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Unit 51 Healthcare

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Unit 51 Healthcare
readeralexeyДата: Среда, 20.10.2021, 22:33 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 519
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Статус: Offline
What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of free medicine? Of commercial medicine?

What is the principal difference between the traditional and the alternative medicine?

What is your view of alternative medicine? Have you ever been to a specialist who practises some kind of alternating medicine? What has been your experience and the outcome?

What are the strong and the weak points of Russian healthcare system? What are the challenges it faces?

What do you do to "keep the doctor away"?

Which doctor treated you when you were ill last? Why did you consult the doctor? Did you go to the clinic or did you call the doctor in? Why was it necessary for you to see a doctor? What were your symptoms? What did the doctor say? How long were you ill? Did you take a holiday after you recovered?

When did you see the dentist last? What was the matter with you? What did the dentist say? What did the dentist do? Was it painful?

What would you do if you fell ill? Would you follow the doctor's recommendations if he advised you to stay in bed for a couple of days? Who would take care of you if you were very seriously ill?

Have you ever had any operations?

Are you allergic to anything?

If you have had coronavirus, describe the way it developed and the way you recovered from it.

Describe the way someone attended to you when you were ill. 

Describe your experience of being at hospital.
tsvioletta17Дата: Четверг, 02.11.2023, 16:28 | Сообщение # 16
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 127
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Статус: Offline
If you have had coronavirus, describe the way it developed and the way you recovered from it.

I don't think I've ever had a coronavirus. When the epidemic was in full swing, my dad was the first to get it. Seemed like the strongest body to come down with the virus first. He had a terrible cough, fever, and was very weak.  Then my mom got sick. They lost their sense of taste and smell. Dad's priest friend, a former doctor, advised our family to take some nasty medicine with a disgusting smell and taste. It was necessary for my parents' recovery, and my sister and I needed it for prevention. After spending all the time in the same apartment with them, my sister and I were not touched by this disease.

Coronavirus has terrible consequences. My parents' eyesight decreased faster, they became more vulnerable to diseases, and their immunity dropped.

Two years ago, in November, I caught some flu, I don't know if it was coronavirus, but for 3-4 days I lost my sense of smell. I recovered quickly.


Describe the way someone attended to you when you were ill.

Whenever I was sick as a child, my mommy took great care of me. She always bought me treats and hugged me. Daddy's way of caring was to sprinkle me and my room with holy water. My sister sends me deliveries if I need anything.

But my favorite was when I had chicken pox. I was about 9 or 10 years old on New Year's Eve. My sister went to St. Petersburg for a few days, and so that I would not be bored alone she bought me a plush seal. I named him Kuzya. Kuzya is a hero, he survived chicken pox with me. I love my family and I love Kuzya.


ulyana_kazakovaДата: Понедельник, 20.11.2023, 14:18 | Сообщение # 17
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 182
Репутация: 1
Статус: Offline
1 HEALTHCARE starts with visiting a medical clinic for regular check-ups.
2 Nowadays, modern CLINICS provide high-tech SURGERY services for better care of your health.
3 If there is no opportunity to visit clinics regularly, you can find a good FAMILY DOCTOR who will make HOME VISITS.

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