Система Orphus

Religious Vocabulary
texts by students

* graduation year

(Part 2 is here)
Условные обозначения:
  • CAPITALS: active vocabulary words and collocations students have used
  • Underline: elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Underline and Delete: superfluous erroneous elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Italics: where appropriate, elements which explain the corrected mistakes
  • Dotted underline: elements not graded for various reasons (e.g. dubious or erroneous statements, vague in meaning).
  • [numbers in brackets]: grades students have accumulated by the time of this post (include grades for word tests)
  • [(number in parenthesis inside the brackets)]: grades the student has received for this particular post
  • [underlined numbers in brackets]: mid-term grades (include grades for word tests, class attendance, posts, as well as deductions in fines)
  • [numbers in brackets in bold type]: total number of grades students have accumulated throughout the semester (continuous assessment)

3rd year of study: Spring 2018

“I am from an Orthodox planet, can you hear me?”
(an essay of an exchange student)

To tell you the truth, it was an important issue for me whether there was an Orthodox Church somewhere near Nottingham or not. I thought it would be very hard indeed not to partake of mysteries for half a year if there happened to be no Orthodox church in the neighborhood. Therefore it was a relief to know that there is one, and, to be more precise, not one but three Orthodox churches belonging to different Orthodox Patriarchates in the proud city of Nottingham.

Having arrived in England I felt just like in that song “I am an alien, I am a legal alien” with the only exception that I was not an “Englishman in New York” but a “Russian person in England”. I found myself standing face to face with the fact that I belong to a different country and culture and that I have got different habits and a worldview, so that the very meeting was not a very pleasant one. Although everything around me looked beautiful, interesting and seemed to be designed for my convenience, it felt foreign for me. In a situation like that I could feel at home only in my room – and in an Orthodox church.

For about six months Varia and I were parishioners of the Orthodox Church of St Aidan and Chad in Nottingham. The first time I entered that church I experienced an amazing feeling of “coming home”. In this foreign country I found a place which from inside looked like any church in Russia. And, what was more important, the feeling was quite familiar when I was inside it. Of course, there were some peculiarities like stained-glass windows, rows of chairs (although there were not so many chairs as there would be in an Anglican church), a very beautiful tabernacle standing on a window sill (empty, of course) to say nothing of the church bell. It was hung inside and that’s why we could hear very well when somebody dared to touch it. And, according to the English point of view, the shape of the church building was very typical for any church of any denomination in England. There was no dome and it was made of red brick as many other buildings in the street. But inside I could see a Greek-style low iconostasis and lots of icons on walls and that altogether made me feel at home.

The parishioners of the church and the clergy were very nice to us and very friendly. Fortunately, Varia and I had an opportunity to talk to them during the tea-time after the Sunday Liturgy. All of them were very interesting people. Especially I remember the father deacon, Paul, and his wife. They look absolutely like members of the high aristocracy. But, of course, they were Orthodox and deeply faithful.

It was incredible to meet people of another nation who were also Orthodox. The fact that they became and remained Orthodox in the country where some things absolutely unacceptable for an Orthodox person are considered to be a norm is amazing to me. Actually, it was even strange to see Englishmen like father Gregory wearing a stole and a cross or dressed in Orthodox vestments. But, nevertheless, it made me happy.

Of course, the everyday life of Orthodox Englishmen and women has got some peculiarities of its own. For example, there are no services during weekdays in the church because the clergy and the choir have to work. For that very reason and also because father Gregory is of a rather advanced age there was no Vigil on Saturday evenings but only short Vespers. Everyday services were celebrated only during the Holy Week because this week happened to be during the Easter Holidays.

Having attended some services in English I truly rejoiced in the fact that there is only one translation of all prayers and liturgical books used in the Russian Orthodox Church at home. Because I remember very well one day when we came to the Great Canon, opened the text and faced a true challenge because the translations we had and heard did not coincide. So, as I remember, we ended up opening the Church Slavonic version because the whole situation seemed to be too perplexing. The same problem existed with all the liturgical texts without any exception. For example, I had noticed at least three variants of the Trisagion. And I remember a story told by the father deacon about a new service book he bought. It took him half a year to compare the texts in the new and the old one and correct them to avoid any problems which could arise.

Another thing worth mentioning is that kind of experience you get when you hear prayers in another language. On the one hand, it may give you another perspective on them. On the other, I have been made aware one more time how much I love the Church Slavonic language. It may be trickier to understand such texts but I truly feel them as devotional ones and not just ordinary texts. Although in a while I got used to English texts as well, I can say for certain that I love the Church Slavonic translation more than any English one.

Varia and I travelled a little – with and without the church community. As members of the Orthodox Church in Nottingham we made a short pilgrimage to the relics of the English saint whose name I forgot, unfortunately, and also took part in the Annual Orthodox Conference. On our own we made a trip to the Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God and All Saints in London and to the grave of metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.

Firstly, I would like to say a word about the Conference. It lasted for about two days only (it started on Friday evening and we were home on Sunday afternoon) but it was full of meetings, lectures and prayer. But what I would like to put an emphasis on is the reaction of English Orthodox people to it. With eyes shining they attended the lectures and then discussed the new information during meals. I felt very happy for them and I came to appreciate especially what I had at my home University because those lectures did not differ much from what I attended weekly in Russia. But I had been taught much more than they could have been during such a short period of time. Though, of course, the question arises who makes more spiritual profit of it and I deeply doubt that I can add my name to the list.

Also an anecdote happened to us during the conference. Varia and I happened to argue about the topic whether the shroud was left on the altar during the Bright Week or not. I bet that it could not be so. She claimed that she saw it herself. I decided to ask an elder about it, a famous theologian who happened to pass by. “Why not?”, I thought. He, with his hair white and the beard long, listened to us carefully, mentioned another word for the shroud (“epitaphion”, if I am not mistaken) and confirmed that it was laid on the altar after the Holy Saturday and remained there during the Bright Week. Varia won. But it was not the point. Imagine the whole scene – two girls looking as if they were sixteen years old are discussing the question of the location of the shroud after the Easter… I can not help giggling when I think about it. I wonder what he thought of us.

The second thing worth mentioning is the absence of a gap between a bishop and his flock. During the Conference I could recognize the bishop only when he celebrated a service. In all other respects he was completely equalled to an ordinary priest who in his turn was not far from a common parishioner. Everybody showed equal respect towards both the clergy and the laity. This kind of relationship was an unusual one for me. I saw it as a very characteristic feature of the European society in general and I actually liked it.

The Orthodox Cathedral in London impressed me in the way something home-like can impress you after a long time abroad. But I was disappointed by the chanting because it was only beautiful but not distinct. But nevertheless I love this piece of Orthodoxy which stands straight in a big conceited city and I really enjoyed the Vigil and the Liturgy there.

The fact that we managed to find the grave of metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh is very important to me. Having lived in England I came to think that he is actually a saint. I know about some controversial ideas which he supported but I would not believe that so many people could have been converted to Christianity without meeting and getting to know a really holy person and feeling the God’s Grace coming from him.

To sum everything up, I would like to say, firstly, that it was a great experience and, secondly, that I would not want to settle in England for a long time. They have already created an image of the Paradise they would like to live in and they are living in it, actually. They have everything designed for them and every person, not the Lord, is placed in the center of their Universe. I do not mean the Orthodox people, of course. I only want to say that the comfort has a bad influence on me and I become lazier and more careless. There are those who feel better in the circumstances like that but it is definitely not me. It is OK to stay there for a short while but for the whole life – as my English peers used to say – “never ever”.

М.З. [92]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I completely agree with St. Tikhon of Zadonsk’s quotation. Sometimes it’s very hard not to offend someone – especially if this person is cruel towards you. But the Lord Jesus Christ said: «Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy: but I say unto you, love your enemies, and pray for them that persecute you; that ye may be sons of your Father who is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust» (Gospel of St. Matthew, 5: 43-45). We mustn’t forget that God is Love, and we should keep the love in our hearts, even towards our enemies.

О.Н. [(4) 87,25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I completely agree with Archimandrite Cherubim’s quotation. We should be close to Holy Fathers, because they help us to live in Christianity. They teach people how to be merciful, kind, patient, loving. They are perfect examples of righteousness. They are saints, and they are close to God. We can pray to them and ask for a help, and they pray to God for our salvation. And we should behave just like them and do good deeds. And if we do it, we shall get the peaceful ending of our life.

О.Н. [(3,5) 80]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Elder Paisios of Mount Athos says that real love is a true spirit of sacrifice. I completely agree with him. Love IS sacrifice. Mostly, it is sacrifice towards our parents and friends. Especially when we or they get into some sort of difficult circumstances. For example, you are invited to your friend’s birthday party. But your father or mother suddenly becomes ill and asks you to stay at home with him/her. What will you choose? Will you sacrifice your friend’s invitation to the party and stay at home with your ill parent? Yes, if you have love in your heart, you will do it. A loving human will always think about the others, not about himself and his own wishes.

О.Н. [(4,5) 76,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with Elder Paisios of Mount Athos‘s quotation. Confession is very important part of our Christian life. Every man and woman should realize their sins, and not only confess them to the Spiritual Father or another priest, but try not to commit these sins again. They should repent of what they have done in deed. If they don’t repent, the confession will be useless. Also, when we confess, we are standing not only before the priest, but before the Lord Jesus Christ, and we should feel true remorse about our sins.

О.Н. [(4) 72]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I completely agree with St. Silouan the Athonite’s quotation. We must have pity on people, even if we are dislike them. Lord Jesus Christ says «Judge not, that ye be not judged» (Matthew 7:1). We must pray not only for people who commit sin, but for our enemies, too. In order to obtain mercy from our God in the afterlife, we must be merciful, because otherwise, as St. Silouan said, we will never come to know the grace of God.

О.Н. [(3,5) 68]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with this phrase. Man was created in the image of God, it means, that man was perfect. After the original sin was committed, man lost his purity and innocence. From that time man tries to unite with God, and the only way to reach this goal is to return to that pure and innocent state of being like God. This phrase has a big, I’d say vital importance and practical application in our lives, if we wish to be saved by God.

Е.К. [(4,5) 45,75]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement seems quite true-to-life for me. Every man is the image of God, even if the man is quite bad at the first glance. We should not offend anyone, because we offend God himself, embodied in this man. This quotation has practical application in our lives, for we should be meek and humble, and kind to every person we meet. For it is said in the Sermon on the Mount: ”Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”

Е.К. [(3,5) 33,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can agree with this statement. For the Fathers turned to be wise and holy men, and we shall imitate them in their lives and we will be saved as well. This is our goal – to be holy and sanctify the world and people around us by our living, and this was the way Fathers lived. Besides, if we’ll imitate the Fathers who wrote some soul-saving works, we will be able to pass our experience to other people, and this can be the most important deed in our earthly life, which can help us in heaven.

Е.К. [(3) 30]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with this quotation of Elder Paisios of Mount Athos, because it’s said in the Gospel: ”Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Mat. 5:48). This means that you shall get rid of all your sins, not just tell them to your Spiritual Father, for it doesn’t do any good for your soul and future life. Lord Jesus Christ is calling to work toward holiness, because only in holiness there is man's real happiness. He teaches us to live according to the Commandments of God's Law, to always try to be better, struggle with our weaknesses, gradually rectify our sinful habits and gradually improve ourselves.

Е.К. [(4,5) 27]

I haven’t read anything from SAINT DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE and SAINT MAXIMUS THE CONFESSOR before this course. But I’ve read a book written by THOMAS AQUINAS during the second grade.
When I was a child, once I was told that God ascended into Heaven from the Mount Sinai, instead of MOUNT THABOR.
It’s difficult to understand what is THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE ESSENCE AND THE ENERGIES OF GOD, even if you’re Orthodox and study some theological subjects at university.
I know quite a few people who don’t understand THE BIBLICAL DOCTRINE OF MAN in its fullness.
It’s vitally important for every Orthodox person to live THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE.
From this very year I’m quite sure I’ll remember some words, such as PURGATORY, AZYMES, THE PAPAL CLAIMS, THE FLORENTINE UNION, for I have written them so many times.
As a child I’ve dreamt about my father being CONSECRATED AS ARCHBISHOP, without realizing him not being a monk.
Every year we have new children in the Sunday school and they are told how ancient Russia was CHRISTIANIZED.
Some Orthodox people still confuse the national government and the Church, supposing that the Church SERVES THE ENDS OF NATIONAL POLITICS.
I didn’t realize that there was no DEATH PENALTY in Kievan Russia. It has nothing to do with the cruelty of that epoch.

Е.К. [(13) 22,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

These words tell us that to offend a man means to offend God. We all know that a man was created in the image and likeness of God. A human is a son of God. So, all deeds against another person are an insult of God. I completely agree with this statement. We should be carefull about our behavior to other people; otherwise we abuse God through the offence of his creatures. Even if you think that it is a very unworthy man, you are not able to judge him and offend, because he was also like you created by God and he is an image and likeness of God.

С.Ф. [(3,5) 50]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement is about our infirmity and what we should do if we are not able to do something in our life. It is important to realize that we can not do everything perfectly, so we need to accept this with humility and submission. Certainly, we need to hope and rely on God and ask Him to strengthen ourselves and give us power for our deeds. Otherwise, our pride will not let us to pray to God. For example, when I have some difficulties with my preparation for the exams, I realize that I am not the best and cleverest person, so I shouldn’t be proud of myself. It’s better for me to pray to God and ask Him to give me strength. So, if in some situation you feel yourself unable to cope with something, you should just to ask God for help and be humble.

С.Ф. [(3,5) 39,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote tells about wealth in people’s lives. It is strong belief that money don’t lead to God. People with various passions rely on their fortune, not on God. If we realize that God Almighty creates us all and everything around us, and He provides all living things with what they need, so it becomes inexplicable how can we not trust to God and think only about our wealth. There are some situations in life when you suddenly loose everything precious for you, and then you understand that it wasn’t so important and was even valueless. Thus, you can not keep your wealth also in God’s Kingdom, and if you have spent all your life saving up money it means that you have lost everything. We should first of all trust in God and rely on Him, and He will manage our life in the best way for the salvation of our soul.

С.Ф. [(3) 36]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In our daily life it seems to be impossible to avoid and postpone all our everyday problems and routines. We all are possessed and even sometimes obsessed with things we imagine to be vital and extremely necessary. Thus from time to time we can lose self-control and yield into temptations which lead us to committing sins. Hence you might badly affect your closest people while being furious and rash. As Dorotheos of Gaza stated – we are weak and all our attempts to become better without God’s hand always appear to be inconceivable. However we shouldn’t give in and each time something wrong occurs we must rely on God’s grace and be patient realizing that everything in our life is not a simple coincidence.

Д.Х. [(5) 60]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Personally I think that our outer form appears to be a reflection of our inner condition. We can hear from many people who have seen living saints that they always feel the atmosphere of kindness as if saints project their interior beauty on people’s minds. Sergei of Vanves said that the appearance can sometimes deceive us and cloak the reality which is hidden inside one’s soul behind the outside image. From my point of view this statement is also true because our physical and mental peculiarities and even defects are provided by our fallen human nature and there is no way to deny or get rid of them. But nevertheless I consider that it is not a tough matter to recognize a true saint. His way of life and the light of divine grace will reveal to us his true image.

Д.Х. [(5) 48]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

My position towards this matter seems to be clear enough. While living our everyday life we often encounter some instances when other people can behave in a very bad way. Their treatment may affect even us and our close ones. The question is – how should we treat them back? As St. Silouan the Athonite stated we should sympathize with these so called “bad people” and pray for them. As Christians we must know and understand that such behavior affects not only their surroundings but even themselves. Thus we see that they are more miserable and lost people, those bad ones. That’s why we’re not supposed to blame these people or curse them for their deeds but to pray for them and hope that one day they will discover their trespasses and wrongdoings.

Д.Х. [(4,75) 43]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Our fallen nature does not leave us a chance to abstract ourselves from sinful deeds and thoughts. The fear of punishment as it has been since the very inception of humanity seems to be the most effective remedy against breaking the law. However if we are told that something is prohibited sometimes it can appear to be very tempting to do it. So if a true Christian wants to struggle flat out with our weakness and fragility he should as St. Theodoros the Great Ascetic stated produce zealous hatred towards sins and loathe any attempt to approach them. That is how we can maintain the confrontation against evil.

Д.Х. [(4,75) 38,25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Our fallen nature may obscure the truth and hide it from our eyes. As human beings we are all used to our material life and take care about our physical body more than about our soul. A person who lacks the Christian faith puts all his effort to save his wealth because to his mind – wealth is the only option to keep himself thriving and avoid all calamities. For those who put their trust in the matter wealth becomes the ultimate point in their lives.

Д.Х. [(5) 33,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

For many people a conversation with a priest about their sins and undesirable secrets appears to be a real challenge. It’s far more difficult to tell somebody about something you are really ashamed of than to confess to yourself. That’s why sometimes we simply try to pronounce a list of our sins and then depart considering it as a finished rite of purification. For us it appears to be like we have erased all lines from a piece of paper. Thus after the confession we are ready to sin again and again. That is why we should make ourselves ashamed because only this exact feeling will prevent us from this.

Д.Х. [(4,75) 28,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

During our life we all encounter calamities, trials of life, difficult choices. As Elder Paisios of Mount Athos stated – the true love is inseparable from a spirit of sacrifice. That means that we should be always ready to help or even save our neighbour no matter how it would reflect on our own life. Indeed, sometimes it can be difficult to make the right choice, especially in an extreme situation when there is no time to think. However it is usually said that a man reveals himself only in a moment of no return.

Д.Х. [(4,75) 23,75]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The point of the statement expressed by Archimandrite Cherubim seems to be quite clear. The Fathers of the Church are the examples, the images of a true and righteous life of a Christian. We should at least try to follow their path and listen to what they said to us. If we encounter any obstacles on our way we can always find the solution in their words because everything has already been described.

Д.Х. [(4,25) 19]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The core message of this statement given by St. Tikhon of Zadonsk lies in our original nature. We all are created in the Image and Likeness of God. We all are children for Him and if one insults his neighbour – he insults God. Moreover we all are His creations and human beings are the crown of His creation, so we must not offend anyone because by saying this we mean that God’s work is miserable.

Д.Х. [(5) 14,75]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This particular quotation reminded me of the one given by Archimandrite Cherubim which tells us that we should follow the example of the Fathers of the Church because they represented to us the idea of a perfect person. The primary target of our existence here on Earth is to attain deification, to elevate ourselves above the fallen human nature. We should always remember that this material life is limited and we don’t have to be used to our welfare and achievements because the only important thing is to approach the divine Image.

Д.Х. [(5) 9,75]

1.1 John of Damascus wrote in his book: all that is comprehensible about God is His INFINITY and INCOMPREHENSIBILITY.
1.2 For a HESYCHAST it was very important to devote himself in silence to INNER RECOLLECTION and secret prayer.
1.3 REDEMPTION and DEIFICATION are two main processes for man’s body in spiritual sense.
1.4 In ASCETIC writing the Macarian HOMILIES it is stated that the balance between mind and body is REDRESSED.
1.5 Evagrius spoke of the mind, but Macarius used the HEBRAIC idea of the heart.
2.1 Paul and other apostles were travelling around the MEDITERRANEAN WORLD which mostly belonged to the ROMAN EMPIRE.
2.2 It is widely known that Photius, the greatest SCHOLAR, could not read Latin.
2.3 During the DARK AGES most of the LAITY could not even read, but only CLERGY were preserving THEOLOGY and were the only source of education.
2.4 From the start Greeks and Latins had each approached THE CHRISTIAN MYSTERY in their own way.
2.5 The Latin approach was more practical and the Greek more SPECULATIVE – they understood theology in the context of WORSHIP and in the light of the HOLY TRINITY.
2.6 The Greek assigned to the Pope THE PRIMACY OF HONOR, but not THE UNIVERSAL SUPREMACY.
2.7 The PAPAL CLAIMS also include his INFALLIBILITY.

