Система Orphus

Religious Vocabulary
texts by graduate students

* graduation year

Условные обозначения:
  • CAPITALS: active vocabulary words and collocations students have used
  • Underline: elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Underline and Delete: superfluous erroneous elements that have been corrected by the tutor
  • Italics: where appropriate, elements which explain the corrected mistakes
  • Dotted underline: elements not graded for various reasons (e.g. dubious or erroneous statements, vague in meaning).
  • [numbers in brackets]: grades students have accumulated by the time of this post (include grades for word tests)
  • [(number in parenthesis inside the brackets)]: grades the student has received for this particular post
  • [underlined numbers in brackets]: mid-term grades (include grades for word tests, class attendance, posts, as well as deductions in fines)
  • [numbers in brackets in bold type]: total number of grades students have accumulated throughout the semester (continuous assessment)
См. также:
Правила и типичные ошибки

Autumn 2021

It’s vital to be a COMMITTED CHRISTIAN, to participate in the Holy Communion to acquire THE GIFTS OF SALVATION which are transmitted through the EUCHARIST and the ability to use them to perfect ourselves.
In my opinion, priests who say the SECRET PRAYERS out loud do the right thing. As I sing in the choir, I’ve read those prayers and found such touching and insightful words that all people should hear them.
It’s our BOUNDEN DUTY to help those who are in need as our Lord Jesus Christ said «Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy» (Matt. 5:7).
Fasting helps us to discipline ourselves and LIVE no longer unto ourselves but UNTO HIM who died for us and rose again and in prayer we ask God to give us strength that we may TRIUMPH OVER THE FLESH and LAUD AND MAGNIFY HIS GLORIOUS NAME by our deeds and life because it’s hardly possible to express and demonstrate CHARITY when your stomach is absolutely full with delicious food.

1. We become deaf to the ADVERSITIES of others if we have an ultimately comfy life.
2. We consist of three parts: spirit, soul and body, and all those parts were in CONCORD before the ORIGINAL SIN and our task is not to allow one of them to take over and to return ourselves with the help of God to that life in CONCORD.

M.A. [(6) 6]

А.Т. [() 0]

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