Система Orphus

Religious Vocabulary
texts by students (1)

* graduation year

(Part 2 is here)

Условные обозначения:
  • CAPITALS: active vocabulary words and collocations students have used
  • Underline: elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Underline and Delete: superfluous erroneous elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Italics: where appropriate, elements which explain the corrected mistakes
  • Dotted underline: elements not graded for various reasons (e.g. dubious or erroneous statements, vague in meaning).
  • [numbers in brackets]: grades students have accumulated by the time of this post (include grades for word tests)
  • [(number in parenthesis inside the brackets)]: grades the student has received for this particular post
  • [underlined numbers in brackets]: mid-term grades (include grades for word tests, posts, as well as deductions in fines)
  • [numbers in brackets in bold type]: total number of grades students have accumulated throughout the semester (continuous assessment)

3rd year of study: Autumn 2018

1. Some people forget that we do not make PROSTRATIONS at all on Sundays.
2. After taking the Holy Communion a person can make just A BOW FROM THE WAIST.
3. My family have a large old icon with images of THE ASSEMBLY OF ARCHANGELS. We are venerating it with the reverence.
4. Holy Virgin Mary gave birth to God without DEFILEMENT.
5. The person taking Holy Communion is departing to THE LIFE OF THE AGE TO COME.
6. THE MOST IMMACULATE Mother of God offered herself unto God and accepted her fate with humility.
7. Our good deeds can be considered as the OBLATIONS before the God.
8. IN BLESSED MEMORY we are commemorating the saints of the day.
9. During the Litany people are making their fervent PETITIONS to their Father.
10. THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION in its prayers can affect almost any aspects of life that is important to the believer.
11. I believe that a person obtains a REMISSION OF his or her SINS if he or she has deep faith in Christ.
12. A person can get the access to the TRANQUILITY through the repentance of the sins.
13. The COMMUNICANT has to be properly prepared for the reunion with God.
14. I remeber how during my childhood I was struck by the icons of DREAD JUDGEMENT of Christ.
15. During the Eucharist I used to say my name after the priest's proclaims "A HANDMAIDEN OF GOD".

А.К. [(6) 56]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

St. John of Kronstadt draws attention to a very common phenomenon in our lives. Often coming home after a hard day's work we do not find the strength for a full prayer. Some even see this as a reason for omitting prayer. We often neglect prayer, we try to reduce the time for it, distracted by extraneous thoughts. Prayer to God is our tribute to him. It must come from the heart, with awe and fervor. Let us not spare ourselves, pray sincerely, and God will be with us.

Э.К. [(4) 58]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

We all know that a human being is God's creation. What Abbat Nikon Vorobiev says is a kind of axiom. How can one love the Creator and treat with anger for his creations? If you love a million people but have unkind feelings to only one, then you have unkind feelings also to the One who created this person. Nobody is perfect. And it’s hard for each of us to imagine that we express dislike for God himself through dislike for man. But this is so. Forgive everyone and pray for all your abusers.

Э.К. [(3,5) 40,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with Abba Dorotheos. We are used to living in comfort and can't imagine our life without it. But when circumstances change, we begin to complain about life. Deprivation of material things brings us suffering. We have almost forgotten how to live without it. Thus we become hostages of the material world and are not capable of humility and consolation.

Э.К. [(4) 37]

1. I know that I have be TOLERANT but sometimes, unfortunately, I can criticize other people’s opinions or acts.
2. I’m trying TO MAKE EVERY EFFORT to become such a person I could be proud of.
3. If a person DILIGENTLY continues to struggle with life’s difficulties, TRUSTS IN THE LORD against all the odds, he will definitely cope with everything with the help of God.
4. THE TRISAGION is a short name of the prayer: «Holy God, Holy MIGHTY, Holy IMMORTAL, have mercy on us».
5. At the lessons of the Liturgical Tradition we were taught to serve MATINS using THE ‘BOOKS OF HOURS’, the Octoechos and the Menaia.
6. We should remember that we RETAIN FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR our words and deeds.
7. REVERENCE is God’s fear, inner modesty and spiritual sensitivity.
8. We commit sins because of our HUMAN FRAILTY.
9. Sorrows are SPIRITUALLY PROFITABLE for us, for through them our souls are cleansed.

М.Ч. [(4) 80,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I share the view of Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) of Bogucharsk. We all have to remember what it means to live in obedience to God. It means to live with Him, fulfilling His will and keeping all the commandments He gave us. Obedience means trust and trust is love. And when we disobey our God, we do not trust Him and therefore do not love. Through our disobedience we move away from God. We should never decline from obedience.

М.Ч. [(4,5) 37,5]

1. Each of our prayers must be with RECOLLECTION, from the deep heart.
2. In our first year at University, we studied APOPHATIC THEOLOGY.
3. Unfortunately, today we often see WANTON and systematic SACRILEGE even among Orthodox peoples.

А.Т. [(1,5) 112]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Our sensual desires, ambitions and emotional attachment to the material world is like a leaden weight that pulls us to the bottom and like an anchor that keeps us in the darkness of the deep sea of our sins. How is it possible to fly up and reach the Kingdom of God if you love yourself more than Him?
Of course, this quote is absolutely true. If you are sly and insidious, lustful and lascivious, there is no surprise that you have some difficulties in your life and spiritual emptiness. The more sins you have, the more significant challenges you will be sent, as you're not worthy of God's mercy. And every time we ask Him: "God, please, have mercy on me!" - we promise to change ourselves and to gain His grace and favor.

M.O. [(4,5) 113]

1) Pope Leo the tenth issued «A BULL OF EXCOMMUNICATION» (Excurge Domine) and ANATHEMATIZED Luter for his religious views, critical of the Church in the salvation of souls.
2) Luther believed the idea that the Pope is INFALLIBLE and has the right to forgive sins to be SACRILEGIOUS.
3) The Reformation led to the SCHISM of the Western world into Catholics and Protestants.
4) Martin Luter King in his speech «I have a dream» glorified racial RECONCILIATION and BROTHERLY LOVE.
5) He appealed to the people to stop INIQUITIES and achieve justice towards Afro-Americans.
6) Grand duchesses Romanovs worked as nurses in hospitals, helping THE SICK and THE SUFFERING.
7) Every person, even an unbeliever, faces, is confronted with UNSEEN WARFARE since the struggle for the human heart is continuously going on.
8) OLD BELIEVERS and OLD RITUALISTS preserved some PRACTICES and OBSERVANCES which do not contradict to the Orthodox tradition but complement it. Services and singing of psalms are an example.
9) God always forgives people in his great love because he is COMPASSIONATE AND MERCIFUL, LONGSUFFERING AND PLENTEOUS IN MERCY.
10) A man needs to REDEEM HIS SINS and TRESPASSES, to realize them fully and not to sin again.
11) Monasteries in the old times were the center of wisdom and served as a fortress, the BRETHREN protected THE FAITHFUL AND THE LAITY from the evil and enemies.
12) The Byzantine Empire tried to be a DOMINION of God on the earth, where the emperor is a vicegerent of God, and laws do not contradict to the COMMANDMENTS.
13) We all turn to DUST, and only the soul lives in ETERNITY.
14) Jesus Christ heals INFIRMITIES of those who is IN NEED and he rewarded the apostles with this gift.
15) Adam and Eve could not stay in the Eden since they had sinned and acquired FALLEN NATURE and became mortal.
16) During the reign of Decius Trajan Christians knew TRIBULATION, for they were PERSECUTED for the WORSHIP of the LORD ALMIGHTY, and not of pagan gods.
17) THE CLERGY and lay people were subjected to TORTMENTS. All who did not deny from the ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON and sign the «libellus».
18) THE GOD-BEARING FATHERS recommend to fulfill THE RULE OF PRAYER daily. It helps us to preserve in our soul ONENESS OF MIND, BROTHERLY LOVE AND PIETY.
19) The word «REJOICE!» occurs in the Gospel around 365 times. It means that the every day in the year we must be happy and GLORIFY TO GOD.
20) The HOLY PASCHA changed its meaning after the Last Ssupper, where Jesus replaced by Himself the Paschal sacrifice and became a new Lamb.

А.Г. [(19,5) 55]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I think this rule is something essential in the life of each person. To live in peace with others and with yourself, to lead a good and happy life one should just not to hurt anybody around him or her and appreciate everything on one's path.
I felt the change in my heart after I had a pilgrimage trip with those from my parish. The thing was not only in our unity in prayers. Some of us were newcomers and didn't know anybody. But we all were afraid to behave tactlessly, all adults were so loving to all children and nobody had any quarrels. It was like a paradise in comparison with my everyday life. And of course it doesn't depend on where you are, on a trip or at home. In my example I have shown you that people can be kind 24 hours a day, it's possible and we should make it a habit to help, to support, to have tender hearts.
Usually I see so many terrible and awful things in the underground, in the streets and cafes when people shout at each other and show their disrespect. But why can't we stay kind and courteous? Why if we have some troubles we blame others and forget to be grateful for everything? It is something we should change immediately and to remember about love which was taught us by Jesus.

M.O. [(4) 86]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Unfortunately, this quote made me cry. After these touching words I saw I was so sinful. Sometimes I went to bed and even didn't think about Him, who gave me this life, these days and all the people around me.
Usually, if I have any problems, firstly, I fall into sorrow and complain to my mother, and only then I realize I should be humble, take up my cross and follow Christ, be thankful and pray, and ask Him for spiritual strength.
This feeling when you say prayers at night after your work is incredible because it's a kind of a talk with One who was your guardian during the day, saw everything and knew all your thoughts and emotions. In such moments you feel Him near to you listening to your deep repentance. And if you forget about this "talk", it means you are selfish and think about your corporeal life and desires more than about your spiritual state. You ignore the Lord. And what can be worse?

M.O. [(4) 82]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with these words. I think the main thing in our life is love. Jesus Christ taught people to love each other as God loves us. Our Lord loves us a lot and even sent his Son to spread this idea and to die for us and for the remission of our sins. And if we are not so philanthropic and not ready to sacrifice something for the sake of others - are we worthy of this true and pure love of God?
We should be kind-hearted and tender to our close one to fulfill His commandments and to receive this divine mercy and spiritual epiphany.
Without His love we are blind and deaf, we loose the point and sometimes become callous. But we are all His children, we are all sisters and brothers. So, listening to each other carefully and looking after our relatives and friends (which are also sent us by the Lord), we prove that we appreciate everything in our life and we are ready to meet Him, we are worthy to see Him and be beside God in His Kingdom.

M.O. [(4) 78]

1) During THE DIVINE LITURGY the priest addressed to CATECHUMENS and, praying, said that they can also GLORIFY THE MOST-HONORABLE AND MAJESTIC NAME of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
3) Before going to bed I always ask God for PARDON AND REMISSION OF MY SINS AND OFFENCES.
4) My granny always told me that it is important to pray to your Angel who is your FAITHFUL GUIDE and A GUARDIAN OF your SOUL AND BODY.

M.O. [(5) 74]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I completely agree with the words of Elder Paisios of Mount Athos. Very often we find fault with the words or actions of others, while we do not wish to think about our own behaviour. Indeed, the Lord forgives me all the sins that I commit, and He knows my every sin, my every offence. And as soon as my neighbour also makes a mistake, I immediately take offense, feel insulted and wait for an apology. It is at least unfair to another person - I am forgiven a bad thing, and I do not want to forgive. Moreover, I can look very pious, but, as Elder Paisios said, «the evil is within us not outside» if I make a scandal. It turns out I'm also a hypocrite. So, if you want to keep the law of God, - forgive all people, then you will be forgiven after your death.

А.Т. [(5) 72,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Elder Arsenios the Cave-dweller expressed a very interesting thought and I agree with it. As for the first thing, it is true that the lives of the saints are written very wisely, and reading them, you feel a surge of strength to fight your sins. Regarding the second thing, honestly, it's not so easy to believe that you're reading a book, and someone is praying for you at this moment. But from experience I can say that when I read about the life of the Archimandrite Vitaly (Sidorenko), I felt really good, it seemed that he was staying near with me and truly praying for me.
Thus, I can say that it is necessary to read spiritual literature, in particular the lives of saints, it will be very useful for the soul.

А.Т. [(5) 67,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To be honest, I only agree with Saint Mark of Thrace in part. On the one hand, many saints looked forward to the day of their death, because then they could praise God forever. Of course, in the earthly life they also praised the Lord, but there were also physical infirmities, which could sometimes hinder the process of prayer or distract from it. The holy people loved God very much and wanted to get to Him as soon as possible.
But on the other hand, such zeal is quite difficult for an ordinary person to understand, sometimes even if he is a very fervent Orthodox Christian. I think a lot of people are afraid of death. Someone is afraid that it will be painful; someone doesn't want that his relatives mourned. But really, if you look from this side, it turns out that our departure brings great misery to our loved ones. In this case I can not understand how you can safely expect your death, knowing that it will hurt your relatives.

А.Т. [(4,5) 62,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with the statement of Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) of Bogucharsk. When we disobey God, we show that we can cope without His help. In other words, we do not trust His will. But we certainly don't know what's best for us if it goes against the will of the Lord. But the worst thing is that through our disobedience we give up the love of God.
The Lord is often compared to the father. We listen to our father, because we know that he has more life experience, he knows more, but most importantly - he wants for his children only the best. And the Lord will never do us any harm, because he loves us as a father. Therefore, we must obey God, because by doing so we show our love in return for His love.

А.Т. [(5) 58]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Rationalists are people who strive to explain everything in terms of understanding. But there are a lot of phenomena in our world, especially concerning the area of faith, that we cannot comprehend. These are things in which we can only believe. And yet some people claim that they will find the truth by the mind without the One who is Truth Himself. Venerable Justin (Popovic) of Chelije in Serbia says about it in the quote in question.
He writes that truth may be revealed to one who is purified and deified through their virtuous life. I cannot agree more with him. Such people who seek the truth and want to know nothing about God can be fairly compared to the branch that has cut itself off from the vine, as our Lord is saying in one of His parables. These people are blind in a spiritual way. There are a lot of examples of converts to whom everything about this world becomes clear after they've been baptised and chrismated. Those who are explaining phenomena in terms of science sometimes face something they just cannot understand, though a faithful person who takes part in the mysteries by which he is purified and transfigured possesses the truth.

M.A. [(5) 145,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with this thought of Elder Arsenios the Cave-dweller. From reading the lives of saints we can get a lot of wonderful examples of how to be a virtuous Christian, how to obtain grace and escape tribulation.
One of the Beatitudes says: «Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God». Saints are pure in heart, they can hear and see God. Their thoughts and works are the result of it. Through the lives of saints, we can enrich our mind and encourage ourselves to be more devoted to God and develop our spirituality.
I remember such an episode of my childhood. I read about St. Seraphim of Sarov’s life and it had a huge impact on my spiritual life and I became more interested in church than before.

E.З. [(5) 71]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

«Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” - tells us the first one of the Beatitudes. This means we should be humble and calm down our feeble nature. This way we can control our desires and there will be no place left within us for the evil. In order to be humble and not scandalized we should tolerate fellow believers and those who are outside the Church. If we pray, God will help us with that. And if we tolerate whatever or whoever we don’t like God will tolerate us and our infirmities. This way we fully deserve His help and support.

E.З. [(4,5) 41]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

St. Ignatius Brianchaninov is absolutely right. It’s so difficult to avoid thoughts that come to your mind while you are in church or praying at home. If we are not fully engaged in the conversation with God, why should He listen to us? «These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me» (Mark 7:6).
Why is it impossible to fully concentrate on a prayer sometimes? St. Ignatius gave the following reasons: a careless attitude to a prayer, incomprehension of a text, influence of evil spirits, absent-mindness and weakness of our will. All these factors make any distraction appealing to our feeble mind.
So if we make praying to God a priority, things in our temporal life will get easier and better.

E.З. [(4,5) 36,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I don’t wholly agree with Elder Paisios. On the one hand, we indeed tend to seek for joy and serenity nowadays. And we definitely overdo it, because instead of joy we obtain sins and feasts, instead of serenity we can’t get out of our comfort zone.
«Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted» says one of the Beatitudes. We should mourn more about our sins and about our sinful souls. If we do it often we will be less likely to laugh without a reason or to avoid suffering. Instead we will look up to saints and try to live as meekly and righteously as they did.
But at the same time life would not be possible without our desire to laugh, avoid pain and to have some joy in life. Especially it concerns young people. Youth is not possible without joy and laughter. It’s important to find a middle ground.

E.З. [(5) 32]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with Abba Dorotheos because this matter stands out sharply in our century. There is abundance of material goods nowadays and we are blinded by them. Due to competition in the capitalist society and prevalence of atheists a lot of people want to earn a fortune and obtain glory. Maybe that is the main reason why there are a lot of those who are caught up in wrath and sadness, thus they are not able to sincerely be happy for others.
We are surrounded by comfort, we live in it and almost no one can despise it. The term for it has been created – comfort zone. People, myself included, are afraid to get out of their comfort zone, because it takes a lot of spiritual strength and courage, which most of us don’t have due to our moral laxity.
I’ve been watching those who are not interested in material things and glory, who are devoted Christians. They seem to be extremely kind and helpful. Such people have a lot of empathy for fellow people.
We should give up materialistic interests in order to control our will and be with God.

E.З. [(4,5) 27]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Archbishop Seraphim is fully right. Obedience is love because it may profit us if we take it seriously. Every obedience has a specific aim and not given without a reason. It’s done out of love, because those who give us such missions do so out of love. They are interested in our improvement.
When a person accomplishes their assigned tasks they improve their skills. Even if they fail it is still a valuable experience. We all learn from our mistakes. If a person is obedient, by this they show their love and respect to their spiritual guide.
In disobedience we neglect this love, we think that we have more knowledge of life. So we lose a wonderful opportunity to advance through the achievement of small steps.

E.З. [(5) 22,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I am in full agreement with venerable Isaac the Syrian because everybody should be empathetic and respectful when it comes to those who surround us. Quite often wrath and intolerance can creep into our hearts. We become blind with pride, thus are not able to control our behavior. It’s not difficult to hurt people’s feelings and to revile someone in this condition.
The best remedy would be to follow the examples of the Lord and saints. They were very considerate to others, especially to the sick, the suffering and the captive – those who were in need. Like them we should spare no effort to be helpful or at least suave to all despite our or their social status.
For example, a situation like this may occur. A person who was rich and thriving acted arrogantly with everyone. But one day he or she became poor. In the best case scenario, one should expect people to treat that person better than that person did others. Otherwise such people may face consequences of their past conduct, it will boomerang back onto them. Thus everyone must be respectful to all no matter what.

E.З. [(4,5) 17,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with Abbot Nikon Vorobiev because it’s difficult to love God if we don’t genuinely love those who surround us. Human beings are created in the image of God. And God loves everyone with His unconditional love; He loves sinners and righteous men equally.
An amazing example of the absence of love for God when you are unkind to others is provided in the Parable of the Last Judgement (Matthew 25:31-46). The criteria for the judgement is love for people, no matter who those people are: «…you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me». When we distrust fellow people, revile them, we distance ourselves from the good God Who loves mankind.
«Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God» (Matthew 5:8). Plentiful in mercy, those who give alms and perform deeds of mercy have indeed pure heart, thus they are able to love.

E.З. [(4) 13]

1. In a lot of churches icons are MAJESTIC.
2. When we pray we may ask God to grant us things GOOD AND PROFITABLE FOR OUR SOULS. And our petitions may be followed with «GRANT THIS, O LORD».

E.З. [(1,5) 9]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It is never easy to be a Christian. Modern Christians face problems as Christians of other ages. As Christians, we are not persecuted now but the devil knows how to keep people's minds busy: a great number of messengers and social networks. That is why we are facing the information war Bishop Irenei Streenberg is talking about in the quote. I agree with the bishop but those Christians who died for their love to God had to make a much more difficult choice. Nowadays a lot of people succumb to these temptations of thinking for themselves. Modern psychologists say that self-judgement is oppressive. Those people cannot be bothered with spiritual warfare.
Surely, it is much more simple not to fight the passions and not to care about all this stuff but what will these people have at the end of their life? How will they meet the Lord after death? It is really dreadful because it leads to people's eternal suffering within the devil's claws.

M.A. [(4) 95]

1. As Christians, we must be looking forward to THE LIFE OF THE AGE TO COME but we are often too busy with our earthly affairs to care about it.
2. Every time the priest says: "Ye CATECHUMENS, BOW YOUR HEADS UNTO THE LORD", almost all people in the church bow their heads. They don't understand that they are not CATECHUMENS but THE FAITHFUL.

M.A. [(2) 91]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I appreciate this quote because I hear similarity to another expression. ‘Become who you are’ – this phrase was said by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Imagination is one of people’s best friends and at the same time the greatest enemy. Many people have a fear of descending into the depths of their psyche. But here we see that Christianity calls upon people to analyze themselves and accept the reality. A person has to appreciate his opportunities and possibilities. His spiritual consciousness has to understand the real state of affairs in his current life. With this awareness one’s mind can have a sober look. It helps people to lead their lives in the right direction. I have found an impressive expression in 1 Corinthians: For you are still only baby Christians, controlled by your own desires, not God’s (3:3). So I had to look back and found a false sense of self direction. So after pondering upon deep questions of this theme I came to the conclusion that with pride always comes disgrace. But wisdom comes with humility. So after getting this idea we can say that we gain the degree of Christian maturity.

А.К. [(2,5) 29,5]

1. During the LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION we can hear petitions for people who are involved in the Church community, for instance, clergy or civil authorities.
2. The expression "the REMISSION OF SINS" has the same meaning as the forgiveness of sin.
3. Due to our beliefs every religious person has to repent of all their TRANSGRESSIONS VOLUNTARY AND INVOLUNTARY.
4. The Time of Renaissance was leading during the PROSPERITY of the Church.
5. THE GIVING OF THE ALMS can be interpreted as an act of virtue and Jesus said that we have to do that in private.
6. Some Saturdays have a special service where people can COMMEMORATE THE DEPARTED.

А.К. [(1,5) 27]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

When I was choosing ‘the quote of the week’ I read this and it really touched me. At first glance the concept of it is very simple. But if a person tries to apply that in real life it would be difficult. The repetance is born from the love of God. In the church language repentance is the antonym of despair. It came from Greek word which means deep contrition of sins. The repentance is reconciliation. During confession we are asking God to heal us from the sins.
Person is supposed to have a living feeling of separation from God. I suppose it must be accompanied by a strong desire for redemption.
When I was a teenager I have heard an interesting opinion about confession. It was told that if you understand deeply in your heart that you are going to commit the sin again it would be wrong to confess it.
So repentance means a fundamental change in life: from the arbitrary sinful, selfish, and self-sufficient - to life according to the commandments of God. In love and yearning for God. It’s not enough to recognize the sin you have done. We can say that the repentance is an act. But honestly, I admit that such a way of confession is for people who have a high level of spiritual life. As some people do great things when they become deeply aware of their sin in a large extent.

А.К. [(2,5) 25,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

After acquaintance with this quote I came to the conclusion that it’s the best way to express the idea of modern society.
Nowadays there appears new moral consciousness. The only thing which people want is to get the serenity which costs them nothing. I mean they need something without spiritual improvement in the conservative concept.
I admit that it happens because of cultural interaction. People started broadening their minds in order to get sense of their existence. There is a great number of competing cultures which offer a large range of life styles. It’s usual to mix several cultures and to use the appreciated paths in one’s life. So people rejected old tradition and chose the most convenient. Sometimes bright advertisement imposes upon us so many things that at first glance may look very attractive. But some of them can be not so worthy as they seem to be.
Traditions in which a person was raised can have absolutely opposite connotations and that can damage their inner life. For their habitats and moral principles can contain very sensitive spiritual points. People can have many questions in their old Christian traditions, their thoughts can be tangled. So first of all a person needs to understand his current culture and to be prepared and to have skill to select the good seed from bad seeds.
I tried to express my mind but it looks a little bit in secular.

А.К. [(3,25) 23]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with this statement, but partly. On the one hand, it is a great moment of your whole life when you are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, when all the frailties and illnesses you had on the earth disappear and loose sense. And during our life we should do everything to be ready for this meeting with God.
On the other hand, as I see it, the death can't be complete happiness for other people who are around us. It's impossible if you have your family, people whom you love. Our life on the earth is not only to live with our sins and to fight against our passions. We are taught to love each other according to the Scriptures, to pray for our close ones. We see each other, we are thankful to God for the possibility to communicate with each other.
And it's quite natural that we cry, become upset and nervous when somebody dies. Even Christ started to mourn and cry when Lazarus died and when He saw that all around were crying, although this part of the Gospel is about eternal life in the Christ. I even think that it's absolutely crazy to smile and rejoice when your child or your grandparents are dead. When Abraham had to kill his son he wasn't happy at all. Yes, it was the will of God. But it wasn't a kind of holiday for him.
I agree only that we shouldn't fall deep into sorrow and mourn and it's better to think about life after death and pray. Still, this question is very tricky and ambiguous.

M.O. [(3) 69]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

There is no doubt that disobedience is something that can't take place in family relationships. A child should obey his or her mother, a wife should obey her husband. But it is obvious and right if we speak about a Christian family where everybody believes in One God with all one's heart and keeps His commandments and lives reading the Gospel together.
Unfortunately, there are cases when it's better not to obey somebody in your family who is not so religious or knowledgeable in some spheres as you are, but, for example, to try to find the right way on your own, feeling and understanding how everything should be done and, of course, staying loyal to God. And I don't see anything like pride or vanity in it. You can pray for your husband if he doesn't want to listen to the will of God and does some strange things.
Yes, of course, meekness is a key to a happy life with your close ones. But I saw it with my own eyes when one woman's rejection of her husband's proposal saved life of all member of her family. It was the case of disobedience, she had a great argument with the man, a marriage with whom was blessed by God. But if we speak about the obedience to God, she made a right decision and after that even that man realised everything and changed his mind completely.
My granny always says: "If I did everything in my life as my husband wanted, you would never have tasted such a delicious borscht!" I think it is an interesting point of view. Of course, it is metaphorical and proves that listening to each other and the understanding that sometimes you can be wrong, even if you're a mother or a husband, are the most important things in any family's life.

M.O. [(3) 66]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I completely agree with the words of Abbot Nikon Vorobiev. Even John the Theologian in his 1st Epistle says that if someone loves God and hates his neighbour, he is a liar. I think that “a liar” is an appropriate definition for such a person because if we do not love any man, then we do not love God, who allowed this man to come into this world. God loves us even though we are all sinners and commands us also to love each other. Therefore, if we love our neighbours as ourselves, if we take care of each other and help those who really need our help, then we will truly love our God and will be worthy of His love.

М.Ч. [(4,75) 33]

1. LATTER-DAY ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS consider themselves the heirs and the keepers of THE ORTHODOX TRADITION. They see their duty to HAND DOWN this PRECIOUS HERITAGE to future generations.
2. In our University chapel every evening A RULE OF PRAYER is said by the inhabitants of the dormitory.
3. When I have a really hard day, THE only VECHICLE OF SALVATION from despondency is my PRAYER BOOK.
4. GOD-BEARING FATHERS of the Russian Orthodox Church are the holy teachers through which we receive the truths of spiritual life.
5. It is sad to see when family members become ESTRANGED from each other.

М.Ч. [(4) 28,25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It has always been difficult for me to concentrate on my prayer to God early in the morning or late at night and to forget about all troubles I have in my life. And now, after reading St. Ignatius Brianchaninov's quote, it has become clearer how important it is for every Christian to leave all burdens of life on the earth and to direct a prayer to God. This is the way to make it spiritually profitable. But unfortunately, because of our human frailties we can't avoid it every time we pray and, as a result, it's impossible even to remember if you prayed at all.
In this way I respect my granny. She always closes the door in the kitchen before praying and stays still and quiet. She never prays fast and pronounces every word correctly and distinctly. Sometimes I even can see tears in her eyes, although she reads everyday prayers which I remember by heart. And if we pray together, she often asks me to stop and repeat some words to realize the significance of them for our life as Christians. It is important to stand in front of icons like you stand before God. These are, by the way, also the words of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov.

M.O. [(3) 63]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can say this is in some way the most difficult thing for people nowadays. Sometimes we think that other relatives test our patience and do everything specially to hurt us and to make our life more difficult, inventing their diseases.
For instance, my grandmother has a headache almost every day. And when we (my mother, my grandfather and me) have a serious question to discuss or start shouting because of emotions, she after some time stands up from her chair and goes away, saying: "My head aches a lot, leave me alone". "You always have a headache!" - we answer, - "And when should we solve our family problems? If we make a decision ourselves now, you will be dissatisfied then, as usual!" The same situation I have when I call my granny from Moscow and want her to listen to me and solve everything that I can't solve on my own (in my 20s...). And after she hangs up, I resent her.
But she is my family! She is a woman who raised me up, who prays to God about me and... maybe it's me who should give her sometimes to think in silence or to protect her from extra troubles? She can't do anything with her head now, she is old and faced with innumerable challenges in her past. Maybe... If we are more kind and attentive to her and to each other, we will have less questions to discuss and to solve?...

M.O. [(5) 60]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Surprisingly, this topic about rationalism and understanding of the Truth has been just discussed by my mother and me. The thing is that a lot of people around me try to learn something about God, ask me: "Why?", "Who?", "Where?", - and they are looking for some logical explanation to the existence of somebody who is above us and guides us in this life. "But there are so many laws in our world, did you manage to read Newton's or Einstein's works?" - my friend asked me several weeks ago. My mom read about it a lot and said that even scientists sometimes can't continue their research because there are those things in this world that can't be understood by human beings. Our mind has its limitations and the more we try to develop such logical chains, the more we get far away from the truth. We build up our own system of laws which is not too strong and ideal, as it is devoid of the spiritual principle. Only if you lead a spiritual life and have good aims, not selfish, you can reach something that for all of us is hidden now behind the veil. If you will to hear God, not to satisfy your vanity, it will be possible to see why, who and where.

M.O. [(4) 55]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can agree with the words of Abbot Nikon Vorobiev. If we do not love our neighbour, then it's not love that lives in our heart, but some other, obviously bad feeling. But how can love coexist with hatred and malice? When we help our neighbour or simply treat him well, this is how we show our love for God, because in every person there is an image of God. At school I had an interesting rule - I didn't go to bed until I reconciled with those whom I offended. Sometimes it was quite funny when I, feeling guilty, wrote late in the evening to the person I had quarrelled with or went to the parents' room and asked forgiveness. However, I was always relieved after that, because peace had been restored and I went to bed with peace of mind. Unfortunately, over time this "habit" has been forgotten. Often I do not attach much importance if I quarrelled with someone and went to bed. And now I think: how can I love God and turn to Him if I am angry with my neighbour?

А.Т. [(4,5) 53]

1. All Patriarchates should be equal, but over time THE ROMAN PONTIFF with his PAPAL CLAIMS questioned this statement.
2. I believe that the break in COMMUNION between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and Russian Orthodox Church can be called a kind of MORAL FRATRICIDE, as it threatens the unity of the Church.
3. It seems to me that the differences in USAGES can also become a serious subject of dispute, as for example between the Greeks and Latins, when the latter used for the Eucharist UNLEAVENED BREAD or "AZYMES".
4. Such Orthodox books as THE PRAYER BOOK and THE PSALTER are necessary in the home of every Orthodox person TO ENLIGHTEN themselves and their loved ones.
5. Liturgical calendar must INEVITABLY be reprinted every year, not only because a New year comes, but also because some EMENDATIONS and INTERPOLATIONS are being made to improve the quality of the book.

А.Т. [(5) 48,5]

1) Every night, analyzing her life, my sister asks God to forgive us for EVERY TRANSGRESSION VOLUNTARY AND INVOLUNTARY and BOWS TO THE WAIST.
2) The PETITION for THE REMISSION OF SINS has a great importance for all of us.
3) Sometimes it's difficult for people to GIVE ALMS to poor people as we are too suspicious, although, we should help to THE SICK, the SUFFERING AND THE CAPTIVE and to pray for them.
4) We can't live in the society without BROTHERLY LOVE AND PIETY.

M.O. [(4) 51]

1) In a Bethlehem church a nun gave us pieces of UNLEAVENED BREAD.
2) When we came in our classroom we saw BOOKS OF THE HOURS on every table.
3) The most difficult thing for any modern person is to be MEEK and stay thankful and EXCEEDING GLAD whatever happens.
4) During the trip we were on the territory where THE DREAD JUDGMENT OF CHRIST will take place.
5) When we were on the mount of TEMPTATION, one African woman sang a song with the following words: "O, my Lord, I MAGNIFY THY MOST-HONORABLE AND MAJESTIC NAME and WORSHIP Thee here. Be my GUARDIAN and show me my way".

M.O. [(4,5) 47]

1)When I was a little girl I envied THE CHANTERS in our church.
2) THE BEATITUDES are an addition to the Ten COMMANDMENTS of Moses.
3) My friend was FETTERED by MOURNING after the death of her brother, and this TRIBULATION was NOT INCONSIDERABLE reason for her personal ESTRANGEMENT from the church.
4)The END OF ANY RULE is to make you EXCEL and live according to some principles.

M.O. [(3) 42,5]

1) For some people to be an Orthodox means to make OBSERVANCES, to BE GIVEN COMMUNION every Sunday and have icons of EVER-VIRGIN MARY and the ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON of God. To make everything SPIRITUALLY PROFITABLE we should do it to THE GLORY OF GOD and with all our heart, to BE BLESSED AND HEALED by Him.
3) After THE GREAT LITANY started, a woman near to me fell down on her knees and began to repeat: "O God, HAVE MERCY ON ME, a SINFUL woman".

M.O. [(5,5) 39,5]

1) In our religious arguments Mike always DRAWS UPON works of EMINENT SCHOLARS and his speech is always full of PREJUDICE.
2) Mike often DISMISSES some APPARENT things and FALLS INTO A HERESY.
3) The ORTHODOX TRADITION is a source of faith and PRECIOUS HERITAGE for all of us.
4) There is a nice shop in our church in Lipetsk with various beautiful LITURGICAL and PRAYER BOOKS bought by our priest in different towns of our country.
5) It isn't right when the leader of the PAPACY behaves like an IMPERIOUS and LOFTY AUTOCRAT and thinks about his own SUPREMACY and that other people are his SUBORDINATES.
6) Relations between CLERGY AND LAITY are built not only on SERVILITY.
7) The use of everyday prayers like "TRISAGION" or "Our Father" should be DELIBERATE.
8) Priests in Greece gave us many SALUTATIONS and welcomed us GRACIOUSLY.
9) When we entered the Church of the NATIVITY of Christ everybody was singing prayers to OUR MOST HOLY, PURE AND MOST BLESSED LADY and repeated "REJOICE!"
10) When we say "PSALTER ACCORDING TO THE SEVENTY", we mean the translation of the book from the Bible which contains PSALMS OF THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE TO GOD from Hebrew into Greek.
11) PRIESTLY CELIBACY is typical in Catholic Church for all clergymen except deacons.
12) There have always been CONTROVERSIES connected with TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY.
13) During the discussion someone CONTRIBUTED SUGGESTIONS which were THEOLOGICALLY UNTRUE and in some way echoed the outlook of OLD BELIEVERS.
14) Nowadays some people try to invent something ENTIRELY NEW for the new generation of believers, but there are those who think that such people can PUSH EVERYTHING TO EXTREMES and write about the importance of the FIDELITY TO THE LITURGICAL TRADITIONS.
15) My friend explained to me the significance of RULES OF PRAYER in the morning and before going to bed and presented me with two DEVOTIONAL BOOKS. All these prayers are nothing else than special VEHICLES OF SALVATION.

M.O. [(14,5) 34]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with Abbot Nikon Vorobiev’s words and want to correlate them with the spiritual instructions of St. Seraphim who identified the purpose of the Christian life as «the acquisition of the Holy Spirit» and this sacred hymnography: «Let us serve the Lord with fear; let us anoint our heads with the oil of good deeds. Let us wash our faces with waters of purity. Let us not use empty phrases in prayer»…
These beautiful words remind us that first we need reconciliation with people, purification, and restoration. Without these three things, our life – as the hymn says – is empty. To be forgiven, we are called to forgive, to love the people around us. When our hearts are softened by this reconciliation, they can become purified. Once our hearts are purified, we are granted restoration.
By chasing after our own egotistical desires, we become inclined to more and more shameful passions. We become more and more enslaved. When we forget our Creator, and His high calling for us to live as His sons and daughters, we lose His image and likeness, and we lose our humanity. We lose our dignity as sons and daughters of God and become incapable of seeing that divine dignity in our neighbors.
When we free ourselves from slavery to our passions, from petrified insensibility, God restores to us our freedom and our true humanity.

И.M. [(5) 139,5]

1. I know that the crowds of visitors were so great that St. Seraphim moved to the Near HERMITAGE, where he continued to minister to people from all walks of life, rich and poor, high-born and low-born coming for healing and SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE.
2. I have read recently that Saint Theophan the Recluse’s greatest contribution was making a complete translation of the PHILOKALIA into contemporary Russian.
3. «Living life to the fullest» is really nothing more than learning to cope with the ESTRANGEMENT from God.
4. Without faith, REVERENCE and the FEAR of God, without honoring the holy images of true humanity within the GRACE-FILLED life of the Church, the world will descend into demonic insanity.
5. The feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos (our most holy, PURE and most BLESSED LADY, the Mother of God and EVER-VIRGIN MARY) stands at the beginning of the winter season in which we commemorate the INCARNATION, the intervention of God in time and history. We rightly bestow HONOUR, veneration to the one who gave birth to GOD THE WORD, the MOST-HONOURABLE and MAJESTIC NAME, for the salvation of the world.

И.M. [(6) 101,5]

1. It is sad to say that most of us LATTER-DAY CHRISTIANS do not lead our lives in one unity with God. Due to our FALLEN NATURE we often commit sins and thus wander away from Him.
2. THE DESERT FATHERS are in CONSTANT PRAYER for the sake of strengthening their spirit.
3. GOOD WORK taught by our Christian faith is a great LABOUR.
4. All THE Christian VIRTUES are embodied in THE FULFILLMENT OF THE two most important COMMANDMENTS – love for God with all your heart and mind, and for your neighbour as yourself.
5. For me, a prayer is AN UNSEEN WARFARE that defends me from sinful thoughts and deeds.

М.Ч. [(4) 24,25]

1. My favorite chant of the CHERUBIC HYMN is Obihod. While listening to it, I do not know where I am: on earth or in heaven.
2. Every Liturgy we ask God for A GOOD DEFENSE AT the DREAD JUDGMENT OF CHRIST but we hardly ever think of our death in our day-to-day life and of that we must give answers for all our offences voluntary and involuntary.
3. God gives us the BOUNTIFUL MERCIES but sometimes we don't notice them due to our greediness.
4. So instead of glorifying His MOST-HONOURABLE AND MAJESTIC NAME, we ask Him to give us more food, clothes, etc.
5. How important it is in the spiritual life to have a GUARDIAN who will show the right way to the PERSONAL RIGHTEOUSNESS.

M.A. [(2) 89]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

We cannot say that we love God if we dislike our neighbours. This is a lie. How dare you say to God, "I love you, my God!" if you have just quarreled with your father, sister, room-mate or you hate that person who has stolen your food from the kitchen in the dormitory?
Our God gave us a commandment to love everyone who is around us. Whether they are rich and powerful or poor and scruffy or unpleasant and rogues, that does not matter. That is what Abbot Nikon (Vorobiev) wants us to comprehend. God loves each of us equally. And so should we do, particularly as we have a plenty of examples. They are saints who truly loved God and were truly His servants and handmaidens. They loved God and this love overflowed on others. Saint John of Kronstadt gave out all he was gained to the poor and the needy, saved strong alcoholics from death, bodily and spiritual, because he saw an image of God in each person. Elder John (Krestyankin) suffered a lot after a priest, with whom he served the Liturgies together, had denounced him due to envy. However, Elder John said nothing to condemn him. On the contrary, he always said how kind-hearted that priest was, about his virtues.
That is what true love towards God is. To love people means to love God, if you do not love them, you cannot say that you love Him.

M.A. [(3,75) 87]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The life of a student is a difficult one. You must attend classes, you have so little time to cook, so you eat badly, you haven't time to sleep, so you are always tired. Consequently, when it comes for evening prayers you are unwilling to say all prayers because you want to sleep, you have to get up early. But Righteous John, Wonderworker of Krondstadt, says that we mustn't spare ourselves but with love to God say prayers of thanksgiving and repentance. It is our duty, it is true. Initially you should make yourself do it, and step by step you will do it because you really love God, because you want to confess with all your voluntary and involuntary trespasses.
It is rather difficult. I cannot say that I do it willingly. Unfortunately, I more often make myself say evening prayers every day. But after prayers you feel relieved and happy. You feel warmth and joy.

M.A. [(5) 83,25]

1. From my point of view, if someone misinterprets the Holy Scripture and tries to convince somebody to take his side, he will be CHARGED WITH HERESY AGAINST the Orthodox Church.
2. At times I can meet some people amongst THE LAITY who are so intelligent that perhaps may become the "LAY THEOLOGIANS" in the future.
3. Currently, there is a SHARP DIVISION BETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY often due to the fact that many people DELIBERATELY and MALICIOUSLY twist the words of priests and other representatives of the Church.
4. I went to the Church to WORSHIP GOD, knew about THE CRUCIFIXION, but the true meaning of REDEMPTION and DEIFICATION I realized only while studying at University.
5. The Pope's confidence in his IMMEDIATE POWER OF JURISDICTION in both the west and the east, and his strong belief in his own INFALLIBILITY, were some of the reasons for the disagreement between the east and the west.

А.Т. [(6) 43,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I absolutely agree with the words of Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt. Prayer is our appeal to God when we ask for His help or protection. But we should not forget that prayer is not only our requests, prayer is a way to express gratitude to God. Unfortunately, very often when we get what we want we forget to thank the Lord Who helped us to realize our plans.
As a child, I used to listen to Orthodox fairy tales recorded on cassettes. And there was a story that told how important it is not to be late to say "thank you." I don't know why, but I've remembered it very well. Ingratitude is a manifestation of ugly selfishness that is unpleasant to others and even more so to God. Every day we need to give time to God and thank Him for everything He does for us, no matter how tired we are during the day.

А.Т. [(4,5) 37,5]

1. I ask my priest to add an additional PETITION to THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION to ask God for help when I have a bad time in my life.
2. We are not allowed to REVILE anyone as we know only about their sins and nothing about their repentance.
3. It happens occasionally that we have to be PEACEMAKERS, that is, we have to do our best to reconcile those who are at enmity. But how can we manage to do it? We should say the Jesus prayer and ask God to bring those people to RECONCILIATION.
4. Usually we go to church when we have some tribulations and not to WORSHIP God as we are supposed to.
5. We should not shrink from GIVING ALMS because we collect our wealth of Heaven by doing it.

