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Общеупотребительная и деловая лексика английского языка
АРХИВ ДЗ: 2016/17
4 КУРС (к 06.06.17 - ГОСЭКЗАМЕН)
Be ready for a test on the collocations you have selected for memorizing. (There will be 25 collocations in your test, you will get one point for each correct collocation. Correctness includes choice of words and spelling. If there are variants in some collocations, write at least one variant, or more than one for extra credit.) The list of collocations to revise for the State Exam (all will be included in the test, in a random order).
4 КУРС (к 13.03.17)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise unit 96 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 97 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 64, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this units.Bring to class unit 65.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 1-60 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 06.03.17)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 94-95 and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 96 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 63, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this units.Bring to class unit 64.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 1-60 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 20.02.17)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 91-93 and be ready for a test on them.Study Units 94-95 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 62, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this units.Bring to class unit 63.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 1-60 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 13.02.17)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 90-91 and be ready for a test on them.Study Units 92-93 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise units 60-61, do exercises for these units, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on these units.Bring to class unit 62.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 1-60 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 06.02.17)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 88-89 and be ready for a test on them.Study Units 90-91 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 59, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class unit 60.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 1-60 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 28.11.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 84-87 and be ready for a test on them.Study Units 88-89 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 58, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class unit 59.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 60 on your own (only left-hand page).Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 51-60 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 21.11.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 84-85 and be ready for a test on them.Study Units 86-87 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 58, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class unit 59.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 60 on your own (only left-hand page).Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 41-50 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 07.11.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 82-83 and be ready for a test on them.Study Units 84-85 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 57, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class unit 58.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 59 on your own (only left-hand page).Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 31-40 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 31.10.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 80-81 and be ready for a test on them.Study Units 82-83 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 56, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class unit 57.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 58 on your own (only left-hand page).Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 21-30 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 24.10.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise unitы 78-79 and be ready for a test on it.Study Units 80 (B)-81 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 55, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class unit 56.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 57 on your own (only left-hand page).Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 11-20 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 10.10.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise unit 77 and be ready for a test on it.Study Units 78-79 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 54, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class unit 55.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 56 on your own (only left-hand page).Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 11-15 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 03.10.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise unit 76 and be ready for a test on it.Study Units 77-78 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 53, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class unit 54.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 55 on your own (only left-hand page).Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 6-10 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 26.09.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 72-75 and be ready for a test on these units.Study Units 76-77 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Bring to class unit 52.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 53 on your own (only left-hand page).Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 1-5 of this book which you would like to memorize. You will get 0,3 grade for each suggested translation, accepted by tutor and class. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 19.09.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 72-73 and be ready for a test on these units.Study Units 74-75 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise units 33-51 and be ready for a Summary test on these units.COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 52 on your own (only left-hand page).Visit the group access document by the link you have received via e-mail and suggest translations for collocations from units 1-5 of this book which you would like to memorize. Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 12.09.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise units 70-71 and be ready for a test on these units.Study Units 72-73 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 50, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unit.Bring to class unit 51COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 51 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
4 КУРС (к 05.09.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Study Units 70-71 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise units 49, study unit 48 on your own, do exercises for these units, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on these units.Bring to class unit 50COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 50 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |