But people often think, how can they be humble if they are being treated unfairly? In order to answer this question, we need to understand what humility is. For me, humility does not mean groveling. Our focus should be on humbling ourselves to the will of God and living to fulfill his commandments, rather than trying to meet other people's demands and expectations. Therefore, I fully agree with this quote. I think this quote will help me better understand what true Christian humility is.

Ал.С. [(5) 47,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It seems to me that the meaning of this quote is a person's love for God and how a person can show this love. With the love of God for man, everything is clear. God loves and cares for his children (humanity). This love never changes. It does not depend on the appearance, the amount of money. It does not change depending on the number of your talents and abilities. It is with you when you are sad or happy, depressed or hopeful. God's love is always with you. But how do you show your love for God? I think that keeping the commandments of God is proof of a person's love for their Heavenly Father. I agree with this quote, because it helps to remember that faith is not words, but actions and deeds, so for a Christian to live by keeping the commandments is the best proof of love for God.

Ал.С. [(5) 42,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I think the point of this quote is to protect a person from vainglory. Why is vainglory so dangerous? It seems to me that vainglory leads to a limitation of human capabilities. The Lord, creating man, laid in him the desire to develop, to learn forever. Can people develop if they are proud of what they have? If people have pride of current knowledge, will they need more knowledge? If people have pride of what they have done, will they feel the desire to do something better or more correctly? If people are satisfied with their current state so much that it gives rise to pride, then isn't it a stop in development? I agree with this quote, because the time that people spend on vainglory can be spent on other good deeds. Therefore, it seems to me that this quote is relevant as a reminder of humility in modern life.

Ал.С. [(5) 37,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I think the main point of this quote is to remind people to take care of the soul even after the person has died. Prayer is the only way the living can help the dead. People are focused on life in this world and forget that death is a natural part of life that awaits everyone. This is why this quote is so relevant in our time, when people in the pursuit of material values forget about the spiritual component.

Ал.С. [(5) 32,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It seems to me that the main meaning of the quote is a reminder to people that human nature must be constantly worked on. Reading Psalms and prayer are the main ways of a person's spiritual work on himself. The second important idea of this quote is moderation and timely execution of work. I really like the expression "everything is good in moderation", so I always try to stick to this statement. I fully agree with this quote and believe that moderation is the key to harmony.

Ал.С. [(5) 27,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It seems to me that this is a very personal question of human communication with God. This also applies to what a person asks of God. You can't demean the requests of one person compared to the requests of another, because what each person asks isbased on a specific situation and problem. It is impossible to fully understand the problems of another person. Therefore, it is at least strange to advise people what to ask of God. However, if we consider this question in the context of this quote, we can say that asking God for the ability to see your sins and cry over them can be one of the most important requests of a Christian to God. This skill leads to repentance. It can open up the possibility of entering the Kingdom of Heaven after death.

Ал.С. [(4,5) 22,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Perhaps, I agree with this quote. When a person begins to worry too much about his own material problems, he does not have time for spiritual matters. We should remember that we are all children of the Lord who cares for us, so instead of worrying, it is better to spend this time communicating with God. It will be more useful for strengthening the human soul.

Ал.С. [(5) 18]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with the statement of Righteous John entirely.
To my mind, two important statements can be derived from this phrase of Righteous John. The first one is that our body is not our enemy. It seems to me it’s widely spread among Christians to regard your physical body as a rebelling slave which you should subdue. Many pious people try to get rid of all the feelings they regard sinful. I guess there are some feelings that a Christian shouldn’t experience but the reason that stands behind such feelings is not our body’s problems but the imperfections of the spirit. That was the second idea I see in Righteous John’s words.
When you sin, you do it with your body, and it may seem it is the body to blame. Nevertheless, every time you find yourself in a sinful state you should turn your attention to the state of your spirit. These are always the spiritual privations that make one commit iniquities.

А.В. [(5) 27,5]

1. At the beginning of the 16th century JESUITS and FRANCISCANS went to the eastern Mediterranean and UNDERTOOK MISSIONARY WORK among the Orthodox.
2. The Orthodox Church did not UNDERGO either A REFORMATION, or a Counter-Reformation.
4. In 1564, with the arrival of THE SOCIETY OF JESUS the pressure on the Orthodox Church has increased, and in 1596 a council was summoned, which ended with the two sides EXCOMMUNICATING and ANATHEMATIZING one another.

1. The members of a “UNIATE” Church, the basis of which was formed at THE COUNCIL OF FLORENCE, were “THE CATHOLICS OF THE EASTERN RITE”, or UNIATES. They were allowed to keep traditional PRACTICES with the recognition of THE SUPREMACY OF THE POPE: there was subtle difference with Orthodoxy, but uneducated peasants in LITTLE RUSSIA still were capable of understanding it. The results of THE UNION OF BREST now are the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Belarussian Greek Catholic Church.
4. TITHE is a kind of IMPOST which a Christian should give to the Church.
5. GREAT RUSSIA became Russia.

Cyril Lukaris’ reign as Patriarch was full of UNEDIFYING intrigues, he was deposed from OFFICE six times, and in the end was strangled by Turkish JANISSARIES, Cyril’s “Confession” was condemned by no less than six LOCAL COUNCILS and two other HIERARCHS reacted to it with producing Confessions of their own. In one of these Confessions passages about THE CONSECRATION IN THE EUCHARIST (because Peter attributed it only to THE WORDS OF INSTITUTION) and PURGATORY were altered. In 1672 Dositheus wrote his Confession, where he diverged with Cyril over four chief matters and one of them is the question of FREE WILL, GRACE and PREDESTINATION. In his work, to write about the Eucharist, Dositheus used not only the Latin term TRANSUBSTANTIATION but also the distinction between SUBSTANCE and ACCIDENTS.

1. THE NON-JURORS was a group of Anglicans that refused to swear allegiance to William of Orange. 2. At the center of the SPIRITUAL REVIVAL was SAINT NICODEMUS OF THE HOLY MOUNTAIN (who is also called ‘THE HAGIORITE’), who compiled an anthology of spiritual writings ‘THE PHILOKALIA’ of 1207 FOLIO pages.

А.В. [(22) 22,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with this quotation. We should be afraid of spiritual privations more than bodily privations. We come to this world alone and leave this world alone and nothing stays with us after life. But we have our beliefs, our thoughts, our spiritual growth. We should think about this more because that will stay with us forever and even after death. Time goes on. We get older, our body changes and then dies. But our spirit won't die forever. So, I think, people should rather work on themselves and cultivate their mind and soul, than to think how to save the body, buy some new things, cars, houses, etc. We won't need this after death.

О.К. [(4) 55,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To begin with, I totally agree with the quotation of Fr. Jack Sparks. I think people have too high self-esteem. They don't know what problems other people face every day and judge others when they don't have even an opportunity to do this. We might think about ourselves better than we are in reality. Human nature is changed, it is not ideal, so we can always fall under the influence of passions. And the devil is waiting for that moment of our weakness.
Of course, all people make mistakes. And our mind works in such a way that we don't think of our own mistakes, our demons that are inside.

О.К. [(4,5) 51,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To begin with, I should think about the quotation of Metropolitan Saba (Esber) more. It is a different view on the cross and I seldom encounter this in my life.
On the one hand, it is true that the cross is a beautiful spiritual meditation. It is a sign of Christianity, our belief in God Jesus Christ. Also it is a sign of our way to God because Christ gave this to us, so we all have a chance to meet with Him after death.
But on the other hand, the cross means responsibility. We must not forget about what sufferings there were, so we can have now a way to God. The cross is a sign of death in suffering which a Christ died for us, to let us have a way to freedom from our sins. The cross is a fight against evil in this world.
To sum up, the sign of the cross means a lot for Christian people. For us it will always mean spiritual freedom and enduring suffering at the same time.

О.К. [(2,5) 52]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In general, I agree with this quotation. Charity does not work right when a person gives something to others without... let us say spiritual work inside. I faced with situations in my life when people did something good for the others in order to get something good in return. Like carma.
First of all, charity should come from an open and kind heart. Only in this case you will get something good in return. You shouldn't wait for that. You should just give. That also applies to charity that is given unwillingly, especially unwillingly.
Many charities are not good places for those who really need help. Not material charity has value but charity from the heart.
And also there is a reason which is important too. Charities with no heart close fast. People might really need a help but there will no people who want to help.
I think it is a big problem today. People are used to living for themselves. They remember times when they didn't have anything but they didn't make right conclusions from this. They decided to live and know no need. They don't remember that there are people who need a help. And they can help these people but choose to close their eyes and hearts to those who have nothing. They can help and give money or something else but in this action there will be no benefit for anyone.

О.К. [(3,5) 49,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I totally agree with this quote of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. People who face all the problems spiritually are not exhausted. It means that they are always thankful for everything in their lives and don't expect anything. When someone accepts everything with thanks it is easier to find a solution to a problem, even if he doesn't have any powers inside, he won't be broken.
But frankly speaking, I don't always live up to this statement. I try to, but I'm just an ordinary person who has a lot to do to make my life better and not to get angry when something goes wrong or happens. Hope, once I'll be able to become a better version of myself and always accept situations as a God's will. Sometimes I do, but there are moments when I'm practically broken.

О.К. [(4) 46]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Elder Thaddeus (Strabulovich) of Vitovnica is right in his quote. We shouldn't worry about our life a lot. We don't have responsibility for everything in this world. But some people try and that leads their souls to anxiety. No one can stop or predict anything because our world is a changing place. Everything can happen.
So, it's better to let everything go, to rely on God's will and live everyday life. God knows what's better for us.
As for me, I became much more stable when I realized this. My nervous system started working well and I became much happier.

О.К. [(4,5) 42]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To begin with, I agree with this quotation. When a person is able to see his sins and mistakes, he can do anything and he is filled with real wisdom. God is the only one who gives people everything. One needs only to ask Him with humility.
Our life is to learn how to love everyone and everything. Parents, members of family, friends, people, animals, and then in total we can speak about love to God. I think it is impossible to love God only because He exists or just someone Who is in Heaven and everyone calls Him the Lord. Some abstract person. But God is among us. He is love, so we should learn love every day to learn to love God.
And there are a lot of troubles and difficulties along this way. And pride is one of the biggest difficulties. So the gift to see our sins can help us to work on our imperfections. This power could make us stronger inside because not everyone is ready to face one's inner demons. But it's a great weapon against them.
As for me, a possibility to see in what I'm wrong is great. I want always to work on myself and become better and better.

О.К. [(4) 37,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with Abba Evagrius the Monk. Human nature needs work to become better. Our sins spoil our souls. Anger, lust, and other things should be worked on. I believe that not wars or illnesses will kill people. A poison is already inside us. We are the poison, our sins. The Devil watches us and he is always ready to help a person to lose his way to God. But we have a way out - working and making our mind better, fighting with our imperfections.
There are some weapons for us to fight with different sins. And we should know that lust and other strong passions of our soul need a long work on them. Not actions but motives of these actions should be worked on.
I think, there are much more variants of inner work. But this is worth it in case if you want to become a better version of yourself.

О.К. [(3,5) 33,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Oh, this topic is much more difficult for me than the others. I was told a lot about this in my childhood. That we should pray for the departed and such things. For me, that's normal to realise that death is around us and waiting for us. Some people die unexpectedly. And that's our must to pray for their souls. That's the only help we can give them. I have a lot of those whom I knew in my life. And I always try to remember their names. These people did good things to me. I know I can't help them differently but to pray.
We think too much about our life here, in this world. But we forget that this world can stop existing for us at any moment!
We do so many unimportant things that only seem important but they are not in reality. The only thing that is important is our life after death. We should think more about this because we all will depart sooner or later.

О.К. [(4,5) 30]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I do also believe that good deeds should be done in silence. It is not necessary to talk about them. Vanity is a bad trait of any person. And I like the idea that people shouldn't take rewards for good deeds. My mother brought me up with this understanding. Good is called good because it doesn't need anything in return. Christianity teaches us to be open to problems of other people, not to close your heart and eyes if somebody needs a help. Only when you live with this understanding you will get back much more than you gave.
As for me, it would be uncomfortable to know that I must do something in return when I was helped. I think that God wants something different from us. He wants us to be ready to help others, to make their lives better. Moreover it is our mission to make people's lives better.

О.К. [(3,5) 25,5]

1. Every pupil in the school knows that the Orthodox Church has not UNDERGONE either A REFORMATION.
2. There are a lot of different people in the world and these are called JESUITS and FRANCISCANS.
4. Have you read THE AUSBURG CONFESSION which was translated into Greek and other languages?
6. LAITY consists of all members who are not part of the clergy, usually including any non-ordained members of religious orders, e.g. a nun or lay brother.
7. THE SOCIETY OF JESUS is a religious order of the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome.
8. John was EXCOMMUNICATED for his words in the Church.
9. ANATHEMATIZING is to be avoided by all the Christians.
10. UNIATE Church members are known as CATHOLICS OF THE EASTERN RITE.
11. Did THE COUNCIL OF FLORENCE form the basis of the union?
13. There are some traditional PRACTICES that will not stop being practiced by the PAPACY.
14. THE UNION OF BREST had a huge influence on the World History.
15. Turks took their IMPOST in the past to enter into no account of religion.
16. TITHES is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government.
17. We live in GREAT RUSSIA.
18. You did an UNDEFYING conclusion.
19. Who were the JANISSARIES?
20. HIERARCH is one who has high and controlling authority in sacred things; the chief of a sacred order.
21. The dead will go into PURGATORY after death first.
22. The union between Russia and USA is IN FORCE.
23. SANCTIFICATION is the act or process of acquiring sanctity, of being made or becoming holy.
24. From 1716 to 1725 a most interesting correspondence was maintained between the Orthodox and THE NON-JURORS.
25. I passed through the SPIRITUAL REVIVAL not for a long time ago.
26. My mother was at SAINT NICODEMUS OF THE HOLY MOUNTAIN’s remains.
27. Maybe once we will see a SPIRITUAL REAWAKING of all the people around the world.
28. Who drew on Roman Catholic WORKS OF DEVOTION, adapting for Orthodox use books by Lorenzo Scupoli and Ignatius Loyola?
29. I don’t understand what is the FREQUENT COMMUNION in Catholicism?
30. We COMMUNICATED with Orthodox Patriarch yesterday at the meeting.
31. People around the world WORSHIP on feast days.
33. Russia continued to appoint its own CHIEF HIERARCH.
34. Russian Church became AUTOCEPHALOUS.
35. THE DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE is an emblem of Russia.
36. My old friend LAPSED INTO HERESY and we stopped being friends.
37. Catholic Church FELL INTO HERESY.
38. The Emperor of Byzantium is a CHAMPION and protector of Orthodoxy.
40. The dream of Saint Sergius to occur a SPIRITUAL DESCENDANTS came true.
41. HERMITS lived everywhere but not with people.
43. I saw a little girl asking for ALMS.
45. Only people who decided to VOW TO COMPLETE POVERTY can achieve true detachments.
46. Sometimes I want to become a monk as they are TANGLED UP IN SECULAR ANXIETIES.
48. But I still choose A WORDLY WAY as this is how I see that I can serve God.
49. A RELUCTANT person is somebody who is unwilling to obey orders or to do what should be done, or refusing to be controlled.
50. THE POSSESSORS and NON-POSSESSORS are different people.

О.К. [(22) 22]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The words of saint Paisios of Mount Athos seem quite reasonable for me. The exhausted person can’t consider anything spiritually. They just don’t have spiritual power for doing it.
And the best thing we can do is to stay spiritually conscious in any situation. As Christians we are supposed to be merciful and not indifferent and we need to keep our mental strength which would help us to be worthy of God’s mercy.

В.О. [(4) 34]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement is extremely relevant. We really feel much more peaceful when we rely upon God and not ourselves. And the other important thing is that we should think more about God and not ourselves that also helps to stay calm.
We all know that the Father wants the best for His children and there is no reason for ignorance of this knowledge. We must feel it deeply and be sure that God won’t leave us and will give us exactly what we need.

В.О. [(4,5) 30]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Once I heard that the only thing we may ask God for is strength to overcome all the challenges we are destined to. That seemed quite reasonable. However, I started to think that this may be not the only thing we can ask for.
When we pray for our family or friends we ask for their health. And it’s a worthy thing to ask. And that’s not as egocentric as asking only for ourselves.
So, it may be seeing our own sins which may help us to see that everything we need is strength and to think more about others than about ourselves and our sinful or selfish desires. We should have the ability to notice our own sins and cry over them in order to get rid of them.

В.О. [(5) 25,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As I see it, Abba Evagrius the Monk said about a kind of moderation and temperance. We should do everything in the right time and in the right place not trying to treat a cold doing an MRI or something like this. Everything should be reasonable and proportional to the problem.
And spending great efforts doing something which is extra can never bring any benefit to anyone. We should always keep our balance.

В.О. [(4) 20,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

That’s a kind of arguable question. At least I see it this way. From the spiritual point of view, it’s pretty much clear that the most important thing is to take care of your immortal soul and your neighbors’ immortal souls.
However, from the point of view of a person who lives in the world, it seems quite impossible to think about the dead more than about the living. I am rather of the second opinion, although I understand that it’s wrong for a Christian.
So, it seems controversial.

В.О. [(4) 16,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I suppose that it’s the best advice for any Christian and, maybe, especially for a monk, because it’s often said that the most dangerous sin which threatens any monk more than any other is vainglory. They may start praising themselves for leading a God-pleasing life.
However, we all should remember that we have sins and that we need always to tame our passions and cry over them. And the best way not to provoke our vainglory is to do good in secret, as the most important thing for us is humility.

В.О. [(5) 12,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The statement of Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt, is absolutely fair. A person who has everything thinks only about their bodily pleasures. In fact, they are at a standstill.
On the contrary, a person who is deprived somehow thinks about spiritual things. They don’t have anything in this world and naturally start thinking about the life of the age to come.
The best example we can find in the Bible. It’s the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. And we can see there which way of life more fruitful, from the spiritual point of view.

В.О. [(4,5) 7,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) of Bogucharsk speaks about humility, which is one of the most important things for a Christian. We should endure everything as the Lord commanded.
And not to be offended we may ignore the offensive words or deeds and just pray. Prayer helps a lot even in bad situations.

В.О. [(3) 3]

We may divide SPIRITUAL DESCENDANTS of Protestantism into 12 major tendencies (branches).
HERMITS may seem to be useless but they do actually a very important job. They spread kindness and love over the world.
People tend to LAPSE INTO HERESY due to their curiosity, perversity and greed, I think.
I personally think that a monk should BE DETACHED from THE WORLD but only at the beginning of his way. When he is ready, he will willingly or unwillingly have to come across the people, bringing peace and consolation.
RECALCITRANCE is a double-edged thing. On the one hand it may help us to resist the evil, on the other hand with its help we can be led away from doing right things.

А.С. [(1,5) 15]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with the statement. I trully believe that Theotokos unconditionally, infinitely loves us. She cares about our lives like a loving mother and she always helps. The problem is in our faith, I am inclined to think that grace can hardly find its way to our hearts when our faith is thin or in case when we feel angry or are being ungrateful. By the way we become angry or offended because of the sins, we often think that others should behave in a manner we want it to be, but they don't have to, it is just our pride. So prayer helps us not to sin.

Н.Л. [(3) 17,5]

1. Among Orthodox monks there are HERMITS - such people avoid any contact not only with the world but also with each other.
2. Though ALMSGIVING is an important part of an Orthodox Christian life, it is necessary to know what is better to give to a needy person, and what is not recommended to. For example, giving money is not the best way to help the poor, as it may seem. One should better donate warm clothes, food or help with accomodation.
3. TO BE DETACHED FROM THE WORLD is a task for monks, but for laity it is normal to read secular literature, attend concerts and watch films, though there are some people who are afraid to do it and take these things for sins.
4. I am convinced that CORPORATE WORSHIP is vitally important for us, since being among other people who are praying, too, inspires your prayer and destroys the feeling of so called spiritual loneliness.

М.Ч. [(2,5) 22,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

By contrast with previous quotations, this one doesn’t make me think whether I agree or there are some controversial points, to find arguments for and against, and so on. I found the quote rather comforting than thought-provoking or hard to understand.
These words concisely express the sense of praying to saints. Some people don’t realize why we should do this, since we are free to pray to God directly, and some consider such prayers to be “more effective”, because there are no mediators between a person and God. But we should remember that saints are also able to help us. Somewhere (unfortunately I cannot recall the source now) I’ve read a thought, that saints and we are the children of God and, as for any sincere parent, it is a pleasure for Him to see His children communicate with each other and ask each other for help before turning to the Father.
Like older brothers and sisters, who have already achieved what they desired, saints are a good example for us of how to act to become like them.

М.Ч. [(5) 20]

1) The stamp of «THE SUCCESSORS OF BYZANTIUM» has always been our problem, I think, for it has always suppressed us by its weight.
2) The CHIEF HIERARCH of the church being elected must take responsibility for all that has been done and should be done in the present moment and in the future.
3) Our church is AUTOCEPHALOUS and being so it considers many other autocephalous churches to be wrong, isn’t it a paradox?
4) The rulers of our country have always been AUTOCRATS, even now our president is kind of a czar, ruling the country until it is ruined.
5) THE DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE lifts its heads up on a tower on the Red Square, but its symbolism has been fogotten since long ago.

А.С. [(2) 13,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The only thing that i can’t understand is why should we call upon the saints when God can hear as well, and can also immediately answer our call, if it is done with faith. I also think that when we are venerating the saints we are worshiping our Lord. And consequently it is God who helps us. They are only mediums, why then should we call upon them instead of calling God directly?
All that I wrote above doesn’t mean I consider veneration of saints to be idolatry. I think it is important to remember the lives of the saints due to their holy deeds which can be treated as a good example for our lives. Indeed we should commemorate such people and such deeds, for they are worthy of their glory and their deeds are worthy to be noted and glorified. But when venerating them there has been always a danger to forget to whom they were dedicated, as the saints never did it for the glory of people or themselves but for the glory of God.

А.С. [(3,5) 11,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In my opinion, the main meaning of this quote is that spiritual growth of a person is possible when a person stays physically and financially in uncomfortable situation. I do not agree with this quote. Financial condition has nothing to do with the strength of faith. Well-off people who open funds to help the poor are an example where financial well-being has not affected the power of faith. Moreover, poverty is not a guarantee of a person's sincere faith. Poverty can be one of the causes of anger and envy. I think it is impossible to judge the strength of a person's faith by their material condition.

Ал.С. [(5) 13]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It seems to me that the main idea of this quote is to remind believers what they must do to get into the Kingdom of God.
We can say that the Kingdom of God is the state of human nature renewed by divine grace, and the enthronement of Christ in the human mind and heart by the action of the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God in this age does not come externally but is found within man. I would like to quote the Gospel “And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you…” (Luke 17:20-21).
I can agree with this quote and consider it practically useful, because this quote makes you think about saving the soul.

Ал.С. [(5) 8]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In my opinion, the idea of this statement is that God is love and if a believer asks for help from God with respect and love he will definitely receive it.
I agree with this statement. First, if you do everything with love, you will get it back in multiple volumes. Second, I do not see the point in asking God for help if you do not believe in God. In my opinion, this is illogical. I would like to quote the Gospel to prove my words " Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father…" (John 14: 12).
I think that everyone knows the truth of doing everything with love and respect for others but, unfortunately, due to stress and fatigue, we forget about it. This statement will help you not forget about the need to love and give love.

Ал.С. [(3) 3]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In my opinion all those things that are listed by abbot Nikon Vorobiov indeed have become a crucial part of the life of a CONSCIOUS Orthodox Christian or just a Christian. However, I would look at them more closely.
Let us try to understand what it means «to be vigilant over oneself». Having read the definitions, we could smell the scent of the word. No matter how familiar the word looks, always use dictionaries. So the dictionaries say «Giving careful attention to what is happening, so that you will notice any danger and illegal activities.» So to be in the present moment. By the way, the «being in the present moment» is taught by many religions. Given only that, we could already get it, how important it is.
And the next phrase tells us exactly how to be vigilant. It says «Struggle with thoughts». We may ask «with which? With this or that, those or these? There are so terribly many of them!» Though my answer may seem strange but I would say that we should fight all the thoughts that take us away from the conscious being and it doesn’t matter whether they are good or bad. To say the least, due to those thoughts we are overwhelmed by trifles.
I didn’t quite get the humbling-before-others point. Most probably there it goes about the patience. Thus, little wonder that I can’t get it. I’ve had no patience at all for so long.
All three points which come next are the solutions to the problem. We are to be healed with their help, bodily and mentally.

А.С. [(3) 8]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

First of all, I suppose that the idea of struggling with thoughts, revealing them and regular partaking of the Holy Mysteries is known by all the Orthodox Christians. More or less, we try to control ourselves constantly to avoid conflicts and not irritate our neighbors. Peace is extremely important indeed. But the thought about humbling yourself before others seems quite complicated to me.
As for me, I can hardly imagine myself undertaking nothing in response to someone’s unjust actions towards me, especially when those ones affect my work or even more, my life. It would be weird not to protect myself and let others destroy some aspects of my life. So what does it mean to humble myself before others? I suppose that according to this phrase we must not place truth higher than peace and love to others. It concerns those moments when in an argument you feel that your partner is obviously wrong, but they don’t accept your point of view and insist that they are right. In such situations it is really hard to stop proving something, because if you do, there will be a feeling of losing the argument. Then you may feel in some way humbled, but it would mean that you do everything correctly.
To humble yourself means to support peace through controlling our pride and desire to prove our truth. This is already not easy and enough for the beginning.

М.Ч. [(3,5) 15]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

From the first sight it's obvious, but many people still are not inclined to do it. Also even if you're trying, the days grow longer, the storms are stronger, there are many temptations and trials along this path to God, the stronger you're trying the harder they will be, so those things can be not so easy to do. When you've learned some prayers by heart you can just read them through and not fully get the meaning of them etc. By the way, to be a true Christian a person preferably must find himself in that kind of harmony when you keep calm, labour and rest enough, do not overeat and so on. The first commandment says to love God with all your heart, so I think it's where we start. But what does it basically mean? I hope that I'll find out someday. At the moment it means for me to be in that sense of presence of God and to trust him fully, to be thankful for all you have. Maybe being in that mood makes you easily do all needed to be with God.

Н.Л. [(3) 14,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This brilliant statement by Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt is about Christian people and their lives, about why the life of a Christian is so hard and full of suffering and griefs. Righteous John said that life in "straitness, in poverty, sickness, misfortune" straighten the spirit of a person otherwise when a man lives in a very good conditions he can forget about God. I quite agree with that, firstly, I feel love of God especially strongly when I go through some difficulties, diseases etc. Secondly, when all the bad is left behind you feel stronger that you'd been before. So God teaches us through these difficulties, I think.

Н.Л. [(3) 11,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It is true that man grows spiritually when he experiences difficulties. Not only experiences, but fights with them. And therefore the Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt says «when he lives in straightness, in poverty, sickness, misfortune, and afflictions, in a word, when his animal nature is crushed, then he grows spiritually, bears flowers of virtue, ripens and brings forth rich fruits». But before he says that «When he lives in full liberty, in abundance and prosperity, then he grows in body and does not grow in spirit, does not bring forth fruits — good works». But isn’t it all the other way round? When we have all the necessary circumstances for the spiritual growth isn’t it much easier to walk the path of a righteous man? And isn’t it much harder to be fruitful, to refine oneself every day living in full liberty and having opportunities to do everything you want? It seems to me to be a more conscious choice, and a narrower path to walk when you are free to choose.

А.С. [(5) 5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To begin with, I fully agree with the quote of Archbishop Averky (Taushev). Vainglory is a sin which prevents us from achieving the Heavenly Kingdom. The elders usually advise that if you do a good deed, you should immediately froget about it and erase it from memory. The only one who knows about it is God, our Father. Modesty and silence should accompany us when we do the deeds of mercy.

А.А. [(5) 30]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Firstly, I don’t quite agree with the quote of Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt. On the one hand, poverty, sickness and misfortune contribute to the spiritual growth indeed. But on the other hand, all things mentioned above can lead a Christian to gloom and dismay. When you are not healthy and therefore not joyful, it’s extremly difficult to praise the Lord, to go to Church and enjoy the life God granted you. Therefore, the path to salvation could be wide and prosperous and not especially «narrow», as Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt puts it.

А.А. [(4) 25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with Elder Thaddeus` saying.
Many people crave to take control over their whole life and this unfeasible dream often leads to development of anxiety. Nobody can predict anything. Life is too unstable by nature to fit in our plans perfectly every day. So, it`s better to let go of this craving and try to change one`s attitude towards everything that happens and our actions. Those two things are the only two that are within our power.
From my experience, it`s quite hard to constantly stay aware of this idea. However, when I manage to remember about it I become much more stable and overall happier.

К.Е. [(5) 22,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can do nothing but to agree with St. Paisios` idea.
Spirituality implies certain attitude towards life, which is to trust God entirely. When one believes that whatever happens is for the better and their actions stem from this same conviction it`s easier to find a solution to any problem or to let go of things that aren`t within their power. So, people that manage to live up to this conviction accumulate much energy and become inexhaustible doers of deeds of virtue.
I`m pretty far from this state because I oftentimes question fundamental ideas such as this and I also can`t overcome my craving to control my life. However, I guess, my grandmother is a good example of how a person can trust God and accept every hardship as an opportunity to grow and to change.

К.Е. [(5) 17,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with Righteous John's saying in terms of spiritual aspect of charity. Nevertheless, I believe, there's the other side of the coin.
I assume that material support is quite important, regardless of the fact, whether the person does it unwillingly or readily. It's essential for the person who's accepting this support, first of all because it helps them to fulfill their basic needs and to have some power for spiritual growth. After all, most of the people live according to their instincts, that is they think about survival first. As for me, it's quite understandable that a person strives to survive in the first place because it's in our nature. You can't preach to a hungry person and expect them to follow and heed.
However, one should treat others with respect and help them with respect. Otherwise it'll be not only unpleasant to the giver, but also will bring more despair to the receiver, because it's pretty painful psychologically to receive help from someone who expresses resentment towards you.
Also, one can help by sharing knowledge and experience or share their time by taking care of them instead of something material.

К.Е. [(4,5) 12,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can relate to Fr. Jack`s saying.
Due to our inability to look inside the other's head and learn their true thoughts and motivations, we tend to ascribe to others what we`d think or do in that particular situation. I believe, this is a natural process, which we developed along with our conscience. We try to predict future this way and to avoid some unwanted consequences. However, it doesn`t work well all the time.
Every human being is unique and shows their unique reactions to each situation which can differ drastically from our reactions. The same goes for the traits we ascribe to a person and, basically, to everything we tend to ascribe to anyone. The thing is, we can never understand each particular human being to the full, so, for us, they become a blank canvas which we fill with whatever we feel is right.
Frequently we subconsciously project our worst upon this canvas. Our mind is designed this way that we avoid thinking about our inner demons. It`s hard and scary to admit that you`re not a well-meaning person. Nevertheless, by ignoring it, we make our mind and ourselves suffer from it more. Our subconscious can`t communicate with us directly, so it does it via dreams, obsessive thoughts and projection as well. So, basically, what we see as repellent in others is what we prefer to ignore in ourselves not to ruin the perfect image of ourselves.
Recently I`ve faced this problem. Despite being quite unpleasant and painful, this experience turned out to be quite liberating as well. I`ve been working with my pride issues for quite a while, so this saying is relatable to me.

К.Е. [(4) 8]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As I think, Righteous John`s saying is pretty precise and I do my best to live up to it, but I guess, it's not that easy to follow for most of the people.
Survival instinct dominates commoner's mind. And it's just natural that they fear hunger, poverty and pain. Those things are frightening and threatening because nobody really wants to die.
More than that, I believe, modern society makes people fear them even more by drawing too much attention to the material side of our life. The most credible thing in the today`s world, which is science, is entirely focused on explaining everything through rationality and materialism. On the one hand, it`s good. Scientific progress has prolonged our life and made it much more comfortable and bearable. However, science also fights against the Creator, leaving a huge hole in the human soul. People started suffering from mental diseases and crisis much more frequently because so many of them have lost their guiding star in many cheerless life situations (such as death of a dear one) and meaning of life on the whole.
So, in the modern world dominated by scientific worldview and the idea that life is all about one`s comfort, as I think, it`s no wonder that what people really care about is their bodily comfort.

К.Е. [(4) 4]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The idea that we shouldn’t take rewards and praises for our good deeds seems not so simple to me, though I completely agree with it.
In reality it turned out that after I help somebody, do something useful but not routine, unconsciously I feel that I deserve something in return. At the same time I remember that in Christianity it is not appropriate to expect awards for good actions. As a result I often began treating myself as one who cannot perform deeds of mercy correctly at all. No doubt that such a thought is more likely to be absurd, since anyone is capable of doing things which help to achieve salvation.
Such confusion became resolved when I read an expression by a priest, according to which it was better to help our neighbors and feel proud after that rather than to do nothing and feel proud without a reason. Then, if a person is a true Christian, they will little by little overcome the temptation of vainglory through the confession and prayer, and continue doing deeds of mercy.
I suppose, God needs not our good actions as such but the readiness to make someone else’s life better, lighter, easier. Of course, when you are waiting for a reward the close ones feel uncomfortable, especially those whom you have helped – so the mission to lighten their lives will fail.

М.Ч. [(2,5) 11,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quotation expresses the idea, about which I have earlier thought a lot. Once it became shocking for me, that only being alive and having a physical body we are able to choose ourselves what to do, whether to commit a sin or to avoid doing it, we can confess it and again get a chance to begin leading a new, more pure and righteous life.
How often we forget about such a chance! It seems weird to go to church on a weekday instead of relaxing at home; we are too lazy to help a needy once again, at least to buy some food for those who beg on the streets. Also it is necessary to read the Bible regularly, but some Christians don’t, though still calling themselves Christians.
All those things may seem not so important, priests preach about them every Sunday; every Sunday we come to church and stay there for two or three hours not always concentrating on what we actually came for, but thinking about routine daily tasks. Trying to care about the future, we think of a wrong one. The most important future is what awaits us after our death, because then we will not be able to change anything, to ask an offended person for forgiveness or confess the transgressions. Only prayers of living human beings shall help the departed to relief their condition.
I am convinced that it is absolutely normal to speak about death and discuss such points as this in the quote, since we are all alive and all will sooner or later depart.

М.Ч. [(4,5) 9]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Well, there is a statement by Abba Evagrius the Monk. It says that everything without proper measure is short-lived. We can not but agree with the statement. It's absolutely true, for instance, some people can think that they are feeling true love but it can be just passion or egoism. They just want the other person to make them happy, want to take but not to give. I think it isn't love, because "Love's ways are ever fair, it takes no thought for itself" (I Corinthians 13:5) and of course all passions are short-lived and makes people miserable, but "love has no end." (I Corinthians 13:8).
This statement is also about how it's important to be patient and focused during our lifetime. For calm life full of labor and prayer is the only way to defeat passions.

Н.Л. [(4) 8,5]

1. The APOSTOLIC COUNСIL OF JERUSALEM was the first council in the Church’s history and is described in the Acts of the Apostles.
2. ST. PETER ultimately stood a middle-ground between the Jewish Christians and the Gentile Christians.
3. The word JUDAIZERS comes from Judaize, which is seldom used in English Bible translations.
4. The first Christian MARTYRS were St. Stephen and St. James. Of the APOSTLES the most important martyrs were SS. PETER and PAUL, both put to death at Rome.
5. The Apostolic Constitutions note that LINUS, whom Paul the Apostle consecrated, was the first Bishop of Rome and was succeeded by Clement.
6. The POPE, also known as the supreme pontiff, or the Roman pontiff, is the BISHOP of Rome, chief pastor of the worldwide Catholic Church, and head of state or sovereign of the Vatican City State.
7. ST. CYPRIAN OF CARTHAGE was famous as an orator and pleader, had considerable wealth, and held, no doubt, a great position in the metropolis of Africa.
8. POPE STEPHEN served archdeacon of Pope Lucius I, who appointed Stephen his successor.
9. DONATISTS belong to the tradition of early Christianity that produced the Montanist and Novatianist movements in Asia Minor and the Melitians in Egypt.
10. THE DONATIST CONTROVERSY is among the most serious and remarkable schisms in the history of Christianity.
11. The principal liturgical use of the NICENE CREED is in the context of the Eucharist in the West and in the context of both baptism and the Eucharist in the East.
12. THE FIRST ECUMENICAL COUNСIL was called by the emperor Constantine I, an unbaptized catechumen, who presided over the opening session and took part in the discussions.
13. In 330 A.D., CONSTANTINOPLE became the site of ROMAN EMPEROR Constantine’s “NEW ROME,” a Christian city of immense wealth and magnificent architecture.
14. Constantinople stood as the seat of the BYZANTINE EMPIRE for the next 1,100 years, enduring periods of great fortune and horrific sieges.
15. LIBERIUS was pope during the turbulence caused by the rise of Arianism — a heresy teaching that Christ was not truly divine but was rather a created being.
16. SEMI-ARIANISM is a name that has been used for identifying a position that held to a version of the Nicene Creed that omitted the formula “of One Substance”.
17. EMPEROR GRATIAN hearing that Magnus Maximus had been proclaimed emperor in Britain, Gratian rushed into Gaul to intercept the usurper.
18. THE SECOND ECUMENICAL COUNСIL was presided over by Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople, assisted by the other three eastern patriarchs or their representatives.
19. According to the common interpretation, the term PONTIFEX means "bridge-builder" and MAXIMUS means "greatest".
20. Rome was eager to christianize the PAGAN world.
21. The VISIGOTHS were the western tribe of the Goths (a Germanic people) who settled west of the Black Sea sometime in the 3rd century CE.
22. POPE ZOSIMUS became involved in a dispute with the African bishops in regard to the right of appeal to the Roman See clerics who had been condemned by their bishops.
23. PELAGIANISM received its name from Pelagius and designates a heresy of the fifth century, which denied original sin as well as Christian grace.
24. THE FOURTH COUNСIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE was the eighth ecumenical council of the Catholic Church held in Constantinople from October 5, 869, to February 28, 870.
25. The COUNCIL OF FERRARA-FLORENCE (1438–45) lasted for months and allowed for long theological debates.
26. Emperor John VIII Palaeologus, Patriarch Joseph, and numerous bishops and theologians who represented the Eastern church finally accepted most Roman positions — the Filioque clause, PURGATORY, and the ROMAN PRIMACY.
27. LEO’S TOME refers to a letter sent by Pope Leo I to Flavian of Constantinople explaining the position of the Papacy in matters of Christology.
28. The VANDALS migrated to the area between the lower Oder and Vistula rivers in the 2nd century BC and settled in Silesia from around 120 BC.
29. VIGILIUS POPE from 537 to 555, is known for his major role in what later was called the “Three Chapters Controversy”.
30. MONOPHYSITISM asserted that the person of Jesus Christ has only one, divine nature rather than the two natures, divine and human.
31. Much attention was attracted to SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT by his controversy with Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople, concerning the Resurrection.
32. ANATHEMA is the most extreme sanction that the Orthodox Church can take against a member of the Church for wrong doing.
33. THE DONATION OF CONSTANTINE is a forged Roman imperial decree by which the 4th-century emperor Constantine the Great supposedly transferred authority over Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire to the Pope.
34. By 1861, much of the PAPAL STATES' territory had been conquered by the Kingdom of Italy. Only Lazio, including Rome, remained under the pope's temporal control.
35. When Pippin died in 768, his realm was divided according to Frankish custom between CHARLEMAGNE and his brother, Carloman.
36. The WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE collapsed in 476, and the Western imperial court in Ravenna was formally dissolved by Justinian in 554.
37. SAINT LEO THE Third was a cardinal when elected to succeed Pope Adrian I on December 26, 795.
38. SAINT PHOTIUS THE GREAT was condemned as patriarch by the Robber Council of 869-870, but the Eighth Ecumenical Council (879-880) affirmed his restoration to his see.
39. The HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR and also known as the German-Roman Emperor since the early modern period was the supreme head of state and ruler of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.
40.TRANSUBSTANTIATION, in Christianity, the change by which the substance (though not the appearance) of the bread and wine in the Eucharist becomes Christ’s real presence — that is, His Body and Blood.

А.Н. [(13) 13]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

First of all, I totally agree with the quote of Abbot Nikon Vorobiev. The ability to see your own sins and cry over them is vital in spiritual life. Moreover, I think that salvation is possible only for those who have this very gift. And consequently, we should constantly pray to God and ask for this gift in our prayers.

А.А. [(3,5) 21]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

First of all, I totally agree with the quote of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. Every time we face a problem in our lives, we should find the solution which is not always simple. The search for solution and overthinking the problem can lead to stress and even depression. And as Saint Paisios puts it, if we face a problem spiritually, we won’t be exhausted. We simply won’t worry about it. The prayer can change our attitude to problems in our lives and give us confidence.

А.А. [(4,5) 17,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To begin with, I quite agree with the statement. We all face problems during our lifetime. We can be afraid to lose the control of the situation. Afraid of being helpless and vulnerable. What can we do, after all, if something goes wrong? Only Heavenly Father knows our sorrows and sufferings.
I think that maybe the only right way to deal with these difficulties is to remember that it is the divine Providence. We can pray, ask for help, and never lose faith and hope.

Н.Л. [(4,5) 4,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I certainly share the thought expressed by Fr. Jack Sparks. I consider that I’ve got the sense of the quotation – pride prevents us from gaining salvation and this thought isn’t new, actually. To exalt yourself before your neighbors and be sure that you are better than them as a person is a mortal sin.
It is so because there are millions of people in the world and there are no better or worse human beings. Of course they live in different conditions, have different jobs and, all in all, commit different sins, but these are not criteria for defining their value in the eyes of God. He knows better in what condition the spiritual life of each person is and He certainly doesn’t need anybody else to judge people’s actions.
It is enough to remember that the first man to enter the Heavenly Kingdom was a thief, of whom nobody except the Lord could think as of a worthy one to be saved.

М.Ч. [(4,5) 4,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt. The presence of God in our lives is divine. It revives us and gives us hope. Our everyday problems go away, they are no longer our concern. We are calm, relaxed and contented with everything, as Righteous John says. If we trust God, we live in this mood throughout all our lives.

А.А. [(4,5) 13]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with the quote of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos.
What is a sweet life for non-Christians? Acquisition of material goods and a desire for success and concern about the external rather than the internal. These people don’t know what is real love and sacrifice is. But for those who lead a spiritual life all mentioned above is of no interest. And yet despite this, the Christians are the happiest people in the world as they know the joy that this world doesn’t know.

А.А. [(4) 8,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I partly agree with the quote of Fr. Jack Sparks. On the one hand, we may look at others as if from on high. But it is a question whether we judge others or not. As for me, we look at others from our own perspective. And in this case I agree that if we think too much of ourselves then we could despise others. However, it’s not always like this. If we work on ourselves and our sins and faults, we don’t even have enough time to judge other people. In conclusion, I want to sum up that we shouldn’t generalize but speak for ourselves and not for the society in general.

А.А. [(4,5) 4,5]

3rd year of study: Spring 2020

1. The Lord is GRACIOUS and righteous, our GOD is full of compassion.
2. SLAVS are the largest ethno-linguistic group in Europe, followed by Germanic peoples and Romance peoples.
3. The exact ethnic origins of the brothers are unknown, there is controversy as to whether CYRIL AND METHODIUS were of Slavic or Byzantine Greek origin, or both.
4. CHARLEMAGNE assumed rulership at a moment when powerful forces of change were affecting his kingdom.
5. When the church was worshiping and fasting in Antioch, the Holy Spirit marked Paul and Barnabas for a unique MISSIONARY JOURNEY.
6. When they reached CYPRUS, John Mark assisted them as they proclaimed the gospel to the synagogues.
7. The Roman Empire was CHRISTIANIZED by Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century and declined by the end of the 5th.
8. The BULGARIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH has its origin in the flourishing Christian communities and churches, set up in the Balkans as early as the first centuries of the Christian era.
9. PHOTIUS was a well-educated man from a noble Constantinopolitan family.
10. SACRED VESSELS are the receptacles and utensils used in liturgical celebrations to hold the consecrated Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
11. The TEUTONIC ORDER was formed to aid Christians on their pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to establish hospitals.
12. Matthew the EVANGELIST, the author of the first gospel account, is symbolized by a winged man, or angel.
13. From childhood, STEPHEN OF PERM showed great abilities and a zeal for the services of the Church.
14. After the fall of the Yuan dynasty in 1368, the MONGOLS continued to rule the Northern Yuan dynasty in Mongolia homeland.
15. SAINT SERGIUS OF RADONEZH was a Russian Orthodox monk whose spiritual doctrine and social programs made him one of Russia’s most respected spiritual leaders.
16. He did overnight survival training in the WILDERNESS.
17. The MONASTERY OF THE CAVES (Pecherskaya Lavra) in Kiev, was founded in the mid-11th century by the ascetics St. Anthony and St. Theodosius.
18. GREGORY PALAMAS returned to Mount Athos in 1331 to the community of St. Sabas and about 1335 was chosen a religious superior (hēgoumenos) of a neighbouring convent.
19. HESYCHASTIC practice involves acquiring an inner focus and blocking of the physical senses.
20. Little information survives about the life of ANDREW RUBLEV, even where he was born is unknown.
21. In the 4th century, CHAPLAINS (Latin cappellani) were so called because they kept St. Martin’s famous half cape (cappella, diminutive of cappa).
22. SIMONY is usually defined "a deliberate intention of buying or selling for a temporal price such things as are spiritual or annexed unto spirituals".
23. Georgian Patriarch Ilia II has named metropolitan Shio Mujiri as incumbent of the PATRIARCHAL THRONE.
24. The conflict between Paul and his opponents over this issue came to a head with the COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM.
25. Jerome described ST. LINUS as "the first after Peter to be in charge of the Roman Church".
26. ST. CYPRIAN was a Christian theologian and bishop of Carthage who led the Christians of North Africa during a period of persecution from Rome.
27. The NICENE CREED was originally written in Greek.
28. The DONATIST CONTROVERSY is among the most serious and remarkable schisms in the history of Christianity.
29. THE COUNCIL OF CHALCEDON is numbered as the FOURTH ECUMENICAL COUNCIL by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and most Protestants.
30. The VANDALS adopted many facets of Roman culture, including its dress and arts.
31. According to the common interpretation, the term PONTIFEX means "bridge-builder" (pons + facere); "MAXIMUS" means "greatest".
32. Though not really a question of HERESY, a common objection is to the means of inserting the FILIOQUE into the Creed.
33. The Republic of St. Peter, or the PAPAL STATES, emerged in the mid-8th century as part of a broader political reconfiguration.
34. While his office is called the PAPACY, the jurisdiction of the episcopal see is called the Holy See.
35. According to Catholic tradition, the apostolic see of Rome was founded by SAINT PETER and SAINT PAUL in the 1st century.
36. As we approached the summit, we were VOUCHSAFED a rare vision.
37. In 1911, William Oliver Hutchinson founded the APOSTOLIC CHURCH denomination, in Bournemouth, England.
38. JUSTIFICATION and SANCTIFICATION of the believer through the finished work of Christ.
39. The sacraments of BAPTISM by immersion, and of the LORD’S SUPPER.

40. By definition if someone is an ONLY BEGOTTEN SON then he does not have any brothers.
41. Christian life is centered in the mystery of the INCARNATION OF CHRIST, the union of God and man.
42. In several other RELIGIONS, knowledge of some esoteric parts of the DOCTRINE or teachings is reserved only for certain members.
43. Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Our Only True God and Our Only True SAVIOR.
44. The RECEPTION OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST is, therefore, one of the great religious events in the life of the Orthodox faithful.
45. The CRESCENT is used as the astrological symbol for the Moon, and hence as the alchemical symbol for silver.
46. A union of the EASTERN and the WESTERN (Roman Catholic) CHURCHES concluded at the Church Council of Florence in 1439.
47. THE COUNCIL OF FLORENCE entered a second phase after Emperor Sigismund's death in 1437.
48. By the beginning of the 16th century, the title SULTAN was carried by both men and women of the Ottoman dynasty.
49. According to Christian tradition, ANTICHRIST will reign terribly in the period prior to the Last Judgment.
50. POPE ZOSIMUS was a Greek and his father's name was Abramius.

А.Н. [(23,5) 63]

1) The use of wine and CHALICE in the Eucharist is based on the Last Supper story.
2) We PARTAKE OF COMMUNION in obedience to the command of Christ.
3) THE HOLY DOORS are the central doors of the iconostasis, directly in front of the altar in an Orthodox church.
4) A COMMUNICANT is a person in the Christian church who receives communion.
5) If we prepare for the communion of the holy Mysteries inappropriately, it can be to our CONDEMNATION.
6) Christ is made to us SANCTIFICATION, it has become natural to us to walk in all holy obedience to the will of God.
7) Canon Law of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church mandates the use of UNLEAVENED BREAD for the Host, and unleavened wafers for the communion of the faithful.
8) Peter, Patriarch of Antioch, explained the significance of the use of LEAVENED BREAD in his correspondence with the Venetian Archbishop Dominic of Grado in 1052.
9) The MITER is a type of headgear now known as the traditional, ceremonial headdress of bishops and certain abbots in traditional Christianity.
10) A MOSQUE is a place of worship for Muslims.
11) To be gracious means 'to favor,' ‘to show kindnesses’ to an inferior, and ‘to be compassionate; God is GRACIOUS because He is love.
12) Gist accounts of DOCTRINAL CONTROVERSIES have played a crucial role for the definition of Christian identity – throughout the centuries creedal texts would tirelessly reiterate that Christians abhor the error of Arius, Apollinarius and many others.
13) CHRISTIANIZATION is the conversion of individuals to Christianity or the conversion of entire groups at once.
14) THE SACRED VESSELS should be treated with the utmost reverence and handled sparingly, and even then only by the clergy and members of the altar guild in connection with their pious usage, care, and cleaning.
15) THE DEATH PENALTY is a government-sanctioned practice whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime.
16) CORPORAL PUNISHMENT is a punishment intended to cause physical pain to a person.
17) PASSION BEARERS are saints in the Orthodox Church who underwent cruelty and oppression in a spirit of meekness and non-resistance to evil, regarded as tantamount to the status of martyrdom, especially as that witnesses to the church the heroic gentleness of Christ.
18) SAINT ALBAN is venerated as the first-recorded British Christian martyr, for which reason he is considered to be the British protomartyr.
19) SAINT BOTOLPH OF THORNEY is the patron saint of travellers and the various aspects of farming.
20) MARTIN OF TOURS was the third bishop of Tours; he's become one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints in Western tradition.
21) Traditionally, Russians have regarded THE MONGOL OVERLORDSHIP as an unmitigated disaster.
22) GRAND PRINCIPALITY OF MOSCOW was a Rus' principality of the Late Middle Ages centered around Moscow, and the predecessor state of the Tsardom of Russia in the early modern period.
23) TRANSCENDENCE refers to the aspect of God's nature which is wholly independent of (and removed from) the physical universe.
24) The doctrine or theory of IMMANENCE holds that the divine encompasses or is manifested in the material world.
25) A LAY THEOLOGIAN is a theologian who has not received formal theological training.
26) CHRISTOCENTRIC is a doctrinal term within Christianity, describing theological positions that focus on Jesus Christ, the second person of the Christian Trinity, in relation to the Godhead/God the Father or the Holy Spirit.
27) To live THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE is to be all Eucharistic, to love this sign, this culmination and fulfillment, this source and summit of our perfect prayer and perfect self-offering in love.
28) PURGATORY is, according to the belief of some Christians (mostly Catholics), an intermediate state after physical death for expiatory purification.
29) Some Christian traditions consider EVANGELISTS to be in a leadership position; they may be found preaching to large meetings or in governance roles.
30) The Holy Trinity Monastery became a dynamic center of spiritual teaching and THE GREATEST RELIGIOUS HOUSE OF THE LAND.
31) When David saw that Saul came after him into THE WILDERNESS, David sent out spies and learned that Saul had indeed come.
32) PERSEVERANCE of the saints is a Christian teaching (Calvinism) that asserts that once a person is truly "born of God" or "regenerated" by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, nothing in heaven or earth "shall be able to separate (them) from the love of God" resulting in a reversal of the converted condition.
33) Though God has created countless ALLUREMENTS FOR MAN IN THIS WORLD, He has also warned him against becoming overly concerned by them, and forgetting God and His religion.
34) It was not until the Ottoman Empire that THE CRESCENT moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world; when the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453, they adopted the city’s existing flag and symbol.
35) CHAPLAIN, originally a priest or minister who had charge of a chapel, now an ordained member of the clergy who is assigned to a special ministry.
36) God's DISPENSATION was to recreate Adam, and then recreate Eve, and harmonize them.
37) Jesus was crucified, 10 of the 12 apostles SUFFERED VIOLENT DEATH during preaching.
38) In the ancient Church, the catechumenate, or time during which one is a CATECHUMEN, often lasted for as much as three years and included not only participation in the divine services but also catechesis, formal instruction from a teacher, often the bishop or appointed catechist.
39) RIGHTEOUSNESS is an important theological concept in Christianity and implies that a person's actions are justified, and can have the connotation that the person has been "judged" or "reckoned" as leading a life that is pleasing to God.
40) REVERENCE is a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration.
41) The TRIBULATION will be cut short by the second coming of Christ as he returns as a mighty spirit in the clouds.
42) God’s WRATH is holy and always justified; man’s is never holy and rarely justified.
43) God created heaven, the universe, and everything that resides in it and is claiming benevolent DOMINION over it.
44) In the Byzantine Rite, the term PRECIOUS GIFTS is used to refer to the consecrated elements, and there is the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic elements of the bread and wine.
45) Angels act as GUARDIANS of our souls and bodies.
46) The practice of prayer is the most PROFITABLE to our life, the most sweet to our souls and the most sublime in the course of our whole life.
47) No one knows the day of THE DREAD JUDGEMENT OF CHRIST; only God the Father knows; but the signs of its approach are given in the Gospel and in the Revelation (Apocalypse) of the holy Apostle John the Theologian.
48) Saint Anselm of Canterbury refused to BE CONSECRATED AS ARCHBISHOP until William restored the lands to Canterbury and acknowledged Urban II as the rightful pope against the antipope Clement III.
49) On 22 January 1862 THE PRINCIPALITY of Moldavia and the Principality of Wallachia formally united to create the Romanian United Principalities, the core of the Romanian nation state.
50) STEPHEN OF PERM was a fourteenth-century painter and missionary credited with the conversion of the Komi to Christianity and the establishment of the Bishopric of Perm'.
51) Together with Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, SERGIUS OF RADONEZH is one of the Russian Orthodox Church's most highly venerated saints.
52) WARRIOR SAINTS are patron saints, martyrs and other saints associated with the military; most of the Early Christian military saints were soldiers of the Roman Empire who had become Christian and, after refusing to participate in Imperial cult rituals of loyalty to the Roman Emperor.
53) SAINT LOUIS, KING OF FRANCE, was regarded as a primus inter pares among the kings and rulers of Europe.
54) While it served a humanitarian purpose, THE TEUTONIC KNIGHTS were primarily a military order and participated in the 3rd Crusade (1187-1192 CE) to retake Jerusalem from the Arabs.
55) Saint DIADOCHOS OF PHOTIKI was a fifth-century ascetic whose works are included in the Philokalia.
56) JOHN CLIMACUS was a 6th-7th-century Christian monk at the monastery on Mount Sinai.
57) In Christian tradition, MOUNT TABOR is the site of the transfiguration of Jesus.
58) Traditionally the term EXEGESIS was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage biblical exegesis is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation.
59) Christian doctrine maintains that God dwells in all Christians and that they can EXPERIENCE GOD directly through belief in Jesus.
60) MATERIALISM is a philosophical system which regards matter as the only reality in the world, which undertakes to explain every event in the universe as resulting from the conditions and activity of matter, and which thus denies the existence of God and the soul.
61) GREGORY PALAMAS is famous for his defense of hesychast spirituality, the uncreated character of the light of the Transfiguration, and the distinction between God's essence and energies (i.e., the divine will, divine grace, etc.).
62) Jesus Christ is said to be CONSUBSTANTIAL with the Father in his divinity and consubstantial with us in his humanity.
63) When we say that Jesus Christ is God “INCARNATE,” we mean that the Son of God took on a fleshly, bodily form (John 1:14).
64) OBLATION, meaning an offering, is a term used for a solemn offering or presentation to God.
65) We can achieve LIFTING UP OUR HEARTS if our mind is oblivious to outside distractions, internally focused inwards, and united with our heart.
66) SABAOTH is the Greek form of the Hebrew word tsebaoth "armies," and is translated in the Authorized Version of the Old Testament by "Lord of hosts," "Lord God of hosts".
67) The phrase HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST appears only twice in the Bible, once in Matthew and again in Mark, during the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
68) THEOTOKOS is a title of Mary, the mother of Jesus, that is used in the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern traditions of the Catholic Church.
69) Orthodox liturgy reveres Mary as Mother of God, "IMMACULATE, spotless, and altogether without stain".
70) Jesus Christ was born of the breath of God and born WITHOUT corruption of His mother's womb.
71) In English, the icon type “ASSEMBLY OF THE ARCHANGEL Michael and Other Bodiless Powers” is often called simply the “Synaxis of the Archangel Michael,” the term synaxis being borrowed from the medieval Greek for a “gathering,” often specifically a religious gathering for the celebration of the Eucharist.
72) In Palamite theology, there is a DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE ESSENCE AND THE ENERGIES OF GOD and it was first formulated by Gregory Palamas as part of his defense of the Athonite monastic practice of hesychasmos against the charge of heresy brought by the humanist scholar and theologian Barlaam of Calabria.
73) THE IMAGE OF GOD is a concept and theological doctrine in Judaism, Christianity, and Sufism of Islam, which asserts that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God.
74) SANCTIFICATION is growth in Christian graces, in likeness to the Saviour, and in power to overcome sin in one’s life.
75) "AZYMES" is unfermented bread in Biblical times.
76) PAPAL CLAIMS are claims of Pope for supremacy in the Church.
77) A Christian MISSIONARY can be defined as "one who is to witness across cultures".
78) SERVICE BOOKS are liturgical book, giving the text of a religious service.
79) Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia HELD A SERVICE in downtown Moscow on June 13th, 2013, when the Russian Orthodox Church he leads celebrated Ascension.
80) Latin is also THE LITURGICAL LANGUAGE of the Celtic, Gallican and Mozarabic rites.
81) The PARISH CLERGY in Russia in the 18th century was so hereditary, so culturally separate, so unique in its education and manner of life that contemporaries called the group a caste and compared it to the Levites of the Old Testament.
82) On February 15, 2013 the meeting of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church was held in Sofia, where by secret voting three candidates for THE PATRIARCHAL THRONE were elected from among diocesan hierarchs (Metropolitans).
83) The mercy of God is BOUNTIFUL, it’s sufficient and plenteous.
84) The phrase “ONLY-BEGOTTEN Son” occurs in John 3:16, which reads in the King James Version as, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
85) During the phrase "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Trinity one IN ESSENCE AND UNDIVIDED" the priests kiss the veiled holy gifts and each other, greeting each other with the words: "Christ is in our midst!"
86) In Catholic and Orthodox Christian theology the table upon which the Eucharist is consecrated is called an ALTAR.
87) INFIDEL is a term used in certain religions for those accused of unbelief in the central tenets of their own religion, for members of another religion, or for the irreligious.
88) The derivation of "MUSLIM" is from an Arabic word meaning "submitter" (to God).
89) Christians have UNDERGONE PERSECUTION as a result of social and cultural discrimination.
90) The ANTICHRIST first appeared in the epistles of St. John, and the fully developed story of Antichrist’s life and reign is found in medieval texts.
91) SENNACHERIB is among the most famous of all Assyrian kings due to the role he played in the Old Testament of the Bible, which describes his campaign in the Levant.
92) A PASTORAL STAFF is a stylized staff carried by high-ranking Roman Catholic, Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglican, and some Lutheran, United Methodist and Pentecostal prelates.
93) The presence of a decentralized body of clerics makes AUTOCRATIC regimes more unstable.
94) The warning passages in the New Testament describe at least three dangers which could lead a Christian to commit APOSTASY: temptations, deceptions (false teachings spread by false teachers and prophets that threatened to seduce them away from their pure devotion to Christ) and persecutions.
95) SIMONY is the act of selling church offices and roles or sacred things; named after Simon Magus, who is described in the Acts of the Apostles as having offered two disciples of Jesus payment in exchange for their empowering him to impart the power of the Holy Spirit to anyone on whom he would place his hands.

О.К. [(45,5) 69]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Well, I see the main idea of Metropolitan Saba Esber. I fully agree with him and I think that a person who wants to serve God, who wants to live a Christian life should wear a cross. The cross is a symbol of belonging to the Church. It is not just a formality or something like that.
For me the cross is a very important thing. I take it off only if I go to bathhouse but it's only because of the temperature there. I don't want to get burnt by hot metal. But it's the only one occasion when I do this. Also sometimes when I'm scared a take the cross into my hand and fear goes away.
Another matter if a person really loses it. Things happen, it's okay. But it's better to replace the cross in this case as soon as possible.

О.К. [(1,5) 61,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

On the hand, it may be pride. Of course, a person who says that is very presumptuous.
But on the other hand it might be only a statement, mind. There are some people in the world who believe that there is something. God, universe, doesn't matter. And when they came to Church to find some answers and they didn't get them there, they can start thinking that there is nothing important for them. Maybe somebody was rude to them in the Church, maybe they were at Church but they couldn't understand and there were no people who could tell them anything. That happens. Maybe something happened to them in the church and now their feelings are hurt. Anything might happen. And now people say such words, and this is not a pride, but their point of view.
I think we should be more sensitive to each other. Especially in such matter.

О.К. [(4) 60]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Honestly speaking, I quite agree with this statement. I think, we have nothing in this world that could belong to us. People, things, money, houses, cars, members of family, friends, - nothing is ours. Of course, we might think that some things that we buy, for example, are ours, but they are not. We get something and then we should return it back. And the main point is that we have to be thankful for what we have. Because today we have everything and tomorrow we have nothing.
We have to accept God's will.

О.К. [(5) 56]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

171. The forgetting of wrongs is a sign of true repentance. But he who dwells on them and thinks that he is repenting is like a man who thinks he is running while he is really asleep. (St. John Climacus) This quote is about the real repentance. I should say that only strong and brave people are able to do this. Is it easy to accept your faults and start working on them? Not for everyone.
I think, we have to be responsible for our actions, thoughts. If they may hurt somebody, the only way to stop it is to take the responsibility on yourself and make something with that.
Forgetting your faults is about to make some conclusions, understand everything for yourself and do everything in another way. Forgetting isn't bad. You just let it go while you are thankful for that experience.
If you think that you are working on that, remember that and so on and so forth, you don't really work on it. You have to be strong to let the situation go.

О.К. [(2,5) 51]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Well, I quite agree with Righteous John. You don't have to be a wise person or something like that to understand this statement. People who say words that make you feel pain in heart are your savers. Every person is good in the heart. And there is somebody who wants all the people to be bad in their hearts. He puts evil in our souls.
So, I feel this statement and understand it in everything. I also think that we have a lot of sins and problems, and we should work on them. If people's words hurt you, maybe it's a sign to start working on your faults?

О.К. [(5) 48,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with this statement. I see the truth of these words just everywhere. Love is such thing... you should work on it hard, long and patiently. People usually confuse love and amorousness. They are different like ice and fire. Amorousness is something that you like person's attitude to you. But love is when you love and want to do good things for the person. It's like you water the flower. Love isn't a gift but a hard work. It takes all your life to learn how to love. Amorousness doesn't need so long time. It takes about 12 seconds to fall in love with somebody. But is it real love?
And this works like that not only with people but with things, professions, practically everything!
We have to be active, do something if we really want to love.

О.К. [(5) 43,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Well, yes, I agree with this statement. It's hard to live a right life, because there are too many temptations in the world. And it's really easy to loose the reicht was. Especially Christian life is really hard to live. We always make mistakes, confess, go to confession and then again and again. It's really hard, because you should always force yourself and be strong to do that. That is why, for example, there are not so many people in the monasteries. It's really a hard way that not everyone is able to pass through to the end.
Monks are strong people and really wise. So, if you want to live a right life you should be ready for lots of troubles, mistakes. If you don't want such life, it's much easier, but is it a right choice? It's up to everybody to decide.

О.К. [(3,5) 38,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Well, frankly speaking, I quite agree with this quote. I do really think that the biggest enjoyment is when you accept everything in a spiritual way. I mean, everything that's happening to us is a great gift. Everything, every feeling, emotion and person. The best way is to be thankful for that and celebrate your wins, etc. with joy in your heart.
I don't know what else to say, because those words are my life creed. I don't like to celebrate some happenings of my life in a worldly way, but in my heart. I'm thankful for everything to everyone.

О.К. [(4,5) 35]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

These words are so strong. I quite agree with them. We have to clear up our souls. Anger, resentment, sadness, envy, - all of that make our soul suffer in some way. It's really like a bag with trash that smells disgusting. We are not pure, our hearts are closed, so we are not ready to meet God.
Church can help us in our way. But also in life we can work on ourselves. We should look after our feelings, our intuition, look at people around us, at our deals, action, words. What if our word can make others feel bad? Or our own thoughts hurt us?
It's hard, but we are not human if we don't make ourselves better.

О.К. [(4,5) 30,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Hard times, our weakness, troubles, labour, obedience, faults and repentance make us better. This quote states that only after that we may get God's word, to learn how to love, to start working on our weakness making ourselves better. It's a good idea to compare us with wax. Passing through hard moments makes us ready to get God's will, to know what He wants for us.
So, I agree with bishop St. Diadochus. He is absolutely right saying these words. Our hearts are closed. Even if we believe in God, but we don't experience hard moments, don't accept them like God's help, we are close to a fall into passion and sin.

О.К. [(4) 26]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Great statement, if you ask me what I think about these words. Accepting thankfully everything that happens in our life is available for us only when we know that it is not just a joke of the Universe. Bad things happen to everyone. We lose parents, children, husbands, wives, friends, our belongings might be stolen etc. But when Christ is with us, we know that it is not only misery, but experience that helps us to become better.
Our problems are not problems at all, because God gives us everything. My family experienced some hard times when our life was really hard. But honestly speaking we had enough for living. Every time when we had really bad situation we prayed and help came to us from unexpected side.
So, I fully agree and understand this quotation.

О.К. [(4,5) 22]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I'm not sure that I fully agree with this statement. I understand when people say something like: happiness loves silence. Because it works. When you tell everyone about your happiness, especially when it is something personal, chance that you may lose it is growing very fast. Maybe the main idea is to stay humble and calm in each situation, especially when you are scolded. But I don't really think that it's a good idea not to do anything and to wait. You should be patient and not to run with the mass of people, but wait for your moment.
Frankly speaking, sometimes silence is needed, but sometimes silence does disservice to you. We are all people and today we live in a world that has it's rules. You have to be ready to protect your virtues, your family and beliefs.
If you are always silent people might think that they are able to do anything with you. It is not right.
I know that our life is only a gift. But there are moments when it is needed to put a man in his place, for example. And this moment isn't wrong thing, but right. You are not always right to quarrel with people but it is right to protect your life, psyche and personal borders.

О.К. [(4) 17,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

How can I disagree with this statement? People who work on themselves hard and succeed in work deserve the highest award. But there are not a lot of such people who are ready to work to get the "fruit of their life". We are lazy.
So, I fully agree with this opinion. We have to work more if we want our life to be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. It doesn't mean that the only way is to do your business well. You have to build good in yourself. This work is also very hard for all of us. But the effort is worth it.
Venerable Ephraim the Syrian is absolutely right, as I think.

О.К. [(4) 13,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with this statement. The true love is closed to people. But it opens in a case if we believe and love God. True love is much deeper than people think. We are learning how to love every day, step by step. It's really hard to love a person. But to love a God is also not so easy. It's also a work that we have to do every day.
We came to earth to study only one thing - love. The other things are just dust.
Without understanding great things it's practically impossible to love in a real way. I see it every day in my life, in the lives of my friends, everywhere.
Unselfish love is a hard thing, but it is the only thing that people should understand once, to feel once and learn it every day.

О.К. [(4,5) 9,5]

51. Though God has created countless ALLUREMENTS FOR MAN IN THIS WORLD, He has also warned him against becoming overly concerned by them, and forgetting God and His religion.
52. It was not until the Ottoman Empire that THE CRESCENT moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world; when the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453, they adopted the city’s existing flag and symbol.
53. CHAPLAIN, originally a priest or minister who had charge of a chapel, now an ordained member of the clergy who is assigned to a special ministry.
54. God's DISPENSATION was to recreate Adam, and then recreate Eve, and harmonize them.
55. INFIDEL is a term used in certain religions for those accused of unbelief in the central tenets of their own religion, for members of another religion, or for the irreligious.
56. The derivation of "MUSLIM" is from an Arabic word meaning "submitter" (to God).
57. Christians are UNDERGONE PERSECUTIONas a result of social and cultural discrimination.
58. The ANTICHRIST first appeared in the epistles of St. John, and the fully developed story of Antichrist’s life and reign is found in medieval texts.
59. SENNACHERIB is among the most famous of all Assyrian kings due to the role he played in the Old Testament of the Bible, which describes his campaign in the Levant.
60. A PASTORAL STAFF is a stylized staff carried by high-ranking Roman Catholic, Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglican, and some Lutheran, United Methodist and Pentecostal prelates.
61. The presence of a decentralized body of clerics makes AUTOCRATIC regimes more unstable.
62. The warning passages in the New Testament describe at least three dangers which could lead a Christian to commit APOSTASY: temptations, deceptions (false teachings spread by false teachers and prophets that threatened to seduce them away from their pure devotion to Christ) and persecutions.
63. SIMONY is the act of selling church offices and roles or sacred things; named after Simon Magus, who is described in the Acts of the Apostles as having offered two disciples of Jesus payment in exchange for their empowering him to impart the power of the Holy Spirit to anyone on whom he would place his hands.
64. The PARISH CLERGY in Russia in the 18th century was so hereditary, so culturally separate, so unique in its education and manner of life that contemporaries called the group a caste and compared it to the Levites of the Old Testament.
65. On February 15, 2013 the meeting of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church was held in Sofia, where by secret voting three candidates for THE PATRIARCHAL THRONE were elected from among diocesan hierarchs (Metropolitans).
66. Jesus was crucified, 10 of the 12 apostles SUFFERED VIOLENT DEATH during preaching.
67. In the ancient Church, the catechumenate, or time during which one is a CATECHUMEN, often lasted for as much as three years and included not only participation in the divine services but also catechesis, formal instruction from a teacher, often the bishop or appointed catechist.
68. RIGHTEOUSNESS is an important theological concept in Christianity and implies that a person's actions are justified, and can have the connotation that the person has been "judged" or "reckoned" as leading a life that is pleasing to God.
69. REVERENCE is a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration.
70. The TRIBULATIONwill be cut short by the second coming of Christ as he returns as a mighty spirit in the clouds.
71. God’s WRATH is holy and always justified; man’s is never holy and rarely justified.
72. God created heaven , the universe, and everything that resides in it and claiming benevolent DOMINION over it.
73. In the Byzantine Rite, the term PRECIOUS GIFTSis used to refer to the consecrated elements, and there is the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic elements of the bread and wine.
74. Angels act as GUARDIANS of our souls and bodies.
75. The practice of prayer is the most PROFITABLE to our life, the most sweetest to our souls and the most sublime in the course of our whole life.
76. No one knows the day of THE DREAD JUDGEMENT OF CHRIST; only God the Father knows; but the signs of its approach are given in the Gospel and in the Revelation (Apocalypse) of the holy Apostle John the Theologian.
77. The mercy of God is BOUNTIFUL, it’s sufficient and plenteous.
78. The phrase “ONLY-BEGOTTEN Son” occurs in John 3:16, which reads in the King James Version as, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
79. During the phrase "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Trinity one IN ESSENCE AND UNDIVIDED" the priests kiss the veiled holy gifts and each other, greeting each other with the words: "Christ is in our midst!"
80. Jesus Christ is said to be CONSUBSTANTIAL with the Father in his divinity and consubstantial with us in his humanity.
81. When we say that Jesus Christ is God “INCARNATE,” we mean that the Son of God took on a fleshly, bodily form (John 1:14).
82. OBLATION, meaning an offering, is a term used for a solemn offering or presentation to God.
83. We can achieve LIFTING UP OUR HEARTS if our mind is oblivious to outside distractions, internally focused inwards, and united with our heart.
84. SABAOTH is the Greek form of the Hebrew word tsebaoth "armies," and is translated in the Authorized Version of the Old Testament by "Lord of hosts," "Lord God of hosts".
85. The phrase HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST appears only twice in the Bible, once in Matthew and again in Mark, during the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
86. THEOTOKOS is a title of Mary, the mother of Jesus, that is used in the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern traditions of the Catholic Church.
87. Orthodox liturgy reveres Mary as Mother of God, "IMMACULATE, spotless, and altogether without stain".
88. Jesus Christ was born of the breath of God and born WITHOUT DEFILEMENT of His mother's womb.
89. In English, the icon type “ASSEMBLY OF THE ARCHANGEL Michael and Other Bodiless Powers” is often called simply the “Synaxis of the Archangel Michael,” the term synaxis being borrowed from the medieval Greek for a “gathering,” often specifically a religious gathering for the celebration of the Eucharist.
90. The use of wine and CHALICE in the Eucharist is based on the Last Supper story.
91. We PARTAKE OF COMMUNION in obedience to the command of Christ.
92. THE HOLY DOORS are the central doors of the iconostasis, directly in front of the altar in an Orthodox church.
93. A COMMUNICANT is a person in the Christian church who receives communion.
94. If we prepare for the communion of the holy Mysteries inappropriately, it can be to our CONDEMNATION.
95. Christ is made to us SANCTIFICATION, it is become natural to us to walk in all holy obedience to the will of God.

С.Х. [() 27]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This line from the Bible is quite relevant at all times. It can be applied both to spiritual and bodily aspects of a person.
For example, nowadays it`s hard to eat healthy food because most of the people get addicted to the taste of junk food. So, when they`re hungry and far from home, they constantly see fast-food restaurants and ads showing appetizing burgers and it`s hard to resist the temptation. Healthy lifestyle is good for the body but quite hard to maintain in the modern world. Likewise, it`s easier to be like everybody else: irritable, impatient, too rational, atheistic, to seek pleasure constantly, rather than to become humble, merciful, responsive and to strive to help people and yourself.
Nevertheless, everybody wants to be healthy and whole, likewise everyone`d like to get into the God`s Kingdom, if they understood what it means. But unless every human being realizes that there`s nothing bad and harmful in certain restrictions they impose upon themselves, that it doesn`t mean they deprive themselves of personal freedom (quite the opposite), they won`t gain true happiness, because their body will be torn by obsessions and the soul will cry for blissfulness and serenity.
I believe I applied the concept expressed in this wonderful saying to my own life not at once. Every time I stray from the path, I revive this idea in my mind, get myself together and get back on the path. For example, I`m prone to the state of depression and sometimes I feel sorry for myself, I don`t want to do anything and even move. This state is quite hard to overcome. But should I understand the underlying reasons for it, I easily prevail over it. Usually it happens when earthly affairs take over all of my time and thoughts and there is no room left for God.

К.Е. [(4) 96]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with St Paisios` saying.
People if they are not very conscious spend their life in physical enjoyments and suffer if they experience a lack of them. They sink in depressive states being unable to find the source of true Joy and Life which is spiritual. Sooner or later, however, every such human beings start feeling as if they miss something essential, that things that they considered precious turn out to be temporal and artificial, fake.
But people who enjoy simple, maybe even austere life, understand that spiritual nourishment is much more important. Only spiritual life can give a human being a truly solid ground, truly stable meaning of life and path. These are the things that can make a man happy and satisfied with his life, not the entertainment or delicious food.

К.Е. [(4) 84,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I believe this is a wonderful call to action, which is especially relevant during the Lent.
I guess, it`s applicable both to one`s body and soul. While fasting we cleanse our organism by following a restricted diet. We stop filling it with harmful things we got used to, such as junk food. We won`t get distracted by colourful packaging while shopping because we`ll know for sure what we should eat and what we shouldn`t. Last but not the least, we get more time for our spiritual life because such an important aspect of our life as meal, which usually takes so much of our time, is now simple and not so time-consuming.
When we eat just enough for our body to function properly there is so much more time for spiritual development. A human being becomes attentive to everything surrounding him. He starts reflecting on various topics and cultivates gratitude, sense of proportion and humility. Thus he cleanses the realm of his soul preparing it for the joyful meeting with the Son of God.

К.Е. [(4,5) 80,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite like the apt comparison that St. Diadochus makes.
I agree that if a soul is hard and cold it cannot be influenced by the Holy Spirit, so through hardships and our weakness our souls are made more flexible. These things, despite the fact that most people believe them to be negative, are rather profitable.
Actually, people show their true self in difficult situations or states, in other words, they become vulnerable. On the one hand, it`s a positive change because they start craving for explanation of what`s going on and are likely to adopt some new concepts and ideas or even a new worldview. On the other hand, such people might fall under some negative influence. So, it`s really important that such persons are surrounded by right people.
I guess, there are lots of examples of people who found God during some severe illness or while going through hardships. As I told earlier, I`m quite a depressive person due to many reasons and I`ve been like that all my life. I used to be rather anxious and troubled during my school years because I was surrounded by people as lost as I was. But as soon as I entered our university, I felt some great change happening in my mind. Now I feel much better, despite the fact that I still experience some severe depression episodes.

К.Е. [(5) 76]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with Righteous John`s saying.
Christ is the Supreme Love. When one`s heart is filled with It, everything can be endured and everything becomes a means to a great end, which is acquiring spiritual blissfulness and serenity and entering the Kingdom of God. Once a person establishes true faith in his heart and strengthens his soul, he realizes that earthly hardships and labour are nothing in comparison to what he`ll gain after his death. He becomes moderate, humble and loving.
I`d say this saying is also great advice, great call to let Christ enter our heart and fill it with great and purifying Love.

К.Е. [(4) 71]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I believe that St. Feofil`s idea is hardly applicable to the modern way of thinking.
The modern world becomes more and more open to the expression of one`s feelings and emotions no matter whether they`re negative or positive. There is Internet, where everybody can brag about their achievements and lament over their misfortunes, seeking for social approval or support. People adopt such behavior as a normal one, so soon keeping silence will soon become something deviant, I guess.
I can see some logic and wholesome ideas behind this process. For example, keeping strong emotions inside will surely damage one`s mental health, so there are some good intentions behind this process. But the problem is that people who pour out their hearts constantly, telling about every single emotion they experience, become infirm and weak. They don`t realize that only they can transform destructive powers of their feelings into some useful energy by reflection and prayer.
So, despite the fact that this idea is quite unlikely to work in our time, I believe it`s quite useful and spiritually profitable. I used to follow this advice but recently I`ve noticed that I`m quite far away from the mental stability and silence, so now I struggle to get back into that state.

К.Е. [(4) 67]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

If I got it right, this quotation is about our attitude to the people with whom we may fight sometimes. It is said that these people help us to see our sins and confess them. To begin with, I would like to say that it is an amazing thought. I quite agree with that. As God does everything for a reason, and if something happens to us, even if we consider it as a bad, harmful thing, it is all good for us. God shows what do we need to change in our lifestyle, attitude, thought, and such people, I believe, express God's love, by teaching us.

Н.Л. [(4) 67]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement is about true love. I can not agree more, as in my personal opinion love is when you do something for a person every day, that sort of activity when you make people you love happier and that makes you more joyful, too. Love, I think, is a kind of work, you need to accept these people even if there are some issues, support them no matter what. And even if you love them to the moon and back, it is not always easy.

Н.Л. [(4) 57]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I suppose Saint Paisios of Mount Athos meant that a man can not feel real happiness without being tested by God, without feeling bad sometimes as this makes you stronger and you begin to appreciate good things. It can be also about how we accept all the suffering as our lessons, something that we must experience in life and be grateful for all these difficulties.

Н.Л. [(4) 53]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Only when our soul is free from sins we can see with our spiritual eyes open. Only a pure heart can see the world in its true colours, distinguish between evil and good, know their real willings. But first, we need repentance, courage to see all the sins inside and ask for God's forgiveness.

Н.Л. [(3) 49]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement says that a soul can not feel the seal of God's holiness without being tested by labours and weaknesses. God, like a wise parent, teaches us by many things, He straightens humans souls by sicknesses and trials. I think a man becomes closer to God when his spirit becomes stronger.

Н.Л. [(2) 46]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

When we serve to God, think of Him and follow His teachings, His love fills our hearts, He leads us along His roads and they are never bad or joyless. God takes care of all mankind and those who follow Him especially feel that care. We do not feel any need as we already have the greatest treasure of them all.

Н.Л. [(4) 44]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I think this quotation by Venerable Ephraim the Syrian is about how weak all men are, we do not know what real love is, have no idea how to express that love to God or just too lazy to do it. If we knew we would serve God every minute, every second of our lives we would we grateful for all difficulties of our lives, sicknesses and temptation, but we are selfish and it makes us blind and weak.

Н.Л. [(4,5) 40]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement says that everything that happens in our lives is God's will, all that we have, we have by God's permission. I quite agree with that. God is all-powerful, He controls everything, so our little victories is His victories, not ours.

Н.Л. [(2,5) 35,5]

1. Saint DIADOCHOS OF PHOTIKI was a fifth-century ascetic whose works are included in the Philokalia.
2. JOHN CLIMACUS was a 6th-7th-century Christian monk at the monastery on Mount Sinai.
3. In Christian tradition, MOUNT TABOR is the site of the transfiguration of Jesus.
4. Traditionally the term EXEGESIS was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage biblical exegesis is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation.
5. Christian doctrine maintains that God dwells in all Christians and that they can EXPERIENCE GOD directly through belief in Jesus.
6. MATERIALISM is a philosophical system which regards matter as the only reality in the world, which undertakes to explain every event in the universe as resulting from the conditions and activity of matter, and which thus denies the existence of God and the soul.
7. GREGORY PALAMAS is famous for his defense of hesychast spirituality, the uncreated character of the light of the Transfiguration, and the distinction between God's essence and energies (i.e., the divine will, divine grace, etc.).
8. In Palamite theology, there is a DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE ESSENCE AND THE ENERGIES OF GOD and it was first formulated by Gregory Palamas as part of his defense of the Athonite monastic practice of hesychasmos against the charge of heresy brought by the humanist scholar and theologian Barlaam of Calabria.
9. THE IMAGE OF GOD is a concept and theological doctrine in Judaism, Christianity, and Sufism of Islam, which asserts that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God.
10. SANCTIFICATION is growth in Christian graces, in likeness to the Saviour, and in power to overcome sin in one’s life.
11. TRANSCENDENCE refers to the aspect of God s nature which is wholly independent of (and removed from) the physical universe.
12. The doctrine or theory of IMMANENCE holds that the divine encompasses or is manifested in the material world.
13. A LAY THEOLOGIAN is a theologian who has not received formal theological training.
14. CHRISTOCENTRIC is a doctrinal term within Christianity, describing theological positions that focus on Jesus Christ, the second person of the Christian Trinity, in relation to the Godhead/God the Father or the Holy Spirit.
15. To live THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE is to be all Eucharistic, to love this sign, this culmination and fulfillment, this source and summit of our perfect prayer and perfect self-offering in love.
16. PURGATORY is, according to the belief of some Christians (mostly Catholics), an intermediate state after physical death for expiatory purification.
17. "AZYMES" is unfermented bread in Biblical times.
18. PAPAL CLAIMS are claimsof Pope for supremacy in the Church.
19. Canon Law of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church mandates the use of UNLEAVENED BREAD for the Host, and unleavened wafers for the communion of the faithful.
20. Peter, Patriarch of Antioch, explained the significance of the use of LEAVENEDBREAD in his correspondence with the Venetian Archbishop Dominic of Grado in 1052.
21. The MITER is a type of headgear now known as the traditional, ceremonial headdress of bishops and certain abbots in traditional Christianity.
22. A MOSQUE is a place of worship for Muslims.
23. To be gracious means 'to favor,' ‘to show kindnesses’ to an inferior, and ‘to be compassionate; God is GRACIOUS because He is love.
24. A Christian MISSIONARYcan be defined as "one who is to witness across cultures".
25. SERVICE BOOKS are liturgical book, giving the text of a religious service.
26. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia HELD A SERVICE in downtown Moscow on June 13th, 2013, when the Russian Orthodox Church he leads celebrated Ascension.
27. Latin is also THE LITURGICAL LANGUAGE of the Celtic, Gallican and Mozarabic rites.
28. In Catholic and Orthodox Christian theology the table upon which the Eucharist is consecrated is called an ALTAR.
29. Saint Anselm of Canterbury refused to BE CONSECRATED AS ARCHBISHOP until William restored the lands to Canterbury and acknowledged Urban II as the rightful pope against the antipope Clement III.
30. On 22 January 1862THE PRINCIPALITY of Moldavia and the Principality of Wallachia formally united to create the Romanian United Principalities, the core of the Romanian nation state.
31. Gist accounts of DOCTRINAL CONTROVERSIES have played a crucial role for the definition of Christian identity – throughout the centuries creedal texts would tirelessly reiterate that Christians abhor the error of Arius, Apollinarius and many others.
32. CHRISTIANIZATION is the conversion of individuals to Christianity or the conversion of entire groups at once.
33. THE SACRED VESSELS should be treated with the utmost reverence and handled sparingly, and even then only by the clergy and members of the altar guild in connection with their pious usage, care, and cleaning.
34. THE DEATH PENALTY is a government-sanctioned practice whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime.
35. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT is a punishment intended to cause physical pain to a person.
36. PASSION BEARERS are saints in the Orthodox Church who underwent cruelty and oppression in a spirit of meekness and non-resistance to evil, regarded as tantamount to the status of martyrdom, especially as that witnesses to the church the heroic gentleness of Christ.
37. SAINT ALBAN is venerated as the first-recorded British Christian martyr, for which reason he is considered to be the British protomartyr.
38. SAINT BOTOLPH OF THORNEY is the patron saint of travellers and the various aspects of farming.
39. MARTIN OF TOURS was the third bishop of Tours; he's become one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints in Western tradition.
40. Traditionally, Russians have regarded THE MONGOL OVERLORDSHIP as an unmitigated disaster.
41. GRAND PRINCIPALITY OF MOSCOW was a Rus' principality of the Late Middle Ages centered around Moscow, and the predecessor state of the Tsardom of Russia in the early modern period.
42. STEPHEN OF PERM was a fourteenth-century painter and missionary credited with the conversion of the Komi to Christianity and the establishment of the Bishopric of Perm'.
43. Together with Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, SERGIUS OF RADONEZH is one of the Russian Orthodox Church's most highly venerated saints.
44. WARRIOR SAINTS are patron saints, martyrs and other saints associated with the military; most of the Early Christian military saints were soldiers of the Roman Empire who had become Christian and, after refusing to participate in Imperial cult rituals of loyalty to the Roman Emperor.
45. SAINT LOUIS, KING OF FRANCE, was regarded as a primus inter pares among the kings and rulers of Europe.
46. While it served a humanitarian purpose, THE TEUTONIC KNIGHTS were primarily a military order and participated in the 3rd Crusade (1187-1192 CE) to retake Jerusalem from the Arabs.
47. Some Christian traditions consider EVANGELISTS to be in a leadership position; they may be found preaching to large meetings or in governance roles.
48. The Holy Trinity Monastery became a dynamic center of spiritual teaching and THE GREATEST RELIGIOUS HOUSE OF THE LAND.
49. When David saw that Saul came after him into THE WILDERNESS, David sent out spies and learned that Saul had indeed come.
50. PERSEVERANCE of the saints is a Christian teaching (Calvinism) that asserts that once a person is truly "born of God" or "regenerated" by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, nothing in heaven or earth "shall be able to separate (them) from the love of God" resulting in a reversal of the converted condition.

С.Х. [() 20]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I think I can agree with Metropolitan Saba Esber's statement. I think that the meaning of this statement is in spiritual quests that each person has to pass on their path of life. These spirit quests can be called a cross in a metaphorical sense. Loss of faith is the worst thing that can happen in a Christian's life. We can remember what Christ said: "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."(Mark 9:23). It should be remembered that in order to strengthen your faith, you must take part in the Sacraments and pray.

Ал.С. [(4,5) 69]

1) According to the Bible, the time of "THE GREAT TRIBULATION" means that there will be great disasters on earth.
2) The unity of Orthodoxy in the world is realized not as the unity of power over the universal Church, but as THE UNITY OF THE FAITH and the resulting unity of life.
3) Christian BOLDNESS is inextricably linked with humility.
4) COMMEMORATION OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED is a God-pleasing act of intercession aimed at improving the fate of the DECEASED.

Ал.С. [(2,5) 53]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I think I can agree with St. John's statement. In my opinion, if I understand these words correctly, the main idea of the statement is that pride can be the main source of sin. Of course, we can't disagree with this.
A proud person without feeling his sinfulness cannot sincerely and fervently pray. Prayer protects a person from sin. It communicates gracious help in the spiritual struggle against it. In true prayer all the forces of man are intensely directed to God and focused exclusively on Him alone. Therefore, a true Christian cannot choose what he believes fully and what he partially believes. To sum up, pride is a sin that every Christian has to fight.

Ал.С. [(3) 50,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I understand that the saying Venerable and Godbearing Father Anthony the Great encourages people to be humble. But I don't like that the loss of people, especially children, is compared to the loss of material values. Of course, a Christian should think about saving his soul and not about material benefits but humbly accepting the loss of a loved one is quite another matter. People believe that a better fate awaits them after death because the human soul is immortal. But who wants to test it on their own child? Probably,to reason as Father Anthony the Great does you need to reach a certain level of spirituality that is not available to me.

Ал.С. [(5) 47,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with this statement. The main meaning of it makes you think about true repentance, and not about the one that people imagine.
Of course, to learn to sincerely forgive people, you need to work hard on yourself in the spiritual aspect. If a person doesn't learn to forgive people, how can they forgive him? Forgiveness is what every person asks of God in their prayers. If a person can't truly forgive, then pride gets in the way. Well, forgiveness is necessary not only for the one who asks for it, but also for the one who forgives, so as not to indulge in the sin of pride.

Ал.С. [(5) 42,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

St. John's statement seems to me to be spiritually useful. I believe this statement is about forgiveness and spiritual humility. That is if a person does not show aggression to evil but responds with good then if this person accidentally commits unintentional evil then they will not take revenge for it and respond with hostility, but will respond with mutual understanding and goodwill.
We must remember that Jesus did not allow the evil to be realized in relation to Himself, but did not counteract the angry Jews with reciprocal anger, aggression or violence, but again peacefully eliminated the evil, defeating the evil with good.

Ал.С. [(3,5) 37,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I don't agree with St. John's statement. It seems to me that love is an unconditional concept and no matter how much effort a person makes, this feeling cannot be created artificially. Christian virtue can be considered as love without a reason, reason, or self-interest, capable of covering any shortcomings, misdeeds, or crimes. One of the three main virtues of Christianity, along with faith and hope, and the main one of them. So I don't know what kind of activity to pursue in order to achieve love.

Ал.С. [(3) 34]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with this quote from the Bible. It seems to me that the main meaning of this statement is to warn Christians against the temptations that occur on the path of life of every person. It is much easier to choose the "wide gate" and live without Christian values, without educating your own soul. To prevent this from happening it is important to find the right path and follow it.

Ал.С. [(5) 31]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with this statement. I think its main purpose is to remind believers of the meaning of spiritual joy in life. Conventionally, all joy can be divided into carnal and spiritual. It is clear that the satisfaction of carnal joy depends on the moral standards of a person. It seems to me that to satisfy spiritual joy, a person needs to fill his life with reading the Bible. Moreover, carnal joys are impermanent, and spiritual joys are eternal, because they lead man to God.

Ал.С. [(5) 26]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I believe the words of archbishop Averky to be true.
To my mind, you must remember about the image of God that is I think, the thing is, we cannot truly love anybody if we want something from them. For example, some character traits of another person irritate you and you want the person to get rid of them. It’s selfish and egoistic. We don’t accept them, thinking of ourselves all the time.
The faith in the divinity of Christ, however, allows us to see God’s image in every person. It means that every human being is unique, carrying a glimpse of the divine in himself. I think this knowledge finally allows you to love others, not trying to change them.

А.В. [(5) 121]

The millet system had two melancholy effects: it led to A SAD CONFUSION BETWEEN ORTHODOXY AND NATIONALISM and to the degrading system of corruption and SIMONY in the Church’s administration. The bishops taxed THE PARISH CLERGY, and the latter, in their turn, taxed their FLOCKS. THE PATRIARCHAL THRONE was simply sold to the highest bidder and then the Turks tried to change the Patriarch who HELD OFFICE as often as possible: there were 27 “ABDICATIONS”, 6 Patriarchs SUFFERED VIOLENT DEATHS.

А.В. [(4,5) 106,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The main advice saint Feofil gives is to stay silent. I feel like I agree with him.
As I see it, there’s a great deal of need in the act of talking out your feelings and emotions. Of course, it’s just not about all the feelings, but the states saint Feofil describes are in line with those ones you’d better not talk about.
When you say about that you’re being praised – you boast, you want to be praised more. When you tell somebody that they scolded you, you hope to be defended, you hope that your pain will be relieved. That fact that you’re used to telling other people about everything that happened to you also indicates the fact that you rely on their opinion. It means that you’re weak. If you keep silent, however, it allows you to elaborate your own system of judgment, become emotionally and psychologically stronger – that is the energy saint Feofil is talking about.

А.В. [(5) 102]

2. It was hard for the CHAPLAIN to see THE CRESCENT everywhere in what used to be a permanent element of GOD’S PROVIDENTIAL DISPENSATION, in what used to be named «GOD-PROTECTED CITY» - in the city, which now was MOSLEM under the rule of THE INFIDEL.
3. Although Sultan Mohammed II was treated by Christians as «THE PRECURSOR OF ANTICHRIST and the second SENNACHERIB», he didn’t intend to interfere in THE OBSERVANCE OF THEIR FAITH: one of his principles was that the Christians are TO UNDERGO no PERSECUTION. CHAMPION OF ISLAM, he gave the PASTORAL STAFF to the Patriarch, as THE AUTOCRATS of Byzantium did. But in fact under his rule there was every inducement TO APOSTATIZE TO ISLAM and there were no heroic ways for the Christians of WITNESSING TO THEIR FAITH.

А.В. [(8,5) 97]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with Righteous John’s statement just partly. I fully agree with the whole message – the point, that you will feel content being with Christ, yet I think the phrase is not very well put.
I don’t think God can transform everything into a good object: to make a bitter thing sweet. Neither think I that you will experience only positive feelings when you find Christ in your heart, that your sorrows will turn into joys. I guess these are not objects that change, but your attitude to them. Moreover, the whole outlook of a person changes. Of course, you will feel content, but not because your previous grieves magically became joys. Some of the problems that worried you can simply disappear, some of the previous values – as well.
That’s the way I agree with Righteous John. Maybe, that is the very meaning he wanted to put in these words.

А.В. [(5) 88,5]

1. In the north, in terms of ascetic life, to WITHDREW INTO THE FORESTS is an opportunity to FOUND A HERMITAGE in THE WILDERNESS.
2. What was initially a PLACE OF RETREAT of Sergius of Radonezh later became THE GREATEST RELIGIOUS HOUSE IN THE LAND.
3. Although saint Sergius of Radonezh displayed DELIBERATE SELF-HUMILIATION, magnificent Dmitry Donskoy went to him to SECURE HIS BLESSING.
4. The EXPLORER MONKS, in contrast to the COLONIST MONKS, were not only colonists but also missionaries.

А.В. [(3,5) 83,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

If I got the meaning of this phrase right, then I agree with it. I see the bishop’s point.
I think the matter is many people start to seek God because they aren’t content with their life. When you are discontent, everything around appears sombre. The whole process of living turns into an endless fight with the outer regulations being imposed on you by society, parents, bosses, etc. You’re desperately trying to find your way between the expectations of others, obligations you have, and your interest and desire (if you have such). Until you find God, you’re always trying to do something so that others would appreciate that. However, when you meet God, you get to know that He is the only judge one should have. That is the moment you stop craving for praise.
I guess these are the labours saint Diadochus is talking about. The job you perform because you want to be praised is exhausting – the starting point for you to do any work is the lack of self-confidence that you want to compensate for through other’s adoration. However, when you finally get too exhausted, you start to seek God.

А.В. [(4,5) 80]

1. THE GRAND DUKES OF MOSCOW from THE PRINCIPALITY OF MOSCOW are behind the resistance to the Mongols – the Mongol Tatars OVERLORDSHIP lasted for 243 years but finally was turned down, which stopped the SUZERAINTY.
2. Alexander Nevsky, a WARRIOR SAINT, who’s often been compared to SAINT LOUIS, KING OF FRANCE, decided TO PAY TRIBUTE to the Mongols, although soon he won over the Swedes and THE TEUTONIC KNIGHTS, who hoped to carry out THE REDUCTION OF THE RUSSIAN ‘SCHISMATICS’ TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE POPE.
3. STEPHEN of Perm is behind the missionary work in the 13-15 centuries: the Russians sent EVANGELISTS to the pagan conquerors. SERGIUS of Radonezh is another important figure of that time.

А.В. [(6) 75,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I completely share the attitude of Tito Colliander. These invocations are close to my soul.
I believe that the main thing that lies behind salvation is the desire of one to be delivered from the evil one. It is a long way, sometimes it cannot be accomplished even throughout the whole life. A man decides to live rightfully, but then he makes a mistake – commits a sin. Game over.
The wrongs one commits can be disappointing, discouraging. It’s really easy to give up, to become disillusioned with yourself. And here’s where the real need for the determination, i.e. a passionate desire to become good appears. This stubborn desire is the only thing one has when the sense of righteousness has gone. Such passion drives a person even if he feels unsure of himself. That is the only thing that can make him stand up and “start again at your beginnings”. To my mind, the words of Tito Coliander are the powerful depiction of such desire.

А.В. [(4,5) 69,5]

1. Saints ALBAN and BOTOLPH as well as MARTIN OF TOURS are listed in one prayer.
2. Saint Anthony, who lived on MOUNT ATHOS, had a SUCCESSOR Saint Theodosius, who is famous for introducing THE RULE OF THE MONASTERY and for being conscious of THE SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF CHRISTIANITY.
3. One way to follow Christ was to follow him in his SACRIFICIAL DEATH, another – in voluntary ‘SELF-EMPTYING’.
4. I think that many PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE GOSPEL nowadays are not JUST.

А.В. [(5,5) 65]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

If to read this quotation at least twice, the author’s point of view becomes clear. Indeed, sometimes people forget that their job is their choice and if it correlates to God’s will they develop and grow professionally. If tired, some people begin complaining that the life is complicated and they’d like to have an easier one. As for me, such thoughts are dangerous and we must get rid of them as soon as possible, because our thoughts and words have such a power which hasn’t been studied to the end yet. If you complain about a thing, God can take it from you because you haven’t appreciated it.
Now I would like to explain why the quotation wasn’t clear for me at first. I think there is a danger of misunderstanding: sometimes people decide that if God grants things to them they can do nothing and wait until their business gains success. They consider that praying without action is enough because the Lord knows better what they need and drown their own dreams and plans in slackness. These are the people who don’t trust themselves and this is definitely sad.
To my mind, the right way of living for a true Christian is to identify their talent and develop their skills, also combining their actions with praying and living according to God’s commandments.

М.Ч. [(5) 58]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Actually, these words are absolutely correct and needn’t be proven. All what is said by Archbishop Averky (Taushev) is written in the Creed. And everything including love for God and man is possible only with accepting all the Christian doctrines and faith.
Besides, there are a lot of other points which help us in our true loving for God and the world. That’s not only about the Incarnation of Jesus Christ but also about faith in God’s grace, mediation of the Church in Salvation, venerating saints and a lot of other things.
Nevertheless, Archbishop Averky (Taushev) draws our attention to the example of the ideal love, Christ’s love for God and for mankind. It was the highest, the best manifestation of love ever.

В.О. [(5) 125]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

There are definitely reasons to say that we should acknowledge our everyday work as God’s work. Everything that happens to us is through God’s will and not against it.
We should be respectful for the opportunity to do what we can do for people and for the world, should be grateful for the opportunity to work, should be patient in all the temptations because we should do everything in the Name of God.
We should live according to God’s will and our faith in Him.

В.О. [(5) 107,5]

1) Even nowadays we see that a SAD CONFUSION BETWEEN ORTHODOXY AND NATIONALISM exists.
2) In many countries (if not in all of them) there were some precedents of SIMONY.
3) When Greece was under the Turks there was great amount of ABDICATIONS on the PATRIARCHAL THRONE because of the sultan. Some Patriarchs SUFFERED VIOLENT DEATHS. Patriarchs resisted but they BOWED EVENTUALLY TO THE INEVITABLE.

В.О. [(3) 102,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Archbishop Averky proclaims, if I got it right, that pure, unconditional love for God and man can be possible only in the case when a man faithfully believes that Christ is the Incarnate Son of God. There are a lot of things to say, to my mind it is of primary importance for a Christian to believe, fully and unreservedly, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of humankind. But honestly, there are many people who are not Christians, who do not even know about Christianity (or, maybe, do not know much), but they believe in God, so are they condemned to die (the death from sins, I mean)? I don´t know the answer, but I want to believe that people of other religions can attain, feel unconditional love of God too.

Н.Л. [(3,5) 33]

1) PERSEVERANCE is extremely important when you resist the ALLUREMENTS AND PLEASURES OF THIS WORLD as it helps to KEEP YOUR FAITH.
2) Edward Browne, a CHAPLAIN, was shocked seeing the CRESCENT exalted everywhere in Constantinople.
3) Constantinople was considered as “GOD-PROTECTED CITY” but in 1453 it went under the rule of the INFIDEL.
4) Muslims supposed that Christians should not UNDERGO PERSECUTION and let them OBSERVE THEIR FAITH.
5) THE PRECURSOR OF ANTICHRIST and the second SENNACHERIB are two ways Greeks called Sultan Mohammed II.

В.О. [(5,5) 99,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

For me, this quotation is not fully clear. Actually, I can’t understand whether it is about death and God’s energies or about your own energy appearing from time to time during your lifetime. I can’t catch the point.
If these words are about the lifetime of a person, then they mean that we should be patient in all the situations, even in the difficult ones. And then we will be rewarded for it with the energy which we haven’t spent on quarrels or praising ourselves or anything else.
If this quotation is about death, then it means that we should humble our flesh and spirit and wait for the life of the age to come. And then our patience would save us and due to our righteousness God would give us Salvation.

В.О. [(4,5) 94]

1) St. Sergius of Radonezh is one of the most famous Russian saints who WITHDREW INTO THE FOREST as a young man and FOUNDED A HERMITAGE there. When people learned about the PLACE OF RETREAT, they came to him as disciples and later the saint founded THE GREATEST RELIGIOUS HOUSE IN THE LAND. Many came there to SECURE HIS BLESSING and to acquire CONTRITE HEART.
2) Alexander Nevsky was one of the greatest WARRIOR SAINTS known in Russia. Although he submitted to Tartar OVERLORDSHIP and PAID THEM TRIBUTE, he defeated his western opponents such as the Swedes and the TEUTONIC KNIGHTS.

В.О. [(7) 89,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can’t actually judge whether this quotation is fair or not. It seems so if we take into consideration some examples from the numerous parables of the Gospel, such as Lazarus, for instance, from the parable about the rich man and Lazarus. Or we even can recall the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes, which all work on this topic.
However, it’s hard, for me, to judge because these were ideal examples, examples from the Scriptures and in our real life things differ. It’s too difficult to be as devoted to Christ as Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt, says. We are too imperfect to feel in such a contented way. At least, I am.

В.О. [(5) 82,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

While reading the words I felt that I can neither agree nor disagree. I saw in the quote the instruction to my future actions and thoughts, because I’ve never looked at the matter in such a way before. I tended to have an opinion that if people say evil gossips behind your back, you just need to ignore that and not try to prove anything opposite to their words to anybody.
The more seriously you take bad things spoken about you, the more anger lives in your heart. I’m sure that the bad in your heart makes you feel everything bad around you and, vice versa, the good feels everything good. That is why saints were ready to help those affecting them and prayed for those people wholeheartedly.
So, by trying to mortify annoyance and anger every time you hear evil spoken about you, you can make your heart clean and bad words painless for you.

М.Ч. [(5) 42]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I find these words to be right and I agree with the quote. Nevertheless before coming to such a conclusion I had a question, is love something that needs someone’s efforts? Why should I spend my energy to cultivate love in my heart? If I am a good human being without any cruel intentions what prevents love from appearing in my heart?
Then I decided to think more, because obviously Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt knew about life more than I do, and a simple thought came to my mind: practice makes perfect. This rule works in every aspect of our life – and gaining real love is not an exception. If one wants to take good pictures, he takes a thousand of them before coming to a satisfactory result, before knowing a language well one studies a lot. So love demands efforts from a person too – it demands patience to others’ mistakes, readiness to help and many other deeds, because love shows itself in action.

М.Ч. [(4,5) 37]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Having thought about the meaning of the quote for some time I finally agreed with it.
At first I couldn’t get a connection between God’s presence in one’s heart and the satisfaction with everything they own. Why, I thought, a poor must be glad to have almost nothing, or how is it possible to get happiness from hunger? No matter if there is Christ in one’s heart or not, the material part of a person still exists and we need to deal with it.
Later it became clear to me that Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt was quite right. If Christ fulfills a heart He makes it unable to feel uncomfortable. To my mind, bliss and dissatisfaction cannot exist together. Moreover, everything is in our head – if we count something a problem, it is a problem and vice versa. God cannot touch one’s heart avoiding their mind, so when He visits one’s heart He makes the person look at things only positively.

М.Ч. [(5) 32,5]

1. Old Permic alphabet was introduced by STEPHEN OF PERM.
2. Nikon of Radonezh, the disciple of SERGIUS OF RADONEZH asked Andrei Rublev «to paint the image of the Holy Trinity to honour the father Sergius».
3. Chapel of the WARRIOR SAINT - Prince Alexander Nevsky is 15 metres high and is located near the graves of Soviet soldiers and officers on the Walk of Fame.
4. The "Battle of the Ice" was the battle between the Russian army led by Alexander Nevsky and the TEUTONIC KNIGHTS on the ice of Lake Peipus in 1242.
5. It is entirely devoted to the two SCHISMATIC monks discovered at the time in the sacred SKETE.

А.С. [(1,5) 44]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It is a beautiful metaphor, a colourful image and in general I agree with it. It is true that labours, moments of weakness test us and for those who pass the test, for those who let their heart and mind be softened recieve may receive «the seal of God’s holiness» (the term that is absolutely inexplicable and can signify anything). So, what happens to those who were not tested or failed testing? are there any other ways to receive «the seal of God’s holiness»? And what does it mean at all? Giving all these questions I would say that the phrase is merely a set of beautiful words with an impenetrable sence.

А.С. [(3,5) 34,5]

1) The Pechersky Lavra was reorganized by Saint Theodosius, the SUCCESSOR of Saint Antony who had lived on MOUNT ATHOS and founded the Monastery. Saint Theodosius introduced THE RULE OF THE MONASTERY of the Studium at Constantinople there. And as he was conscious of the SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF CHRISTIANITY, in his life he followed Christ in voluntary ''SELF-EMPTYING''. Saint Theodosius was also concerned with THE PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE GOSPEL.

В.О. [(5) 77,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Actually, it happens quite rare with me that I can fully agree with a quote. And this one is such a rare example.
Holiness is something which is difficult to be admitted if it's not seen in deeds of a person. And what's the reason to admit someone's holiness if we see a person and his behavior in some peaceful conditions, not stressful at all?
Being in a comfortable state most of us would behave in a good way while being in stressful situations may show who we really are.
And such situations are necessary for us to improve ourselves while those who are already righteous may be considered as saints.

В.О. [(5) 72,5]

He was reelected Patriarch in 1798, but on 17 June 1801 he resigned again and was exiled to MOUNT ATHOS.
He wrote several sermons for feastdays, of which the best known is the Sermon on the Exaltation of the PRECIOUS AND LIFE-GIVING CROSS OF The Lord.
When the Spanish bishop and ascetic Priscillian, accused by his fellow bishops of heresy, was executed by the emperor Magnus Maximus under the charge of magic, Siricius - along with Ambrose of Milan and MARTIN OF TOURS — protested against the verdict to the emperor.
I always liked the ODOUR that filled our church. I remember how we used to inhale that SPIRITUAL FRAGRANCE (so we thought) and felt THE UNITY OF the FAITH WITH each other (my friends and I).

А.С. [(3) 31]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can't fully agree with the words of Saint Paisios of Mount Athos. The reason is in the point of view.
We call "sweet life" life which brings us satisfaction, life living which we are pleased and happy. So, how can we say that such people "who enjoy it in a worldly way" do not experience "sweet life"? They do, indeed.
We might say that such people do not understand properly what "sweet life" is, but that they do not experience it - no way. They do but in their own way.

В.О. [(5) 67,5]

1) Not all the Slavs were CHRISTIANIZED immediately and directly.
2) One of the mistakes of the Slavs was that they mixed Church and State and, as a result, Church often SERVED THE ENDS OF NATIONAL POLITICS.
3) In the Christianization of Russia Vladimir anticipated THE SOCIAL IMPLICATION OF CHRISTIANITY.
4) Vladimir wanted to MITIGATE the Byzantine law code in Kievan Russia because there was no DEATH PENALTY and CORPORAL PUNISHMENT was rare there, so it was too brutal for that place.
5) There are not so many PASSION BEARERS in the Russian Orthodox Church comparing with the amount of the canonized in the other titles.

В.О. [(1,5) 62,5]

1. BIBLE DOCTRINE is a site that emphasizes Paul’s “gospel of the grace of God”, that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead.
2. In rabbinic Judaism SANCTIFICATION means sanctifying God's name by works of mercy and martyrdom, while desecration of God's name means committing sin.
3. In the narrative, an angel of the Lord is described as appearing in a BURNING BUSH, and God is subsequently described as calling out from it to Moses, who had been grazing Jethro's flocks there.
4. Many of us have had such “TRANSCENDENT” moments where it seems we tap into something higher than ourselves.
5. An ECCLESIAL community is, in the terminology used by the Catholic Church, a Christian religious group that does not meet the Catholic definition of a "Church.
6. During the course of the DIVINE LITURGY (Eucharist), there are two ENTRANCES.
7. The LITTLE ENTRANCE occurs during the portion of the service known as the LITURGY OF CATECHUMENS, in preparation for the scriptural readings.
8. The GREAT ENTRANCE occurs at a later point during the Divine Liturgy, near the beginning of the Liturgy of the Faithful.
9. The Great Entrance is performed in absolute silence while all PROSTRATE themselves.
10. The CHERUBIC HYMN was added to the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom by order of the Emperor Justinian near the end of the sixth century.
11. OLD BELIEVERS continue liturgical practices which the Russian Orthodox Church maintained before the implementation of these reforms.
12. The rival COUNCIL OF FLORENCE concluded in 1445 after negotiating unions with the various eastern churches.
13. PURGATORY refers to a doctrine in the Roman Catholic Church which posits that those who die in a state of grace undergo a purification in order to achieve the holiness necessary to enter heaven.
14. The description of the FILIOQUE as a heresy was iterated most clearly and definitively by the great Father and Pillar of the Church, St. Photius the Great, in his On the Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit.
15. The term AZYMES does not appear frequently in modern Bible translations, but was the usual word for unleavened bread in the early Catholic English Douay-Rheims Bible.
16. An Orthodox spiritual centre since 1054, MOUNT ATHOS has enjoyed an autonomous statute since Byzantine times.
17. Defined as heretics by the Russian Orthodox Church, JUDAIZERS were Christians who adopted various practices such as observing the Sabbath, practicing iconoclasm, and, at times, denying the divinity of Jesus.
18. According to the GNOSTICS the material cosmos is the result of a primordial error on the part of a supra-cosmic, supremely divine being, usually called Sophia (Wisdom) or simply the Logos.
19. While MARCIONISM has been associated with Gnosticism, Marcion looked to a form of Christianity that had no association with Judaism.
20. NOVATIANISM was a Christian "heresy" originating in the third century C.E., based on the teachings of the antipope Novatian.
21. Historically, the DONATISTS belong to the tradition of early Christianity that produced the Montanist and Novatianist movements in Asia Minor and the Melitians in Egypt.
22. ARIANISM should be clearly distinguished from "Aryanism", which formed the core of Nazi racial ideology during the twentieth century, and which had nothing whatsoever to do with Arius or his teachings.
23. The writings of Pelagius are no longer extant, the eight canons of the Council of Carthage (418) provided corrections to the errors of the early PELAGIANS.
24. APOCATASTASIS is the teaching that everyone will, in the end, be saved.
25. MONOPHYSITISM (particularly Eutyches' variety) was condemned at the Fourth Ecumenical Council, held in Chalcedon in the year 451.
26. ICONOCLASMS can be carried out by people of a different religion but are often the result of sectarian disputes between factions of the same religion.
27. FILIOQUISM is the name of a heresy saying that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son.
28. The term PASSION BEARER can be defined as a person who faces his or her death in a Christ-like manner.
29. The main figures of SCHOLASTICISM were Peter Abelard, Albertus Magnus, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Bonaventure and, most importantly, Thomas Aquinas.
30. According to Porphyry, ORIGEN attended lectures given by Ammonius Saccas, the founder of Neoplatonism.

А.Н. [(14,5) 27,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Having thought about the meaning of the quotation thoroughly, I can say that I agree with it. Further there are some arguments for such a position. The author says that there are some people who understand sweet life in a worldly way. This means that they want to have riches on Earth and think that without worldly prosperity they wouldn’t be happy enough. In such a case it is very easy to take their riches away and make them lose the sense of life. They must know it and therefore deeply in their hearts these people always have a shade of fear that their belongings can be taken away from them. When you have at least little anxiety, you cannot enjoy the atmosphere you are in fully.
In the second case Saint Paisios describes the people enjoying sweet life not in its worldly meaning but in a spiritual one. Opposite to the first category, such people don’t strive for temporary riches, but use simple food, drinks, clothes which would be just necessary not to die or get sick. Instead of expensive material things they choose something else, which is more important for them – the life with God. Spiritual life is something that cannot be taken away from a person by force. When a human being realizes that the state of his spiritual life is directly in his hands he should feel calm and happy, because a person has a precious thing that will be with him as long as he wishes and acts – acts accordingly to the Gospel and the Commandments.

М.Ч. [(4,5) 27,5]

1) The Mother of God is called THEOTOKOS sometimes.
2) There was no DEFILEMENT or corruption in the birth of the Word.
3) There were some heresies which suggested that man could be saved without mysteries, for example, PELAGIANISM and APOCATASTASIS.
4) CHILIASM understands the Gospel literally concerning the Second Coming of Christ.
5) ARIANISM rejects the divine nature of Christ.

В.О. [(3) 61]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

These words tell us about the difficulty of achieving heavens. And such a metaphor as the gate and the way is very frequently used. It's a quite pictorial and effective way to explain to people how to reach the Heavenly Kingdom.
This means that the easier, the worse. We should not choose the path of least resistance, we should choose the path which leads to our Salvation. No matter how the way looks and how comfortable it is.

В.О. [(4,5) 58]

1. Latin hymns such as "Veni redemptor gentium", written by Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan, were austere statements of the THEOLOGICAL DOCTRINE of the Incarnation in opposition to ARIANISM.
2. The Lutherans formally rejected CHILIASM in The Augsburg Confession.
3. After the new SYNODAL LETTER of the African council of 1 May 418 to the pope, and after the steps taken by the emperor Honorius against the PELAGIANS, Zosimus issued his Tractoria, in which PELAGIANISM and its authors were finally condemned.
4. CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA wrote, I am amazed that there are some who are entirely in doubt as to whether the holy Virgin should be called THEOTOKOS or not.
5. This schism was the consequence of the "Henoticon" of the Emperor Zeno and supported by his successor Anastasius, who became more and more inclined towards MONOPHYSITISM and persecuted those bishops who refused to REPUDIATE the Council of Chalcedon.
6. In 727, Gregory summoned a synod to condemn ICONOCLASM.
7. Nigeria prohibits BLASPHEMY by section 204 of its Criminal Code and by permitting Sharia courts to operate in some states.
8. People were bowed in PROSTRATION. The atmosphere in the church seemed to be mystical. The CHOIR sang the CHERUBIC HYMN and just for a moment I could swear I saw SERAPHIMS and CHERUBIMS singing with the choir. At that moment I REJOICED, I felt like BEING FULL OF GRACE. Things that confused went away, and REASONING IN MY HEART I had nothing to doubt. I could see an ASSEMBLEY OF ARCHANGELS, I could understand Christ´s «TAKING FLESH», I felt I could penetrate the whole mystery of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION of THEOTOKOS.

А.С. [(6) 28]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I suppose I can see metropolitan Saba Esber’s point. I share his idea. To my mind, the message of this quotation corresponds closely with the message of that one of John Donne’s sermons. In it, the preacher states that every man has his own duties in this world, which subject him to his vocation. The deafness to one’s calling is equaled to a rebuke against God, as it was Him who endowed every man with his own unique image, his own unique responsibilities, i.e. his cross. Thus, the one who loses his cross rejects the idea of every man being created in the image of God. He doesn’t serve God any longer.

А.В. [(4,5) 59,5]

1. DIADOCHUS OF PHOTICE and SAINT JOHN CLIMACUS of Mount SINAI were first to recommend THE INVOCATION OF THE NAME ‘Jesus’ as a special form of prayer.
2. THE VISION OF DIVINE AND UNCREATED LIGHT was considered by the Hesychasts of Byzantium the culmination of their spiritual experience and this light was believed to be one of a kind with the Uncreated Light seen by three of the Jesus’ disciples on MOUNT THABOR, which goes against the apophatic doctrine of God the transcendent and UNAPPROACHABLE.
3. Barlaam the Calabrian was apparently influenced by THE NOMINALIST PHOLOSOPHY: building on one-sided EXEGESIS of Dionysius, he stated Hesychasm’s belief in AN IMMEDIATE EXPERIENCE OF GOD to be wrong and considered them as having fallen into A GROSS MATERIALISM. Later SAINT GREGORY PALAMAS drew THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE ESSENCE AND THE ENERGIES OF GOD to defend the Hesychasts.

А.В. [(6,5) 55]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Perhaps I don’t get the full meaning of St. John’s words, but I can’t wholly agree with him. Pride and humility are two opposite attitudes and here Righteous John states that the one who considers no matters of religion or Church as ‘superfluous, strange or absurd’ is humble. To be humble is good, it leads to salvation. However, I consider the questions of religion to be delicate. Here, you should be careful, always attentive to yourself. There is no place for forcing yourself, especially for trying to make your mind think that way or another. Thus, I agree with the ‘diagnosis’ contained in this statement, but I also see spiritual advice with which I can’t agree. For me, these are the questions of too delicate a matter.

А.В. [(4,5) 48,5]

1. In his new confirmation of THE BIBLICAL DOCTRINE OF MAN, Saint Gregory Palamas stated that the whole MAN WAS CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD, and that the human body was made by God a source of SANCTIFICATION.
3. Although the Light of God is not SENSIBLE, a man can see it with his eyes, as human BODILY FACULTIES were transformed when a man was deified.
4. Although allowing for God’s IMMANENCE, Palamas argued that the God remains “THE WHOLLY OTHER”, and kept God’s TRANSCENDENCE to prevent the faithful from falling into UNGUARDED MYSTICISM.

А.В. [(6,5) 44]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

For me, the question being posed in Father Anthony’s utterance is the question of what a man should consider as being in his possession. There are very few things of which one can say that he owns them. Everything can happen almost with every object of one’s belonging – both material and non-material. Life is unpredictable. In fact, the only thing that you have control of (even in this case, not all the time) is yourself. You can be responsible, more or less, for your choices in the present, and, thus, for the work you perform. When you are satisfied with the things you have, ‘the things you are given with by God’, you can easily start building everything anew, not spreading yourself out on grief and regretting, no matter how terrible was the catastrophe that happened. This is the most efficient way to get back everything you were deprived of by accident. I agree with Father Anthony the Great.

А.В. [(4,5) 37,5]

1. The CHRISTOCENTRIC, SACRAMENTAL, ECCLESIAL mysticism of THE LAY THEOLOGIAN Nicholas Cabasilas demonstrates how mysticism was close to THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE in Byzantine theology.
2. Although it was hard for the theologians to discuss their matter DISPASSIONATELY, eventually THE FLORENTINE UNION was established, covering the problems of PURGATORY, AZYMES, filioque and THE PAPAL CLAIMS. The Greeks and the Latins were allowed to keep some differences, for example, the former used LEAVENED BREAD, while the latter UNLEAVENED.
4. Church of the Holy Wisdom is A MOSQUE now.
5. ‘MITER’ in American English, ‘mitre’ in British is a type of bishop’s headgear.

А.В. [(7) 33]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with the statement of St. John Climacus. As one of the fathers of the Church has said, ‘sin is a failure to hit the target’. Initially, you can try different ways of leading your life and then you understand you can’t succeed by taking some of them. You understand they aren’t good for you, i.e. that you’ve been mistaken, you’ve sinned.
When you repent, you hope to cross out the wrong ways of behavior out of variety you have in your mind. Repentance is a change of mind. Once you have truly repented, your former mistakes faint, as they are not a matter for you no longer. Everything unnecessary is being automatically deleted from our memory for the sake of its efficiency. You can no longer imagine to act as you used to do. Thus, ‘the forgetting of wrongs is a sign of true repentance’. The fact that you forgot them proves that you repented.

А.В. [(2,5) 26]

1. When MISSIONARY WORK WAS INITIATED, the first MISSIONARY JOURNEY didn’t bring permanent results.
2. The Prince Rostislav wanted the SERVICES TO BE TAKEN in Slavonic, which required Slavonic SERVICE BOOKS.
3. In the ninth century THE LITURGICAL LANGUAGE in Moravia was Slavonic: the SERVICES WERE HELD in it and the Slavonic service books were laid on the ALTARS of Moravia’s principal churches.

А.В. [(3) 23,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with Righteous John with all my heart. Although I don’t have any additional theological or philosophical knowledge on this topic, I can feel this statement is right, both in its message and logic.
If you say that it weren’t evil passions which commit unrightful deeds, but a person himself, you reject the God’s words that a man was created in God’s image and likeness. Thus, you make it proper for a man to sin, whereas in reality it is a crime against his nature.

А.В. [(2,5) 20,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with St. John’s statement. ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself’ is one of the Ten Commandments. From what I can make out, it’s not a restrictive commandment, by contrast with that one about murder, for example, but an imperative. If the capacity of loving was a human natural ability, there would be no need in such a commandment. Also, I want to cite a famous German psychologist Erich Fromm ‘Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice’.
Also, in this utterance, all the necessary personal adjustments are indicated for gaining such an ability. The first is the zeal – your desire to obtain one, the second are the efforts – the real actions you perform, and the third – your alertness, the state of being awake all the time and readiness to make all the necessary corrections in your behaviour.

А.В. [(5) 18]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with the statement of Matthew. As I see it, the straight gate here symbolizes the clarity and simplicity of the Orthodox teaching. Every man has conscience to tell the difference between the bad and the good deeds. It is natural for a human being to try to be good, thus, the gate is straight. As Tertullian stated, ‘anima naturaliter christiana.
However, the gate to the road of destruction is also straight. It is also easy to sin. The difference lies in the ways. The narrow road is restricted. To tread on it you must watch your way while walking. You must be careful and obey the rules. By contrast, to achieve destruction, you need to obey nothing. It’s a broad and comfortable road, which doesn’t impose any restrictions on you.

А.В. [(4,5) 13]

1. Although the mission TO FOUND A SLAVONIC NATIONAL CHURCH in Moravia failed, Cyril and Methodius’ journey did bring its results.
2. The IMMACULATE is the one who didn’t suffer DEFILEMENT.
3. It’s a great honor for a bishop to BE CONSECRATED AS ARCHBISHOP.

А.В. [(1,5) 8,5]

1) Greek spiritual writers such as DIADOCHUS OF PHOTICE recommended the constant repetition of the name "Jesus" as a form of prayer. Later THE INVOCATION OF THE NAME expanded into the Jesus Prayer.
2) THE VISION OF DIVINE AND UNCREATED LIGHT, which, as they believed, was identical with the Uncreated Light which surrounded Jesus on MOUNT THABOR, was the most important experience for the Hesychasts.
3) Barlaam the Calabrian attacked the Hesychasts, claiming that as long as God is transcendent and UNAPPROACHABLE no IMMEDIATE EXPERIENCE OF HIM is possible.
5) SAINT GREGORY PALAMAS defended the Hesychasts, saying that as long as the WHOLE MAN WAS CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD and as long as Christ saved the whole man thus making the SANCTIFICATION of the body and BODILY FACULTIES possible, one can experience energies of God which take the form of Light.

