Религиозная лексика: Архив ДЗ 2012/13
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Религиозная лексика английского языка
АРХИВ ДЗ: 2012/13

ГРУППА 253 (к экзамену 17.06.13)

В экзамен будут включены следующие аспекты:
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями (1, 1-11): чтение и перевод отрывков с английского на русский (устно)
    (Максимум 5 баллов.)
  • Тест по книге митрополита Каллиста The Orthodox Church, Chapter 2 (до слов "...has remained self-governing ever since.") (письменно). Тест будет состоять в заполнении пропусков в тексте книги словами и словосочетаниями, которые выделены жирным шрифтом в публикации текста на нашем сайте.
    (Максимум 20 баллов.)
  • Изложение и комментирование содержания одной из ранее прослушанных передач (устно). В билеты будут включены следующие передачи: Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware): Music and Hymnology in the Church, The State of the Orthodox Church, Ethnicity and Nationalism in Orthodoxy, What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (I,II), Gender Issues in the Church (Part I). При ответе по этому аспекту можно пользоваться вопросами к передаче и своими записями ответов на них. См. ссылки на пройденный материал в разделах "Аудирование" и "Архив ДЗ" ниже
    (Максимум 5 баллов.)

  • ВНИМАНИЕ! Ваши баллы за работу в течение семестра можно узнать на этой странице (в квадратных скобках под последним постом ваших предложений). Но это не окончательный балл. Согласно правилам аттестации (см. ниже) "отсутствие студента на занятии без уважительной причины (подтвержденной документально) влечет за собой вычет трех (3) баллов из их общей суммы". В течение семестра имели место следующие пропуски:
  • Богатырева Е.: 25.03, 15.04, 29.04, 20.05.
  • Воскресенская В.: 27.02, 11.03, 15.04.
  • Костина О.: 04.03, 08.04, 29.04.
  • Шевцова Е.: 27.02, 11.04, 22.04.
  • Пожалуйста, предоставьте документальное подтверждение уважительной причины пропусков во избежание вычета баллов.

    ГРУППА 353 (к экзамену 27.05.13)

    В экзамен будут включены следующие аспекты:
  • Orthodox Mysteries: Перевод слов и выражений из всех разделов книги с русского на английский (письменно).
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями (6,1-52): перевод отрывков с английского на русский (устно)
  • Изложение и комментирование содержания одной из ранее прослушанных передач (устно). В билеты будут включены следующие передачи: Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware: Music and Hymnology in the Church, The State of the Orthodox Church, Word and Silence in The Pholokalia (I-VIII), Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episodes 1-2) . При ответе по этому аспекту можно пользоваться вопросами к передаче и своими записями ответов на них.
    См. ссылки на пройденный материал в разделах "Аудирование" и "Архив ДЗ" ниже.
  • ГРУППА 453 (к экзамену 11.06.13)

    В экзамен будут включены следующие аспекты:
  • Orthodox Mysteries: Перевод слов и выражений с русского на английский (письменно).
  • Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: изложение догматических аспектов различий между Православием и другими конфессиями (устно)
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: отрывок из книги: пересказ, перевод и/или комментирование слов и выражений, выделенных в тексте (устно).
    Отрывок будет взят из части книги, которая начинается с главы 5 "The Church Under Islam" и заканчивается первым разделом главы 6, Moscow the Third Rome.
    Слова и выражения, подлежащие переводу и комментированию, выделены жирным шрифтом в публикации текста на нашем сайте.
    Примеры текстов для пересказа
  • Изложение и комментирование содержания одной из ранее прослушанных передач (устно). В билеты будут включены следующие передачи: Frederica Here and Now: The Cost of Independence, Escalator; Fr. Evan Armatas: Q/A Session (Episodes 1-10). При ответе по этому аспекту можно пользоваться вопросами к передаче и своими записями ответов на них.
    См. ссылки на пройденный материал в разделах "Аудирование" и "Архив ДЗ" ниже.

