Система Orphus
Религиозная лексика английского языка
АРХИВ ДЗ: 2018/19 (1)


Максимальное количество баллов за семестр = 100. Из них максимальное количество за текущую работу в течение семестра = 70, максимальное за зачет = 30.

Минимальное количество баллов за текущую работу в течение семестра = 31. Студент, не набравший 31 баллов в течение семестра, к сдаче зачета не допускается.

Текущие баллы складываются из следующих составляющих:

  1. Посещаемость занятий. Количество баллов за посещение одного занятия рассчитывается исходя из фактического количества занятий в данном семестре и максимально возможного количества баллов за период (обычно 1,7 балла за одно занятие). Максимально возможное количество баллов по этому аспекту текущей аттестации за половину семестра = 10, за семестр = 20.
  2. Письменные короткие эссе на тему цитат из святых отцов. Максимум 5 баллов за одно эссе.
    Эти баллы складываются из двух составляющих: 2,5 балла за содержание и 2,5 балла за грамотность.
         Требования к содержанию:
              1. Объем - не менее одного-двух абзацев.
              2. Эссе должно быть непосредственно связано с содержанием и смыслом цитаты, а не представлять собой рассуждение на смежные темы.
              3. Желательны конкретные примеры.
              4. Обязательно употребление слов религиозной тематики, которые должны использоваться правильно по смыслу и правописанию.
         Требования к грамотности:
              за грамматические, пунктуационные, орфографические, стилистические и лексические ошибки баллы снижаются по следующей схеме (при максимальном балле за содержание):
    0-1 ошибка = 5 баллов;
    2-3 ошибки = 4,5 балла;
    4-5 = 4;
    6-7 = 3,5;
    8-9 = 3;
    10-11 = 2,5 балла (максимальный за содержание).
  3. Еженедельные задания на составление предложений с использованием изученной лексики, которая является новой для студента и которую студент считает важным усвоить. 0,5 баллов за каждое правильно использованное слово/словосочетание.
    Внимание! Каждое использованное слово/словосочетание засчитывается только один раз. Засчитываются только те слова религиозной семантики, которые изучаются в данной части курса, а не вообще любые использованные слова религиозной семантики. Не засчитываются также слова и выражения общего (не религиозного) употребления, встречающиеся в изучаемых текстах. Составленные вами предложения должны содержать исторически, богословски и духовно достоверные (истинные) утверждения. В противном случае они засчитываться не будут.
    ВНИМАНИЕ! Используемые слова и словосочетания в ваших текстах следует набирать ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ БУКВАМИ.
    ВНИМАНИЕ! Прием и обработка эссе и предложений заканчивается в 00 часов первого дня зачетной сессии либо за 72 часа (трое суток) до начала зачета, если зачет попадает на первый - третий день сессии
  • Явное или декларируемое отсутствие подготовки по каждому из остальных разделов курса (Biblical Studies, Church Faith and Worship, Listening) влечет за собой вычет 0,5 балла из их общей суммы.

  • Простая арифметика доказывает, что лучше посетить занятие, не выполнив домашнее задание по одному-двум аспектам, чем пропустить занятие из-за невыполненного домашнего задания.

    СПРАВКА: Действуют следующие правила перевода баллов в традиционную шкалу оценок:
    61–100 баллов = «ЗАЧТЕНО»;
    60 и меньше баллов = «НЕ ЗАЧТЕНО».

    Orthodox Quote of the Week (138)

    The Christian today—not unlike Christians of other eras, but in ways that are continually “updated” as society carries on—is not told simply that he mustn’t fight the passions, that he mustn’t battle the devil: he is told that the passions are unreal, that the devil does not exist. He is told that ascesis is unnatural, that spiritual warfare is delusional. He is told that judgment is oppressive and the desire to become something defined by another (even God!) is psychologically unhealthy. He is told that to believe in the Church’s tradition is a simplistic, pietistic adherence to the past; that he had better “think for himself.”

    Bishop Irenei Steenberg

    4 КУРС (к 11.12.2018 - ЗАЧЕТ)

    В зачет будут включены следующие задания:

  • Temple and Worship: Repeat after the choir one of the sticheras dedicated to Optina elders and translate it if asked by the examiner (oral task, 10 points)
  • Bible Studies:
    Translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 2:13 - 3:5 (oral task, 5 points).
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology:
    1. Be ready to translate from Russian into English dogmatic formulae from "Orthodoxy Quick Reference according to this list (in writing, 5 points)
    2. Give a definition and comment upon the following heresies: Judaizing, Gnosticism, Novatianism, Donatism, Arianism, Chiliasm / millenarianism, Pelagianism, Apocatastasis, Monophysitism, Iconoclasm, Filioquism, Ethnophyletism (the essence of the heresy, its modern versions and modifications and Orthodox response to it). (oral task, 5 points)
  • Listening
    Speak on the podcast you particularly liked. (oral task, 5 points)

    Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 13.12.2018 - ЗАЧЕТ)

    В зачет будут включены следующие задания:

    Church Etiquette: Формы обращения к духовенству (Патриарх, епископы, священники, диаконы), названия духовных чинов и званий; названия церквей (Titles of the Clergy) (in writing, 3 points)
  • Biblical Studies: Перевод названий книг Библии и личных имен с русского на английский (письменно), чтение этих названий (oral task, 10 points)
  • Temple and Worship: Перевод с русского языка на английский слов из книги Orthodox Mysteries согласно этому списку (in writing, 10 points)
  • Listening: Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it. (oral task, 7 points) Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?

  • Your TEXT BANK
    3 КУРС (к 25.12.2018 - ЭКЗАМЕН)

    В экзамен будут включены следующие задания:

  • Biblical Studies: Translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 1:14-39. (oral task, 10 points).
  • Temple and Worship: Translate from Russian into English words and phrases from the Old Orthodox Prayer Book according to this list (in writing, 15 points)
  • Listening: Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it. (oral task, 5 points) Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?

    Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 20.12.2018 - ЗАЧЕТ)

    В зачет будут включены следующие задания:

    Biblical Studies: Translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 6:1-40. (oral task, 5 points).
  • Temple and Worship: Translate from Russian into English words and phrases from the English Liturgy according to this list (in writing, 15 points)
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship.
    Summarize and be ready to discuss/answer questions on one of the following sections (oral task, 5 points):
    Inner Meaning of Tradition
    Outward Forms
    God in Trinity
    Man: His Creation, His Vocation, His Failure
    Jesus Christ
    The Holy Spirit ('Partakers of the Divine Nature')
    God and His Church
    Unity and Infallibility of the Church
    Bishops : Laity : Councils
    Living and Dead
    Last Things
  • Listening: Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it. (oral task, 5 points) Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?

    Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 06.12.2018)

  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 1-3: page 13-14: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from pp. 16-17 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 1 from the words "It was only natural..." until the end of the chapter (the words "...the Christian Empire of Byzantium").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 2 from the beginning until the words "...the fence around the mystery; that was all").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Music and Hymnology in the Church
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 5-8).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 25.12.2018 - ЭКЗАМЕН)

  • Biblical Studies: Translate from English into Russian the text of the commentary to the Gospel of St. Mark, 1:14-39. (oral task, 10 points).
  • Temple and Worship: Translate from Russian into English words and phrases from the Old Orthodox Prayer Book according to this list (in writing, 15 points)
  • Listening: Choose an idea or an issue from one of the podcasts we have listened to and speak on it. (oral task, 5 points) Guideline questions: Why have you chosen this podcast to speak on? What point/idea has struck you as most interesting/surprising/amusing? Is it something new to you? Does anything in your experience relate to it? Can you add anything to what has been said in the podcast on this issue (some additional information, different approaches to the issue)? Is there anything you do not agree with? Can information from the podcast have any practical application in your life?

    Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (137)

    One cannot love God if one has unkind feelings for even a single human being.

    Abbot Nikon Vorobiev

    4 КУРС (к 27.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 1-5: page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "The right hand is withered of anyone..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and transcribe the ninth stichera (the one after "Glory...").
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the highlighted events (from the year 1059 downwards).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "The Orthodox of the seventeenth century..." until the end of the chapter (the words "...in those dark days").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 6 "Moscow and Petersburg" from the beginning until the words "...the ends of Russian secular imperialism").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Why We Need Hell (also here)
    Текстовая версия
    Answer Questions on this podcast (Qs 5-7).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 29.11.2018)

  • Biblical Studies: Read the article Capitalization of Pronouns Relating to Deity from a series on Bible language, and be ready to discuss it.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from pp. 14-15 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 1 from the words "People today..." until the words "...to undergo martyrdom of blood".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the words "It was only natural..." until the end of the chapter (the words "...the Christian Empire of Byzantium").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Music and Hymnology in the Church
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 27.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 35-39: page 20-21 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the text of the Divine Liturgy (pages 121-125).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 section "Two Attemps at Reunion" from the words "Negative theology reaches its climax..." until the words "...conferred by the grace of God").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "Two Attemps at Reunion" from the words "When Orthodox writers use..." until the words "...accept the theology of Palamas").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Frederica Here and Now: Native Americans and Orthodoxy
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 29.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 34-40: page 54-55: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...He gave them food for the body as well").
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    See illustrations of some of the vestments and altar and church items.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 12, from the section "The living and the dead" until the end of the chapter.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Liturgical Year
    Answer Questions on on part 3.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (136)

    Do not spare yourself, but pray earnestly, even if you have been toiling all day. Do not be negligent in holy prayer; say it to God unto the end from your whole heart, for it is a duty you owe to God.

    Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt

    4 КУРС (к 20.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 1-5: page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the fords "...hindering Him from doing good").
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and transcribe the eighth stichera.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the highlighted events (from the year 800 downwards).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "One of the representatives..." until the words "...since 1667 they have not normally done so").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "The Orthodox of the seventeenth century..." until the end of the chapter (the words "...in those dark days").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Why We Need Hell (also here)
    Текстовая версия
    Answer Questions on this podcast (Qs 3-7).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 22.11.2018)

  • Biblical Studies: Read first two articles (Those Nasty Thees and Thous and Those Dreadful Words in Italics) from a series on Bible language, and be ready to discuss them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from pp. 11-13 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 1 from the words "People today..." until the words "...to undergo martyrdom of blood".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the words "It was only natural..." until the end of the chapter (the words "...the Christian Empire of Byzantium").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Gender Issues in the Church
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part II).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 20.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 32-34: page 20-21 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the text of the Divine Liturgy (pages 118-121).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 3 until "Two Attemps at Reunion" (you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book).
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 section "Two Attemps at Reunion" from the beginning until the words "...the darkness of incomprehensibility'").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "Two Attemps at Reunion" from the words "Negative theology reaches its climax..." until the words "...conferred by the grace of God").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 10)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 22.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 30-33: page 54-55: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Christ gives rest to His disciples...") until the end of the section.
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    See illustrations of some of the vestments and altar and church items.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 12, from the section "Bishops, Laity, Councils" until the end of the chapter.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Liturgical Year
    Answer Questions on on part 3.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (135)

    Let this always be the aim of your conduct: to be courteous and respectful to all.