M.A. [(3,5) 78,25]

1. Maria Sergeevna Krasovitskaya told us that the monks of the STUDIUM Monastery developed SERVICE BOOKS for Great Lent and Pascha, as well as the liturgical TYPICON, which continues to be the normative order of worship for the entire Orthodox Church.
2. The PEACEMAKERS are those who have the peace of God in themselves and spread this peace to those around them. This peace is the freedom from all kinds of ANXIETY and FEAR. It is the peace which exists in men even in the most terrible human TRIBULATIONS: WRATH and NEED.
3. «INNER TRANQUILITY», «MENTAL quietude», «CONTEMPLATION» and «PURITY IN HEART». The saints tell us that through these practices we can become open to God and start to listen to Him.
4. I read that true Christians will always be PERSECUTED for Christ’s sake and be REVILED for the truth they speak and the good that they do.
5. The Gifts of bread and wine are carried in solemn procession from the TABLE OF OBLATION into the middle of the church and through the royal doors of the Iconostasis to the holy table. This procession is called the GREAT ENTRANCE as distinct from the SMALL ENTRANCE that is made earlier with the Book of the Gospels.

И.M. [(7,5) 95,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

God teaches us to love all who are around us, good and bad. It is hard. But we should come to this true love gradually and the first step is to be polite and respectful to all as Venerable Isaac the Syrian says. And I fully agree with him, though such conduct is not that simple. But it's really beneficial and, first of all, for you. How can we keep calm and be courteous to the other people in the underground during rush hour? On the one hand, it looks impossible but if you follow Venerable Isaac's advice, it has great results. I can say it from my experience that you feel good after it. You just become happy and, moreover, you are a sort of a peacemaker.
There is another point of such conduct. A man is an image of God. So you should treat people as if it is God standing in front of you. And also being courteous and respectful to all is a part of your personal righteousness. God says whoever is faithful in the small things, will also be faithful in the bigger things. That's why we should undoubtedly follow this advice.

M.A. [(4,5) 74,75]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Аs far as I remember, my parents always told me to remember about these things, be polite and respectful. Courtesy and respect are constructive, but rudeness is always destructive. Сourtesy is power, incivility is weakness. These qualities are inherent in a prudent, honest, kind person. Rude people are unhappy, restless. They don't have peace in their souls. Let courtesy and respect always be the aim of our conduct as Venerable Isaac the Syrian said.

Э.К. [(4,5) 33]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

These words of Archbishop Seraphim of Bogucharsk are true. God himself ordered not to decline from obedience.
Let us take as an example the well-known Biblical story about the sacrifice of Isaac. True love is expressed in obedience.
As Abraham obeyed God our Heavenly Father out of love for Him and agreed to sacrifice his long-awaited beloved son. As Isaac accepted the will of his father and did not resist death. And their love through obedience turned out to be a blessing for them. Never decline from obedience.

Э.К. [(4) 28,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The problem that St. Igantius Brianchaninov has mentioned is very relevant today. Every time when we begin to pray domestic concerns begin to visit us. We begin to indulge in these thoughts and retreat from prayer. And so, after a few seconds, we realise that we are completely immersed in mental fuss. I conside that as a kind of temptation. No righteous thing is done without trial. Everything will try to make you far from good things. It's difficult but we mustn't engage in these earthly thoughts and cares and we must render to God the things that are God’s.

Э.К. [(4,5) 24,5]

1. We are not allowed to EXECUTE JUDGEMENT. Everyone is a sort of a vehicle of INIQUITES AND INFIRMITIES, so we should develop BROTHERLY LOVE.
2. There is no one in the world closer to you when TRIBULATIONS come than our GOOD GOD WHO LOVES MANKIND.

M.A. [(3) 70,25]

1. Some of my colleagues had been considering their resignation.
2. The plan of a big project usually has to build on resilient PILLARS.
3. I consider THE EREMITIC LIFE to be a feat.
4. Students of our university have SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT in our age more often than students of state universities.
5. It always seems to be impossible to REDEEM all our sins.
6. Every second inside everyone UNSEEN WARFARE is hapenning.
7. Sometimes some local authorities try TO HINDER the activities of religious organisations.
8. The Eucharist is the main VEHICLE OF SALVATION.
10. I should conclude my article with following EMENDATIONS.
11. My brother has just a very IDIOSYNCRATIC character.
12. The debate on social media in teenager's lives commanded a CONSENSUS.
13. Spouses must keep FIDELITY to each others all their life.

Э.К. [(3,5) 20]

1. The early years of Christianity were under THE UNIVERSAL SUPREMACY.
2. Many people mistakenly believe in the Pope’s INFALLIBILITY.
3. People also assigned the Pope PRIMACY OF HONOR, but this was proclaimed by Greeks. They also assumed that he didn’t have the universal supremacy.
4. Nowadays there are plenty of the educated laymen who take an active interest in the theology - we call them THE ‘LAY THEOLOGIANS’.
5. Due to different monastaries and seminaries there are many educated people, but during the DARK AGES only priests were provided by the Church to get the preserve of the theologian and others knowledge.
6. I suppose that it’s a great mistake to assume that Pope can be an AUTOCRAT and can own an absolute monarch.
7. On the eve of Orthodox Easter thousands of the faithful attempted to reach the church in Jerusalem to see the CEREMONY OF THE HOLY FIRE.
8. Many Moscow churches have a very hostile CONGREGATIONS and some fathers welcome everyone.
9. I assume that this WANTON act of violent conversion into the Orthodoxy in the 10th century deeply shocked the nation.
10. Several month ago my best friend became an adult PROSELYTE as she was baptized recently.
11. God's love is so boundless that he gave his ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON in order to save the believers in Him and to give them everlasting life.
12. We can say that bad people's deeds INCARNATE evil.

We have a nice depiction of the GRACIOUS God on the wall in our living room.
14. Different sins, bad words, deeds - all these INIQUITIES are the transgression of the law of God.
15. Many old people can't visit all services for the reason of their INFIRMITIES.
16. Nowadays people refuse to show their COMPASSION to other people.
17. Man was born from the earth, and his DUST will return there.
18. The RIGHTEOUSNESS of the Serafim's life is described in the book of lives of saints.

А.К. [(8,5) 19,75]

1. The man without self-control is ENSLAVED. He is the CAPTIVE of sin, the willing instrument of CARNAL passions, the VICTIM of all foolishness and EVIL.
2. I have recently read Saint Gregory Palamas’s quote: «All the saints are human icons of EXCELLENCE, animated PILLARS of GOODNESS, and living books which teach us the way to better things».
3. The one who bears his INFIRMITIES with VIRTUE, with courage and patience, with faith and hope is the greatest WITNESS to DIVINE salvation that can possibly be.
4. I suppose the purpose of sisters of mercy is to provide a COMPASSIONATE presence to those who may not have someone to listen to them.

И.M. [(4) 88]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I completely agree with St. Symeon the New Theologian. The Lord created the first man in His image and likeness. When we try to change this original appearance we insult our God. It doesn't matter how we do this - modifying our bodies or being angry - as a result we destroy our souls. And if we don't try to live a life that the Lord teaches us, are we worthy of the Holy Kingdom?

А.Т. [(4,5) 33]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

There are some people who become Orthodox Christians and want their relatives, friends and, even worse, everyone around them to become Christians, too. It is a big mistake and, actually, a significant misunderstanding of the words of Christ or the reality of the faith on the whole. Abba Dorotheos reminds us in his saying about the main principles in the relationship with God. They are the elimination of bodily comfort and earthly glory, disregard of all material things and even of rights. It is too strict for laity but it is also possible to strive for them. Otherwise you will be able to neither find peace yourself nor help your neighbor with it. I can find nothing new for me in the saying. However, such things are easily forgotten in our bustling and sin-racked world. Only following these principles from the quote one can be happy and find joy on the earth.
Abba Dorotheos' words are the answer to the following questions. Why do so many people tend to visit elders? Why is elders' advice so valuable and consolatory? Because they have reconciled with God by the elimination of bodily comfort and earthly glory, etc. An elder is an illustration to Abba Dorotheos' words.

M.A. [(4) 67,25]

1. The Holy Eucharist is a mystery and it chases FOUL DEMONS far away and brings the angels near us.
2. As Orthodox Christians, we recite the NICENE CREED in its original form, without the INTERPOLATION of the FILIOQUE, because it is THEOLOGICALLY UNTRUE.
3. We should start the first week of Great Lent with the Canon of Repentance of Saint Andrew of Crete and also resume a regular «RULE OF DOMESTIC PRAYER», read the psalms and pray for others.
4. This year during our lessons of Liturgical Theology we are studying THE BOOKS OF THE HOURS.
5. I heard that if we feel our HUMAN FRAILY it is good, it means God is with us and will help us if we ask for it.

И.M. [(3,5) 84]

1) God is GRACIOUS and COMPASSIONATE to us as He absolves us of our INIQUITIES and INFIRMITIES.
2) When I am being WRONGED I believe that RIGHTEOUSNESS will PREVAIL by all means.

E.З. [(4) 7,5]

1. There is no man without INIQUITY, consequently, everyone should be COMPASSIONATE towards their relatives and neighbours.
2. But sometimes I become really self-centred and judge people for their iniquities paying no attention to their INFIRMITIES.
3. Sometimes it is difficult for me to PERFORM DEEDS OF MERCY, because I think more often about myself.
4. We are supposed to return temporarily to DUST at the end of our life, because our GRACIOUS Lord will resurrect us.
5. And I do not understand why a lot of people cry during the FUNERAL SERVICE, Our God is PLENTEOUS IN MERCY and wants everyone to be saved.

M.A. [(4) 63,25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

What is love? Nowadays love is described in many songs and films as just a carnal pleasure. But this definition is not true. Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) offers a simple answer to the question, "Obedience is love". Then he continues with a really scaring phrase, "disobedience is non-love, it is the trampling upon love". It was a striking discovery for me.
To start with, disobedience is a sin that hinders us in reconciliation with God. One should humbly take up their cross and follow Christ, that is, to be obedient. This is what love is, according to the Archbishop. I thought what could be more simple than just to be obedient to your parents, teachers, etc. But becoming older, I feel how hard it is, that is, how hard it is to love truly.
To sum up, archbishop Seraphim reminds me of the importance of obedience in our salvation.

M.A. [(5) 59,25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Undoubtedly, there are such present-day Christians who do not want to worry or lose their serenity, give their talents, time, treasures to those in need. But there are also many laity who have a deep sense of service, of being a servant. Many understand Jesus as servant and try to appropriate this image for their own lives. Also they choose God’s vocation for them, His will. This is the joy we must seek today. It might be painful and unpleasant, but rewarding.

И.M. [(5) 80,5]

1. I was told on one excursion that icons are spiritually necessary because they BEAR WITNESS to the reality of God’s presence with us.
2. I know that the GOSPEL WRITERS were the first to record the GOOD TIDINGS, and the Annunciation is the first proclamation of the Good Tidings to the world.
3. In addition to my essay I want to say, that baptism has always been connected with repentance, which means a moral CONVERSION.
4. I think we are expected to humble ourselves consciously before God and to receive GUIDANCE in the Christian life from our pastor in the church.
5. I read in the Gospel that the Pharisees and SCRIBES were sure that repentance consisted of scrupulous attention to the Law, and fastidious care in keeping the SABBATH.

И.M. [(3,5) 51,5]

1. Nowadays we have the opportunity to openly glorify the name of God, keeping our FIDELITY to Faith and the Church.
2. REJOICE! For The Lord Has Heard Our Prayers.
3. Some people believe that sinners must LAY NO CLAIM to the nearness of God.
4. God GRACIOUSLY bestowed upon us eternal life.
5. Many Holy Fathers REFERRED TO the 1 Corinthians when they wanted to speak about the most significant gift of life – love.
6. The Ecumanical Councils had a lot of DELIBERATIONS about rites during the first ten centures AD.
7. The monastery is full of LABOURERS.
8. There are different types of TRISAGION – minor and major.
9. During the 15th and 16th centures the editions of church books were AMENDED several times by Peter Mogila.
10. Russian PRIMER was created by St. Kirill and Methodius.
11. The era of the first Orthodox ENLIGHTENMENT occurred at the end of the 10th century.
12. A person has to realize his HUMAN FRAILTY during his lifetime.
13. Due to a person's frailty he has to STRIVE to offer prayers to our heavenly Father in spite of undergoing pain in his body and soul.
14. Reading Holy Scripture can be a very good and SPIRITUALLY PROFITABLE cure for the soul.
15. One of the best ways to understand the Prayer book is to read the SUPPLEMENT.
16. It took nearly six centuries to get the Orthodox service books in order and to correct all the INACCURACIES.
17. The Jews ASSERTED that performing rites is the most important thing for earthly life.

А.К. [(5,5) 11,25]

1. His BEATITUDE, Metropolitan Panteleimon of Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk informed our Father Maksim, that the CLERGY voted UNANIMOUSLY to confirm him as director of the seminary.
2. I always enjoy listening to the chanting of the TRISAGION in the Divine Liturgy.
3. I believe that the strength and health by which we labour come as gifts from God, thus we ought to act always with love and FIDELITY to His truth.
4. As we pray, fast and practice charity during the four fasts, a good book that deepens our understanding of God is PSALTER and my family knows it.
5. I want to share my favourite verses from Akathist to our Most Holy Lady Mother of God: «REJOICE, healing of my body! Rejoice, salvation of my soul! Rejoice, unwedded Bride»!

И.M. [(3,5) 48]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Most Orthodox people including me know how one should treat prayers. But, anyway, this discourse is worth a bit of our attention and receptivity.
The prayer must be pure, because it is the guardian of our hearts. Also it is appropriate here to remind Metropolitan Kallistos’s remark that our state, when we are intending to offer up our prayer to God or already in the process of praying, must be a state of inner tranquility or mental quietude and concentration. Also, we should not simply try to be silent or leave our earthly thoughts, but try to listen to God and become open to God. And then God himself will support us in the growing fight against earthly cares.

И.M. [(4,5) 44,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I completely agree with elder Arsenios the Cave-dweller. Reading the lives of saints doesn’t let us forget about our faith. It melts the ice in our hearts. The example of their struggles gives us motivation for spiritual perfection. Especially it’s useful for people who periodically move away from faith. I believe saints really intercede to Christ for us. It’s priceless. Let’s read the lives of saints and ask them to pray for us sinful.

Э.К. [(4,5) 16,5]

1. It is difficult for me to AMEND my essays because I just cannot see my mistakes.
2. My lifestyle, especially the religious side of it, LAYS NO CLAIMS to be an example for others, though some people say that I GRACIOUSLY PROVIDE THEM WITH it.
3. We all OWE a DEBT OF GRATITUDE to Holy Virgin Theotokos who agreed to become the Mother of God.
4. THE LITURGICAL TRADITION is a very complicated but absolutely fascinating subject. It is true.
5. In fact, we do not know the full PSALTER ACCORDING TO THE SEVENTY in Russia, as the Books of the Old Testament were translated into Russian only partly from the Septuagint.

M.A. [(2,5) 54,25]

1. There is no man in the world who owns INFALLIBILITY, we are all sinful. That is why we should cultivate tolerance towards other people's trespasses.
2. You believe that you have never committed MORAL FRATRICIDE, but it appears to be a lie. Have you ever insulted and humiliated your neighbours or relatives by your thoughts, words, deeds? I did, for example. Of course, it was not DELIBERATE and MALICIOUS actions. I am really sorry about it.
3. Sometimes I feel like an AUTOCRAT and it is not a sort of a right thing. If a woman becomes an AUTOCRAT within the family, she will suffer a lot because of it. I can say this from my own experience.
4. Sometimes I have days when I feel ESTRANGEMENT from my elder sister. I know it is my pride that HINDERs me from feeling relaxed in your company and I desire to get rid of this feeling but I am such a feeble person ...

M.A. [(3,5) 28]

1. There is an opinion that there is nothing good in modern films, but I would say that some of them can be a kind of SPIRITUAL PROFIT to everyone.
2. There can be no INACCURACIES in our lives. Merciful God keeps everything under control, and He even brings HUMAN FRAILTY, that always CREEPs INTO our behaviour, to good.
3. We, feeble men, should read INSTRUCTIVE MATERIALS every day to uphold our spirit.
4. It is a challenge for me to read THE 'BOOK OF THE HOURS' in Church Slavonic.
5. Actually, it is the mission of every Orthodox to ENLIGHTEN their neighbours about Christ. But it should be done not with the help of the word but by living your life according to the COMMANDMENTS.

M.A. [(1,5) 24,5]

1. Everyone has such occasions when TO BE ACCURATE in your word is vitally important, especially when you speak to people about the faith.
2. We should be sympathetic to people who live within their own IDIOSYNCRATIC world as they are really lonely.
3. We were UNANIMOUS in the matter of helping single-parent families. The decision was made to do our best in searching for contributors for our COOPERATIVE VENTURE.
4. There are usually a lot of EMENDATIONS in my writings because I consider myself a sort of a creative person and the way I see something always depends on my mood. So I want to find better variant to RENDER my point with the FIDELITY every time I read my composition, especially on religious themes.

M.A. [(3,5) 23]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Death ... This word sounds really terrifying for us, "old men". We cry at the funeral instead of being rejoiced, being happy for the departed because this person becomes free from any toil and pain. All holy fathers teach us that our death is full of joy. St. Mark's quote gives up an example of the teaching.
I absolutely agree with him. But it is inevitable that even not every Christian would totally follow these words. We can find in St. Paul's Epistles the following reflection: "For what is life? To me, it is Christ. Death, then, will bring more"(GNT); "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."(KJ21) (Phil. 1:21). Here is the answer to the question of why it happens that people, attending Liturgies, see death as an intolerable grief. St. Paul says that for him life is Christ, that is, he loves Christ with all his heart, he trusts Him and entrusts his life to God. And what about us? The way I see it, we are too selfish and we take too much care about earthly goods. As a result, we procrastinate and do not follow Him at once. Moreover, we love our family members more than God. So all of these factors hinder us from obeying God and from preparations for our last day - the happiest day of our earthly life, as St. Mark of Thrace instructs us.
Now I would like to share my own experience to illustrate the quote of St. Mark. Ten days ago I lost my cousin. He was just in his early twenties. It was an accident. His granny (he was brought up by his grandma) is very upset now because she has lost the purpose of her life, according to her words. This is an example of what I have just said a little bit earlier. We do not love God or our love for God is often egoistic. That is why we have no opportunities to see the departure of our soul as "a great day".
In addition, we are also afraid of thinking about this day. But we should do our best in following St. Mark's words "Today the light of my rest will receive me".

M.A. [(4) 19,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To be honest I am not ready to name this quote as overly optimistic, nor, conversely, as fairly harsh. Each life is being accurately recorded, from the date of birth to the date of death, and the significant events in between them make up personal histories.
People are deep and mysterious, but I believe not everyone could treat their departing peaceably and with reverence. To my way of thinking the words of St. Mark of Thrace are rather a sober and honest plea calling us to repentance and to redirect our lives for good. If our lives are worth living, then they are worthy of being judged. Thus, all our deeds, words and thoughts are significant because we must answer for them before God. We should always be awake and pray. And then the Good Shepherd will place us upon His shoulders in heavenly habitation to the accompaniment of angels rejoicing over our repentance. And such a death definitely will become the greatest event, not a punishment. It is our own decision whether to continue down our own pathway which leads to destruction - or to repent and return home as the prodigal son.

И.M. [(4,5) 40]

1. Not so long ago during our classes we discussed the sinful NEGLIGENCE of Eli – the HIGH PRIEST, who refused to restrain his sons as they abused their priestly office.
2. One day I came across the phrase that during the HOLY WEEK we continue to arise each morning to a new day, carry out our commitments, and find rest from our labours in the peace of sleep to keep alive, but we do these things with an intense focus on the Paschal MYSTERY of Christ’s REDEMPTIVE death and LIFE-GIVING Resurrection.
3. Our teacher told us that the Kievan Monastery OF THE CAVES was a major centre of Christian charity and social concern as well as of spiritual and mental labour and ENLIGHTENMENT.
4. As I heard the Apostles’ lives serve as instruction to remain «grounded» in Christ and to do WORKS OF LIGHT.
5. I believe that the TROPARION for Saint Nicholas reveals what a Christian pastor should be. After all he, the fighter for Orthodoxy, was MEEK and gentle in character and HUMBLE in spirit.

И.M. [(6) 35,5]

1. From my experience I can say that the ARTIFICIAL IMPOSITION of prayer causes much more harm than good as a person does not want or even is not able to understand the very point of the RULES OF PRAYER. So it is INEVITABLE that they will have a great aversion to prayer.
2. Everyone is said to be TOLERANT but very few people follow this rule.

M.A. [(1,5) 15,5]

1. Yesterday I read one of the concepts of spiritual teachers and figured out that the purpose of prayer is to keep God’s COMMANDMENTS, thus to be moving towards DEIFICATION and divine sonship with Christ.
2. One day I read an article where it was enunciated that Orthodoxy does not believe in the INFALLIBILITY of the Pope of Rome, nor of any other individual.
3. When I hear about a regular internecine FRATRICIDE, the world seems to be out of control. When will people understand that they have no right to dispose of other people’s lives – the gift of the Lord?!

И.M. [(2) 29,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I really appreciate this structured dictum which was written, without any doubt, in the spirit of pastoral care and guidance. St. Symeon the New Theologian designated a number of steps of how to conduct our lives and moreover how to put these steps into practice. This becomes clear when we look at the entire passage.
For example, if we look beyond our own personal and family lives, we can find ourselves in the swirl of a global environment that is full of anger, conflict and jealousy. And then we realize that Christ is our rock, our firm foundation in the midst of this turmoil of life. And this is only the first step of our efforts to make a pilgrimage to Him. He will be able to to become our companion on the way only after baptism. Christ himself offers the regeneration, forgiveness, and sonship through baptism. And, of course, after that liturgical worship should take place, we should make our free time as often as possible «the time of church». And the most difficult step is to be clothed in the humility and meekness; to die through Him to the pleasures of this life and to take upon ourselves the responsibility to love, to forgive, and to heal our quarrels quickly. All of this is accomplished by the grace of the Holy Spirit. I believe that this is what St. Symeon the New Theologian was trying to convey.
To sum up, the theologian’s words are a treasure with which he shared with us – the world lost in darkness and ignorance. I received St. Symeon’s words as encouragement and strengthening for my own live. I see on which step I am standing. Now I really want to prepare my heart to be filled with meekness and humbleness. So maybe one day I will be able to say: «It is no longer my earthly heart that beats, but the Holy Spirit Who fills me with life»!

И.M. [(4) 27,5]

1. I can't say that the renewed ESTRANGEMENT between me and my friends has been caused by my departure.
2. Unfortunately, many of us, LATTER-DAY CHRISTIANS, tend to attend only the Liturgy on Sunday rather than lead a truly Orthodox life all the time.
3. Saint Ignatius Bryanchaninov says that one of the foremost weapons of the "UNSEEN WARFARE" are the transformation of evil intentions to good and the substitution of the passions by the VIRTUES.
4. On 20 July 1054 the Patriarch Michael I Cerularius anathematized THE LEGATES OF THE POPE and A BULL OF EXCOMMUNICATION was burned publicly.
5. Our FALLEN NATURE prevents us from fighting against sins and LEADING A LIFE OF CONTEMPLATION.

А.Т. [(4) 28,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

One of the intriguing quotes I have ever read is this one by Elder Arsenios the Cave-dweller. He cleverly illustrates how reading the lives of saints with reverence is a good influence on us. However, assurance of saints’ interceding to Christ for us through reading cannot be assumed in advance. I dare say: first of all we should take part in sacraments regularly, do our best and only then hope that saints will pray for us and God will be merciful. The good news for me is that struggles of saints indeed can wake us from the numbness of negligence and we may prevail regardless of what we have done and start a new life – spiritual life with obedience and liberation from sinful passions and lusts. Just for the record: Disobedience to God and His Son Jesus Christ is the source of all sin. But to do the will of God is glory and life.
The value of the point personally for me is to persevere in praying and devotion to saints. Deep down I feel their care and love and I hope through their intercession to gain amnesty, pardon and grace at the Last Judgment.

И.M. [(5) 23,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It is a gesture of blessing that we have the innumerable number of the written lives of saints. One might find it worthless to read them claiming that he would never have enough courage to undertake their deeds. In my opinion, such people are actually under a delusion.
To start with, I absolutely agree with the words of Elder Arsenios the Cave-dweller. It is clear that reading about martyrdom, austerity, missionary work of people who were committed to Christ even to death, does not leave us indifferent. These people took up their cross and followed Christ. Their way to God's Kingdom was sometimes too hard to be followed. However, we certainly should seek God as they did. For example, the life of St. Elizabeth Feodorovna, especially her love of God, inspires me to forget about myself and help those who need my hand. Of course, I cannot imagine emulating her way, I just make attempts to be at least a little like her.
As for the second point of the quote, it can be learnt only by experience. I do not have an opportunity to share my experience regarding this point, but I undoubtedly believe it to be true. Here I have the only one reason: God is Love and Mercy and so is His Heavenly Court.

M.A. [(4,5) 14]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Strictly speaking, the words of Abbot Nikon Vorobiev force us to take a careful look at our close ones and realize that they are the most precious people of ours. We should not become alienated from them, but cherish them. I strongly believe that we must always start with our own family. Because being attentive to other people requires a great deal of love. As far as I know it is important to learn how to love and respect every single person in our family at first to be directed to relate to others patiently and forgivingly.
«Do not judge and you will not be judged»! These words were revealed to all Christians of all generations. How often I hear: «You do not commune with Christ in the Eucharist even once a month! You do not always pray both liturgically and personally! If you continue to ignore culminating moments of our spiritual life, you will impoverish your relationship with God»! Meantime we are not allowed to berate each other, conversely we are supposed to support each other and sometimes to help with a subtle piece of advice – not with a sort of rebuke. I overjoyed to read this dictum, because we cling to Christ with faith, hope and love, wherein we live in a real world and are to love even casual acquaintances as well.

И.M. [(5) 18,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Strictly speaking, the words of Abbot Nikon Vorobiev force us to take a careful look at our close ones and realize that they are the most precious people of ours. We should not become alienated from them, but cherish them. I strongly believe that we must always start with our own family. Because being attentive to other people requires a great deal of love. As far as I know it is important to learn how to love and respect every single person in our family at first to be directed to relate to others patiently and forgivingly.
«Do not judge and you will not be judged»! These words were revealed to all Christians of all generations. How often I hear: «You do not commune with Christ in the Eucharist even once a month! You do not always pray both liturgically and personally! If you continue to ignore culminating moments of our spiritual life, you will impoverish your relationship with God»! Meantime we are not allowed to berate each other, conversely we are supposed to support each other and sometimes to help with a subtle piece of advice – not with a sort of rebuke. I overjoyed to read this dictum, because we cling to Christ with faith, hope and love, wherein we live in a real world and are to love even casual acquaintances as well.

И.M. [(5) 18,5]

1. There are so many VEHICLES OF SALVATION but they are all worthless without true love for God and your neighbour.
2. Recently I have visited the Pskov Dormition Monastery of the Caves and the CELL of ELDER John (Krestiankin). There I was overwhelmed by feelings of joy, and it seemed to me that THE UNCEASING DOXOLOGIES OF GOD'S HEAVENLY COURT were present there.
3. When the UNSEEN WARFARE becomes unbearable, I take my PRAYER BOOK and speak to our Merciful God with the help of our GOD-BEARING FATHERS' heritage.
4. The life of the DESERT FATHERS is a real mystery to me as I cannot do without hot water and, by the way, I am afraid of some sorts of insects.
5. Love is the only weapon for us - LATTER-DAY CHRISTIANS.

M.A. [(4,5) 9,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To start with, I absolutely agree with the quote. Elder Paisios does not say anything new. Nonetheless, we often forget that everyone has their own unseen warface and must be treated with love and sympathy. And yet, even I, an Orthodox Christian, shout at my little niece at times. Elder John (Krestyankin) said that we should be lenient towards mistakes of our brothers and sisters. This is the beginning of true God's love.
Elder Paisios mentions that "the evil is within us not outside". From my own experience I would say that anger and irritation always arise inside me indeed and, what is more, they drain my soul. Once I had an instruction regarding this situation that enormously helped me. I should lift my mind up in a fervent prayer and remind myself about my imperfect spiritual state. Moreover, God loves me with all my passions and sins, and I must love my neighbours with everything they have without exceptions.

M.A. [(5) 5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The words of elder Paisios of Mount Athos make clear that there is no doubt that when we are scandalized, the evil is within us. However we often forget about it or simply have so sketchy a knowledge of this important fact. Because of this the devil might be emboldened by our hostility and take an active part in placing a serious strain upon us and our companions. As a result we may remain enclosed in our own world of ideas. Last year I had such experience with my neighbor. We even made our disagreements worse by pushing them to extremes. For example, I was intemperate in my words and completely forgot the value in the opposite point of view. But some time later we found strength enough and did much to get on very well again. And now when I feel scandalized, I remind myself that even a small dispute can extend beyond harmlessness to a fierce scandal.
I believe that in God’s name we must promote and practice mutual respect, tolerance and peaceful coexistence with people around us. Then God bestow upon us the remission of sins.

И.M. [(4) 13,5]

1. Our priest once said that sometimes he meets people in his MISSIONARY work who find it impossible to believe and assume that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God; thus he has to affect their understanding and try to help such people to DISMISS their sinister doubts.
2. This year we are going to study the LITURGICAL TRADITION, a new subject for us, thus we are expected to know CHURCH ORDER in the context of WORSHIP appropriately and comprehend all the technicalities.
3. My friend was not allowed to marry a Tatar to avoid putting RELIGIOUS UNITY of the future family at risk.
4. When reflecting on the CRUCIFIXION of Christ, I always remember that «there is salvation in no one else», He never compels, but invites us to REPENT with outstretched arms upon the Cross.
5. Unfortunately some of my relatives remain CATECHUMENS.

И.M. [(4,5) 9,5]

1. My family’s birthplace is the village called Okino-Kluchi in Buryatia, the aboriginal population of which – «semeyskie» are THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX OLD RITUALISTS. This year they founded their particular church and received a priest from Moscow to bless it.
2. One day in one of the sermons our priest said that not all the LATTER-DAY DEVOTIONAL books are worth reading.
3. From time to time I UNWARRANTABLY RUSH INTO condemnation of people, although I ask myself to UNDERTAKE ASPIRATIONS to cease this poisonous business.
4. My kith spent a few weeks in WITHDRAWAL from LAY MATTERS in the Solovetsky MONASTIC HOUSE this summer and now they love this holy place with the PERFECT LOVE and CHERISH every minute spent there in LABOUR.
5. My friend PERSEVERED in taking her way to Ekaterinburg to have a word with an ELDER. But only from the third attempt she succeeded, because he rarely opens the door of his CELL.

И.M. [(5) 5]

А.Г. [8,75]

E.З. [3,5]

M.O. [19,5]

М.Ч. [20,25]

М.К. [54]

2nd year of study: Spring 2018

1. The presence of images of the Savior Christ and the Virgin Mary is obligatory in the home ICONOSTASIS.
2. The CLERGY are divided into «white» consisting of married persons, and «black» persons who took monastic vows.
3. Denying the divine image, the ICONOCLASTS thus denied the possibility of the spiritualization of matter.
4. IDOLATRY is a religion based on the worship of many gods.
5. The monastery of St. Catherine is situated near MOUNT SINAI, where the burning bush grows.
6. Currently, about 100 million Christians are PERSECUTED in different countries of the world.
7. RELIGIOUS HOUSES still exist in Russia, where they not only provide medical support and care for patients, but also study the aging process together with the gerontological centers.
8. The Holy Sepulchre is a place of WORSHIP for Christians all over the world.
9. The TRIUMPH OF ORTHODOXY was established in Greece in the IX century, in memory of the final victory over the enemies of Orthodoxy – the iconoclasts.
10. Angels are INCORPOREAL spirits with reason and free will, consciously choosing the path of obedience and service to God.
11. The inner MAKING OBEISANCE TO GOD is expressed in love for Him and your neighbor.
12. The idea that all religions WORSHIP one GOD is wrong at the very root.
13. THE NATIVITY FAST was established so that, having been purified by repentance, prayer and enlightened in soul and heart, the faithful could adequately welcome the Son of God who appeared in the world.
14. SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST's sermons were filled with extraordinary power, many baptized were sure that he was the expected Messiah, but he dispelled their speculation with the words that after him comes he who is the Strongest, who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire, and thus made it clear to people that he is not Christ, but only his FORERUNNER.
15. The Lord rewarded the PROPHETESS ANNA for many years of service, giving her in the 84th year of life a meeting with Jesus Christ.
16. Jesus Christ appeared to be the Son of God, the voice of God the Father was heard from heaven, who proclaimed Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove – THE HOLY EPIPHANY happened.
17. Jesus Christ is THE HIGH PRIEST who made the perfect sacrifice, thus opening the way for God to all people.
18. All the glorified saints have the days of COMMEMORATION established by the Church, most often these are the days of their blessed death.
19. The transition from Islam is seen as a grave crime, and Christians are often persecuted by MOSLEM extremists.
20. THE FIRST WEEK OF THE LENT ends with the celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.

А.Г. [12]

1. There is something higher than the KINSHIP between the Jesus and the Mother of God, as the main thing is the spiritual connection.
2. My favourite chapter in the Gospel is when Jesus SUMMONED his disciples and plenty of people and worked a great miracle, as he fed many people with seven loaves of bread and two fishes.
3. Due to the resurrection of Christ people were bestowed with EVERLASTING LIFE.
4. The most difficult thing for the youth is to remember to say the PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING after the Holy Communion.
5. During the Holy Communion we have to be careful physically and spiritually as even our thoughts can UPSET the chalice.
6. Holy Cross is the SIGN OF SALVATION.
7. In Orthodox services the church INCENSE is a significant part as it's the symbol of prayers which are rising up to God.
8. ANOINTING WITH OIL is one of the sacred acts in the Eastern Church.
9. We can call the CHRISMATION as the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit.
10. The slavery of the Jews and their salvation is described in the book of EXODUS.
11. The main Gospels whose plot has a lot of similarities are written by of the MATTHEW, MARK AND LUKE.
12. In the RELEVATION are given the mysterious prophesies about the future.

А.К. [(6) 48,25]

1. A CHARGE OF HERESY was brought AGAINST Tanchelm of Antwerp in the beginning of 12th century.
2. Martyrs and righteous deserve THE CELESTIAL GLORY.
3. Metropolitan Kallistos is an ELOQUENT PREACHER.
4. An INTEMPERATE person almost isn't able to fight against sins.
5. The official history of THE PAPACY covers a period of 1700 years.
6. SAINT JOHN THE ALMSGIVER was born to a noble family in 6th century.
7. My family has already been doing CHARITABLE WORK for 7 years.
8. John the Baptist WITHDREW FROM SOCIETY and lived in the DESERT.
9. Some clergymen were in DISGRACE with Ivan IV.
10. The elders possess SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT.
11. The Byzantine emperors were considered VICEGERENTS OF GOD.

Э.К. [(5) 28,75]

WITHDRAWAL FROM SOCIETY into the desert might be essential for some of us.

E.З. [(0,5) 69,5]

My first long PILGRIMAGE was to Diveevo a few years ago.

А.Т. [(0,5) 66,75]

1. Baptism contributes to the REDEMPTION of original sin.
2. Confession FAVORS the spiritual growth of a person.
3. Everyone who commits sin is in the BONDAGE OF SIN.
4. Through the Eucharist we can ACHIEVE UNION WITH GOD.
5. We confess that the three Persons of God are CONSUBSTANIAL.
6. Theophan the Recluse is a worthy example of a man who led an AUSTERE lifestyle.
8. Bishop Theophan has been proving the INCORPOREAL nature of the soul.
9. God's grace is UNCIRCUMSCRIBED.

Э.К. [(4) 19,75]

1. Not only THE CLERGY should take care of the material support of various Orthodox projects, but also all THE FAITHFUL.
2. Even if our methods of fighting against sins sometimes are INTEMPERATE, we should not give up so that demons are ultimately DISGRACED.

1. There is a pigeon-house on the territory of my gymnasium. And we have a tradition of releasing pigeons on THE ANNUNCIATION.
2. THEOPHANY is the REVELATION of all Persons of the Holy Trinity.

1. The vessel with the Theophany water, icons, blessed PUSSY WILLOW branches are stored in AN ICON CORNER.
2. There are three types of monastic life: THE EREMITIC LIFE, THE COMMUNITY LIFE and the SEMI-EREMITIC LIFE.

А.Т. [(5,5) 51,5]

1) All people have FALLEN NATURE, but it doesn't mean we can't DISCERN our SHORTCOMINGS and guard ourselves from evil.
2) Every "OLD MAN" has a possibility to change his or her mind and be RELEASED FROM any SINS here on the Earth.
3) We can prove our RIGHTEOUSNESS in our ZEAL to make our souls be CLOSELY-KNIT with God and ASPIRATION to Him.

M.O. [(3) 68,5]

1) It's wonderful and important for all Christians TO LEAD A LIFE OF CONTEMPLATION feeling the UNCEASING love, GENEROSITY and ASSISTANCE of God.
2) In Church History classes we learn new information about MATTERS OF various DOCTRINES, CASES of EXCOMMUNICATION of people for their HETERODOXY and ESTRANGEMENT from some true and undeniable things and other events which influenced the life of LATTER-DAY CHRISTIANS.
3) To follow the idea of VIRTUE is a great LABOUR for anyone, but we all should try to UNDERTAKE this important WORK to get closer to the HEAVENLY COURT.
4) Yesterday I read about Saint Ignatius who wrote, that especially strong UNSEEN and SPIRITUAL WARFARE is revealed in us when we try to live according to the Gospel.

M.O. [(6) 54,5]

1. ANOINTING WITH OIL is an act of God's mercy on us; we achieve RECONCILIATION with God by participating in it.
2. Just because a priest has read A PRAYER OF ABSOLUTION, it does not mean that sins, deliberately hidden by you, are forgiven.
3. It still remains a mystery to me why the deacon holds THE ORARION in his hand when he recites the litany.
4. The image of THE GOOD SHEPHERD in the Orthodox texts is taken from the New Testament.
5. One of the reasons why many Orthodox theologians recognize that the Pope is THE SUCCESSOR OF PETER in a special sense is the fact that even when FALLING INTO HERESY, generally, the Roman Empire was noted for the purity of its faith.

1. AN ALB is a liturgical GARMENT of a priest or a Bishop, which they wear when they CELEBRATE THE LITURGY.
2. From the 16th to the 17th centuries A CHASUBLE has been made of heavy BROCADE, so that its top rises above the priest's shoulders.
3. In gymnasium attending the Law of God lessons we studied the history of the Great SCHISM, ARIANISM, Monophysite and MONOTHELITE HERESIES.
4. I know that there are mosques for the representatives of the MOHAMMEDAN religion in Moscow, but the fact that there are pagan temples for INFIDELS here is a discovery for me.
5. According to the Apostle Paul, the epigonation symbolizes "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Eph. 6:17).

1. The hegumens of monasteries on Mount Athos also have the right to wear PANAGIA.
2. A distinctive feature of the Russian STAFF is vexillum – double handkerchief hanging from the pommel to protect the hand from the cold.
3. When I was a child I was impressed by the Bishop's MITRE because it reminded me of the Royal crown.
4. THE ICONOCLASTS mistakenly believed that THE ICONODULES were LATENT IDOLATERS; rejecting icons, the Iconoclasts thereby denied that MATTER CAN BE REDEEMED.

1. A MEMORIAL SERVICE (PANIKHIDA) is served in front of A MEMORIAL TABLE where you can light candles and pray for THE DEAD.
2. When the relics of the saints are brought to our church, they are placed in special SHRINES around the church, and the PARISHIONERS always PROSTRATE THEMSELVES before them.
3. We should always pray for THE DECEASED in order to beg the Lord to grant them LIFE EVERLASTING.

1. THE GREAT FAST is considered to be the strictest fasting in the Orthodox Church.
2. In Orthodox Church TWELVE GREAT FEASTS are divided into movable and immovable.
3. Christmas and THEOPHANY are my favourite feasts from the twelve great feasts, because I really like All-night Vigil on Christmas night and the Theophany PROCESSION.

А.Т. [(4,5) 46]

1. It is a widespread opinion that Many people say: "If I were rich, I would have had a BOUNTIFUL HAND, but I'm an average person with little money in my pocket, so I don't give alms". That is not right! TRUE GENEROSITY is when you give someting not from an excess of money, but because of love to the neighbour.
2. I believe that when my naughty little niece was nearly hit by a car, THE GUARDIAN ANGEL saved her.
3. The SUPPLICATORY CANON TO THE MOTHER OF GOD is so consolatory. That's why it is the Canon that I try to read when I am ASSAILED BY TEMPTATIONS.

1. My parish doesn't consist of a lot of PARISHIONERS. Thus our PARISHIONERS form a closely knit family.
2. Truth be told, I really like singing THE HOURS FOR HOLY PASCHA.
3. Actually, I don't want to be a LATTER-DAY CHRISTIAN because it is enormously hard and I'm such a weak person (in the spiritual life).
4. Sometimes I can't bear this UNSEEN WARFARE that takes place in my inner world. In this case, I don't despair but try to say the Jesus prayer attentively.
5. At times I have a thought to leave everything and to start LEADING A LIFE OF CONTEMPLATION in a monastery. But I cast aside this idea because I have to practise in GOOD WORK by obedience to my beloved parents.

M.A. [(5) 91,1]

1. The ESTRANGEMENT between western and eastern MEDITERRANEAN WORLD was due to politics, economics and theological factors.
2. Cardinal Humbert was accompanied by two other LEGATES OF THE POPE.
3. The first step in the separation of the parts was the placing of BULL OF EXCOMMUNICATION upon the altar in Hagia Sophia.
4. The cause of the great SCHISM was caused in the 1054.
5. During the service the bread of the Holy Gifts is CARVED UP for the Holy Communion.
6. The unity between Greek East and Latin West was destroyed by barbarians and has never been RESTORED. So it was very difficult to BRIDGE THE GULF BETWEEN these two religious centers.
7. The SEVERANCE took place in the 11th century.
8. The RISE OF ISLAM was the reason of large parts of the Mediterranean being under Arab control.
9. This estrangement was CONDITIONED BY cultural, political and economic factors.
10. The BULL is the part of the Catholic vest.
11. Eight COUNCILS were SUMMONED in the duration between first and eleventh century.
12. Priests are CENSING THE ALTAR during the service.
13. THE CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST is my favorite service.
14. The Emperor was the VICEGERENT OF GOD.
15. THE PRIESTHOOD was a very respected job.

А.К. [(4,5) 42,25]

1) Yesterday my friend INTERFERED in my dialog with his sister and started to reject VIGOROUSLY really true judgments about the Orthodox faith and to CHAMPION pagan vision of the world. We saw a kind of DUPLICITY in some of his IMPLICATIONS so, his condemnation of our opinion was UNWARRANTABLE.
2) One of my friends is really unique in her humility, maximum restraint and even SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT. If she DISCERNS some SHORTCOMINGS in someone's SECULAR LIFE, she will never ACCUSE them or show her PREEMINENCE. She would better accept a person as he or she is and just URGE to different good causes.
3) During the VESPERS a strange woman entered the church and started to sigh, to say aloud a prayer for the forgiveness of sins and to crouch to reach the floor with her hand after MAKING several SIGNS OF THE CROSS. It was a great TEMTATION for other parishioners not to start to explain that nothing depends on the number of ENTRY or DEPARTURE BOWS and to advise her to read about some RULES OF PIETY before JOINING THE COMMON PRAYER in the Church building.

