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readeralexeyДата: Суббота, 03.09.2022, 19:39 | Сообщение # 1
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ulyana_kazakovaДата: Вторник, 16.04.2024, 23:10 | Сообщение # 46
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1 Caravaggio's painting "The Crucifixion of Saint Peter" depicts the MARTYRDOM OF ST PETER IN ROME, who was crucified upside down on a cross because he considered himself unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Christ.

2 ST LINUS, FIRST BISHOP OF ROME, was the successor of St Peter, and is considered a saint in the Catholic and Orthodox churches.

3 In 325, at the FIRST ECUMENICAL COUNCIL IN NICEA, THE ORIGINAL NICENE CREED was approved according to which it was believed that God the Trinity is consubstantial.

4 In 330 Constantine the Great renamed THE CITY BYZANTIUM and called it "New Rome".

5 In PIETISM, personal experience of God is more important than dogmas and church rites.

6 Russian Orthodox Church is against FREEMASONRY.

7 The translation of the PHILOKALIA into Russian was made by the Venerable Paisius Velichkovsky, who is highly revered by the Russian Orthodox Church.

8 The author of the first hagiography of Venerable Paisius of Mount Athos was his DISCIPLE, Hieromonk Isaac.

9 Venerable Sergius of Radonezh played a huge role in MONASTIC REVIVAL.

10 THE NON-POSSESSORS were against monastic land ownership.

11 Venerable Seraphim of Sarov spent much time in SECLUSION in continual prayer while living in a cell alone far away from all people.

12 Recently I was telling my boyfriend, who calls himself a "beginner believer", that there are very SEVERE and very kind priests, and one should choose a spiritual father who is closer to you in spirit.

13 As a child I often read the hagiography of saints: at home we had several huge books with beautiful illustrations, and my favourite was the hagiography of Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, and I remember how astonished I was when I read that he spent A THOUSAND SUCCESSIVE NIGHTS IN CONTINUAL PRAYER.

14 As far as I know, my spiritual father is very GENTLE towards young people, as he does missionary work and frequently travels to different towns and villages where he communicates with boys and girls, so he has a lot of experience and knows how to approach young ones.

15 It seems to me that a Christian should make no INDULGENCES for him/herself, but should be indulgent towards other people.

16 It still amazes me that ASCETICISM exists, and that there are people who are willing to abandon all the privileges and comfort.

17 It's amazing how a man can be TRANSFIGURED BY THE GRACE OF GOD.

18 Every Christian should endeavour to keep his soul pure and wait for THE LIGHT OF THE AGE TO COME.

19 When my family and I visited THE HERMITAGE OF OPTINA seven years ago, we met a wonderful, deeply religious family who immediately invited us to their home (they live 20 minutes from the monastery) and once again we were convinced of how small the Orthodox world is.

20 A person who betrays Orthodoxy will be EXCOMMUNICATED.

21 At home we have a wonderful book by BISHOP THEOPHAN THE RECLUSE "What is spiritual life and how to tune in to it".

22 The church I go to has more than twenty PARISH PRIESTS.

23 CHARITABLE WORK is a great way to help people and give them love and care.

24 The task of a spiritual father is to give his spiritual child SPIRITUAL DIRECTION. (pardon the tautology)

25 FREQUENT CONFESSION AND COMMUNION are essential for every Christian.

26 Recently I was telling my boyfriend about why a Christian should COMMUNICATE, it is not in vain that I study at our university.

27 I like the CHANCEL SCREEN in the church I go to.

28 It's strange to realise that Russian people used to be HEATHENS.

29 In 1614 Righteous Juliana of Lazarevo and Murom, in honour of whom I was named, WAS PROCLAIMED A SAINT.

30 Alexander Leonidovich Dvorkin, who lectured with us last year, is a researcher of contemporary religious sectarianism, a secular and church historian-medievalist and Orthodox LAY THEOLOGIAN.

31 One of the forty martyrs of Sebastia could not endure the torment and his APOSTASY immediately killed him, as he came out of the icy water into the warmth and fell dead.

32 Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow was elected by LOT.

33 My family used to have a tradition of travelling to Diveyevo Monastery to venerate the RELICS of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

34 In the Protestant church, there are women priests who are allowed to enter the ALTAR.

35 An acquaintance of mine was recently ordained and became a DEACON.

36 The CANDLESTICKS in our church are very beautiful.

37 There is a CROSS symbolising Golgotha in the centre of the altar.

38 The LAMB is a symbol of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is why you can often see lamb-shaped cakes in the shops before Easter.