С.Ф. [(10) 33]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

These words tell us that a righteous person should be an image of God as it is stated in the Gospel. I completely agree with this statement, we all remember that a man was created in the image and likeness of God as it is described in the Old Testament. To follow the lifestyle of Christ when he was on the earth is a good example. Thereby we can learn how to live in the right way, how to behave in various difficult situations in our life, and we can learn it from the life of Christ. So this quote has a practical application in our life. We should be like God and his Holy Son in the sense of our behavior. It gives us an invaluable example of how to be a perfect person and to reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

С.Ф. [(3) 23]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote teaches us that if we want to have the end of our life like Holy Fathers had, we need to live by their example. No one can deny that they were spiritually prosperous and righteous and eventually they reach God and stay with him. It’s a great joy that we have such examples of perfect life and they can teach us how to live in the best way. So if we will imitate their lifestyles, look at their good deeds and try to live in the same way, we also will be dear to God and will be able to reach His Kingdom. These words have a great application in our lives. They give us a great hope and motivation to be obedient to God and to perform His commandments. Because they allow us to approach God as it has been with our Holy Fathers.

С.Ф. [(3,5) 20]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement shows us that through difficulties and severities we can realize if we have a real love for neighbors or not, if we are able to sacrifice ourselves or our time and health to others? And it is obvious that if you forget about yourself in the heavy moments of your life and still help others, so it means that you have a spirit of sacrifice. I completely agree that trials in our life exist to lead us to God. They make us better and they help us to check ourselves if we have a real love for our neighbors. For example, there is no better test of the spirit of sacrifice than to have some extreme situation, where your own interests are infringed. Such situations we can find in family life or some dangerous spheres in life such as camping and trekking. To sum up, trials show us if we have sacrificial love to our neighbors or not and they help us to make a conclusion of our attitude to others.

С.Ф. [(3) 16,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

These words tell us that for true confession we need to repent wholeheartedly, from the whole heart and soul of what we have done. Certainly we should try not just to tell automatically our sins time after time. We are supposed to change our lives to the better. This quote has a practical application in our lives and teaches us that we have to think of our deeds deeply and with sorrow and repentance. It is very important to realize what happens wrong in our lives and with all our might try to become a little bit better after every confession. So, with this approach we can to improve ourselves and not to participate in the sacrament of confession in vain.

С.Ф. [(3) 13,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This sentence tells us that we must not condemn people for their sins and moreover, if we don’t pity them and don’t ask God to have mercy on them we will never have the grace of God. I support this idea, because we are all not perfect, we are all guilty before God for our trespasses. So how can we be sure that we are better than others? We don’t know circumstances and reasons of another person for his deeds. So we have no rights to condemn him. Only God has this right and only He knows if this person is dignified or not. In conclusion, we need to be afraid to condemn people because it’s a great sin, which grows from such mortal sins as vanity and pride. We must only pray for such persons and ask God to pardon them, and through these prayers we can save their soul and ours.

С.Ф. [(3,5) 10,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

An extract from the Apostle is usually read after the THRICE-HOLY HYMN.
Orthodox people should not EXALT themselves over others.
It is customary to bless eggs and Easter cakes for Easter.
Only males are allowed to enter THE ALTAR.
COMMUNICANTS should not eat and drink on the day of the Sacrament.
An Orthodox person should not be afraid of death, for EVERLASTING LIFE awaits for him.
There are nine RANKS OF ANGELS: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, the Virtues, the Powers, Principalities, the Archangels and the Angels.

Е.Л. [(3) 63,6]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

We often wonder why we have things like our work or study, why we should get up early and go somewhere. Every evening we are tired and sometimes all these things are difficult for us. However, we must understand that God doesn’t give us what we can’t endure. We must accept it. All things what we have are sent by God. Sometimes He sends us something for our sins or in order to shield us from something worse or He shows us that we are strong. In all cases, we should be humble and thank God for the difficulties we have been given. It helps a lot when we remember people whose trials are worse than ours. When we are tired of studying, we must remember the teenagers who work to help their parents. When we do not want to go somewhere, we need to remember people who do not have legs and they have to stay at home and they would give everything to leave the walls of their house. So, we must be humble and thankful.

Е.Л. [(2,5) 56]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

We are all created in the image and likeness of God. To be worthy of the Kingdom, we must also be like Christ. Christ said that he and God the Father are one single whole. Jesus Christ is the visible representation of the invisible God. Jesus Christ was sent to us to suffer for our sins. He was meek and humble, patient and full of graciousness. We must strive to be like Christ in order to inherit the Kingdom.

Е.Л. [(5) 53,5]

1. I noticed that the phrase THE ASSEMBLY OF THE ARCHANGELS is used in the religious texts many times, especially in troparia.
2. My grandmother used to organize MISSIONARY JOURNEYS in order to INITIATE MISSIONARY WORK in our parish, but in her own way – she travelled with people to the sacred places and told about Christian faith.
3. I try to PARTAKE OF COMMUNION at least once a month, otherwise I feel the CONDEMNATION of my TRANSGRESSIONS even physically.
4. My father is also a spiritual father for my whole family and he has to ABSOLVE OUR SINS during the confession DISPASSIONATELY.
5. We usually track the number of COMMUNICANTS in our church every Liturgy – it’s important to know how many people decide to PARTAKE OF THE MOST PURE MYSTERIES.

Е.К. [(5) 9,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I think that all people are not perfect. Every person can commit a sin and we should understand that it is difficult to deliver oneself from sins. Sometimes it happens that we reiterate our sins and we need someone who can empathize with us and help with understanding and prayer. All people have different sins, they can be very sore sins and we should only pity such people because they suffer from them. I think that people who don’t pity others and sometimes even condemn them, are above others. They will not get the grace of God if they are high-minded. We should always put ourselves into the mind of another person and think about how we would have behaved in such situation. So, we should always try to understand every person and pity them.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 48,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

All saints had different paths to holiness. Of course, they could be imperfect in appearance but they were beautiful and perfect inside. I think that if a saint had achieved inner holiness it would have reflected on appearance. So, it is not important what we look like but it is very crucial what we are inside. It does not matter how beautiful you are if you have anger in your heart. People have always felt it and they looked forward to a meeting with saints. They came to places where saints lived to ask for their help. They didn’t pay attention to their houses, clothes and defects. They needed their kindness, prayer and warm words. Saints always accepted and forgave them in all things because they had holiness which was sometimes hidden behind their appearance.

Е.Л. [(4,5) 45]

In 868 it was the first time SLAVONIC became THE LITURGICAL LANGUAGE.
Nowadays it is normal to HOLD SERVICES in the language of the people.
In Christianity we have PRIESTS, SACRED VESSELS, ICONS and RELICS.
The church which I attend is CONCECRATED to the FEAST of the EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS.

А.К. [(3,5) 76]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It happens so that first of all people look at other people's outer side. Most of all we are interested what the person looks like, if his clothes are clean, if there is no specific unpleasant smell and things like that. What is more, we willingly communicate with people who are good-looking, have a nice manner of behavior and speaking, that is our nature and habits. But all these outward things distract us from the filling which is inside. All things like kindness, humility and righteousness are inside and can’t be seen at the first glance. It happens to us all the time, including all kinds of people, even some holy ones. For example, saint John of Kronstadt wasn’t attractive at first glance, he had a strange manner of behavior, some contemporaries used to say sometimes he could be rude, he also could cry during the worship. All this could make a strange impression on people, but he is a holy person. To my mind, people shouldn’t judge everyone the same way, its necessary to look for inner beauty, because even saints could be of strange appearance and behaviour, but it shouldn’t be embarrassing for us.

А.К. [(3) 59]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully understand and can agree with this quote by saint Silouan the Athonite. From the Scriptures we know that condemnation is a big sin, which comes from pride. People dare to think that they are better than others. We should take other person's sin as something common for every human being. So each of us is able to do such a bad thing because of our sinful nature. Moreover, we should pray for the person, who has fallen into the sin to prove our love for other people. God has told us to love and loves us himself, also he forgives all our offences. And this example illustrates an opportunity to follow Christ. We should wish for the person deliverance from evil, and to do our best - to pray for him.

А.К. [(3) 56]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As I was reading the quote by Elder Paisios of Mount Athos I realized that he speaks about the relations between people, meaning an example of Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice is the purest and the greatest one. God shows his love through it and saves us from the death. And this quote reminds us that we should think about the others more than about ourselves even in difficult times and in through it show our love to the surrounding people and follow the way of Lord Jesus, and so be closer to him. Trials just show off the depth of our feelings to others and our commitment to Christ because it is easy just to speak about our love and support, but we have to prove it by our actions especially when life brings us tribulations.

А.К. [(3) 53]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In this quote saint Paisios of Mount Athos reveals the principal sense of one of the most significant of Christians Mysteries – Confession. Sometimes it is really difficult to make our confession to the Spiritual Father because we feel a shame, but we try to overcome it and tell everything. But it is important to say that sometimes we forget that we bring our confession to God and this Mystery helps us to repent before Christ of all our mistakes and unclean thoughts. It is not about just speaking with the priest about bad things we have done, but cleansing our soul through the repentance before God. Therefore we should be open and honest while speaking at the Confession, and not to do it in the formalistic way.

А.К. [(3) 50]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In his quote saint Maximos the Confessor explains different reasons why people can be addicted to money. Some of them find money as a way to satisfy all the wishes, others are trying to gain money because they value money as something which brings you respect of others. And also there is a group of people who thinks that money can solve all the problems happening in the life. If a man doesn’t believe in God, he starts to believe in money. So all these examples illustrate that a man who truly lives with faith cannot be a money-lover. It is important to understand that it is unchristian to value money as a salvation in life from all troubles, also if you are rich but not a good person nobody would really respect or love you.

А.К. [(4) 47]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I find this quote by saint Theodoros the Great Ascetic very true to life. People are just like kittens who are afraid of punishment and that’s why doing bad things is scaring for them. But the main point is what reasons you follow not to do sinful actions. The aversion towards all evil is coming from God and if we feel disgust to sins it means our love for the Lord. Overall, as I understood this statement, a man who has committed a sin should worry and be scared not of the consequences following the action, but because of disappointing God, deviating from him through your own actions.

А.К. [(3,5) 43]

1. The PRIEST uses the CENSER during the SERVICE to spread the fragrance through the whole CHURCH.
2. The SCRIPTURE is the primary INHERITANCE for CHRISTIANS to follow.
4. The PRAYER BEFORE THE AMBO is said by the PRIEST at the end of the LITURGY.
5. It's an old custom to SANCTIFY the water on the feast of BAPTISM.
6. People should FORSAKE their previous SINFUL lifestyle during LENT.
7. The CHANTERS EXALT the name of GOD during the WORSHIP.
10. People nowadays suffer from the WANT of love.
11. CONFESSION is necessary for the permission to RECEIVE COMMUNION.
12. Through Moses God gave people COMMANDMENTS, which we should follow to enter the HEAVENLY KINGDOM.
13. The DISMISSAL is always consisted of short PRIEST'S PRAYER and the CHANTER'S singing "LORD, HAVE MERCY" THRICE.
14. The DORA is usually brought from the ALTAR by an ALTAR SERVER.
15. It's very significant for every CHRISTIAN not to fall into the sin of CONDEMNATION.
17. In the ancient CHURCH there was only TABLE OF OBLATION in the ALTAR.
18. The words of the PRAYER glorified the HALLOWED CHURCH and MYSTICAL PARADISE in a beautiful way.
19. To my mind it is hard to DARE to paint an ICON.
20. I have been VOUCHSAFED to be present at this great WORSHIP in the evening after the feast of HOLY EASTER.

А.К. [(13) 39,5]

We can soften our TRIBULATIONS with the help of prayer.
When I start to fear my death, I remember that our souls are IMMORTAL.
THE ROYAL DOORS have such name because the PRECIOUS GIFTS are carried through the Royal Doors.
THE DORA are parts of the communion bread handed out to the worshipers after the Liturgy.
The COMMUNICANTS should not forget to say THE PRAYER AFTER HOLY COMMUNION; they can do it in the church after the Liturgy or at home.
On Sundays we shouldn’t make PROSTRATIONS.
THE PRAYER BEFORE THE AMBO is said by a priest at the end of the Liturgy before the DISMISSAL.
CENSING during the prayer has been taking place since the Apostolic times.
We must not forget about a WANT of communion with God.
REPENTANCE begins with a change in the human mind turning away from sins and a desire to commune with God.
The ZADOSTOINIK is sung instead of “It is truly meet” on Great Feasts.

Е.Л. [(7) 40,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

All people have their own fears and these fears can be different. It is said that we should only be afraid of God and then we will not be afraid of anything. However, it happens that people fear God and also other different things. The fear of God is getting for man not a deliverance from fears but the main, supreme fear which dominates other fears of life. Also some people fear retribution for their sins. The important part of Orthodox life to conquer our sins, to understand that all temptations come from the evil one. It occasionally happens that we fall into sinful condition but it is also important to confess and understand that there are no ideal and sinless people. If we want to conquer sins, we should hate them with all our heart. I think that people who don’t commit a sin because of fear are weak. We should be strong in heart and mind, be sane and wise in our religion. Not to be as cowardly mice which are afraid of retribution for tricks (sins) but with full awareness stop comitting sin.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 28,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

An assuming person doesn’t believe in God but in his own strength. These people think that they can manage to any difficulty but this is not true. They think that they can solve any problem or get respect and a status in society with wealth or self-esteem. However, the power of man is less than the power of God. Therefore, there is no greater sin than relying on human strength and not relying on the power of God. In this world nothing depends on us. We only think that we can do everything. In one day we have money, esteem and welfare but we can’t predict the future. Something may happen after which we can’t return to normal and usual life. For example, death of a loved man or the economic situation which changes the way of work. So, we shouldn’t rely on our own strength. Nothing in this world lasts forever. We must only rely on God, His kindness and mercy.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In Orthodox life we occasionally confess. Some people do it every Sunday, someone does it once a month, and there are also people who confess only during the fasts. It is a very important part which we have in Orthodoxy. Confession is a gift which we got from God. We can depart from God, commit a sin and forget about Him but God gives us an opportunity to return to Him. A man doesn’t need special feats, he only should repent in deed. Of course, I agree with Elder Paisios of Mount Athos, a man should realize the sins and apologize. The main idea is that we must admit that we have sinned. I think, it makes no sense to confess if you don’t repent of what you have done. When we confess, we stand in front of God; it is very unconscionably to stand in front of God without remorse.

Е.Л. [(4) 21,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can fully agree with the idea that we should be in the image and likeness of God to become a perfect person. We understand the image of God as the power of our soul: mind, will and feeling. Likeness of God is an ability to direct our forces of the soul to improve the aspiration for the truth and good.
We always can find our similarity to God. God is eternal and the soul of man is immortal. God is wise and omniscient and the human soul has an ability to know the present, remember the past and sometimes predict the future. God is gracious and the soul of man is capable to love others and sacrifice itself. God is the creator and we can think, create, and build. However every man can choose to be or not to be in the likeness of God. The likeness of God depends on the direction of our mental abilities. It requires the spiritual work. If a person strives for good, truth and God’s righteousness, the person becomes the likeness of God. To be perfect, we should try to be as God in His image and likeness.

Е.Л. [(4,5) 17,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can fully agree with Archimandrite Cherubim’s quote that we should be close to the Fathers. First of all, they are the examples of righteous life. Many of them had difficult periods during their lifetime but in spite of that they could attain their successful end because they dedicated all their life, thoughts, and strength to God. Secondly, they are also good examples of personal traits. We can learn how to be patient, merciful, meek, wordless and thoughtful. The Fathers are close to our God and they pray for our salvation, so we can ask for help to forgive and pardon us. The Fathers teach how to overcome our temptation because they could experience the same. So, the Fathers are our guides to God. With their help we will be able to reach our successful end.

Е.Л. [(4,5) 13]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I certainly share St. Tikhon of Zadonsk’s idea that we should be careful in relations to each other. In everyday life sometimes we don’t notice how we can offend someone. I think that since man is God’s creation when we insult our neighbor we also insult his Creator. Our belief is a feeling of the whole, where every piece is connected with others. If you hurt one, you will hurt another. It is very important to remember that God appears every day in our life. In the image of our parents when they ask us to help, in the image of a poor man who is seeking alms, in the image of an animal which is hungry and thirsty. Of course, we should be thoughtful, kind and quiet. We should remember that God always comes to us and we should be very meek in our everyday life.

Е.Л. [(4,5) 8,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In everyday life we often say to each other that we love someone. We say it to our parents, relatives, friends and lovers. Sometimes these words start to lose their meaning. When we don’t have any troubles and problems, everything seems to be carefree and simple, we are happy and not discouraged, we pronounce these words as something like ‘I’ll go to the shop’. However, it happens that we face to difficult circumstances and it is getting hard to preserve our love. We are getting irritable, adverse and nasty. We often hear the words: ‘When everything becomes bad, all love will pass. Sometimes it is true because people forget that love is a sacrifice. We should always sacrifice our time, energy and patience. If you pass though all trials of life, you find and safeguard true love.

Е.Л. [(4) 4]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

St. Clement of Alexandria writes that there is a special rule to become a perfect person. He uses the words "image" and "likeness" to express that a person should be similar to God. I think that St. Clement means having inner similarity with God, not outer. So a "perfect person" here is a person who is like God. But also it's mentioned in the quote that it's a rule of life. As a understand it, it's a rule for every Christian, but only perfect ones are similar to God.

А.К. [(4) 26,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Offence comes from our pride. People look down on others realizing that they can speak to their friend or any other man any kind of offence. But St. Tikhon of Zadonsk speaks about the nature of man who was created by God, and then God came and was incarnate in man's body. This event made the man's body holy, and the whole man is beloved by God because of his being God's creation, so all people are God's creatures. It's important to understand that to hurt any man means to hurt God, because he suffers for all his creations, like a father worries about the child.

А.К. [(3) 15,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In Christian life it's very important to have a great example to follow. First of all Christ himself is the most important example of love and humility.
Also in our spiritual growth we have a numerous saints and monks who can help us through their own words and deeds. We have magnificent examples of righteousness. And Archimandrite Cherubim says about the importance of behavior similar to theirs, of imitation of their lifestyle, their way of following Christ. And this imitation will help us to end our life in high spiritual condition, like Fathers had.

А.К. [(3,5) 12,5]

1. The main feature of God is CONSUBSTANTION.
2. At the Liturgical lectures we were told that the TABLE OF OBLATION was in the centre of the ancient CHURCH.
3. There are special moments during the LITURGY when people should BOW TO THE WAIST.
5. As it was said at the lecture the word DEFILEMENT doesn’t really suit to this PRAYER.
6. During the SERVICE people can feel SPIRITUAL FRAGRANCE spreading through the CHURCH by the PRIEST'S CENSING.
7. Not every book is SPIRITUALLY PROFITABLE for us.
8. REPENTANCE is the one thing which can save us from our OFFENCES.
9. The most vital for people asking GOD is REMISSION OF SINS and TRIBULATION.
10. The most important for the members of one CHURCH is the UNITY OF THE FAITH.
11. I think every ORTHODOX person should take time every day to COMMIT HIMSELF TO GOD and to PRAY.
12. People shouldn’t forget about the COMMUNION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT because it feeds their SPIRITUAL LIFE.
13. At the EASTER FESTIVAL people can eat eggs only if they are SANCTIFIED.
15. All of us should PRAY WITH BOLDNESS as SAINTS did.

А.К. [(9) 9]

2. This church is SANCTIFIED in honor of SAINT GREGORY PALAMAS.
3. NOETIC ALTAR means something intellectual or in your mind.
4. THE ODOUR OF SPIRITUAL FRAGRANCE doesn't sound very nicely to the modern ear because we have another tint of meaning of the word 'odour' which is more negative.
5. THE UNITY OF THE FAITH means for all Orthodox people in THE COMMUNION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.
6. Some saints left their previous life and completely COMMITED THEMSELVES TO GOD.
7. A blessing is VOUCHSAFED to people who are righteous.
8. The sin of CONDEMNATION is one of the most MORTAL SINS.
9. Suicide is the most terrible OFFENCE against God.
10. The word “Halloween” includes the word “HALLOW” and means “ALL HALLOWS' EVE”.

С.Ф. [(5) 7]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

St.Ignatius Brianchaninov says that false understanding or conception of prayer always leads to a fruitless or harmful practice of it. Orthodox Christians cannot live without a prayer (it’s a way of communication with God). Prayer is the voice of the soul which is waiting for God's grace. We should pay attention to the words of prayer and try to understand their meanings. Some people misunderstand the words of the prayer because they are written on the archaic language. And false understanding of the words of the prayer means false understanding of Christian doctrine as a whole.
Also people often say prayers in their own ways, and during the prayer they may be dreaming. But we shouldn’t think about anything, because it's like to pray to other things, and not to God.

О.Н. [(3) 64,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Abba Pimen’s statement about silence and babbling has the point about the strong connection between our words and our heart – to my mind there’s no difference whether we are thinking or talking about something if it’s bad for our soul. Sometimes people who keep silence are selfish and arrogant, they don’t want to speak with other people, and they care only about themselves. And the others, who speak much, turns out to be friendly and caring people who want to share with the others their joys and sorrows.
Also I want to say that we should control our words and thoughts and we mustn’t condemn the other people – because it’s very harmful for our soul and theirs. The Lord said: “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (St. Matthew, 7:1). So we must be very careful and do not judge the others not only in the words, but in the thoughts either, otherwise we can lose our salvation.

О.Н. [(3) 61,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

St. Paisios of Mount Athos says that when we approach someone with pain and true love, then this true love of Christ transforms our neighbor. It seems very hard to people in our world, but we should be kind and generous not only towards our family or friends but to our enemies, too.
The true love comes from God (because God is Love), so when we behave towards others with love, this love transforms our neighbor and he is with God.
If someone deeply loves another, then he starts to feel their problems, troubles, pain as his own. We know that God can give us true love if we try to be His true sons and daughters. We should believe in Him and love Him with all our heart. We should be patient and compassionate with the other people, and in this case we can become closer to Christ.

О.Н. [(3) 58,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In this quote St. Theophil of the Kiev Caves mentions that it’s sinful to give up to sadness. Sometimes it’s very difficult to stay calm in our world, because there are so many troubles and sorrows in it. But on the other hand, these sorrows are sent by God as a punishment for our sins. Every man is born already sinful, and he must live in repentance. So, we should go through these troubles to cleanse our soul. And we shouldn’t complain about it – our life couldn’t be easy and cloudless. St. Theophil compares these troubles with bitter but useful medicine which we must accept.

О.Н. [(3,5) 55,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The main point of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov’s quote is that if a man abandons the prayer, he abandons his own salvation. Many people think that they don’t need the prayer for their salvation (that only faith and good deeds will be enough). But it isn’t correct. We should pray to God every day – we shouldn’t forget about Him and He will not forget about us. Because the prayer is a conversation with God, and when we pray we are standing before Him, and He hears us. Prayer is an important part of our Christian life and one of the ways of being with God now and in eternity after death. So we mustn’t forget about the prayer, otherwise we can lose our salvation.

О.Н. [(4) 52]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Elder Basilic mentions that in order to acquire true humility in Christ, we must bear the humiliation of Christ and be the last among our brothers and a servant to them – only in this case we can become the true disciples of Christ. Humility is connected with kindness and forgiveness. If a person can forgive the other people, then he or she will live in peace.
We should get closer to God and follow Him, which is the most important thing of our salvation. And we shouldn’t forget that Christ Himself became a man to save us. We see in the Gospel that He served His own disciples. And when He was crucified, He showed us the true humility - He suffered from humiliations and died for our salvation. And this is the highest example of how we should behave, and how we can become the true followers of Christ.

О.Н. [(3,5) 48]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Nowadays people become more and more irritable. They fall into the quarrels, interrupt each other, and don’t accept opinions of their family or friends – they think that their own opinion is more important. They are doing all of this because of their pride. То my mind it means not trusting the God and the Holy Scripture. We should look into the Holy Bible, and there we can see a perfect example – the Christ Himself. He was humble and He told us how we should live and behave. So, as St. Isaac the Syrian pointed out, humility restrains the heart.

О.Н. [(3) 44,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Hieromonk Seraphim Rose says that in our age of moral and spiritual decline, only the heroic example of righteous men and women is able to ignite a zeal for godly living in accordance with the Divine commandments. Most people in the world are trying to live comfortably and they completely forget about the Holy Scripture – very few of them are living according to it. They think they can live well without the Church, the prayer, or, worst of all – without God. (Some of them say they haven’t enough time to go to the Church or to pray). But there are still righteous men and women in our world. They are very determined in living in the right way, which makes their faith stronger and their life – godly.

О.Н. [(3,5) 41,5]

1. Orthodox Christians usually say MORNING and EVENING PRAYERS every day.
2. THE AKATHIST HYMN TO SWEETEST JESUS is a bit different than the other AKATHIST HYMNS.
3. I started to say PRAYERS BEFORE COMMUNION when I was fifteen years old.
4. I didn’t have my own PRAYER BOOK for a long time.
5. MONKS and NUNS are people who decided to leave the life in this world in order to be closer to God.
6. My friend said that near her church there was an OLD RITUALISTS' church.
8. MONKS live together in the MONASTERY under THE GUIDANCE OF AN ELDER.
9. Sometimes THE LITANY FOR THE CATECHUMENS is skipped during LITURGY.
10. I used to be A CHANTER – I sang in the CHOIR, but now I don’t, and I miss it so much.
11. The main difference between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church is THE FILIOQUE.
12. THE GREAT SCHISM in the Christian Church happened in 1054.
13. In Orthodox Church people RECEIVE COMMUNION with both THE BLOOD AND THE BODY OF CHRIST, in the Catholic Church – only with THE BODY OF CHRIST.
14. We use words “HAIL” and “REJOICE” to glorify the THEOTOKOS.
15. Every DIVINE LITURGY begins with the EXCLAMATION and the GREAT LITANY.
16. I noticed that during THE LITANY FOR THE CATECHUMENS many people BOW THEIR HEADS.
17. In the middle of the CHERUBIC HYMN there is a GREAT ENTRANCE – the PRIEST and the DEACON carry the HOLY GIFTS to the ALTAR.
18. During some PRAYERS we must MAKE A PROSTRATION.
21. THE PAPAL CLAIMS and THE FILIOQUE are two MATTERS OF CATHOLIC DOCTRINE which separate them from the Orthodox.
22. After the PROKEIMENON the reader reads THE EPISTLE.
23. Catholics believe in THE INFALLIBILITY OF THE POPE.
24. In our church THE CANONARCH doesn’t say THE BEATITUDES, but the CHANTERS sing them.
25. THE CATECHUMENS are the people who are going to be baptized.
26. I still don’t remember well when and where the SEVEN ECUMENICAL COUNCILS were SUMMONED.
27. THE LORD became INCARNATE to come and bring people to SALVATION.
28. When the baby is born, he already has the GUARDIAN ANGEL.
29. Our University takes part in CHARITABLE WORK, and I often join the others in it.
30. My father has never been to ATHOS.
31. Photius was one of the greatest SCHOLARS in Constantinople.
34. The TRISAGION is CHANTED before the EPISTLE.
35. Some people don’t know that it’s wrong to COMMEMORATE THE DEAD at Easter.
36. My mother has often GIVEN ALMS to the poor people, and she taught me to do the same.
37. In CONFESSION we RECEIVE THE REMISSION OF SINS through the conversation with the PRIEST.
38. All Christians believe that the soul is IMMORTAL.
39. THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION is the longest litany in the LITURGY.
40. God is MERCIFUL to people, so they should be like Him to each other.
41. Someday I want to make a PILGRIMAGE to THE HOLY LAND.
42. The icon of the HOLY TRINITY is CAREFULLY CHERISHED in my family.
43. During THE SMALL ENTRANCE the priest always carries THE GOSPEL.
44. In the Western Middle Ages there was a SHARP DIVISION BETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY.
45. I have some friends who are CHANTERS.
46. I think that Orthodox should pay more attention to the CHARITABLE WORK.
48. If the teaching is THEOLOGICALLY UNTRUE, we call it HERESY.
50. I always wanted to attend the DIVINE LITURGY in English.

О.Н. [(38) 38]

1. During the classes in the LITURGICAL TRADITION we learned about the historical justification for THE GREAT ENTRY.
2. I find it strange when some people in the church MAKE PROSTRATIONS and others just BOW TO THE WAIST.
3. Sometimes we play "A Secret GUARDIAN" within the group.
5. Saint Seraphim of Sarov is greatly revered in my family. We have been many times to his HOLY HOUSE in Deveevo.
6. I do not really know if Protestants believe in THE REMISSION OF SINS during the SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION, but I wonder if they do not.
7. Some people say they do not want to be a SERVANT OF GOD or a HANDMAIDEN OF GOD because they think that to be "a servant" means not to be free.

В.Г. [(6,5) 6,5]

Д.Х. [4,75]

Е.К. [4,5]

М.З. [0]

3rd year of study: Autumn 2017

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

There is a stereotype that those people who are always silent are more righteous. Of course, it might have its ground: maybe those people just look humble and meek. I do not say that they are not pious, but I do say that silence is not a sign of holiness.
What really makes sense in our life is love (love to God and to all people). And this love at least will not let us to condemn others. So if we do, we do not love them, and we are not Christians in this way. But if we do love, it does not matter how much and loudly we speak, it is just a character, it is not something really important for eternity.

В.Г. [(4) 119]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with this quote, because if you know who you are, you don’t pretend to be someone else, and apparently you don’t lie. If you know who you are, you know what your sins are and you can confess, and be redeemed – that is your way to the salvation.
For example, if you know that you restrain your wrath not enough, you work on your humility to become meek and humble – and humility is one of the most important virtues in Christianity.

Е.К. [(3,5) 106]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov is definitely true. The prayer is a communication with God. If you abandon prayer – you abandon God; if you’re careless about prayer – you’re careless about God. And without God we can’t be saved and reach the salvation. It’s impossible to be with God without communicating with Him before – He wouldn’t even know us.

Е.К. [(3,5) 77,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

If we care about our neighbours and people, who are very close, with true love, we can influence on them. God’s love transforms people, and we all have image of God in us, so if we really love our neighbours, we are like God. We don’t suppose to teach anybody how to live, but we are supposed to live righteously, to be the good example of a true Christian, and they, seeing the image of Christ in us, would change to the way of salvation.

Е.К. [(4) 74]

1) These people lived in the very severe circumstances but showed us the model of the EREMETIC LIFE.
2) MONASTICISM expanded very quickly in that region.
3) There was a very important INTERPOLATION in this code of laws which brought CLARITY to some SUPPLEMENTS.
4) This style of life is proved to be SPRITUALLY PROFITABLE.
5) We cannot overcome TEMPTATIONS because of our FRAILTY.
6) This work should be AMENDED as soon as possible.
7) The representative of the Emperor came to SUMMON a special COUNCIL concerning the situation in the BESET settlement.
8) The result of that IMPOSITION was truly INEVITABLE.
9) These ascetics perform their ministry by their WITHDRAWAL FROM SOCIETY.
10) Our nature became FEEBLE and FRAGILE so it’s difficult for us to PERSEVERE without any help.
11) We are supposed to PERFORM DEEDS OF MERCY and help THE SUFFERING, THE SICK and THE CAPTIVES to be healed from our own INFIRMITY.

Д.Х. [(7,5) 106]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote teaches us that through our love God can change our brother. I agree with these words, it seems true that when you sacrifice something for someone this renunciation is able to transform your neighbor. God sees our sufferings and desire to help our brother and certainly He helps him to change himself in a better way. It is a good example when you are praying for your neighbor. You sacrifice your time spending it in a prayer and also give your love to your brother. So God can hear our prayers and give our neighbor awareness of his deeds and he can improve. All in all it should be done with the great love, and it must be your strong desire to help your brother to get better from the pure heart.

С.Ф. [(3,5) 106]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

These words say that the humility can prevent our heart from dangerous passions and trespasses. I agree with this statement because indeed it is a strong belief that humility is one of the most important virtues for our soul. If in some difficult situation you will restrain your pride – your heart and your soul will be at peace. So in this case humility helps you to keep your heart from sins. For example, once I fell out with my friend, and I knew that I was right but at that moment I understood that I could easy lose my friend and it wasn’t a very important question so I said that she was right and I yielded. I was trying to be humble, so I held my heart with humility and pride retreated. This quote has a practical application in our life; it helps us to fight against such sins as pride and arrogance. So if we have humility in our hearts there will be no harmful thoughts or passions.

С.Ф. [(4) 78,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement claims that we need to realize who we are in the reality, not in our dreams. I agree with this quote because it is really necessary to understand what kind of person you are. If you imagine some qualities or good sides of yourself but you haven’t got them it could be a great misconception in your life. However, awareness of your disadvantages or imperfections can help you to get better and improve your minuses. For example, if you soberly assess your personality you cannot get into some awkward situation. So in the end you will be a wise man. Because when you imagine something it comes from the pride. And if you are humble you will never think higher about yourself than you are in reality.

С.Ф. [(4,5) 74,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote may relate to any man in any occasion, after all, to take a sober look at yourself is useful.
If we read it in a "religious" way, it will get even much more sense. We all want to be saints and to be with God, but what we actually have - is our sins, and this is the truth. It is very important to be aware of all your voluntary sins (and it is just impossible to do with involuntary). Without this there is no way to repent, and without repentance there is no way to the Kingdom of God.
As far as wisdom is concerned, we receive all gifts from God, and wisdom is one of those gifts. So, if we are with God, we have all He considers to be good and useful for us. (So we might be wise as well).

В.Г. [(4,5) 94,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Sometimes people think much of themselves, and there are different causes for that. Some people suffer from shyness while others suffer from great selfhood, both cases are not good for a person. When you know who you are, you are able to realize your strong and weak features, you know the aspects you should work on to be a good person. Also it helps in communication with others, you know about the weaknesses you have so you can prevent quarrels and be careful about things you are not stable to discuss. It's really important to know who you are because false image of yourself one day can break down and disappoint you and destroy your worldview which is impossible without seeing yourself in it.

А.К. [(3,5) 130]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I like the quote by St. Maximos the Confessor and find it's inspiring. People shouldn't speak about the good things that happened to them, as a Russian proverb says "Happiness likes silence". Men who are happy about everything happening to them, who are good as friends and don't speak about themselves and their success will find, as St. Maximos says, enlightenment in this hard life which is full of discontent. There is also a good proverb "Speech is silver, silence is gold", so all this means that people will find peace by being caring to others and being humble, but also be happy and rejoice about everything that life gives, which is also not so simple.

А.К. [(3,5) 102,5]

1. I've always been frightened by the icons depicting the DREAD JUDGMENT OF CHRIST.
2. Every LITANY CHERUBIC HYMN is sung.
3. Touching the floor with a finger is a check for the true BOW TO THE WAIST.
4. After the BAPTISM every CHRISTIAN has a GUARDIAN Angel who follows him every minute of life.
5. CHRISTIANS should be MEEK but at the same time not MOURNFUL.

А.К. [(2,5) 99]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I consider that this quote is definitely true. Nowadays the younger generation is under the impact of mass media which provides an active campaign against faith corrupting the truth and diverting young conscience from the right way. Seraphim of Sarov once said that one should save himself and others will follow him. The examples of saints’ way of life are like a beacon of fire which inspires us to overcome all those obstacles on the path.

Д.Х. [(4) 76]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Humility is a virtue which is opposed to the pride, a weapon against it. Conquer the pride and you will cope with your anger, and there will be no hatred but love and peace inside your heart.

Д.Х. [(3) 72]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To know who you are is to be aware of your sins. One should not create an ideal image of oneself and follow it considering it as a single proper target of his life because this image can appear to be an act of infiltration of the demons. The principle idea is that you must live in the reality not inside your mind predicting nice future which of course will be unrealizable. And if we achieve something we should not forget about pride which chases us permanently.

Д.Х. [(3,5) 69]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

A prayer is the principle means of communication between a human being and God. To renounce it means to terminate this connection consciously or unconsciously. One can sometimes put it aside and be absorbed by everyday troubles looking for the way to solve them. But he forgets that spiritual life should come first and without his own zeal he won’t attain salvation.

Д.Х. [(3,5) 65,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote shows us the true principle of Christian behavior. If we want to become fully Christian we should attain humility in order not to fall into pride and lose all grace we were given. This is one of the most dangerous sins that could be commited when one follows the true path to salvation. So we have to consider that all our virtues and good deeds are not our achievements for which we could be awarded but something that we are supposed to perform. We must be last to become first, as the Bible says.

Д.Х. [(3,5) 62]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

St. Theophil of Kiev Caves said that we are exiles on earth and meant that this temporal life is short and finite. Our mission here is to attain salvation and enter the Kingdom of Heaven where there is no place for sorrow and despair. So we have to understand that falling into sadness is a real sin and be ready to confront it. We can encounter lots of troubles or difficult periods in our lives but we must remember that this must be a signal that we have gone astray.

Д.Х. [(4) 58,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote made by St. Paisios of Mount Athos deals with our relations with people who are close to us or even just somewhere nearby. If we treat them with pure and sincere love and care we will have a great influence on those people. And we should not teach someone how to live or point out one’s failures without looking at ourselves but we should give them our own example of the true way of life.

Д.Х. [(3,5) 54,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

If we fall into pride we are in danger of becoming distant from God. We should not try to understand those truths given by Him if we do not open our heart and approach with humility. If we attempt to realize His Testament only with our mind we will receive nothing and moreover we will deviate from the path we must follow.

Д.Х. [(3,5) 51]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

First of all we must understand the actual meaning of the prayer. Some people consider that a prayer is just a simple request: one asks and then he receives what he has asked for. Those people may think: “if the prayer gives us no result why we should actually pray?” Those people can even become distant to their faith and abandon it. But we should know that while praying we glorify God’s Name and all our requests should be asked for the ability to do everything for Him but not for us or our well-being. Not realizing this can just misguide us.

