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2027 - Страница 7 - Форум
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readeralexey | Дата: Пятница, 07.07.2023, 13:33 | Сообщение # 1 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 554
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| - CAPITALS / bold type: active vocabulary words and collocations students have used;
- underline grey type: elements that have been corrected by the tutor;
- underline and/or
Delete: superfluous erroneous elements that have been corrected by the tutor;
- italics: where appropriate, elements which explain the corrected mistakes;
- red type: elements not graded for various reasons (e.g. dubious or erroneous statements, vague in meaning);
- number in brown: grades the student has received for this particular post.
См. также:Правила и типичные ошибки
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boriskorsun3 | Дата: Четверг, 18.04.2024, 10:00 | Сообщение # 91 |
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Сообщений: 35
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| Through baptism, we say: “yes, Lord, I choose to follow you by becoming an active disciple and PARISHIONER". GENEROSITY is portrayed as a source of blessings, both for the giver and the receiver. Because the liturgical day begins at sunset, VESPERS is traditionally served in the early evening.
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busiginaliza00 | Дата: Четверг, 18.04.2024, 10:13 | Сообщение # 92 |
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Сообщений: 12
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| I saw a nun praying with a LESTOVKA. I thank God every day for his GENEROSITY. I think HOMILIES are something like a moralizing lecture. A COMMEMORATION is a ceremony that honors someone's memory.
Сообщение отредактировал busiginaliza00 - Четверг, 19.12.2024, 17:43 |
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boriskorsun3 | Дата: Среда, 24.04.2024, 20:19 | Сообщение # 93 |
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Сообщений: 35
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| VIRTUE is the habitual, well-established, readiness or disposition of man's powers directing them to some goodness of act.
GOOD WORKS are a person's actions and deeds that align with the moral teachings, emphasizing compassion, charity, kindness and adherence to biblical principles, in contrast to inner qualities such as grace or faith.
The Church of Jesus Christ of LATTER-DAY CHRISTIANS is a restorationist, non-trinitarian Christian denomination that is the largest denomination in the Latter Day Saint movement.
Сообщение отредактировал boriskorsun3 - Среда, 24.04.2024, 20:19 |
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baushovamr | Дата: Четверг, 25.04.2024, 00:06 | Сообщение # 94 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 12
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| THE FALLEN NATURE and mortality of people were the consequences of the Adam and Eve's sin. In the sacrament of the priesthood, the future priest is given the gift of SACRAMENTAL POWERS to perform services and sacraments. The purpose of an UNSEEN WARFARE is to expel sin from our hearts and replace it with VIRTUE.
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busiginaliza00 | Дата: Воскресенье, 12.05.2024, 15:59 | Сообщение # 95 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 12
Статус: Offline
| God is able to grant HEALING even to the most severe illnesses. The priest absolves the sins of the PENITENT penitent. When I see a priest, I always go up TO ASK THE PRIEST FOR A BLESSING.
Добавлено (12.05.2024, 16:05) --------------------------------------------- AN ALB is a white liturgical vestment worn by clergy during religious services. During the morning OFFICE, the nuns gather in the chapel to pray together. The bishop wore a beautifully embroidered EPIGONATION during the Divine Liturgy.
Добавлено (12.05.2024, 16:09) --------------------------------------------- The concept of LIFE EVERLASTING is a central tenet of many religious beliefs. The FUNERAL SERVICE for the beloved community leader was a solemn and emotional occasion. The ceremony TO CONSECRATE A BISHOP was attended by clergy from various dioceses.
Добавлено (12.05.2024, 16:14) --------------------------------------------- The feast of THE ANNUNCIATION celebrates the moment when the archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would give birth to Jesus. THE TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus on the mountain was a moment of divine revelation witnessed by Peter, James, and John. The atmosphere in the church was SOLEMN as parishioners gathered for the Christmas service.
Добавлено (12.05.2024, 16:18) --------------------------------------------- In many cultures PUSSY WILLOWS branches are used as decorations during the Easter season. When the priest entered our home, he greeted the family with the traditional blessing: “PEACE BE TO THIS HOUSE”. The priest heartily BLESSED my brother and his wife, wishing them love and happiness for life.
Сообщение отредактировал busiginaliza00 - Среда, 26.06.2024, 21:39 |
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boriskorsun3 | Дата: Четверг, 16.05.2024, 08:20 | Сообщение # 96 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 35
Статус: Offline
| On May 16, 2024 we had no new words due to the incident at the previous lesson.
Добавлено (22.05.2024, 13:34) --------------------------------------------- The LITURGICAL BOOKS required for the celebration of the Church's divine services are specific to each ecclesial tradition. A DEVOTIONAL BOOK in the Orthodox Church is a book of prayers, usually designed for private use by laity. ORTHODOX TRADITION is the deposit of faith given by Jesus Christ to the Apostles and passed on in the Church from one generation to the next without addition, alteration or subtraction.
Сообщение отредактировал boriskorsun3 - Среда, 26.06.2024, 21:22 |
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runovasveta2005 | Дата: Среда, 22.05.2024, 13:59 | Сообщение # 97 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 15
Статус: Offline
| The contemporary believers are usually called LATTER-DAY CHRISTIANS. GOD-BEARING FATHERS lead an ascetic and secluded life. They LEAD A LIFE OF CONTEMPLATION. It is important for Orthodox Christians to say the RULES OF PRAYER. There is a difference between LITURGICAL BOOKS and DEVOTIONAL BOOKS: the former are used during the WORSHIP, the latter are for individual prayer. We shall CHERISH holy icons. VENERATING THE ICONS is a specific feature of Orthodoxy. OLD RITUALISTS or OLD BELIEVERS are Christians who separated from the Orthodox Church after Patriarch Nikon's reforms. The humanity has a lot of weaknesses because of its FALLEN NATURE. Our life is an UNSEEN WARFARE between good and evil. Many of the Christian verities are known from the ORTHODOX TRADITION and it is our main VEHICLE OF SALVATION. Many people can be salved through their GOOD WORKS. VESPERS and MATINS are the parts of the daily cycle of worship.
Сообщение отредактировал runovasveta2005 - Среда, 26.06.2024, 19:56 |
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lizaserdyuk06 | Дата: Четверг, 23.05.2024, 01:53 | Сообщение # 98 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 12
Статус: Offline
| I once saw a young man ORDAINED TO THE PRIESTHOOD. On the same day, he PERFORMED THE SACRAMENT of the Eucharist. He had all the parts of the vestments.
Добавлено (23.05.2024, 01:54) --------------------------------------------- The deacon and the priest have different VESTMENTS. Unlike the priest, the deacon does not wear the EPIGONATION and STOLE. But the orarion is exclusively part of the deacon's VESTMENTS. The vestments can also change color depending on church holidays.
Добавлено (23.05.2024, 01:54) --------------------------------------------- When a person dies, he becomes departed. A FUNERAL SERVICE is being held over him. Relatives also order a MEMORIAL SERVICE for the remission of sins.
Добавлено (23.05.2024, 01:55) --------------------------------------------- During Lent, we are all ANTICIPATING THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST. We all remember the moment when Christ RESURRECTED the DECEASED. A CYCLE OF FEASTS AND FASTS begins on September 1.
Добавлено (23.05.2024, 01:56) -------------------------------------------- THE NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD is one of twelve great feasts, which is celebrated in autumn. The EXALTATION OF THE CROSS is also one of twelve great feasts. THE ENTRY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD IN THE TEMPLE is one of twelve great feasts in winter.
Сообщение отредактировал lizaserdyuk06 - Среда, 26.06.2024, 23:50 |
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baushovamr | Дата: Четверг, 30.05.2024, 17:30 | Сообщение # 99 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 12
Статус: Offline
| GOD-BEARING FATHERS led an extremely ascetic life. The LITURGICAL BOOKS are based on the Bible, and can also be compiled by the Fathers of the Church. PRAYER BOOKS contain prayers that people often say at home.