39 The Western rite priest's VESTMENTS consist of AMICE, CHASUBLE, ZONA, MANIPLE, STOLE and ALB.

40 The GOSPEL is placed on the HOLY TABLE in the altar.

41 My father's spiritual father blessed him to be a MINISTER at the night service on Easter.

42 The HOLY SPOON is used by the priest to give communion to people.

43 In my childhood my brothers and sister and I used to play and pretend to be in the service, so my brother represented a deacon and instead of an ORARIUM he had a belt from his bathrobe.

44 The liturgical vestments are kept in the VESTRY or SACRISTY.


Сообщение отредактировал ulyana_kazakova - Среда, 01.05.2024, 12:01
yarovaya02Дата: Среда, 24.04.2024, 15:54 | Сообщение # 47
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After 1453, when the Florentine Union was abandoned at Constantinople, the Russian Church was autocephalous.

The double-headed eagle of Byzantium was adopted as the State emblem in medieval Russia.

Joseph’s party are known as the Possessors, Nilus and the "Transvolga hermits" as the Non-Possessors.

We should care for the sick and poor and show hospitality to them.

Monks are detached from the world and vowed to complete poverty.

Nilus drew a clearer line between the things of Caesar and the things of God.

Saint Basil the Blessed is the "Fool in Christ".

The Spiritual College or the Holy Synod was established by Peter I.

Paissy Velichkovsky (1722-1794) made a Slavonic translation of the Philokalia.

We should be severe to ourselves, gentle to others, but not being sentimental or indulgent.

Добавлено (24.04.2024, 16:01)
We should MINISTER to other people.

Through the startsi there was the MONASTIC REVIVAL.

Father John of Kronstadt was a parish priest, he organized CHARITABLE WORK.


Khomiakov was a LAY THEOLOGIAN.

Добавлено (24.04.2024, 17:36)

We read that the Russians in the seventeenth century were very DEVOUT.


This book is a SERVICE BOOK.

A DYARCHY is a SYMPHONY of two coordinated powers.

In the nineteenth-century Russia there was SPIRITUAL REAWAKENING.

We WORSHIP God the Lord.


Сообщение отредактировал yarovaya02 - Среда, 08.05.2024, 13:46
marichernaya911Дата: Четверг, 25.04.2024, 22:28 | Сообщение # 48
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1.   There are "white" and "black" clergy in the Russian Church: "black" are monks, "white" are married clergy.
2.   The knights of the Round Table were Arthur's Loyal adherents.
3.   Herodians formed a heretical faction in Jerusalem.
4.   Kinship of heart is what we seek when communicate with people.
5.   A Council has the right to overrule misconceptions.
6.   We reject the title of “universal bishop” for any bishop in Catholicism.
7.   Excommunication is the most grievous punishment for any clergyman.
8.   Immaculate Conception of Mary is a dogma of Catholicism.
9.   In 2004 the relics of Ss. John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian were returned to Constantinople from Rome after having been stolen by Crusaders.
10. Purgatory is a part of an image of Catholic hell.
11. Catholics believe that Indulgences bring forgiveness of sins.
12. We must be true to the observances of our faith.
13. In Catholicism Confirmation is disconnected from Baptism.
14. Previously Catholics used to give Holy Communion to all Church members, except infants.
15. According to Catholic Merit and Satisfaction soteriology, it is possible for a person to have enough good deeds in order to be saved.
16. When our sins scourge our conscience we should repent before God.
17. We read in the Gospel about many unclean spirits driven out by Christ.
18. It is so hard to pray in the turmoil of life's affairs!
19. I’ve read that Zebedee's sons were called "the sons of thunder", because they were great preachers. I thought their name was connected just with their fervent character.
20. By the writings of Church Fathers and Holy Scripture we are taught to hold to both written and oral tradition.
21. During the Synodical Period the Church was in complete subservience to the State.
22. In PSTGU standards of scholarship in the field of Theology are high.
23. For us laymen reading the Philokalia is a very hard task, as it is almost impossible to implement the lessons the book gives in our everyday life.
24. Our spiritual life is true only in our corporate life, as only in society we can learn to love people.
25. In 1990s a monastic revival spread across Russia. A lot of monasteries were built.
26. Apostles were the disciples of Christ.
27. Spiritual direction is an extremely important component of spiritual life of every Christian.
28. Life in the community teaches us be patient, love one another and share our things and love with others.
29. We hear in the canon dedicated to Joasaph of Belgorod that he learned to be severe to himself and gentle to others.
30. We know that St. Seraphim of Sarov spent a thousand successive nights in continual prayer. But we, modern Christians, are too weak, so we cannot do that: even being patient is often hard for us.
31. We must love one another, but without being indulgent.
32. The saint of the 20th century Sofronius (Sakharov) in his early years was first granted the vision of the Divine and Uncreated Light.
33. When visiting old monasteries or venerating relics we can feel a reverent awe.
34. Deification is the central doctrine of Orthodoxy and the main purpose of every Christian’s life.
35. Deification is transfiguration of human nature by the grace of God.
36. As metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh said, true faith in Christ becomes possible, when a person sees someone who has the light of the age to come on their face.
37. Books of bishop Theophan the Recluse explains a lot of complexities of spiritual life.
38. The life of an ordinary parish priest is hard and full of self-denial.
39. It is a great question for me – what is more important for the Church nowadays: building new churches in big cities (where churches are already built) or charitable work?
40. Modern priests insist on frequent communion.
41. When intending to communicate we must prepare properly and test our conscience before.
42. Chancel screen separates the Altar from the part of the church where laity pray.
43. Saint Nectarius of Aegina was proclaimed a saint recently.
45. The 1990s was the time of a striking revival of missionary work.
46. The goals of missionary work today are harder than in the past as we don't have to preach to the poor and illiterate heathen, but to people living in big cities, who have a lot of entertainment to live a full life.
47. Before every missionary trip in our University we have few meetings with missionary studies faculty.
48. In our university we have a lot of professors who are lay theologians.
49. We should understand all the assumptions of our faith.
50. Orthodoxy in its basic presuppositions is opposite to other religions.
51. We are not afraid of Latinism in Orthodox scholarship of 19th century as the teaching was preserved and developed in Europe.
52. Just on the day of the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II the icon of the Mother of God the Sovereign (Державная) was revealed.
53. The Provisional Government ruled after the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II.
54. Patriarch Tikhon was chosen by lot: he had the least number of votes in the voting.
55. The deliberations concerning the problems of the Church are inevitable.