    ГРУППА 253 (к 27.05.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words from pages 21-22.
  • The Bible Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1:9-11: page 15-16:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the footnote on page 16.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 2 from the words "Alexandria's second major success..." until the words "...indivisibly, inseparably'."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 2:
    from the words "But Chalcedon was more than a defeat..." until the words "...he is the firsrt among equals."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (8)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к первому занятию в осеннем семестре)

  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (1) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 45-52 ( pages 56-57):
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 4: The Conversion of the Slavs, section "Cyril and Methodius": from the words Cyril died at Rome..." until the words "...is predominantly Latin."
    Read: Chapter 4: The Conversion of the Slavs, section "Cyril and Methodius": from the words Byzantium conferred..." into the section The Baptizm of Russia, until the words "...the place of suffering in the Christian life."

    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.

  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 3)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 453 (к 27.05.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (3) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words in the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 6 Moscow and St Petersburg, section Moscow the Third Rome: from the words One of the most interesting participants... until the end of the section.
    Read: Chapter 6 Moscow and St Petersburg, section The Schism of the Old Believersfrom the beginning until the words "...seemed to consist largely in bell-ringing".
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 10)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 20.05.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words from pages 18-20.
  • The Bible Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1:9-11: page 15-16:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary (from the words "At the same time, He comes to be baptized...") until the end of the commentary (without the footnote).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 2 from the words "The Council of Nicea dealt also..." until the words "are most widely read."
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 2:
    from the words "Alexandria's second major success..." until the words "...indivisibly, inseparably'."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (7)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к первому занятию в осеннем семестре)

  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (1) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 45-52 ( pages 56-57):
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 4: The Conversion of the Slavs, section "Cyril and Methodius": from the words Cyril died at Rome..." until the words "...is predominantly Latin."
    Read: Chapter 4: The Conversion of the Slavs, section "Cyril and Methodius": from the words Byzantium conferred..." into the section The Baptizm of Russia, until the words "...the place of suffering in the Christian life."

    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.

  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 3)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 453 (к 20.05.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (2) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 6 Moscow and St Petersburg, section Moscow the Third Rome: from the words The question of heretics... until the words "...trouble in the next century.")
    Read: Chapter 6 Moscow and St Petersburg, from the words One of the most interesting participants... until the end of the section.
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 9)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 13.05.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words from pages 18.
  • The Bible Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1:9-11: page 15-16:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary (until the words "...all might witness Who He is.").
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Be ready for a test on Chapter 1 (similar to the one we had on the Introduction).
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (6)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к первому занятию в осеннем семестре)

  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (1) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 45-52 ( pages 56-57):
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 4: The Conversion of the Slavs, section "Cyril and Methodius": from the words Cyril died at Rome..." until the words "...is predominantly Latin."
    Read: Chapter 4: The Conversion of the Slavs, section "Cyril and Methodius": from the words Byzantium conferred..." into the section The Baptizm of Russia, until the words "...the place of suffering in the Christian life."

    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.

  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 3)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 453 (к 13.05.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Listening. Listen to this piece (1) from an Orthodox worship in English and tell what part of what service this is. Transcribe it or find words on the Internet.
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Bring to class the text Theosis in the Bible.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 6 Moscow and St Petersburg, section Moscow the Third Rome: from the words Now that the dream... until the words: "...tolerance and respect for human freedom."
    Read: Chapter 6 Moscow and St Petersburg, from the words The question of heretics... until the words "...trouble in the next century.")
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 8)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 01.05.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words from pages 16-17.
  • The Bible Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1:7-8: page 15-17:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 2 from the words "The discussions at the Councils at times sound abstract..." until the words "begotten not made, one in essence with the Father."
    Read and be ready to translate from Chapter 2:
    from the words "The Council of Nicea dealt also..." until the words "are most widely read."

    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (5)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к 01.05.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 29-30. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 41-44 (pages 54-55; 56-57):
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and commentary.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 4: The Conversion of the Slavs, section "Cyril and Methodius": from the beginning until the words "... principal churches in the city."
    Read: Chapter 4: The Conversion of the Slavs, section "Cyril and Methodius": from the words Cyril died at Rome..." until the words "...is predominantly Latin."

    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.

