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Quote 223
Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt

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Quote 223 - Форум

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Quote 223
readeralexeyДата: Вторник, 16.11.2021, 22:55 | Сообщение # 1
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Do not fear the conflict, do not flee it. Where there is no struggle, there is no virtue; where faith and love are not tempted, it is not possible to be sure whether they are really present. They are proved and revealed in adversity, that is, in difficult and grievous circumstances, both outward and inward – during sickness, sorrow, and privations.

Righteous John, Wonderworker of Kronstadt
mariabrkДата: Среда, 17.11.2021, 23:30 | Сообщение # 2
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I absolutely agree with these words. To flee is the easiest and the safest way out, but it doesn't mean that it's the correct one. Nowadays there are a lot of Orthodox psychologists who can teach us how to deal with conflicts and to nip them in a bud. And they all speak about love and faith. We always have to treat people with love and pray that God helps us endure any grievous circumstances (especially when the case is really serious). And yet it is the supreme art when a situation is not escalated into a conflict. Affection, attention and care are the tools that help us to talk to each other (what most people forget to do) and solve any issues even if people experience some privations or they are in adversity.

However, the most complicated conflict that reveals if we have faith and complete trust in God, is the inner one. When you are in conflict with yourself. But it's very important not to stop praying and trusting God in such moments. God loves us and will provide some comfort.


Сообщение отредактировал mariabrk - Пятница, 26.11.2021, 00:02
posternaksophieДата: Понедельник, 22.11.2021, 16:12 | Сообщение # 3
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Righteous John of Kronstadt is a saint whom I venerate and in whom I see an outstanding example of Orthodox virtues. Therefore, I fully support his idea about conflicts.

Basically, our life is all about conflicts and choices. Every moment of our lives we make a choice whether we are with God or not. These choices are intertwined with conflicts as every time we make a choice we are in conflict with satan.

Actually, if we explore the subject more thoroughly, we, being Orthodox, are in constant conflict with the whole world as Jesus Christ had been was nearly 2000 years ago. So this state of being in constant conflict is a feature which best describes the permanent state of Orthodox people. When things go smoothly, it is a sign that something is going dreadfully wrong.

It is also true that only in adversity is God near and one truly learns about Him. God Himself told us to go to most unpleasant places as hospitals and prisons where adversities are most visible and where one is most likely to encounter conflicts. Only in such situations is it truly possible to see the gloomy reality. When one encounters grief and suffering, God is near and He reveals Himself to us to help us bear this burden.


Сообщение отредактировал readeralexey - Понедельник, 29.11.2021, 21:54
abalakinan27Дата: Вторник, 23.11.2021, 09:06 | Сообщение # 4
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This quote involves the main meaning of Christian life. How could a person be sure that someone loves him? It’s rather hard to appreciate it only in the abstract. Moreover, how are you going to feel your love fully not doing good, not proving it? Whether you are really Christian or not can be revealed only by your actions. This message is found several times in the Scriptures: “If faith does not have works, it is dead” (James 2:20).


Сообщение отредактировал abalakinan27 - Среда, 01.12.2021, 11:28
danil_naydenovДата: Четверг, 25.11.2021, 00:53 | Сообщение # 5
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That is true, for God gave first people a choice: to fulfill His commandment or to turn away from Him. That was the instance when their faith and love for God were tempted. And our life here on earth is hard in the same way. But these hardships are not meant to destroy us. On the contrary, they are present to help us prove our humility, kindness and love and reveal our inner spiritual strength. That’s why we should never flee and never give up. Our life has no dead ends, because in every situation there is an opportunity to reveal our fortitude and care for our neighbour. But even if we wanted to avoid all conflicts and difficulties in our lives, we just wouldn’t be able to, for our earthly live is altogether a one big difficulty. Of course, only if we perceive it this way. For where one sees a difficulty, the other sees an opportunity.


Сообщение отредактировал danil_naydenov - Воскресенье, 05.12.2021, 22:21
katyadorniakДата: Воскресенье, 28.11.2021, 16:43 | Сообщение # 6
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From the very first year of education, we learned one simple truth: no pain - no gain. We perceived this as the rule in the educational environment: without drill, you can't learn anything, without sleepless nights, you can't pass the exam for a high score. And now we find that this truth is also relevant for spiritual life.
Well, I foresaw it. In earthly life, conflicts are inevitable, despite our friendly environment and tolerant society. Avoiding conflicts, of course, is convenient and pleasant. But what kind of Christians will we be if we don't stand up for our faith: by word, deed, or even by thought?

However, it seems to me that the main conflict lies in ourselves. Our sins and passions are our main sources of sickness, sorrow, and privations. Therefore, before fighting for faith with the vicious world we should fight with our own vices.



Сообщение отредактировал katyadorniak - Воскресенье, 05.12.2021, 16:27
valpet251Дата: Вторник, 30.11.2021, 02:42 | Сообщение # 7
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I fully agree with this idea. It is natural for a person to seek a calm and peaceful life. Even in an augmented litany there are such words: "let us live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity." These words are taken from the first epistle of the Apostle Timothy (chap. 2, verse 2). And it seems natural and understandable. But the righteous John of Kronstadt calls us at the same time not to be afraid of adversity, temptations and conflicts, because it is in difficulties, illnesses and hardships that our faith is tested and revealed. And without them (without difficulties), according to the word of Father John, we cannot be sure that we have faith and love.


