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Unit 08 Describing people: positive and negative qualities

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Unit 08 Describing people: positive and negative qualities - Страница 2 - Форум

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Unit 08 Describing people: positive and negative qualities
readeralexeyДата: Вторник, 23.11.2021, 22:23 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
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1. Why do you think intellectual people are sometimes poor?

2. Have you ever met a shrewd person?

3. Have you ever encountered a magnetic personality?

4. Have you ever met an altruistic person?

5. Do you consider yourself to be gifted?

6. Have you ever met a sly person and fallen prey to cunning?

7. Have you grown more - or less sensitive over the years?

8. To what extent do you think being conscientious and obliging is conducive to success in life?

9. To what extent do you think being charming and outgoing is conducive to success in life?

10. To what extent do you think being opportunistic and unscrupulous is conducive to success in life?

11. Write about your best friend or favorite family member. Describe their character using words and expressions from the Unit. Why do you like this person, what makes him/her special?

12. Describe a situation in which a person can be characterised as resolute. Then change it in such a way that the word "stubborn" is more appropriate.
13. Describe a situation in which a person can be characterised as thrifty. Then change it in such a way that the word "stingy" is more appropriate.
14. Describe a situation in which a person can be characterised as sober. Then change it in such a way that the word "morose" is more appropriate.
15. Describe a situation in which a person can be characterised as principled. Then change it in such a way that the word "dogmatic" is more appropriate.
16. Describe a situation in which a person can be characterised as witty. Then change it in such a way that the word "brusque" is more appropriate.
17. Describe a situation in which a person can be characterised as tolerant. Then change it in such a way that the word "unprincipled" is more appropriate.
18. Describe a situation in which a person can be characterised as generous. Then change it in such a way that the word "extravagant" is more appropriate.
19. Describe a situation in which a person can be characterised as innocent. Then change it in such a way that the word "naive" is more appropriate.
katyadorniakДата: Пятница, 28.04.2023, 21:43 | Сообщение # 16
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Have you grown more - or less sensitive over the years?

As a 22-year-old, I've found myself becoming more sensitive over the years, and I believe this is due to a combination of factors. Firstly, I've become more principled and altruistic, which has made me more aware of the struggles of others and more empathetic towards them. Additionally, I've learned that being sharp-tongued or overly critical is not helpful, and that being down-to-earth and supportive is much more effective in building relationships.

Finally, I've come to appreciate the value of a placid and peaceful life, and have learned to let go of stress and negative emotions, which has made me more in tune with my own feelings and those of others. In short, I've learned that being kind, thoughtful, and considerate is the key to being a happy and fulfilled person.


I always knew my boss was a SHREWD and ASTUTE businesswoman, but I never expected her to be so MOROSE and SULLEN outside of work. Her demeanor was always so PITHY and BRUSQUE, even downright TERSE, but I never thought her to be UNSCRUPULOUS or GARRULOUS.

I admired her PRINCIPLED nature, though sometimes it was overshadowed by her WORK-OBSESSED and INDUSTRIOUS persona. She was THRIFTY and FRUGAL, often mistaken for being STINGY or even PARSIMONIOUS, but I knew better. She was just IMMODERATE in her quest for success.

She could be OBSTINATE and DOGGED in her approach, but she was always SHARP-TONGUED and had a MAGNETIC PERSONALITY that drew people towards her. She was surprisingly ALTRUISTIC and DOWN-TO-EARTH, but occasionally EXTRAVAGANT when it came to charitable causes. Despite her tough exterior, she was supportive and kind, and her DILIGENCE was second to none. However, her DISTRUSTFUL nature made it hard for her to form deep connections with people. Nonetheless, her PLACID personality and strong principles made her a true leader in every sense of the word.


vernik04Дата: Пятница, 28.04.2023, 23:13 | Сообщение # 17
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 132
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Статус: Offline
11. Write about your best friend or favorite family member. Describe their character using words and expressions from the Unit. Why do you like this person, what makes him/her special?

Liza is one of my best friends. She’s been studying at the medical university and she has to work at the same time so she is very DILIGENT. She’s got a lot of friends because she’s SUPPORTIVE, OBLIGING, outgoing and a MAGNETIC PERSONALITY. Sometimes she is INSECURE when someone is critical of her and she needs support from friends. She’s conscientious and trustworthy so I can trust her anything. I love her very much because she'll never judge or betray me.


Сообщение отредактировал vernik04 - Пятница, 28.04.2023, 23:36
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