M.O. [(5,5) 48,5]

1. Many people don't consider reading the PREFACE of the book necessary.
2. My uncle is a man of exceptional GENEROSITY.
3. PIETY lives in the souls of the righteous.
4. Strong people do UNCEASING efforts to achieve their aim.
5. The average time given over to my CONTEMPLATION is estimated at one hour.

Э.К. [(1,5) 15,75]

1. In my view, IT ISN’T JUST to condemn other people as we are all sinners, the only judge in our world is God.
2. Saint John Chrysostom PREACHED eloquent, long-lasting SERMONS so for this reason he is often called “John of the Golden Mouth”.
3. The Pope of Rome is considered to be A VICEGERENT OF GOD in Catholicism.

1. When we commit sins we ESTRANGE ourselves from God but, unfortunately, most of us not always give attention to this.
2. THE GREAT SCHISM of the Christian Church into Roman Catholic and Orthodox happened in 1054.
3. If a Christian commits a great sin, he IS EXCOMMUNICATED from participating in Church sacraments for some time.

М.Ч. [(2,5) 69,75]

1. When I am ASSAILED by TEMPTATIONS that everything is bad, I always try to read the AKATHIST HYMN to SWEETEST JESUS to VANQUISH them. Also it always brings me happy tears.
2. One day I read CALENDAR of the LITURGICAL COMMEMORATIONS and discovered that my name might be Tatyana.
3. When I was a child I was allowed to read only the CANON to JESUS before the confession.

И.M. [(2,5) 75,65]

1) My classmate Margarita is an extremely talented photographer; some time ago she posted an amazing photo of newly-wed MAN AND WIFE holding the WEDDING CANDLES.
2) Girls and I were very excited about our friend’s BETROTHAL; now she is wearing her wedding ring on THE RING FINGER.
3) As I know, at THE wedding LITANIES FOR THE COUPLE are being said before THEY ARE CROWNED with the MARRIAGE CROWNS.

1) Of all the 12 GREAT FEASTS my favourite ones are THE NATIVITY of Christ and THE ANNUNCIATION.
2) It’s also a part of our MINISTRY to observe A CYCLE OF FEASTS AND FASTS and prepare ourselves to celebration of feasts by fasting.
3) After fasting is over, SPIRITUAL JOY SPILLS OVER INTO A BODILY FEAST, and I feel it especially during ADVENT and LENT.
4) I believe it’s not quite CUSTOMARY to PROSTRATE ONESELF before SHRINES with icons nowadays.

E.З. [(10) 62]

1) It was an OUTBREAK in our joint reading of the religious book when my friend stood up and started to RESENT and DEFEND VIGOROUSLY his opinion about IDOLOTARY and to CONDEMN everything I said to him, UPHOLDING the author's words.
2) ULTIMATELY he realised that his view was PREDOMINANTLY INFIDEL, CEASED TO STRUGGLE and sat down.
3) As people were singing PRAYERS FOR THE DEPARTED and there was a COFFIN in the center of the church, I understood, it was a FUNERAL SERVICE.
4) When my friend from Kazakhstan UNINTENTIONALLY learnt I wasn't a MOSLEM, it SUSPENDED our communication for some time.
5) In Greece we met a former CHURCH ATTENDANT who had lived in an UNDERGROUND DWELLING a half of his life and reached the state of SPIRITUAL JOY.

M.O. [(5,5) 43]

1. Once I heard that in some rare cases it may even happen that the HOLY EUCHARIST is brought to the monk or NUN who remains perpetually alone.
2. The humble beginnings of the Konevsky MONASTIC HOUSE, where I want to make a PILGRIMAGE, can be found in the faith and determination of the BROTHERHOOD and in Arseny Konevsky, the great PIONEER.

1. I often remind myself that I should offer THANKSGIVING to God for all the blessings He BESTOWS upon me.
2. Once I read a very interesting interview and caught a wonderful unusual phrase: «Let’s live in such a way that all may know that we have been REDEEMED, in other words, let's live each day in freedom and joy.
3. At «The Church history» we were told that Constantine entrusted the Church with substantial amounts of tax revenue to use for CHARITABLE WORK.
4. I believe, the Great Feast of the ASCENSION, which this year we celebrate on Thursday, May 17, is the FULFILLMENT of Easter, and a movement upward toward the Kingdom of Heaven.

И.M. [(5,5) 57,75]

1. It is common knowledge that not everyone is able to lead the LIFE OF STRICT ENCLOSURE, but sometimes I wish I could find myself on an uninhabited island where there would be only me and God.
2. It is utterly salutary for our SPIRITUALITY, in my opinion, to LEAD THE SOLITARY LIFE at times as WITHDRAWAL AND SOLITUDE help THE FAITHFUL to make themselves "SPIRIT - BEARING".
3. I love travelling very much but I prefer PILGRIMAGES TO DIFFERENT MONASTIC HOUSES to secular travelling.
4. Spiritual life of a monk needs the GUIDANCE OF AN ELDER, and so lay people require the guidance of a spiritual father.
5. Unfortunately it is prohibited for women to visit ATHOS, but I was glad to visit the ATHOS metochion.

M.A. [(5) 69,5]

1) Each August I'm a little bit sad AT BEING PARTED FROM my parents for 4 months until the end of ADVENT.
2) To my mind, pious parishioners are DESTINED to CHRIST'S MINISTRY just like THE HIGH PRIESTS were DESTINED a long time ago.
3) I consider DEPARTING IN PEACE during sleep to be the best death for a virtuous Christian. I imagine it this way: a heavenly LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS and a soul leaves the body.
4) THE DWELLING PLACE OF GOD is everywhere: in each home, inside of us, and especially in church; THE PRESENCE OF GOD may be felt, for instance, during THE SERVICE OF VESPERS.
5) THE FEAST OF THEOPHANY is one of the twelve great feasts on which we celebrate the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, who IS glorified. St. JOHN THE FORERUNNER baptized the Son of God, who was sinless. When He was coming out of the water, the Holy Spirit descended as a DOVE upon Him, and a voice from Heaven said: "Thou art My beloved Son; in Thee I am well pleased".

1) On the 7th of April my family and me celebrate two feasts: THE ANNUNCIATION and my birthday. And for me, this day is like THE CLIMAX of a year.
2) At PASCHA we traditionally DYE eggs and DISTRIBUTE them; most people don't ROAST A LAMB anymore though.
3) We break THE BOND OF OUR SINS by the WILLING ACCEPTANCE of the Holy Communion.
4) Every year on the fortieth day of PASCHA we celebrate the Feast of THE ASCENSION of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are OVERCOME WITH AWE just like Apostles were when the MESSIAH ascended into Heaven.
5) On the Sunday before PASCHA, the so-called PALM SUNDAY, we DISTRIBUTE branches from the PUSSY WILLOW in order to reverence the MESSIAH and celebrate His ENTRY into Jerusalem.

1) Even though we MOVED HOUSE ages ago, we haven't had a HOUSE BLESSING and BLESSINGS of our BELONGINGS, and it's very bad.
2) THE ICON CORNER is the center of worship in our house. There we have icons, an oil lamp, branches of THE PUSSY WILLOW from PALM SUNDAY and A SUPPLY OF HOLY WATER, which we usually drink ON EMPTY STOMACH and SPRINKLE on our BELONGINGS sometimes.
3) In order to receive a BLESSING from a priest we CUP RIGHT HAND OVER LEFT. In my opinion, BLESSINGS are GIFTS FROM GOD, which we receive (for instance, when we ARE TAKEN ILL) from His BOUNTIFUL HANDS.
4) This PASCHA my mother and me didn't BREAK OUR FAST right away after the Paschal Vigil; we ate Easter cakes and DYED EGGS ON EMPTY STOMACH in the morning.
5) When visiting a nunnery I find it impressive how ABBESSES and nuns are SET APART IN GOD'S SERVICE AND IN HIS CARE.
6) Each Lent we praise not only Jesus Christ, but also God for the BOUNTY He bestowed upon us through THE PASSIONS of His Son.

E.З. [(15) 52]

1. Not everyone can LEAD THE MONASTIC LIFE, only those who are strong in spirit can be SET APART from society in order to FULFILL A PROPHETIC and ESCHATOLOGICAL MINISTRY.
2. My cousin is making A PILGRIMAGE to Jerusalem along with her parish this spring.
3. Seraphim of Sarov who led THE SOLITARY LIFE in his CELL is one of the most REVERED MONKS in the Russian Orthodox history.

М.Ч. [(3,5) 53]

1. The emperor Alexios I Komnenos made compulsory not only the wedding, but the BETROTHAL along with the civil contract for the full establishment of the MARRIAGE.
2. It is really awesome when the CROWNING COUPLE holds WEDDING CANDLES and stands in front of the ICONOSTASIS, it reminds me of a King and a Queen.
3. The married couple should realize that exchange of rings represents ETERNAL PROMISE to love and respect each other.
4. We carefully studied the essence of THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY and THE DOCTRINE OF INCARNATION in the theology course.
5. Truth be told, a lot of non-Christians don't make A JUST INTERPRETATION of Orthodox views.

А.Т. [(4,5) 27,5]

1. In the first centuries of the Christianity there was a movement of the ICONOCLASTS.
2. ICONODULES won in the struggle against iconoclasts.
3. It was considered that veneration of icons is the latent idolatry.
4. The most debatable MATTER during the earliest centuries was veneration of icons.
5. We kiss the symbol of the “THE PRECIOUS AND LIFE GIVING CROSS” during the services, after confession etc.
6. The CHIEF CHAMPION OF THE ICONS was ST. John of Damascus.
7. Venerators of icons were mistakenly considered to be GUILTY OF IDOLATRY.
8. He devoted his life to WORSHIPING GOD.
9. People MAKE OBEISANCE during services in honor to the God.
10. INCORPOREAL and UNCIRCUMSCRIBED God DEIGNED to descent to the perishable people and gave us the gift of eternal life.
11. The priest CENSES the church during the services.

13. All the parishioners were SPINKLED during the service which commemorated the event of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem.
14. The PUSSY WILLOWS are the alternative version of the symbol of the palms which grow in Jerusalem.

А.К. [(6) 33,75]

1) I remember my family and I were in our favourite church after THE LENT, OVERCAME WITH AWE, GLORIFYING THE TRINITARIAN GOD and rejoicing that PASCHA has come.
2) Our spiritual joy intensified, when the bishop SPRINKLED US WITH some BLESSED WATER with aspergillum in his BOUNTIFUL HAND.
3) When we came home after THE LITURGY it was time to thank God for His grace and love, so we stood in front of our ICON CORNER and after several special prayers went to the kitchen to BREAK THE FAST together.
4) It was a difficult period for me two weeks ago as I WAS TAKEN ILL, but the help of my best friend was like a GIFT OF GOD, which allowed me to overcome this problem and TO RECOVER by the PALM SUNDAY.

M.O. [(5,5) 37,5]

1. In the Chapel of Archangel Michael near Moscow I know one nun who has a great SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT, and everyone can feel it when having a dialogue with her.
2. Every clergyman who lives in a MONASTIC HOUSE should bring up young boys to make them the SUCCESSORS of monks who live in that place.

1. Nowadays undoubtedly THE COMMUNITY LIFE is an integral part of our existance, and as a rule we obey A COMMON RULE of morality living among the people.
2. MOUNT SINAI is a Mountain located in Egypt that was often mentioned in the Bible and it is an historically important place that is used for PILIGRIMAGE.

1. If someone read the book 'The Wind In The Willows', these people likely mentioned that Mr. Toad was an INTEMPERATE and ACRIMONIOUS person.
2. Today people have many digital resources that help the willing to do CHARITABLE WORK if they want to.

М.К. [(4) 24,5]

1. PASCHA, or, as it is often called, the Feast of Feasts, and Triumph of Triumphs, is considered to be THE CENTRAL Christian FEAST in THE CHURCH CALENDAR as it symbolizes the victory over death and the gift of eternal life to people.
2. THE MESSIAH, our Lord Jesus Christ became man and sacrificed himself on the cross for the sake of human salvation.
3. People who GREETED Jesus Christ riding on a donkey into JERUSALEM WERE OVERCOME WITH AWE before him.
1. In AN ICON CORNER in addition to icons we have A SUPPLY OF consecrated oil that we use when someone of our family IS TAKEN ILL.
2. After a long and difficult fast our family gathered together to BREAK OUR FAST with an EASTER cake and dyed eggs.
3. At the end of the Passion Week I went to the church and during the service together with other parishioners VENERATED THE ICON of the Annunciation and after that was anointed with oil by the priest.

М.Ч. [(4,5) 49,5]

1. Nowadays we can look at photos of the child in the WOMB.
2. After this vacation my studies begin IN EARNST.
3. Some prayers give me shivers and standing in church with AWE.
4. A week ago on Palm Sunday lots of PUSSY-WILLOWS were consecrated.
5. I had a plentiful SUPPLY of clothes that I even didn't wear.
6. I disapprove of plastic surgery because I think it's wrong to DEPRIVE yourself of being yourself.
7. The main road traffic is SUSPENDED throughout our city on the Day of Victory.
8. Each service in church should be an occasion for REJOICING.
9. My younger brother has a RADIANT smile.
10. People become ICONOCLASTS because of their spiritual weakness and remoteness from God.

Э.К. [(4) 14,25]

1. We have to pray for the DECEASED every day.
2. The FUNERAL SERVICE was attended by mourners.

3. The MEMORIAL SERVICE made me sad.
In the candle desk they advised me to pray for the dead at the MEMORIAL TABLE.
I take Holy communion to inherit the EVERLASTING LIFE.

 6. The Glorious Sun of Righteousness gives this world the feeling of hope.
7. The voices of sinners are crying in the WILDERNESS.
8. The LEPER was healed by the power of Christ.
9. The KINSHIP between image of God and people is obvious.
10. Every person has his own DESOLATED part of the soul with emptiness which is killing him.
11. Christ BESTOWED upon people eternal life and their souls are perishable.
12. The heaven is a large HOUSEHOLD of our great Father.
13. The example of Christ's courage LED THE MANKIND TO REPETANCE of their sins.
14. God BESTOWS THE REMISSION of sins upon every child who is repenting.
15. The Holy Gospel tells us how Christ SUMMONed his disciples to spread the faith among the people.
16. The MOURNING march is a traditional secular action.
17. People are becoming SUPERFICIAL these days.
18. All righteous people will be REWARDED in the heaven by their Lord.

А.К. [(7) 27,75]

1. When we celebrate the BAPTISM OF CHRIST, it is customary in our dormitory to ask Father Phillip to BLESS our rooms by SPRINKLING them throughout with HOLY WATER.
2. I always pray to God when I’m going to ASK FOR A PRIEST’S BLESSING.
3. IN a week's time we are COMMEMORATING PALM SUNDAY so during this week PUSSY WILLOW is supposed to be bought and then blessed in the church.

И.M. [(3) 52,25]

1. To my mind, it is not correct to VENERATE ICONS during the service because it distracts other people from praying.
2. CHARITABLE WORK is a very important component of Christian life. You cannot be a Christian in the full sense of the word if you do not BESTOW UPON those who are in need even a small part of your wealth. For Christ said in His sermon on the Mount, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy".
3. We all must be the ALMSGIVERS for it is our duty to give the needy a share in what God BESTOWS UPON us.
4. My little niece does not like at all when the priest SPRINKLES her with HOLY WATER when she kisses the Cross.
5. Sometimes I think of those people who do not even think of their SALVATION and ACHIEVING UNION WITH GOD. It turns out that they close for themselves the way to the bridge which was formed between God and man by the INCARNATE CHRIST.

M.A. [(4) 64,5]

1. It's hard to see one's relatives in the COFFIN.
2. I believe that it's possible to receive the ABSOLUTION of many sins doing one great good deed.
3. The soul can't be DECEASED.
4. All the participants of the event had their own ANTICIPATIONS.
5. People bring and put food on the MEMORIAL TABLE in many temples.
6. Usually a small sin SPILLS OVER INTO the gratest.
7. I always try to AVOID conflict by seeking a compromise.
8. I've never been to a WILDERNESS.
9. My friend PROSTRATED herself with frustration.

Э.К. [(3,5) 7]

1. Svetlana Vitalievna told us that PENTECOST is called an apocalyptic day, which means the day of final REVELATION. 2. After the midnight PASCHAL service in my parish it is traditional to gather together to receive our reward holding festival and to share the full-laden table. Our Father Eugene lets no one go away hungry.

И.M. [(1,5) 26]

1. Last year I was in the monastery near Ilovaiskaja Street on THE ANNUNCIATION where I saw the tradition of the release of DOVES into the wild.
2. 'CHRIST IS RISEN!' - what significant words they are for every person, though, lamentably, not everyone realises their significance.
3. When I was a child I didn't like DYEING EGGS in onion husk.
4. THE TRANSFIGURATION is a feast which shows and vows that our bodies as well as souls will be transfigured if we are faithful to Christ the Saviour.
5. PALM SUNDAY is one of my favourite feasts because we meet our Lord with branches of pussy-willow which are blessed on this day.

M.A. [(2,5) 31,5]

1. On February 15th we, the Orthodox, celebrate the great feast of THE MEETING OF our LORD, Jesus Christ.
2. Some non-Orthodox celebrate THEOPHANY, but the cause for which this feast was established they do not know, so missionaries at our church in Krasnoyarsk explain to them that it’s a great feast when Christ made Himself known to all through baptizing.
3. THE SERVICE OF VESPERS prepares us for the sleep of the night and the dawn of the new day to come.
4. When I was on my winter holidays I was heard that ADVENT services make the indisputable point that we should not pride ourselves with external fasting because the devil also never eats.
5. My ex-roommate was a historian and she told me that THE NATIVITY began to be celebrated as such on the twenty-fifth of December in order to compensate the PAGAN festival of the Invincible Sun which occurred on that day.

И.M. [(3) 24,5]

1. If an Orthodox PROSTRATES HIMSELF in church or during his PERSONAL PRAYERS at home, it means that he shows humility and REVERENCE to God.
2. It is really hard to keep THE FAST, but FASTING is very necessary for every ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN as it leads up to SPIRITUAL JOY that SPILLS OVER into A BODILY FEAST.
1. CHRISTMAS is one of the central TWELVE GREAT FEASTS, THE FEAST when with the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ LIGHT SHONE IN THE DARKNESS.
2. The Virgin Mary was only three years old when she ENTERED THE TEMPLE and WAS PARTED FROM her parents in order to serve God.

М.Ч. [(4) 23]

1. I admire those people who become monks at a young age. The thing is they love God so much that they are not SAD AT BEING PARTED FROM THEIR PARENTS and relatives taking their monastic vows.
3. People ARE DESTINED to the joyful life but not on earth. Unfortunately most people do nor realise it, that's why they live the life to the fullest measure and do not even think of THE RECONCILIATION WITH GOD.
4. MEETING OF THE LORD is the feast which COMMEMORATES the meeting of Simeon in the Temple. I wish every living person has his own meeting with the Lord. It is immensly important for MAN'S SALVATION.
5. A few people today, I believe, love IN EARNEST. I mean modern generation does not know what true love is IN ACCORDANCE WITH the Gospel. True love SPRINGS FROM God, for He is Love. True love is the OFFERING, I mean, you sacrifice yourself for the sake of the one you love.

M.A. [(5) 29]

1. The most solemn blessing that God gave to every person in the world is the ability of our body to be SPIRIT-BEARING, and based on this fact, we can consider our fleshly matter to be A VEHICLE OF THE SPIRIT.
2. There is a part of the Divine Liturgy called The Liturgy of the FAITHFUL, because only the faithful were allowed to be present during its celebration, only already baptized people.

М.К. [(1,5) 11]

1. Most Orthodox people believe that the FEAST of NATIVITY of THE MOTHER OF GOD is also a celebration of human history, a celebration of faith in man, a celebration of man.
2. I’ve recently read that in celebrating the birth of THEOTOKOS we find ourselves already on the road to Bethlehem, moving toward the joyful mystery of Mary as the Mother of God.
3. I know that the CROSS of the Lord was the instrument by which He saved the world after the fall into sin. Now the Sign of the Cross is made at all the MYSTERIES and prayers of the Church.
4. The Holy Church solemnly glorifies the honorable DORMITION or translation of the Mother of God from earth to heaven, but before it a fortnightly strict fast takes place.
5. The holy FORERUNNER, John, was born six months before Christ.

И.M. [(2,5) 21,5]

1. THE IDOLATRY was the basis of the Vikings’ customs, and first of all, they MADE OBEISANCE to Odin, Thor and other ancient Scandinavian gods.
2. One of the main worship distinctions between pagans and Christians is that the Christians’ main path of life is THE WORSHIP DUE TO GOD ALONE.
1. THE ISAURIAN EMPERORS were successful in defending the Empire against the Caliphate after the onslaught of the early Muslim conquest.
2. The Icon of “THE TRIUMPH OF ORTHODOXY” was purchased by the British Museum in 1988, and its height was 38 centimetres.
1. THE RISE OF ISLAM was the period when the Muslim community spread through the Middle East through conquest.
2. The word INFIDEL is a Catholic term used to describe a person with any other religious connection beside that of Christian Catholicism.

М.К. [(2,5) 5,5]

1. The Christian idea concerning THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE that MAN and WIFE BECOME ONE FLESH, A UNION, where one person DENIES HIMSELF FOR the other seems to me really wise and important to found a strong family.
2. From the moment when my parents WERE CROWNED, they made AN ETERNAL PROMISE to be true to each other.
1. When my grandfather was sick we CALLED FOR THE PRIEST to PRAY OVER him, ANOINTING WITH OIL, to HEAL him physically and spiritually.
2. Preparing for the exam I found out what items are used in THE SACRAMENT OF HEALING, these are: seven CANDLES, seven COTTON BUDS, WHEAT, A DISH and A CUP in which oil and wine are mixed.
3. When we studied the seven SACRAMENTS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH at the lectures in the liturgical tradition we were shown some video materials about THE ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD.
4. THE DEACON is the first DEGREE OF THE PRIESTHOOD in the Church; he is A SERVANT who has A MINISTRY to THE CLERGY and to the people of THE PARISH.
1. THE VESTMENTS of THE PRIESTHOOD show their rank and title and distinguish them from the laity.
2. A PRIEST’S VESTMENTS are richer than a deacon has; his special clothes consist of AN ALB, A STOLE, A CHASUBLE, A GIRDLE and AN EPIGONATION.
1. THE BISHOP has a central place in THE DIOCESE; he is compared to THE GOOD SHEPHERD, who looks after his FLOCK, all priests and people of this DIOCESE.
2. Although VESTMENTS OF A BISHOP and of a priest are very similar, A BISHOP in contrast to a priest also wears A SAKKOS, AN OMOPHORION, A PALITSA, A MITRE and A PANAGIA.
1. I understand perfectly well that DEATH isn’t the end of a person’s life but BIRTH INTO A NEW LIFE, that there is no need for SORROW as EVERLASTING LIFE will come where a person will unite with GOD, but still it’s very hard for me to accept this.
2. My family very often commemorates our DECEASED relatives and PRAYS for them in order to show that we remember them and want them to ENTER INTO A PLACE where there is NO SIGHING, SORROW NOR PAIN.

М.Ч. [(19) 19]

1. The priest says the PRAYER OF ABSOLUTION at the end of the FUNERAL SERVICE, during which he proclaims that the sins of the DEPARTED are forgiven.
2. There is no requirement in the Orthodox Church that those in MOURNING must wear black. At FUNERALS the CLERGY wear white rather than black to show our hope we hold in the RESURRECTION and the EVERLASTING life.
3. There are five Saturdays during the course of the year dedicated to the DECEASED. On these Saturdays it is customary to celebrate the Divine Liturgy followed by a «PANIKHIDA» for all the faithful departed.

И.M. [(4) 19]

1. Sometimes PERFORMING the OFFICES BISHOPS take off their MITRES and hand them to the nearest altar-boy.
2. The person who obeys Christ and follows his way loves God and accomplishes his WILL.
3. Jesus Christ took on our nature and entered into the world in order to deliver mankind, through his death and RESURRECTION.
4. Orthodox Christians also believe that, in addition to asking God for FORGIVNESS in our PRIVATE prayers, we should CONFESS our sins sacramentally, thereby being REUNITED to Christ and to the faith COMMUNITY with whom we have broken communion through sin.
5. The DIVINE LITURGY is indeed the center of the Orthodox CHRISTIAN life.

И.M. [(5) 15]

1. I feel sorry for those people who do not live a church life with its CYCLE OF FEASTS AND FASTS.
2. They celebrate public holidays gathering together and eating. So they are not familiar with this great inexpressible feeling when THE SPIRITUAL JOY SPILLS OVER INTO A BODILY FEAST in celebrations of the СHURCH FEASTS.
3. Nowadays FASTS are in trend and, thus, many people are just on a VEGAN DIET. But it is not a fast. The aim of the true fast is a struggle against the pride, vanity, gluttony and other sins, not just losing weight.
4. THE GREAT FAST OR LENT is my favourite of all fasts. The thing is I love these long Lenten services during which you PROSTRATE YOURSELF many times saying the words of the prayer of Saint Ephraim.
5. God gives every person in the world his own MINISTRY. However, when a person finds out that he is better at something than others, he has a risk to fall into pride, though there is nothing to be proud of because we are granted with our talents by God to HAVE A MINISTRY TO our neighbours.

M.A. [(3,5) 24]

1. We Christians believe that our Merciful God accepts our prayers for the departed and that this may help THE DEPARTED to enter the place where is "NO SIGHING, SORROW AND PAIN, BUT LIFE EVERLASTING".
2. I feel sorry for people who mourn over a person's death instead of feeling joy, for even PRIEST'S VESTMENTS SIGNIFY THE JOY OF THE RESURRECTION.
3. To be honest, I like to sing MEMORIAL SERVICES very much. The thing is that the chants for THE DECEASED touch me greatly. They make one think about one's prime concern - to reach THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
4. It happened (historically in our country, I believe) that THE FUNERAL SERVICE is a lamentable event, but I dare to say that it is a feast day, if a person has lived with Christ and taken part in the sacraments. For in this case Christ, THE 'SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS', will meet him in the JOY OF EVERLASTING LIFE.
5. VENERATION OF ICONS is the essential feature OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. I am given comfort when I PROSTRATE MYSELF in front of icons with prayers.

M.A. [(7) 20,5]

1. We can notice that colour of VESTMENTS depends on church celebration.
2. Such things as MITRE, EPIGONATION and the right to wear the second PANAGIA are ecclesiastical awards.
3. VESTMENTS are mainly made of BROCADE and silk.
4. The Theotokos covered everyone with her OMOPHORION.
5. My ancle healed from bad DISEASE after I diligently prayed to St. Seraphim of Sarov.

Э.К. [(3,5) 3,5]

1. MONASTICISM is GIVING UP LIFE IN THE WORLD AND DEVOTING IT COMPLETELY TO GOD. People choose THE MONASTIC LIFE in order to save not only their souls but souls of their relatives and actually all people around the world. However, it is a very important step in a man's life. Not everyone can do it. A person must feel THE CALLING to this way of life. I always admire those people who arrive at such a decision, and sometimes wish to join them. But, to be honest, I'm too selfish to leave everything in the world including my family, though, it would be more beneficial with regard to the future eternal life.
2. Liturgies which are celebrated by BISHOPS are always solemn and magnificent.
3. Many saints led an AUSTERE LIFE relying entirely on God. But for us - people of little faith - this lifestyle seems to be amazing and incomprehensible.
4. Last Friday I sang THE FUNERAL SERVICE. I realized the fact that it is a trial singing THE PRAYERS FOR A DEPARTED PERSON whom you know very well.
5. Although DEATH IS BIRTH INTO A NEW HAPPY (unfortunately not for everyone) LIFE, most of the Orthodox weep over the body instead of being glad for the departed. These tears are very selfish because when people weep over the body, they mourn for themselves.

M.A. [(4,5) 13,5]

1. During the last week of Lent priests change dark vestment to A WHITE GARMENT.
2. Babies wear BAPTISMAL ROBES.
3. Throughout life we have to maintain our PURITY.
4. Priests wear vestments made of BROCADE.
5. Blue vestments are worn in honor of the Theotokos, such as the GIRDLE.
6. I like to visit church and TO CELEBRATE Sundays and feasts.
7. Deacons wear ALBS.
8. Priests wear CHASUBLE during the service.
9. EPIGONATION is a part of vestments which symbolize the weapon of the God’s word.
10. We used to CELEBRATE THE LITURGY on Sundays but it also can be on the other days of the week.

А.К. [(4) 17]

1. I can not imagine our churches without THE HOLY ICONS. So I do not understand how Roman Catholic people pray without them. From my point of view, THE HOLY IMAGES are the integral part of our Christian life. When it happens that I have woes and griefs, when I need help and a piece of advice, I by all means come to my ICONS and pray with tears to get everything that is burdening me at the moment off my chest. Truth be told, I always feel relieved after that.
2. Once I was fortunate enough to immerse in the JORDAN. It was an unforgetable experience.
3. I believe that we should not busy our mind thinking of what we should do in the future, we just need to pray to God and He will show us our CALLINGS, for we will not confuse our calling with fleeting desires.
4. There are many examples in our lives that the GOOD SHEPHERD goes and brings back to the FLOCK a lost sheep, as it happened to my grandmother.
5. I happened to attend the Liturgy during which a man WAS ORDAINED A DEACON. I was very happy because during ORDINATION YOU WITNESS THE APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION.

M.A. [(4,5) 9]

1. Traditionally the Orthodox understand everything in the Church to be SACRAMENTAL.
2. I have read that along with most of the other reforming CLERGY, Nikon at first was a firm believer in Moscow as the third Rome - as the guardian of the full PURITY of the Orthodox Faith.
3. Jesus Christ took on our nature and entered into the world in order to deliver mankind from sin through his death and RESURRECTION.
4. Orthodox Christians also believe that in addition to asking God for FORGIVNESS in our PRIVATE prayers, we should CONFESS our sins sacramentally, thereby being REUNITED to Christ and to the faith COMMUNITY with whom we have broken communion through sin.
5. The DIVINE LITURGY is indeed the center of the Orthodox CHRISTIAN life.

И.M. [(4,5) 10]

1)During the CELEBRATION OF THE LITURGY the priest was dressed in an ALB made of white SILK with yellow GIRDLE and a CHASUBLE made of golden BROCADE.
2)During our trip in Greece we visited a church built IN HONOR OF St. John the FORERUNNER, where a very clever and wise man who was LOOKING AFTER ITS PARISH told us several stories about various maricles that happened there with him.
3)I read in a book that white colour of a BAPTISMAL ROBE symbolizes PURITY of the baptised person's soul.

M.O. [(4,5) 32]

1) They told us when they entered the DESOLATE SYNAGOGUE they felt certain mystical POWERS which was a bit confusing for others during the pilgrimage.
2) Sometimes it's too hard to be HUMBLE and to stay FIRM and LOYAL TO THE TRUTH so, to my mind, is such situations it's better TO APPEAL FOR PRIEST'S GUIDANCE.
3) I believe that a person who first REPUDIATED Christ has a possibility to stop to WAVER and to ACKNOWLEDGE THE PRIMACY OF HIS HONOR.
4) Last year after partaking in ANOINTING WITH OIL, I was healed and changed my VIEWPOINT on this important Christian ACT and also realised that my life is IN GOD'S HANDS.
5) I was learning about different parts of DEACON'S VESTMENTS for a long time last year and now I know what A STOLE, AN ORARION AND CUFFS look like.

M.O. [(6) 8]

1. There is a crown on the top of the Vatican City State, a symbol of PAPAL AUTHORITY.
2. In relation to other bishops, a DIOCESAN BISHOP may be a metropolitan (if he is an archbishop).

М.К. [(1) 3]

1. Our Father Konstantin found his ORDINATION to the PRIESTHOOD to be the happiest moment in his life.
2. We have to try to live in OBEDIENCE to the church’s teachings.
3. There is one Vadim in our church. He used to be an opera singer. But not so long ago he was ORDAINED DEACON.
4. After making a full CONFESSION I feel myself HEALED.
5. Everyone can be an educated and intelligent BELIEVER without abandoning the APOSTOLIC rule of FAITH and life.

И.M. [(3,5) 5,5]

1. At the end of the confession the priest says the PRAYER OF ABSOLUTION.
2. Every person can carry the APOSTOLIC SUCESSION.
3. We the whole PRAYING COMMUNITY is being anointed with oil.
4. The healing of the sins is PERFORMED BY A BISHOP.
5. THE MINISTRY TO PEOPLE is the hardest part of the priest’s duties.
6. THE GOOD SHEPHERD is the symbol of the Christ in the New and Old Testament.
7. VESTMENTS of the priest differ from those of the deacon.
8. The deacon has the STOLE worn over his shoulder.
10. The man healed by Christ was POSSESED BY A DEMON.
11. Without God the soil is like WILDERNESS.
12. St. JOHN the FORERUNNER IMMERSED people in the water – baptized them, this was the preparation of the Jews was for the coming of Christ.
13. There is KINSHIP of the Forerunner to the Christ.
14. DESOLATE parts of the heart must be filled with God's blessing.
15. WELL TRODDEN PATHS don't mean that it's the way for the Christianity.

А.К. [(6) 13]

1. In the sacrament of marriage two persons BECOME ONE FLESH.
2. One of the most important parts of the service of marriage is the BETROTHAL.
3. Drinking COMMON CUP OF WINE the two people joined their lives together.
4. Witnesses are holding MARRIAGE CROWNS above future spouses at the beginning of the service.
5. WEDDING CANDLES are usually beautifully designed.
7. There is a tradition that the COUPLE have TO DRINK THREE TIMES the wine from the same cup.
8. When persons have intention to be together they have to understand that MARRIAGE INVOLVES DENYING ONESELF FOR the OTHER.
9. At the end of the marriage ceremony their HANDS ARE joined TOGETHER.
10. In the spouses the CHRIST'S LOVE CAN BECOME COMPLETE due to their efforts.
11. At the BEGINNING OF THE SACRAMENT the couple is standing near the church’s entrance.
12. HUMANITY has to understand the importance of the sacrament of the Marriage.
13. After the service the spouses kiss the PRIEST’S HAND CROSS.

А.К. [(7) 7]

1. As a rule, I take part in the ANOINTING WITH OIL once a year during the Lent.
2. I was very glad when I heard that our friend DEACON WAS ORDAINED PRIEST during the Christmas night service.
3. THE LIVING CONTINUITY OF A PRAYING COMMUNITY is especially felt during the LITURGY when I perceive the presence of all saints, the Theotokos and our God just there, in our small church.
4. The fact that MARRIAGE INVOLVES DENYING ONESELF FOR THE OTHER is so important that without realizing it people won't create a happy and strong family. The thing is that Christ agreed to be sacrified for us due to His immense love and so a MAN AND a WIFE sacrifying themselves for the other will be able to discover precious love, FOR THROUGH CHRIST LOVE CAN BECOME COMPLETE.
5. I always feel sorry for people who deny the following,"OUR LIFE IS IN GOD'S HANDS, NOT OUR OWN". Defenitely it does not mean that we should not work on ourselves. On the contrary, we must do our best to achieve RECONCILIATION WITH GOD but for everything that happens to us we should be grateful, realising that God knows much better what is beneficial for us.

M.A. [(4,5) 4,5]

1. The Bible never says that THE VIRGIN MARY was anyone but an ordinary human whom God chose to use in an extraordinary way. Yes, Mary was a righteous woman and graced by God, and then became THE MOTHER OF GOD (THEOTOKOS).
2. CHALCEDON was an early centre of Christianity located in Asia Minor (today’s Turkey).

М.К. [(2) 2]

1. My best friends from Irkutsk Misha and Nastya arranged their BETROTHAL in winter and their MARRIAGE soon followed in July.
2. I believe that every day each priest helps to DEFEND the Orthodox FAITH against HERESY.
3. I read a book by Vladimir Moss and there I knew that Aelfwald was certainly involved with Northumbrian ECCLESIASTICAL developments.

И.M. [(2) 2]

2) I personally find the Holy Resurrection Cathedral (the main cathedral of THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN JAPAN) to be very unusual outside and incredibly beautiful inside: AROUND THE WALLS there are big icons with subtle golden LAMPS in front of them and a small, but PROMINENT ICON SCREEN with THE ALTAR behind it.
1) When I entered the church during the Divine liturgy THE SERVERS were PASSING THROUGH THE SIDE DOORS, some of the parishioners were buying candles at THE CANDLE DESK in order to LIGHT THEM later, some were VENERATING THE ICONS of different SAINTS, PROPHETS and FEASTS.
2) Once when I was a child I stood in awe in front of an icon screen, looking at figures in it such as THE ARCHANGELS MICHAEL AND GABRIEL, the Theotokos, John the Baptist etc, then my eyes flitted over to THE HOLY DOORS where THE ANNUNCIATION and also THE EVANGELISTS: MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE and JOHN were depicted; after a brief inner prayer to all of them I MADE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS.
1) One of the fellow parishioners gave my grandmother in addition to Easter cakes and eggs A TRYPTICH ICON and A lovely DECORATIVE TOWEL for her ICON CORNER for Easter.
2) I personally have strong REVERENCE for the Orthodox ICON-PAINTERS as it is so hard to depict ETERNITY in two-DIMENSIONal space, so those ICONOGRAPHERS must have been very FERVENT in their faith.

E.З. [(16) 37]

Recently I took a photo in which a man and a woman receiving THE SACRAMENT in the Orthodox Church hold WEDDING CANDLES in their hands and there are MARRIAGE CROWNS on their heads which mean they are WITNESSES TO CHRIST.

M.O. [(2) 2]

А.Т. [23]

А.Г. [3]

2nd year of study: Autumn 2017

1. On the Feasts of the Nativity of Christ, the Epiphany, on Lazarus Saturday, on Easter and on Pentecost, instead of Trisagion, it is sung: "AS MANY AS HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST HAVE PUT ON CHRIST".
2. THE PRAYER OF ABSOLUTION is read after confession over the PENITENT, so that he will be RELEASED FROM HIS SINS.
3. Baptism should be conducted with The GODFATHER and GODMOTHER.
4. The NON-ORTHODOX have no right to PARTAKE IN THE MYSTERIES of the Orthodox Church.
5. THE COMMUNICANTS should listen to the thanksgiving prayers for Holy Communion in the temple or read them at home.
6. THE CHERUBIC HYMN is the first musical chant to be heard at the Liturgy of the faithful.
7. The belief in Christ's RESURRECTION from the dead is the basic doctrine of Christianity.
8. During the Orthodox service one must stand with REVERENCE.
9. The meaning of the colors of temple DOMES in any religion has a symbolic significance.
10. During the sacrament of baptism, the baby is IMMERSED in a FONT three times.
11. AN ALTAR LOAF consists of two parts, which symbolizes two natures of God, the Divine and the Human.
12. THE VARIOUS DEGREES OF THE PRIESTHOOD were established by the apostles.
13. At THE CANDLE DESK you can buy candles, books, prayer books and akathists.
14. Orthodox people have a COMMEMORATION BOOK in which the names of their living and dead Orthodox friends and relatives are written. The laity pray for them at home during the morning prayer, the priests do this in the altar.
15. During the PREPARATION SERVICE the priest dips a particle of AN ALTAR LOAF into the wine and the sins of the person whose name is mentioned are cleansed.
16. THE LAST RITES are performed by a priest on the third day after the death of an Orthodox Christian.
17. On the fiftieth day after Easter, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of THE LIFE-GIVING TRINITY.
18. The Orthodox ASK THE PRIEST FOR THE BLESSING for their deeds, trips, studies.
19. Orthodox people try to keep their BAPTISMAL ROBE all their lives.
20. Our church can fit up to about four hundred PARISHIONERS.
21. Our church is painted by the great renovator and ICONOGRAPHER Alexander Gormatyuk.
22. The STOLE is put on the head of the PENITENT after his confession.
23. At the graduation party in my Orthodox school I was given a TRYPTICH and I usually take it on a trip.
24. THE THRONE is the most sacred place in every church.
25. My brother became a SERVER when he was eight years old.
26. The deacon comes out on the solea to RECITE LITANIES.
27. When THE HOLY DOORS are open, the SEVEN-BRANCHED CANDLESTICK is seen in the ALTAR.
28. The Orthodox saints are in the INVISIBLE DIMENSION.
29. On the DOME of the church there should be a THREE-BAR CROSS.
30. A SPEAR in the ALTAR symbolizes a spear by which the Body of Jesus Christ was pierced.
31. Church CHOIR choosing chants for the service should listen to the opinion of the prince of the church.

М.Т. [(15) 39]

1) THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE, during which MAN AND WIFE ARE COMING TOGETHER after being BLESSED BY THE CHURCH, is one of the most important and touching ORTHODOX MYSTERIES.
2) THE BETROTHAL starts when RINGS ARE FETCHED FROM THE ALTAR and the couple is ready to give ETERNAL PROMISE putting them on their RING FINGERS.

M.O. [(4) 118]

1. It's very easy to go A SIDE-TRACK but TO CONFESS YOUR SINS, try not to repeat them and to SEEK WAYS TO IMPROVE it is not easy.
2. I was so happy when I realized that we were studying MONOPHYSITISM and the Definition of CHALCEDON even a year ago.

А.Т. [(2) 98]

1. I didn't even know that ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM was nicknamed due to the fact that he was A FLUENT AND ELOQUENT PREACHER.
2. I don't remember my niece's Baptism, I only remember, as the GODFATHER said prayers OF RENUNCIATION of THE EVIL ONE AND TURNING TO GOD.
3. I don't know where is my BAPTISMAL ROBE, my BAPTISMAL CROSS I've purposely left at my family home because I'm very afraid of losing it.
4. When my niece was IMMERSED into THE FONT she cried a lot, but then THE NEWLY BAPTISED quickly calmed down.
5. I've always wondered where the priests keep TONSURED TUFTS OF HAIR.

А.Т. [(5,5) 52,75]

1. Our priest likes when the laymen and THE CHOIR sing THE CHERUBIC HYMN together but our choirmaster believes that people should sing only THE CREED and THE "OUR FATHER".
2. After THE FINAL PRAYERS people kiss the cross, take ANTIDORON and sometimes congratulate the communicants.
3. Unfortunately, SINFULNESS is the part of our human nature, but we need to work on ourselves a lot to have the opportunity TO ATTAIN FULL SALVATION.
4. You should be very careful interpreting THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY, because in case of misunderstanding you can DEVIATE INTO ERROR AND HERESY very quickly.
5. I remember our teacher on the Law of God read to us excerpts from THE REVELATION but it was much more easily to understand THE EPISTLES than this book.