    Venerable Isaac the Syrian, bishop of Nineveh

    4 КУРС (к 13.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 3: 1-5: page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and transcribe the seventh stichera.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the highlighted events (from the year 589 downwards).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "Thus there came into existence..." until the words "To him we must shortly return").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "One of the representatives..." until the words "...since 1667 they have not normally done so").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Why We Need Hell (also here)
    Текстовая версия
    Answer Questions on this podcast.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 15.11.2018)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items 15-27 from Titles of the Books of the Bible (the New Testament) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from pp. 10 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Introduction (you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book).
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 1 from the beginning until the words "...'the medicine of immortality'".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the words "People today..." until the words "...to undergo martyrdom of blood".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Gender Issues in the Church
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part II).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 13.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 29-31: page 20-21 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the text of the Divine Liturgy (pages 114-117).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the words "But even after 1054..." until the end of the section (the words "...has proved a great tragedy").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "Two Attemps at Reunion" from the beginning until the words "...the darkness of incomprehensibility'").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 9)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 15.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 30-33: page 54-55: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "For we must do, as well as teach").
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    See illustrations of some of the vestments and altar and church items.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 12, the section "The unity and infallibility of the Church".
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Liturgical Year
    Answer Questions on on part 3.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (134)

    Rationalism considers the understanding to be an infallible organ of knowledge. Therefore, in relationship with the whole human person, it appears as an anarchic apostate. It is like a branch that has cut itself off from the vine, which can have no full life or creative reality on its own. It is in no state to come to a knowledge of the truth, for in its egocentric isolation it is divided, scattered, and full of gaps. Truth, by contrast, is given to an intellect that has been purified, enlightened, transfigured and deified by the action of the virtues.

    Venerable Justin (Popovic) of Chelije in Serbia

    4 КУРС (к 06.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 23-28: page 28-29, page 30-31: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Understand this also in a spiritual sense..." until the end of the chapter (the words "...a duide towards the good").
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English transcribe the sixth stichera.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the highlighted events (from the year 357 downwards).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the beginning until the words "...and anathematizing one another").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the words "Thus there came into existence..." until the words "To him we must shortly return").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Charity
    Answer Questions on this podcast.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 08.11.2018)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items 5-14 from Titles of the Books of the Bible (the New Testament) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from pp. 8-9 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the words "The Orthodox Church is thus a family..." until the end of the Introduction.
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the beginning until the words "...'the medicine of immortality'".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Gender Issues in the Church
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part I).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 06.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 23-28: page 18-19, page 20-21 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary from the beginning until footnote 16 (the words "...we must curb them").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the text of the Divine Liturgy (pages 113-114).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the words "At the beginning of the eleventh century..." until the words "...left matters worse than before".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the words "But even after 1054..." until the end of the section (the words "...has proved a great tragedy").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 8)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 08.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 21-29: page 52-53, page 54-55: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    See illustrations of some of the vestments and altar and church items.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 12, The Church of God (until the section Bishops, Laity, Councils (the words "the place of bishops and the laity in the Orthodox communion").
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Liturgical Year
    Answer Questions on on part 2.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 01.11.2018)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items 1-4 from Titles of the Books of the Bible (the New Testament) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from p. 7 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the words "The Orthodox Church is thus a family..." until the end of the Introduction.
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the beginning until the words "...'the medicine of immortality'".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part II).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 06.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 23-28: page 18-19, page 20-21 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary from the beginning until footnote 16 (the words "...we must curb them").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the text of the Divine Liturgy (pages 113-114).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the words "At the beginning of the eleventh century..." until the words "...left matters worse than before".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the words "But even after 1054..." until the end of the section (the words "...has proved a great tragedy").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 8)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 01.11.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 21-29: page 52-53: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    See illustrations of some of the vestments and altar and church items.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 11, God and Man, sections The Holy Spirit and ‘Partakers of the Divine Nature’ (in full).
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Liturgical Year
    Answer Questions on on part 1.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (133)

    The person who does not despise all material things, glory and bodily comfort, even his own rights, cannot cut off his own will, nor can he be delivered from wrath and sadness or comfort his neighbor.

    Abba Dorotheos

    Orthodox Quote of the Week (132)

    Obedience is love, but disobedience is non-love, it is the trampling upon love. Never decline from obedience.

    Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) of Bogucharsk

    4 КУРС (к 23.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 23-28: page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...six on the right side and six on the left").
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe the fifth stichera.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Be ready to translate (in writing) from Russian into English names of Heresies (9-13) and give their short definitions.
    Read through Timeline of Major Dates for Orthodox / Roman Catholic Relations. Be ready to comment on the highlighted events.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", from the words "The Turkish occupation..." until the end of the section (the words "...and Counter-Reformation").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", section "Reformation and Counter-Reformation" from the beginning until the words "...and anathematizing one another").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: The Historical Jesus
    Answer Questions on this podcast.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 25.10.2018)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items from Titles of the Books of the Bible (Terms and Names) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from p. 6 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the words "The Orthodox Church is thus a family..." until the end of the Introduction.
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the beginning until the words "...'the medicine of immortality'".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two-five original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part II).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 23.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 23-28: page 20-21 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the footnote 16 and the commentary until the end of the section.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the text of the Divine Liturgy (pages 111-112).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the words "Photius was naturally alarmed..." until the words "...the verdict on Saint Photius".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the words "At the beginning of the eleventh century..." until the words "...left matters worse than before".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 7)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 25.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 17-20: page 52-53: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    Learn words according to this list and be ready for a test on them.
    See illustrations of some of the vestments and altar and church items.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 11, God and Man, section "Man: his creation, his vocation, his failure" from the words "Thus far there is fairly close..." until the end of the section; section Jesus Christ (in full).
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life
    Answer Questions on on part 5.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (131)

    Let’s not mix things up. Did the Saints have the kind of joy we are seeking today? Did Panagia have such joy? Did Jesus go around laughing? Which Saint has gone through this life without pain? Which Saint had the joy sought by many present-day Christians who do not want to hear anything unpleasant, who do not want to worry or lose their serenity?

    Elder Paisios of Mount Athos

    4 КУРС (к 16.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 23-28: page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the fourth stichera) or find words on the Internet.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Be ready to translate (in writing) from Russian into English names of Heresies (5-8) and give their short definitions.
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (9-13). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 4 (you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book).
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", from the words "The millet system..." until the words "...the palmy days of Ottoman suzerainty".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", from the words "The Turkish occupation..." until the end of the section (the words "...and Counter-Reformation").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Anjali (also here)
    Answer Questions on this podcast. (Part II)

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 18.10.2018)

  • Biblical Studies: Learn items 1-10 from Titles of the Books of the Bible (the Apocrypha) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from p. 4-5 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the words "What is meant..." until the words "...the majority of other Orthodox Churches".
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the words "The Orthodox Church is thus a family..." until the end of the Introduction.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part II).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 16.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 23-28: page 18-19, page 20-21 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (until the words "...we must curb them" (p. 20).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the text of the Divine Liturgy (pages 109-111).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 3, section The estrangement of Eastern and Western Christendom only (you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book).
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the beginning until the words "...was now neutral no longer".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the words "Photius was naturally alarmed..." until the words "...the verdict on Saint Photius".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 6)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 18.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 14-16: page 52-53: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    See illustrations of some of the vestments and altar and church items.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 11, God and Man (section "Man: his creation, his vocation, his failure").
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life
    Answer Questions on on part 4.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (130)

    Intending to offer up your prayer to God, cast aside all earthly thoughts and cares. Do not engage in the thoughts which come to you at that time, however important or brilliant or necessary they might seem. Render to God the things that are God’s and you will have time to render what is necessary for temporal life in its own time.

    St. Igantius Brianchaninov

    4 КУРС (к 09.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 21-22: page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the third stichera) or find words on the Internet.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Be ready to translate (in writing) from Russian into English names of Heresies (1-4) and give their short definitions.
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (5-8). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 4 (you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book).
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", from the beginning until the words "...the death of Archbishop Makarios III 1977)".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", from the words "The millet system..." until the words "...the palmy days of Ottoman suzerainty".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Anjali (also here)
    Answer Questions on this podcast. (Part II)

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 11.10.2018)

  • Church Etiquette: Learn Titles of the Clergy (page 3, from Autonomous Churches until the end) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Bible Studies: Learn items 33-39 from Titles of the Books of the Bible (the Old Testament) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from p. 3 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the words "'A new and unknown world..." until the words "...a beginning has been made".
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the words "What is meant..." until the words "...the majority of other Orthodox Churches".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part II).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 09.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 23-28: page 18-19 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the Preface to the Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages vii-viii).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 from the words "It was not until after..." until the end of the section (the words "...and the Crusades").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3, section "From Estrangement to Schism" from the beginning until the words "...was now neutral no longer".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 6)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 11.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 12-13: page 49-51; page 52-53: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (together with the footnotes).
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    Learn words according to this list and be ready for a test on them.
    See illustrations of some of the items here.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 11, God and Man (section "God in Trinity" only).
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life
    Answer Questions on on part 3.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (129)

    This is a great day, it is better than all the other days of my life, for today my soul departs from bodily suffering and goes to rest in its heavenly habitation. Today my body will find respite from its many labors and illnesses. Today the light of my rest will receive me.

    St Mark of Thrace

    4 КУРС (к 02.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 18-20: page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the the words "He calls Himself the Bridegroom..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it (the second stichera) or find words on the Internet.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready to write a test on "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": The Church (translation from Russian into English of the dogmatic formulae).
    Be ready to translate (orally) from English into Russian names and explanations of Heresies (1-4). Think if these heresies are still around, and if yes, in what forms and guises..
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs", from the words "Sergius of Radonezh..." until the end of the chapter.
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 5 "The Church under Islam", from the beginning until the words "...the death of Archbishop Makarios III 1977)".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Anjali (also here)
    Answer Questions on this podcast. (Part I)

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 04.10.2018)

  • Church Etiquette: Learn Titles of the Clergy (page 3, until Autonomous Churches) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Bible Studies: Learn items 23-32 from Titles of the Books of the Bible (the Old Testament) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from p. 2 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the beginning until the words "...the egg which Rome had laid".
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the the words "'A new and unknown world..." until the words "...a beginning has been made".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part I).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 02.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 21-22: page 18-19 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the Preface to the Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages vi-vii).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 from the words "We have already had occasion..." until the words "...mediator between Germany and Byzantium."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "It was not until after..." until the end of the section (the words "...and the Crusades").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 5)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 04.10.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 6-11: page 49-51: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "He commanded them to take nothing with them..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    See illustrations of some of the items here.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 10, Holy Tradition (The Outward Forms (from Later Councils until the end of the chapter).
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life
    Answer Questions on on part 2.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (128)

    It is a good thing to believe in Christ, because without faith in Christ it is impossible for anyone to be saved; but one must also be instructed in the word of truth and understand it. It is a good thing to be instructed in the word of truth, and to understand it is essential; but one must also receive Baptism in the name of the Holy and Life-giving Trinity, for the bringing to life of the soul. It is a good thing to receive Baptism and through it a new spiritual life; but it is necessary that this mystical life, or this mental enlightenment in the spirit, also should be consciously felt. It is a good thing to receive with feeling the mental enlightenment in the spirit; but one must manifest also the works of light. It is a good thing to do the works of light; but one must also be clothed in the humility and meekness of Christ for perfect likeness to Christ. He who attains this and becomes meek and humble of heart, as if these were his natural dispositions, will unfailingly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and into the joy of His Lord.