Д.Х. [(3,5) 47,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

If someone decides that all his ordeals in his life which has been given by God are too hard for him, he may yield to the temptation of an easy and carefree life, but inside his soul he will become cold and attain no happiness. He can even achieve something but his path will be forgotten and his heart will become dark and tepid. To avoid it we should be ready to overcome all troubles sent to us and to be on the right side.

Д.Х. [(4) 44]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The point of this quote is that the love of God is on us. I believe that it is one of the central statements of our Orthodox faith.
I completely agree with these words, because we feel the action of God’s grace in our daily life. For example, in all my life I have always been noticing the signs of Lord's care about me. Almost every day I have some little miracle in all my affairs, also in such common things as missing trains or passing exams. And I am convinced that it is a true manifestation of God’s love. Words about God’s love for us is squarely fit my idea of Christianity that God is love. For example, once I missed my plane and I was in despair. But then it turned out that I was lucky much more, because there was some huge problem with this plane and with landing, so firstly it seems to be desperation and failure, but then you realize that it is a huge fortune and the care of the Lord about you. This quote has enormous practical application in our lives, because these words give you a hope and a proof of God’s love. It is the deepest sense to know that God is with you, He protects you and loves you.

С.Ф. [(3,5) 70]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote claims that all our thoughts proceed from the state of our mind. I fully agree with this statement because as we can see in our life bad people always reckon that everyone around them is also bad and the same is true in the opposite case. It squarely fits my idea of Christianity, because our attitude to people comes from our mind and thoughts and if our mind is not pure, so we start to condemn people. In my own experience sometimes I notice that there is a strong connection between thoughts and our attitude to people. When I started to think well of people or was trying to understand their behavior I realized that they were not as bad as they seemed to me. So I am trying to keep my mind in a good state, and it partly helps me not to criticize people and not to judge them.

С.Ф. [(3,5) 66,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This statement says that if we understand prayers in a wrong way or fill its with the wrong concept it can be dangerous for our spiritual life. I agree with these words because when people are praying and don’t realize what the prayer means, of course it is fruitless for their souls. This quote fits my idea of Christianity, as we know, we need to pray consciously and understand the prayers in a right way. As for me, I am trying to understand what I say when I am praying. For example, when I realize, that some words I can’t explain or they are not accessible to my mind I always ask the priest about it. Eventually, it is very important for people to be aware of what they are praying about and what these words mean.

С.Ф. [(4,5) 63]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote claims that it is not necessary to be ostentatiously silent, but you must to be silent in your thoughts and mind. I completely agree with these words. It is well known that firstly you must be inwardly calm and the outer behavior is less important. These words fit my idea of Christianity because the most valuable part of spiritual experience is not to condemn people. And it doesn’t mean that you must be silent all the time. As I see it we need to remember that there is a hazard to become a Pharisee, who follows only the outer form of faith. So we should be careful about what we have in our heart, what we feel towards our brother and not only care about how we come across in other people's eyes.

С.Ф. [(4) 58,5]

1. I say MORNING PRAYERS and EVENING PRAYERS every day but unfortunately I don’t say some PRAYERS DURING THE DAY.
2. I usually read THE AKATHIST HYMN TO SWEETEST JESUS before some difficult events like exams.
3. I started to say PRAYERS BEFORE COMMUNION when I was ten.
4. In GUIDELINES FOR FASTING you can find many useful notes for yourself.
5. In a PRAYER BOOK you can find not only PRAYERS but also THE RULES Of PIETY.

1. Amongst all good works THE PRAYER TO GOD is THE VIRTUE which requires the greatest effort.
2. The MONASTIC HOUSE was like one great brotherhood which included MONKS and NUNS.
3. SAINT ANTHONY was one of the MONASTIC STARTSI and he had many SUCCESSORS.
4. The emperor was at the heart of THE CHRISTIAN POLICY OF BIZANTIUM and he was also a GOD’S REPRESENTATIVE ON EARTH.
5. CHURCH and STATE was a one single organism and had two elements such as THE PRIESTHOOD and THE IMPERIAL POWER.

1. There is a church of OLD RITUALISTS near my church which I attend.
2. Usually MONKS live together UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF AN ELDER.
3. JERUSALEM has always been a place of PILGRIMAGE for Christians from all over the world.

1. Photius was the greatest SCHOLAR in ninth-century Constantinople.
2. THE PAPACY was a center of unity in the spiritual and political life of Western Europe.
3. To be AN AUTOCRAT means to be an absolute monarch.
4. In western Middle Ages there arose a SHARP DIVISION DETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY.
5. THE BYZANTINE PATRIARCH PHOTIUS was an example of a “LAY THEOLOGIAN” before his appointment to the PATRIARCHATE.

1. Jesus CAST OUT MANY DEMONS from people that were POSSESSED WITH DEMONS.
2. THE PAPAL CLAIMS and THE FILIOQUE are two MATTERS OF DOCTRINE that east and west quarreled over.
3. Paul and the other Apostles traveled around THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD.
4. THE RISE OF ISLAM means that THE MEDITERRANEAN passed largely into Arab control.
5. In the DARK AGES LAITY could not even read.

1. There were two ways to approach THE CHRISTIAN MYSTERY; the Latin approach was more practical, the Greek - more SPECULATIVE.
3. Catholics believe in THE INFALLIBILITY OF the POPE.
4. For the Orthodox THE POPE doesn’t possess THE UNIVERSAL SUPREMACY.
5. We only can talk about THE PRIMACY OF HONOUR for the Pope.

1. I can call myself A CHANTER because I sing at the church.
3. In the litany we are praying about THE PEACE FROM ON HIGH and THE SALVATION OF OUR SOULS.

1. We believe that we can be delivered from all the TRIBULATION, WRATH AND NEED by God.
3. The CHOIR usually sings almost after every DEACON’S EXCLAMATION.
4. My brother is A PSALM READER and he often reads psalms in church.

1. In our church we always sing very beautiful ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON.
2. In our parish THE CANONARCH doesn’t says THE BEATITUDES, the choir sings them.
3. I know almost all TROPARIA of TWELVE GREAT FEASTS.
4. THE MEEK are blessed and they shall INHERIT THE EARTH.

1. During THE SMALL ENTRANCE the priest carries THE GOSPEL.
2. There are many TRISAGIONS written by famous composers.
3. We usually sing THE TROPARIA and KONTAKIA IN COMMON after the small entrance.
4. THE PROKEIMENON is the most prominent line from the psalm.
5. After the prokeimenon the reader reads THE EPISTLE.

2. Catholics use UNLEAVENED BREAD in the EUCHARIST.
4. There were some attempts at RECONCILIATION between LATINS and GREEKS.
5. THE CRUSADES made THE SCHISM definitive.

3. In my church THE LITANY for THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED is very rare event.
4. We usually have this litany if there is a DAY OF COMMEMORATION OF THE DEPARTED.
5. We ask God to forgive us EVERY OFFENCE, VOLUNTARY and INVOLUNTARY.

1. Although we have THE LITANY FOR the CATECHUMENS but now we haven’t these catechumens in the literal sense of this word.
2. During THE LITANY FOR the CATECHUMENS some people BOW THEIR HEADS although they are not catechumens.
4. TO BOW TO THE WAIST it is not the same as TO MAKE A PROSTRATION.
5. During THE GREAT ENTRANCE priest carries THE HOLY GIFTS to the ALTAR.

С.Ф. [(44) 54,5]

The TRISAGION is usually CHANTED before the EPISTLE reading.
It is necessary to GIVE ALMS with sincere COMPASSION.
A human being PERISHES without a prayer.
People who are FETTERED by TRIBULATION should find spiritual strength and not give up.
FILIOQUE became a reason for the division of the Christian Church.
Some people don’t know that it is incorrect to COMMEMORATE the dead at Easter; they should do it two weeks after Easter.
Frequently my parents and I go to the HOLY HOUSE to help there.
Sometimes I manage to visit our Bishop and talk about my spiritual life.

Е.Л. [(5,5) 98]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can fully agree with this statement, the knowledge of God can lead us to adverse consequences. If I understand this idea correctly I can say about it that one of our duties is to read the Divine Scripture, but sometimes people do it in a wrong way. I know that we should have someone to help us to interpret the Divine Scripture; usually it is a person who has theological education. Firstly, we haven’t got enough knowledge to understand it properly on our own. Secondly, sometimes we can get lost; can start reading literature which can only be read with a blessing of the spiritual father. I can illustrate this with an example of our parishioner. She was a woman who dogmatized and when she decided to immerse herself in the science, our rector didn’t give her a blessing to do it. She left our parish. I think that we are all very weak in faith, some kind of literature and books can confuse us and it will be something like a heresy. So, we should be very careful when we read the Divine Scripture and we always should remember that there are lots of instances when we should understand words, extracts not in the direct meaning but in the metaphorical one.

Е.Л. [(3) 84,5]

People pray for the SERVANT OF GOD and say his name, and if it's a woman, they pray for the HANDMAIDEN OF GOD.
As St. Augustine says, man should PRACTICE HUMILITY to be able to understand THE GOSPEL.
During the LITANY it's important not only to CONFESS the VOLUNTARY OFFENCES, but not to forget about the INVOLUNTAY ones.
Nowadays in modern CHURCHES CATECHUMENS never leave the SERVICE.
There are special words of PRAYER about asking GOD for THE PEACE FROM ON HIGH.

А.К. [(2) 96,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As I understood this quote, it's important for people trying to read the Holy Scripture to read it with patience and humility, but first man should develop these qualities in himself. St. Augustine gave example of himself being critical to the Divine Scripture in his childhood. But if people don't trust this Holy Books they don't trust God and it means they separate themselves from Him. So, being proud means not only being proud in communication with other people, but also being critical and not trusting Holy Scripture, not taking it seriously. To sum up, pride is the worst thing for people, because pride is about everything. And reading Scripture brings you closer to the holy truth, so people should not miss this opportunity because of pride.

А.К. [(3,5) 94,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can partly agree with this statement because humility is able to restrain but, in my opinion, it doesn’t restrain the heart. Sometimes it happens that people argue with each other. Some people know about the concept such as humility. They start to be silent when they are arguing but I think that they leave all their emotions, insults in their hearts. So, people can restrain the ways of their own behavior but everything remains in the heart. We are trying to be forgiving, merciful and kind but frequently our real emotions, words, thoughts stay inside. So, we restrain ourselves, our behavior but not our heart. We do it because we don’t want to hurt our neighbors. Of course, there are people who can restrain not only their behavior, but the heart. I suppose that these are our saints who can bear a lot. They can preserve this humility not only outside but inside. Our aim to be like the saints, to practice humility everywhere.

Е.Л. [(3) 81,5]

1. As a child I used to watch cartoons in which the PROSPERITY of states depended on their RIGHTEOUSNESS.
2. TRANQUILLITY is something that there is not present in my home.
3. My mother has always GIVEN ALMS to the poor as long as I can remember.
4. In my home great attention is paid to A COMMEMORATION OF THE (FAITHFUL) DEPARTED.

В.Г. [(2) 90]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As for me, I quite agree with this quote, because I remember the story of the icon of Theotokos, named "Unexpected Joy". A sinner used to pray in front of the icon of the Theotokos before all his crimes and once he saw in a dream that the Most Holy Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ were bleeding - because of the people's sins. It's quite clear that this sinner didn't understand the conception of the prayer and all his prayers did harm to his soul. But after his dream and confession he began to pray truly.
So we should understand all our prayers fully and truly in order to be saved, not to be burnt in the eternal flame of hell.

Е.К. [(3) 70]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Love plays a tremendous role in our life. Without love this world would be absolutely uninhabitable. And Christ says that the world will end, when there is no love in it (when the love is scanty).
All Christians know that God has True Love and that He could give it to us, if we try to be His true sons (this means to believe in Him and to love Him). This is the way we could become sources of true Love of Christ. In this case we are unable not to love every person, not to be compassionate.
And when somebody sees somebody else treating him with true love, he cannot stay the same, because he feels God and that God is looking after him, taking care of him and waiting for him.

В.Г. [(4) 88]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As far as I understood this quote, to be a true disciples of Jesus we should serve to our brothers - like Chist served his disciples before the Last Supper. He is the Gracious One, and He humbled Himself in order to be the image of what the Christians should do.
I quite agree with this position, because behaving like that we will get closer to the Lord, which is the most important thing of our salvation. And humility is one of the major virtues in Christianity, and it's said in the Gospel "But many who are first will be last, and the last first". So we should be the last among our brothers - that means to be humble - and we will be the first in Heaven.

Е.К. [(3) 67]

1. I'm writing a sentence about THE PAPACY and THE PAPAL CLAIMS for the third time in a while.
2. In our church in my hometown sometimes THE CLERGY AND LAITY sing the Cherubic Hymn together.
3. During our first course we had a discussion about SCHOLASTICISM, THE HESYCHAST CONTROVERSY and THE CAPPADOCIANS.
4. Initially it was difficult for me to understand what the APOPHATIC THEOLOGY is.
5. THE CATECHUMENS are the people who are going to be baptized.

Е.К. [(4) 64]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

We may call our time an age of criticism (of course, we can name almost every age in this way, but still). It has become common to look at everything with a shade of incredulity. To criticize the Bible seems to be much easier than to admit its truthfulness, because admitting the truth means to admit your sins and to obey. People find it difficult and unpleasant to accept that they are not good, not righteous, have more than they deserve and that everything they have is by the God's grace. To admit this is to humble yourself.
And if you are humble, you will listen to God's words and take them without a critical view. You will learn God's love and to love. And all these will give you a clear understanding of the word of God - of the Bible.

В.Г. [(4) 84]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It is very hard for a human to be meek, to be humble. And at the same time it is very important, because Christ teachs us so.
In every step of our life we should follow the teaching and the example of Christ to be His true disciples and to be saved. We see in the Gospel that Christ serves people and His own disciples (one of the most significant moments is the washing of feet. Moreover, we see that He suffered humiliations, took all human sins, and died for our salvation.
So, He shows us true humility and that He bore the humiliation during His life. And that is how we should lead our lives in love and humility for Christ's sake.

В.Г. [(4) 80]

The age of Saint Sergey of Radonezh was the age of MONASTIC revival.
Every TRIBULATION can be solved by simple PRAYER to GOD.
I like this TRANQUILITY and darkness with small CANDLE lights during the Exapsalmos.
During the CONFESSION we receive the REMISSION OF SINS through the conversation with the PRIEST.
COMMEMORATION OF THE DEPARTED is important for them as through it they can achieve the HOLY KINGDOM.

А.К. [(3) 91]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Nowadays very few people live according to the Holy Scripture, it's considered to be very old, forgettable and something not available for modern life. Most people know all of the Divine commandments, but they don't follow them because of constantly being in the sinful state. Holy Scripture limits the freedom of man's action, it shows that a lot of acts we are used to performing are not acceptable for salvation, so man not wishing to abandon his common sins doesn't live in accordance with the Scripture. There is a very small part of humanity who live righteously despite the whole world which decided to abandon it. And this people's being indifferent to living in a right way makes these righteous men be more and more fervent in their faith and in their godly way of life.

А.К. [(3) 88]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can partly agree with the given statement because, first of all, I think that people are always the same. We live in the age of moral and spiritual decline but we can learn about it on the Internet, in the newspapers and on the TV or radio. There weren’t such possibilities to get information earlier. I believe that concepts like loathing, revenge, lechery, drunkenness and others existed earlier but people of that time couldn’t film it, post on the Internet or know about it. I think our generation is not worse; it can look up current events easily in a few seconds. I mean everything in our life is in full view globally. So, it seems from this side that our age is immoral, but it is not. It is the same as the previous generations. We can only see what is happening and then we face with the choice to accept or not such innovations of modern life.
I can, of course, agree that we have examples of people whom we can acknowledge as heroes. They led righteous lives. They performed deeds in the name of Christ. Moreover, they were patient, wise, kind and merciful. So, not only Orthodox people can use their lives as examples how to live, they were pure in all things.

Е.Л. [(3) 78,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I agree with this quote, because now it’s quite easy to live comfortably in the modern world. People just work hard daily, weekly, monthly, yearly – and they totally forget God. They think that they don’t need God, because they live perfectly well without church, the Eucharist and religion. Or, sometimes, they excuse themselves that they don’t have enough time to go to the church. But when they see righteous men and women they are reminded of God, because we all have the image of God in us, but it’s buried under our transgressions, voluntary and unvoluntary. And righteous people have a brighter image, because they have fewer sins, and ordinary people try to be like them to unite with God in our present – and our future.

Е.К. [(4) 60]

2. Sometimes people say – I know they do – that in the HOLY HOUSES BRETHREN or SISTERN living there should give ALMS to the poor.
3. I understand TRANQUILITY as the peace in its highest degree, and it would be nice to experience it once. 4. My grandmother was at the CEREMONY OF THE HOLY FIRE at least three times in her life.
5. As a child I used to know a girl, who always said “My God” every time, and her grandmother kept telling her not to speak in that way, because it’s a SACRILEGE.

Е.К. [(4,5) 56]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Truth be told, I can not agree with this statement. Let me explain my point of view.
I believe that "in our age of moral and spiritual decline" every single (and even little) example of godly life would be taken as unusual and treated as wonder and encouragement to lead a righteousness life (among those people who are able to accept God and his commandments). People are not used to see "godly lifestyle" every day, even those who believe in God. For example, if someone in the company seeing something marvelous says "God thank you for showing this to me", others will be definitely surprised. And maybe for someone it will be a good impetus to remember God and be grateful in everyday life.
And I believe that there are thousands of such examples in my life, in lives of my friends and relatives and probably in lives of all people (I hope) when something simple and little but full of faith and love can lead us to God.

В.Г. [(5) 76]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can totally agree with the statement by St. Isaac the Syrian. People are not calm and do not keep in their feelings, especially when they communicate with others. They interrupt each other, fall into the quarrels, not being attentive to other people's feelings. But if people behave in a humble way, they have humility of mind, and, ultimately, humility before God. Being calm in difficult situations makes people fight against their own anger and as a result they prevail over their nature. And making an effort to grow spiritually means becoming stronger in heart and closer to God.

А.К. [(4) 85]

ANGELS brought to the shepherd a GOOD TIDINGS about CHRIST'S birth.
You shouldn't be sad about the thoughts of death, our body will die, but the SOUL is IMMORTAL.
We usually make a BOW after TRISAGION.
When we entered the CHURCH THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION had already been recited.

А.К. [(2) 81]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

It is difficult not to agree with this statement.
As I see it, the "heart" here means the "feelings, passions, worldly desires" of the human soul. So humility helps us to restrain our desires (and it means - sins).
But why it can help us? Actually, here we should refer to what we should always refer in difficult situations - to the Bible. And here we will see that Christ was humble, He was meek. He gave as an example of how we should behave, of how we should live.
And from this point of view, we can't doubt that humility restrains the heart.

