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Общеупотребительная и деловая лексика английского языка
АРХИВ ДЗ: 2014/15
ГРУППА 253 (к 20.05.15)
Revise Unit 37 and be ready for a test on it.
Study Unit 38 on your own (only left-hand page).
Revise unit 21, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit
Bring to class unit 22
Study Unit 27 on your own (only left-hand page).
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 13.05.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 36 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 37 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 20, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 21COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 26 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 06.05.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 35 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 36 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 19, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 20COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 25 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 29.04.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 34 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 35 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 18, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 19COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 24 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 22.04.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 33 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 34 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 17, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 18COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 23 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 01.04.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Units 30-32 and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 33 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Bring to class unit 17COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 22 on your own (only left-hand page, sections B, C). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 25.03.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 30 and be ready for a test on it.Revise Unit 31.Study Unit 32 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise Units 1-16 and be ready for a Summary Test on these units.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 21 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 18.03.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 29 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 30 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise Unit 16 [do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key], and be ready for a test on this unit.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 20 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 11.03.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 27 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 29 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise Unit 15 [do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key], and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 16.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 19 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 04.03.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 26 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 28 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise Unit 14 [do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key], and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 15.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 18 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 18.02.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Units 24-26 and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 27 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise Unit 13 [do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key], and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 14.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 17 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 16.02.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 24 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 25 and 26 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise Unit 12, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key, and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 13.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 16 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 04.02.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Units 21-23 and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 24 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise Unit 11, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key, and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 12.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 15 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 26.01.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Study Units 21 and 22 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Bring to class Unit 11.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 14 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
ГРУППА 253 (к 05.12.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 20 and be ready for a test on it. Study Unit 21 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Do exercises for Unit 10, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 11.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 12 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 05.12.14)
Study Units 7 and 8 on your own (only left-hand page).If you have not done it, participate in the poll to decide what units to study.
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 28.11.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 19 and be ready for a test on it. Finish reading Unit 20 C. Study Unit 21 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Do exercises for Unit 9, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 10.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 11 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 28.11.14)
Study Unit 57 on your own (only left-hand page).If you have not done it, participate in the poll to decide what units to study.
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 21.11.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 18 and be ready for a test on it. Revise Unit 19, do exercises for it. BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Do exercises for Unit 8, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 9.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 10 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 21.11.14)
Revise Unit 14.Study Unit 19 on your own (only left-hand page).If you have not done it, participate in the poll to decide what units to study.
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 07.11.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 15 and be ready for a test on it. Study Unit 16 on your own (only left-hand page). BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Do exercises for Unit 7, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 8.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 7 and 8 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 07.11.14)
Study Units 2 and 3 on your own (only left-hand page).Participate in the poll to decide what units to study.
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 31.10.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 14 and be ready for a test on it. Study Unit 15 on your own (only left-hand page). BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Do exercises for Unit 6, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 7.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 7 and 8 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 31.10.14)
Revise Units 46 and 71 and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 76 on your own (only left-hand page).Those who have not participated in the poll, do it!
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 24.10.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 13 and be ready for a test on it. Study Unit 14 on your own (only left-hand page). BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Do exercises for Unit 5, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 6.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 5 and 6 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 24.10.14)
Revise Units 32 and 40 (do exercises 2-3) and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 46 on your own (only left-hand page).Those who have not participated in the poll, do it!
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 17.10.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 12 and be ready for a test on it. Study Unit 13 on your own (only left-hand page). BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Do exercises for Unit 4, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 5.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 5 and 6 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 17.10.14)
Revise Units 30 and 31 (do exercises 3-5) and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 32 on your own (only left-hand page).Those who have not participated in the poll, do it!
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 10.10.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 11 and be ready for a test on it. Study Unit 12 on your own (only left-hand page). BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Do exercises for Unit 3, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 4.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 3 and 4 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 10.10.14)
Revise Units 21 and 22 and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 30 on your own (only left-hand page).Those who have not participated in the poll, do it!
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 03.10.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 9 and 10 and be ready for a test on them. Study Unit 11 on your own (only left-hand page). BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Do exercises for Unit 2, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 3.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 2 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 03.10.14)
Revise Units 18 and 19 and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 21 on your own (only left-hand page).Those who have not participated in the poll, do it!
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 26.09.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 8. Finish studying Unit 9, do exercises on page 21, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on units 8, 9. Study Unit 10 on your own (only left-hand page).
Do exercises for Unit 1, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class Unit 2.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Bring to class several opening units of the book. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ГРУППА 553 (к 26.09.14)
Revise Unit 15 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 18 on your own (only left-hand page).Those who have not participated in the poll, do it!
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к 19.09.14)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Study unit 4 on your own. Do exercises on page 11, check your answers using Answer key at the end of the book. Be ready for a test on this unit. Participate in a new poll on this page to decide how to proceed with this book and with Collocations.BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Bring to class Unit 1. | ГРУППА 553 (к 19.09.14)
Revise Units 14, 7, 11, do exercises for units 7, 11 and be ready for a test on these units.Study Unit 12 on your own (only left-hand page).Those who have not participated in the poll, do it!
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к первому занятию 09.14)
Выполните интерактивные онлайн-тесты по пособиям English Vocabulary in Use для определения своего уровня: Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate Upper-Intermediate . В каждом из тестов 50 вопросов. Выполнение каждого теста занимает около 15 минут. ВНИМАНИЕ! Опыт показывает, что правильный ответ иногда "на выходе" оценивается системой как неправильный. Поэтому выпишите все Ваши ответы, оцененные как "неправильные", а также предлагаемый "правильный" ответ и номера разделов учебника, в которых содержится соответствующий материал. Проверьте себя по учебнику (INTERMEDIATE, UPPER-INTERMEDIATE). Оцените свои результаты по следующей шкале: 46-50 - "отлично" 37-45 - "хорошо" 30-36 - "удовлетворительно" 29 и меньше - "плохо". Cкачайте на этой странице оба пособия (см. ссылки выше и ниже) и ознакомьтесь с их содержанием.Также подумайте, брать ли какое-либо пособие в качестве дополнительного, и если да, то какое. Варианты: 1. Деловая лексика; 2. СловосочетанияПримите участие в онлайн-голосовании на этой странице, чтобы группе определиться с выбором пособий. | ГРУППА 553 (к 12.09.14)
Revise Unit 6 and be ready for a test on it.Revise Unit 13, do exercises, check your answers using Answer Key at the end of the book, and be ready for a test on this unit.Study Unit 14 on your own (only left-hand page).Those who have not participated in the poll, do it!
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK
ГРУППА 253 (к первому занятию 09.14)
Выполните интерактивные онлайн-тесты по пособиям English Vocabulary in Use для определения своего уровня: Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate Upper-Intermediate . В каждом из тестов 50 вопросов. Выполнение каждого теста занимает около 15 минут. ВНИМАНИЕ! Опыт показывает, что правильный ответ иногда "на выходе" оценивается системой как неправильный. Поэтому выпишите все Ваши ответы, оцененные как "неправильные", а также предлагаемый "правильный" ответ и номера разделов учебника, в которых содержится соответствующий материал. Проверьте себя по учебнику (INTERMEDIATE, UPPER-INTERMEDIATE). Оцените свои результаты по следующей шкале: 46-50 - "отлично" 37-45 - "хорошо" 30-36 - "удовлетворительно" 29 и меньше - "плохо". Cкачайте на этой странице оба пособия (см. ссылки выше и ниже) и ознакомьтесь с их содержанием.Также подумайте, брать ли какое-либо пособие в качестве дополнительного, и если да, то какое. Варианты: 1. Деловая лексика; 2. СловосочетанияПримите участие в онлайн-голосовании на этой странице, чтобы группе определиться с выбором пособий. | ГРУППА 553 (к 12.09.14)
Revise Unit 6 and be ready for a test on it.Revise Unit 13, do exercises, check your answers using Answer Key at the end of the book, and be ready for a test on this unit.Study Unit 14 on your own (only left-hand page).Those who have not participated in the poll, do it!
Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK