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Unit 10 Describing people: personality and character traits

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Unit 10 Describing people: personality and character traits
readeralexeyДата: Среда, 29.09.2021, 12:12 | Сообщение # 1
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Describe a person you know well using words from the unit.

Describe one or more popular characters from fiction or film using words from the unit. Do not name the character but let your classmates guess who it is in the commentary.

Describe a situation when you were self-conscious.

Have you ever been naive and gullible? What was the outcome?

Are you impulsive? Is it good or bad, in your opinion?

Have you ever been mistaken in assessing someone's personality and character? In what way?

If you are treated in an effusive way, are you pleased or not? Why?

Suggest a Russian translation for the following sentences:

I’ve always found Professor Mactoft very unapproachable, but his colleague Dr O’Daly is very approachable.
Joe is always so polite and respectful. I wish he would be more informal and just treat me as his equal.
She’s a restless individual. I don’t think she’ll ever settle down in a job.
ulyana_kazakovaДата: Вторник, 06.12.2022, 11:17 | Сообщение # 16
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Are you impulsive? Is it good or bad, in your opinion?

I suppose I can be impulsive at times. And often if you are told "he's an impulsive person", you will already have a slightly negative attitude towards that person from the start. This is because impulsiveness is more associated with negative judgement: impetuous, unreliable, excitable, irritable and so on.

But there are also strengths of the impulsive person. Impulsive nature allows a person to make quick decisions. After all, most often such people react quickly to external circumstances. Thus, we get a person who perfectly will adapt to the rapidly changing environment.

Quick decision-making, in turn, develops intuition, which is of great help in life. Someone with a better intuition it is more likely to succeed. Probably there is no skill that can be compared to intuition.

You will immediately know which emotion an impulsive person is experiencing. Have you ever met such people who have nothing written on their face and it is completely impossible to understand what they are feeling now? With an impulsive person this can not happen.


Добавлено (06.12.2022, 11:22)
Я всегда считал профессора Мактофта неприветливым, а вот его коллега, доктор О'Дейли, напротив, очень располагает к себе.

Джо всегда так вежлив и уважителен. Хотелось бы, чтобы он вел себя более непринужденно и воспринимал меня как равного себе.

Она непоседливая особа. Не думаю, что когда-нибудь она остановится на одной работе.


Сообщение отредактировал ulyana_kazakova - Понедельник, 29.04.2024, 23:01
marichernaya911Дата: Вторник, 06.12.2022, 13:01 | Сообщение # 17
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Have you ever been mistaken in assessing someone's personality and character? In what way?

I personally have an extremely strong intuition. So, quite often it helps me to assess people’s personality and character properly. That is why I often see (feel, I should say) people’s character behind their behavior, which is almost always – an accurately built construction or a result of diffidence.

So, for example, I am sure that effusive people are not generally sincere. At the same time, people behaving like this may be just rather emotional and easily excitable. I’ve already noticed that self-conscious people who feel lonely because of their inability to talk to people properly, can behave in an effusive way because of high emotional stress due to a long-awaited opportunity to communicate with people.

It often happens that impetuous and pushy people are thought to be just haughty and selfish, as they want others to act and behave the way they want. At the same time they can easily be distrustful or even hyper-responsible.

However, people are extremely complicated creatures, so it's almost impossible to say exactly, why he or she behaves this or that way. At the same time, Christianity offers spiritual explanations and solutions of psychological issues.


1) Профессор Мактофт всегда казался мне недоступным, но его коллега, доктор О'Дели, напротив, очень открытый человек.

2) Джо так хорошо воспитан и всегда ведет себя так вежливо. Все же, мне бы хотелось, чтобы он держался более непринуждённо и принимал меня за равного себе.

3) Она ищущая натура. Не думаю, чтобы она однажды остановилась на каком-то одном деле.



It is believed that introverts are diffident people with low self-esteem. However, it often happens so that within their family or with close friends introverts are outgoing and talkative. They are usually just self-conscious and seem unapproachable or even taciturn for people they know little.


Сообщение отредактировал marichernaya911 - Понедельник, 19.06.2023, 16:07
sasavasl15Дата: Вторник, 06.12.2022, 13:53 | Сообщение # 18
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Are you impulsive? Is it good or bad, in your opinion?

I would not characterize myself as an impulsive person. I know for sure that this is not my stand-out trait. I think I can be impulsive in some situations, but mostly I prefer to be guided by logic and rationality. Impulsive people are guided by primary emotions and feelings, and I think this is not always good, as it indicates an inability to lead and understand their emotional part of consciousness. But sometimes acting intuitively, emotionally and impulsively means living in the present moment.

If you are treated in an effusive way, are you please or not? Why?

I like to look at emotional people who actively gesticulate and express their thoughts emotionally vividly. Such people are pleasant to look at, they feel the pleasure of life. But at the same time, I cannot say that I am delighted with people who can go on shouting or talking incessantly all the time, jumping from topic to topic and simply not interested in your opinion. The happy medium is necessary in everything.


Я всегда думал, что профессор Мактофта очень закрытый и необщительный, а его коллега доктор О'Дейли полная противоположность.
Джо всегда такой вежливый и учтивый. Я бы хотел, чтобы он вел себя более непринужденно и просто относился ко мне как к равному.
Ей сложно фокусироваться на чем-то одном. Я думаю, ей будет сложно найти работу.

I was a NAIVE kid. We hold ALOOF from each other for the most part. His attitude toward us became less HAUGHTY. His voice was DISDAINFUL. Humans are so GULLIBLE.


Сообщение отредактировал sasavasl15 - Вторник, 06.12.2022, 15:15
sensualpie111Дата: Воскресенье, 03.09.2023, 23:53 | Сообщение # 19
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Are you impulsive? Is it good or bad, in your opinion?
Well, speaking as a 21-year-old girl who loves traveling, I think a bit of impulsiveness can add excitement and spontaneity to life. Sometimes, the best adventures come from those spontaneous decisions to explore a new place, try a new activity, or meet new people. It can make travel experiences more memorable and thrilling.

However, it's also important to strike a balance. Being too impulsive without considering the consequences can sometimes lead to risky situations or missed opportunities for planning and preparation. So, while I appreciate the thrill of spontaneity, I'd say it's good in moderation. It's all about finding that sweet spot where you can embrace the unexpected while still making wise choices.

Para Julia
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