Система Orphus

Religious Vocabulary
texts by students

* graduation year

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  • CAPITALS: active vocabulary words and collocations students have used
  • Underline: elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Underline and Delete: superfluous erroneous elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Italics: where appropriate, elements which explain the corrected mistakes
  • Dotted underline: elements not graded for various reasons (e.g. dubious or erroneous statements, vague in meaning).
  • [numbers in brackets]: grades students have accumulated by the time of this post (include grades for word tests)
  • [(number in parenthesis inside the brackets)]: grades the student has received for this particular post
  • [underlined numbers in brackets]: mid-term grades (include grades for word tests, class attendance, posts, as well as deductions in fines)
  • [numbers in brackets in bold type]: total number of grades students have accumulated throughout the semester (continuous assessment)
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3rd year of study: Spring 2022

1. The church for many is THE HOUSE OF COMFORT AND CONSOLATION. And this PLACE OF RETREAT is open to many who are ready to accept the true faith. Do not think that we can be saved outside of this place, for this is PELAGIANISM – a heresy. One should be afraid of sin, but remember that the Lord is merciful, and the belief that a person cannot be ABSOLVED is also a heresy – NOVATIANISM. For God at any time is close, so we do not count the years by human standards: MILLENARIANISM as a heresy appeared precisely because of this. This house of Christ accepts PUBLICANS AND SINNERS, but PHARISEES first need to realize their unworthiness. The imperfection of a person does not prevent him from striving for the divine: DONATISM offers a wrong understanding, since even priests can be imperfect, because we all are TO PAY TRIBUTE to our nature. The Lord opens the doors of the house to HEAL SINS and UNBURDEN us. In truth, we PROVED UNWORTHY TO BE here, we are to BE HUMBLED and subdue our being TO EMPLOY IT TO fulfill THE COMMANDMENTS. Essentially, we are all PARALYTICS who need to be CLEANSED OF SINS in order to be saved. And the Church is our HERMITAGE for blessed HUMILIATION and healing – this is our AVOWED AIM.
2. EPISCOPACY is a form of ecclesiastical authority that is inherited from the apostles. The ECUMENICAL COUNCILS, which fought against heresies, consisted of bishops and revered priests. For example, ARIANISM and ICONOCLASM were defeated by the decisions of the heads of the Church.
3. FREQUENT COMMUNION wasn’t accepted in the XX century, since there were no opportunities and the Orthodox COMMUNICATED once or twice a year.
4. Our Church calls for SPIRITUAL REAWAKENING.
5. There was a massive SPIRITUAL REVIVAL during the COVID times.
6. Orthodox HIERARCHS raised the questions of FREE WILL, GRACE and PREDESTINATION.
7. LOCAL COUNCILS are normally held to solve most important issues.

E.D. [(18) 18]

1. I don’t think I can INITIATE MISSIONARY WORK and set off for a MISSIONARY JOURNEY.
2. I usually read a SERVICE BOOK called Slujebnik during the Liturgy as sometimes THE LITURGICAL LANGUAGE — CHURCH SLAVONIC is hard for me to understand.
3. There were a lot of DOCTRINAL CONTROVERSIES in the early centuries, for example the disputes about the use of LEAVENED BREAD and UNLEAVENED BREAD.
4. TO HOLD SERVICES, you need to be ordained a priest by the ARCHBISHOP, you may also need SACRED VESSELS.
5. Many people in Russia are CHRISTIANIZED in early childhood due to THE SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF CHRISTIANITY but they lack THE OBSERVANCE OF THEIR FAITH and they don’t KEEP THEIR FAITH.
6. Almost in every country of the world DEATH PENALTY is banned, so CORPORAL PUNISHMENT is banned also because no one should SUFFER FROM VIOLENT DEATH.
7. THE RULES OF THE MONASTERY can differ as there are different traditions in each one, everything depends on the HEGUMEN.
8. We should show THE PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE GOSPEL in our earthly life, but it isn’t JUST.
9. There were a lot of WARRIORS SAINTS, for example saint Peresvet who SECURED THE BLESSING of SERGIUS OF RADONEZH to fight against MONGOL TARTARS during the period in which they had an OVERLORDSHIP in Russia.
11. Not every monk can live in THE WILDERNESS as a lot of deliberate SELF-HUMILIATION is needed.
13. THE CRESCENT is a symbol of ISLAM, it’s usually stands on the top of a MOSQUE.
14. Parish STAFF consists of THE PARISH CLERGY: a priest and a deacon, and the lay people are their FLOCK.
15. Many martyrs (which means a WITNESS) UNDERWENT a lot of PERSECUTION during THE INFIDEL rule of moslem AUTOCRATS.
16. HOMILIES of the church fathers are the sources of the DIVINE GRACE which THE GRACIOUS GOD grants us.
17. TO HOLD OFFCIE of the PATRIARCH can only a monk, he also needs to be a BISHOP to be a candidate for THE PATRIARCHAL THRONE.
18. Lay people can become CHANTERS and sing in the CHURCH CHOIR, it can be very BENEFICIAL.
19. CHAPLAINS are the WARRIOR monks in Catholic Church.
20. If your APOSTATIZE Christianity you will be ANATHEMATIZED.
21. The Transfiguration took place on the MOUNT THABOR.
22. SAINT GREGORY PALAMAS is a theologian who taught about THE ENERGIES OF GOD and also about DIVINE AND UNCREATED LIGHT.
24. SIMONY is a sin of selling or buying church OFFICES.
25. There were a lot of ABDICATIONS of the PARISH CLERGY in the USSR.
26. The church is always SANCTIFIED BY THE INCENSE, especially the ALTAR.
27. PURGATORY is a Catholic DOCTRINE.
28. The Orthodoxy in the Russian Empire SERVED THE ENDS OF NATIONAL POLITICS.
29. Only God can HEAL THE BODY AND THE SOUL from the VOLUNTARY and INVOLUNTARY sins, like he healed the PARALYTIC.
31. After the DISMISSAL the COMMUNICANTS listen to the thanksgiving prayers after the Eucharist.
32. Nowadays we do not see a lot of people with a CONTRITE HEART.
33. After the PRAYER OF THE SUPPLICATION, the CHANTERS sing “Lord, have mercy” three times.
34. The AMBO is a special place for priests to say the SERMONS from.
35. We ask God during the Liturgy to DELIVER us from DEFILEMENT.
36. We usually pray to SERGIUS OF RADONEZH to ENLIGHTEN us.
37. We don’t make PROSTRATIONS from the Easter till the Pentecost.
38. Only PARISH CLERGY can go through the ROYAL DOORS, sometimes they also called the HOLY DOORS.
39. Only God is a FOUNTAIN OF IMMORTALITY who can DELIVER us from all our TRIBULATIONS.
40. The emperor could PARTAKE of the Communion WITHIN THE ALTAR.
41. During repentance we ask God for the REMISSIONS of our sins and he ABSOLVES them.
42. I like the FRAGRANCE of the INCENSE in the church when it is CENSED.
43. The TRIUMPHAL HYMNS are very beautiful, for example “HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST” or “THE CHERUBIC HYMN”.
44. The Church is HALLOWED and there are both THE RACE OF MEN and the ASSEMBLY OF ARCHANHEGLS Archangels in it.
45. When we PARTAKE of THE COMMUNION, we believe that it is truly Christ’s Blood which is SHED FOR us and it is truly the Body of Christ that is BROKEN FOR us.
46. In the Creed we sing that Christ is CONSUBSTANTIAL with the Father, that He was INCARNATE OF the Holy Spirit. We also sing that we believe it in ONE HOLY CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC Church.

A.R. [(42) 42]

1. She bears THE CRESCENT moon symbol on her forehead like a tiara.
2. The service of hospital CHAPLAINS is of utmost importance.
3. GOD'S PROVIDENTIAL DISPENSATION to the world keeps us from the evil.
4. During the Liturgy we are asking for the well-being of the GOD-PROTECTED CITY which in our case is Moscow.
5. Nowadays many countries are under the rule of the INFIDEL.
6. No religion is to UNDERGO PERSECUTION.
8. Nowadays there are many people who are considered to be real PRECURSORS OF ANTICHRIST.
9. THE WITNESS OF THE FAITH is something all Christians must do.
10. SIMONY is one of the biggest sins in Orthodoxy.
11. THE PARISH CLERGY don't earn a lot of money.
12. TAXING the FLOCK is unacceptable.
13. Candidates for the PATRIARCHAL THRONE have to be selected extremely carefully.
14. The New Martyrs of the XX century SUFFERED VIOLENT DEATHS.
15. Sometimes you have to BOW TO THE INEVITABLE.
16. People who UNDERTAKE MISSIONARY WORK deserve praise.
17. People who are unfaithful to Christ are EXCOMMUNICATED or ANATHEMATIZED.
18. Ukraine was at times known as the LITTLE RUSSIA due to its proximity to Russia.
19. THE PHILOKALIA is the book everyone should read.
20. SPIRITUAL REAWAKENING of the church was the phenomenon we witnessed in the 1990s.

S.P. [(10) 10]

1. The CONFESSION OF THE ORTHODOX FAITH was composed at the First and the Second Council and is still said by Christians.
2. The fact that Christ was INCARNATE of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary signifies that, on the one hand, He is CONSUBSTANTIAL with the Father and is fully divine and, on the other hand, is fully human. This fact rejects the heresy called MONOPHYSITISM.
3. On Palm Sunday Christians come to church with pussy willows and try to meet the Lord with joy repeating: “HOSANNA in the highest!”.
4. About 4 hundred years ago there were much more PROSTRATIONS, but later those numerous prostrations were replaced by BOWS TO THE WAIST.
5. If everybody realized that Christ’s Blood was SHED for the REMISSION OF OUR SINS, the world might be different.
6. During the Easter period instead of “It is truly MEET to bless Thee…” we sing the “ZADOSTOINIK” “The Angel cried out to the One who is full of grace…”.
7. There existed opposite opinions among the Desert Fathers on how often Christians should receive the PRECIOUS GIFTS.
8. The conception of the DREAD JUDGEMENT OF CHRIST includes the idea that all our OFFENCES will be counted then.
9. Though we believe in the Lord, not everyone of us has enough BOLDNESS to do the missionary work in secular society.
10. Before we PARTAKE OF THE MOST PURE MYSTERIES it is a great idea to ask our neighbours, our parents and friends to forgive OUR TRANSGRESSIONS even if we did something IN IGNORANCE.
11. Laity can’t go through the HOLY DOORS and touch the HOLY CHALICE, only bishops, priests and deacons are allowed to do it.
12. COMMUNICANTS should try to keep the peaceful state so that the COMMUNION won’t be to their CONDEMNATION.
13. The purpose of life according to St. Seraphim of Sarov is the ACQUISITION of the Holy Spirit of God.
14. A CENSER is a vital element in each service and it can be used only by bishops, priests and deacons.
15. Everybody wishes to be healthy and have no WANT, therefore, we ask the Lord to DELIVER us from evil things, but we’d better pray to God so that He may FORSAKE our trespasses. 16. For in the 50 (51) Psalm we read: “A broken and CONTRITE HEART God will not despise”. 17. That means that our SUPPLICATION also won’t be left without an answer.
18. Christians should turn away from GUILE because the main deceiver is Satan.
19. We all hope that CORRUPTION won’t wait for our soul as it is immortal.
20. DORA is a part of the prosphora which is cut during the preparation of the Eucharist bread and wine.
21. After DISMISSAL many people feel relaxed and are ready to return home, but others still stay to listen to the PRAYERS AFTER HOLY COMMUNION.
22. Russian martyrs of the XX century showed STABLE PERSEVERANCE as they UNDERWENT severe PERSECUTIONS for the sake of Christ’s name. 23. However, there were BROTHERHOODS, or so called BRATSTVA, that united vigorous LAITY.
25. People should be grateful to the Lord for FREE WILL and for GOD’S PROVIDENTIAL DISPENSATION to the world.

T.Z. [(20) 20]

Only God alone can REVEAL INNERMOST THOUGHTS. But the PHARISEES didn't CONCEDE that He could HEAL SINS as well. They accused the Lord of BLASPHEMY since He healed the PARALYTIC.

Men are not holy but Church is holy. Personal pitfalls can't INVALIDATE the SACRAMENTS of CLERGY. Those who think differently are DONATISTS.
Lord Jesus Christ, the ONLY-BEGOTTEN Son of God WAS INCARNATE of the Holy Spirit, became man and He was CRUCIFIED FOR us under Pontis Pilate, and SUFFERED and WAS BURIED. He DESCENDED from heaven not to judge people but to save them. That's why it's not true that people who APOSTATIZE from their faith or COMMIT SERIOUS SINS can never be ABSOLVED. Those who hold such opinion are called NOVATIANISTS.

N.A. [(12) 12]

3rd year of study: Autumn 2021

While reading about the Church in 20th century I thank God for deliverance from the BITTER TORMENT OF THE ATHEIST RULE.
I’m curious about how OLD BELIEVERS’ rites and traditions are different from the Orthodox ones.
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL is OUR GUARDIAN OF OUR SOULS AND BODIES, it’s very important to pray to him as often as possible.
To DO GOD’S WILL is to fulfill COMMANDMENTS given through MOSES and to fight against our INIQUITIES and INFIRMITIES.
THE READER says THE PROKEIMENON OF THE EPISTLE depending on which passage of the Epistle will be read.

A.G. [() 9,5]

I like how THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION is called in English - there is a real sincerity of pleading in this.
Since I am a choir director in a church choir, THE CHERUBIC HYMN is one of my favourite pieces because it compares us to angels singing THE MOST HONORABLE AND MAJESTIC NAME OF GOD.
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL given to us at birth is our FAITHFUL GUIDE, a GUARDIAN OF OUR SOUL AND BODY, and I pray to him every evening and morning.
I think we should have time to fix a lot of things in THE REMAINING TIMES.
OLD BELIEVERS are actually very close to us and it's a pity that there is a split between us.
Every Christmas it seems to me that I feel THE PEACE FROM ON HIGH.
Now we are far from THE BITTER TORMENT OF THE ATHEIST RULE, but the struggle is being waged in our hearts.
Previously, THE INCREASE OF THE FRUITS OF THE EARTH depended on FAVOURABLE WEATHER, so people especially prayed for it.
I think we pray for THE SICK, THE SUFFERING and THE CAPTIVE, because someday we may find ourselves in their position.
I know that in this world of TRIBULATION and WRATH, God is our salvation.
THE EVER-PRESENT GOD has no limits, but we people do.
Christians have to EXPRESS their ASPIRATIONS towards union with God Who is LONG-SUFFERING AND PLENTEOUS IN MERCY.
I am happy that we Christians live under the DOMINION of God. Truly, our God is merciful, he protects THE ORPHAN AND THE WIDOW, He saves all who acquire BROTHERLY LOVE. He does not ask for much in return, only the fulfillment of the COMMANDMENTS. GOOD TIDINGS of the Salvation unites us, prompting us to CHANT UNTO God. With ONENESS OF MINDS all together or in the DIASPORA, we sing ALLELUIA to God IN A LOUD VOICE.
I usually make the sign of the cross and BOW TO THE WAIST after THE SMALL ENTRANCE before singing of TROPARIA and KONTAKIA.
My cousin was born on 26th of September, and he was named after THE HOLY, GLORIOUS, ALL-PRAISED, UNIVERSAL HERALD, APOSTLE John the EVANGELIST.
When our beloved people die, we should GIVE ALMS, pray for them and ask a priest to arrange the COMMEMORATION OF THE DEPARTED so that the souls of our beloved ones could remain IN A PLACE OF LIGHT, A PLACE OF GREEN PASTURE, A PLACE OF REST, IN THE BOSOM OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB.
Our life is an UNSEEN WARFARE where we fight against our INIQUITIES and INFIRMITIES.
We are afraid of death and CORRUPTION of our bodies, but we should remember that we were made from DUST and that death is a transition to a new life.
When CHANTERS in church sing THE BEATITUDES, my heart trembles and becomes filled with PIETY.
We should treat those who ARE WRONGED with COMPASSION.

V.N. [(26,5) 31,25]

I think many Orthodox mistakenly believe that Catholics consider the Pope INFALLIBLE and that his words cannot be REDRESSED under any circumstances.
I have studied SUMMA, and it seems to me that THOMAS AQUINAS has outlined a lot of useful and fascinating thoughts there.
God, it seems to me, is truly INFINITE AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE, so the logic of APOPHATIC THEOLOGY is close to me.
Although ORIGEN OF ALEXANDRIA gave rise to heresy, he is considered a great theologian and philosopher and RECOLLECTION of him is still alive among modern scholars.
THE CEREMONY OF THE HOLY FIRE is considered by Christians to be proof of the truth of faith, but I treat such evidence with a little skepticism: too many PROFANI are tempted by explicit evidence, but it seems to me that faith is a matter of a SPIRITUAL COMMITMENT.
The question of using AZYMES or UNLEAVENED BREAD in the Eucharist seemed somewhat unimportant to me, but everything is more complicated than I thought.
GOD'S TRANSCENDENCE is an indisputable fact: God must occupy the first position in the human heart, in any philosophy, when making any decision.
CHRISTIAN BURIAL should, if possible, be performed on consecrated ground and be accompanied by Christian rites - many Christians pray that they have the opportunity to be buried this way.
The disturbance of the rest of the remains of a Christian should be regarded as SACRILEGE.
Previously, I thought that the concept of the DIPTYCHS could only be in painting, but the same word refers to an important element of the unity of the church.

E.D. [(7,5) 34]

SAINT JOHN CLIMACUS also, as far as I know, is also known as Saint John of the Ladder and he is revered as a saint by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches.
THE INVOCATION OF THE NAME of the deity is an important part of any religion, in Christianity it is understood as a SUPPLICATION and should be part of the daily life of a Christian.
DIVINE ENERGIES (uncreated energies) are the essential "movement" of the Divine nature, manifestations of the DIVINE ESSENCE (but not the essence itself). The vision of DIVINE AND UNCREATED LIGHT is one of the brightest proofs of their existence in our world. They are accessible to the human eye: the BURNING BUSH - a thorn bush in which God appeared to Moses - is a vivid example of this INEFFABLE AND WONDERFUL FIRE.
A LEPER is a person with LEPROSY. Lepers were considered UNCLEAN and were excluded from society - therefore, and also because the burden of sins is more terrible than the burden of loneliness - the leper from the gospel BESEECHED that Christ healed him by forgiving sins.
It is a great tragedy that - I still can't believe it - the Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople is now A MOSQUE.
The life of any believer should be CHRISTOCENTRIC, but at the same time the ECCLESIAL life should be SACRAMENTAL.

E.D. [(9,5) 26,5]

1. The TWOFOLD PRINCIPLE which was adapted on the FLORENTINE UNION had a lot of side effects for the future of the Church.
2. LEPER is a term to describe a person who suffers from LEPROSY.
3. The Lord teaches us not to BOAST and proclaim our good deeds.
4. Jesus Christ showed that He was higher than things PRESCRIBED by the law.
5. The LEPER had both FAITH and UNDERSTANDING and that is why he believed he would be CLEANSED and LEPROSY would be DEPART from him.
6. God shows that nothing is UNCLEAN BY NATURE.
7. God told the LEPER not to SPREAD HIS FAME.
8. One should always thank their BENEFACTOR even if the BENEFACTOR doesn't DESIRE it.
9. The OBSERVANCES of the law are APPLIED to people but not to God.
10. ELISHA had amazing REVERENCE for the law.

S.P. [(5) 22,5]

1. In the Old Testament the BURNING BUSH, which appeared to Moses, was a symbol of God’s TRANSCENDENCE, and nowadays in Orthodoxy the Burning Bush is also the prefiguration of Theotokos.
2. The CHERUBIC HYMN is a SACRAMENTAL preparation for the receiving of the PRECIOUS GIFTS.
3. The Lord’s BOUNTIFUL MERCIES are the inexhaustible sources of SANCTIFICATION for us.
4. Those who are waiting for the DREAD JUDGEMENT OF CHRIST make great efforts to change their sinful lives so that it may become more CHRISTOCENTRIC and ECCLESIAL.
5. The Christian feast of Archangel Michael and all the RANKS OF ANGELS is the special time when all Christians celebrate their angel’s day.
6. Due to his holy life, St. Andrey Rublev managed to show the LIFE-CREATING TRINITY inn his icon so that it can be PROFITABLE for every Christian.