Сообщение отредактировал marichernaya911 - Среда, 08.05.2024, 10:54
sasavasl15Дата: Пятница, 26.04.2024, 20:55 | Сообщение # 49
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2. The spiritual college aims to educate and nurture future leaders of the church.
3. The Holy Synod played a crucial role in upholding the traditions and doctrines of Christianity.
4. Unlike Catholicism, there is married clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church.
5. The Chief Procurator supervised matters of governance and administration in the church hierarchy.
6. The system of church government ensures order and structure in the ecclesiastical community.
7. Pietism is originally a movement within the Lutheran Church, characterized by giving special importance to personal piety, religious experiences of believers, and a sense of living communion with God.
8. Freemasonry and Christianity have long been subjects of debate within religious circles.
9. Reflective churchmen contemplate deeply on theological issues and spiritual matters.
10. Philokalia  is a collection of spiritual works by Orthodox authors of the IV—XV centuries, which was compiled by Metropolitan Macarius of Corinth and Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain.
11. Corporate worship brings believers together in unity and communion with God.
12. Disciples of Christ strove to follow His teachings and emulate His example.
13. A monastic revival have breathed new life into ancient traditions and practices of devotion.
14. The Non-Possessors is the monastic movement in the Russian Orthodox Church of the late XV — first half of the XVI centuries, the appearance of which is associated with the dispute over monastic land ownership, which they opposed.
15. The practice of spiritual direction provides guidance and support for individual believers.
16. The community of believers offers fellowship, support, and accountability in Christian life.
17. Seclusion can be a time for deep reflection, prayer, and communion with God.
18. Severe ascetic practices are undertaken by some believers as a form of spiritual discipline.
19. He was gentle to others, following Christ's command to love one another as He has loved us.
20. Indulgent behaviors may lead one away from the path of righteousness and spiritual growth.
21. Asceticism involves self-discipline and denial for the sake of spiritual growth and purity.
22. . The hermitage of Optino is a place of solitude and prayer for those seeking spiritual renewal.
23. . Excommunicated individuals are temporarily separated from the sacraments and life of the church.
24. A parish priest serves as a shepherd and spiritual guide for the local church community.
25. Charitable work is an expression of love and compassion for those in need, reflecting Christ's teachings.
26. Insight into scripture and theology can deepen one's understanding of God and His ways.
27. Spiritual direction offers guidance and support for individuals seeking to grow in their faith.
28. Frequent communion strengthens believers' connection to Christ and the church community.
30. Public confession can be a humbling and healing experience for those seeking forgiveness.
31. The heathen are those who have not yet heard the good news of Jesus Christ.
32. Missionary studies prepare individuals to spread the gospel to people of different cultures and backgrounds.
33. Was proclaimed a saint due to exemplary faith, holiness, and devotion to God.
34. Slavophil thinkers emphasized the unique spiritual and cultural heritage of the Slavic peoples.
35. Lay theologians offer valuable insights and perspectives on theological matters from outside the clergy.
36. Orthodox believers adhere to traditional teachings and practices of the Christian faith.
37. Presuppositions influence how we approach theology and interpret scripture.
38. Latinism refers to the influence of Latin language and culture on Western Christianity.
39. Subjugation of self is a key aspect of Christian discipleship and spiritual growth.
40. Deliberations among church leaders help shape decisions and directions for the community of faith.


