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Общеупотребительная и деловая лексика английского языка
АРХИВ ДЗ: 2015/16
3 КУРС (к 26.05.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Units 67, 68 and be ready for a test on them.Study Unit 69 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 47, study unit 48 on your own, do exercises for these units, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on these units.Bring to class unit 49COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 49 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 19.05.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 67 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 68 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 47, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 48COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 49 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 12.05.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 66 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 67 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 46, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 47COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 49 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 21.04.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 65 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 66 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 45, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 46COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 48 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 14.04.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 64 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 65 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 44, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 45COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 48 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 31.03.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 63 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 64 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 43, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 44COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 47 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 24.03.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 62 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 63 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 42, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 43COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 46 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 10.03.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 61 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 62 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 41, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 42COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 45 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 03.03.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 60 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 61 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 40, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 41COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 44 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 25.02.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 59 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 60 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 39, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 40COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 43 (C) and Unit 44 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 18.02.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 57 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 59 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 38, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 39COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 42 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 11.02.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 56 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 57 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 37, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 38COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 41 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 04.02.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 55 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 56 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 36, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 37COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 40 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 28.01.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 54 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 55 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 36, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 37COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 39 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 21.01.16)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 52 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 54 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 35, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 36COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 39 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 10.12.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 53 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 52 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 34, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 35COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 38 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 03.12.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 51 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 52 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 33, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 34COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 37 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 26.11.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 50 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 51 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Bring to class unit 33COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 36 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 19.11.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 49 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 50 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Be ready for a Summary Test on Units 17-32.Bring to class unit 33COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 35 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 12.11.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 48 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 49 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 32, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 33COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 34 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 05.11.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 47 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 48 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 31, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 32COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 34 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 29.10.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 46 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 47 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 30, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 31COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 33 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 15.10.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 45 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 46 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 29, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 30COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 32 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 08.10.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 44 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 45 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 28, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 29COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 31 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 01.10.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 43 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 44 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 26, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 28COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 30 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 24.09.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 42 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 43 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 25, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 26COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 30 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 17.09.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 41 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 42 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 24, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 25COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 29.Study Unit 30 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 10.09.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 40 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 41 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 23, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 24COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 27.Study Unit 29 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |
3 КУРС (к 03.09.15)
EVU UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: Revise Unit 39 and be ready for a test on it.Study Unit 40 on your own (only left-hand page).BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Revise unit 22, do exercises for this unit, check your answers using Answer Key and be ready for a test on this unitBring to class unit 23COLLOCATIONS INTERMEDIATE: Study Unit 27 on your own (only left-hand page). Write a text consisting of (at least) three coherent (interconnected) sentences using words and collocations from the studied material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use. PLEASE USE FOR THIS CAPITALS ONLY. PLEASE ALWAYS INDICATE WHAT UNITS YOUR WORDS COME FROM (e.g., "units 18-26"). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank. Your TEXT BANK | ПРИНЕСТИ ЖУРНАЛ ПОСЕЩАЕМОСТИ |