А.Т. [(5) 47,25]

1. I was asked by the lecturer about the deep sense of THE COMMUNION, one of THE SACRAMENTS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH, at the exam in the liturgical tradition.
2. During the Liturgy parishioners OF THE CHURCH and I UNITED WITH CHRIST and received grace of God through SHARING IN THE COMMUNION to get rid of sin and save the soul.

1. Until recently, I didn’t know what special PREPARATIONS were made by THE CLERGY for the Liturgy within THE SANCTUARY.
2. AT THE TABLE OF OBLATION are placed such items as THE CHALICE, THE SPEAR to cut the five loaves, THE DISKOS, THE STAR, THE SPOON and SMALL VEILS and THE AER.

1. When I was about five years old my grandmother taught me THE «OUR FATHER» and explained THE SHAPE OF THE CONFESSION and THE COMMUNION because then was my first conscious visit to the Liturgy.
2. I very much like the part of the Liturgy when THE PEOPLE PRESENT IN THE CHURCH sing THE CREED all together confirming in that way their faith in the Holy Trinity.

2. THE BAPTISMAL CROSS that every Cristian always wears is a sign of FOLLOWING CHRIST.

1. Every time when I have a big day I ASK THE PRIEST FOR A BLESSING.
2. When I was just a child, unfortunately, I didn’t take THE CONFESSION seriously, only now I begin to understand the value of true REPENTANCE, that really CHANGES OUR HEART, LEADS IT TO FORGIVENESS and HEALING.

М.Ч. [(14) 80]

1. If I had been NAMED ON the eighth day after birth, I would have been called Ulyana.
2. My mother is a GODMOTHER of my cousin.

1. For seven years, beginning from 2001, I was a PARISHIONER at St. Sergius Church in Irkutsk.
2. Our priests place their STOLES over PENITENTS’ heads not only while saying the PRAYERS OF ABSOLUTION but also while penitents CONFESS their SINS.

И.M. [(2,5) 94]

1. The MARRIAGE is an important and exciting sacrament because it is the ETERNAL PROMISE AND UNION.
2. Each action during the sacrament is a symbol, e.g. MARRIAGE CROWNS symbolise the MAN AND his WIFE as the king and the queen of their family.
3. To be married means DENYING ONESELF FOR THE OTHER and not just having fun with each other.
4. The fact that the Greak word "WITNESS" means "MARTYR" amazed me because there is something significant hidden beneath it.
5. Actually, in Russian there was the equivalent for the English word "THE RING FINGER" - "the Golden Finger"(златоперст). But I don't know why it has become the "unnamed" one.

M.A. [(3,5) 111]

Fasting and praying are traditional preparations for being a GODFATHER and a GODMOTHER.
ON THE BEHALF of his godparents the child gets God's blessing.
The priest child in the FONT.
The FONT is filled with holy water.
My grandma sewed me THE BAPTISMAL ROBE.
During the Chrismation the person is being anointed with the CHRISM.
After baptism the person has a SEAL OF THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.
The NEWLY BAPTISED have to take communion on the next days after the sacrament.
I have kept the BAPTISAL CROSS since my childhood.
The author of the EPISTLE OF JAMES identifies himself as a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
One theme of the PETER 1 is duties of spouses.
Only in the first verses of the epistle of JOHN the writer indirectly makes himself known as a witness and eyewitness of the events of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ.
PRIEST'S HAND CROSS is usually kissed after the preaching.
GODFATHER and GODMOTHER have to be separated persons.
The text of the EPISTLE OF THE HEBREWS is traditionally attributed to Paul the Apostle.

А.К. [(4) 34]

One of the three chief furnishings of the Holy of the Tabernacle and the Temple - the SEVEN-BRANCHED CANDLESTICK.
Priests use ALTAR LOAVES in the sanctuary to prepare Holy Communion.
The SPOON is a liturgical implement used to give Holy Communion to the laity during the Divine Liturgy.
We use COMMEMORATION BOOKS to remind God about alive and deceased baptised people.
Our church owns several RELICS of revered SAINTS.
The STAR is the object of church utensils which symbolizes the star of Bethlehem.
TWO SMALL VEILS - two small cloth covers which cover the chalice and diskos separately.
The name of a large cloth board which covers the Chalice and the diskos together is the LARGE VEIL.
The TABERACLE is a portable chalice for the storage of the Holy Gifts.
There are seven OIL LAMPS which are on the communion table in the sanctuary.
The table of oblation is a place in the church where the proskomedia takes place.
In the first part of the Liturgy, PROSKOMIDIA, a sacrifice is being prepared for the celebration of the Eucharist: bread and wine.
The CHALICE is an important piece of church's utensils.
The sacred vessel which looks like a dish for the bread, the Body of Christ, is called DISKOS.
The veil with a part of the relics of an Orthodox holy martyr sewn into it and the signature of the ruling bishop is called ANTIMINS.

А.К. [(6,5) 50,75]

1. The main purpose of the COUNTER-REFORMATION was to restore the position and prestige of the Roman Catholic Church and also, in those days, such movement as SCHOLASTICISM was present side by side.
2. THE FESTAL MENANION contains the variable texts for all the services of the Twelve Great Feasts of Christ and the Mother of God.

1. THEOLOGICAL COLLEGES were very widely developed in the 19th century in Europe and America.
2. THE LEVANT is a historical area in the Middle East, located along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and its name takes origins from the French phrase Soleil levant – “the rising Sun”.

1. "Jacobite" Church or Church of Syria was one of the five MONOPHYSITE Churches which were the result of the Church separation in the 5th and 6th centuries.
2. THE undertaking OF MISSIONARY WORK was a very influential process in the 9th century that spread to such countries as Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia.

1. One of the most important aspect of the Orthodoxy is the UNITY IN THE FAITH AND COMMUNION IN THE SACRAMENTS.
2. The Orthodox Church is not just an organization of Orthodox people, first and foremost it is THE CHURCH OF CHRIST ON EARTH.

1. THE DAY OF PENTECOST is one of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year that is performed in Orthodox churches.
2. Saint Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, who had traveled to Rome to be martyred in the 2nd century, wrote that THE CELEBRATION of THE EUCHARIST is "THE MEDICINE OF IMMORTALITY".

1. THE PONTIFICAL LITURGY is served according to the Roman rite, but with elements of the Byzantine rite, and earlier it included the old millennial ceremony of the Papal coronation.
2. Before the Church became “ESTABLISHED”, for some time, in the 3rd century it had been SUFFERING PERSECUTION from the pagans.

1.The purpose of THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM, according to Acts, was to resolve a disagreement in Antioch, which had wider effects than just circumcision, since circumcision is the eternal sign of the Abrahamic Covenant.
2. As the story goes, the first Roman Emperor who EMBRACED THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, was Constantine, and it happened as a result of his vision in the sky.

1. Most expressions of PAGAN RITES are magical, which is to say, they promote the use of individual or communal ritual practices to effect personal and environmental change, particularly changes in consciousness.
2. One purpose of THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA was to resolve disagreements arising from within the Church of Alexandria over the nature of the Son in his relationship to the Father.

1. To the deep regret, THE DEVIATION INTO ERROR AND HERESY had been often happened among the people during THE FIRST SIX COUNCILS.
2. THE SALVATION OF MAN was the most important issue discussed at the Councils in the centuries from the 4th to the 7th.

1. Originally spread in the eastern provinces of the Late Roman Empire, ARIANISM became the state version of Christianity under the successors of Constantine the Great until the end of the reign of Valentine II.
2. Archimandrite Eutychius, the creator of MONOPHYSITE doctrine, was condemned for heresy by the Council of Constantinople in 448.

1. TRINITARIAN DOCTRINE means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2. The Eastern Orthodox Church commemorates SAINT JOHN CHRYSOSTOM as a "Great Ecumenical Teacher", with Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian.

М.К. [(12) 60]

1. We don't cross ourselves when the priest give us A GESTURE OF BLESSING during the service.
2. Everyone is trying to achieve ETERNAL life of the soul in Heaven.
3. One of the most terrible sins is to take the Holy Communion without ASKING THE PRIEST FOR A BLESSING.
4. My mother stores the BAPTISMAL BOX from my childhood.
5. It's a big event for me to be a COMMUNICANT.
6. We read The Acts written by the Christ's DISCIPLES.

Э.К. [(2,5) 34]

1) My grandfather and me were BAPTISED and given STRENGTH FOR LIVING OF A CHRISTIAN LIFE at the same time, so two FONTS for our IMMERSION were near to each other, so in this way, I believe, there is a strong connection between me and him, as we DEDICATED our lives TO GOD together.
2) Unfortunately, some people think CONFESSION is just a kind of talk between an ordinary person and the bishop, so they even don't realise the importance of REPENTANCE and FORGIVENESS, they really believe the bishop is like a psychologist who can listen and then give a piece of APPROPRIATE ADVICE.
3) When you CONFESS YOUR SINS being a PENITENT in a church and then hear the bishop reading PRAYERS OF ABSOLUTION, you feel something like HEALING of your soul.
4) After my grandpa dressed in a special BAPTISMAL ROBE, was washed with water BLESSED IN A FONT, took his BAPTISMAL CROSS and became a NEWLY BAPTISED, his CHRISMATION started: he was ANOINTED WITH CHRISM from the BAPTISMAL BOX and CARRIED THREE TIMES AROUND THE FONT.
6) Several days ago I was in a church during one child's BAPTISM and saw he was BROUGHT FOR SACRAMENTS and PRAYERS OF NAME-GIVING WERE SAID, and in that moment the bishop IMMERSED HIM THREE TIMES IN WATER with important words: "IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT", - and then, DRIED the CHILD WITH A TOWEL.

M.O. [(12) 82]

1. After confession the priest puts the STOLE on the head of the penitent.
2. The PENITENT has to prepare for the confession.
3. Сonfession helps to RELEASE PEOPLE’s SINS.
4. We receive INSTRUCTIONS during our confession.
5. The priest says the prayer of ABSOLUTION at the end of confession.
6. The Christ has the HUMANITY and DIVINITY in one nature person.
7. If person wants to inherit the Heavenly Kingdom he must lead righteous life.
9. Some Bibles use words in ITALICS to show the specific translation of these words.
10. The Resurrection of Christ shows Him to be the TRUE GOD.
11. When we want to speak with our friend during the service we go to the NARTHEX.
12. The NON-ORTHODOX can’t understand some traditions of the religion.
13. I have the TRYPTICH ICONS in my car.
14. The LAST RITES were given by the Christ before his Ascension.
15. HIS BEATITUDE blessed us after the service.

А.К. [(5) 44,25]

1. My favourite prayer in the everyday evening rule is number 7 which was written by THE BISHOP OF CONSTANTINOPLE, SAINT JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, "JOHN OF THE GOLDEN MOUTH".
2. I feel an inexpressible feeling of gracious relief when the priest PLACES HIS STOLE OVER MY HEAD, AND SAYS THE PRAYERS OF ABSOLUTION by which I am RELEASED FROM MY SINS.
3. It is so hard to fulfil REPENTANCE in the full meaning of this word: changing of your mind. People often only weep over their sins during CONFESSION but unfortunately several days later (or even the next day) they cease to control themselves and repeat everythig they have just wept over.
4. I have read recently that the tradition to KISS THE HAND CROSS AND THE GOSPEL after CONFESSION dates back to the times when people swore an oath doing the same thing. We are making the promise not to sin and to follow Christ while we are touching these SACRED things. 5. DEIFICATION is not something unachievable and impossible for us - God is merciful and is willing to save everybody, the only thing He needs is our faith and our agreement to live according to His will.

M.A. [(5,5) 60]

1. To be a GODFATHER or a GODMOTHER is an utterly important mission as you are responsible for your godchild before God.
3. I've read an interesting fact that A BABY'S BAPTISMAL ROBE is considered to be a relic and some mothers put it under the baby's pillow when he/she is ill.
4. My godchild didn't cry despite the fact that she was only over a month old when the priest IMMERSED HER THREE TIMES IN THE WATER IN THE FONT.
5. My little niece always WEARS THE BAPTISMAL CROSS despite that her mother is told that she feels uncomfortable or she can hurt herself with the cross.

M.A. [(3,5) 54,5]

1. The MATTHEW Gospel was written by one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
2. In the ACTS disciples showed us how Jesus Christ little by little shared with them how he looked at life.
3. According to Christian tradition MARK is one of the four Evangelists.
4. JOHN was the favorite disciple of the Christ.
5. The life of Christ in the Gospel of LUKE is described mainly on the historical side: the story is characterized by a thoroughness and detail.
6. COMMUNICANTS were staying in queue waiting for their turn.
7. After taking holy communion the MOUTH is usually WIPED BY CLOTH.
8. Our church is supported by the CONGREGATION.
9. We have to cross our hands on the breast before Communion in order not to UPSET THE CHALICE.
10. We are taking the PRECIOUS BODY in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
11. This evening after service a large amount of people LINED UP in order to confess their sins.
12. People are addressing their PETITIONS to the God in prayer.
13. The most EXPEDINT prayer for all cases of life is Psalm 50.
14. The church was CENSED by spiritual fragrances from Jerusalem.
15. The 12 disciples and Jesus Christ came together in the UPPER ROOM to celebrate the Easter.
16. We are singing the CHERUBIC HYMN every Liturgy.
17. We can see the RANKS OF ANGELS in the icons of the Last Judgment.
18. Sometimes I forgot to read PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING.
19. During Easter time the HOLY DOORS are opened at all the services.
20. A SERMON in our parish is usually preached after the liturgy of catechumens.
21. The RELEVATION is the last book of the New Testament.
22. Both epistles of PETER – the first and the second are addressed to a wide circle of the Christians.
23. Although the author of the epistle does not call himself by name, there is almost no doubt that it was written by the author of the Gospel of JOHN.
24. The EPISTLE OF JAMES has a purpose of the message to teach and encourage believers, reproach and awaken to merciful actions.
25. JUDE is the shortest epistle of all in the New Testament.
26. The EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS does not mention in the first verses of the author of the epistle, so the traditional version assumes the authorship of the apostle Paul.
27. Andrew Rublew depicted the amazing image of the LIFE GIVING TRINITY.
28. "Our Father" is the most important conversation with God.
29. I am used to reading EPISTLES thrice a week since my childhood.
30. CORINTHIANS 1 and 2 are written by St. Paul.

А.К. [(13) 39,25]

1. I get goose bumps when I hear the CHERUBIC HYMN in the church.
2. I often mention THE LIFE-GIVING TRINITY in my prayers.
3. ULTIMATELY, I can't chose where I'd like to live : in Moscow or in Krasnodar.
4. The CONDEMNATION must begin with ourselves, not others.
5.I have been present at СHRISMATION only 2 or 3 times in my life, unfortunately, I do not even remember how it was.
6.I know THE SHAPE OF THE LITURGY well because I sang in the church choir.
7. I know a lot of LITANIES of Liturgy by heart.

1. Many priests wrote PETITIONS for my father to be ordained.
2. I'm a MEMBER OF THE CONGREGATION of the Protection of the Theotokos temple.
3. I cannot always keep the fast.
4. Our thoughts are not always appropriate during the service.

1.I have the CONVICTION that every soul can be saved.
2. In BAPTISM my name is Maria.

Э.К. [(4) 16,75]

1) After bishop's SERMON about LIFE-GIVING TRINITY the CHOIR started to sing "OUR FATHER" as it was time for reading PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING after the Liturgy of the Presanctified GIFTS.
2) When I entered the room, I saw my mother who said "ALLELUIA" trice after reading of PSALMS and then we together started to sing "THE CREED" and felt we WERE BLESSED by God.
3) Last time I partook in the mysteries I saw a woman who was handing out antidoron to all COMMUNICANTS and telling one girl that HOLY SPIRIT CAME UPON this kind of bread after the LAMB had been removed from it, so everybody should always be very careful with this holy object.

M.O. [(2,5) 70]

1. I ENTERED the CHURCH through BAPTISM and CHRISMATION when I was six years old.
2. Every day I OFFER PRAYERS for my parents, relatives and all Orthodox Christians.
3. Through CONFESSION and COMMUNION we achieve UNION with God.

И.M. [(3) 47]

1. It is a rather peculiar thing that every priest in our church can preach a SERMON very well. I mean that their words make clear the meaning of the feasts, encourage parisheners to keep Christ's commandments and seek help from God.
2. My favourite chant of the CHERUBIC HYMN is Obikhodny. Every time I hear it goose bumps start running over me.
3. Today there was an unforgetable service in the memory of St. Tichon. The huge CHOIR which consisted of the students from all faculties ascended a soul of every faithful to the heavens.
4. An inexplicably magnificent feeling pervades me when all people in the church are singing the prayer "OUR FATHER".
5. Truth be told, I do not understand how the non-Christians can live without the LIFE-GIVING TRINITY. I believe that it is rather difficult.

M.A. [(3) 51]

1) When I was a child I thought RECEIVING COMMUNION is just an EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE as everything is so beautiful, solemn and ceremonial (and LOAVES and wine are very tasty), but now I know it's the CENTRAL MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH which has a DEEP SENSE OF UNITY WITH CHRIST who established this HOLY EVENT in the UPPER ROOM surrounded by his DISCIPLES.
2) My grandmother who is a nun bakes bread for THE LITURGY and after it's consecrated with Holy water she brings it every morning to MEMBERS OF THE CONGREGATION with a strong belief that HOLY SPIRIT has been SENT DOWN ON it.
3) I remember being a child and LINING UP FOR THE COMMUNION I CROSSED MY ARMS OVER THE CHEST strongly pressing them to each other as I was afraid of UPSETTING THE CHALICE.
4) It took a lot of time to teach my godson to pronounce his name properly before the priest would GIVE COMMUNION WITH A SPOON TO HIM, but eventually he did everything in the right way and even didn't forget to KISS THE CHALICE after his MOUTH WAS WIPED WITH A CLOTH.

M.O. [(7) 67,25]

1) Two weeks ago after I PARTOOK IN THE MYSTERIES a bishop gave a LOAF from which several pieces were taken during the PROSKOMIDIA IN THE MEMORY OF THE DEPARTED and of those who were the first FOUNDERS of the Church.
2) On the 1st of November my friend Mary became a wife of a man who just a year ago was a NON-ORTHODOX, but after changing his VISION and RELIGIOUS CONVICTION and SHARING IN such SACRAMENTS as BAPTISM, CHRISMATION and COMMUNION he agreed to PARTAKE in the MYSTERY OF MARRIAGE.

M.O. [(6) 60,25]

1. It's hard to ask God TO FULFIL not only what we want but what will be EXPEDIENT for us.
2. As COMMUNICANTS, we have to be careful approaching the priest not TO UPSET the chalice.

А.Т. [(2) 42,25]

1. «CHRIST IS RISEN» we sing full of joy. The joy that I feel in this service makes me cry softly, because I am INCLINED TO BE IMPRESSED by such things.
2. Last year we were lucky to study all the Church’s teaching upon the FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES of the CHRISTIAN FAITH at our university.
3. Our parish has its own traditions so it is really significant to CARRY them through years.

И.M. [(1,5) 44]

1. I try to receive ANOINTING every year during HOLY WEEK, after that I necessarily receive Holy Communion.
2. A few days ago I conducted the choir at the service, and after that the priest gave me THE LOAF, PARTICLES from which were taken FOR THE LIVING.

А.Т. [(2,5) 40,25]

1. By God's grace I was in Jerusalem several years ago. There were lots of tourists when we entered the UPPER ROOM but nevertheless we felt the grace of the place where the central MYSTERY of the Church - COMMUNION - had been established by Christ Himself.
2. Once I have read an amazing story about the Lanchansky miracle. The story tells about a priest who doubted that the bread and wine become the PRECIOUS BODY and PRECIOUS BLOOD of Christ as outwardly they remain unchanged. So God showed the miracle: during the CONSECRATION OF THE GIFTS the priest saw that the bread visibly became a thin section of Flesh, reminding muscle tissue of the human body, and the wine turned into thick red liquid - Blood.
3. One day I was asked by my priest to WIPE the COMMUNICANTS' MOUTHS WITH A CLOTH as our only SERVER was ill.
4. In our parish PROSPHORAS are not on sale at the CANDLE DESK but they are given to the parishioners after KISSING THE CROSS.
5. It is important to understand that God does not fulfil all our PETITIONS as they may not be EXPEDIENT for us.

M.A. [(6,5) 48]

1. In our family no single member IMPOSES his/her WILL upon the rest. We are UNITED in love, HARMONY and UNAMITY.
2. After a Church service the world seems to me TRANSFIGURED.
3. The Christmas is coming only in two months but I already ANTICIPATE what it would be like this year.
4. Especially during the great Lent it is important to me to PARTAKE IN MYSTERIES such as COMMUNION, ANOINTING WITH OIL and CONFESSION. I VENTURE to speak with the confidence that I FREE myself from my EVIL DESIRES when I’m in PENANCE AND REPENTANCE.

И.M. [(6) 42,5]

1. JUDAS ISCARIOT betrayed the Jesus Christ.
2. In Judaism ABRAHAM is the founding father of the special relationship between the Jewish people and God.
3. It was prophesied to the patriarch Abraham that he would have a son and that his name should be ISAAC.
4. ELIJAH was a prophet and a miracle worker; God performed many miracles through him.
5. According to Holy Scripture JACOB agreed to work seven years for Rachel, so he worked seven years for the hand of his true love.
6. All Christians know the story in the Bible where Jesus is TRANSFUGERED and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain.
7. We are studying THE SACRAMENTS OF the CHURCH at our theological classes.
8. Now we’re taking part in the translation of the book about ORDINATION TO THE VARIOUS DEGREES OF THE PRIESTHOOD.
9. ANOINTING WITH OIL is often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit in the Bible as in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins.
10. Christianty has plenty of RITES which are passed from generation to the generation.
11. There are too many deep CONVICTIONS among parishioners of old generations about church rules, some of them are wrong according to the words of priests.
12. The priests demand from their “children” one very necessary thing - SHARING IN THE SACRAMENTS.
13. God has declared that our sins have separated us from Him so we need to make RECONCILIATION with God.
14. Mere mortals can't foresee the future but we know that prophets own this blessed gift.
15. Every HOLY WEEK members of the church are trying to partake in the mysteries with reverence.

А.К. [(7) 26,25]

CENSING is performed by priests in the most solemn places of worship.
SOLEA was usually decorated with elegant and expensive marbles.
The HOLY OF HOLIES was constructed as a perfect cube, it contained only the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of Israel’s special relationship with God. The HOLY OF HOLIES was accessible only to the Israelite high priest.
Although different religions may PREACH similar moral standards and values, differences between religions can be very real and distinct.
The DIVINE LITURGY begins with the priest lifting THE GOSPEL BOOK high and making the SIGN Of CROSS with it over the ALTAR.
DEUTEROCANONICAL is the term is used in contrast to the "protocanonical books", which are contained in the Hebrew Bible.
The term CHRISMATION comes about because it involves ANOINTING the recipient of the sacrament with CHRISM.
MARRIAGE in a CHURCH, in front of God, is very important.
The most important surviving version of 1 MACCABEES is the Greek translation contained in the SEPTUAGINT.
The PENTATEUCH was translated from Hebrew into Greek as part of the SEPTUAGINT, the Greek OLD TESTAMENT. This was the Bible of the early Christian CHURCH.

М.Т. [(9) 24]

1. PARTAKING IN THE SACRAMENT of Eucharist is a miracle for me as sometimes I decide to prepare to the Holy Communion spontaneously and after the Liturgy I feel inexpressible happiness and God's Mercy on me.
2. ANOINTING WITH OIL is a wonderful sacrament during which I feel as if I am gradually being healed by the Grace of God.
3. Everyone is called to prepare themselves for TRANSFIGURATION by repentance, fasting and prayer.
4. Is is extremely important to understand that THE DEPARTED need our prayers for them greatly.
5. JACOB was merciful to his brother who was angry with JACOB. That was one of the reasons for their RECONCILIATION. We should tend to be as merciful and wise as JACOB.

M.A. [(3) 41,5]

1. Very likely I won’t be able to forget our sleepless nights last June when we were preparing for our LITURGY exam. We learnt by heart the names of the items which are kept on THE HOLY TABLE AND THE TABLE OF OBLATION, also the names of the ALTAR LOAVES.
2. I would desire to have a look at seven-branched candlesticks.

И.M. [(2,5) 36,5]

1) When the love to God PREVAILS in your soul over other feelings, you become ENDURING and ready to UNDERGO a MULTITUDE of spiritual and physical difficulties, to struggle with EVIL DESIRES and SUFFER TOIL IN PENANCE and REPENTANCE.
2) Recently I read in a book about THE SERVICE OF PREPARATION and learnt that it's impossible to start CELEBRATING THE SERVICE holy Liturgy without placing an ANTIMINS or ANTIMENSION over THE HOLY TABLE as it symbolises THE BURIAL OF CHRIST, Who sacrificed Himself for us, and without, of course, THE GOSPEL BOOK, THE CROSS, A SEVEN-BRANCHED CANDLESTICK and THE TABERNACLE.

M.O. [(8) 54,25]

1. To my shame, I don't remember the name of the Saint whose RELIC is sewn into the ANTIMENSION at the altar of our Church.
2. The PROSKOMIDIA is served by a priest or Bishop at the altar on THE TABLE OF OBLATION.
3. On the table of oblation next to the SMALL VEILS there are the COMMEMORATION BOOKS, but now priests use sheets of paper with the names of laymen written on them.
4. Since there are a lot of people in our Church, the priests usually use three CHALICES for the Eucharist.

А.Т. [(3,5) 37,75]

1. In many churches the sermon is preached immediately after the READING OF THE GOSPEL and then the deacon RECITES THE LITANY.
2. At Christmas in our Church there are always two Christmas trees in front of THE SOLEA, and the priest leaves the altar and goes to THE AMBO, where he PREACHES, standing between these trees.
3. Truth be told, I like when the priest or deacon CENSES the Church, because I can smell a pleasant FRAGRANCE emanating from THE CENSER.

А.Т. [(3,5) 34,25]

1. When I start to complain about my life, I remember that I should TAKE UP MY CROSS AND FOLLOW CHRIST.
2. In the prayer of Saint Ephrem the Syrian, we ask God TO GRANT us the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love, and make 3 prostrations at the beginning of the prayer, 12 BOWS in the middle and 1 prostration at the end.
3. If we don't ASK GOD TO BLESS OUR THOUGHTS AND DEEDS, and to help us cope with life's difficulties, in the end we can PERISH.
4. I feel bad when I read about THE CHRIST'S DEATH ON THE CROSS, nevertheless I know that then will be THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST and everything will be fine.
5. We know that CHRIST has TWO NATURES: DIVINE AND HUMAN, while the Monophysites believed that Christ has only the DIVINE NATURE.

А.Т. [(4) 30,75]

VESPERS is traditionally served in the early evening.
A church was filled with the smell of INCENSE.
A SWEET SPIRITUAL FRAGRANCE in the church that will conjure up relief.
The TABLE OF OBLATION is a table in the altar area of the church building which is used for the preparation of the bread and wine used at the liturgy.
Every morning we RECITE THE LITANIES for salvation and then prayers for the peace.

А.К. [(2,5) 19,25]

1. There is always A TRYPTICH ICON in our family’s car. It protects our way during different journeys.
2. When I had obedience in A CHURCH last year I helped to clean and LIGHT LAMPS.
3. I MADE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS and VENERATED THE RELICS of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Tikhon not long ago.

1. A priest who BLESSED ME WITH THE SIGN OF THE CROSS after the Divine Liturgy heard me out very carefully and put on the straight and narrow in my THOUGHTS AND DEEDS.
2. When I was about a year old I was baptized and WORE A SMALL CROSS AROUND THE NECK.
3. I, like other ORTHODOX CRISTIANS, ask God TO GRANT LOVE IN MY HEART in order to lead a righteous and godly life.

1. When I entered the temple I breathed A SWEET SPIRITUAL FRAGRANCE of INCENSE and forgot about all worries and troubles of the worldly life.
2. A fervent PRAYER of my mother helped me miraculously to cope with some difficulties.
3. A friend of mine was reciting PRAYERS RISING UP TO GOD at VESPERS when I suddenly met him after many years.

1. My aunt made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and brought our family A CONSECRATED CROSS depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ with the particle of THE HOLY land.
2. Last summer when my family and I were in THE HOLY place which is called Kurskaya Korennaya Pustyn we TOOK COMMUNION of THE HOLY mysteries during THE LITURGY and also visited all sacred springs there.
3. I learnt about ITEMS which are kept ON THE HOLY TABLE and ON THE TABLE OF THE LITURGY during exam preparation for Liturgical Tradition.

М.Ч. [(6,5) 29]

1. There is an icon of Saint Nicholas with A RELIC OF the saint.
2. My little niece likes ALTAR LOAVES very much. Our priest nearly always gives her a big ALTAR LOAF from the altar.
3. In my opinion, every person should have a COMMEMORATION BOOK, but, to tell the truth, I do not usually use it as I commemorate their names by heart.
4. My mother told me that I CENSED our flat using a thing which was similar to a CENSER.
5. As for me, AN ICON CORNER is the most important thing in our flat. I take care of it with REVERENCE.

M.A. [(3,5) 38,5]

1. I often tried to look to the INNERMOST place of the SANCTUARY in my childhood during the SERVICE in the temple, because women are forbidden to go there and I always wondered what was there.
2. My favourite FRAGRANCE of INCENSE is Jerusalem.

Э.К. [(2) 12,75]

1. When I was a child, I was always interested in a CENSER: how does it work? What RELEASES THAT PERFUMED SMOKE INTO THE AIR? As a result I always tried to look inside when Father Eugene CENSED THE CHURCH.
2. Our priest allowed one of our woman-cleaners and helpers to go into «THE HOLY OF HOLIES».

И.M. [(2) 34]

1) Yesterday, during the CELEBRATION OF THE LITURGY I saw a SERVER burn a piece of CHARCOAL, place some INCENSE on the top of the CENSER and give it to the PRESBYTER.
2) When the priest in our local CHAPEL went out of the SANCTUARY and started TO CENSE THE CHURCH during the WORSHIP, all the parishioners felt a wonderful and sweet FRAGRANCE of trees and flowers.
3) After the RECITING of LITANIES the priest went out of THE ALTAR to read the GOSPEL standing on the AMBO and then returned to THE TABLE OF OBLATION to CONSECRATE THE BREAD AND WINE for CELEBRATING THE EUCHARIST.

M.O. [(7) 46,25]

1. Everyone knows the words of Christ: "TAKE UP your CROSS AND FOLLOW ME", but actually not many people do it without complaining.
2. It is impossible to get to know the mystery of THE THREE PERSONS OF THE TRINITY, despite lots of attempts.
3. LAMENTATIONS is a really inspiring book, I mean Jeremiah's love of people.
4. There is a captivating moment in DANIEL about the statue.
5. The union of THE TWO NATURES OF CHRIST: DIVINE AND HUMAN is the mystery for us, sinners.

1. I like very much the moment of CENSING during services.
2. FRAGRANCE OF INCENSE always helps me during my praying.
3. There is a deacon in my town who RECITES LITANIES in a magnificent voice.
4. A candle is our small OFFERING to God.
5. Truth be told, FERVENT prayers always happen at night.

M.A. [(4,5) 35]

Our new PROTODEACON was ordained PRIEST on feast of Holy Trinity.
Due to taking part in HOLY COMMUNION a person can join the HOLY MYSTERY.
During one's lifetime a person can take part in five MYSTERIES: BAPTISM, CHRISMATION, CONFESSION, HOLY COMMUNION, ANOINTING WITH OIL, and other two are not so necessary and common – MARRIAGE and ORDINATION INTO PRIESTHOOD.
Light of Orthodoxy was brought to the country by Russian missionary priest monk, after that ORTHDOX CHURCH OF JAPAN began its development.
The influence of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH upon history is more than of any other organization.
The CHURCH OF SINAI consists of no more than the monastery on Mount Sinai, and due to efforts of THE ARCHBISHOP OF THE SINAI it enjoys independence.
We visited CHURCH OF CYPRUS and took part in Divine Liturgy on our holidays three years ago.
Before starting the journey to the Holy Land, pilgrims from Russia are present at an audience with HIS BEATITUDE PATRIARCH OF THE HOLY LAND AND ALL PALESTINE, and receive his blessing.
THE CHURCH OF GREECE is one of the churches which make up the communion of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
Jesus' right hand in Icons is shown as being raised to make A GESTURE OF BLESSING.
In our Church, the most common form is the so-called THREE-BAR CROSS, consisting of the usual crossbeam, a shorter crossbeam above that and another crossbeam below, the last one is slanted.
Accepting a feeble and sick body that ties you to one place and steals your many joys - that means that you ARE TAKING up YOUR CROSS.
I take my first step towards ETERNITY by receiving Holy Communion.
We can simply explain CHRIST's NATURE - Jesus is not half God and half man. He is fully divine and fully man.
VENEARATE his name and obey him in all things.
I'm standing in the centre of the NAVE in front of the SANCTUARY.
I used to make THE SIGN OF THE CROSS casually as a nice gesture for beginning and ending my prayers.
What is the significance of the HOLY DOORS?
We prayed before the ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD beseeching her to grant forgiveness for our sins.

А.К. [(13) 16,75]

1. My mother always says that everyone has their own CROSS and they should TAKE it UP and PRAY WITH THE WHOLE BEING.
2. Sometimes I can get easily irritated. When it happens, I ask God TO GRANT love in my heart and BLESS my DEEDS AND THOUGHTS. Then I BOW and TOUCH THE GROUND three times.

И.M. [(3) 32]

1) One of my friends, who is a very religious person, FREQUENTLY uses phrases FROM THE LETTER TO THE CORINTHIANS written by THE HOLY APOSTLE PAUL and prefers to say "KING OF GLORY" speaking about JESUS CHRIST.
2)Several days ago the priest of our cathedral in Lipetsk during his PREACHING after SERVING THE DIVINE LITURGY, developed the theme about THREE PERSONS OF THE TRINITY - FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT - and about the symbolical meaning of WEARING SMALL CROSSES AROUND OUR NECKS, as this understanding helps us in BEING ONE and FOLLOWING CHRIST together.
3) To be honest, only studying at St. Tikhon`s Orthodox University gave me an opportunity to know more about HUMAN AND DIVINE NATURES OF CHRIST who "TRAMPLED DOWN DEATH BY DEATH" as, unfortunately, I wasn't knowledgeable about it before.

M.O. [(6,5) 39,25]

1. I always try TO VENERATE THE ICONS when entering the Church.
2. Recently, I have begun reading THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW.
3. On the SIDE DOORS to the sanctuary the first Martyr, deacon Stephen is depicted.
4. My friend has a birthday in the day of the ANNUNCIATION of the Mother of God.

А.Т. [(2) 26,75]

1. There is an ICON CORNER in each room in our dormitory; as a result everyone has their WINDOW ONTO ETERNITY. ICONS which I have in my room DEPICT saints, the Mother of God and even our Lord’s baptism.
2. My family has TRYPTICH ICONS even from Diveevo. They DEPICT our Lord Jesus Christ, the icon of Theotokos named «Tenderness» and reverend father Seraphim of Sarov. So we often GATHER FOR PRAYER to VENERATE THE SAINTS, the Mother of God and to WORSHIP GOD.

И.M. [(3,5) 9,5]

1) After the Divine Liturgy our family usually GATHERS in the corner of THE NAVE and reads prayers with REVERENCE and gratitude to Christ DEPICTED in the icon in front of us.
2) Several days ago I met a very kind-hearted and shiny person who UNDERTAKES MISSIONARY WORK in Italy and works as an ICONOGRAPHER in the monastery and I was really touched when he presented me the icon of Christ with golden letters IC XC which I SURROUNDED BY white DECORATIVE TOWEL and put in an ICON CORNER in my flat.
3)It makes me relaxed when I notice TRIPTICH ICONS attached to the glove compartment in a cab as I believe it can be the MEDIUM OF MY PRAYER in any case.

M.O. [(4,5) 18]

1) It's very important for all CHRISTIANS to read what EVANGELISTS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN wrote about the life of Christ from THE ANNUNCIATION to THE RESURRECTION, as HOLY SCRIPTURE contains a lot of ILLUMINATING things.
2) During the trip I had an opportunity TO KISS various ICONS OF SAINTS AND PROPHETS whom I haven't known before, but who are very much VENERATED in CHRISTENDOM.

M.O. [(6,5) 13,5]

1. It was rather curious for me to see the HOLY DOORS without icons of the ANNUNCIATION and the EVANGELISTS in the church of the Gethsemane Skete.
2. I was told that young and unmarried ladies are not allowed to read the book SONG OF SOLOMON.

M.A. [(2) 30,5]

1. Thrice he VENERATED the sacred remains.
2. SONG OF SOLOMON is the canonical book of the Old Testament, written in Biblical Hebrew by king Solomon.
3. THE HOLY DOORS are the central doors of the iconostasis, directly in front of the altar in an Orthodox Church.
4. In the New Testament ARCHANGEL MICHAEL leads God's armies against Satan's forces in the Book of the Revelation, where during the war in heaven he defeats Satan.
5. THE BOOK OF DANIEL is an account of the activities and visions of Daniel, a noble Jew exiled at Babylon.

М.Т. [(2,5) 12,5]

1. SONG OF SOLOMON influenced me very strongly at a certain moment of my life.
2. My father is a PRIEST, so he can PASS THROUGH THE HOLY DOORS.
3.I didn't know before that we should MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS TWICE before we KISS THE ICON.

Э.К. [(2,5) 10,75]

1. In the first months of the existence of our PARISH sanctified in honour of Sergius of Radonezh ordinary curtains served us as the HOLY DOORS.
2. We have been recently told that the EVANGELIST JOHN described events of the initial period, from Christ’s baptism to the departure for Galilee.

И.M. [(1,5) 6]

2. In my opinion, it does not matter whether we LIGHT THE CANDLE BOUGHT AT THE CANDLE DESK before or after kissing the icon.
3. Initially it was rather confusing for me to LOOK UPON saints, such as AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY OR PATRICK, not as strangers but as members of our own Church.
4. Sometimes it seems that our priests are VOICES CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS because many people listen to their words, however, do not embody them into reality.

M.A. [(3,5) 8,5]

When we go to CHURCH, first we get to THE NARTHEX, then to THE NAVE, where we can see THE ICONOSTASIS, behind which is THE ALTAR.
THE PATRIARCH OF CONSTANTINOPLE has been designated THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH since the sixth century.

М.Т. [(3) 3]

1. When we studied at the Exegesis classes in the first course, we made a study of THE FIRST and THE SECOND SAMUEL.
2. At the Religious Vocabulary class our lecturer told us that the ORTHODOX CHURCH IN AMERICA was founded by emigre clergy from Russia.

М.К. [(1) 19,75]

1. Saint Panteleimon IS venerated by the Russian Orthodox Church as the Great Martyr and Healer.
2. My Christian faith WAS STRENGTHENED even more when I obtained the grace of God.
3. I LIGHTED A CANDLE in front of the icon of the Mother of God.
4. Miraculous healing of the sick person happened through the COMMON PRAYER and faith of his relatives.

М.Ч. [(1,5) 22,6]

2. I like standing at church right under the DOME OF HEAVEN where the Lord is depicted, because this way I easily LIFT MY MIND UP INTO PRAYER and feel God’s blessing.

И.M. [(2,5) 4,5]

1. The ICON SCREEN of our church is made by the best artists of Togliatti.
2. A lot of icons presented to our archpriest are in the NARTHEX of our Church.
3. We don't often hear what the priest says because the choir is too far from the ALTAR.
4. We tried to study the SCHOLASTICISM at school, but it was very difficult.
5. To my shame, I've never read the book of NEHEMIAH.

А.Т. [(2,5) 5]

1) When I entered the CHURCH I smelled a wonderful fragrance of INCENSE and saw a gorgeous ICON SCREEN, burning LAMPS and parishioners, LIGHTING CANDLES.
2) I remember that being in Cyprus I visited an old church BUILT IN THE SHAPE OF OCTAGON with one ONION and grey DOME.

M.O. [(3) 7]

1. It took some time for me to realise that everything in Orthodox churches is made to LIFT THE MIND UP INTO PRAYER.
2. I understand that praying to God is the most important deed when we visit churches but LIGHTING THE CANDLES in churches is also of great importance to me.
3. Truth be told, our Merciful God granted me the PARISH which is indeed a SECOND HOME FOR OUR MEMBERS and me, WHERE IT IS EASY AND WELCOMING TO COME.
4. To my mind, NEHEMIAH is a rather touching book of THE OLD TESTAMENT due to the descriptions of his care about those returned from the captivity.

M.A. [(3) 5]

When I was only five years old my grandmother brought me to the CHURCH of Alexander Nevsky where for the first time in my life I received COMMUNION.
All members of my family were BAPTIZED and ANOINTED WITH chrism at a very young age.
Not long ago I went to CONFESSION to my spiritual father.

М.Ч. [(2) 2]

1. I've already learnt all THE SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH at school.
2. Yesterday the deacon brought to the choir a whole bunch of Orthodox SERVICE BOOKS.
3. Today in the Liturgy it seemed to us that one of our choir members was allergic to INCENSE.
4. Last year we managed to study only 12 BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT.
5. A few years ago we met HIS HOLINESS PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA KIRILL in our school.

А.Т. [(2,5) 2,5]

1. My mother and I were stunned by the beauty and the uniqueness of THE CHURCH of St. Simeon the Canaanite, which is located near the town of New Athos.
2. The Diocese of Saratov and Volsk (with its center in the city of Saratov, which is the administrative center of my region/oblast) is headed by METROPOLITAN Longin.
3. I was surprised that initially in ancient times THE BETROTHAL and THE MARRIAGE were separate since there were people of high moral standards with a very strong faith.
4. My favorite part of the Divine LITURGY is when everyone is singing The Creed (The Symbol of Faith), which follows THE GREAT ENTRANCE.

E.З. [(3) 36]

1) My grandmother, who was a nun, taught me how TO MAKE the SIGN OF THE CROSS in my early childhood.
2) Being a parishioner I understood that all Christians should know THE SHAPE OF THE LITURGY, which is a very important and special form of WORSHIP in our religious life.
3) Recently I read the interview with a PRIEST who noted that, unfortunately, nowadays a lot of young people don't realize the high importance of the BETROTHAL and the MARRIAGE at all.
4) There is one ASSISTANT BISHOP in our ARCHDIOCESE in Lipetsk whose name is Euthymius.
5) In June 23, 2013 the ARCHBISHOP of Lipetsk and Elets, whose name was Nikon, was elevated to the rank of METROPOLITIAN during the Divine LITURGY in Trinity Laura of St.Sergius.

M.O. [(4) 4]

1. Our METROPOLITAN of Krasnoyarsk became a MONK in the first week of the LENTEN period receiving the new name of Panteleimon.
2. After receiving the HOLY COMMUNION we should always listen to the THANKSGIVING PRAYERS.

И.M. [(2) 2]

1. In my opinion, THE MARRIAGE is a great Gift from our Merciful God.
2. Being at THE FUNERAL SERVICES of my relatives some time ago, I could not really comprehend how FUNERALS can be comfort and joy for the relatives of the deceased and how important it is to say PRAYERS FOR THE DEAD.

M.A. [(2) 2]

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