В.Г. [(4) 71]

1. It was new to me to know that in the English text there is a phrase, in which among the usual GLORIOUS, ALL PRAISED APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST there is an unusual word combination UNIVERSAL HERALD.
2. My mother is usually upset when readers make mistakes in PROKEIMENA during the Liturgy.
3. Our choir usually sings the TRISAGION in different melodies, according to the other melodies of the particular worship.
4. I noticed a tendency of THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION to be the longest litany in the Liturgy.
5. Christians believe that the soul is IMMORTAL and after the death will rejoice in Heaven or suffer in hell until the Second Coming of the Jesus Christ.

Е.К. [(4) 51,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I quite agree with this quote of St. Isaac the Syrian. It’s vitally important to restrain your heart in general in order not to be very passionate. I mean not in a good way, like being fervent, but, for example, rude or too emotional. You must fight against your passions for the salvation and it’s impossible to do that if your heart and spirit aren’t meek, because in that case, and on the whole, you’re weak before the demons.
In the Beatitudes it’s said “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”. Thus we should make our hearts and souls meek to make them stronger in the unseen warfare against our human frailty.

Е.К. [(3,5) 47,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with the saint’s idea about knowing who we are. Every person should exactly estimate himself, his own behavior, acts and thoughts. Sometimes people become very proud and they develop the opinion about themselves that they are very good, merciful and kind, they go to the church and communicate with God, they receive communion and think that they are like the saints. These words mean that pride appears in our soul. It is one of the sinful passions. A person thinks that he can manage something on his own and that he is better than others.
So, we always should remember who we are. We are all sinners and our aim is salvation. We will all face to God and He will judge us. He will decide who lives better and more worthily. It is wiser for us not to think who we are because we can think about ourselves much and commit a sin.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 75,5]

1. In some classes during our previous course from time to time we studied some historical figures who were CHARGED WITH HERESY during some epochs.
2. I have never been successful in remembering when and where the Seven Ecumenical COUNCILS were SUMMONED.
3. My younger brothers and I used to be told that we should always be MEEK and HUMBLE to INHERIT the Heavenly Kingdom.
4. Priests always say that we shouldn’t MOURN a lot when somebody of our relatives dies, but we should rejoice for them, because they are going to God.
5. One priest always gives the EXCLAMATION before THE BEATITUDES in a very loud voice, in order to be heard by the chanters.

Е.К. [(3,5) 44]

You can't PERISH your body from the death but it's possible to do with your SOUL.
Man who doesn't have FAITH is BLIND to the CHURCH.
People are FETTERED by SINS.
God bacame INCARNATE to come and bring people to SALVATION.

А.К. [(1,5) 79]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To say honestly, this quote wasn't simple for me. It's a complicated one for understanding. But I'm going to try to explain it in the way I see it. So the point is that if a man wants to be close to God, to follow Him, he should come through the Christ's suffering, the man should share His deprivation. Such a person should be humble and unassuming, be strict with himself and think much about the others, and help them and put his own wishes lower than the neibours' wishes. And only acting this way, a man can be a truly Christ's follower and disciple.

А.К. [(3) 77,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote is one of my favourites. I read it for the first time long ago in “Paterikon” which I used to read very often. Moreover, it is Abba Pimen who was the first among my favourite authors.
I always used to reflect upon this quote. Firstly, for me it was a true example of possibility to “walk in the Lord’s presence” all the time even if you are up to your eyes in work. So, one can possess the inner state of a monk even living in the midst of the world! It is very inspiring, I think. However it is very difficult as well.
But on the other hand I still can’t understand how to achieve this state. One must not condemn anybody – it is obvious, but what else? How can one keep the awareness when at the same time one has to keep many more other things in mind? Now I see it as an art which I’ve been trying to learn for some years already without making any progress. But since then achieving such an inner state is my dream.

М.З. [(4) 81]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I see this quote as a wonderful explanation of the Lord’s words. He said that “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matthew 6:22-23)
I couldn’t agree more with this quote. You can see and understand only something which you’ve experienced already or, in other words, “has inside yourself”. If you know what is light and it is inside you – you can see light. If not – there seems to be dark everywhere.
It means that without the work of purifing your inner man one can see nothing but dirt and ugliness. It means that it’s not the world and people around who are ugly but you is ugly yourself. You, who refuses to believe and experience the good.
It seems to be very scary – but at the same time very inspiring. Look at those who accept and fulfill this instruction. They look calm and happy. They can weep but these tears often give birth to happiness.
Perhaps this ability to see everybody as holy and good is a sign indicating the presence of true love? Perhaps it’s one of many ways how this Love expresses itself in this world? One sees not the infirmity but the Divine Image in another and this Image is nothing but perfect, or, in other words, holy and good. If to continue thinking in this way one can conclude that the purity of thoughts and the true love are tightly connected with each other.

М.З. [(4) 48]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Of course, I absolutely agree with this quote by saint Basilisk. The Lord Jesus Christ said: “Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many" (Matt. 20:28). So, “the humiliation of Christ” here as I see it is this outer and inner state or position of a voluntary servant to the others. And if the Lord Himself served as a servant, how can we be His disciples if we try to live with our noses in the air, like masters of the others?
So, the humiliation is the basis which is necessary to gain the true humility in Christ, the first step on the way.
The humility is the source of great peaceful happiness as the Lord said: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest… for I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matt. 11:28-29). We see that the inner peace and meekness, or humility, are tightly connected. The Lord Himself possesses it, and we can take a share in it though his Grace. But only those who are meek can enjoy it as it was said “pride, and arrogancy… do I hate” (Prov. 8:13).
How clear the theory is and how hard the practice!
Every day, every moment of life the inner struggle is unfolding inside a man, and one of the prises is the true humility. A lot of little things are growing important – not to tell a harsh word, not to look in a rude way, help one more time being asked, give somebody a way in a platform, etc. So, the practical application is direct. Plenty of various ways to minister to the others can be found and just in this way I understand this quote.

М.З. [(4) 44]

1. I like to read PREFACES of books.
2. I used to like VESPERS and MATINS more than the Liturgy.
3. On some feasts after the Liturgy there was the AKATHIST HYMN TO SWEETEST JESUS sung in my hometown church.
4. The SUPPLICATORY CANON to the Mother of God is one of my favorites.
5. They say that we, THE LATTER-DAY CHRISTIANS, are very far from the perfect love which had been achieved by the DESERT FATHERS in the past, but there are still saints among us, so, it’s still not too late to strive and achieve it.
6. I tried to read the book “THE UNSEEN WARFARE” when I was in my teens, but it was too difficult for me to read, so I postponed it.
7. It’s a very paradoxical thing that it is through praying that one can ATTAIN REST, but at the same time it is the prayer which is the most difficult thing to do because while praying one has a constant WARFARE.
8. One of the GOD-BEARING FATHERS I honor especially is Simeon the New Theologian.
9. Still it is a tricky question for me which book is better when I see the differences in the texts of various PRAYER BOOKS.
10. Once I found a book of monastic RULES OF PRAYER in the Church library in my hometown.
11. There is a church of OLD BELIEVERS just near the metro station Paveletskaya.
12. Once in one Orthodox youth camp I with my “tentmates” couldn't fall asleep. So we began to sing THE TRISAGION in Greek. We just had nothing else to do.
13. I do love HOURS from “the BOOK OF HOURS”, especially the First and the Ninth ones.
14. I see the works by Anthony of Sourozh as very SPIRITUALLY PROFITABLE for many souls.
15. Once having felt the overwhelming REVERENCE and the Divine Grace near the holy relicts of St. Tikhon of Moscow, I decided to attend services in the Donskoy monastery from that day forth.

М.З. [(7,5) 40]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

When we speak about humility it means that a person has the state of harmony with the world. We can prove this idea in the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans: “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone”(12:18) This quote we often use in my family, so I fully agree with elder Basilisk. Humility is connected with forgiveness. A man forgives himself and other people and peace reigns in his soul. Humility is the lack of insult to fate.
We should remember that Christ became a man to save us. He showed the humility when He was crucified and offended. He bore a big wooden cross on His shoulders and prayed for His torturers. Christ was beaten and convicted as a robber. All of it shows us that Christ is the example of the highest humility. Fortunately, we are living in peaceful time and we needn’t show our humility as many martyrs. We only should be not proud and not take the lead.

Е.Л. [(3) 72]

1. Parents always teach us to be LONGSUFFERING, not TO WRONG others and TO PERFORM DEEDS OF MERCY.
2. I don't remember how I tried to realize what ETERNITY is, but I remember how my younger brother was shocked for several days trying to imagine the idea of eternity and eternity itself.

В.Г. [(1,5) 67]

It is terrible to have INFIRMITY because you are ruined and lack the strength to do something.
God is MERCIFUL to us, so we should be like Him to each other.
The man who is lost in INIQUITY can hardly confess his mistakes and sins.
One day God’s patience came to an end and He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
A conscientious president is convinced of the RIGHTEOUSNESS of his own judgments.
When I am confessing my SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR has a COMPASSIONATE look because he always worries about me.
When an ARCHBISHOP comes to the SERVICE, the CHANTERS initially sing TRISAGION in Greek then in Slavonic.
People who live in the dormitory must write a PETITION if they want to go home on weekends.
When I was a child I learnt Church Slavonic language with the help of the PRIMER.
Orthodox churches have their own PRACTICES.
Sergei Nilus wrote a book which is titled "God’s power and HUMAN FRAILTY”.
I was COMMITTED to bring up my godchild when I became a god-mother.
I make PROFITABLE use of the Gospel when I read it.

Е.Л. [(7) 69]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The saint’s quotation about a prayer is truly accurate and proper. St. John of Kronstadt said that a prayer is a golden connection between Christians on Earth and the spiritual world. God is the source of life because He granted a salvation to us. One of the ways to communicate with God is a prayer. We are trying to pray every morning and evening but occasionally we begin to neglect our prayer, forget about it or become distracted during it. It all leads to suspension from salvation. We should understand that a prayer is a conversation with God and we are standing before Him. He hears all our words, how we pronounce them and also sees us. During the prayer we are partaking of God’s grace, so when we abandon our prayer rule, we withdraw from the dialogue with God and from our salvation.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 62]

People should be GRACIOUS to each other because none of us can be perfect.
Man who does INIQUITY will not receive SALVATION if unrepentant.
Being WROTH with every little thing is INFIRMITY of our age, people are not COMPASSIONTE.
GOD is LONGSUFFERING one and we should not be sad because of any troubles, but be close to Him in our own sufferings.
DOMINION of GOD is a thing which illustrates the ETERNITY.

А.К. [(3,5) 74,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

People have always asked themselves how to receive salvation and enter the Heavenly Kingdom. There are a lot of things, man should truly believe in God, be merciful to other people, live a righteous life. But sometimes people forget about the prayer. We should pray to God at every possible moment, do not forget about Him and He will not forget about us. Prayer is a conversation with God, and speaking to Him, even in your own words means being close to Him. And those who are close to Him will be in Heaven with Him. Sometimes people forget about prayer or just put it off, but it's an important part of our Christian life and one of the ways of being with God now and in eternity after death.

А.К. [(3) 71]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

At first it may seem that prayer is not necessary for our salvation, because "all we need" is faith and works (deeds).
However, the whole teaching of Christ is absolutely necessary for us to be saved, to be in the Kingdom of God. And we can see that prayer is a part of the Lord's teaching. So, for example, the Lord says that "ask, and it shall be given you" (Lk.11:9), He also tells His disciples to pray in case not to fall into temptation.
But what is more important (in my point of view), Jesus prays himself. And so He gives us the example of righteous life.
Therefore, if we abandon prayer, we reject the teaching of God and we can lose our salvation.

В.Г. [(4) 65,5]

1. When I was a child, I used to think THEOLOGICALLY wrongly, because I didn’t know a lot about the Christian faith and the God, so my knowledge of TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY was unclear.
2. The concept of PRIESTLY CELIBACY seems to me, at least, not so bad as it might seem to the other people. We actually have monks who are priests, and I believe these concepts are quite similar to each other.
3. All my younger brothers WERE GIVEN COMMUNION right after their baptism, when they were not older than one month.
4. In the Sunday school of my church there is a piece of UNLEAVENED BREAD, which was brought from Jerusalem for the comparison with LEAVENED BREAD and explanation to children their usage in the Eucharist.
5. The epoch of THE CRUSADES seemed to be surprisingly interesting and amazing for my younger brother, who is eleven years old now.

Е.К. [(3) 40,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I consider that in this quote Saint Theophil of the Kiev Caves is trying to convey the meaning of the fall of man. It is truly said that, «we are under God's penance and a penance consists of deprivations and difficulties». Sometimes we start to forget why we are on the Earth and also forget about our crucial aim. People live and are keen on lay things. Some of them go off to work, rejoice in material things like money, purchases and career. A human being is born already sinful. We should live in repentance as we were born for that. We are here because of the sinful nature of man. Our world is a country of exile and people endure torments and sufferings. God does not recognize any sin as incurable so if we want to find the strength to live on and to lighten the burden of life, we need to find God’s power which is repentance.
Sometimes people complain about life difficulties and problems, wonder why their lives are so unfair and not cloudless. However, the matter is that we should not take reality for granted and thank God that we have an opportunity to confess and be with God, that our life is softer with God and not so complicated as it might have been.

Е.Л. [(3,25) 58,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can fully share Abba Pimen’s idea about silence and babbling because there is a close connection between our thoughts or words and our heart, so there is no difference for us whether we are thinking or pronouncing something, if it is harmful for our soul. We know that we can commit a sin not only in a conversation, but also while we are silent. Sometimes people can’t watch out for themselves because it is difficult to keep track of words or thoughts and notice that something is wrong.
We should control our words and thoughts because God protects you as long as you protect your mouth and mind. We are guarded as long as we are ready to create, while we are attentive to ourselves, while internal work is continuing. We are not supported by God when we start our own internal ruin, we cease to watch over what is born in the heart and then comes out of the mouth in words, or of the mind in thoughts.
It is also necessary to say that when we are condemning others in thoughts we ruin ourselves and hurt only our soul. While we are condemning others in words we can hurt not only ourselves and also our neighbor. They can find out about our words and fall into despair. Thereby we wound others and it’s more painful and worse for us.

Е.Л. [(4) 55,25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can fully agree with St. Paisios of Mount Athos’ quote about our attitude to someone with pain and love. The Christ has shown us love by giving His life for humanity. It is a true example of love. Thus, God overtakes a precept to love every person who we know. Love is the fulfilment of the law. We should be soft, merciful and amiable not only towards our friends but even to our enemies.
We know from the Gospel that all love comes from God because God is Love, so when we behave to others with the fullness of love, this love transforms to our neighbor and he is with God.
The saint also speaks about pain. It means that when we relate to someone with all our soul, we start feeling someone's problems, illnesses, and frustration as our own. It is crucial not to forget that God is love, a human being is created in the likeness of God, and so if we want to be like God, we should truly love and feel compassion for our neighbor.
When God abides in man, man is exposed by the love of God and the love of people. God is known through His influence on this person. The best demonstration of the existence of God is not a series of proofs, but a life full of love.

Е.Л. [(3) 51,25]

1. I really can imagine how people came to the ideas of the Pope's PRIMACY OF HONOR and UNIVERSAL SUPREMACY, but the idea of INFALLIBILITY is absolutely weird to me.
2. St. Andrei Rublev created new TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY of the icon of THE HOLY TRINITY.
3. I have four friends who work as CHANTERS.
4. Some teaching can be CHARGED OF HERESY if it is THEOLOGICALLY UNTRUE.

В.Г. [(3) 61,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

People often see prayers in their own ways and sometimes these ways may be incorrect.
Some people may treat prayers and practices during these prayers as "an objective", not as a means to "an objective", and this leads to "the worship of the religious practices and observances" (obryadoverie).
On the other hand, in different Christian denominations there are different traditions of worship. And they are often connected with dogmatic teaching (doctrine) of each particular Christian denomination, which (teaching) can be very different from each other.
So, in the first case, this treatment can be really harmful, as we are in danger to worship something besides God. In the second case, there are different Christian traditions which are strongly connected with doctrines and it is obvious that this is really something dangerous in case of erroneous doctrines.

В.Г. [(3,5) 58,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Life isn't simple to live. Sorrows and sadness are always round us. It's really difficult sometimes not to fall into the despondency. St. Theophil of the Kiev Caves explains why all these troubles and sorrows are sent to us. We have a sinful nature and God punishes us for that. So all these deprivations are the best way to cleanse our soul. St. Theophil compares these difficulties with bitter, but useful medicine.
For me, there is a no way out situation, which is expressed in this quotation. A man hasn't chosen the way he was born. And he was born sinful, so from the birth he is doomed. To say honestly, understanding of this quote makes me feel melancholy.

А.К. [(2) 68]

I sing in my CHURCH CHOIR every weekend.
The GREAT LITANY is recited at every LITURGY.
People with REVERENCE and FEAR of GOD are coming to COMMUNION.
The CHOIR was singing about GOD'S GRACE.

А.К. [(6) 66]

1. In my church CHANTERS always sing LORD, HAVE MERCY as an answer to the PETITIONS of THE GREAT LITANY with great REVERENCE.
3. Sometimes it seems to me that people don't have enough ONENESS OF MIND and BROTHERLY LOVE.

Е.К. [(4,5) 37,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To tell you the truth, I have never thought about this and have never come across this idea. We are always told that the hopelessness is a sin and we must not be given to sorrow, we should take everything as a gift from God and deal with it without sadness and complaining. (Of course, it is exaggerated.)
In this quote it is said that sadness is useful and somehow necessary for us to realize our sins and repent. It is an interesting and unusual idea. And it will take me some time to apply this to life.

В.Г. [(3,5) 55]

Slavonic PRIMER was invented by saints Cyril and Mephodius.
There are a lot of PRACTICES people observe during Lent, for example, they MAKE many PROSTRATIONS.
FELLOW-BELIEVES can easily understand each other.
Man can't stop sinning because of HUMAN FRAILTY.
The FULFILLMENT OF RULES is important, but not so much as TRUE FAITH and love to others.

А.К. [(3,5) 60]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As I understood this quote I would like to say that for us, beloved children of God, Jesus Christ suffered and was crucified. This event is the basis of the New Testament, which is the foundation of people's faith. Christ suffered for us because of his love and now man suffers too because of love to other people. Human relations are not simple, people have to be patient and understanding to prevent quarrels, disagreements. So it's the same way to suffer from love as Jesus did. But when people are continuing to love each other, despite all the odds, they are becoming closer to Christ, and their love proves to be true.

А.К. [(4) 33]

1. Three weeks ago a new priest appeared in my church. He is a HIEROMONK.
2. I really want all Christian Churches to be UNITED IN FAITH AND COMMUNION.
3. One day during a SERMON a priest in my church said that the meaning of the difference between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church is the FILIOQUE. People around me didn't seem to know what it means. The hum of voices and embarrassed faces were funny.
4. It's rather strange, but since I saw the date of THE GREAT SCHISM for the first time I have exactly remembered it.
5. Well, I don't think that ESTRANGEMENT is good in any part of our lives. So it is just terrifying that people of the same faith don't accept each other.
6. Sometimes Orthodox PRACTICES AND OBSERVANCES seem to me rather strange and outdated.
7. My father has been to Athos and there he understood the beauty of AKATHIST HYMNS.
8. The main book that we use during the class of the Liturgics is THE BOOK OF THE HOURS.
9. I'm glad that we don't have this SHARP DIVISION BETWEEN CLERGY AND LAITY as Chatholics do and that we RECEIVE COMMUNION with both THE BLOOD AND THE BODY OF CHRIST, not just the Body, as Chatholics do.