Сообщение отредактировал sasavasl15 - Среда, 08.05.2024, 13:04
amasaltsevaДата: Пятница, 26.04.2024, 21:26 | Сообщение # 50
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1) The ZONA is a specific part of the VESTMENTS of the priests of the WESTERN RITE.
2) SUBCINGULUM is a belt which is put under the STOLE. The priest may also put it under the ZONA.
3) They knew he was a priest - he was wearing the ALB, the AMICE and the STOLE which can also be called ORARIUM.
4) In the west they celebrate the MASS which differs from Orthodox Liturgical tradition. The most important part of the Mass is called the CANON, it starts with the SANCTUS and finishes with the ELEVATION OF THE GIFTS.
5) FILIOQUE, from Latin “and from the Son” - one of the greatest subject of controversy between Eastern and Western Christianity.
6) PAPAL UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION, or Papal Supremacy - one of the main DOCTRINES of the Catholic Church.
7) Martin Luther was triggered by the monk who was selling INDULGENCES.
8) PURGATORY, according to a Catholic DOCTRINE, is an intermediate state after death. There the departed purify their souls so that they could attainHeaven.
9) SOLA SCRIPTURA is one of the basic doctrines of PROTESTANTISM. The main idea of “Sola Scriptura” (Scripture Alone) is that the Bible is EXCLUSIVELY authoritative for all the Christians. That means each may interpret the Bible as one sees fit. 
10) During the Mass Catholics and Orthodox of Western Rite use MISSAL, a book which contains everything needed to the priest to sing the Mass.
11) While singing the Mass the priest wears a CHASUBLE.
12) In Catholicism there is no MARRIED CLERGY.
13) During the reign of Peter the Great a HOLY SYNOD, or the SPIRITUAL COLLEGE was established. This SYSTEM OF CHURCH GOVERNMENT made the Church to be in complete SUBSERVIENCE TO THE STATE. The Holy Synod was a department of State and on every meeting the CHIEF PROCURATOR as the government official was present.
14) Some monks choose SECLUSION from the outside world.
15) In Orthodoxy ASCETICISM is seen as a means of spiritual discipline and self-denial.
16) As V. Lossky writes, The Son has become like us by the Incarnation; we become like Him by DEIFICATION. This is the process of partaking of the divinity in the Holy Spirit.
17) Father John of Kronstadt established a tradition of PUBLIC CONFESSION in his PARISH.
18) Emperor Nicolas II was PROCLAIMED A SAINT in Russia in 2000.
19) The nun dedicated her life to CHARITABLE WORK, helping those who appeared to be less fortunate.
20) The early settlers considered the native tribes as HEATHENS and started MISSIONARY WORK among them.
21) THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT appeared immediately after the ABDICATION of Nicolas II.
22) LAY THEOLOGIAN is a theologian who belongs to the laity, the one who is not ORDAINED.
23) He engaged in deep DELIBERATION before making that decision.
24) To expand its religious influence the Catholic Church sought SUBJUGATION of those territories.
25) Making the ASSUMPTION that all Belarus people are Orthodox would be misleading.
27) A CHANCEL SCREEN can also be called a ROOD SCREEN. That’s a partition between the CHANCEL and the nave.
28) The tradition of FREQUENT COMMUNICATION is rooted in ancient times and now is recovered: the Orthodox tend to COMMUNICATE each Sunday or at least several times a month.

29) The one who has the gift of INSIGHT understands beyond the spoken words.
30) The one who is EXCOMMUNICATED isn’t allowed to receive the Sacraments.
31) THE HERMITAGE OF OPTINA is one of the key monasteries in Russia. In the 19th century it was especially popular because of STARTSI, who MINISTERED there. The elders were great teachers in art of SPIRITUAL DIRECTION.
32) FREEMASONRY appeared in the 18th century. 
33) THE NON-POSSESSORS is a monastic movement in the Russian Orthodox Church of the end of 15th century. The main principle of it is inward-looking ASCETICISM.
34) Sometimes it’s extremely difficult to find the border between being GENTLE and INDULGENT to weaknesses of others.
35) The election of the Patriarch between the three candidates was made by LOT.


Сообщение отредактировал amasaltseva - Суббота, 11.05.2024, 12:30
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