T.Z. [(6,5) 71]

1. The GREAT LITANY starts with the words of the deacon: “In peace let us pray to the Lord.”
2. The CHANTERS are usually blessed by the priest for singing in the CHURCH CHOIR.
3. The parishioners should pray for the welfare and health of the priesthood, for the peace, and for THE GOOD ESTATE of the HOLY CHURCHES and HOLY HOUSES.
4. I am inspired by people who offer prayers with REVERENCE and awe while staying in the church.
5. Recently, the husband of my classmate was ordained to the DIACONATE.
6. Every day we pray to our Lord to DELIVER us from the evil and sin.
7. Every person should strive for a high level of spirituality, this will serve as the key to ONENESS OF MIND, harmony and completeness.
8. At the beginning of the Great Litany, prayers are offered for peace and salvation of our souls, as well as for people sailing, the SUFFERING and the CAPTIVE.
9. The ARMED FORCES Day in the USA is annually celebrated on the third Saturday of May.
10. During the Divine Liturgy we also ask God to deliver us from all TRIBULATION and WRATH.

A.G. [(5,5) 9,5]

1. It is a great shame that one of the most beautiful churches of all times became a MOSQUE.
2. Our University INITIATED MISSIONARY WORK ABOUT 20 years ago.
3. The first MISSIONARY JOURNEY in Russia happened in the 9th century.
4. Not only did CYRIL AND METHODIUS TAKE SERVICES IN SLAVONIC, but they also brought a lot of SERVICE BOOKS.
5. It is important to HOLD SERVICES in the language of the people.
7. Although the attempt TO FOUND A SLAVONIC NATIONAL CHURCH in Moravia wasn't successful, it can't be said that the mission came to nothing.
8. The VISION OF Cyril and Methodius wasn't spread in Greece.
9. Saint Sava was CONSECRATED BISHOP in the 13th century.
10. The ninth century is overall considered to have been a PERIOD OF DOCTRINAL CONTROVERSIES.

S.P. [(6) 17,5]

1. BODILY FACULTIES of man are transformed when he is DEIFIED.
3. THE UNITY OF THE FAITH is one of the things which is asked for during the Liturgy.
4. Some people might find it strange that during the Liturgy we pray for the ARMED FORCES of our country.
5. In the 20th century people used to pray for DELIVERANCE FROM THE BITTER TORMENT OF THE ATHEIST RULE.
6. THE BEATITUDES are an important part of the Liturgy.
7. It was surprising for me to find out that in the past there were some LAY THEOLOGIANS who were rather influential.
8. In the past MYSTICISM and the SACRAMENTAL LIFE were closely linked.
9. The Greeks known for their interest in theology have always found it difficult to discuss theological issues DISPASSIONATELY.
10. The usage of LEAVENED or UNLEAVENED bread was a big question before the SCHISM.

S.P. [(8) 11,5]

In our prayers, we often ask God to DELIVER US FROM FROM ALL TRIBULATION, but it is the difficulties that make us stronger: Christians are destined to experience human WRATH and be PERSECUTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS' SAKE.
There are many terms for religious wrongdoing: sin, OFFENSE, TRANSGRESSION, but one thing unites them, whether VOLUNTARY or INVOLUNTARY, - they can be forgiven by God.
Is it possible to create a world on Earth where PROSPERITY, TRANQUILLITY, BROTHERLY LOVE AND PIETY reign, if there are so few of those who MOURN about Paradise lost, those who are not cowards, but MEEK, those who are ready to become THE PEACEMAKERS not for their own benefit, but for God's sake?
The ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON AND WORD OF GOD came to free the future, for He is a MERCIFUL God WHO LOVES MANKIND.
THE TRISAGION is a prayer whose name consists of the Greek words tris- ("thrice") and agios ("holy"), it refers to the three hypostases of the holy Trinity: THE UNORIGINATE FATHER, the merciful Son and the Holy Spirit.
COMMEMORATION is an important part of religious life: THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED can help us with their prayers just as we can with ours: both the dead and the living are GUARDED UNDER God's DOMINION.
Describing Paradise, we talk about the brightest images: we call it A PLACE OF LIGHT, a place where no one suffers, A PLACE OF GREEN PASTURE, we direct our PETITION to God so that HE WOULD ESTABLISH THE SOULS of our beloved departed there, in THE BOSOM OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB.
Our deep and respectful plea is expressed in THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION, pronounced during the Liturgy: BRETHREN IN CHRIST unite in a single request for THE REMISSION OF THE SINS and for earthly goods.
A CANONARCH is a lead reader who encourages believers to HEARKEN to the word of God and praise His MOST-HONORABLE AND MAJESTIC NAME, as well as proclaim THE GOOD TIDINGS of the Gospel preserved for us by GLORIOUS, ALL-PRAISED, UNIVERSAL HERALDS, APOSTLES AND EVANGELISTS.

E.D. [(17) 17]

1. Although there are no CATECHUMENS in the Church now, we still have the Litany dedicated to them.
2. The “Prayer of the Heart” is a special prayer because it contains the INVOCATION OF THE NAME which is MOST-HONOURABLE AND MAJESTIC.
3. Every year on the 19th of August over MOUNT THABOR an unusual cloud appears which reminds us of the VISION OF the DIVINE AND UNCREATED LIGHT seen by the apostles. 4. However, some people who study EXEGESIS insist that the Lord’s Transfiguration was not on this mountain, but I suppose that it’s better not to put this matter first, in order not to be guilty of a GROSS MATERIALISM.
5. We commemorate saint GREGORY PALAMAS on the 2nd week of the Lent as he was a great defender of Orthodox faith and argued that God is unknowable in ESSENCE but knowable in ENERGIES.

T.Z. [(5,5) 64,5]

1. Peter, James, and John saw DIVINE AND UNCREATED LIGHT during the Transfiguration of Jesus on MOUNT THABOR.
2. THOMAS AQUINAS is a well-known theologian who is famous for creating SCHOLASTICISM.
3. HOMILIES are an essential part of the Holy Tradition through which we can feel A PATRISTIC ATMOSPHERE.
4. THE PAPACY is considered wrong in Orthodoxy, so are PAPAL CLAIMS.
5. CLERGY AND LAITY have their own responsibilities before God, but we all should be RIGHTEOUS.
6. GOD’S TRANSCENDENCE means something UNKNOWABLE to people, so theologians have developed so called APOPHATIC THEOLOGY.
7. We know that God is INFINITE AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE but still we should pray to Him and practice THE INVOCATION OF THE NAME.
8. Mount SINAI is a famous place where Moses received Tablets of the Law, he broke them but then they were restored again.
9. SAINT GREGORY PALAMAS is the main figure in the HESYCHAST’s teaching.
10. DEIFICATION is possible for all people as whole MAN WAS CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD.
12. Adam WAS WRONGED but THE BIBLICAL DOCTRINE OF MAN says that the Incarnation for people is possible.
13. People commit INIQUITIES but they can be saved by DEEDS OF MERCY.
14. Deacons are often compared with His MINISTERS like angels on the earth or his DOMINIONS.
15. We SAY PSALM 50 every morning during our morning prayers and also pray to EVER-VIRGIN MARY.
16. God is PLENTEOUS IN MERCY and will save us who have TRANSGRESSIONS.
17. BEATITUDES are the fundamental rules for every Christian who waits for the JUDGEMENT.
18. Every day we read or listen to the GOOD TIDINGS from the UNIVERSAL HERALDS, apostles and evangelists.
19. We should GIVE ALMS to the DIASPORA.
20. TRISAGION is a very small prayer but very useful to WORSHIP God.

A.R. [(19) 25,75]

1. When the day of a COMMEMORATION OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED comes, we pray with RECOLLECTION, so that God may forgive our relatives’ sins and have mercy on their souls. 2. I suppose that all Christians would like to know that after their death somebody will IMPLORE the Lord to establish their souls IN A PLACE OF LIGHT, A PLACE OF GREEN PASTURE, A PLACE OF REST, IN THE BOSOM OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB. 3. Although we are sure that God is INCOMPREHENSIBLE and UNAPPROACHABLE, we hope that He will hearken to our petitions and forgive every OFFENCE.
4. Father Dimitry Smirnov of BLESSED MEMORY used words of the reverend fathers and assured that the ‘PRAYER OF THE HEART’ is vital because it contains the whole Gospel.
5. Most of the modern Christians have come to the Orthodox faith after their IMMEDIATE EXPERIENCE of God, namely, of the fact that the Lord is real and is always with us, though God is KNOWABLE and UNKNOWABLE at the same time.

T.Z. [(6) 59]

1) Jesus Christ CAST OUT the ACCURSED demons from those who were POSSESSED WITH them and didn't SUFFER them to speak because there's NO LIMIT for the UNCLEAN MOUTHS and they can mix FALSITY with truth. LIKEWISE Paul stopped the spirit of DIVINATION from saying, as saints don't wish to receive COMMENDATION or TESTIMONY from demons.
2) The EVANGELIST doesn't add any words WITHOUT CAUSE. Christ HEALED many that were sick of DIVERS DISEASES even when THE SUN DID SET, because on the SABBATH day Jews weren't permitted to heal that's why they waited for the sunset.
3) Many people weren't healed by Christ ON ACCOUNT OF their UNBELIEF.

N.A. [(7) 48]

1. During our Religious Vocabulary classes we read the GOOD TIDINGS OF THE HOLY, GLORIOUS, ALL-PRAISED, UNIVERSAL HERALD, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST Mark and the commentary to the Gospel.
2. Sergius of Radonezh was a true HESYCHAST who WAITED UPON the Lord and prayed in TRANQUILLITY.
3. It is essential to GIVE ALMS in this earthly life to gain PROSPERITY in the Heavenly Kingdom.
4. Although God is INCOMPREHENSIBLE, Christians listen to the LITANY OF THE FERVENT SUPPLICATION every Sunday and believe that the Lord always HEARKENS to us.
5. On the Saturday of Remembrance of the departed parents, Orthodox Christians usually go to Church with a special PETITION - to pray for their relatives and ask God to pardon their EVERY TRANSGRESSION VOLUNTARY AND INVOLUNTARY.

T.Z. [(7,5) 36]

The Deacon says in a loud voice "WISDOM! UPRIGHT" at the beginning of THE SMALL ENTRANCE.
During our last lesson I knew that the verb TO WORSHIP can mean not only the process of praying, but also of BOWING.
After FALLING DOWN BEFORE CHRIST we sing to Him "ALLELUIA" three times.
Only on Sundays we can hear "O Son of God, WHO HAST RISEN FROM THE DEAD" but the other days it is sang "WHO ART WONDROUS IN THE SAINTS".
The TRISAGION was taken from the OLD- WORSHIPPERS.
To the exclamation "LET US ATTEND" the priest answers "PEACE BE UNTO ALL".
I have never heard the reader announce THE PROKEIMENONS FROM THE PSALMS OF DAVID.

N.A. [(7,5) 30]

1. The CEREMONY OF THE HOLY FIRE is held solemnly and with great ÉCLAT every year in Jerusalem assisted by Russian, Armenian, Coptic and Syrian Churches.
2. In my childhood my favourite prayer was “ALLELUIA” which is sung not in Russian but very triumphantly.
3. Every day we read the TRISAGION appealing to God who IS WONDROUS IN THE SAINTS to have mercy on us.
4. The SMALL ENTRANCE symbolises the beginning of Christ’s sermon, that’s why the deacon says to us: ‘UPRIGHT’ so that we won’t fall into the sin of negligence.
5. To lead a WANTON lifestyle or to follow the pious examples of saints is a SPIRITUAL COMMITMENT and a conscious choice of every person.

T.Z. [(4,5) 28,5]

According to SCHOLIONS to the BEATITUDES Lord's KINGDOM might be not only in THE LIFE OF THE AGE TO COME but in the contemporary life as well. Thanks to the prayers THOSE WHO MOURN can be COMFORTED, THE MEEK can INHERIT this earth and THE MERCIFUL can OBTAIN MERCY even in situations when they owe a lot. The PEACEMAKERS can enhance the atmosphere of good relationships.
Thanks to A GOOD GOD WHO LOVEST MANKIND we have the way to the SALVATION now.

N.A. [(6,5) 22,5]

1. In the New Testament the Lord gives us the BEATITUDES that explain how we can achieve a state of bliss, what virtues can draw us near to the Kingdom of Heaven and help to COMMIT OURSELVES TO GOD. 2. These Beatitudes don’t speak of CARNAL VAPORS, but of the human’s perfection which we are called to, following the example of A GOOD GOD WHO LOVEST MANKIND.
3. Every Christian should seek after RECONCILIATION with his or her neighbours because the Lord promised that the PEACEMAKERS will be called sons of God.
4. Sometimes it’s better for us to be more MEEK rather than accept the vain thoughts that are WICKEDLY brought to our mind by the EVIL SPIRITS.
5. Regardless of the USAGE (Greek or Latin) all Christians should be MERCIFUL without REVILING each other.

T.Z. [(6) 24]

1. In the book written by John Bunyan “The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come” all Christians are represented as PROSELYTES going to SION that means to the Salvation.
2. Monophysites couldn’t believe that God was a real Human, that he DEIGNED for our Salvation TO BE INCARNATE of the Ever-Virgin Mary who was an ordinary person.
3. Arians thought that Jesus Christ was only a God’s Creature, but not the ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON. 4. That’s why the first Ecumenical COUNCIL WAS SUMMONED where Arius was CHARGED WITH HERESY and then EXCOMMUNICATED.
5. It is obvious that if God EXECUTED JUDGEMENT according to justice and not according to His great mercy, all people would PERISH because everybody has their iniquities.

T.Z. [(5) 18]

2. There’s a lack of PIETY in the modern world, even Christians don’t have ONENESS IN MIND and BROTHERLY LOVE.
3. I suppose that we have FAVOURABLE WEATHER and THE INCREASE OF THE FRUITS for the prayers of holy elders.
4. Our dreams can lead us to perdition.

N.A. [(7) 16]

2. During THE GREAT LITANY the deacon calls to pray for THE GOOD ESTATE of the holy churches.
3. LAITY should feel REVERENCE for THE CLERGY without condemning them.
4. The word DIACONATE is not so renowned as the word PRIESTHOOD as I didn’t find the first one in Longman dictionary.
5. Orthodox spread not only through our HOMELAND, we can find them IN THE DIASPORA as well.

N.A. [(5) 9]

1) Jesus Christ REBUKED UNCLEAN SPIRITS for telling His name.
2) Jesus of Nazareth taught people AS ONE WHO HAD THAT AUTHORITY, he wasn't similar to the SCRIBES and PHARISEES who would only FLATTER.
3) I was a bit embarrassed with this phrase:"HOLD THY PEACE", before knowing the meaning of it.
4) In my church we haven't CHANTERS.
5) Not every priest has a loud voice therefore the EXCLAMATIONS can be quiet.

N.A. [(4) 4]

1. In the main Orthodox prayer “Our Father” we say: “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”, these words mean that every Christian should forgive and PERFORM DEEDS OF MERCY as the Lord taught us, and then God will be GRACIOUS to all our INFIRMITIES.
2. Many atheists are afraid of death and CORRUPTION because they realise that our bodies are just DUST that will disappear one day. 3. However, faithful Christians believe that ETERNITY exists and live in hope that they will be able to see the Lord’s DOMINION.
4. Christian martyrs, who WERE WRONGED and were sentenced to death, continued praying for their torturers so that our Saviour, PLENTEOUS IN MERCY, would forgive them their INIQUITIES.
5. Every morning we SAY PSALM 51 (in Russian translation - 50) where David appeals to God asking for having mercy on him according to the Lord’s lovingkindness and not because of David’s own RIGHTEOUSNESS.

T.Z. [(5) 13]

CHANTERS should always sing with REVERENCE so that people in the church may pray earnestly and whole-heartedly.
Although the Lord knew his apostle Peter’s INIQUITIES, He forgave him as He is COMPASSIONATE and LONGSUFFERING to our INFIRMITIES.
Deacons call on parishioners to pray during the GREAT LITANY, so that God deliver us from all TRIBULATION, WRATH and NEED.
Some Christians decide to become monks, to work for the common good and live in the HOLY HOUSE in BROTHERLY LOVE, praying for the SICK and the SUFFERING.
Although we pray for the “GOOD ESTATE OF THE HOLY CHURCHES OF GOD AND FOR THE UNION OF ALL”, it has always been quite difficult to achieve ONENESS OF MIND concerning some points of glorification.

T.Z. [(8) 8]

V.N. [(4,75) 4,75]

A.G. [(4) 4]

S.P. [(3,5) 3,5]

E.D. [() 0]

2nd year of study: Spring 2021

Our Lord who is PLENTEOUS IN MERCY forgives all INIQUITIES we have if we truly repent of them.
I SAY my PRAYERS in the morning when I wake up and in the evening before I go to bed.
PAPAL CLAIMS, or PAPAL SUPREMACY is the Catholic doctrine that the Pope has full, supreme and universal power over the whole Church as he is the SUCCESSOR OF PETER.
FILIOQUE is the subject of great controversy between Eastern and Western Church.
The holy and GOD-BEARING FATHERS are the Church’s founding fathers who were the Apostles.
In our church THE AKATHIST HYMN to the Mother-of-God of Kazan or to the Iberian Mother of God are read every week on Friday during the Matins.
The KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE is the translation of the Holy Bible into English published in 1611 and still used by now.
MOUNT SINAI is famous for the fact that on it Moses received the tablets with Ten Commandments from God.
The most famous of the CRUSADES are those to the Holy land in 11-13 centuries that were to free Jerusalem and surrounding territory from Moslem rule.
The main theme of THE AKATHIST HYMN TO SWEETEST JESUS is the joy that God will always help us, do the best, set our heart on the right path of life, you just have to turn to Him.
Eastern Churches forbid the use of UNLEAVENED BREAD for the Eucharist, only the bread with yeast can be used.
THE FIRST GENERAL OR ECUMENICAL COUNCIL OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH AT NICAEA took place in 325 where the first part of Creed was adopted.
PAGANISM existed on the territories of Russia before Saint Vladimir converted his people to Orthodoxy.
THE LESTOVKA is a kind of prayer beads which resembles a ladder and is used mostly by OLD BELIEVERS.
PRIESTLY CELIBACY in the Catholic church means that only unmarried men can be ordained to the episcopate.

V.N. [(10) 61,5]

1) A MEMORIAL SERVICE is a church service for the DECEASED among Christians, which can be held on the day of the funeral, as well as on the third, ninth and fortieth day after the death.
2) One of the brightest prototypes of Jesus Christ was the OLD TESTAMENT PROPHET MOSES who led the JEWS out of Egypt.
3) The celebration of the event when the Virgin Mary and her husband JOSEPH brought Jesus into Jerusalem temple where they met THE PROPHETESS Anna and the ELDER Simeon.
4) THE FILIOQUE is an addition to the CREED, according to which the Holy Spirit PROCEEDS only from the Father. The Orthodox Church considers THE FILIOQUE to be THEOLOGICALLY UNTRUE. As Khomyakov said, the Western Church is guilty of MORAL FRATRICIDE by changing the Creed without common consent.
5) The Orthodox Church adheres to the established order of CELIBACY for monks (including bishops) and marriage for priests and DEACONS in the Eastern Empire.
6) I treat the rector of our university WITH GREAT DEFERENCE and even sometimes I am afraid to ask for a blessing.
7) My mother once told me about a priest who was DEPOSED FROM ALL PRIESTLY DIGNITY because of harassment on his part.
8) Christ was INFALLIBLE and pure, but still received the baptism of John the Forerunner.
9) The CRUSADERS were knights who dedicated their DEEDS to God and sought to liberate the Holy Lands, but in reality they were violent invaders, characterized by special cruelty and SACRILEGE.
10) Quarrels, disputes and swearing with parents are pointless and WANTON because they are our closest people, who won't be with us forever.
11) If you do not know the meaning of a word, you can refer to the GLOSSARY and find this word there.
12) I often buy candles at the CANDLE DESK. I always smell them for a long time, then I VENERATE THE ICON and after some prayers I LIGHT CANDLES.
13) My dad, brother, and my grandfather have TRIPTYCH ICONS in their cars, which they pray to before and after traveling.
14) In every room of our apartment in Sochi there is an ICON CORNER, but the most beautiful and favorite one is the icon corner in our parents' room. If we gather together as a family, we pray there. We have a lot of different icons that have been transmitted from generation to generation. But the most beloved and oldest one is the icon of Jesus Christ, which is SURROUNDED BY A DECORATIVE TOWEL.
15) I always watch with special trepidation how a priest SWINGS A CENSER and with great pleasure I inhale the smell of INCENSE.
16) The preparation of THE PROSKOMIDIA takes places on the TABLE OF OBLATION.
17) I always try to be the first to make a step towards RECONCILIATION because I can't stand being in a quarrel.
18) The FIRST TEMPLE is a religious building that was the center of the RELIGIOUS LIFE of the Jewish people and was built by the biblical Israeli King SOLOMON.
19) I enjoy looking at the COMMUNICANTS, especially at their happy and bright faces after RECEIVING THE HOLY COMMUNION.