В.Г. [(6) 51,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Life is not simple and very often it's quite difficult to say that one person is good while the other is bad. In Russia a very popular proverb says "Speech is silver but silence is gold" or also "Talk is cheap, silence is golden" and "You should better keep silent not to betray your folly or ignorance". So people got accustomed to think that talkative people are stupid, not serious enough, even light-minded. But is it really true or should we judge more delicately? I can't fully understand this quote, but from the point I've got it I would like to say that sometimes people who keep silence are arrogant and assuming, their quietness means a wish not to speak with people. This type of people are full of conceit and think much of themselves, these people find it unnecessary and useless to pay attention to other people and keep up the conversation.
In this case the other type of people, who speak much, turns out to be nice and friendly at the same time their blab isn't idle, but have a good wholesome sense.
To sum up, people should be kind to each other and not to judge people too strictly paying attention only to their bad qualities, also not to put himself above the others.

А.К. [(4) 29]

We sing a really beautiful variant of TRISAGION on Liturgy services.
I don't like DELIBERATION on theological issues because they make people doubt.
The ACCURACY of the theological literature is very important because of preventing people to fall in heresy.
We use words "REJOICE" OR "HAIL" to glorify the Holy Mother.
FIDELITY to your FAITH during your life is the most significant thing for SALVATION.

А.К. [(3) 25]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

As far as I understand this quote I can admit that it is fully and truly relevant and correct because it concerns our possible dishonesty which we sometimes keep in our hearts. From time to time we find ourselves in situations when we try to look amiable and good-hearted but our actual thoughts can be full of antipathy. It is not a secret that our behavior always reflects our mind and conscience conditions. Every thought that intended to be a condemnation towards other person always reveals hypocrisy in inner silence. But if we maintain the clarity of our conscience we won’t have to pretend, but we’ll be honest and true with ourselves and other people.

Д.Х. [(5) 40]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

Our Christian life is impossible without prayer. It's one of the most difficult struggles. Prayer is a way of communicating with God. If prayer is false and incorrect, it can lead to the devil's network. True or deceptive prayer is a question of life and death so we mustn't make mistakes.
Wrong prayer has two clear marks: opinion about yourself and dreaming. The first is a feeling that you are better than others. Such person considers that he is a saint, spiritually successful and being the closest to God. It's like you are trying to pray in front of a reflection in the mirror. Your tongue calls the name of God but you see and have in heart yourself.
The second is dreaming. Our imagination always works and we always think about things which happen around us every day. However, we should leave our thoughts during prayer. We mustn't recall different images, even icons when we are praying because it's like to pray not to God but to other things.
Original prayer is a voice of your soul which is waiting for God's grace. We should pay attention to the words of prayer and try to understand their meanings. Other important thing is an aspiration to God with humility.
I can make a conclusion that we should be careful with prayer to have results of it.

Е.Л. [(4,5) 48,25]

1. Every man who calls himself a Christian should CONFORM to the fundamental rules of Christianity.
2. Sometimes people need CLARITY to understand some fragments of the GOSPEL.
3. It’s very important for MISSIONARIES to RENDER THE TEXT of the GOSPEL clearly.
4. It’s INEVITABLE for man not to sin because of SINFUL HUMAN NATURE.
5. I think that it’s very important to tell children about faith, but not to IMPOSE it (upon them.
6. People DILIGENTLY try to EMENDATE others while forgetting about themselves.

А.К. [(3,5) 22]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can agree with the quote by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov about the false understanding of prayer. He says that such understanding leads to a fruitless or even harmful practice of it. I can fully agree with this statement because sometimes the words of prayer can’t be clearly understood. The language of prayer is old that’s why modern people can’t understand all meaning. In such cases people should ask priests to explain because false understanding of the words means false understanding of the dogma of faith. Also I can add that sometimes people take a particular quote out of context, for example, of the Gospel. And from that point they interpret these quotations in a wrong way and come to untrue conceptualization of Christian faith.
What is more, false understanding sometimes means that people pray without thinking about the sense of the prayer and in this case there is no reason in doing it. People say the words and repeat them many times and find there their own understanding which, of cause, can be wrong. So people begin to think of God and get knowledge of Him not correctly so it’s not a true faith.

А.К. [(5) 18,5]

The Great DOXOLOGY is based on an angel song which was sung by angles about the birth of Christ.
The Christian VIRTUE consists of faith, hope and love.
Joseph Smith is a founder the church of Jesus Christ of LATTER-DAY SAINTS which is called as a sect.
In a marriage service a man promises to CHERISH his wife.
There is no fixed amount of CONTRIBUTION in my church.
My father gave me a PRAYER BOOK as a present on my seventh birthday.

Е.Л. [(3) 20]

Vasily Surikov depicted boyar Morozova as THE OLD RITUALIST, she raised two fingers to make THE SIGN OF THE CROSS.
Venerable and GOD-BEARING FATHER Anthony the Great is known as the FATHER of MONASTICISM.
Alexey Osipiv wrote book "VEHICLES OF SALVATION" which is about the spiritual life of the ascetics.
It was difficult to reach UNIFORMITY of rulers in ancient Russia.
A PRAYER BOOK helps us in our individual or common prayer among family or friends, out of home, in special cases.

Е.Л. [(3) 17]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The quote by St. Maximos the Confessor is a little controversial for me. I can’t say that I don’t accept this idea, I only think that this statement is suitable to the period of the time when the saint lived. Now people are changing in their behavior, communication, and relations. Nowadays, the world is cruel and people aren’t like in 580s. Sometimes you are trying to behave as a Christian, be more patient and strong. In difficult situations according to Orthodox practice people say prayers in their mind to calm down while arguing with someone. They curb their emotions and words but in the end we utter all the things which we save inside, then we argue, regret about it and confess in this. Not many people can reach this good end about which the saint told us. I suppose we should be honest with each other, if we don’t like or agree with someone, we shouldn’t be silent. Sometimes the silence makes people weak, they get used to keeping silence. I think that we should learn how to be polite, be able to explain something in a peaceful way and behave as Christians. I mean we should know how to express our point of view and be solidary.

Е.Л. [(4) 14]

1. I really think that one of churches' principle functions is CHARITABLE WORK.
2. It's interesting and even funny that some people believe that we have AN ESTABLISHED Church in our country.
3. For me it's just unimaginable how people can lead AUSTERE and EREMITIC life.
4. My father has been to ATHOS for three times.
5. For many centuries Jerusalem has been an important place for PILGRIMAGE.
6. When I was eleven I was given a book about ELDER Paisios of THE HOLY MOUNTAIN. This book tells us about his life, SERMONS, conversations with people in his CELL.
7. Once when I was a child my family and me spent a night in a MONASTIC HOUSE.
8. The idea of the "OLD MAN" in "The Pilgrim's Progress" initially seemed to me too weird.

В.Г. [(6) 16]

1. In my hometown there is a beautiful building, which used to be the church of the OLD RITUALISTS, or OLD BELIEVERS, but now there's a museum in it.
2. When I was a child, I used to travel to some famous holy places, and we usually spent nights in MONASTIC HOUSES among LAY MONKS.
3. When I turned seven years old, I was sure that when I grew up I would spent my life in WITHDRAWAL and SOLITUDE.
4. I studied the LITURGICAL AND DEVOTIONAL BOOKS during my school years.
5. The icon of saint Seraphim of Sarov is CAREFULLY CHERISHED in my family.

Е.К. [(4,5) 33]

1. You can't live A LIFE OF CONTEMPLATION only, it's necessary to act.
2. The FALLEN NATURE of man isn't able to make sins.
3. The VIRTUE of people is something which keeps life on the Earth.
4. THE OLD MAN couldn't live RIGHTEOUS life fully because the ancient times were much more cruel than nowadays.

А.К. [(2,5) 13,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can fully agree with this quote by St. Macarius of Optina. Judging others can say much about the inner condition of the man. When the person is full of envy and jelousy, he can see all his own bad qualities in the others.
But when a person has peace and love inside, he is able to see kindness in others. Also this person believes that other people are able to do really good things and first of all such person finds good features and starts to appreciate others for that goodness they have. People who can see good points in others are happy because they surround themselves with kindness which they see in others. And those who see only disadvantages are unhappy because they see people only in the dark light and can't find people they like, because they see nothing to make them pleased.
If the person is kind, he sees this advantage in the others and if his thoughts are pure, his mind in case of others is pure too. For example, when you see something you don't like or understand in the other person, do not criticize him, try to think that he might have special reasons for that, which I don't know. For me, it can be helpful to make my mind pure.

А.К. [(4) 11]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can partly agree with this statement because maybe I haven't managed to understand this quote fully.
I can say that when people posess the purity of their thoughts, it can develop their pride. To achieve the purity of the thoughts we should be in a long and deep connection with God. It means we should confess and take communion frequently. It is generally true that after communion people become different, we want to be kind to everyone, even to our enemies. We see everyone as God's wonderful creatures. Every person is marvelous because having taken communion we get rid of all evil. However, it frequently happens that people become proud and arrogant. They recon that all people are the sinners, they should live in another way. Saint Macarius explained it as a frame of mind but I think that it is a temptation with which we should fight by prayer. Sometimes it is really difficult to be in Christ and stay pure in thoughts.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 10]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

This quote raises a problem which is very common for many of us. In moments of anger, irritation, desperation or even envy we sometimes darken the reality and the vision of other people around us. But our mood shifting is not the most primary danger. We also can translocate our negative feelings to others, infect them, poisoning their lives. In this case my life is not an exception. From time to time the frame of my mind can be drawn into that dark ocean and everything around me aquires gloomy tones. But concerning this we should dispose such ideas and never concentrate on them because they almost always bear temporal nature. We need to overcome it and not to lose control.

Д.Х. [(4,5) 9,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

The state of our mind, our thoughts play a big role in our daily lives.
All of us know that children who are far from sins see every person, every deed as pure and good. Even really bad things seem to them as just interesting and unknown. They are grateful to everything and meet it with joy.
At the same time adults often see everything in black colour: the rainy weather is bad, innocent children's games are bad, a righteous and godly style of someone's life is because of vainglory etc.
All in all, sinful people can see sins everywhere as they are not able to imagine life without sin. Therefore you should live your life with virtues, prayers, love to everyone and with God to be happy.

В.Г. [(5) 10]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can't help agreeing with Elder Porphyrios's quotation because it's difficult to deny that God loves us and that He is with us. Love becomes evident in acts. God not only tells us that He loves us, He also shows it.
Firstly, He gave the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON for us in order to provide the eternal life. He loves this world so much that He could sacrifice his Son. It's a tangible action of his love.
Secondly, the Jesus Christ was crucified at a particular time for people. God proves his love by that the Jesus Christ died for us when we were still sinners. The Jesus Christ suffered pain and mockeries. The beginning of his life was in a cave where there weren't comfortable conditions. He was pursued by Herod. Everything happened with the Son because of love.
Moreover we are called as God's children and we called God as our Father. It can't be by accident. People love the God, feel Him around them because God never abandons us. In very difficult situations we always try to find solutions and we manage to do it. Sometimes these solutions are not very great but we should understand that it is God who gives his hand to us and we follow him slowly.

Е.Л. [(3) 6,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I can fully agree with the statement which was mentioned by Elder Porphyrios that God loves us very much; He has us in mind in each and every moment and He protects us. We should know this and not be afraid of anything.
God loves the whole world like a great creator loves something he has done, and God loves every single person like a father who loves his son. All this complicated dynamics on which the world is standing are happening because of its great creator who made everything in harmony and equilibrium condition. The world which was made by God is done very smartly and it allows people to live here in safety and calm. Everything beginning from the cycle of the year and finishing with people’s nature is reasoned out. For example, winter never comes after summer, because people need to get accustomed to the slowly coming cold time during the autumn. Also we can say for sure that God is always with us through the prayer in which words we can call him for help and speak to him. Also through the Baptism we′re receiving a guardian angel from God who follows us all the time our whole life and protects us as God commanded.
This quote illustrates the main idea of Christianity which I acknowledge: God is Love, that’s why he can’t be indifferent to any creature in the world, he gave us opportunities and paths leading to him but even if we don’t come he is being with us trying to protect us from world’s troubles and spiritual suffering. In my life I can say that all my group and I was lucky to stay unhurt in the mountains on the great high when the stones were moving down and I think that was God’s will. But to say for sure, God protects us every moment of our life but we notice that only in such really dangerous situations.

А.К. [(3,5) 7]

1. I have never understood people who relate themselves to an OLD RITE, because the FAITH is the same, why the form of praying is so imroptant and principal for them.
2. The ORDER OF THE FORGIVENESS is always very solemn, it happens on FORGIVENESS SUNDAY and all the people and the PRIEST tells everybody sorry for everything which was wrong.
3. American PRIESTS think that HOMILIES is better to hear sitting on the bench because in this way people will think about meaning of the HOMILIES instead of their legs aching.
4. During the LENT it is good to read SELECTIONS FROM VESPERS.
5. The first person who told us that prostrations cannot be done on Sunday is our teacher.

А.К. [(3,5) 3,5]

1. Our University actively takes part in different types of CHARITABLE WORK.
2. Two years ago I did a report on David the Stylite, who LED THE SOLITARY LIFE, living on the PILLAR. Also I learned that the PIONEER of this kind of MONASTICISM was Simeon Stylites the Elder.
3. Not long ago I considered a WITHDRAWAL FROM SOCIETY as quite a good idea.
4. To my shame, I know nothing about the OLD RITE.
5. I dream of a PILGRIMAGE to ATHOS.

К.Е. [(4,5) 48]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

In my opinion, this quote is a pretty good description/explanation of Christianity. Indeed, we all know that God is love from the Holy Scripture, the Orthodox tradition, our own lives. And He loves us more than we can even imagine. From this point, we should love Him back, trust Him and rely on Him. However, of course, it is much easier to imagine and to understand than to do it.
As for my experience, it's very difficult to not only believe in God, but trust Him. For example, I am afraid of darkness and of someone or something who might be there and who might harm me, despite the fact that I say prayers and that there's a cross on me, and an icon corner in my room. I believe that it is a thing that I must correct in myself, of course, with the help of God.
So I think that the idea of this quote is not the new one, but it is definitely relevant (especially for me).

В.Г. [(5) 5]

1. Recently we knew that a MATINS is the longest service among the others.
2. I remember that some years ago it was very important to me to have an icon of a GUARDIAN ANGEL, because I did not have one.
3. One of my very good friends makes PILGRIMAGES to Mount ATHOS several times every year.

М.З. [(1) 32,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

To my mind, in this quote Elder Porphyrios expresses and explains the idea of the Divine Providence and does it with extraordinary love and tenderness. In very simple but touching words he manages to speak about a rather difficult subject, arguable for many people. Although there is nothing new for me in this quote, the way he put it makes me pause to consider about it once more and fills my heart with a great warm feeling of gratitude to the Lord for His care for us and His Grace through which the Elder can speak so clearly and movingly.
As for me, I have had quite a lot of events in my life when I could experience the love of the Lord and His care. And I am sure that this plain but deep quote can support any Christian in a complicated and sorrowful situation or strengthen them in a moment of an ordeal.

М.З. [(4,5) 4,5]

"Orthodox Quote of the Week"

I fully agree with this quote and moreover I find it very calming and in some way inspirational. When you realize that your life has been attended to, that God has been taking care of you from your very birth, you cannot be scared of anything because you should understand that whatever happens in your life, whether it brings happiness or sorrow, it is always performed for your salvation. When we start to deviate from our route God sends us signs, warnings and even sorrows or miseries in order to help us to find way back. From my personal experience there are some significant events which showed me that every turn in my life which I had considered to be a failure or a wrong choice subsequently revealed its true meaning. Sometimes we understand the reason of such unpredictable life turns even after years have passed. For example, when I entered this university I had to walk a long path before I managed to join this department. And then I came to the fact that the experience I got from my very first year was truly indispensable.

Д.Х. [(5) 5]

1. During the LITURGY I always read THE SIXTH HOUR in Church Slavonic.
2. This year I've missed the MOLEBEN before the study year in our university but I could attend the moleben in my Church.
3. Every believer should try to say MORNING PRAYERS and EVENING PRAYERS.
4. Usually the CANON TO JESUS is read before the CONFESSION.
5. When a baby is just born, it has already the GUARDIAN ANGEL.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 3,5]

С.Ф. [10,5]

О.Н. [47]

2nd year of study: Spring 2017

In our UNTHEOLOGICAL AGE it`s quite hard to find someone who knows at least something about CONSTANCE, TRENT or any of the ECUMENICAL COUNCILS.
THEOTOKOS is derived from the Greek words "theos" meaning God and "tokos" meaning childbirth.
When I was a child I wanted to become a nun, because the idea of MONASTICISM appealed to me. Living in AUSTERE conditions and LEADING SOLITARY LIFE seemed to be better than to live among the SINFULNESS of modern world.
I don`t know who`s my GODFATHER. My siblings are luckier, because their GODMOTHER is our family friend.
I haven`t seen some of the MYSTERIES OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION. For instance, I`ve never been to the FUNERAL and MEMORIAL SERVICES. Maybe it`s for the best.
Many of my parents` friends went on a PILGRIMAGE to ATHOS.
It`s nice to think that there is still place for LOVING-KINDNESS and CHARITABLE WORK in our world.
People DEVIATE INTO ERROR sometimes. In such way such heresies as ARIANISM, MONOPHYSITISM and MONOTHELITISM appeared. Heresies are dangerous because all of them IMPAIR THE TEACHING OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, making the SALVATION OF MAN impossible.
For my INFIDEL friends the DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY and the DOCTRINE OF THE INCARNATION are quite hard to understand.
SAINT ATHANASIUS and the CAPPADOCIAN FATHERS were engaged in polemics with Arianism.
The CHERUBIC HYMN is my sister`s favourite hymn.
Not everyone in my family knows the whole CYCLE OF FEASTS AND FASTS.

К.Е. [(15) 47]

1) The atmosphere of that place was so SOLEMN.
2) They come here every month to COMMEMORATE their perished brother.
3) He came to us in his bright and magnificent GARMENT.
4) I think I should do my best for our RECONCILIATION.
5) OBEDIENCE is the best way to raise your inner humility.
6) He used to be a very well-known person but then he chose an ASCETIC LIFE.
7) We know this period as a time of great empire but we must always remember about terrible PERSECUTIONS during those years.
8) I stopped my car near an old little wooden CHAPEL and got out.
9) Our team considered this scheme to be EXPEDIENT enough.
10) I had a DEEP CONVICTION in what I was doing.
11) He couldn’t ANTICIPATE this situation.
12) This discussion is DEDICATED to the problem that should be solved as quickly as it is possible.
13) This suggestion concerns a very NOMINAL solution.
14) This town is famous for its CHARCOAL supplies.
15) In this AUTONOMOUS system there is nothing to be broken.
16) The LAYOUT of our planet is perfect for living creatures.
17) The whole MEDITERRANEAN suffered from a terrible hurricane.
18) This whole country was possessed by pagan tribes in early times.
19) We were listening to the priest’s HOMILY and were trying to grip the main idea of his speech.
20) It’s a real challenge for him to keep the FAST on Fridays and Wednesdays.