Сообщение отредактировал baushovamr - Среда, 26.06.2024, 19:42 |
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lizaserdyuk06 | Дата: Понедельник, 03.06.2024, 00:11 | Сообщение # 100 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 12
Статус: Offline
| Every time on THE ANNUNCIATION we release pigeons into the sky. On PALM SUNDAY, all people come with pussy willows. On the feast of PENTECOST, our church is decorated with fresh flowers and birch branches.
Добавлено (03.06.2024, 00:12) --------------------------------------------- PUSSY WILLOW are an integral part of the feast of THE ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM. Now, on Holy Week, during Processions, the priest always SPRINKLES parishioners WITH HOLY WATER. My grandfather always says: “PEACE BE TO THIS HOUSE”, when he comes to the new place.
Добавлено (03.06.2024, 00:13) -------------------------------------------- MATINS and Vespers is a part of all-night vigil. THE ORDER OF THE FORGIVENESS is performed on Forgiveness Sunday. Homilies are really important for everyone.
Добавлено (03.06.2024, 00:13) --------------------------------------------- GOOD WORKS will help us get closer to the Kingdom of God. VIRTUE will also help us enter the Kingdom of God. Christ SACRIFICED himself for the salvation of mankind.
Добавлено (03.06.2024, 00:14) --------------------------------------------- LITURGICAL BOOKS help in the performance of services. DEVOTIONAL BOOKS help people to pray by themselves at home. Each Christian should know RULES OF PRAYER.
Сообщение отредактировал lizaserdyuk06 - Среда, 26.06.2024, 19:14 |
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oksanaoni2159 | Дата: Воскресенье, 09.06.2024, 23:48 | Сообщение # 101 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 21
Статус: Offline
| 1. It has caught my attention that upon entering church many people go straight to a MEMORIAL TABLE and lit candles in memory of their DECEASED loved ones. 2. CONTINUING PRAYERS for THE DEAD are believed to help them enter into the Kingdom of Heaven where there's no more sighing or sorrow known. 3. It is due to Christ's sacrifice that humanity is no longer in BONDAGE OF SIN AND DEATH. 4. Throughout the history of the Church THEOLOGIANS were motivated to define doctrines to prevent clueless people from DEVIATING INTO HERESY. 5. Among other things the TRINITARIAN DOCTRINE insists that the Son is by no means INFERIOR TO the Father.
1. THE INCARNATE CHRIST referred to Himself as both "Son of man" and Son of God, which may be considered one of the many textual clues pointing to THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST'S MANHOOD as well as the fullness of His Godhead. 2. The times of the great CAPPADOCIANS and SAINT ATHANASIUS were indeed unique, for Church history has not known another four fathers of such STATURE within the same generation. 3. Cyprus has not BEEN SUBJECT TO ANY METROPOLITAN since the Council of EPHESUS. 4. People sought a thorough explanation of the intricate Greek wording of the New Testament and St. John Chrysostom was someone who PREACHED SO ELOQUENTLY AND FLUENTLY that his SERMONS and HOMILIES became an integral part of Orthodox culture. 5. At baptism a believer, hoping to ATTAIN SALVATION, is ENTERING INTO A COVENANT RELATIONSHIP with God as once did the Israelites.
1. On PALM SUNDAY Jesus was welcomed in Jerusalem with SOLEMNITY. 2. MOUNT TABOR turned to play a key role in the MONASTIC PRACTICES of the fourteenth century. 3. Some Christians in the West keep the Sabbath of the Old Testament and interpret a number of its symbolic elements as the CHRISTIAN PASSOVER. 4. The debates around the bodily ASSUMPTION of Mary, which was dogmatised by the Catholics, to this very day draw many believers to side with the Orthodox view on the matter. 5. I find that there is not a single soul who would not rejoice when a priest SPRINKLES them WITH HOLY WATER.