A.G. [(18) 70]

1. Charlemagne is known as one of the most powerful kings and AUTOCRATS of 8th century.
2. We know less about STRUCTURE OF THE CHURCH during THE DARK AGES.
4. It’s a pity that Hagia Sophia has been turned into a MOSQUE.
6. Nowadays we have a lot of Russian DIASPORAS abroad.
7. As Christians we need to have ONENESS of MIND and to be MERCIFUL.
9. THE PAPAL CLAIMS aren’t recognized among the Eastern Churches as the Pope can’t HAVE THE UNIVERSAL SUPREMACY.
11. HUMAN FRAILTY makes people commit sins, but DEIFICATION is available to us.
13. TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY appeared as an answer against heresies.
15. SCHOLARS can come to a CONSENSUS in their work.

A.R. [(12,5) 117,25]

1) THE RISE OF ISLAM is connected with the Arab conquest in the seventh century.
2) THE SUPPLICATORY CANON TO THE MOTHER OF GOD or Paraklesis glorifies the Most Pure Virgin, the Theotokos.
3) It is a real feat to lead the LIFE OF STRICT ENCLOSURE, in WITHDRAWAL and SOLITUDE, devoting all your time to the Lord.
4) THEOPHANY is celebrated on January 6, and is related to the BAPTISM of Christ, when the TRINITARIAN GOD was REVEALED.
5) I have always dreamed of going on a PILGRIMAGE trip to Greece, Italy and Turkey with my whole family.
6) It is allowed to eat fish when we celebrate the ANNUNCIATION and also during ADVENT, except for Fridays and Wednesdays.
7) THE APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION is passed on through ORDINATION to priests, bishops etc. and dates back to the time of Christ.
9) The PANAGIA in Orthodoxy is a medallion with the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, which is worn by bishops.
10) During His EARTHLY journey, Christ preached, cast out demons, raised the dead, healed the sick and LEPERS both physically and spiritually.
11) SAKKOS is an Orthodox vestment of priests, which is a black tunic with wide sleeves.

A.G. [(9) 52]

1) We have to be MERCIFUL and COMPASSIONATE not only to our loved ones, but also to the people around us.
2) PAPAL CLAIMS are the Papal desire to have SUPREMACY over the UNIVERSAL CHURCH.
3) The AKATHIST HYMN TO SWEETEST JESUS can be read not only in church, but also at home. It is important to create the right atmosphere to focus as much as possible on the text and its meaning.
4) Every time I RECEIVE THE HOLY COMMUNION, I feel REVERENCE for the Lord and sense his love and care.
5) During the Second World War people went through BITTER TORMENT, fear, TRIBULATION and death.
6) The Lord blesses all His MINISTERS and HOSTS that do His WILL.
7) In 264 BC, the war of DOMINION between Rome and Carthage began.
8) Christ spoke about one of the most important conditions for entering THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN and achieving EVERLASTING LIFE, He spoke about our faith in God.
9) THE HOURS FOR HOLY PASCHA are read until the Saturday morning of Bright Week inclusive.
10) Saint Catherine's Monastery is located in Egypt on MOUNT SINAI.
11) THE TRANSFIGURATION of our Lord Jesus Christ took place on MOUNT TABOR in front of His three closest DISCIPLES.
12) Our Lord is LONGSUFFERING and merciful, He will forgive our sins if we sincerely REPENT.
13) Sometimes I forget that I do not CONFESS before a priest, but before God. I should be afraid and ashamed before Him because only He GIVES US ABSOLUTION.

A.G. [(11,5) 43]

THE GOOD SHEPHERD is an image of Jesus Christ used in the Gospel according to John.
The word «BISHOP» derives from the Greek word and it means «overseer» in Greek.
The BISHOP is like a shepherd who cares about his FLOCK.
The transmission of APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION occurs during episcopal consecrations.
A DEACON serves as A GO-BETWEEN for the BODY OF THE CHURCH and the sanctuary.
The distinguishing VESTMENTS of the deacon are AN ORARION, a tunic of gold or silver cloth and CUFFS.
A STOLE of a priest differs from a deacon’s one and it’s worn on a priest’s robe which is called AN ALB. Then A CHASUBLE and A GIRDLE are worn over an alb.
THE EPIGONATION, or PALITSA is a diamond-shaped vestment of bishops or awarded priests which they wear on the right side.
A priest still can CELEBRATE THE LITURGY if there is no deacon.
A SAKKOS is bishops’ vestment which they wear instead of the priest’s chasuble.
The OMOPHORION is a symbol of the bishop’s spiritual and ecclesiastical authority.
A MITRE is a ceremonial headgear of bishops.
Orthodox bishops wear a medallion with an icon of the Theotokos which is called A PANAGIA.
THE MONASTIC LIFE is full of temptation and constant labor.
In our church there is A MEMORIAL SERVICE every Friday which takes place before the MEMORIAL TABLE.
THE GREAT FAST is the most difficult fast for me because I have to fast really strictly and to make a lot of PROSTRATIONS.
I was born on the ENTRY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD INTO THE TEMPLE so I feel that I’m under the protection of the Theotokos.
The EXALTATION OF THE CROSS commemorates two historical events: the finding of the LIFE-GIVING CROSS and its recovery from Persia.
ADVENT is the forty-day NATIVITY FAST which is the preparation for the celebration of CHRISTMAS.
At the feast of THEOPHANY, a priest BLESSES water and SPRINKLES on the people.
JOHN THE FORERUNNER is the most revered and glorious PROPHET because he baptized Christ.
THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD is the celebration of the event when baby Jesus was brought into Jerusalem temple where he was met by Simeon and THE PROPHETESS Anna.
The feast of THE ANNUNCIATION celebrates the announcement by the ARCHANGEL GABRIEL to the VIRGIN MARY that the Holy Spirit would descend on her and she would become the Mother of THE MESSIAH.
PASCHA is one of the favorite celebrations of my family, every year we DYE EGGS and then go to the church to have them blessed. On the Easter morning we BREAK THE FAST and celebrate the RESURRECTION together.
On the PALM SUNDAY, or THE ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM in our church a bunch of PUSSY WILLOW IS BLESSED and then distributed to everyone.
PENTECOST is a feast when the Holy Spirit filled the Church through the Apostles.
The TRANSFIGURATION of God took place on Mountain TABOR where MOSES and ELIJAH appeared before Jesus Christ, and three Christ’s DISCIPLES watched them with great AWE.
FALLING ASLEEP OF THE MOTHER OF GOD is the celebration that commemorates the death of the Theotokos and her body’s taking up to Heaven.
Every Christian has to say MORNING AND EVENING PRAYERS, so that he could get a BLESSING from God.
In our church THE FIRST HOUR is usually read at the end of MATINS, THE THIRD AND THE SIXTH HOURS are read before the Liturgy.
During the first week after Easter instead of morning and evening prayers people should read THE ORDER OF THE HOURS FOR HOLY PASCHA.
THE PASCHALION of the Orthodox Church is a set of rules for determining the date of Easter.
TRISAGION is a prayer to the Holy Trinity; it’s usually read after «O Heavenly King…».

V.N. [(34) 51,5]

1) Before the Olympic Games, there was a village of OLD BELIEVERS on the site of the Olympic Park in Sochi, but during construction they were resettled.
2) After my admission to the capital, I became a PARISHIONER of the Nikolo-Kuznetsk church.
3) On PALM SUNDAY, or THE ENTRY OF THE LORD INTO JERUSALEM, according to the Russian Orthodox tradition, it is customary to bless PUSSY WILLOW, however, in Sochi, palm branches are more often brought to the church.
4) The LAITY should help the parish not only financially, but also in everyday life with simple things.
5) It is important to read SPIRITUALLY PROFITABLE works and books to be educated in theological disciplines. It can also help to ENLIGHTEN your soul and make you STRIVE FOR PIETY.
6) At first, when I came to the faith, it was difficult to attend MATINS and VESPERS all the time, but then I got used to it and began to enjoy being in the church.
7) Right after the end of the service, my family and I BROKE OUR FAST, eating Easter cakes and eggs.
8) Every day the monks struggle with their HUMAN FRAILTY and weakness, leading their life in STRICT ENCLOSURE and DEVOTING all their time to God.
9) PASCHA or EASTER is the feast when all Orthodox Christians celebrate RESURRECTION of our Lord Jesus Christ.
10) After the SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION, it is customary to VENERATE the cross, the Holy Gospel, and then ASK FOR A PRIEST'S BLESSING.
11) The TRISAGION is said at the beginning of the liturgy, during which we turn to the Holy Trinity and our Lord Jesus Christ.
12) Reading the Holy Gospel, studying THEOLOGICAL DISCIPLINES, and daily prayers can STRENGTHEN our faith.
13) One of the hardest things for me, as a Christian, is OBEDIENCE.
14) DORMITION is a holiday of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches dedicated to commemorating the death of the Mother of God.
16) For a long and close friendship, it is not necessary to always be UNANIMOUS IN JUDGEMENTS, but the ability to listen and respect each other's opinions is more important.

A.G. [(16) 31,5]

Only the church education was to survive during the DARK AGES.
It is still difficult to understand what has caused such a SHARP DIVISION between the LAITY and the CLERGY.
THE CHRISTIAN MYSTERY was approached in different ways in the West and in the East due to A DIVERSITY OF THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS.
The Greeks were more concerned with the WORSHIP and their approach was SPECULATIVE rather than the practical approach adopted in the West.
REDEMPTION and DEIFICATION were the two ideas which were stressed differently in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions, though both of them had a place in THE FULLNESS OF CATHOLIC TRADITION.
DIFFERENT DOCTRINAL APPROACHES had the right to exist before THE FILIOQUE and PAPAL CLAIMS which made the division UNAVOIDABLE.
IMMEDIATE POWER OF JURISDICTION of the Pope couldn’t be accepted by the Eastern tradition.
A PRIMACY OF HONOUR, which is different from THE UNIVERSAL SUPREMACY, can be assigned to the Pope without damaging the eastern doctrine.
INFALLIBILITY of the Pope couldn’t be accepted by the Orthodox who believed that the final decision was made by the COUNCIL.
NICETAS was the archbishop of NICOMEDIA.
THE ROMAN PONTIFF was a title assigned to the Emperor.
KHOMIAKOV accused the West of MORAL FRATRICIDE which is a sin against the UNITY OF THE CHURCH.
TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY is so complex that a small change can lead to heresy.
CHURCH WORSHIP AND DISCIPLINE were also factors which caused division.
Western church still insists on PRIESTLY CELIBACY which is optional on the East.
It seems strange that even the question of what bread to use for the EUCHARIST, LEAVENED or UNLEAVENED, caused great argument and controversy.
Nowadays Catholics cant RECEIVE THE HOLY COMMUNION with the Orthodox unless they first agree to ABSTAIN from their DOCTRINES.
The good ESTATE of the holy churches is one of the things we ask for during the Liturgy.
REVERENCE is a VIRTUE which is no less important than FAITH and the FEAR OF GOD.
The old GREAT LITANY has a prayer about the SUFFERING RUSSIAN LAND.
Today we omit the part of the great litany where people used to pray for the DELIVERANCE FROM THE BITTER TORMENT OF THE ATHEIST RULE.
FAVOURABLE WEATHER sounds a bit strange to a the ear of the Russians who are used to complex words of the OLD SLAVONIC LANGUAGE.

S.P. [(21) 86,25]

The concept of PRE-NIKONIAN SLAVONIC exists because after the church reform of Patriarch Nikon, even the language in which books were copied has partially changed: however, I cannot interpret this phenomenon as something absolutely bad.
A PRIMER is a book with which you learn to read, its name comes from the Latin word "primus", which means first, initial.
The church is a place where the sacraments are performed, and the Christian home is a place for virtue and prayer: the book THE «RULE OF DOMESTIC PRAYER» can teach us how to pray at home, and the PRAYER BOOK contains the necessary texts.
'SON OF THE CHURCH' is a book written TO ENLIGHTEN people about faith, the church, dogmas, services, and virtues in a clear and concise form.
THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD is the cradle of our religion: the place where it got on its feet and began its march on the planet.
INIQUITIES and INFIRMITIES are human weaknesses and imperfections: but God can turn iniquity into equity and make one who is infirm a firm one.
It is difficult to communicate with unintelligent but learned people who study science only TO STIR UP PURPOSELESS POLEMICS.
I'm not sure if it makes sense TO ASSERT THE SUPERIORITY OF our Faith in public if we are supposed to be humble and loving.
It is impossible to create a WORTHY COMPLEMENT TO the Creed; in its present form, it is perfect enough to repel all the attacks of heretics.
A BULL OF EXCOMMUNICATION thrown on the altar of HAGIA SOPHIA was not a gauntlet thrown down by duelists: it was a harsh and meaningless sentence, symbolizing THE ESTRANGEMENT OF EASTERN AND WESTERN CHRISTENDOM.
When the PAPAL LEGATES brought the bull of excommunication to the CHURCH OF THE HOLY WISDOM, it was an event that, alas, cannot be called wise.
WRATH AND NEED is the lot of a person who seeks the Truth, but it seems to me that the Truth is not revealed to the wrathful but only to those who have realized their need and unworthiness.
Every time when THE Church seemed to be at THE LAST RESORT, even IN GREAT DISTRESS, something happened that allowed it to LINGER ON the Earth: this is God's providence and blessing.
Many of my friends work in the choir: I myself was a part of THE CHANTERS back in Voronezh.
One of the goals of Patriarch Nikon's Reform was to rid the church books of that time of MISTRANSLATION, whether they were DELIBERATE AND MALICIOUS ones or made in MANUSCRIPTS by accident.
Reading the Gospel can't be SPIRITUALLY PROFITABLE if we can't focus on it: unfortunately, we live in a world where no one is DELIVERED FROM ALL TRIBULATION, and it's hard not to think about earthly things while reading.
THE DIASPORA is a group of people who live far from their homeland and stick to each other, it seems to me that all Christians on Earth are a Diaspora whose homeland is Heaven. On Earth, we have CIVIL AUTHORITIES and ARMED FORCES, we follow the laws, sometimes we face THE BITTER TORMENT OF THE ATHEIST RULE and DARK AGES of PREJUDICE but only THE FULFILLMENT OF God's RULES is our guarantee of returning to our homeland. However, our belonging to the Heavenly Fatherland should not INCREASE ESTRANGEMENT between Christians and non-Christians: anyone can become our «compatriot» and we should show them BROTHERLY LOVE AND PIETY.
We were explained what the difference between Catholicism and Orthodoxy is, and this difference fits into two words: THE PAPAL CLAIMS and THE FILIOQUE. Papal claims stem from THE AUTOCRATIC STRUCTURE OF THE WESTERN CHURCH: the Pope was in fact AN AUTOCRAT, because there was no single ruler in the West. THE PAPACY was a definite solution. It must be remembered that the conditions in the West and East were different: DIFFERENT DOCTRINAL APPROACHES (PRACTICAL in the West and SPECULATIVE in the East), in the East there was ecclesiastical COLLEGIALITY, and in the West - the fragmentation of secular power and one Pope. At that time, the Eastern Church did not object to A PRIMACY OF HONOR of the Pope, but could not accept THE UNIVERSAL SUPREMACY. The question of the INFALLIBILITY of the Pope is one in which Orthodox Christians are often mistaken: his words are considered infallible only when he preaches «Ex cathedra».

E.D. [(20) 100]

1) One day I faced REBUKE and condemnation in the church regarding my appearance. I was dressed all in black. However, I was no longer distracted and continued my prayer.
2) Christ clothed the PHARISEES by saying that their father is the devil.
3) During fasting, you need to try to move away from everything CARNAL and mundane, pray more and consciously read the Bible.
4) During THE LAST SUPPER Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist.
5) Twelve DISCIPLES served Christ to fulfill His earthly mission.
6) Human ASPIRATION TOWARDS UNION with God should be a fundamental aspect of the life of every believer.

A.G. [(2,5) 15,5]

Kutia consists of BOILED WHEAT, CURRANTS AND HONEY, this dish is served at a wake, a wake is an event held after a MEMORIAL SERVICE to honor the memory of the DECEASED.
In Christ there are two separate natures - human and divine, and they exist UNCONFUSEDLY, UNCHANGEABLY, INDIVISIBLY, INSEPARABLY.
DEESIS stands for prayer, this is the name of the traditional icon image of Christ in greatness or Christ the Pantocrator.
All elements of the GARMENT of priests carry their own special message. The EPIGONATION or PALITSA means a spiritual sword, the word of God. The STAFF a sign of supreme pastoral authority, a reminder that Christ is our good SHEPHERD. The MITRE marks the crown of thorns that was placed on the head of the suffering Savior. The SAKKOS, the CHASUBLE and the ALB are long clothes that remind us of the clothes that were worn in the time of Christ. They are often made of BROCADE, like the robes of kings. The ORARION is a symbolic representation of the blessed gifts of the deacon as a clergyman. The STOLE marks a special grace given to the priest for the performance of the sacraments. CUFFS, the lacing on the wrists symbolizes the Bonds of Christ, which He is fervent on the Cross. The GIRDLE resembles the cloth with which the Savior girded Himself when washing the feet of His disciples at the Last Supper. The PANAGIA, a small round image of the Savior or the Mother of God, decorated with colored stones, distinguishes the bishop from the priest. The OMOPHORION reminds the bishop that he must take care of the salvation of the erring, like the good shepherd of the gospel, who, having found a lost sheep, carries it home on his shoulders.
Objectively, I am a DISGRACE to my family: I am too WAYWARD, INTEMPERATE, my mind is ACRIMONIOUS, I can’t bring JOY to anybody.
We must DILIGENTLY VANQUISH our own sins, but it takes all powers and total PURITY of mind for we must make our souls DWELLING PLACEs OF GOD.
THE LITURGICAL YEAR is full of FEASTING AND FASTING, we know their order from childhood, for us it is a "WELL-TRODDEN road", but it is not always guaranteed to lead us to salvation.
I have always been surprised that the LOCUSTS, which were one of the plagues of Egypt, were the food of JOHN THE FORERUNNER.
THE INTERPRETATION OF THE GOSPEL can give us a lot of useful information also, you can not read the Gospel in the abridged form, because so you can miss a lot of important things.
The holidays that follow the fast not only provide for a BODILY FEAST, but also spiritual joy.
In the Orthodox tradition, CELEBRANT can be not only a monk leading IMMATERIAL WAY OF LIFE.
CHALCEDON, along with Nicaea and Alexandria, is an important geographical location for the development of Orthodoxy.
ADVENT is the name, adopted in Western countries, of the Fast coming before THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD.
As it was said by John the Forerunner to the Jews, "THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND", but the kingdom of God is also near to us.
I'm not sure if we can say that our PRIMARY PURPOSE is the RECONCILIATION of all churches, for we can't take the first step and give up our principles.
CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA is well known for his theological dispute with NESTORIUS: but Nestorius was not just ASSAILED and the matter was not in the SUPREMACY - unfortunately, Nestorius was a heretic.
THE EVER-PRESENT GOD existed before any law and will continue to exist even if all laws are destroyed: John the Baptist tells the Jews to FLEE FROM THE LETTER OF THE LAW because their laws kill the true faith and only flatter their self-satisfaction.
The veneration of icons has become entrenched in our religion: they have become SHRINES to which people make pilgrimages, they are located in SANCTUARIES, in every HOUSEHOLD there is a icon corner.
PAPAL CLAIMS for primacy in the church are not justified: the apostles were equal among themselves, so all bishops should be.
I have heard that in the days from Christmas to EPIPHANY, from Easter to PENTECOST, as well as before communion, it is not customary to PROSTRATE ONESELF, but we are free to do it during the GREAT FAST.
This life is an ANTICIPATION of EVERLASTING LIFE, but this does not mean that we should despise this God's gift and not develop ourselves during our temporary life on earth.

E.D. [(27) 80]

1. There is a chapel near our dormitory where FELLOW-BELIEVERS say the evening RULE together every day.
2. Because of our HUMAN FRAILTY Christians should consult some INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, written by DESERT FATHERS, to choose the right way.
3. The SPIRITUALLY PROFITABLE books can ENLIGHTEN our souls of the great mercy of the Lord.
4. Nowadays there is no SHARP DIVISION BETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY, and therefore, even students-philologists can be “LAY-THEOLOGIANS”.
5. Christian’s life should not be just SPECULATIVE, it should also be filled with actions of mercy and PRACTICES of worship, for “Faith without works is dead”.

T.Sh. [(5,5) 127,5]

1. Now all Orthodox Christians say the prayer ‘The Angel cried out to the One Who is full of Grace’ that encourages to HAIL the Theotokos thus: ‘REJOICE and be glad, O Sion, and You, O Pure One, O Mother of God, exalt in the Resurrection of your Son’.
2. Before the beginning of the Liturgy a server opens the ‘BOOKS OF THE HOURS’ and says the TRISAGION.
3. The DELIBERATIONS at the Councils helped to achieve accuracy and FIDELITY to the truth, though their participants weren’t often UNANIMOUS.
4. The PSALTER is not an INCONSIDERABLE part of the Old Testament.
5. The ‘RULE OF DOMESTIC PRAYER’ explains how to perform some OBSERVANCES that a layman can do at home without a priest.

T.Sh. [(5,5) 122]

1. At all times the monarch was considered to be a VICEGERENT OF GOD on the earth.
2. We can’t SUMMON Ecumenical COUNCILS as we don’t have an Emperor.
3. The LAITY can’t interfere in ECCLESIASTICAL MATTERS.
4. You need to be one of THE PRIESTHOOD - a priest or a deacon - to CENSE THE ALTAR.
5. It is not allowed to go to ATHOS for women.
6. The TRANSFIGURATION took place at MOUNT Thabor.
7. Orthodox people often do PILGRIMAGES throughout their lives.
8. SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT is available to people of the holy life.
9. Elders usually have SUCCESSORS.
10. It’s a pity that Orthodox Church can’t be UNITED IN COMMUNION with other denominations.
11. You need to be a man to enter THE SANCTUARY.
12. Nowadays Orthodox and Catholic Churches still have problems in THE MATTERS OF DOCTRINE.
13. FILIOQUE is an addition to the Creed that Catholics made.
14. Sometimes believers can undergo ESTRANGEMENT so we should pray for them.
15. Long ago THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD was one of the richest regions on the Earth.
16. THE RISE OF ISLAM took place in 7th century.
17. SCHOLARS may understand problems differently due to DIFFERENT DOCTRINAL APPROACHES.
18. DEIFICATION is the main task to all Christians.
19. Through THE CHRISTIAN MYSTERIES we can receive REDEMPTION of the sins.
20. There is no SHARP DIVISION BETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY in Orthodoxy as we all have our MINISTRY to God but perform it differently.
21. THE DARK AGES is a very mysterious and interesting period to study.
22. A Patriarch isn’t AN AUTOCRAT as he SHARES EQUALLY IN THE APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION with other bishops, but it is his «administrative» task.
23. When we pray, we communicate with EVER-PRESENT God.
24. Christians have an ASPIRATION to be at the Heavenly Kingdom.
25. One of my favorite chants is «Great DOXOLOGY».
26. In Middle Ages CRUSADERS often considered themselves LATTER-DAY Christians.
27. It is easier to understand the Liturgy if you will follow the text of the PRAYER BOOK.
28. Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate has A CHARGE OF HERESY AGAINST the OLD RITUALISTS and OLD BELIEVERS.
29. The Holy Scriptures are the part of the Holy TRADITION.
30. PATRIARCH NIKON’S ACTIONS led to a SCHISM in the Russian Orthodox Church.
31. It is always better to do something in the DRAFT and then rewrite it without EMENDATIONS.
32. THE LIFE OF CONTEMPLATION is the main aim for all Christians.
33. VIRTUE is a universal concept for all the good characteristics that people can have.
34. Christians often read the works of GOD-BEARING FATHERS.
35. You will better understand the liturgy if you go there with the LITURGICAL BOOK.
36. We consider the very old icons to be the PRECIOUS HERITAGE.
37. ARTIFICIAL IMPOSITION of practices usually leads to some troubles.
38. Prayers before communion are usually DILIGENTLY said.
39. Christians should be UNANIMOUS with the Gospel.

A.R. [(22) 104,75]

When I was a child, I was always fascinated by the way the TRISAGION is sung in our church.
In our prayers, we often turn the Theotokos with words of respect and greeting, saying: «REJOICE, pillar of virginity!» оr «HAIL Mary full of Grace».
CHARLEMAGNE or Charles the Great was a great ruler: we was the King of the Franks, the King of the Lombards, and the Emperor of the Romans.
The OLD BELIEVERS or OLD RITUALISTS separated from Russian Orthodox Church as a result of the Raskol (the split) of the church: after centuries of DELIBERATION, the Russian Orthodox Church took a decisive step towards reconciliation, apologizing for past persecutions.
IDIOSYNCRATIC research in the field of religion is always controversial, but also necessary: once such were the searchings of those whom we now consider OUR GOD-BEARING FATHERS.
I believe that any art or science can and should become a VEHICLE OF SALVATION.

E.D. [(5) 53]

I never knew before reading THE INTERPRETATION OF THE GOSPEL OF MARK that the English word GOSPEL is a CONTRACTION of the two Old English words "good" and "spell". And "GOOD TIDINGS" has the same meaning and contains two words "ev" and "angelion" which from the word EVANGELION.

N.A. [(3) 103,25]

In order not to be ASSAILED by temptations we should pray DILIGENTLY, and then we will be able to VANQUISH the TEMPTER.
The KING JAMES VERSION OF THE SCRIPTURES offers the most ACCURATE translation of the Bible into English.
Monks, who choose the community live, VENTURE COOPERATIVELY to labour all day long, though at the same time they make IDIOSYNCRATIC efforts to pray and repent.
People should be afraid of the discrepancy between their words and deeds not to become hypocrites.
Orthodox Christians don’t agree with Catholics over MATTERS OF DOCTRINE as we can’t comply with the PAPAL CLAIMS for supremacy.

T.Sh. [(4,5) 116,5]

1. THE EVER-PRESENT GOD hears all our prayers.
2. All Christians are looking for the time when all faithful may join the UNCEASING DOXOLOGIES OF GOD'S HEAVENLY COURT.
5. We are to take part in the SPIRITUAL COMBAT or UNSEEN WARFARE as our FALLEN NATURE is subject to sin.
7. OLD BELIEVERS who are also called OLD RITUALISTS caused a lot of trouble in Russia during PATRIARCH NIKON'S reforms.
8. The PRECIOUS HERITAGE of the Orthodox are the books which are VEHICLES of our SALVATION.

S.P. [(8,5) 65,25]

1) We should anticipate the day of meeting with God, to sing to Him our DOXOLOGIES and direct our ASPIRATIONS to achieve HEAVENLY COURT.
2) Closer to the last days it becomes more harder to keep the purity of faith, to lead the life of CONTEMPLATION, especially for those who are not living in strict ENCLOSURE and who are much BESET by the world.
3) Our life is called SPIRITUAL COMBAT or UNSEEN WARFARE due to many YIELDINGS TO TEMPTATIONS and our FEEBLE battle with the devil.
4) Demons want to HINDER a person from UNDERTAKING a GOOD WORK.
5) But if a man PERSEVERES he will ATTAIN REST.
6) What we call "molitvoslov" in Russian is a "DEVOTIONAL BOOK" in English. They are parts of ORTHODOX TRADITION.
7) OLD RITUALISTS are commonly called OLD BELIEVERS.
8) Old devotional books are the same VEHICLES OF SALVATION as modern editions.

N.A. [(9) 58]

In my opinion, true faith does not consist in attending all VESPERS and MATINS, and constantly reading DEVOTIONAL BOOKS, but at the same time hating and despising your fellow man.
I was surprised to learn that there are not only rosaries, but also the vervitsa and THE LESTOVKA.
ABBA AGATHON OF THE THEBAID was a Great Egyptian HERMIT, a friend of mine has been tonsured a monk with this name.
We believe that the Lord gives everyone а GUARDIAN ANGEL to protect us from the demons and temptations that BESET us.
UNIFORMITY, in my opinion, is not bad at all, but it is difficult for me to imagine that in THE HEAVENLY COURT everyone looks the same - but their DOXOLOGIES and praise to God is unanimous.
We must resist sin with all our soul, not FEEBLY, just for show: the only thing that can HINDER the struggle is the law of love for one's neighbor, which is above all else.
Many theologians are known for their HOMILIES ON COMMUNION, because, as I suppose, Communion is the apotheosis of the church life of a Christian, so a lot can be told about it.
The process of reading the THE AKATHIST HYMN TO SWEETEST JESUS is different from reading ordinary church texts: it is not customary to sit while reading it, and the last prayer is to be read kneeling.
THE SUPPLICATORY CANON TO THE MOTHER OF GOD can also be called "Paraklesis" like many other praise to the Theotokos.

E.D. [(8) 29,3]

1. This Sunday bishop of Zarajsk Konstantin preached a sermon noticing that everyone of us should read books written by DESERT FATHERS because though we aren’t monks but we are Christians and, therefore, we should search for the VEHICLES OF SALVATION.
2. GOD-BEARING fathers teach us how to PERSEVERE in GOOD WORKS and to show love to other people.
3. For example, St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain in his book ‘UNSEEN WARFARE’ explains how to HINDER our passions and enemies of mankind.
4. The LITURGICAL and DEVOTIONAL BOOKS, which are part of the Orthodox TRADITION, open for us the divine beauty of the HEAVENLY COURT.
5. The DOXOLOGIES, which are sung during Liturgies in churches, direct our ASPIRATION toward CONTEMPLATION.

T.Sh. [(5,5) 86,5]

According to mitropolitan Kallistos we are living in the UNTHEOLOGICAL AGE.
Emperor Cyril is considered to have been rather INTEMPERATE in his methods.
Christians could behave in an ACRIMONIOUS way as they cared about their faith.
JOHN THE ALMSGIVER is the one who said that the poor and the beggars can help to BESTOW UPON US the Kingdom.
MONASTICISM isn’t spread in our age.
ORTHODOX SPIRITUALITY is achieved through many ways, one of which is MONASTICISM.
It is believed that MONKS formed an ESTABLISHED CHRISTENDOM.
I found it astounding that some monks LEAD SOLITARY LIFE on top of the PILLARS.
The EREMITIC LIFE was lead by such extraordinary people as saint ANTONY OF EGYPT.
The ASCETIC HOUSES of the Nile attracted a huge number of those going on PILGRIMAGE in Egypt.
Emperor JUSTINIAN founded a monastery of Saint Catherine on the MOUNT SINAI.
Emperor wasn’t considered the EXPONENT OF ORTHODOXY, but only the PROTECTOR.

S.P. [(9) 53,5]

I have never heard about the existence of THE CANON TO THE GUIARDIAN ANGEL before reading the OLD ORTHODOX PRAYER BOOK.
We can use THE SUPPLICATORY CANON TO THE MOTHER OF GOD in most cases: for example, during sorrows and PREPARATION FOR HOLY COMMUNION as well.
Before the CONFESSION and receiving the EUCHARIST after the RESURRECTION SUNDAY it is allowed to read THE CANON FOR HOLY PASCHA and instead of reading usual morning and evening prayers a Christian should read THE ORDER OF THE HOURS FOR HOLY PASCHA.
HOMILIES ON COMMUNION can be eye-opening and blessed.
The CANON FOR THE DEPARTED implies people who died in general but THE CANON FOR ONE WHO IS DEPARTED includes only one person.

N.A. [(6) 49]

To my mind, STRENGTHENING of faith and OBEDIENCE are important elements of our religion, but they are nothing without love.
As a child, I loved Christmas for gifts and the feeling of a miracle, but now I understand that the most important Gift to Humanity is the INCARNATION OF CHRIST, HIS MANIFESTATION AS WORD, done for us.
To deal with panic attacks and stress during exams, I tried various PSYCHOSOMATIC TECHNIQUES.
The Jesus Prayer, as Metropolitan Kallistos says, does not imply ADOPTING A PARTICULAR PHYSICAL POSTURE, or rather, it does not make it the cornerstone.
The modern Orthodox Church does not have as many TERRIBLE ROCKS OF OFFENCE as the ancient one, but this does not mean that it does not experience difficulties.
It is impossible to imagine that at some point all three branches of the Christian Church would GRADUALLY RECONCILE and form a single church WITHOUT SCHISM.
Saint John of Damascus - the saint after whom my brother is named - was a staunch opponent of the MONOPHYSITE HERESY subjects of the Emperor.
For true Christians it is always bitter to look at people who have fallen into heresy - but not everyone is given TO BRING THEM BACK INTO COMMUNION - if we are not sure, it is better to just pray.
The BYZANTINE CHURCH has been through a lot, and its history can inspire modern churches in this period of difficult times.
THEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES do not allow us to receive communion and participate in divine services in other churches, but this does not mean that people in them are spiritually lost: on the contrary, we must pray for them with fervor.
Russia is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, so CULTURAL AND NATIONAL TENSION does not abate here, but religious freedom is an important necessity.
It is particularly interesting to study how countries that are PREDOMINANTLY NON-GREEK IN LANGUAGE AND BACKGROUND origin have merged into the Christian world.
I believe that ECCLESIASTICAL SCHISM is a great tragedy for the people, both in the political and spiritual sense, especially if it leads not only to POLITICAL SEPARATISM but also to mutual hatred between former co-believers.
In the administration of the church, bishops should not have any NON-THEOLOGICAL FACTORS affecting their relations with other bishops and the people: no political situation should destroy the Body of Christ.
ORDINATION IS PUTTING ON CHRIST, so this must be taken very seriously - my ordained acquaintances told me about this.
APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION is a very important part of our Сhurch life: the transmission of the GIFT OF ORDINATION exists for the sake of LIVING CONTINUITY OF A PRAYING COMMUNITY.
The task of John the Baptist as I understand it was to LEAD MANKIND TO REPENTANCE, his very appearance was a SYMBOL OF MOURNING for sinful humanity.
LEPERS are common in the Bible, Christ healed many of them.
I believe that THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS is not only a beautiful, but also an accurate metaphor: the wilderness symbolizes not only the DESOLATE SYNAGOGUE OF THE JEWS, but also deaf hearts of the Jews before the coming of the Messiah.
According to THE MONOTHELITE HERESY, there are two natures in Christ, but one divine will - although I've never thought about it, it just doesn't sound right.
Attempts to comprehend the Divine essence with the human mind often lead to A SUDDEN AND ALARMING DEVELOPMENT.
Looking at the lives of the holy monks, you can decide that all the monks lead an ANGELIC AND ALL BUT IMMATERIAL WAY OF LIFE.
The practice of Ecumenical Councils proves that sometimes REINTERPRETATION OF THE DECREES leads to the best.
THE HIJAZ - the territory where the holy places for Muslims are located, it was from this territory that the MOHAMMEDAN EXPANSION began, similar to a CENTRIFUGAL EXPLOSION.

E.D. [(17) 21,3]

1. After the ORDINATION the deacon is allowed to CENSE THE ALTAR and the priest can CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST.
2. Those PARISHIONERS who strive for PIETY usually listen carefully to the HOMILIES and try to follow priests’ directions in their lives.
3. By the DIRECT INSPIRATION OF THE SPIRIT saint Seraphim of Sarov was honoured to see the Angels helping priests during the DIVINE LITURGY.
4. Many Russian Saints dedicated their lives to the prayer for the world, they say the Jesus Prayer in their CELLS, often using the LESTOVKA.
5. Nowadays a lot of Orthodox Christians want to meet the personal spiritual father of our Patriarch, schema-archimandrite Elias, who is called the ‘ELDER’ as he has a special SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT and can give an advice, for example, on the choice of PRIESTHOOD, monasticism or marriage.

T.Sh. [(5,5) 81]

1. PUSSY WILLOWS are BLESSED on the PALM SUNDAY and then are kept in the houses.
2. The tradition of BLESSING animals comes from the Western Ukraine and isn't spread in Russia.
3. On the FEAST OF THEOPHANY the water is BLESSED and then taken to the houses in order to SPRINKLE them throughout.
4. The ICON CORNER is the most important place in the house.
5. The food with which people are going to BREAK THE FAST is sometimes BLESSED in the church.
6. It is a great mercy of God to meet an elder of SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT even once in a lifetime.
7. In Orthodoxy monks normally do not have ORDERS, although in the Western tradition there are CARTHUSIAN ORDER, CISTERCIAN ORDER and other ORDERS.
8. To be GUIDED BY THE DIRECT INSPIRATION OF THE SPIRIT is such a great mercy, that only few ELDERS and LAY MONKS are granted this gift.
9. Only few are able to lead the LIFE OF STRICT ENCLOSURE, in WITHDRAWAL and SOLITUDE.
10. The Emperor, who was in the heart of THE CHRISTIAN POLITY OF BYZANTIUM, was called the VICEREGENT OF GOD and could RECEIVE THE HOLY COMMUNION AS PRIESTS DO.
11. It was surprising to find out that not only did the Emperor PREACH SERMONS, but he also CENSED THE ALTAR on certain feasts.

S.P. [(10,5) 44,5]

1. In English we have a special word for women's monastery. It is CONVENT.
2. According to Orthodox tradition there are no ORDERS in MONASTICISM.
In the west a monk belongs to the CARTHUSIAN or the CISTERCIAN order (which was founded by Bruno of Cologne in 1084 and includes not only monks but NUNS as well)(. And in the east there is a BROTHERHOOD of all monastics while every member of it is attached to a particular MONASTIC HOUSE.
In Orthodox monasticism an ELDER is appointed that monk who has SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT and wisdom. He is a guide and SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR.
The first and MOST CELEBRATED starets was Saint ANTHONY THE GREAT. Only one part of his life he spent in SOLITUDE and WITHDRAWAL to learn in silence the truth about himself. But then he ABANDONED such LIFE OF STRICT ENCLOSURE, opened the door of his CELL and began to receive visitors and give advice to people. Gradually he became a PHYSICIAN to all Egypt and he had a lot of SUCCESSORS.
It is a usual way for a monk only after RIGOROUS preparation in solitude to admit the world from which he FORMERLY FLED.

N.A. [(10) 43]

1. Although there is a tradition to keep PUSSY WILLOW in an ICON CORNER, my family put it on the table in the sitting-room so that it may commemorate the PALM SUNDAY and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.
2. Orthodox Christians ASK FOR A PRIEST’S BLESSING after Confession to receive Communion, and a priest, according to God’s LOVINGKINDNESS, witnesses that the Lord forgives all their sins and allows to receive the Holy Gifts.
3. We will BREAK OUR FAST on the 2nd of May and eat Easter cakes, which will have been SPRINKLED by a priest by that time.
4. Christians used to say ‘PEACE BE TO THIS HOUSE’ on entering, so that the BOUNTIFUL hand of God may open to those who host the guests.
5. HERMITS such as Theophan the Recluse decided to WITHDRAW FROM SOCIETY and live without other BRETHREN.

T.Sh. [(6) 75,5]

1. The NATIVITY of Theotokos celbrated at the beginning of the academic year is associated with the beginning of university studies. 2. On the day of celebration of the EXALTATION OF THE CROSS when the Cross is COMMEMORATED the priest lifts the cross in the centre of the church. 3. One of my favourite pictures is Tintoretto's ENTRY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD INTO THE TEMPLE where Mother of God looks so fragile and little compared to a large staircase. 4. The HIGH PRIEST ZACHARIAS was killed later according to the scriptures. 5. Nowadays ADVENT is more celebrated in the Western countries where special candles are burnt and songs are sung. 6. CHRISTMAS is the beginning of the life of Jesus Christ on Earth. 7. On the day of THEOPHANY, when BAPTISM of the Lord is celebrated, it is a tradition in some villages to dive in ice-cold water. 8. MEETING OF THE LORD, celebrated short after Christmas, is marked by the meeting of the Old and the New Testaments. 9. ANNUNCIATION and THE ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM are the only two days in the GREAT LENT when fish is allowed. 10. PASCHA is the day when even people who do not regularly attend the church come to celebrate the RESURRECTION of Christ. 11. As we don't have palms in our climate pussy willows are brought into the church on the PALM SUNDAY. 12. People who shouted to the Christ: "HOSANNA" soon after that cried to the Pilate to CRUCIFY Him. 13. The ASCENSION has a deep theological meaning as Christ ASCENDED bringing the human body with Him. 14. On the day of PENTECOST our church is decorated with green trees and leaves. 15. TRANSFIGURATION let the apostles see the true Glory of God. 16. THE DORMITION is preceded by a fortnight of fasting. 17. ORTHODOX SPIRITUALITY is expressed in MONASTICISM. 18. WITHDRAWAL FROM SOCIETY is one of the conditions on which one can become a MONK. 19. Monks lead COMMUNITY LIFE under a COMMON RULE in order to FULFILL A PROPHETIC AND ESCHATOLOGICAL MINISTRY. 20. HERMITS lead SOLITARY LIFE under unbearable and inhospitable conditions.

S.P. [(13) 34]

1) THE NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD is one of the Christian Feast days celebrated in honor of the Holy Theotokos on September 21.
2) The ADVENT begins immediately after the day of the memory of the Apostle Philip and is not very strict as you can eat fish.
3) It is popular nowadays to practice yoga and meditation as a way of SPIRITUAL HEALING.
4) After the confession, the priest puts the stole on his head and says the PRAYER OF ABSOLUTION.

A.G. [(2) 13]

1. During ADVENT it is allowed to eat fish except on Wednesdays and Fridays, but The Great Fast is the strictest fast of all, though there is a relaxation of rules – Christians can eat fish and drink wine when they celebrate the ANNUNCIATION. The fast dedicated to the DORMITION of the Mother of God is as severe as Lent but it lasts only two weeks.
2. There is a tradition to celebrate the day of Orthodox youth on the MEETING OF THE LORD. It symbolizes that Simeon and the PROPHETESS Anna firstly greeted Jesus as well as young boys and girls meet Christ in their lives nowadays.
3. PENTECOST is a day of the Church’s foundation because the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and from that moment their spiritual MINISTRY began.
4. Christians celebrate the ENTRY OF THE LORD INTO JERUSALEM recognizing Jesus as the MESSIAH though Jews are still waiting for Him.
5. The TRINITARIAN GOD was revealed during the Baptism of Christ – the Father through the voice from heaven, Jesus as a beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove – that’s why we call this feast ‘THEOPHANY’.

T.Sh. [(7,5) 69,5]

1. THE ICONOCLASTS and THE ICONODULES argued mostly about depicting the human nature of Christ.
3. Before Christ people couldn’t depict God as He was INCORPOREAL and UNCIRCUMSCRIBED.
5. VESTMENTS of the CLERGY have a DOCTRINAL importance and symbolic meaning.
6. The deacon doesn’t CELEBRATE SACRAMENTS, and in early Church he had a special MINISTRY to the people.
7. There is a special GARMENT for the CLERGY, who have their ministry for a long time, so priest can be awarded an EPIGONATION and also a MITRE, and deacon can be awarded a double ORARION.
8. Due to THE RISE OF ISLAM Constantinople passed under INFIDEL control.
9. Priest have to wear a STOLE and CUFFS in order to CELEBRATE OFFICES.
10. Only bishop can wear a PANAGIA everywhere and carry a STAFF only in his DIOCESE.
11. Almost all ASIA MINOR is now under MOSLEM control.
12. THE GOOD SHEPHERD is one of the first images of Christ that people VENERATED.
13. Before the liturgy, people usually write a list of names for the LIVING and another list for the DEPARTED.
14. If Christ DEIGNED to become a human, then it means that MATTER CAN BE REDEEMED.
15. A FAITHFUL man deserves THE CELESTIAL GLORY of God.
16. Only CLERGY can CENSE in the church, but all people can take part in PROCESSIONS.
17. You need strong evidence to accuse someone of DISGRACE, I think a FAITHFUL man will never do it.
19. A MEMORIAL TABLE is a table where people light candles for the DECEASED.
20. In Orthodox tradition we have a lot of MEMORIAL SERVICES as we VENERATE our saints.
21. In this AN UNTHEOLOGICAL AGE the CHARITABLE WORK has become less important.
23. The MINISTRY of the CLERGY is to serve to God and people.
25. The CLERGY wears white VESTMENTS during the FUNERAL SERVICE.
26. You can LIT a candle for the DECEASED on the MEMORIAL TABLE.
27. MIXTURE OF BOILED WHEAT, CURRANTS AND HONEY is always a holiday meal in Orthodox tradition to the FAITHFUL.
28. We MARK OURSELVES WITH THE SIGN OF THE CROSS every time when we hear a LITANY.
31. A VEGAN diet is extremely popular among people, even those who aren’t FAITHFUL.
33. NATIVITY is the other name for CHRISTMAS in Orthodoxy.
35. Every church is a DWELLING PLACE OF GOD where you can see THE CELESTIAL GLORY of God on Earth.
36. Your sins can be REDEEMED if you only believe in God IN EARNEST.
37. The chants of VESPERS are so imbued with ORTHODOX SPIRITUALITY.
38. The Church on the Earth was founded on the first day of PENTECOST, so PROPHETIC AND ESCHATOLOGICAL MINISTRY to pagans began on that day.
39. The ASCENSION of Christ signifies that human nature can receive a SALVATION and a REDEMPTION of the sins.
40. CONTINUING PRAYERS can BESTOW UPON US the Kingdom and grant us the life EVERLASING.

A.R. [(33) 82,75]

1. Our university follows the CYCLE OF FEASTS AND FASTS and that’s why the TWELVE GREAT FEASTS are days-off for all students.
2. In a week there will be the beginning of LENT when Orthodox Christians PROSTRATE THEMSELVES in churches and at home.
3. The GREAT FAST means not only a VEGAN DIET, but also the spiritual refinement of a person.
4. We venerate Blessed Virgin Mary who became a DWELLING PLACE OF GOD, and we celebrate Her NATIVITY, the ENTRY IN THE TEMPLE, the Annunciation and the DORMINION.
5. In the 2nd century there was built the Temple of Venus on Golgotha as a desecration, but due this fact Helena knew the true place where Christ had been crucified, and she managed to find the CROSS. In COMMEMORATION of this event the feast, called ‘the EXALTATION OF THE CROSS’, was established.

T.Sh. [(5) 62]

THE TIED THONG is a symbol of the following. All those who have a REPENTANCE were LOOSED from the BOND OF THEIR SINS.
There is a CYCLE of FEASTING AND FASTING during the Church's year. Every feast, especially the MAJOR ones have their SPIRITUAL JOY which SPILLS OVER INTO A BODILY FEAST.
Jesus himself led us by example of fasting in the WILDERNESS to prepare for his MINISTRY.
GREAT FEAST may also be called the LENT.
It is not CUSTOMARY to PROSTRATE YOURSELF on Sunday. Because it is a day of RESURRECTION.
THE LITURGICAL YEAR begins with THE NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD. Her parents JOACHIM and ANNA had been CHILDLESS for many years till an angel VISITED Joachim and told that a child would BE BORN TO THEM through their prayers.
Saint Joachim and Anna vowed that if a child were born to them they dedicate it to the service of God. The day on which VIRGIN THEOTOKOS was lead to the temple is called THE ENTRY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD IN THE TEMPLE.
ADVENT is the first important fast of the year in preparation for the feast of THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD.
THEOPHANY is a day when the Lord was baptized.
Not so long ago we celebrated THE MEETING OF THE LORD.

N.A. [(13) 33]

1. All the FAITHFUL like taking part in PROCESSIONS at Easter and WORSHIPPING Christ our Lord.
2. Orthodox Christians VENERATE lots of icons of the Theotokos and MAKE OBEISANCE to the Mother of God.
3. Virgin Mary holds an OMOPHORION which is a REMINDER that she shields us from every worldly evil.
4. Subdeacons always accompany a bishop, they help him to carry the STAFF, to put on the MITRE and to wear theSAKKOS.
5. In MONASTERIES and CONVENTS monks and nuns PROSTRATE THEMSELVES much more often than usual laymen in Churches.
6. Christians believe in EVERLASTING LIFE and in the Resurrection of both body and soul, considering that MATTER is a VEHICLE OF THE SPIRIT.
7. Saturday of Remembrance of the DEPARTED Parents is a special day when Christians come to church to pray for their DECEASED relatives in ANTICIPATION of their Resurrection.
8. The first Sunday in Lent is called ‘THE TRIUMPH OF ORTHODOXY’ and is celebrated solemnly with pronouncing ANATHEMAS to the unfaithful, showing the DISGRACE of the demons.
9. People usually bring some products to the MEMORIAL TABLE where the MEMORIAL SERVICE takes place.
10. Icons in SHRINES, walls covered in fresco or mosaic show the CELESTIAL GLORY of the Lord.

T.Sh. [(12,5) 39,75]

DEESIS includes in itself the icon of THE SAVIOUR in the middle, JOHN THE FORERUNNER and THEOTOKOS on both sides.
All Orthodox Christians are waiting for the SECOND ADVENT as about two thousand years ago the JEWS were waiting for the birth of Christ.
But IT WAS WRITTEN IN THE PROPHETS that before the Saviour God's angel (Saint JOHN THE BAPTIST) must have PREPARED "THE WAY OF THE LORD, MADE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT" (from THE GOSPEL according to ST. MARK). The TESTIMONY concerning the Forerunner is taken from two PROPHETS: from MALACHI and ISAIAH. John ate LOCUSTS and wild honey. He wasn't the real angel himself, but he's called thus because of his angelic and IMMATERIAL WAY OF LIFE. He baptized the Jews in the WILDERNESS and PREACHED the baptism of REPENTANCE UNTO THE REMISSION OF SINS. Saint John came to ANNOUNCE and PROCLAIM the COMING OF CHRIST.
The crucial point is that between Lord's MESSENGER and The Saviour there was a KINSHIP like the belonging of those who go directly before a king in a king's procession, to the king's own HOUSEHOLD.

Before reading the text of the commentary I had thought that the phrase "THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS" concerns only John himself. But afterwards, I have been amazed at the fact that it refers even not only to the JORDAN DESERT but to the DESOLATE SYNAGOGUE of the Jews. And I like the interpretation of "THE WAY" that is the NEW TESTAMENT and the "PATHS" those are the OLD TESTAMENT which was WELL TRODDEN. It is very significant not to divide both Testaments. Because for "the way" THAT IS the new one they should be prepared and also they were in need of making straight the old paths which they had once followed but from which they had turned and become WAYWARD.

N.A. [(13) 14,5]

1. The word «CONVENT» is used to talk about MONASTERIES for women.
2. A PALITSA is made of BROCADE and is usually worn by bishops as a sign of the SWORD OF SPIRIT and as a special reward by priests.
3. Some MITRES have a small cross on top, whereas others don’t.
4. Nowadays the MONASTIC LIFE isn’t a widely spread way of life.
5. Instead of a CHASUBLE bishops are to wear SAKKOS.

S.P. [(3) 21]

1. A deacon can’t CELEBRATE THE LITURGY and other SACRAMENTS independently but a PRIEST can.
2. Although deacons wear CUFFS and a STOLE, they are not allowed to put on an ALB, a CHASUBLE and a GIRDLE.
3. Our church’s CELEBRANT is young and doesn’t have the EPIGONATION because it’s a special reward for zealous service given only to SENIOR PRIESTS.
4. According to MODERN SCHOLARS’ calculations, the RISE OF ISLAM is increasing every day, and by 2100 the number of MUSLIMS will be greater than the number of Christians.
5. Many heresies and SCHISMS remain the ROCKS OF OFFENCE, for example, MONOPHYSITISM still exists in Armenia.

T.Sh. [(6) 27,25]

1. Our Lord Jesus Christ loves and cares for people as well as the GOOD SHEPHERD who looks after his FLOCK.
2. During Confession the priest is a GO-BETWEEN between a penitent and God, and the priest's STOLE symbolizes Divine Grace.
3. The sacrament of ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD is performed according to the APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION, and all bishops have the same SACRAMENTAL POWERS.
4. It’s not obligatory for a LOCAL COMMUNITY to have a DEACON because a priest can PERFORM THE SACRAMENTS INDEPENDENTLY.
5. Catholics establish the papal SUPREMACY based on ‘PETRINE TEXTS’, but Orthodox Christians give the Pope only a PRIMACY OF HONOR.

T.Sh. [(6,5) 21,25]

1. BISHOP has the HIGHEST DEGREE OF PRIESTHOOD but basically what makes him different from PRIESTS is the ability to ORDAIN other people DEACONS and PRIESTS.
2. The APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION dates back to the times of Jesus Christ.
3. We use a different word to speak about the ORDINATION of BISHOP: we say to be CONSECRATED BISHOP.
4. In the old times there used to be not only DEACONS but also DEACONESSES who were allowed into the SANCTUARY and who helped in the PERFORMANCE OF THE EUCHARIST.
5. Basically not only DEACONS but also PRIESTS and BISHOPS serve as a GO-BETWEEN between the Church and the people.
6. After the singing of the Creed the DEACON crosses his ORARION in his back.
7. The priest needs the CUFFS and the STOLE as primary garments to serve the Holy Liturgy.
8. Nowadays the most dangerous MINISTRY priests can perform to the people is going to the COVID hospitals.
9. Although the deacon cannot PERFORM THE SACRAMENTS he is able to SERVE THE CLERGY in other ways.
10. Normally a priest or a bishop has a PARISH where he SERVES the MINISTRY to people as a SHEPHERD of his people.
11. An ALB symbolises PURITY and JOY and that is why it is a garment worn by the priests.
12. A PALITSA is a GARMENT given to a priest or a bishop as a special reward.
13. You can know you are speaking to a bishop by checking out for the PANAGIA on his chest.
14. Bishop’s STAFF usually stands leaned against the corner of the Sanctuary in the church the bishop SERVES.
15. All bishops have a small cross on the top of their MITRES.

S.P. [(12) 17,25]

1. Christians believe that they can receive RECONCILIATION with God after CONFESSION and COMMUNION.
2. Orthodoxy rejects PAPAL AUTHORITY and considers all DIOCESAN BISHOPS equal in SACRAMENTAL POWERS as they are all SUCCESSORS OF PETER.
3. Although Jesus Christ himself is the head of the Church, PATRIARCH is also a head of the ECCLESIASTICAL ORGANIZATION but only on the earth.
4. PETRINE TEXTS fully develop the meaning of God’s love so they help people not TO FALL INTO HERESY.
5. THE PRIMARY PURPOSE of the APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION is that we can see a lasting line of all ordained DIOCESAN BISHOPS that leads to the beginning — Jesus Christ.

A.R. [(6) 6,75]

1. The main purpose of ANOINTING WITH OIL is a RECONCILIATION with God.
2. During the period of COVID-19 even the usual Anointing, which takes place during Vespers, is performed with COTTON BUDS in most of the Orthodox Churches.
3. Saint CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA was right when he confronted NESTORIUS who refused to call the VIRGIN MARY “MOTHER OF GOD” abolishing the doctrine of the INCARNATION.
4. Modern representatives of MONOPHYSITISM live in Armenia and they endanger the FULLNESS OF CHRIST’S MANHOOD though they call themselves “Orthodox”.
5. The Orthodox Church uses the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed during the Liturgy but admits also the Creed which was made up in CHALCEDON in 451 and which proclaimed that Christ is TRULY GOD AND TRULY MAN acknowledged in TWO NATURES unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, insaparably.

T.Sh. [(6) 14,75]

E.D. [() 4,3]

V.N. [() 17,5]

J.P. [() 2]

A.G. [() 7,25]

2nd year of study: Autumn 2020

1. In the Orthodox Church there are commonly understood to be seven ORTHODOX MYSTERIES.
2. The CHURCH is not a “human” organisation, but the Body of Christ the God-man.
3. PRAYING WITH ICONS is an ancient practice that can draw a person closer to God.
4. THE CROSS, seen as a representation of the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus, is the best-known symbol of Christianity.
5. Many early religions used ALTARS for their sacrifices and offerings, and the tradition was adopted by later religions and worshipers.
6. The NARTHEX is usually separated from the nave by columns or a pierced wall, and in Byzantine churches the space is divided into two parts.
7. Once I read an interesting statement about His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II who always blesses the ORTHODOX CONGREGATION of Abkhazia with special warmth and love.
8. Many Russian Orthodox churches are distinguished by their verticality, bright colours and multiple DOMES, which provide a striking contrast with the flat Russian landscape, often covered in snow.
9. ICON SCREEN is a screen or wall which serves as a stable support for icons and marks the boundary between the nave and the altar or sanctuary.
10. We LIGHT a CANDLE for many purposes: to illuminate darkness, dedicate prayers, solidify intentions, offer blessings.
11. CANDLE DESK is a special place at the church, where people can buy candles and icons before and after services.
12. In Christian theology, the death and RESURRECTION of Jesus are the most important events, a foundation of the Christian faith.
13. The most prominent feature of an Orthodox church is the Iconostasis, consisting of one or more rows of Icons and broken by the HOLY DOORS and a door at each side.
14. There are monasteries and monks, and the people faithfully VENERATE the Three Jewels and icons.
15. An ICON CORNER is the family's place of worship, also called the home altar.
16. INCENSE is a material composed of aromatic organic materials that release fragrant smoke when burned.
17. A CENSER is a small metal or stone dish used for burning incense.
18. A SANCTUARY, in its original meaning, is a sacred place, such as a shrine.
19. The SOLEA projects beyond the iconostasis, forming a narrow walkway running the full length of the iconostasis.
20. In religious practice, a CHALICE is often used for drinking during a ceremony or may carry a certain symbolic meaning.
21. A TABERNACLE is a fixed, locked box in which, in some Christian churches, the Eucharist is stored.
22. A DISKOS is a small plate, usually made of silver or gold, used to hold Eucharistic bread which is to be consecrated during the Mass.
23. ANOINTING is the ritual act of pouring aromatic oil over a person's head or entire body.
24. COMMUNION wine in the Coptic Church today, as in most Orthodox churches, is distributed by a long-handled spoon which scoops the wine from the chalice into the mouth.
25. The practice of using intricate PROSPHORA seals goes back to the times of the Christian Persecution when decorative motifs were designed to mask the image of the cross.
26. At the PROSKOMEDIA, the priest cuts a large cube-shaped piece of bread called the Lamb and places it at the center of the plate called the paten.
27. THE LITTLE ENTRANCE symbolises the Incarnation of Christ and his baptism in the Jordan River: the deacon representing John the Baptist, and the priest representing Christ.
28. Fourteen letters, also called EPISTLES, which are ascribed to the apostle Paul are included in the holy scriptures of the New Testament Church.
29. The LITANY begins every liturgical service of the Orthodox Church, as well as virtually all sacraments and special services.
30. For Orthodox Christians, the CREED serves to reaffirm our faith every time we recite it.
31. The ANTIDORON is ordinary leavened bread which is blessed but not consecrated and distributed in Eastern Orthodox Churches and Eastern Catholic Churches.
32. CHRISMATION, the gift of the Holy Spirit, is performed in the Orthodox Church by anointing all parts of the person's body with the special oil called holy chrism.
33. Orthodox infants are traditionally named on the eighth day of life in a special service conducted either in the home or in church called NAME-GIVING.
34. GODPARENTS must have been baptized in the Orthodox Church, must be in full sacramental communion, and must be a member in good standing of a local Orthodox parish.
35. Holy CHRISM is a mixture of olive oil and balsam, an aromatic resin.
36. ORDINATION is the process by which individuals are consecrated, that is, set apart and elevated from the laity class to the clergy.
37. PASTORAL CHARGE consists of one or more congregations under the spiritual leadership of a minister or ministry team.
38. The ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE was among the first to participate in the formation and development of the ecumenical movement.
39. APOSTASY in Christianity is the rejection of Christianity by someone who formerly was a Christian or who wishes to be removed from church members.
40. The author states the fact that there are two theological methods: the old, or patristic; and the new, or SCHOLASTIC.
41. RELIGIOUS DISPUTES require me to think creatively, respectfully, and judiciously to work with disputes that revolve around people's most sensitive beliefs.
42. ROMAN CATHOLICISM comprises the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
43. For HIGH-CHURCH ANGLICAN, doctrine is neither established by a magisterium, nor derived from the theology of an eponymous founder.
44. A THEOLOGIAN is someone who studies the nature of God, religion, and religious beliefs.
45. THE POPE is the Bishop of Rome, and thereby the world leader of the Catholic Church.
46. CHRISTENDOM is best and most succinctly defined in traditional ecclesiological terms as the Church Militant.
47. BASIL entered into connections with the West, and with the help of ATHANASIUS, he tried to overcome its distrustful attitude toward the Homoiousians.
48. It should be emphasized that Russian participation in the life of LEVANTINE Orthodoxy was significantly less active than in the Balkans or the Caucasus.
49. In the original, lacking punctuation, it would be unclear whether the VOICE WAS CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS or crying out that in the wilderness a way should be prepared.
50. MONOPHYSITE, in Christianity, is one who believed that Jesus Christ’s nature remains altogether divine and not human even though he has taken on an earthly and human body with its cycle of birth, life, and death.

D.S. [(25) 39]

ANOINTIG WITH OIL is one of the SACRAMENTS which usually takes place during the GREAT LENT.
In our church participating in ANOINTING doesn’t require CONFESSION before it, because we believe that all the sins are FORGIVEN during the SACRAMENT.
Usually seven extracts from the EPISTLES and the GOSPEL are read during the SERVICE, then people are ANOINTED on the forehead, breast and hands as many times as there are PRIESTS.
At the end of the SERVICE the PRAYER OF ABSOLUTION is read.
The SERVICE needs the special DISH with wheat in it, seven CANDLES, seven COTTON BUDS, a CUP for mixing OIL and wine, the PRIEST’S HAND CROSS and the GOSPEL.
BAPTISM and CHRISTMATION are the SACRAMENTS through which a person becomes a CHRISTIAN.
I was BAPTISED when I was about 40 days old.
My mother’s friends became my GODMOTHER and GODFATHER.
I became a GODMOTHER two years ago.
Almost all babies when they are IMMERSED in the FONT cry.
CONFESSION is the SACRAMENT when a PARISHIONER asks GOD for forgiveness of his sins through a PRIEST.
MARRIAGE is the MYSTERY through which two people become one, become MAN AND WIFE.

V.N. [(10) 73,5]

1) Many people believe that the main aim of ANOINTING WITH OIL is physical healing, but the true goals are SPIRITUAL HEALING and RECONCILIATION WITH GOD.
2) MONOPHYSITES paid too little attention to THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST’S MANHOOD, but we need to remember that Christ is TRULY GOD AND TRULY MAN.
3) THE VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF GOD is a very “popular” saint among the Russian people, if I may say so, people turn to her with any problems and hope for her intercession before the Lord.

J.P. [(4) 64]

1) In 2000 Vladimir Putin was INAUGURATED as President of Russian Federation.
2) According to Nicene Creed, which was ADOPTED in 325, God the Son is " CONSUBSTANTIAL with the Father."
3) Pagans from Ancient Rus WORSHIPPED many gods and idols.
4) Every day I GLORIFY and thank God for my family, friends and everything I have and passed through.
5) My mother is a wise and erudite woman; she has read many books. She especially likes some works of great Russian THEOLOGIANS such as Vladimir Lossky, Pavel Florensky, Alexey Khomyakov and others.
6) My groupmate Tanya is a very diligent and studious person, I admire the PRECISION of her work.
7) In the beginning of the 19th century, Kornilov, “a man of iron will”, was appointed SUPREME commander of Russian army.
8) Nowadays it’s really important to have some COMPLEMENTARY earnings to save money for the future investments.
9) There is a priest in our parish who is a FLUENT AND ELOQUENT PREACHER. I always listen to him attentively, feeling special joy and warmth.
10) The last topic we discussed during our lessons of New Testament was “SERMON on the Mount” which I found really interesting and exciting.
11) My heart always melts with COMPASSION when I see elderly people living their last years on earth without any love and support of their children and relatives. It’s awful and base to reject your family.
12) Many Holy Fathers lead a STRICT AND AUSTERE LIFE, consecrating their lives to God and trying to get closer to spiritual perfection.
13) I feel the BURNING ZEAL for German language, and I try to learn it as fast as I can to visit this beautiful country.
14) One of my friends from my hometown isn’t baptized (her parents are atheists), but even without God in her life she is incredibly RIGHTEOUS, kind, hearted and merciful human being.
15) I’ve been dreaming of becoming a GODMOTHER since childhood. The firstborn of my brother will be my godson or goddaughter.
16) In Orthodoxy BAPTISM AND CHRISMATION are usually performed on the fortieth day after birth. However, parents can decide whenever it’s more comfortable time for them and their child due to circumstances.
17) In our church people usually CONGRATULATE each other with receiving communion.
18) I love receiving communion, it’s always like a celebration for me because you can feel a DEEP SENSE OF UNITY WITH CHRIST.

A.G. [(9) 54]

1) Statistics shows that THE MOST COMMON COMPLAINTS in Russia when seeking medical help are the quality of medical care, the rudeness of the staff, and the refusal to provide free treatment.
2) People often chase an imaginary SUPPOSED COMFORT, but they forget to live their lives with its ups and downs, sad and happy moments, they miss many unforgettable things which life gives us.
3) Our University combines spiritual and SECULAR education to make us broad-minded, cultured, erudite, thinking, and wise people.
4) You should always make a matter of CONSCIENCE and be honest with yourself and others.
5) Polytheism is a religious worldview based on the belief in PLURALITY of gods.
6) I have no DAYS OFF during the session, but I try to sleep at least six hours to have some energy.
7) There are some DISTINCTIONS between British and American English and, as for me, American is much more understandable and clear.
8) At the first lesson with Marianna Yurievna she asked us about our favorite English ADJECTIVES. I was thinking a lot and finally answered: “Russian”.
9) Russia has a VAST AREA of 17 098 246 square kilometers.
10) I love rain, fog, mist, and cold, but most people hate this weather and call it DREADFUL and nasty.
11) I like printing IN ITALICS because it makes any text look nice and always catches my eye.
12) We have to remember that some of our words can be RAISED AGAINST us and be careful and wise.
13) I always take an OBJECTION to human rudeness, greed and miserliness.
14) The problem of UNBELIEF and prejudiced attitude to religion is very acute among young people of my GENERATION.
15) This summer I’m taking a driver's license, so I have to prepare thoroughly to learn driving SKILLFULY.
16) HEBREW is an official language of Israel.
17) Many people tell me that I am an EXACT copy of my brother, but I don’t notice it.
18) The FAILURE in my attempts to do something always makes me feel unhappy and useless, but I don’t give up and try again and again.
19) It’s really important to keep an ABSOLUTE HONESTY with each other in any relationship.
20) There are many benefits of being the youngest child in the family. You can allow yourself to be mischievous and NAUGHTY, but everybody still wants to hug and kiss you because you are a cute little girl.

A.G. [(3) 45]

1) There are about thirty seven miracles that Jesus Christ performed, such as turning water into wine, bringing people back to life, HEALING OF VARIOUS DISEASES and many others.
2) For about forty years the Jewish people wandered in the WILDERNESS.
3) John the Baptist, also known as FORERUNNER, is the most honored and venerated Saint after the Theotokos in Orthodoxy.
4) According to GOD THE FATHER John the Baptist led an ANGELIC and almost IMMATERIAL WAY OF LIFE.
5) John the Forerunner BAPTISED thousands of Jews, IMMERSING them in the Jordan river.
6) An angel, a MESSENGER of the Lord, announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary the birth of the Savior.
7) Unfortunately, there are a lot of buildings and houses in our country that are abandoned and DESOLATE. They stay like this for many years without restoration and renovation.
8) There are many SYNAGOGUES in Russia. The most beautiful ones are Moscow choral synagogue, Samara choral synagogue and Chelyabinsk synagogue.
9) People often go wrong PATHS, get lost in life, become WAYWARD, and only with God in their hearts they can find themselves and their true WAY.
10) John's baptism was a baptism of repentance, it means that all people who went into the water asked God for FORGIVENESS OF THEIR SINS, humbled themselves before God in order to correct their ways.
11) REPENTANCE is an awareness of one's sin, sorrow for it and a determination not to repeat it in the future.
12) Many of us made mistakes, but our God is merciful and will BESTOW the forgiveness of sins.
13) There are a lot of beautiful quotations that inspire and SUMMON people to become kinder; for example my favorite one is by Mark Twain: “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
14) John the Baptist is usually depicted in clothing made of CAMEL’S HAIR, belted with a LEATHER BELT, holding a parchment.
15) The biggest phobias I have are related to different insects: spiders, LOCUSTS, cockroaches and many others.
16) November 15 is an official national MOURNING day in Germany, dedicated to the victims of wars.
17) MARRIAGE, as one of the sacraments of the Orthodox Church, is an unbreakable and ETERNAL Union of man and woman.
18) COMPLETE LOVE, respect and loyalty are the main aspects of happy marriage.
19) I have been dreaming about living abroad and learning new languages my ENTIRE LIFE.
20) This year my grandparents celebrated fifty years together since their ENGAGEMENT.
21) My parents are great example of living long happy life in marriage. They are a beautiful and harmonious COUPLE.

A.G. [(9) 42]

At the beginning of the LITURGY a LITANY is chanted by the DEACON and then the choir sing the PSALMS.
If there is no DEACON the PRIEST SAYS the LITANIES.
During the DIVINE LITURGY, there are two ENTRANCES.
The LITTLE ENTRANCE occurs before the reading of the EPISTLE and the HOLY GOSPEL.
During the LITTLE ENTRANCE the HOLY GOSPEL is taken by a PRIEST and it is carried by a DEACON.
The EPISTLE is read by SERVERS in our church.
An extract from the LETTERS or BOOK OF ACTS OF THE APOSTLES is read before the GOSPEL.
The GOSPEL is read by a DEACON, who stands on the SOLEA towards the SANCTUARY.
In our PARISH a SERMON is often PREACHED after the GOSPEL.
The GREAT ENTRANCE takes place during the chanting of the CHERUBIC HYMN.
On Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday there are two unique CHERUBIC HYMNS.
The CHERUBIC HYMN is divided by the GREAT ENTRANCE into two parts.
I recently learnt that the GREAT ENTRANCE is a symbol of the ENTRY OF CHRIST INTO JERUSALEM.
During the LITURGY the CREED and the ‘OUR FATHER’ is sung by all people in the church.
People who wish to PARTAKE IN COMMUNION have to prepare themselves by PRAYERS and FASTING.
In our church the children are first to RECEIVE COMMUNION, then the men and women LINE UP.
People who RECEIVED COMMUNION are given ANTIDORON and some reduced wine.
After the LITURGY the PRIEST says a SERMON and after it the THANKSGIVING PRAYERS are read and people CONGRATULATE those who RECEIVED COMMUNION.
The CREED is a PRAYER where all main Christian beliefs are stated.

V.N. [(16) 63,5]

1. Saint GREGORY OF NAZIANZUS (or saint GREGORY THE THEOLOGIAN) wrote that MARRIAGE does not move away from God but more attaches to Him.
2. Life in marriage can be compared with the AUSTERE life or with MARTYRDOM, for husband and wife DENY themselves FOR THE OTHER.
3. Nowadays many ELOQUENT PREACHERS admonish in their SERMONS to take seriously the choice of the future husband.
4. Saint JOHN CHRYSOSTOM in his writings wrote that there are two purposes of MARRIAGE: to save chastity and to give birth to children, but the first one is more important.
5. The main doctrine in Christianity – the TRINITARIAN DOCTRINE – explains that God is three persons in one essence (CONSUBSTANTIAL).

T.Sh. [(10,5) 120]

1) PAGANISM is not widely spread in the modern world, but it used to be the dominant religion in many countries.
2) There was no THE OFFICIAL TOLERATION OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH in the Roman Empire at the early Cristian period.
3) I watched a historical documentary about Slavic tribes, it said that in PAGAN RITES people used animal bones and skulls, as well as HUMAN SACRIFICES.
4) I know a lot about THE FIRST GATHERING at Nicaea, because we talked about it at our religious lessons last year.
5) The mystery of THE TRINITY AND THE INCARNATION is beyond human understanding, but theologians still try to get closer to the essence of these phenomena.
6) A person can easily DEVIATE INTO ERROR AND HERESY because of our complete SINFULNESS and blindness, but God always takes care of us and helps not to do that.
7) My whole life is dedicated to ATTAINING SALVATION, and more than anything else I fear that I will not succeed.
8) The depths of the seas are full of frightening ugly CREATURES, as well as very beautiful and magnificent creatures.
10) SAINT JOHN CHRYSOSTOM IS A FLUENT AND ELOQUENT PREACHER, and our family considers him their patron saint because he helped us invisibly many times.
11) The priest from our church uses ready-made SERMONS very rarely, most often he writes them himself.
12) A priest from our church recently purchased a new FONT with donations from parishioners.
13) I have both a GODFATHER and a GODMOTHER, but I learned in our classes that you can only have one of your gender and that’s enough.
14) My family and I go to IMMERSE into ice hole every year for Epiphany.
15) My mother still keeps my BAPTISMAL ROBE in a special box in memory of that bright event.
16) When I’m a PENITENT I’m always very nervous, I am afraid, but don’t know why, and after the PRAYERS OF ABSOLUTION I feel relief, because I am RELEASED FROM MY SINS now.
17) I always ASK A PRIEST FOR A BLESSING when I want to do something important for me.
18) THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM symbolises that you have RENOUNCED EVIL and TURNED TO CHRIST, and at the end of it the person gets their BAPTISMAL CROSS.
19) People should strive for BEING ‘DEIFIED’, because this is the essence of SALVATION, and the Lord became INCARNATE to give us that opportunity.

J.P. [(16) 60]

1) Most of the CHRISTIANS were BAPTISED being a small babies.
2) CHRISMATION is one of the few MYSTERIES received once in a lifetime. It provides strength for the living of a Christian life and is called a SACRAMENTAL personal PENTECOST.
4) According to ORTHODOX TRADITION I was given only one name - of the Saint Nadezhda. But my best friend has two names because the first one isn't CHRISTIAN and the other one he recieved after the PRAYERS OF NAME-GIVING.
5) I have seen a few times babies IMMERSED in the holy WATER IN THE FONT.
6) My mother keeps my BAPTISMAL BOX which holds my BAPTISMAL ROBE and a small tuft of TONSURED hair.
7) As we know we CONFESS our SINS not before the PRIEST but before GOD, to feel REPENTANCE and to turn our heart to healing and FORGIVENESS from the HOLY TRINITY. After this SACRAMENT the PENITENT must turn away from a SIDE-TRACK and turn towards the goal of the KINGDOM OF GOD.
8) After the PARISHIONER has been read the prayer of ABSOLUTION by which he is RELEASED FROM HIS SINS under the priest's STOLE, he may CROSS himself, kiss the HAND CROSS, the GOSPEL and ask the priest for a BLESSING.

N.A. [(12) 72]

1) According to the Epistle of St. Paul to EPHESIANS through the SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE two persons "BECOME ONE FLESH".
2) In our tradition we haven't BETROTHAL in the church.
4) The MARRIAGE CROWNS are the symbol of DENYING ONESELF FOR THE OTHER. Also they are heavy and the crowns of the MARTYRS can represent that the couple ought to be WITNESS TO CHRIST.
5) During the wedding THE WEDDED hold THE WEDDING CANDLES.
6) Usually the couple kiss in front of the SOLEA. Before being congratulated by friends and family they kiss the ICONS of CHRIST and THE MOTHER OF OUR GOD.

N.A. [(8) 60]

After centuries of oppression and persecution, THE VISIBLE ORGANIZATION OF THE CHURCH was extremely important, and this step makes me admire our Church and its COUNCIL.
I believe that every priest should be A FLUENT AND ELOQUENT PREACHER, and every SERMON should bring new people to the Church.
In my opinion, the head of the Church should not only have theological knowledge, but also have A BURNING ZEAL FOR SOCIAL RIGHTEOUSNESS.
It's hard for me to imagine what kind of love for the CREATION it takes to assent to THE INCARNATION and suffering for THE SALVATION of man from his SINFULNESS, to die and rise from the dead to destroy THE BONDAGE OF SIN AND DEATH of humanity, to give us the blessed REDEMPTION.
I believe that a true Christian cannot be contemptuous of non-believers, because THE CENTRAL MESSAGE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH is Love, without which it is impossible TO ATTAIN FULL SALVATION and ACHIEVE UNION WITH GOD, for being with us in the flesh, God wanted us to be merciful and loving.
We cannot agree with those religions that honor Jesus Christ as a great prophet and ascetic: this is not enough, for we know that He was FULLY MAN and FULLY GOD, HIS MANHOOD and HIS GODHEAD were inseparable in him.
I once attended a Baptism when I was too young to be a GODMOTHER, but that time I had a chance to see what was stored in the BAPTISMAL BOX.
In Catholicism it is customary to add a little salt to the WATER IN THE FONT.
Many non-believers find it reprehensible that GOD-PARENTS say THE CREED ON BEHALF OF THE NEWLY-BAPTIZED BABY, since this should be a conscious choice, but I do not see anything wrong with this, because a person should be consecrated to God as early as possible.
It is very dear to me that I still wear the same CROSS OF THE NEWLY BAPTISED and my mother still keeps my BAPTISMAL ROBE.
I cannot compare with anything that feeling at the moment of CONFESSION, when the head is covered with the EPITRACHILION, and the priest says THE PRAYERS OF ABSOLUTION.

E.D. [(13) 68,5]

1. PARISHIONERS usually ASK A PRIEST FOR A BLESSING when they are to make an important decision or when they’re going to travel to a different country.
2. Coming to the CONFESSION, a PENITENT often has a HEARTACHE and wants to receive spiritual guidance from the priest.
3. After the PRAYERS OF ABSOLUTION, Christians are RELEASED from their sins and they can hope to achieve UNION WITH GOD.
4. The priest wearing the STOLE or EPITRACHILION represents the DIVINE PRESENCE and gives us the DEVOTIONAL teaching.
5. I believe that the main purpose of our life is TO BE ‘DEIFIED’ as SAINT ATHANASIUS said: ‘God became man that we might be made god’.

T.Sh. [(5) 109,4]

1. Nowadays in Russia, people are usually BAPTISED in their infancy, but at the end of the 20th century there were a lot of BABES-IN-CHRIST who were adults when they were IMMERSED in the water.
2. I’ve never been a GODMOTHER because GODPARENTS should take responsibility for their godchildren, and I find it really burdensome.
3. The words ‘AS MANY AS HAVE BEEN BAPTISED INTO CHRIST HAVE PUT ON CHRIST’, which are found in the Epistle of St. Paul to the GALATIANS, are read not only when a person is baptised but also on the Great Saturday.
4. Every year his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia blesses the CHRISM in the Donskoy Monastery, after that the priests ANOINT different parts of humans’ bodies with it during the CHRISMATION.
5. The BAPTISMAL CROSS, which every Christian wears, symbolizes that a person has RENOUNCED EVIL and TURNED TO CHRIST.

T.Sh. [(6,5) 104,4]

1 There are different DEGREES OF THE PRIESTHOOD in the Orthodox Church.
3 The ORDINATION is only for men, women can’t be priests.
4 When a priest preaches form the AMBO, he usually holds a PRIEST’S HAND CROSS before him.
5 The CONFESSION always takes places before the COMMUNION.

1 PAGANISM and PAGAN RITES were popular in the ancient world before THE INCARNATION and birth of Jesus Christ.
2 When we receive COMMUNION, we ATTAIN full SALVATION.
3 TO ACHIEVE UNION WITH GOD you need to partake in the SACRED ACTS which we call mysteries.
4 Jesus Christ is both FULLY MAN and FULLY GOD, and we must not DEVIATE INTO ERROR AND HERESY, saying the he is only God or that he is only a man.
5 We are the God’s CREATURES who can also be DEIFIED.

1 When someone is seriously ill and can’t go to the service, the priest takes the TABERNACLE with HOLY GIFTS and gives COMMUNION at home, also he can ANOINT the ill man WITH OIL.
2 All Christians believe in the Holy TRINITY.
3 During the HOLY WEEK we remember sufferings of Jesus Christ on the cross.
5 THE CLERGY consists of men who went through ORDINATION.

A.R. [(14,5) 73]

1. In our family parents always try to arrange the SACRAMENTS of BAPTISM and CHRISMATION so that they take place as soon as possible.
2. In the ORTHODOX TRADITION during the PRAYERS of NAME GIVING only one name is given to a child.
3. My favourite shape of the FONT is the one in the shape of THE CROSS.
4. As I became a GODMOTHER I answered for the baby as I RENOUNCED THE EVIL AND TURNED TO CHRIST in the church.
5. Although the tradition of having two GODPARENTS is superfluous, I find it more appealing to have both a GODMOTHER and a GODFATHER.
6. Any person may CONDUCT the SACRAMENT of BAPTISM in an extreme situation as every BAPTISED person is basically a PRIEST.
7. The IMMERSION in the FONT symbolizes CHRIST'S DEATH on the CROSS and His burial.
8. Nowadays one can buy beautiful BAPTISMAL ROBES in such shops as Sophia.
9. I don't wear my BAPTISMAL CROSS as my Mother doesn't want me to lose it.
10. After the baby is ANOINTED with CHRISM it is important not to touch the parts of body which have been ANOINTED.
11. The CHRISM is then WIPED OFF with a special SPONGE.
12. The TUFT OF HAIR TONSURED or CUT as the sign of DEDICATION to CHRIST is then SEALED in the WAX.
13. I have discovered that the whole text of the SERMON ON THE MOUNT is dedicated to the SALVATION OF MAN.
14. Only CHRIST is able to overcome the SINFULNESS of the man which separated us from THE UNION WITH GOD.
15. People who can't comprehend that CHRIST is FULLY MAN and FULLY GOD inevitably become heretics.