Сообщение отредактировал valpet251 - Вторник, 30.11.2021, 02:42
7109633Дата: Пятница, 03.12.2021, 13:40 | Сообщение # 8
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I quite agree with the opinion of Righteous John. It is actually a general truth. Often we hear those phrases such as "A friend in need is a friend indeed", "Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him" or "Company in distress makes trouble less" and so on.

And on the other hand we know that the path to God is filled with much struggle as people fight their own weaknesses, proving their faith. But also it is the case when we can see whether someone is sincere or not.



Шебалкина Е.И.

Сообщение отредактировал 7109633 - Вторник, 07.12.2021, 20:10
tukova0306Дата: Воскресенье, 05.12.2021, 15:48 | Сообщение # 9
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I fully agree with St. John of Kronstadt’s opinion. It is true that nothing will come of
itself without our zeal, efforts and actions. Nothing can happen without our desire.
After all, in order to get something, we must make an effort.

Nothing is given without an effort. And in order to get something, we must not
only want it but also be ready to toil and, in the first place, be ready to obtain and
keep it.


Сообщение отредактировал tukova0306 - Воскресенье, 05.12.2021, 15:49
dolysovacomДата: Воскресенье, 05.12.2021, 20:09 | Сообщение # 10
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Just recently, a priest I know told me a story. In Soviet times, when churches went underground, one woman did not stop attending services and reading prayers every day. Despite such a difficult time, she still continued to communicate with the priests and to go to church. But in her old age she became seriously ill. The woman wondered how she could get sick being such a righteous person. She took offense at God (if I may say so) and renounced faith. And most likely God wanted to save her through this illness, because she lacked humility. Even the holy Fathers say that illness means that God has visited a person. So I agree with this quote and believe that in such matters as love and faith you need to be firm and steadfast to the end.


Сообщение отредактировал dolysovacom - Четверг, 09.12.2021, 11:38
vernik04Дата: Воскресенье, 05.12.2021, 21:20 | Сообщение # 11
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I’d go along with St. John's words. People shouldn’t be afraid of the things that seem difficult and stressful. Conflicts won’t be resolved if we avoid them. There has to be some effort to overcome struggles like sickness, sorrow, and privations.

Everything that really matters isn’t easy to acquire and keep. Faith and love are such kind of things. They require work, they need suitability check. It’s not enough to say ‘I believe’ and ‘I love’, but there have to be real actions to prove that. And finally the most valuable evidence is how faith and love are revealed in ‘difficult and grievous circumstances’, because only that can truly show how strong they are.

bondarenkodv7Дата: Воскресенье, 05.12.2021, 23:45 | Сообщение # 12
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I completely agree with the statement of Righteous John. Difficult and grievous circumstances are indeed necessary to determine the firmness of faith, love, and other virtues for two reasons. Firstly, one cannot say that something is of good quality until it gets tested – for instance, you cannot truly tell a good soldier from a bad one until they both come through hardships of battle. This has proven to be true in our Church’s history as well – those who follow the Church in their words but not so much in their deeds can seem like good Christians during peaceful times, but during the persecutions they flee from the Church in fear of the authorities and their punishments, so only true and devoted followers of Christ remain.

Secondly, as God gave us humans the freedom of choice, we must prove that following Him really is our conscious decision. To do so we must face everything this corrupted world throws at us: temptations, struggles, sicknesses, sorrows, iniquities. And we must persevere through all of that to confirm that our desire to reunite with the Lord is real, that we cannot be lured or pushed away from the true path.


Daniil Bondarenko
nastenatlt98Дата: Воскресенье, 12.12.2021, 17:58 | Сообщение # 13
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I absolutely agree with this statement. It is said that the true nature of a person is revealed when he is angry. True friendship manifests itself when you are in trouble and you see whether your friend is helping you or not. The same situation is with virtues, they are shown when there is a reason for their manifestation. Because when life is easy, when there is no conflict, how can virtues reveal themselves? Because only in the struggle against passions, against sins, making an effort, a Christian can prove how true his promises to live a Christian life are.


Сообщение отредактировал nastenatlt98 - Пятница, 17.12.2021, 22:23
etenthousandg1Дата: Среда, 12.01.2022, 14:39 | Сообщение # 14
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Perhaps at first this quote may look puzzling. After all, don't all the great ascetics escape the conflict and struggle of life into the quiet of the monastic cell, where nothing can disturb the peace of the soul? But that is not true. After all, the greatest conflicts and the greatest struggles happen inside of us. Of course, the Righteous John of Kronstadt also talks about the struggles of the more material nature, such as sickness. I agree that all struggles are important. They are results of our imperfect world, but Divine Love transcends these imperfections. It is in these moments when we can truly understand it, feel it and observe its healing power.


Зипунников С. (Потерял пароль от старого профиля)

Сообщение отредактировал etenthousandg1 - Четверг, 13.01.2022, 11:08
anastasiadregan864Дата: Среда, 02.02.2022, 22:58 | Сообщение # 15
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St. John occupies a special place in my heart. I fully agree with his words. We shouldn’t be afraid of difficulties, because they only strengthen us. We need to fight for things that are really dear and important to our heart.  We can't just love, that feeling needs to be supported by actions and deeds. It is during the most difficult and bitter days that our faith is tested, so we need to be firm and unshakable.

Unfortunately, many people lost faith in God in the most difficult moments of life. Moreover, it happened to a person close to me and it's unbearably sad. We should not turn away, but on the contrary, face conflicts and obstacles and solve them.

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