Д.Х. [(9) 55]

Some PENITENTS come to CONFESS and they don't regret about their SINS and there are others who really mourn.
A TONSURE is a sign of religious devotion.
Our guest Fr. Mark Tyson told us about his PARISHIONERS. There are about 50 people in his PARISH.
A priest usually puts his STOLE on your head after CONFESSION.
In my parish people call THE MEMORIAL TABLE "a parental table", I think it is connected with parental Saturday.
In the Soviet period some people had AN ICON CORNER but they had to hide it.
My father always gives us an advice how to break our fast in the right way.

Е.Л. [(6,5) 74]

1.1 There were seven General COUNCILS IN THE CHURCH’S HISTORY.
1.2 THE COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM took place in 346.
1.3 I like hearing moving heartfelt SERMONS.
1.4 My two brothers sing in our CHURCH’S CHOIR.
1.5 I have known THE CREED by heart since I was seven.
2.1 This year PENTECOST is celebrated on June 4.
2.2 My GOD-PARENTS are the best friends of my parents.
2.3 My brother has had very small BAPTISMAL CROSS since his BAPTISM.
2.4 In our church we have two FONTS - the big one is for adults and the small one is for children.
2.5 Sometimes sponge is used to wipe off THE CHRISM during CHRISMATION.
3.1 It is usual TO CONFESS since seven years of age.
3.2 To ask FOR THE PRIEST’S BLESSING you need to put your right hand on the left.
3.4 My father is a PARISHIONER since 1995.
3.5 THE PRIEST places his STOLE over the person’s head during the confession.
4.1 THE WEDDING CANDLES are always beautifully decorated with flowers.
4.2 THE MARRIAGE CROWNS show that man and woman are the king and the queen of their own family.
4.3 Sometimes, the couple have THE BETROTHAL a few months before the wedding.
4.4 RINGS are placed on the ring finger of the right hand.
4.5 The couple drink thrice from A COMMON CUP.
5.1 I have had THE ANOINTING WITH OIL five times in my life.
5.2 I have never been at THE ORDINATION TO THE PRISTHOOD.
5.3 THE VESTMENTS often have fancy gold embroidery.
5.4 THE GOOD SHEPHERD is one of the symbols of LORD JESUS CHRIST.
5.5 THE DEACON cannot PERFORM THE SACRAMENTS independently.
6.2 THE EPIGONATION is a piece of brocade, which hangs on the priest’s hip.
6.3 Greek and Georgian priests wear A CHASUBLE without a collar.
6.4 AN ALB is a white garment which the priest wears under the chasuble.
6.5 THE STOLE is very important for CELEBRATING any OFFICE.
7.2 Without THE OMOPHORION the bishop is not able TO PERFORM THE OFFICE.
7.3 THE STAFF is a symbol of the bishop’s duty to lead his flock.
7.4 Last weekend I was at the Feast of the White Flower in THE CONVENT of Marfa and Maria.
7.5 A chasuble with wide sleeves for the bishop is called A SAKKOS.
8.1 We often stay in the church for THE MEMORIAL SERVICE after the LITURGY.
8.2 It is not very pleasant and hard for me to see A DECEASED.
8.4 People often ask me to light their candles at THE MEMORIAL TABLE.
9.1 It is not very hard for me not to eat meat during THE GREAT FAST.
9.3 My SAINT's DAY is on September 30.
9.4 THE PROPHETESS ANNA met the young child Jesus in THE TEMPLE.
9.5 Sometimes it is hard for me to attend THE SERVICES OF VESPERS when we study on Saturdays.
10.1 At THE TRANSFIGURATION day, people always bring many fruits for CONSECRATION.
10.2 On PALM SUNDAY we consecrate pussy willow.
10.3 ORTHODOX celebrate PASCHA with eggs as the symbol of the new life.
10.4 Last week we celebrated THE ASCENSION.
10.5 THE DORMITION is the falling asleep of the MOTHER OF GOD.
11.1 When I was in Bulgaria I saw A BRUNCHES OF BOX instead of pussy willow on the day of THE ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM.
11.2 My mom embroidered the towel for THE ICON CORNER by herself.
11.3 God always shows us His LOVINGKINDNESS.
11.4 If I want to travel somewhere, I ASK FOR THE PRIEST’S BLESSING.
12.1 In my school we were trying to do A CHARITABLE WORK.
12.2 MONASTICISM is very popular in Russia.
12.3 MONASTERIES have always been the keepers of ORTHODOX SPIRITUALITY.
12.4 Some MONKS lived among the branches of the trees or on the tops of PILLARS.
12.5 For ORTHODOX one of the most important thing in life is THE COMMUNITY LIFE.
13.1 THE ICONS are CENSED by the priest.
13.2 The icons are placed in special SHRINES around the church.
13.3 The icons are DOCTRINALLY important for THE CHURCH.
13.4 THE LIFE-GIVING CROSS consists of four BEAMS.
13.5 We DON’T WORSHIP the icons, we REVERENCE OR VENERATE them.

С.Ф. [76]

1) The procession into the body of the church with the GOSPEL is called THE LITTLE ENTRANCE.
2) Usually the DEACON reads the GOSPEL, but when the PRIEST serves without him, he reads it.
3) During the GREAT ENTRANCE the CHOIR always sings the CHERUBIC HYMN.
4) I learnt the CREED when I was eleven years old, and it wasn’t difficult to me.

1) I was BAPTISED in August 1994, when I was one year old.
2) I have a GODMOTHER, but I haven’t seen her for ages.
3) I always wear my BAPTISMAL CROSS, and I never take it off.
4) When I was thirteen years old, I attended the BAPTISM of my younger brother.

1) The sacrament of repentance (a change of heart leading to forgiveness and healing) is outwardly expressed in CONFESSION.
2) I think that every person should ASK THE PRIEST FOR A BLESSING if he wants to make an important step in his life.
3) A PENITENT is the person who comes to the PRIEST to CONFESS.

1) This summer my friend will have a SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE, and she invited me to it.
2) I have some photos of my parents’ MARRIAGE, and on them the BEST MEN are holding the MARRIAGE CROWNS above their heads.
3) The RINGS are placed on the ring finger of the right hand, and symbolize ETERNAL PROMISE and UNION.

1) This year I went to ANOINTING WITH OIL on the second week of the LENT.
2) OIL is a symbol of HEALING and RECONCILIATION.
3) The BISHOP is the highest DEGREE OF PRIESTHOOD, while the DEACON is the lowest.
4) The PRIEST or DEACON cannot celebrate an ORDINATION; it’s performed only by a BISHOP.

1) The PRIEST is ORDAINED to look after the PARISH.
2) The PRIEST cannot celebrate without his STOLE.
3) A GIRDLE is a symbol of DIVINE STRENGTH.

1) The BISHOP oversees the affairs of the DIOCESE and is the SHEPHERD of its PRIESTS and people.
3) MONKS are the people who give up their life in the world and devote their lives completely to God.

1) I was present at the FUNERAL SERVICE only once in my life.
2) When I was at the OBEDIENCE in the church, I was asked to clean the MEMORIAL TABLE.
3) The MEMORIAL SERVICES are very important for the DEPARTED, so we must PRAY for them.

1) It was very hard for me to OBSERVE the LENT this year because I wasn’t strong enough and had a lack of energy.
2) We always DYE EGGS in red colour before the GREAT FEAST of PASCHA.

1) On PALM SUNDAY I always buy a PUSSY WILLOW and bring it home.
2) I couldn’t go to the midnight service on EASTER this year, so I BROKE MY FAST alone at home.

1) We always GIVE THANKS for our food and BLESS it.
2) Long ago our flat was BLESSED BY THE PRIEST, but I cannot remember when it was.

1) Recently we started to read and study an OLD ORTHODOX PRAYER BOOK.
2) I’ve never met people who attend the OLD RITE church.

О.Н. [70]

One of the ideas of MONASTICISM is to move away from the concerns of society and to pray to God.
There are differences between WESTERN MONASTICISM and EASTERN MONASTICISM in inner and outer contemplation.

Е.Л. [(1) 62,5]

I always felt very strange every time I saw people MAKING THE SIGN OF THE CROSS in the OLD RITE manner.
I have always known almost all the PARISHIONERS in our CHURCH.
The FORGIVENESS SUNDAY is a special day when the ORDER OF THE FORGIVENESS is SERVED, it's the day when you should say sorry to everybody, because sometimes we can't notice hurting other people's feelings.
It's important for people to listen to the HOMILIES because PRIESTS sometimes can bring an old information in a new way and draw our attention to things which we didn't acknowledge to be important.

А.К. [(3) 86]

1. Icons are symbols of REVERENCE and VENERATION.
2. Protestant WORSHIP was forbidden some years ago.

Е.Л. [(1) 40]

1. My family usually BREAK THEIR FAST at Easter night after the night service.
2. I think it is impolite TO ASK FOR A PRIEST'S BLESSING while the priest is going through the church.
3. On PALM SUNDAY my father always brings a large bouquet of PUSSY WILLOW.

В.Г. [(2) 86]

I think that the problem of our generation is MOURNING without a serious reasons.
I am always happy when the priest presents me a PROSPHORA after the LITURGY.
When I was a child I didn't believe that the RELICS of SAINTS are real.
The CATECHUMEN always went out to the NARTHEX in the middle of the LITURGY during the CATECHUMEN LITANY.
Acoustics depends on the height of the NAVE.

А.К. [(4,5) 61]

I like very much BREAKING THE FAST on EASTER, when it is 5 o'clock in the morning, the sun is rising, and there is a lovely food around.
THE ICON CORNER is usually decorated with white diaper.
The PRIEST always SPRINKLEs everything around during the HOUSE BLESSING.
It's important to RECEIVE THE BLESSING from the priest before making some important steps in your life.

А.К. [(3,5) 56,5]

During the SERVICE KONTAKIONS are always sung after TROPARIONS.
There are always very long queues to venerate SAINTS' RELICS.
AN ICON CORNER is normally oriented to face east.
THEOPHANY refers to the appearance of a deity to a human.

Е.Л. [(2,5) 39]

The ADVENT is a difficult period in my life, because days become shorter, darker and colder, every day you are hungry and live just in expectation of Christmas.
The SERVICES OF VESPERS before major feasts are always especial, because they are full of mystery and the joy of expecting the great FEAST.
This year we had a faculty LITURGY on the MEETING OF THE LORD.
It took long time for the people of New Testament to acknowledge Jesus Christ as a MESSIAH.
It is a good and rather fine tradition TO DYE AND DECORATE EGGS before the great FEAST of PASCHA.

А.К. [(6) 53]

ADVENT isn't so strict as LENT.
It is said that spring comes only after EASTER.
My mother's GODSON was named in honor of JOHN THE FORERUNNER.
We usually carry PUSSY-WILLOW instead of PALMS on THE PALM SUNDAY.
In my town we have a CATHEDRAL OF THE TRANSFIGURATION and we named our club for Orthodox young people and teenagers as TABOR in honor of the mountain where CHRIST was transfigured.

Е.Л. [(5) 36,5]

1. My elder brother WAS BAPTIZED in honor of the PROPHET ELIJAH.
2. My little brother asked me what was the difference between PASCHA and EASTER.

В.Г. [(2) 49]

This year it is very hard for me to OBSERVE the FAST because of my health and the lack of energy.
LUKE is one of the EVANGELISTs.
People celebrate the DORMITION on the 28th of August.
My grandfather has his birthday on the day of THE NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD.
In my childhood I made a mistake during the LITURGY, I didn't know that it is not appropriate TO PROSTRATE on Sunday.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 31,5]

1. In the CYCLE OF FEASTS AND FASTS there are TWELVE GREAT FEASTS: THE NATIVITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD, THE EXALTATION OF THE CROSS, THE ENTRY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD INTO THE TEMPLE, THE NATIVITY OF CHRIST/CHRISTMAS, the Baptism of Christ, The Meeting of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple, The Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos, The Transfiguration of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, THE DORMITION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD, The Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem, The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, THE PENTECOST/The Descent of the Holy Spirit.
2. When my brother was about four years old he wanted to be a PRIEST in order to CENSE in the church.
3. It is very important to know and to understand that we VENERATE saints and icons but THE WORSHIP must be DUE TO GOD ALONE.
4. The idea of REDEMPTION is the key notion in Orthodoxy.
5. All THE ORTHODOX FAITHFUL recognize the importance of the VENERATION of icons and saints.

В.Г. [(8) 47]

The disposition on the whole LENT depends on how you spent the first week of it.
The LENT represents God's suffering in the WILDERNESS.
During the first week of the LENT Orthodox people PROSTRATE THEMSELVES many times.
EXALTATION OF THE CROSS is a great FEAST in the church where I go and it is also called in honour of this FEAST.
All the TWELVE GREAT FEASTS are signed on a special book, which helps to CELEBRATE THE SERVICE truly.

А.К. [(2) 47]

I usually stayed after the LITURGY to sing the FUNERAL SERVICE.
I'm IN ANTICIPATION of the approaching EASTER.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 28]

I felt very sick during the FUNERAL SERVICE of my close relative.
All that we can do for the DEPARTED is a PRAYER.
In the troparion of Christmas, Christ is called THE SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS.
The MEMORIAL SERVICES are very important for THE DECEASED, because their souls need a prayer.
THE MEMORIAL TABLE is a special place where candles for the DEPARTED are put.

А.К. [(3) 45]

1. Every Sunday there is a MEMORIAL SERVICE in the churches of my hometown although none of the priests except the rector like it.
2. Only once or twice, if I’m not mistaken, I was present at a FUNERAL SIRVICE.
3. When I helped to tidy up the church in my hometown I was often asked to clean the MEMORIAL TABLE.
4. I heard an interesting opinion that now we cannot hold an ECUMENICAL COUNCIL because there is no Emperor to SUMMON it.
5. It’s still a question for me why the paper strip with the PRAYER OF ABSOLUTION on it is to be put on the forehead of THE DECEASED.

М.З. [(2,5) 69,5]

1. I was once at the BAPTISM of my younger brother, when I was eight years old, and now we meet with his GODFATHER and GODMOTHER often in our church.
2. I don’t remember it, but my mother told me that during my baptism I didn’t cry loudly when the priest IMMERSED me three times into the holy water.
3. My mother keeps the BAPTISMAL ROBES and TONSURED HAIR of all her children.
4. Two weeks ago, my youngest brother turned seven years old and had his first CONFESSION, he was a PENITENT.
5. My father, who is a priest, never asks names of the penitents during THE PRAYERS OF ABSOLUTION, because he knows almost all his parishioners, but a few of them ASK FOR HIS BLESSING after the confession.
6. I often help my parents in the church singing in the choir and sometimes some couples come for THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE, and traditionally THE BETROTHAL and the marriage are celebrated on the same day.
7. I once had held THE CROWN for a bride during the sacrament and it was hard, because the crown was heavy.
8. Last Sunday there was an ANOINTING WITH OIL in our church and I was told just before it that oil is a symbol of healing and RECONCILIATION, but I knew it.
9. This SACRAMENT OF HEALING traditionally takes place in our church twice a year.

Е.К. [(8) 35,5]

1) When my great grandmother died, the grandfather was in a deep MOURNING.
2) I don't know what prompted my relative to enter the MINISTRY.
3) I was living in a CONVENT last summer.
5) A PRESBYTER can PERFORM ALL SACRAMENTS except the ordination to the PRIESTHOOD.

Е.Л. [(3,5) 24,5]

BISHOPS wear MITRES which are always greatly decorated.
OMOPHORIANS are also worn by bishops but it's also mentioned as the cover of Theotokos, which protects people from the disasters.
A PANAGIA is usually decorated with precious stones.
In my childhood I thought that it's much simpler to live and save your soul if you embraced MONASTICISM, but now I have realised that it's a really hard deed.
The BISHOP has never worshipped in our church.

А.К. [(2) 42]

1. One day ON "ORTHODOXY SUNDAY" when I was about eleven years old I asked my mother why this day was called "THE TRIUMPH OF ORTHODOXY". She explained.
2. She told me a lot of interesting things as well. She would tell about Christian people and countries UNDER INFIDEL CONTROL, about MUSLIMS and their religion, about PERSECUTIONS, ICONOCLASM and people who ATTACKED THE HOLY ICONS.
3. A MITRE is a symbol of bishop's authority. Only bishops can wear this piece of VESTMENTS.

В.Г. [(4) 39]

From the source which I don’t remember I learnt one very beautiful and inspirational interpretation of A PRIEST’S VESTMENTS. It was based on the thought that a priest was a warrior of Christ. So, the CHASUBLE was considered to be a chain armour, CUFFS were chain oversleeves and the ALB was a shirt which was put on under the armour. In the same way the EPIGONATION, the STOLE and the GIRDLE had some military interpretation, too.

М.З. [(4) 37]

On the 30th of March in our Church CELEBRATES THE LITURGY in the memory of Saint Alexis, the Man of God.
The priests wear the ALB under the chasuble.
The CHASUBLE is often decorated with the embroidery.
The GIRDLE and the EPIGONATION are given to the priest as an award.

А.К. [(2,5) 21]

There was an awesome priest in our church some years ago. He had very loud and beautiful voice and a gift of speech. And I think that he was an ELOQUENT PREACHER. All people in our church listened to his SERMONS breathlessly. He was an AUSTERE priest as well. After the CONFESSION he put his hand on your head with force. But it was not painful, you just felt something like strength in him and you started to feel ashamed, but there was a peace in my heart. He knew how to encourage people to REPENTANCE. Unfortunately he was transferred to another PARISH.

В.Г. [(4) 12]

1) During the night EASTER SERVICE the CLERGY changes their VESTMENTS, goes out to the SOLEA with the words "Christ is risen" and the congregation answers "Truly risen"!
2) Every year after the CONFESSION I take part in the SACRAMENT OF HEALING.
3) In my church and also in my university I have different kinds of OBEDIENCES.
4) I remember the moment when my brother was given his first TUNIC because he received a blessing to be a SACRISTAN.

Е.Л. [(4) 11]

Sick men who believe in God are asking him for a HEALING.
Orthodox Church is built on the APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION.
During the CONFESSION the priest is a mediator between the person and God.
The clergy live for the MINISTRY to Christ.
The priests change their VESTMENTS according to the feasts and each of them has its own colour.

А.К. [(2,5) 18,5]

1. When I heard about the Coptic Church for the first time (it was rather long ago) I asked one priest in my parish to tell me what was wrong with this Church. He thought for a moment and said: “Copts…they had some problems with the Fourth ECUMENICAL COUNCIL” meaning the COUNCIL OF CHALCEDON.
2. One good friend of mine has visited the Holy Athos for several times and he told me that the Greek shape of the sacrament of ANOINTING WITH OIL is rather different from the Russian one.
3. I have seen how the sacrament of ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD IS PERFORMED for several times already.

М.З. [(2) 7]

1. My family usually have ANOINTING WITH OIL at home.
2. My father uses RICE instead of WHEAT for this SACRAMENT.
3. Every day we learn about new MARTYRS of the Soviet period.
4. Honestly, I was amazed to learn about my friend's ENGAGEMENT.
5. I believe, the most difficult task of the best man and the bridesmaid is to hold THE MARRIAGE CROWNS above MAN AND WIFE's heads.