S.P. [(11) 83]

3) During the GREAT ENTRANCE PRAYERS ARE OFFERED FOR all people in the country and the CHOIR sings the CHERUBIC HYMN.
4) Only those LINE UP FOR COMMUNION who had CONFESSED and received THE BLESSING from THE PRIEST.
5) I didn't know the fact that I should not KISS THE PRIEST'S HAND if I had RECEIVED COMMUNION.

N.A. [(4) 52]

1. I think that during the time of Emperor NERO, THE AGE OF THE MARTYRS AND THE PERSECUTIONS no one but true believers could have thought that THE CHURCH OF THE CATACOMBS would soon become the CHURCH OF THE EMPIRE.
I believe that the Christians of that time were blessed for their patience and suffering: they were granted THE OFFICIAL TOLERATION OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH according to the "EDICT" OF MILAN and the most precious thing - in my opinion - FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH: THE TRINITY and THE INCARNATION.
Of course, I understand that Christians have realized and believed exactly these doctrines before, but THE ECUMENICAL COUNCILS formulated the foundations of faith to prevent people from DEVIATING INTO ERROR AND HERESY.
In my opinion, the greatest achievement of the Christian world of that time are GREAT SEES OR PATRIARCHATES which became a symbol of THE GATHERING of THE CHRISTIAN EMPIRE, the final break with THE OLD ROME and it’s PAGAN RITES.

2. When I was a child, my parents did their best to make THE TRADITIONS OF THE CHURCH a part of my life. Every Sunday we became part of the body of the church by attending the CELEBRATION of THE EUCHARIST. During Great Lent it seemed to me that all nature weeps over CHRIST'S CRUCIFIXION. Every Easter I would wait for the exclamation "CHRIST IS RISEN". I was explained to me the meaning of THE PENTECOST and the miracle of the DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON THE APOSTLES - when I became old enough to understand this. THE IMMORTALITY of the soul, the SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF THE CHURCH - all this has been in my life since childhood and I am not going to change anything.
3. The names of the books of the new and OLD TESTAMENTS, as well as the names of persons who appear in them, are very unusual to the Russian ear and eye. However, I like that in English we distinguish between the APOSTLE Jude and the traitor - we use different names: JUDE and JUDAS ISCARIOT. The difference also stands out between the Old Testament and the New Testament personas: JACOB is for Old Testament and James, like in «EPISTLE OF JAMES» - for the New Testament. It is much more difficult to remember the difference between the names of the prophets ELIJAH and ELISHA.
However, the most difficult thing for me is the numbering and titles of the books of the Old Testament. Let's look at some examples: in Russian, we have four Books of Kings. In English, they are divided into 2 groups: 1 SAMUEL and 2 SAMUEL and then 1 KINGS and 2 KINGS. What’s more: we have three books (two of them are considered Apocrypha) called 1 ESDRAS and 2 ESDRAS, while one (which is quite approved) is called EZRA while in Russian the names of the books sound the same.
In fact, most of the differences can be explained logically. For example, names that start with the vowel sound in Russian, start with the letter "h" in English, like HABAKKUK, HOSEA, HAGGAI. In addition, where in Russian we use the sound "v", in English we use the sound "b", as in 1 MACCABEES, 2 MACCABEES, BARUCH, OBADIAH.
Anyway, to know and remember all the differences and subtleties is necessary so as not to be in an awkward position.

E.D. [(22) 55,5]

2) We should PARTAKE in the COMMINION without the slightest doubt in their truth and with the strong FAITH in the HOLY SPIRIT SENT DOWN on these GIFTS.
3) Nowadays THE ALTAR LOAVES aren't baked by the MEMBERS OF CONGREGATION but they are bought by them.
5) CHRISTIAN tradition teaches not to CROSS yourself before THE COMMINION in order not to UPSET THE CHALICE.

N.A. [(4) 48]

1. Every Christian should know at least two prayers: OUR FATHER and the CREED which contains the main doctrines of our faith: the TRINITY and the INCARNATION.
2. Just before the COMMUNION the HOLY DOORS are opened and people prostrate themselves when the priest proclaims: ‘IN FEAR OF GOD, IN FAITH AND LOVE DRAW NEAR’.
3. The GREAT ENTRANCE, when the priest carries the gifts of bread and wine from the TABLE OF OBLATION while the CHOIR sings the CHERUBIC HYMN, symbolizes the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem.
4. Through the SERMONS priests praise the name of the LIFE-GIVING TRINITY, and the parishioners rejoice in the COMING OF CHRIST.
5. In order for the faithful not to DEVIATE INTO ERROR AND HERESY in religious views the SEVEN COUNCILS were SUMMONED.

T.Sh. [(7,5) 98]

I believe that PAGANISM is returning in the life of modern people in changed forms.
In the Cathedral of my hometown each parishioner is usually given ANTIDORON.
There's a tradition in our gymnasium's church to sing "OUR FATHER" and THE CREED together.
Sometimes our church orders extra amount of PROSPHORAS to supply every parishioner with them.
I believe that nobody can get any virus from RECEIVING COMMUNION by the same SPOON and CHALICE.

E.D. [(3,5) 33,5]

In comparison with the CATHOLIC priests, the ORTHODOX PRIEST OR DEACON who reads the EPISTLE, the GOSPEL or THE APOSTLE, is turned towards the SANCTUARY, not towards the people.
In some PARISHES THE SERMON follows the reading of the HOLY SCRIPTURE.
During the LITANIES we pray for the whole world with peace in our souls.
During the GREAT ENTRANCE the CHERUBIC HYMN is sung and the PRIEST AND DEACON carry the HOLY GIFTS from the TABLE OF OBLATION to THE HOLY TABLE and pray for the CHURCH AUTHORITIES, the choir and all the people in the church and all ORTHODOX people.
The CREED is the statement of what the ORTHODOX believe in and is sung before the COMMUNION.
The whole LITURGY has a lot of prayers of THANKSGIVING as the people are grateful to JESUS CHRIST for all the mercies He has given us.
The LAMB which is divided in FOUR PARTS, during the COMMUNION symbolises JESUS CHRIST.
ORTHODOX PEOPLE receive the HOLY COMMUNION just after the BAPTISM and CHRISMATION as it is the most important MYSTERY OF ALL.
The people normally LINE UP TO KISS THE CROSS and THE PRIEST’S hand but during the pandemic the priest touches other people’s heads with the CROSS.
People normally say the PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING after the HOLY COMMUNION.
Sometimes the pieces of ANDIDORON are shared among the COMMUNICANTS.
THE SHAPE OF THE LITURGY is a majestic and formidable work of art.
ORTHODOX TRADITION based on the teachings of IGNATIUS and thinks of the CHIRCH as of a EUCHARISTIC SOCIETY rather than OUTWARD ORGANISATION, which, however necessary, is secondary to the INNER SACRAMENTAL LIFE of the CHURCH.
The PONTIFICAL LITURGY with THE BISHOP standing in the middle of his FLOCK symbolises, according to IGNATIUS, the centre of the COMMUNITY.
In comparison with the 20th century the PERSECUTIONS used to be LOCAL IN CHARACTER AND LIMITED IN DURATION.
Contemporary AUTHORITIES do not often spare A LARGE SHARE OF TOLERATION towards the ORTHODOX CHURCH.
THE SPIRITUAL OUTLOOK OF modern CHRISTIANS differs from that of the EARLY CHRISTIANS, who believed that MARTYRDOM had a central part in their lives.
In the world's most famous novel the “Brothers Karamazov” the idea that the CHURCH is FOUNDED UPON BLOOD is discussed in the Legend of the Grand Inquisitor.
Despite the ESTABLISHMENT of the CHURCH and lack of PERSECUTION, certain people undertake MONASTIC ASCETIC LIVES, which is sometimes compared with MARTYRDOM.
Nowadays people still UNDERGO MARTYRDOM OF BLOOD, but we seldom learn about these unknown MARTYRS.

S.P. [(15) 72]

During the EPICLESIS bread and wine are CONSECRATED and become the PRECIOUS BODY and the PRECIOUS BLOOD of Christ.
The priest in our church always says not TO CROSS YOURSELF before the chalice. Now I know that it can UPSET THE CHALICE.
Lots of COMMUNICANTS LINE UP FOR COMMUNION every Sunday in our church.
Our priest has to GIVE COMMUNION up to 100 times.
THE LITTLE ENTRANCE also can be called 'small' or 'first'.
During the pandemic in our church COMMUNICANTS' mouths are WIPED WITH A CLOTH soaked in alcohol.

V.N. [(7,5) 47,5]

1) Sometimes I BURN INCENSE at home because I really like its sweet scent, but my sister may have a headache because of it, so I try to do it alone.
2) When I was a child, I used to confuse CENSER with chandelier, because their names sound really similar in Russian.
3) At first I wanted to become an ICONOGRAPHER and go to our university to that department, but then I changed my mind as it’s a very big responsibility.
4) THE SEPTUAGINT is a translation of THE OLD TESTAMENT from Hebrew into Greek, and it’s called that way because seventy translators made it - I learned it last semester in theology class.
5) I like admiring the ICONOSTASIS when I take part in the liturgy in a church, because it is usually the most well-decorated and beautiful part in small churches.
6) My uncle was a SERVER in our church, and when I was a child I used to ask him what he usually does in THE SANCTUARY.
7) My mother attands a course of theology at our university now, and at first she learned a lot about the PENTATEUCH, then they were told a bit about THE BOOKS CALLED APOCRYPHA, and now they are learning about THE NEW TESTAMENT.
8) I usually try to PARTAKE IN CONFESSION and COMMUNION every two weeks, but now I can’t because of the virus and it’s really bad.
9) As a child, I didn’t understand the real meaning of small LOAVES, called PROSPHORAS and I liked eating them only because they are very tasty.
10) My granny RECEIVED BAPTISM only when she was thirty.
11) When I was a child my mother tried to explain to me that THE SACRAMENTS are the acts which TRANSFIGURE the material world, but I didn’t understand her at all.
12) I have never attended any MARRIAGE, but I really want to, because it is a very beautiful and solemn MYSTERY.
13) My mother is often ill, so she RECEIVES ANOINTING WITH OIL relatively often.
14) The priest in our church always prepares well for the HOMILY.
15) I MISINTERPRET someone else’s words really often because I’m a bit inattentive.
16) I shouldn’t ANTICIPATE that I’ll get good grades in this semester because it’s not over yet.
17) MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE and JOHN were the APOSTLES who wrote the four GOSPELS.
18) ELIJAH is one of the most famous PROPHETS of the Old Testament, and my uncle was named after him.
19) Sometimes we read PSALMS before evening prayer.
20) Sometimes the DISKOS is decorated with symbolic engravings, and I find it interesting because I like symbolism.
21) PROSKOMIDIA is a unique order of the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH.
22) I always get worried when I kiss THE CHALICE after Communion, as I always feel like I’m doing it the wrong way.
23) Now I know the difference between AUTOCEPHALOUS and AUTONOMOUS CHURCHES, since we discussed this topic in detail in our classes.
24) Every Orthodox Christian wears a little CRUCIFIX.
25) Many MARTYRS were STONED.
26) We must carefully study all aspects before adding anything to THE TRADITION OF THE CHURCH.
27) Everybody has IMMORTAL soul, so we should never forget about the SACRAMENTAL part of our life.

J.P. [(20) 44]

2 To my mind, I will partake in MARRIAGE but definitely not in ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD.
3 I haven't been ANOINTED WITH OIL during the HOLY WEEK last year.
4 I have mixed feelings concerning A speedy FULL RECONCILIATION.
5 I have recently learned from our teacher that the name JUDAS is only used in THE NEW TESTAMENT while with JUDE we can encounter only in THE OLD TESTAMENT.

N.A. [(5) 44]

1. REVELATION is one of the most mysterious books in the NEW TESTAMENT as it tells about the end of the world.
3. In the past the BREAD for the SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION was brought by the MEMBERS OF CONGREGATION, but now PROSPHORAS are baked in a special way in the church.
4. In the SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION all faithful find the UNITY WITH CHRIST and that is why SALVATION is not possible for those who find this SACRAMENT optional or unnecessary for the full ORTHODOX or any CHRISTIAN life.
5. The DISKOS is a special object on which the pieces of the LAMB are put after they are BROKEN with the SPEAR.
6. During PROSKOMIDIA the priest prepares for the LITURGY.
7. During the GREAT ENTRANCE THE HOLY GIFTS are transferred from the TABLE OF OFFERING to the HOLY TABLE.
8. During the pandemic COMMUNICANTS avoid kissing the CHALICE and DEACONS or ALTAR SERVERS don’t wipe their lips with a CLOTH.
9. In the years of the PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANITY DEACONESSES (the female equivalent of the deacons) used to be able to touch THE HOLY OBJECTS and also completed missionary tasks.
10. As people LINE UP FOR COMMUNION it’s important to keep social distance in view of the pandemic.
11. In some churches dispensable SPOONS are used for the HOLY COMMUNION.
12. THE LITTLE ENTRANCE is completed at the time of the THIRD ANTIPHON.
13. During the ANAPHORA EPICLESIS is read, in which the priest and the people pray for the CONSECRATION OF THE GIFTS, so that BREAD AND WINE become the TRUE BLOOD AND BODY OF JESUS CHRIST.
14. I during the singing of the CREED the priests take the VEIL and wave it above the CHALICE.
15. It is an ancient tradition as in the times of the PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANITY priests used to wave the flies away from the CHALICE.

S.P. [(17) 57]

1. On the Great Thursday Orthodox Christians commemorate the event that took place in the UPPER ROOM when Jesus Christ established the Holy COMMUNION which now takes place at every Liturgy.
2. COMMUNICANTS in this greatest Sacrament want to receive Christ Himself according to His words: ‘WHOEVER EATS MY FLESH AND DRINKS MY BLOOD ABIDES IN ME AND I IN HIM’.
3. Due to the pandemic restrictions priests don’t wipe our mouth with a CLOTH now and we are not allowed to KISS THE CHALICE, though they still can give Communion with a SPOON.
4. Every Sunday Christians write the lists for the living and for the departed and give it to the CANDLE DESK, then they get one or two PROSPHORAS, while the priest in the altar prays for all mentioned people that the Lord will FULFIL the PETITIONS.
5. Apostle Paul in his EPISTLE TO TITUS gives EXPEDIENT advice to all the Christian CONGREGATION - both to the priests and elders, men and women, slaves, and all the people who desire to live a chaste and virtuous life.

T.Sh. [(6,5) 90,5]

The HOLY SPIRIT acts through the SACRAMENTS and BLESSES the human beings and TRANSFIGURES the souls of the faithful.
CHRISMATION is usually part of the MYSTERY of BAPTISM.
ANOINTING WITH OIL is the SACRAMENT which releases us from the sins we have forgotten and not confessed as part of the CONFESSION.
THE HOLY COMMUNION is a repetitive sacrament which unites us with Christ.
According to the ORTHODOX canon law we haven’t yet achieved full RECONCILIATION as the churches aren’t yet UNITED.
MARRIAGE is the SACRAMENT which represents the HOLY TRINITY with the parents and the child.
ORDINATION takes place only once in a lifetime, but as the priest is CONSECRATED BISHOP the SACRAMENT is repeated on the new level.

S.P. [(8) 40]

I used to PARTAKE IN CONFESSION and COMMUNION every week before I entered university.
I RECEIVED BAPTISM and CHRISMATION when I was about a month and a half.
My family and I annually RECEIVE ANOINTING WITH OIL during the Great Lent.
The MYSTERY of MARRIAGE is given to the Orthodox only once as well as THE SACRAMENTS of BAPTISM, CHRISMATION and PRIESTHOOD.
In Orthodox church only men can PARTAKE IN the SACRAMENT of PRIESTHOOD.

V.N. [(5) 40]

1 INCENSE is known since the Old Testament times, the priests in those times also CENSED in the temple and this FRAGRANCE was dedicated to God.
2 Nowadays THE HOLY TABLE and the TABLE OF OBLATION is hidden by an ICONOSTASIS, but in the times of THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH there wasn’t such a big barrier and everyone could see what the priest was doing.
3 PROSKOMIDIA is always takes place before the CHRISTIAN WORSHIP, the priest prepares the HOLY GIFTS and takes PARTICLES from five ALTAR LOAVES using a SPEAR, and puts them into the CHALICE with a wine that is mixed with water.
4 When it is time to GIVE A COMMUNION, the priest gives a PARTICLE of the LOAF and some wine on THE SPOON to a man, in which we believe that it is the body and the blood of Jesus Christ.
5 I remember a very important thought from the 2 CORINTHIANS 1:8-11, when Paul the Apostle wrote that we need to pray FOR THE LIVING.

A.R. [(8) 58,5]

1 There are a lot of MARTYR BISHOPS in the history of the Church, as It is FOUNDED UPON BLOOD of those who SUFFERED PERSECUTIONS.
2 Monks usually live the ASCETIC LIFE, they FAST and they ABANDON EVERYTHING they have for GOD’S SAKE.
3 Orthodox Church is CATHOLIC and CONCILIAR, it means that there were many COUNCILS at which the rules of the Church were formulated.
4 In the fourth century the Roman Empire EMBRACED THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, so the faith became ESTABLISHED and there were a lot of GENTILE CONVERTS.
5 A HOMILY is a very important part in the CHRISTIAN WORSHIP, the priest preaches from the AMBO to his FLOCK like the Christ once did in the past.

A.R. [(8) 31]

1 Throughout the whole year in the Church we read the Gospel according to MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE and JOHN at the CHRISTIAN WORSHIP.
3 We believe that THE EUCHARIST cleanses our sins and gives us IMMORTALITY into the eternal life.
5 If you are a Christian priest you should take part in the SACRAMENTAL LIFE of the Church and CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST rather often.

A.R. [(6) 23]

1. PARTAKING IN THE MYSTERIES the Orthodox Christians TRANSFIGURE their souls.
2. In 1 TIMOTHY Apostle Paul wrote about the necessary qualifications for receiving ORDINATION and to perform the SACRED ACTS.
3. Apostle Paul in the Epistle to the COLOSSIANS (Col. 2:11-15) claims that the circumcision in the Old Testament is a symbol of the Holy BAPTISM.
4. The HOLY WEEK is a special period of time when all Christians try to attend the divine Liturgies, to CONFESS their sins and to receive COMMUNION on the Holy Thursday and Saturday.
5. After the Great Schism Orthodox Christians realized that they shouldn’t ANTICIPATE A FULL RECONCILIATION with NON-ORTHODOX, TAKING PART IN THE MYSTERIES TOGETHER.

T.Sh. [(6,5) 84]

1. Comitting the sins I fell like JUDAS ISCARIOT every now and then.
2. I wish to know ancient Greek to read THE SEPTUAGINT from beginning to end.
3. I have never heard the collocation THREE-BAR CROSS before the reading of "Orthodox Mysteries".
4. When I feel I am PERISHING I remember The Cross as the sign of Salvation.
5. My departed grandfather was given Communion with the use of THE TABERNACLE.

N.A. [(2) 39]

1) One of my friends was going to study at the Kuban State University, however at the supreme moment he decided to go to a THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE in Moscow wich was a great choice.
2) The inner part of my favorite church in my hometown is really beautiful. There you can see the BYZANTINE THREE-BAR CROSS, ornate ICONOSTASIS, some columns. There are always some flowers (white roses) standing near the icon of Theotokos.
3) The church in our PARISH is small, but very homely and cozy especially because of people. It’s always warm and nice there.

A.G. [(2) 33]

Whenever I am in the Trinity Sergius Lavra, I write a COMMEMORATION note FOR THE LIVING in the Trinity Cathedral.
In our church the ICONOSTASIS is quite small, but absolutely beautiful and elaborately painted.
Every Friday in our church there is a service IN THE MEMORY OF THE DEPARTED.
My spiritual father was ORDAINED PRIEST when he was about 30 years old.
I think that the most difficult and important thing in our life is TO TAKE UP OUR CROSS AND FOLLOW CHRIST.
In the Apostle I love the 13th chapter of THE EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS where it says about real love.