1. There are enough blessings in God's bountiful hand to bring BOUNTY to the whole world. 2. The word "CONSUBSTANTIAL" means ONE IN ESSENCE to the Father and is widely used in CHRISTOLOGY. 3. It is important to learn THE PROVISIONS OF ALL THE CANONS of Ecumenical Councils by heart to be able to defend Orthodoxy in appropriate terms. 4. The TROPARION for Holy Pascha captures the very essence of the feast as it even mentions BESTOWING life on the dead. 5. For a new believer who is not yet familiar with all the DOCTRINES of the Church it is easy to mistake SCHISMATIC for CANONICAL sometimes.
1. The reason for why OLD RITUALISTS' churches can be found all over Moscow historically lies in the economic status of those who practiced the OLD RITE as they almost always were merchants and accommodated great wealth. 2. I wish RULES OF PIETY were taught to schoolchildren at a very young age. 3. During especially solemn services vespers is united with MATINS. 4. Popular DEVOTIONS are the source from which we know that the term THEOTOKOS was accepted by Christians very early on. 5. Persevering in UNSEEN WARFARE takes practice, dedication and OBEDIENCE TO the Holy Spirit.
Добавлено (10.06.2024, 00:01) --------------------------------------------- 1. ORTHODOX TRADITION is to be protected and cherished by us as we dare to consider ourselves the SUCCESSORS of the DESERT FATHERS. 2. GUILELESSNESS and MEEKNESS of the Holy Spirit is reflected in its symbol - the white dove. 3. NICENE CREED has to do with us BEARING WITNESS TO all the truths about the TRINITARIAN GOD that He REVEALED about Himself. 4. It is our job to conduct ourselves in a manner that is PLEASING to God at all times regardless of how much effort it might take. 5. On account of God's own GOODNESS He is continually sharing it with humanity.
С уважением, Онищенко Ксения
Сообщение отредактировал oksanaoni2159 - Среда, 26.06.2024, 19:38 |
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claudholloway | Дата: Понедельник, 10.06.2024, 12:32 | Сообщение # 102 |
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Сообщений: 10
Статус: Offline
| For 25.01.24 1. One should always go to CONFESSION before participating in the Communion. 2. The PENITENT should confess from the bottom of their heart.
For 22.02 1. Only ORDAINED PRIESTS can perform the sacraments. 2. My father was ORDAINED TO PRIESTHOOD in 2009. 3. At Easter priests are wearing red VESTMENTS.
For 22.02 1. A priest is a GO-BETWEEN between God and men. 2. CUFFS are to symbolize God's actions through the priest.
For 29.02 1. COUNCILS are very important events for all Christians. 2. An ALB is a symbol of priest's pure intentions.
For 06.03 1. A Priest should always be a good SHEPHERD to his FLOCK. 2. At the FUNERAL SERVICE the priest says the prayers for the DEPARTED.
For 14.03 1. First Christians suffered from PERSECUTIONS. 2. The ASCETIC LIFE is hard, but good for the soul. 3. People sometimes leaves sweets at the MEMORIAL TABLE.
For 28.03 1. The very first GREAT FEAST in a church's year is the NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD. 2. There are TWELVE GREAT FEASTS in a year, which means that they are associated with events from Jesus' life, described in the GOSPEL.
For 04.04 1. The symbol of THE PALM SUNDAY in Russian tradition is willow branches, not palm leaves. 2. I always feel awe when I see an ICON of THE TRANSFIGURATION because I find it really beautiful.
For 11.04 1) PUSSY WILLOW is one of my favorite symbols of the joyous celebration of Easter. 2) I usually BREAK MY FAST with my family at night when we return home after Easter service, so this meal always feels really special and maybe even sacral. 3) To me it's sad that we don't say PEACE BE TO THIS HOUSE anymore when we are visiting someone.