В.Г. [(3,5) 8]

1. I’ve been a PARISHIONER of the PARISH of the Donskoy monastery for about a year and a half already.
2. Once it happened that after the confession it occurred to me that the priest had PLACED THE STOLE over my head and said my name in the PRAYERS OF ABSOLUTION without asking my name.
3. I always try to ASK FOR A PRIEST’S BLESSING before setting off for any important trip.
4. The changing of the SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION through the centuries is a very interesting topic for me.
5. There are special PRAYERS OF NAME-GIVING for those who were BAPTISED as babies and there is nobody left who remembers their name.
6. The CHRISM for the sacrament of CHRISMATION is prepared once in two years in the Small Cathedral of the Donskoy monastery.

М.З. [(5) 5]

Last summer a sister of mine had a sacrament of MARRIAGE.
I don't kneel when the priest puts the STOLE on my head, I only bend it.
On the day of PENTECOST we don't study in my university.
My sister announced an ENGAGEMENT at Christmas.
Moscow LITANY is very famous with people who sing in a CHOIR like me.

Е.Л. [(5) 7]

Nowadays BETROTHAL and MARRIAGE usually happen on the same day.
I think putting on MARRIAGE CROWNS is better than when they are held by the BEST MAN.
WEDDING CANDLES really make photos very beautiful.
THE COMMON CUP OF WINE symbolizes that the couple share each other's lives with all its ups and downs.
The SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE lasts throughout all the life of wife and husband, and the RINGS represent the ETERNITY of the union.

А.К. [(4) 16]

1. Once at the exam I was talking about the sacrament of CONFESSION and forgot the word "A STOLE".
2. The PARISHIONERS of my Church are a pretty friendly people.

В.Г. [(1,5) 4,5]

CONFESSION is very important SACRAMENT in every Orthodox person's life.
Jesus Christ has twelve DISCIPLES.
A PENITENT comes to the priest to confess and TO BE RELEASED FROM SINS.
Every PARISHIONER does much in little things to the church.
It's important TO ASK THE PRIEST FOR THE BLESSING before making a difficult or important step in your life.

А.К. [(2,5) 12]

My sister wasn't baptised in the FONT in the church, but at home, because she was seriously ill.
I have only a GODMOTHER who answered for me to RENOUNCE FROM EVIL AND TURN TO GOD when I was asked, but couldn't answer because I was a baby.
The Russian Orthodox church became AUTOCEPHALOUS when the first patriarch was elected.

А.К. [(5,5) 9,5]

1. Despite tradition, I have both the GODMOTHER and the GODFATHER.
2. My father is a PRIEST, so I WAS BAPTISED at home, but within a FONT.
3. About four years ago I lost my BAPTISMAL CROSS in the river in the village. I'm very sorry about that.

В.Г. [(3) 3]

I've never been to funeral RITES because I haven't lost anybody among my relatives and friends.
I always IMMERSED three times in the Volga at EPIPHANY.
I learnt the CREED when I was in an Orthodox camp at the age of seven.

Е.Л. [(2) 2]

There are a lot of LITANIES during the service.
A procession with the GOSPEL BOOK into the body of the church is called The LITTLE ENTRANCE.
I sing in the CHOIR in the church every Sunday.
The CHERUBIC HYMN lasts long because there is only one priest in our church and he has to do all the duties himself.
In the CHERIBIC HYMN there are words which refer to LIFE-GIVING TRINITY, to the KING OF ALL who is invisibly accompanied by the RANKS OF ANGELS.

А.К. [(4) 4]

К.Е. [28]

С.Ф. [33]

О.Н. [31]

Д.Х. [42]

А.Г. [3]

2nd year of study: Autumn 2016

1. According to what we've studied during our English History classes, Augustine of Canterbury was the first ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY.
2. Unfortunately, not all members of my family understand that icons should be VENERATED, NOT WORSHIPPED, that they're a MEDIUM OF PRAYER.
3. My aunt is a FERVENT believer.
4. I love watching the OIL LAMP burning and lighting our ICON CORNER with faint light. In such moments I can really feel that the icons are WINDOWS ONTO ETERNITY.
5. I love the FRAGRANCE of INCENSE.
6. We know a little about heresies that arose from the issue about the NATURES OF CHRIST and number of PERSONS OF THE TRINITY from our dogmatics course.

К.Е. [(6) 45]

Sometimes I'm asked to read the book "APOSTLE" during the LITURGY.
I have great GODPARENTS who take part in my church life regularly.
During the BAPTISM my GODDAUGHTER was crying because she was afraid of the PRIEST when he ANOINTED her WITH OIL and IMMERSED three times in the water.
When I was swimming in the sea I lost my BAPTISMAL CROSS and I bought another.

Е.Л. [(4,5) 32,5]

My mother always carries THE GOSPEL BOOK with her in a bag.
My grandfather MAKES THE SIGN OF THE CROSS over us before our leaving.
I already have a GOD-DAUGHTER and my important aim is that she receives COMMUNION regularly in the church.
Sometimes I am asked to work at THE CANDLE DESK instead of singing in the choir.
I think that any CONTRIBUTION which you make with love will be appreciated by God.

Е.Л. [(3) 28]

1. At the class of "Introduction to the liturgical tradition" we were explained the historical origin of THE GREAT and THE LITTLE ENTRANCES.
2. My brother as a child wanted to CENSE. He took a thing and thought it was CENSER.
3. I think many children forget which hand should be on top while LINING UP FOR COMMUNION WITH THEIR ARMS CROSSED OVER THEIR CHESTS.

В.Г. [(2,5) 48,5]

It's important for Christians to PARTAKE IN THE MYSTERIES.
If you have a DEEP CONVICTION in your faith, you will not turn into THE HETERODOX people's beliefs.

А.К. [(5) 51]

After the COMMUNION people kiss the CHALICE.
People always kiss THE GOSPEL BOOK after the CONFESSION.
I always buy ALTAR LOAFS when I'm at the LITURGY.
If you write the names of the DEPARTED people in the COMMEMORATION BOOKS, it will be bought to the ALTAR during the WORSHIP and then the PRIEST will pray for these people.

А.К. [(6) 37]

1. My brothers used to be SERVERS in our church.
2. After iconometry lessons I'm interested in how ICONOSTASIS in different churches looks.
3. The SPEAR has seemed to me the most mysterious and symbolic object in the ALTAR since my childhood.
4. When I was asked why I like going to the church, I always thought of ALTAR LOAVES and FRAGRANCE of OIL LAMPS.
5. My mother, younger brother and I have gone to Diveevo to THE RELICS OF SAINT Seraphim for four or five times.

В.Г. [(3,7) 26]

1) Once my father, who is a priest, let me go into THE SANCTUARY or ALTAR to clean up before the Easter worship.
2) Some years ago I went on a trip to some holy places and our group had to sleep in a church, someone slept on THE SOLEA and I slept on THE AMBO.

Е.К. [(2) 44]

Unfortunately, the CHAPEL in my home-town was damaged by the fire when I was 12 years old.
We always hear the deep note of the bell ringing for VESPERS.
When the ORTHODOXY started to rise again after the difficult communist period, our townspeople collected money to restore an ICONOSTASIS.
Sometimes our priests unites LITANIES and recites them during the religious procession.
I try to keep fast days in memory of CHRIST'S CRUCIFIXION.

Е.Л. [(2,5) 20]

My two younger brothers are SERVERS in our church.
In some churches which I attended it was forbidden for women to pass or walk on the SOLEA or AMBO.
From our lessons of the NEW TESTAMENT I learned that the APOSTLE LUKE had been a doctor or healer.

С.Ф. [(2) 41]

2. We have always CONSECRATED our Easter cakes before eating.
3. There are three SERVERS in our church.
4. The LAYOUT under the icons is always in the colour of the FEAST.

А.К. [(3) 31]

One of my friends can't stay in a church filled with the smell of INCENSE because she is an asthmatic.
After MAKING THE SIGN OF THE CROSS my mother begins to speak in softer and more moderate tones.

Е.Л. [(1) 17,5]

1. When I first came to St. Catherine’s church to attend the Divine Liturgy in English, I got a bit lost because in one building there is a usual big church where they celebrate in Church Slavonic, and there is also a place called “CHAPEL”. I wonder why they call it in this way because it is a usual church with the altar, only a very small one.
2. Once a funny story happened with a good friend of mine. He went to Mount Athos and among other things he brought back a small beautiful box of something with a sweet smell which was considered to be Greek INCENSE made of a special Greek GUM. But there were inscriptions in Greek only, so it was impossible to check whether it was INCENSE or not, since no one knew Greek. He gifted this box with an air of reverence to the church and it was taken into the altar.
Once the priest decided to use it. A part of it was put into the CENSER, and the CHARCOAL underneath was burnt. But instead of giving out the sweet smell it began to bubble and flowed down smoking in a very strange way. So, it was a great confusion because the CENSER was spoiled and they needed another one because that one needed cleaning and it was the very time to begin a worship.
After the worship the priest decided that at any price he would find out what it was. And, in the end, he discovered that it was a piece of Greek soap…

М.З. [(3,5) 39]

1. I am really fond of Hollywood actor ELIJAH Wood and I was pleasantly surprised when I realize that he has a name of one of the OLD TESTAMENT’S prophet.
2. My granny was in the Holy Land and she brought me a terrific box of INCENSE which was made from some FRAGRANT GUM.
3. The DEACON in our church CENSES a lot during the EASTER VESPERS.
4. ABEL and CAIN were the first brothers, but Cain committed an enormous sin.

С.Ф. [(5) 21,2]

1. The priest swings the CENSER before the worship to spread THE SWEET SPIRITUAL FRAGRANCE.
2. There is a great AROMATIC SMELL during the services in our church because of good INCENSE.
3. CENSING is always started with the HOLY TABLE.

А.К. [(2,5) 28]

1. The books of the New Testament are telling us about the existence of God.
2. The priest always makes a GESTURE OF BLESSING after the Confession.
3. After the death we will be judged for our THOUGHTS AND DEEDS.
4. Christians believe that there are TWO NATURES in Christ: the human and the divine one.
5. Andrei Rublev is a great iconographer who created the icon which shows TREE PERSONS OF the TRINITY.

А.К. [(2) 25,3]

1. It had been a great question for me who was that mysterious HABAKKUK whom we sang about in the Easter canon. But then I knew that he was prophet HABAKKUK from the book of HABAKKUK.
2. Not long ago I attended the church of St. Nicolas in Klenniki and I saw there two large icons of SAINT CYRIL and SAINT METHODIUS, THE APOSTOLES OF SLAVS, on the right and on the left walls when you walk along the corridor to the holy relics of St. Alexey (Mechov).
3. It was very interesting to know that in correct Russian translation Barack Obama would be “BARUCH” Obama.
4. I like to try to read INSCRIPTIONS on old icons.
5. There is an ICON CORNER in every room in the dormitory where I live.

М.З. [(3,5) 24,5]

1) I wear a big silver BYZANTINE THREE-BAR CROSS around my neck.
2) I knew that among Christians the cross is believed to be the SIGN OF SALVATION and life.
3) When I was a child, my father told me that with THE SIGN OF THE CROSS we ask God to bless all our thoughts and deeds.
4) I've never seen the EPISTLE OF JEREMIAH in the list of THE BOOKS CALLED APOCRYPHA before these classes.

Е.К. [(3) 24,5]

1. In my childhood my mother taught me that I can BOW after MAKING THE SIGN OF THE CROSS.
2. It is difficult for the human mind to understand that God is three PERSONS.
3. Jesus Christ said that we should TAKE UP OUR CROSS AND FOLLOW HIM to be saved.
4. I believe that we can learn more about our faith if we are friends with people of different COMMUNIONS.
5. The RESURRECTION of Christ is one of the best known FEASTS in the world.

В.Г. [(3,5) 22,3]

1) We have a TRYPTICH ICON in our family car.
2) There is an ICON CORNER in my dormitory room and an OIL LAMP made of red glass.

Е.К. [(1,5) 21,5]

Once my priest blessed me to enter THE ALTAR to clean it before Easter.
When I come to my church late, I have to stay at THE NARTHEX because the church is full of people.
Last year THE ICON SCREEN was destroyed by hooligans in one of the local churches.
When I go to the church I try to put on proper and clean clothes because it's GOD'S HOUSE.
Every year in our town AN ICON is brought for religious procession.
My mother always gives me TRYPTICH ICONS where THE MOTHER OF GOD, and two APOSTLES are depicted when I'm going to journeys.
Every day I get a short message with a quotation from THE GOSPEL.
An ICON CORNER is a favorite place for my parents and me.
This year my friend has started the studying in our university because she wants to be an ICONOGRAPHER.

Е.Л. [(5) 16,5]

We have an ICON CORNER at our home.
I have an ICON of the Holy Trinity, which was painted by the ICONOGRAPHER Andrei Rublev.
When we go travelling, we always take a TRYPTICH ICONS with us.

О.Н. [(1,5) 39]

My friend is studying at Moscow THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE.
A dying man was relived by A MEDIUM OF PRAYER.
In Orthodox church people can VENERATE AN ICON, but only God is WORSHIPED.
In every Orthodox person's house there is AN ICON CORNER.
A lot of people, young and old, prayed FERVENTLY AS a FLAME.

А.К. [(3) 23,3]

In every church there is a CANDLE DESK where people can buy a candle.
On entering the church I MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS three times.
When the HOLY DOORS are being opened all people pay homepage.
There is an icon in our church depicting Christ's DESCENT INTO HELL.

А.К. [(3) 20,3]

2) I always MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS as I come into the church.
3) I wrote a research paper about ICONS two years ago.
4) My grandfather works on the wooden carved ICON SCREEN for our church.
5) My brother once said that he had never heard about the ORTHODOX CHURCH IN JAPAN and ARCHBISHOP OF TOKYO, METROPOLITAN OF ALL JAPAN.

Е.К. [(5,5) 20]

1. TO MAKE THE SIGH OF THE CROSS doesn’t mean just a traditional moving of the hand but it is a form of the Orthodox creed for us, I think.
2. The “SONG OF SOLOMON” is one of the most difficult books in the Bible to understand.
3. TO KISS AN ICON is a traditional way TO VENERATE it.

М.З. [(1,5) 21]

1. I haven't read all the books of THE OLD TESTAMENT yet.
2. I was surprised when I was told that in the English Bible we have "1 SAMUEL" and " 2 SAMUEL" books - we don't have these titles in the Russian text.

О.Н. [(1) 20,4]

1. When I come to the CHURCH, I often buy some CANDLES at the CANDLE DESK, and LIGHT THEM before ICONS.
2. There is an ICON of RESURRECTION in the middle of our CHURCH.
3. I make THE SIGN OF THE CROSS before an ICON and KISS IT.
4. There are five ICON SCREENS in different chapels of our CHURCH.

О.Н. [(2,5) 8,8]

In my church there is a five-level ICON SCREEN. The icon of ANNUNCIATION is in the middle of the second row.
My elder brother was baptised in honour of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.

В.Г. [(1) 18,8]

1. During our religious studies I heard about ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE and PATRIARCH quite often as well as about the role of the CHURCH OF ALEXANDRIA and the CHURCH OF ANTIOCH.
2. I always LIGHT CANDLES when I come to the church.

К.Е. [(2,5) 39]

1) I have never heard about the CHURCH OF ALEXANDRIA before this lesson.
2) My younger brother learned to read while/by reading PSALMS with my grandmother.

Е.К. [(1) 7,8]

1. I hope that one day I will take part in a SACRAMENT such as marriage.
2. ICON SCREENS first appeared in the period of Roman catacombs.

Е.Л. [(1) 11,5]

1. Just at the very moment when I was trying to remember the full title of the PATRIARCH OF SERBIA, I mean HIS HOLINESS ARCHBISHOP OF PEC, METROPOLITAN OF BELGRAD AND CARLOVCI, PATRIARCH OF SERBIA, my good friend who studies Serbian in this University came into the room where I was.
2. Once I was standing with a group of children UNDER THE DOME of a small BASILICA in one little known Caucasian monastery telling them about the symbolism of the Orthodox ICON, PARTS OF THE CHURCH and everything we could see inside.

М.З. [(4) 10,8]

1) Few years ago I was lucky to attend the LITURGY which was headed by the HIS HOLINESS ARCHBISHOP OF CONSTANTINOPLE THE NEW ROME AND ECUMENICAL PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW I: he was invited to Holy Prince Dmitry’s Church.
2) When I was in Georgia I was told by locals that their PATRIARCH, HIS HOLINESS AND BEATITUDE CATHOLICOS-PATRIARCH OF ALL GEORGIA, ARCHBISHOP OF MTSKHETA AND TBILISI ELIJAH I, personally baptizes every third child in a family to encourage people to give birth to many children.

С.Ф. [(3,5) 16,2]

1. We have a very friendly PARISH in our church, where I can light the ICING LAMP before the service and LIGHT CANDLES during it.
2. The ICON SCREEN in our church is very similar to the one in the St. Isaac Cathedral in St Petersburg.

А.К. [(1,5) 17,3]

1. We study lifestories of British national saints like St. ALBAN, St. CUTHBERT, St. PATRICK, the VENERABLE BEDE and others during our English History classes.
2. Our PARISH gathers in the church built in a shape of BASILICA.

К.Е. [(2,5) 4]

1) Initially, the BISHOP Panteleimon of Orekhovo-Zuevo had been my dad’s CONFESSOR, but when he moved to another DIOCESE, my dad started visiting St. Nicholas Church and became a spiritual son of ARCHPRIEST Vladimir Vorobev.
2) Usually in our church GENESIS was read during the PASCHAL LITURGY in the various languages. But I have never heard that there were read NUMBERS.

С.Ф. [(3,5) 3,5]

1. Recently one of my friends WAS ORDAINED PRIEST and another WAS ORDAINED DEACON.
2. Last Sunday I attended the Divine LITURGY in the Donskoy monastery which was been celebrated by the PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW and many other PRIESTS and HIEROMONKS concelebrated him.

М.З. [(3) 3]

1) Though I was BAPTISED in my childhood, I`ve started to take part in THE SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH about two years ago.
2) Taking COMMUNION for the first time was a true miracle to me.

К.Е. [(1,5) 1,5]

1) I saw HIS HOLINESS PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA a few years ago when HIS HOLINESS came to Tver to bless a church.
2) Our parish has good relationship with the METROPOLITAN because VLADIKA tries to help and communicate with every man of our church.

Е.Л. [(1,5) 1,5]

1) Four PRIESTS and one DEACON serve in our CHURCH.
2) I have seen HIS HOLINESS PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND ALL RUSSIA Kirill several times.

О.Н. [(2) 6,3]

1. The ARCHPRIEST PRAYED in front of the ICONS and MADE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS in the ALTAR during the FEAST service.
2. A crowd of people comes to this HEGUMENOS seeking his advice.

А.К. [(2,5) 2,5]

Last year during the second semester our group was attending OLD TESTAMENT classes on Fridays. There we were reading such books as GENESIS, EXODUS and JUDGES.

Д.Х. [(2) 39]

My father was ORDAINED ARCHPRIEST when I was about ten years old. I usually help him and my mother during the Divine Liturgy and participate in THE SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH.

Е.К. [(1) 1]

My father WAS ORDAINED PRIEST in 1996 and now he is THE RECTOR OF THE CHURCH.
Every time I am scared of darkness I MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS to overcome my fear.

В.Г. [(1,5) 6,3]

А.Г. [(1,5) 45]

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