1) Nicholas Cabasilas was the LAY THEOLOGIAN whose mysticism was CHRISTOCENTRIC, SACRAMENTAL AND ECCLESIAL.
2) As a result of the FLORENTINE UNION the Orthodox accepted the PAPAL CLAIMS, the filioque and the teaching on PURGATORY.
3) I`ve never been in a MOSQUE.
4) It`s important to maintain your SACRAMENTAL LIFE.

Before going on their MISSIONARY JOURNEY to the Slavs, Cyril and Methodius had to translate the Bible and SERVICE BOOKS into Slavonic, so that they could preach and TAKE SERVICES in a language comprehensible for those who`d hear them. Thus they developed Church Slavonic, which became THE LITURGICAL LANGUAGE of the Russian Orthodox Church.

1) Photius the Patriarch of Constantinople, who INITIATED MISSIONARY WORK among Slavs, made an attempt to FOUND A SLAVONIC NATIONAL CHURCH in Moravia by sending Cyril and Methodius there.
2) We discussed GNOSTICISM and ARIANISM at our Church History classes.
3) I think that THE CHERUBIC HYMN is the most magnificent prayer I`ve ever heard.

К.Е. [(15,5) 63]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with Righteous John`s saying. Nothing comes of itself in our world.
I believe, it`s quite obvious that when someone doesn`t express any warm feelings towards the other people, they won`t show theirs in response either. Moreover, when someone is incapable of reasonable love towards himself, nobody else will be able to express this divine feeling towards him.
It`s easy to succumb to all the negative emotions one experiences, thus, giving oneself over to demons. But if a disappointed person strives to understand and accept the thought that it all will work out for the best and starts looking deeper in other people's souls, reconciling with them, he`ll find out that love is a feeling hard to achieve, but it is rather rewarding.
I have noticed that when I`m grumpy and irritated my surroundings respond to it with the same emotions. On the other hand, when I make an effort to calm down, to pray and to love the world around I suddenly see smiling people, beautiful nature and the wisdom of the God`s Providence.

К.Е. [(4) 47,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with this statement. In my opinion, Christian’s life is really troublesome and tough.
If you choose the life in the Church, you should be aware that your friends may reject and leave you. Even your parents and people whom you love most would not understand your new thoughts and way of thinking. As the way is narrow and not many people follow it. But the reward is worth it. So in this quote from the Bible Christ warns us against temptations and seductions on our way.

А.А. [(4,5) 51]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

One must admit that the quote by Toto Colliander is hugely interesting to speculate on. Because the answer to the question «What do you do there in the monastery?» is not a usual one.
People expect that the monk will say about the labour in the monastery, strict rules and the prayer. But he mentioned the temptations. The monk answered in a more global way.
And as I see it, that is the way Christians live. We fall and go to confession and then again sin. It’s about the Christian life. Nobody is holy. We are all wicked and we all have our fallen nature. And we should always keep that in mind.
And as for me, this quote is specially well-timed during the Great Lent.

А.А. [(4) 36,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To start with, I fully agree with the quotation of Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt. Sometimes people get irritated with the trifles without a reason. And it’s hard even for a true Christian to avoid this temptation.
For instance, you slightly hurt your leg and you feel pain. And this is already a cause for irritation. And then you start to justify yourself and so on — and leave the evil is in your heart unnoticed. So the main idea of the quote of Righteous John, as I see it, is to control our behaviour, to watch our inner thoughts and emotions and not to let in bad and mean things.

А.А. [(4,5) 32,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This saying of righteous John seems to me rather deep and spiritually profitable.
If people are truly there for someone they help him to become a better version of himself i.e. to get rid of the sin that the person doesn`t acknowledge for some reason. Once he does it it`s easier to fight against it.
That`s why we should love our enemies: they`re truly sincere about our flaws and eager to point them out.
However, it should be said that there`re some people who mean to hurt the others. Those are spiritually blind and they can hate and scorn some good person, making him believe that he`s not. So, we should be careful about rude words and distinguish a helpful remark from pure and baseless hatred.
Righteous John`s idea can really help in managing with anger and aggression, I assume. I`ll surely use it.

К.Е. [(3,5) 43,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with John Climacus` saying.
Basically, by forgetting of one`s wrongs we admit that we`re ourselves wrongdoers in one way or another. So, making this first step we make it clear to ourselves that we`re capable of evil as well as other people and that we aren`t better than the others. Then we`ll be able to work on it and to sincerely repent.
Moreover, there`s a golden rule which says: "Treat others as you would like others to treat you". So, if we hold grudges, how can we expect others to forgive our wrongdoings? How can we expect God to forgive our sins? There is no spiritual development when one can`t let something go. It`s his pride and wish to own something or someone that makes him behave in such way and if he can`t overcome them with love then he`ll repent in vain.

К.Е. [(5) 40]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with Father Antony`s saying.
Nothing really belongs to anyone. Everything and everyone can be taken from a human at any moment. Even his own life can suddenly end.
People nowadays grow up believing that they`re intelligent and powerful creatures who can control every aspect of their lives. Due to the scientific and technological progress there are fewer deaths and fewer great catastrophies. Life has become safer and more comfortable, so people have stopped thinking about accidents and unexpected events that can change their existence for good. They have become weaker and more relaxed paying the most of their attention to the vanity.
That`s why people get rather frustrated after losing someone or something. They`re sure that they`d lost their own belongings because they don`t know and don`t believe that there is only one Master of everything. So, despair and sorrow of modern people in such situations is quite understandable. It`s rather hard to be grateful when something you got used to or needed is suddenly taken away from you. Moreover, it takes a great effort to convince yourself that it wasn`t yours after all.
Maybe more people should learn about Job`s story from the Old Testament. It shows that everything can be taken even from a righteous man but there`s no use in blasphemy and anger. Rather, one should be patient and humble because God works in mysterious ways.

К.Е. [(4) 35]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with Righteous John`s saying.
Pride is usually a root of other sins and it`s the hardest state of spirit that humans have to face. It can easily cloud one`s vision, make one believe that he and his reason are strong enough to understand the world and its purpose, as well as to find his own purpose in life. Such people forget that there`s a spiritual part of them that can help them find the truth.
However, I don`t think that spiritual pride is absolute evil. I know some people who were born to the family of unbelievers and were atheists themselves but they sought truth. And after they had learnt more about the religion and the world around them, they became fervent Christians. They reinforced their faith through knowledge, observation and contemplation and now they`re devout and conscious members of the Church.

К.Е. [(5) 31]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I find Metropolitan Saba Esber`s saying rather profound.
Basically, salvation is achieved through deification, one of the central concepts in Orthodoxy, which is becoming more like God in union with Him. Becoming more like God is to live like Christ, to follow His teaching withstanding misunderstanding, defamation, persecution and even death for our faith. It also means to be an active member of the Church and to participate in the Mysteries. If one is unwilling to live this way he loses his faith because you can`t be half-Christian and half-saved.
However, such requirements are rather severe for the modern people who are used to comfortable and more or less stable life, so they`d rather sacrifice their faith at the moment of ordeal than their lifestyle. Maybe they should be reminded that the meaning of life of a true Christian is deification and that they should strengthen their spirits by praying and taking part in the Mysteries.

К.Е. [(5) 26]

1) BOUNTIFUL MERCIES of God saves our souls.
2) The thought that God was CRUCIFIED for me strikes me every time.

Н.Л. [(0,5) 29,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement by Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt is about love. I сan be mistaken, but I think that love is everyday struggle against your pride and egoism.
Love is self-sacrifice for the sake of another human being. It is hard and difficult as we are all selfish and sinful. But God teaches us through the Bible how to love each other, what is pure love of God.

Н.Л. [(4) 29]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

First of all, I completely agree with the quote of Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt.
Love is a gift from God and one should deserve it. In our modern capitalist society we tend to forget that we should learn step-by-step how to love. And I think Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt is right. You should make efforts to reach the real love. And you can ask yourself, how many examples of true love you have seen.
So, in conclusion, I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that love is not about presents, hugs and smiles. It’s a hard work that can continue all your life.

А.А. [(4,5) 28]

1) Thanks to the appearance of Slavonic SERVICE BOOKS people could TAKE SERVICES in Slavonic.
2) Slavonic became the LITURGICAL LANGUAGE which meant that now people HOLD SERVICES in it.
3) When the MISSIONARY WORK is INITIATED people must have long and difficult MISSIONARY JOURNEYS.

В.О. [(3) 53,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Actually, the words of St. John Climacus are quite fair. He tells us about real deep repentance, not the one we imagine.
To repent is not that easy as it may seem. That is why we respect the outlaw on the cross. He deeply repented which was hard and it was a great labour of his soul.
And it’s better not to forget about the sins you haven’t repented of yet. That’s extremely harmful to forget your wrongs. We should not indulge our weaknesses.

В.О. [(2,5) 50,5]

1) BLASPHEMIES should not be said by a faithful person.
2) To FOUND A SLAVONIC NATIONAL CHURCH Photius must have had a very grand VISION.
3) People often rely on their GUARDIAN ANGELS.

В.О. [(3) 48]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quotation seems really interesting for me because of how brightly and canonically the symbol of passion is depicted. Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt, says like many others about humility which is a peculiar characteristic of an Orthodox person.
We should not be offended by any careless word but should take it into consideration to reflect on it and to develop ourselves. We should strive to eliminate these passions we were told about and which we knew about before.

В.О. [(4,5) 45]

1) DEIFICATION is the main proccess for all Christians.
2) The Most PURE AND THE MOST BLESSED LADY, THE MOTHER OF GOD is protecting our country.

Н.Л. [(1,5) 25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote by St. John Climacus is about what is real repentance and what is not. People like to fool themselves as it gives a short feeling of tranquillity. I think, that only strong and brave people can admit their weaknesses or other sins.
Frankly speaking it is all about being unaware of responsibility for your actions and thoughts. I quite agree with the point and think that we should not lie to ourselves.

Н.Л. [(3) 23,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I believe the of the saying is undoubtedly right. There is nothing to discuss, because the sense of the quote is in perfect accordance with my understanding of the mechanisms of the repentance. I would say that the forgetting of your wrongs is the only way to repent. For if you have some bad memory it will allways get you down to the sins you have already repented of.
It is the same as to come back regularly to your bad emotions or feelings. Which means to keep them. The danger is obvious, one day you’ll just fail to reject them as you will like it more than the reality, more than the truth that everybody can be redeemed. Because it will be easier to dwell on them instead of making spiritual labour and free yourself.

А.С. [(2,5) 22]

INNER RECOLLECTION should be practiсed not only by monks, but also by LAITY for it is very USEFUL and helps you to stay tuned with the world.
I think anybody can feel the IMMEDIATE EXPERIENCE OF GOD, one should only open the eyes wider. And from that moment God becomes KNOWABLE with the means we have and by His grace.

А.С. [(4) 19,5]

1) Any of our OFFENCES can mislead us.
2) The FLORENTINE UNION is a dark page in the history of Christianity.
3) MITER is a part of the vestment of the bishop.
4) MOSQUE is a place where Muslem pray.
5) There are not many LAY THEOLOGIANS among theologians.

В.О. [(2,5) 40,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As for me, it's quite hard to agree with Venerable and Godbearing Father Antony the Great. I find his words immoderate because of such an extreme as grouping one's children with the things which show one's wealth.
We can see a point in it if we recall the episode of the Old Testament when Abraham is going to sacrifice Isaac but still that was before Christ.
After Him we don't have sacrifices though we understand that if we lose relatives, it's God's will. However, how can a person be just grateful and not miss them. It is difficult to imagine such a scale of humility when a person is simply grateful to God and the pain of losing relatives doesn't overwhelm any other feelings.
Content may come with age or at least when some years pass by, but it's just impossible to be ready to lose any of the people you love in a moment. That's absurd.
Everything takes time. And we really should be grateful for everything we have but we cannot be prepared to lose somebody.

В.О. [(5) 38]

1) There is one place in liturgy where only CATECHUMENS make bows.
2) "I GLORIFY THY MOST-HONOURABLE AND MAJESTIC NAME" should people say each time they feel happiness.

Н.Л. [(0,5) 20,5]

1) We are all need TRANQUILLITY sometimes.

Н.Л. [(1,5) 20]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with the point. We must be grateful for everything as God is our loving Father, He can not do damage to us, even if sometimes it is hard not to lose your heart when people whom you love are dying, but we do not know God's will, so we must accept it.

Н.Л. [(4) 18,5]

1. When in the church we pray for the SERVANTS OF GOD OF BLESSED MEMORY WHO ARE DEPARTED, we ask God to keep them in A PLACE OF LIGHT, A PLACE OF GREEN PASTURE, A PLACE OF REST, IN THE BOSOM OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB - or, to say it shorter, in the Heavenly Kingdom.
2. We believe that God the FATHER is UNORIGINATE and FULLY DIVINE.

М.Ч. [(4) 23]

1) The BIBLICAL DOCTRINE OF MAN supposes that man’s body is the source of SANCTIFICATION, as the soul is.
2) Some theologians wrote about God’s TRANSCENDENCE and God’s IMMANENCE.

В.О. [(2) 33]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

That's quite difficult not to agree with Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronshtadt. His opinion really makes sense.
Even a person who has faith may think that not everything in the Church is right as its traditions may seem quite old-fashioned and not needed nowadays. However, all these traditions are our legacy from the previous generations and they must be precious for us.
A lot of theologians during centuries worked out the system in which religious people should live and their opinion can’t be considered as equal to an ordinary person’s who doesn’t know enough and who may be just too lazy to follow the rules.
And we need to notice such inclinations in ourselves and in others. We need to follow the rules formed by the people who were better than we ourselves are. If we do have such a sin as pride, we should at least restrict it concerning the Church.

В.О. [(4,5) 31]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

First of all, I fully agree with the quote of Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstandt.
Some people that are called neophytes are usually very proud of themselves at first. They think that they know everything better and express their opinion in a rather blunt manner.
The neophytes claim that they don’t like the practices they see at Church. For instance, my friend resented when she saw one girl standing near the icon for too long was pushed by the priest forward. By the way it was a queue. And that she found «strange» as Righteous John put it.
But one day I hope she will understand that in the Church both the priests and the parishioners are not holy, but ordinary people. With their sins and infirmities.

А.А. [(4) 23,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quotation is about those people who dare to judge the Church and religion itself. I can not agree more, pride is the biggest sin, it leads to the death of the soul. Frankly speaking, proud people put themselves above others and even above God and this is a pure madness.

Н.Л. [(3,5) 14,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Well, of course it can be a spiritual pride. But also it may be just a statement, a position which a person takes up. I mean that can only confide his/her point of view to somebody. Without any pride or judjement. And may be such a person was just offended or confused by some things that ARE done in the church.
My point is that we should be as much attentive and sensitive to others as possible because it is a more difficult problem than Righteous John states. What if a person just wanted to find some answers? What if he/she didn’t want to be proud at all? And what if we could help him/her but were not able to do it because of our condemnation?

А.С. [(5) 15,5]

REMISSION of sins cannot be granted to those who don’t REPENT. It is quite obvious but what does it mean «to repent»? Does REPENTANCE mean to TRANSGRESS again? In the ideal case it should not. But human nature is sinful and here come BITTER TORMENTS, NEEDS, TRIBULATIONS AND DISEASES OF SOUL AND BODY in order to make us think of our deeds, to put us right. For this very reason I don’t understand: why should we pray for delivering us from these TRIALS?

А.С. [(5,5) 10,5]

1. If you hope to get THE REMISSION OF SINS, be honest with yourself and admit your faults at the Confession.
2. At THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION people usually pray upright. Together with the priest they pray for PROSPERITY, PEACE, TRANQUILITY and other very important things and hope that their PETITION will be heard.
3. After the Confession the priest prays to God and asks Him to forgive your EVERY TRANSGRESSION, VOLUNTARY AND INVOLUNTARY.
4. GIVE ALMS to people in need, because when you do it for them, you actually do it for the Lord.

М.Ч. [(3) 19]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It’s really hard for me to agree with this quotation.
The only reason to share this position I see in what is called God’s Providence. The fact of losing one’s cross may be interpreted as a sign of losing their faith for a person who loses it.
However, we cannot be objective in such matters as the faith of other people. That’s not right to judge a person just because of some circumstances which led to the loss of the cross. Тhere may be a good deal of reasons for losing it and this loss may be only a temptation which may lead to the strengthening of faith.

We cannot be sure about anything in our judging and this quotation cites an example of quite a hasty judgment, as I see it.

В.О. [(2,5) 26,5]

1) Some people do not understand that GOD IS THREE PERSONS IN ONE ESSENCE as it hard to get it logically.
2) Bearing your CROSS is hard but important.

Н.Л. [(1,5) 11]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I would like to begin my essay by saying that this qoutation by Metropolitan Saba Esber is about a duty of all Christians - to bear your cross. And if a person refuses doing it he or she can not call themselves a Christian.
In my opinion, it quite true as God wants us to be better people, we should become stronger spiritually and wiser mentally each day of our life and if we do not want this kind of revolution to be in progress then we will never be worthy of being with Him in the Heavenly Kindom.

Н.Л. [(3,5) 9,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

First of all, I agree with the quote of Metropolitan Saba Esber.
I assume that the cross represents the faith of a Christian. It is a sign of belonging to the Church. We cannot consider our cross as a mere formality. The Church never gives a commandment without particular meaning.
For example, for me my cross is very important. I can’t understand why people take off their crosses when swimming in the pool or taking a shower. Well, I cannot say that people would lose their Christianity when they take off their cross, but as for me, I feel very uncomfortable doing so.

А.А. [(2,5) 19,5]

А.Н. [13]

С.Х. [20]

Ал.С. [21]

О.К. [5]

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