Religious Vocabulary Text Bank (2014)
Система Orphus

Religious Vocabulary
texts by students (2014 graduates)

Group 453 (Spring 2013)

1) The Time of Troubles that took place in Russia from 1598 till 1613 is one of the most puzzling parts in the Russian history.
2) If someone always uses dictionaries, he/she is probably a devout believer in improving his/her vocabulary.

Nowadays The Russian Orthodox Church undergoes a spiritual revival after the long period of suffering and hardship during the Communist Power.
The practice of frequent communion proceeds from the Apostolic Age, when Christians used to receive The Holy Communion every day/daily.

1) Catholic faith thinks of Purgatory as a state of the dead people’s souls who are trying to atone for their sins.
2) Calvin’s heresy concerned the question of existence of free will, grace and predestination.

Pelgus, who was the elder of Igorskaya land and comrade of Saint Alexander Nevsky, had a vision before the battle of the Neva.
Passion Bearers Boris and Gleb were sailing in a vessel and talking about their relative prince Alexander and their willingness to help him in the battle to come.
Ecclesiastical tithe was an important offering equal with sacrificing of the cattle in the ancient Judaism.
Mount Athos looks like a monastic state because the main part of its inhabitants are monks and novices. There are not only Orthodox monasteries and hermitages, which follow different rules, but also some Roman Catholic abbeys.
The library was his place of retreat where he could forget all his everyday miseries and devour novel after novel.
The Optina Hermitage was the greatest religious house in the Russian land by the end of the XIXth century.

As a rule before marriage fiancées should secure the parents' blessing.
Richard the Lionheart was in charge of the ”holy warriors” who tried to seize the stronghold Akra.
The Teutonic Knights were going to fight with Alexander Nevsky on the Neva but heavy arms failed them.

Saint Martin of Tours lived in a monk’s cell and was very hospitable.
King Solomon is famous for being just and wise.