V.N. [(2,5) 14,5]

1. In Orthodoxy we VENERATE ICONS, but do not WORSHIP them - this is the most important aspect of veneration of icons.
2. ICONOGRAPHERS never leave their names on icons, but despite this we know many great names of them like Andrei Rublev, Theophan the Greek and many others.
3. We believe that an ICON is not just a painting or even just a work of art, it is a WINDOW ONTO ETERNITY.
4. My mother always reminded me and my brother the story of CAIN and ABEL when we started to fight.
5. I believe that the creation of THE SEPTUAGINT is a great achievement and a boon for the Orthodox world.
6. Knowing how to MAKE THE SIGN OF CROSS, I can tell ROMAN CATHOLICS and ANGLICANS from ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS by the way they make it.
7. I like the smell of INCENSE in church, but even more I like the sacred meaning of it.
8. As a woman, I should not enter the SANCTUARY, but as a Christian, I must know everything about its structure.
9. In our church we often have to supervise the children so that they do not climb onto the SOLEA during the service.
10. I know a young man who alone painted an entire ICONOSTASIS.
11. When I was a child I envied PRIESTS, DEACONS and SERVERS who were allowed to enter the ALTAR, but now I see that this is God's will.
12. The altar is located in the EASTERN PART OF THE CHURCH, but I was told that there is no pagan connotation in this.
13. I have always liked the Gospel of JOHN for its completeness and detail.
14. I've always been interested in THE APOCRYPHA, but so far I've only read canonical books.
15. I have always believed that asceticism is as pleasing to God as MARTYRDOM OF BLOOD.

E.D. [(10,5) 30]

1. The Holy Gospel according to MATTHEW was written for the Jews and that is the reason for the reference to specific rituals of the Old Testament.
2. The Gospel according to MARK was aimed at Gentiles who were eager to learn more about Jesus Christ and that is the shortest Gospel of all.
3. The Gospel according to LUKE is written for pagans who converted to Christ, so the Evangelist avoids the usage of the word pagan in a negative context so that not to remind the repentant pagans of their earlier lives.
4. The Gospel according to JOHN is considered the most sophisticated of all as it touches upon complex theological concepts and considers God as Logos.
5. In the ACTS of the Apostles there are certain references to the Holy Mysteries such as Chrismation and Ordination which were later used as a basis for the teaching on Mysteries.
6. In THE SECOND CORINTHIANS there is a famous hymn for Love which has spread all over the world and is well known to those who have nothing to do with Orthodoxy.
7. When a priest takes ANTIMINS in order to celebrate the Holy Liturgy he is to handle it with extreme care.
8. During the Passion Week the SEVEN BRANCHED CANDLESTICK IN OUR CHURCH flickers in the mysterious dim of the Sanctuary.
9. PROSKOMEDIA is what precedes the beginning of the Holy Liturgy and is celebrated / performed / conducted at the TABLE OF OBLATION.
10. When a bishop celebrates the Holy Liturgy SIX ALTAR LOAVES are taken instead of the usual five.
11. The COMMEMORATION notes people write during the service are then taken into the altar to be read there.
12. During the EUCHARIST water and wine are poured into the CHALICE as a representation of the water and the blood of Christ as he was pierced with the spear on the Cross.
13. During the Eucharist the priest COMMEMORATES the Orthodox authorities and all the dead.
14. One of my brightest childhood memories is that of washing the SOLEA with my mother in our village church.

S.P. [(7) 19,5]

1. Before every Liturgy Orthodox Christians write the notes FOR THE LIVING and FOR THE DEPARTED, as they want the priest to pray for them from the altar.
2. During the PROSKOMIDIA, the priest takes the PIECES from the ALTAR LOAVES.
3. The PARTICLES are taken in COMMEMORATION of the Mother of God, the Apostles, saints, prophets and also of the bishops and CIVIL AUTHORITIES.
4. The LAMB becomes the BODY OF CHRIST during the Eucharist canon, and the WINE and WATER becomes the true BLOOD of our Lord.
5. During the Holy Liturgy, Orthodox Christians COMMEMORATE the events that were described by MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE and JOHN, such as the sufferings of the Lord on the Cross, His death and the Resurrection.

T.Sh. [(6,5) 47]

1) Every morning I say "Our Father", making the SIGN OF THE CROSS before and after the prayer.
2) The smell of INCENSE makes me feel warm and peaceful every time I go to a church.
3) I have been wearing the CROSS almost my whole life. I never take it off.

A.G. [(1,5) 10]

1) Reading THE OLD TESTAMENT was hard and challenging for me.
2) The INNERMOST PART of any church is a SANCTUARY and the most beautiful, as for me, is ICONOSTASIS.
3) This year we are having a new subject - The New Testament. During these classes we study THE GOSPEL BOOK which is really interesting.

A.G. [(2,5) 8,5]

In my church there is a big wooden CROSS, and when I was younger, I had no idea what THE INSCRIPTION 'INRI' meant.
I used to have nightmares in my childhood and when I woke up in the night, I MADE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS several times and said some prayers.
In my church there is a woman who is allowed to go into the SANCTUARY, she is a SERVER.
The senior priest of my church has a COMMEMORATION BOOK where names of all parishioners are written.

V.N. [(3) 12]

1. After the priest's preaching on the AMBO we usually come to the front part of the NAVE to venerate the saint’s RELIC.
2. At the moment when the deacon is RECITING LITANIES, the priest is standing near the TABLE OF OBLATION removing particles from the ALTAR LOAVES.
3. Priests use a CHALICE and a SPOON to administer communion to Orthodox Christians.
4. The SANCTUARY is DEDICATED SOLELY to the worship of God, and that’s why the things in the ALTAR such as the STAR and the SPEAR symbolize the events which took place in Christ’s life.
5. ABRAHAM, ICAAC and JACOB were the Patriarchs in the Old Testament, and are venerated to this very day, while the names of CAIN and JUDAS ISCARIOT remind us of the depravity of human nature.

T.Sh. [(9) 39,5]

1 If Orthodox Churches have FULL SACRAMENTAL COMMUNION, we are allowed TO CELEBRATE THE LITURGY in all these churches.
2 Whenever you hear “Lord have mercy” at the liturgy, you always need to make THE SIGN OF THE CROSS.
3 INCENSE has a very pleasant smell for me.
4 THE TRADITION OF THE CHURCH plays a very important part in the Christian life, as we also need to follow the examples of Holy Fathers.
5 The Christians of THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH in the Roman Empire were under THE PERSECUTION for almost thee hundred years.

A.R. [(3,5) 17]

1) I didn't know that touching the ground after the BOWING is a symbol of human beings made from the earth and created by God.
2) I learned from an Orthodox doctor that INCENSE has a good influence on the human health.
3) It's very important for the singers in the church to be in the choir before the CENSING of THE CHURCH.
4) I didn't know for a very long time that A GUM perfumed with the fragrance of trees or plants is a symbol of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
5) I have read PENTATEUCH.

N.A. [(2,5) 14,5]

1. In all Orthodox churches at VESPERS and at the Great Lent the psalm 141 is read: ‘LET MY PRAYER BE SET FORTH IN THY SIGHT AS INCENSE’. 2.These words mean that just as the FRAGRANCE is lifted up so our prayer should be exalted into Heaven.
3. There is a tradition in Orthodox churches that people BOW their heads when a priest or a deacon CENSES the church.
4. Before every liturgy servers burn the CHARCOAL and place 3-4 grains of INCENSE that produces a sweet smelling smoke.
5. The example that was given by martyrs MACCABEES teaches us to TAKE UP OUR CROSS patiently and rely only on God’s deliverance.

T.Sh. [(5,5) 30,5]

1. The Orthodox CROSS has THREE BARS, which is not necessarily obligatory for the Catholics, who often draw the CROSS with only ONE BAR.
2. Any CROSS is a SIGN OF SALVATION and that is why a depiction of any CROSS, be it ONE BAR or THREE BAR, is holy and can be venerated and worn around the neck without being BLESSED at first.
3. The CROSS is venerated as CHRIST has BROKEN HIS BONES on it.
4. The RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST is the biggest Christian feast preceded by the GREAT LENT.
5. The Orthodox and the Catholics have different traditions of making the SIGN OF THE CROSS.

S.P. [(3,5) 12,5]

1) When I didn't know the meaning of the SKULL under The Cross, it seemed a bit odd to me.
2) I suppose that The Great Fast and Easter BELONG TOGETHER.
3) I have never read ZEPHANIAH.
4) I always hear from priests that Christians should not condemn PERISHING people but show them the way of salvation.
5) Reading "Orthodox Mysteries" I have recently learned that English people make THE SIGN OF THE CROSS in a different way.

N.A. [(2,5) 12]

1 SAINT CYRIL AND SAINT METHODIUS, THE APOSTLES OF THE SLAVS are among the most famous saints in Russia, we believe that they brought the alphabet to Ancient Rus.
2 I admire people who UNDERTAKE MISSIONARY WORK because it is very hard and you need to be fully devoted to God.
3 During the Soviet period ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP in the Church was prohibited, but there were a lot of NOMINALLY religious people.
4 St. Tikhon of Moscow was the first man TO BEAR THE TITLE OF PATRIARCH of Moscow and All Russia after almost two hundred years since the patriarchate was abolished.

A.R. [(2,5) 13,5]

1. JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS, preached all over Judea and had twelve APOSTLES who were his successors, and almost all of them were EXECUTED.
2. ABRAHAM was so faithful to God that he was ready to sacrifice his own son ISAAC by Lord’s will.
3. APOSTLE PAUL in his First LETTER TO THE CORINTHIANS in the 13th chapter praised pure and eternal Christian love.
4. Every Orthodox person should TAKE UP HIS CROSS and FOLLOW CHRIST, remembering Christ’s torment on GOLGOTHA.
5. Prophet HAGGAI announced that in the new temple the Word Everlasting will appear, that refers to the birth of JESUS CHRIST THE KING OF GLORY.

T.Sh. [(5,5) 25]

Our apartment has several rooms, so there is a small ICON CORNER in every one.
I'd like to have an ICON which depicts Entry of the Most Holy Mother into the temple because I was born on the day of this feast.

V.N. [(1,5) 9]

1) My mother is an ICONOGRAPHER, so I can see the process of creating an ICON from the begging till the end.
2) The saint who is DEPICTED on the icon, is the MEDIUM between us and God.
3) We VENERATE and WORSHIP God, but not the Saints, but we ask them for help as they are closer to God than we are.

A.R. [(3) 11]

1. It was a bit sorrowful for me when I was young that we cannot see the INVISIBLE DIMENSION.
2. We have lots of icons in our house as a WINDOW ONTO ETERNITY.
3. My family and I usually pray before the ICON CORNER in the evening.
4. I have never seen an ICON INSCRIBED with ICONOGRAPHER'S NAME.
5. My mother told me that it is rather hard to inscribe an icon with CONTRACTION without knowing Church Slavonic.

N.A. [(3) 9,5]

1. In Ukrainian countryside there is a famous tradition of covering icons with the DECORATIVE TOWELS not only in the ICON CORNERS at homes but also in churches.
2. A priest is a MEDIUM between God and a person, that’s why we should treat them all with REVERENCE.
3. TRYPTICH ICONS are really handy to take with you and to VENERATE them during travel or at work.
4. The life of prophet JONAH is a WINDOW ONTO ETERNITY and has invisible DIMENSION for all Christians as his story is a prototype of the future three-day death and Resurrection of Christ.
5. The main purpose of the ICONOGRAPHERS and choirmen is to make people’s prayer FERVENT and their hearts humble and pure.

T.Sh. [(5,5) 19,5]

1) I have AN ICON CORNER with a huge number of ICONS at home, and the largest one, the ICON OF CHRIST, is surrounded by A DECORATIVE TOWEL.
2) My father has A TRYPTICH ICONS in his car.

J.P. [(2) 24]

AT THE CANDLE DESK of our church you can purchase not only candles, but also icons and spiritual literature.
I don't usually MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS TWICE before VENERATING AN ICON, I do it just once.

V.N. [(1,5) 7,5]

1) There are different sizes of ICON SCREENS, I prefer the small ones.
2) The liturgy isn’t static, the deacons and priests always pass through THE HOLY DOORS and THE SIDE DOORS.
3) PSALMS are very deep in the meaning, they are central prayers in Christianity.

A.R. [(2) 8]

My neighbor Sophia is from Japan and she has been a member of the ORTHODOX CHURCH OF JAPAN for a long time.
There is an ICON CORNER in my dorm room, but no CANDLES or LAMPS, because they are not allowed here.
My father has a TRIPTYCH of ICONS in his car.
Of all the Old Testament stories, RUTH’s story inspires me the most.
I like the life of Blessed Angelina of Serbia, the beloved saint of the CHURCH OF SERBIA.
In the NARTHEX of the CHURCH of which I am a parishioner they sell CANDLES and ICONS.

E.D. [(4) 8,5]

2) I have never passed through THE HOLY DOORS as I'm a woman.
3) My grandfather was named after ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
4) I know that JOB is a prototype of the sufferings of Jesus Christ.
5) My family and I are used to reading PROVERBS during the Great Fast.

N.A. [(3) 6,5]

1) My uncle who has graduated from a THEOLOGIAN COLLEGE taught me how to MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS and how to VENERATE AN ICON.
2) My grandmother gave our PARISH an ICON OF CHRIST and an icon of THE MOTHER OF GOD.

J.P. [(3) 10]

1. In church I usually stand in the place where I can see the ICON OF CHRIST, which is located near the HOLY DOORS.
2. Both King David in the PSALMS and the EVANGELISTS in the Holy Gospel induce us to be remorseful of our sins and not to forget about the mercifulness of God.
3. The paremiae from the PROVERBS are usually read during Vespers the day before the feasts of the MOTHER OF GOD.
4. When I was 9 years old, I heard a conversation between women who worked AT THE CANDLE DESK, they said that it’s right to MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS twice and only after that to VENERATE the icon, and I remembered this custom.
5. The ANNUNCIATION was always a special feast for my family, and it was much more joyful for me to learn that this day is also the commemoration of Holy PATRIARCH Tikhon as he went to meet his Maker on the 7th of April.

T.Sh. [(5) 14]

1) Our group had a test on 1 SAMUEL, 2 SAMUEL, 1 KINGS and 2 KINGS at the end of last semester.
2) My MIND is always LIFTed UP INTO PRAYER when I'm in the NAVE of a CHURCH, but it's hard for me to WORSHIP THE LORD at home because I can't concentrate well.

J.P. [(3,5) 7]

In the book of JOB one can witness an example of genuine humbleness and virtue.
THE CHURCH OF GEORGIA has kept its ancient traditions in order to sustain its authenticity.
Though some people regard CANDLES as a superfluous element of the Orthodox tradition, there is more to it than that, as CANDLES symbolize prayers humans bring to their God.
In the ancient Jewish tradition the act of CONFESSION consisted of releasing a lamb in the wild as it symbolized the release from the sins.
The most widely spread type of churches in Western countries is the BASILICA with its hall showing us the passage to the SANCTUARY.
Hardly had the peoples of the OLD TESTAMENT known what the elaborately and sometimes excessively decorated CHURCHES of the 21st century would be like.
The salvation of man is hardly possible but through the participation in the SACRAMENTS and a firm belief in God.
Not only is the Russian Orthodox architectural tradition famous for the cross shaped churches, but it has also developed the onion shaped domes.

S.P. [(4) 9]

1) We can find the same saints in Orthodoxy and Catholicism because till the 11th century there was no division into THE GREEK EAST and THE LATIN WEST, there was one united CHRISTENDOM.
2) BISHOPS are usually the heads of their DIOCESES, but sometimes they can be ASSISTANT BISHOPS and often they are the rectors of the THEOLOGICAL COLLEGES.

A.R. [(3,5) 6]

1) The most powerful and glorious ICON SCREEN I’ve ever seen is located in Vladimir in Assumption Cathedral and was made by Rublev and Daniel.
2) An ONION DOME is a typical feature of Russian Orthodox churches, for example Saint Basil’s Cathedral, Trinity-Sergius Lavra , the Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood and others.
3) I always feel calmness and peace UNDER THE DOME OF HEAVEN, it gives me strength, power, and unbelievable happiness.
4) I literally forget about everything in this world when I LIFT THE MIND UP INTO PRAYERS.

A.G. [(2) 6]

Last year we studied the OLD TESRAMENT, now we're being taught the New Testament.
In my hometown there is a golden ONION DOME at the top of our church.
At home we often LIGHT CANDLES in front of our domestic icons, however, I can't do that at the dormitory because it's forbidden.
The ICON SCREEN of the Trinity Cathedral of St. Sergius lavra is the most magnificent one I've ever seen, Andrei Rublev's work is a real masterpiece.
While visiting Prague I saw the only BASILICA in the Chech Republic, it's called after St. George.

V.N. [(2,5) 6]

1) Usually my family stand in THE NARTHEX during the Divine Liturgy.
2) I have never read THE SECOND SAMUEL, only the first one.
3) I am fond of THE ICON SCREENS with painted icons.
4) At times I LIGHT THE CANDLES before the icons of my patron saints.
5) The Church plays a FOCAL part in my life in a DEEP SPIRITUAL SENSE.

N.A. [(2,5) 3,5]

1. The vespers were going on, the deacon went out of the ALTAR, stood in front of the solea and started reading the fragment from the 1 KINGS, while all ORTHODOX CONGREGATION was listening to him attentively. 2. There was no one who wanted to LIGHT CANDLES and make a fuss at that solemn moment, and there were no idle conversations and whispers in the NARTHEX.
3. It is known that a new CHURCH in my town will be built in an OCTAGON style and will have a golden ONION DOME with a long spire.
4. All objects in the SANCTUARY such as the HOLY TABLE, the Holy Bible and the Cross have a DEEP SPIRITUAL meaning for Orthodox Christians.
5. The Church of St. Peter and Paul in Moscow, which has a magnificent ICON SCREEN and enchanting frescos in the NAVE, belongs to CHURCH OF SERBIA.

T.Sh. [(5,5) 9]

1 I have always felt that PRAYING WITH ICONS is an integral part of an ample Christian life as, though the atheists state the opposite, it is not the depiction one worships, but the Saints, Jesus Christ and Theotokos.
2 We have recently learned that PRIESTS are empowered to administer such SACRAMENTS as BAPTISM, CHRISMATION, MARRIAGE, CONFESSION and ANOINTING WITH OIL, however it is exclusively BISHOPS who are able to administer the SACRAMENT of ORDINATION.

S.P. [(5) 5]

1) There are seven SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH that form the basis of our faith and unite us with God such as BAPTISM, CHRISMATION, CONFESSION, ORDINATION, COMMUNION, MARRIAGE, and Holy Unction.
2) The Orthodox entering THE CHURCH always make the sign of CROSS and say prayers to God.

A.G. [(4) 4]

If a person desires to enter the Orthodox CHURCH, he has to confess his sins and receive BAPTISM and CHRISTMATION. After that the Orthodox Christian should pray to the Lord on a daily basis, dedicate time to studying the Scripture books, keep FASTS and participate in THE SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH: CONFESSION, COMMUNION, ANOINTING WITH OIL.

V.N. [(3,5) 3,5]

1) My friend and I recited a poem to HIS HOLINESS PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA a few years ago.
2) I'm keen on reading especially GENESIS as for me it's very captivating to know about your ancestors.

N.A. [(1) 1]

My friend, a seminarian, was first ORDAINED A DEACON, and then a PRIEST by METROPOLITAN of Voronezh and Lisky, VLADYKA Sergius, now I must address him as "FATHER."
I was BAPTIZED when I was 1 year old, I CONFESS and receive COMMUNION at least twice a month, I was at THE FUNERAL SERVICE only once, but I offer PRAYERS FOR the DEPARTED at every service.

E.D. [(4,5) 4,5]

1 I’ve read thoroughly GENESIS and EXODUS the last semester during my classes where I studied the books of the Old Testament.
2 For some people it’s easier to understand the SHAPE OF THE LITURGY if they read SERVICE BOOKS, so they can follow the text and PRAYERS with eyes and get the meaning right.

A.R. [(2,5) 2,5]

2) When I was a kid I did not know THE SHAPE OF THE LITURGY, then I had a course of THEOLOGY lessons at my University, so now I know the shape of the liturgy and the names of all THE SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH.

J.P. [(3,5) 3,5]

Last year HIS EMINENCE Yuvenaly, METROPOLITAN of Krutitsy and Kolomna, visited the Holy Trinity Cathedral in my town where FATHER DEACON, who was the director of the Orthodox Youth organization in Podolsk, was ORDAINED PRIEST. And now FATHER Anthony can perform the LITURGIES and as a hand of God he can administer COMMUNION to all Orthodox Christians.

T.Sh. [(3,5) 3,5]

D.S. [(8) 8]

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