    St. Symeon the New Theologian

    4 КУРС (к 25.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 18-20: page 26-27, page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...they will fast and struggle").
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (6) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready to write a test on "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": Jesus Christ (translation from Russian into English of the dogmatic formulae).
    Be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": The Church).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs", section "The Russian Church under the Mongols" from the beginning until the words "...but was ahead of it"
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs", from the words "Sergius of Radonezh..." until the end of the chapter.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: The Same God
    Answer Questions on this podcast.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 04.10.2018)

  • Church Etiquette: Learn Titles of the Clergy (page 3, until Autonomous Churches) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Bible Studies: Learn items 23-32 from Titles of the Books of the Bible (the Old Testament) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from p. 2 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction from the beginning until the words "...the egg which Rome had laid".
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the the words "'A new and unknown world..." until the words "...a beginning has been made".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part I).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 25.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 16-20: page 18-19 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "They immediately put down..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the Preface to the Old Orthodox Prayer Book (pages v-vi).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 from the words "This initial divergence..." until the words "...date back considerably earlier."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "We have already had occasion..." until the words "...mediator between Germany and Byzantium."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 4)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 5-8).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 27.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 6-11: page 49-51: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...as Ecclesiastes says").
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    Learn words according to this list and be ready for a test on them.
    See illustrations of some of the items here.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 10, Holy Tradition (The Outward Forms).
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life
    Answer Questions on on part 1 (Qs 4-5).

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (127)

    When we read the lives of saints we gain two things. Firstly, the example of their struggles wakes us from the numbness of negligence and, secondly, when we read the lives of saints with reverence, the saints intercede to Christ for us.

    Elder Arsenios the Cave-dweller (1886-1983)

    4 КУРС (к 18.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 18-20: page 26-27, page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Therefore neither should we be ashamed..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (5) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready to write a test on "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": The Holy Trinity (translation from Russian into English of the dogmatic formulae).
    Be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": Jesus Christ).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs" from the words "In Kievan Russia..." until the end of the section (the words "...a royal way").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs", section "The Russian Church under the Mongols" from the beginning until the words "...but was ahead of it".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Self and Skepticism (listen/download also here)
    Answer Questions on this podcast.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 20.09.2018)

  • Church Etiquette: Learn Titles of the Clergy (page 2) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Bible Studies: Learn items 13-22 from Titles of the Books of the Bible (the Old Testament) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from p. 1 of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction ("About the Author" section).
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the beginning until the words "...the egg which Rome had laid".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this html colour generator or this page (alternatively here, notice linked pages with other colours) with a collection of web colours and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is reserved by someone else before you! :-) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Part I).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 18.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 16-20: page 18-19 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...to become Christ's first disciples").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the Preface to the Old Orthodox Prayer Book (page iv).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 from the words "Cut off from Byzantium..." until the words "...the monarchy of the Pope."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "This initial divergence..." until the words "...date back considerably earlier."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 4)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (126)

    Most importantly, preserve peace with your close ones, insofar as this depends on you. Consider that all sorts of sick people have gathered there in a group; this is so. For this reason you must relate to everyone as they do in a hospital. They don’t berate people there (i.e., in a hospital) for having an ailing lung or heart or stomach; they don’t say: “O you good-for-nothing blind woman, what’s the matter with you that your eyes are infected?”! So, too, you mustn’t rail at each other about your spiritual illnesses.

    Abbot Nikon Vorobiev

    4 КУРС (к 11.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 18-20: page 26-27, page 28-29: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Therefore neither should we be ashamed..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (5) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    Be ready to write a test on "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": The Holy Trinity (translation from Russian into English of the dogmatic formulae).
    Be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": Jesus Christ).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs" from the words "In Kievan Russia..." until the end of the section (the words "...a royal way").
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs", section "The Russian Church under the Mongols" from the beginning until the words "...but was ahead of it".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Self and Skepticism (listen/download also here)
    Answer Questions on this podcast.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 13.09.2018)

  • Church Etiquette: Learn Titles of the Clergy (page 1) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Bible Studies: Learn items 1-12 from Titles of the Books of the Bible (the Old Testament) and be ready for a test on them.
  • Temple and Worship: Learn words from the table of contents of the book Orthodox Mysteries and be ready for a test on them.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on the Introduction ("About the Author" section).
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the beginning until the words "...the egg which Rome had laid".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this html colour generator or this page (alternatively here, notice linked pages with other colours) with a collection of web colours and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is reserved by someone else before you! :-) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Ethnicity and Nationalism in Orthodoxy (Ancient Faith Radio)
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode (Qs 4-6).

