I like this extended metaphor of bishop Irenei where he compares prayer with a ripe fruit in the garden of our heart.
Indeed, we as week and sinful people can easily fall into despondency just because we realise how difficult it is to pray attentively and unceasingly as Christians are called to. Especially in our modern hustle culture we want to achieve our goals within a short time. However, it is practically impossible to become a saint within a month.
Of course, we feel disappointed because of our failure but we should remind ourselves that in order to achieve the state of constant prayer we should labour a lot. For we read in Gospel that “…the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Mth. 11:12). («… Царство Небесное силою берется, и употребляющие усилие восхищают его» (Мф. 11:12))
To conclude, I firmly believe that bishop Irenei’s metaphor will inspire Christians not to fall into despondency but rather labour with hope anticipating the state of true prayer.