For 18.04 1) I love listening to HOMILIES in my local church. 2) It is absolutely necessary for every Christian to remember about PIETY. 3) I've never seen LESTOVKA and never heard about it before, but I like the way it looks.
For 23.05 1) I think that VEHICLES OF SALVATION can differ a bit for every person. 2) ORTHODOX TRADITION is the PRECIOUS HERITAGE for the Orthodox Church.
For 25.04 1) HOLY MONASTIC FATHERS are to be respected. 2) I'm willing TO LEAD a peaceful LIFE OF CONTEMPLATION. 3) Unfortunately, humanity now lives in THE FALLEN NATURE. 4) VIRTUE is one of the greatest things we can achieve. 5) We all should do GOOD WORKS in order to bring peace into our sinful lives.
Мария П.
Сообщение отредактировал claudholloway - Понедельник, 16.12.2024, 20:32 |
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oksanaoni2159 | Дата: Вторник, 11.06.2024, 15:02 | Сообщение # 103 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 21
Статус: Offline
| 1. Orthodox Christians are enraptured by the spiritual enlightenment of Pascha, so much so that the joy SPILLS OVER INTO a lasting visible celebration. 2. PROSTATING ONESELF in church is customary for the Lent period, although it is not necessarily appropriate on Sundays, considering its liturgical theme of Resurrection. 3. Troparion for THE TRANSFIGURATION mentions Mother of God, which can be attributed to the great feast of Dormition following it. 4. "PEACE BE TO THIS HOUSE" is the phrase that can be heard most often in Christian neighbourhoods. 5. The tradition of incorporating SOLEA into a church construction goes back to the 10th century Byzantine altar partitions that did not allow believers to see the main icon in the apse.
С уважением, Онищенко Ксения
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kaleda_v | Дата: Четверг, 13.06.2024, 17:38 | Сообщение # 104 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 11
Статус: Offline
| Sentences for the second semester by Kaleda Vladimir
1. When I visited the church for the first time, I noticed many priests wearing vestments.
2. Obedience is a difficult, but very important and useful experience for a believer.
3.There are twelve great feasts celebrated by Christians each year, commemorating important events in the life of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.
4. I'd like to learn all the saints' days.
5. Last week I met a disciple of a priest who helped me with my questions about faith.
6. One morning I realized I think I need to try to attend matins more often.
7. The Homily is one of the most interesting parts of the service for me.
8. I think people should strive for piety.
9. The decline of morality in the modern world is a consequence of fallen nature.
10. I understood that developing virtues like kindness and honesty can help us become better individuals.
11. In one of the churches, I found a book containing the rules of prayer.
12. In the monastery library, I discovered numerous liturgical books.
13. Additionally, I came across several devotional books that looked quite old.
14. While traveling through Russia, I encountered the Old Ritualists. Actually, they were nice people.
15. In my opinion, generosity is very important for any person.
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vvecheslova | Дата: Вторник, 13.08.2024, 18:16 | Сообщение # 105 |
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Сообщений: 4
Статус: Offline
| 1. The STOLE is one of the main vestments of the clergy of the Christian Church. 2. While doing prostrations it is necessary to kneel and touch the ground with your head. 3. The FALLEN NATURE of humanity, illnesses and other struggles are the consequences of Adam's and Eve's fall. 4. The fulfillment of God's law leads to SALVATION. 5. Many people are trying their best to do a GOOD WORK. 6. VIRTUE leads us to salvation. 7. RULES OF PRAYER should be known by all Christians. 8. A long period of time Christians suffered from PERSECUTIONS. 9. Talking about trees, the PUSSY WILLOW is my favorite one. 10. In Russia the symbol of THE PALM SUNDAY is the willow instead of the palm. 11. Christ SACRIFICED himself for the salvation of humanity. 12. The FUNERAL SERVICE is a liturgical rite by which the Church accompanies a DECEASED person to eternal life.
Сообщение отредактировал vvecheslova - Вторник, 20.08.2024, 20:39 |
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