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 11.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 16-20: page 18-19 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...to become Christ's first disciples").
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the Preface to the Old Orthodox Prayer Book (page iv).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 from the words "Cut off from Byzantium..." until the words "...the monarchy of the Pope."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "This initial divergence..." until the words "...date back considerably earlier."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 4)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 13.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 4-6: page 49-51: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship:
    Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
    Learn words according to this list and be ready for a test on them.
    See illustrations of some of the items here.
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 10, Holy Tradition.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this html colour generator or this page (alternatively here, notice linked pages with other colours) with a collection of web colours and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is reserved by someone else before you! :-) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life
    Answer Questions on on part 1.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Orthodox Quote of the Week (125)

    ...if we are scandalized, the evil is within us not outside. When you feel scandalized, you should ask yourself, How many do I scandalize? In God’s name, shouldn’t I tolerate my brother or sister? How does God tolerate me with all the things I do?

    Elder Paisios of Mount Athos

    4 КУРС (к 04.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it (requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian). Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?)
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 2: 13-17: page 26-27: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "Therefore neither should we be ashamed..." until the end of the section).
  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (4) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Dogmatic and Comparative Theology: Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards "Orthodoxy Quick Reference": The Holy Trinity).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready to retell / answer questions on Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs" from words "Byzantium conferred..." until the words "...the place of suffering in the Christian life".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 4 "The Conversion of the Slavs" from the words "In Kievan Russia..." until the end of the section (the words "...a royal way").
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to Frederica Here and Now: Buddhism and Orthodox Christianity (listen/download also here)
    Answer Questions on this podcast.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    2 КУРС (к 06.09.2018)

    Church Etiquette: Download Titles of the Clergy and bring it to class.
  • Bible Studies: Bring to class a digital or a hard copy of the Titles of the Books of the Bible.
  • Temple and Worship: Download the book Orthodox Mysteries. Bring to class pages with the table of Contents and page 1 (The Church)
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Bring to class digital or hard copy of the Introduction (with "About the Author" section).
  • Listening
    Listen to Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Ethnicity and Nationalism in Orthodoxy (Ancient Faith Radio)
    (also here)
    Answer Questions on this episode

    Your TEXT BANK
  • 3 КУРС (к 04.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (left), write a short essay on it. Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian. Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 14-15: page 15-17, page 18-19 : be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Be ready for a test on the Preface to the Old Orthodox Prayer Book (page iii-iv).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church:
    Be ready for a "fill in the blanks" test on Chapter 2, section Saints, monks, and emperors: you will have to fill in the blanks in the text with words and expressions printed in bold type in our website version of the book.
    Be ready to answer questions on Chapter 3 from the beginning until the words "...they became far more difficult."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 3 from the words "cut off from Byzantium..." until the words "...the monarchy of the Pope."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Listen to:
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 3)
    Answer Questions on this episode.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    МАГИСТРАТУРА 2 КУРС (к 06.09.2018)

  • Patristic Heritage: Read "Orthodox Quote of the Week" (above), write a short essay on it. (Requirements for the essay can be found below on this page, in Russian.) Send in your essay to be posted in your Text Bank for credit. Make sure you indicate quote number in your essay! (Do you see its point? Do you agree with it fully, or in part, or not at all? [Think of examples to prove/disprove it.] Does it express something new to you or does it squarely fit your idea of Christianity? Does anything in your experience relate to it? What practical application, if any, can it have in your life?
  • Biblical Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 1-3: page 49-51: be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Temple and Worship: Bring to class the text of the English Liturgy (Western Rite)
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: Faith and Worship. Read and be ready to summarize and discuss: Chapter 10, Holy Tradition.
  • Write 2-5 original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your study material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use IN CAPITALS ONLY. Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Watch Worship in Life
    Answer Questions on on part 1.

  • Your TEXT BANK


    Hosted by uCoz