  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 2)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 29.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 29-30. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Bring to class the text Theosis in the Bible.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 6 Moscow and St Petersburg, section Moscow the Third Rome: from the beginning until the words: "...Russian secular imperialism."
    Read: Chapter 6 Moscow and St Petersburg, from the words Now that the dream... until the words: "...tolerance and respect for human freedom."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 7)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 22.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words from pages 16-17.
  • The Bible Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1:6: page 13-14, page 15-17:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 2 from the words "The discussions at the Councils at times sound abstract..." until the words "begotten not made, one in essence with the Father."
    Read and be ready to translate from Chapter 2:
    from the words "The Council of Nicea dealt also..." until the words "are most widely read."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (4)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к 24.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 26-28. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 34-40:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary only.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy" from the words "Into the closed world of Byzantium..." until the words "... far less the end of Orthodoxy."
    Read: Chapter 4: The Conversion of the Slavs, section "Cyril and Methodius": from the beginning until the words "... principal churches in the city."

    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.

  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 1)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 22.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 26-28. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Bring to class the text Theosis in the Bible.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact from the words: "The Orthodox of the seventeenth century came into contact..." till "...kept Orthodoxy alive in those dark days."
    Read: Chapter 6 Moscow and St Petersburg, section Moscow the Third Rome: from the beginning until the words: "...Russian secular imperialism."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 6)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 15.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words from pages 14-15.
  • The Bible Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 4-5: page 13-14:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 2 from the beginning until the words "...the fence around the mystery; that was all."
    Read and be ready to translate from Chapter 2:
    from the words "The discussions at the Councils at times sound abstract..." until the words "begotten not made, one in essence with the Father."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (3)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к 17.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 25. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 34-40:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy" from the words "Gregory began by reaffirming..." till the words "...lies also at the heart of the Hesychastcontroversy".
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism, section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy": from the words "Into the closed world of Byzantium..." until the words "... far less the end of Orthodoxy.

    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.

  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (8)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 15.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 26-28. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Bring to class the text Theosis in the Bible.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact from the words One of the representatives... until the words "...have not normally done so."
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam, section Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact: from the words: "The Orthodox of the seventeenth century came into contact..." till "...kept Orthodoxy alive in those dark days."
    Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 5)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 08.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words from pages 9-13.
  • The Bible Studies: Gospel of St. Mark, 1: 1-3: page 13-14:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and the commentary.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 1 from the words It was only natural... until the end of the chapter.
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 2 from the beginning until the words "...the fence around the mystery; that was all." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (2)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к 10.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 23-24. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 30-33: page 54-55:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and commentary.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy" from the words "When Orthodox writers use..." till the words "...accept the theology of Palamas."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism, section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy" from the words "Gregory began..." till the words "...lies also at the heart of the Hesychast controversy." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (7)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 453 (к 08.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 25. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Bring to class the text Theosis in the Bible.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact from the words Thus there came into existence... until the words "...we must shortly return."
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam, section Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact from the words One of the representatives... until the words "...have not normally done so."Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 4)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 01.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words from pages 9-10.
  • The Bible Studies: Read the article CAPITALIZATION OF PRONOUNS RElATING TO DEITY from a series on Bible language, and be ready to summarize its main points.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 1 from the words People today tend to think... until the words "...to undergo martyrdom of blood".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the words It was only natural... until the end of the chapter. Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Be ready for a "fill in the gap" test on words and collocations in bold from The Introduction to The Orthodox Church by metropolitan Kallistos.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the Jesus Prayer (1)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к 03.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 21-22. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 21-29: page 52-53:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the commentary only. The concluding words of the commentary, missing from page 53, are as follows: decapitated John, the speaker of prophecy, not accepting the head of all prophecy, Christ.Though they have the word of the prophets, they possess the word without its head, which is Christ".
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy" from the "Negative theology reaches..." till the words "...conferred by the grace of God."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism, section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy" from the words "When Orthodox writers use..." till the words "...accept the theology of Palamas." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (6)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 453 (к 01.04.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 24. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Bring to class the text Theosis in the Bible.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact from the beginning until the words ..."anathematizing one another."
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam, section Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact from the words Thus there came into existence... until the words "...we must shortly return." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 3)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 25.03.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words from pages 7-8.
  • The Bible Studies: Read the article Those Dreadful Words in Italics from a series on Bible language, and be ready to discuss it.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 1 from the beginning until the words "...the medicine of immortality".
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the words People today tend to think... until the words "...to undergo martyrdom of blood". Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the State of the Orthodox Church
    Questions on this episode (Part I)

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к 27.03.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 19-20. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 21-29: page 52-53:
    be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel only.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy" from the beginning till the words "...the darkness of incomprehensibility."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism, section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy" from the words "Negative theology reaches..." till the words "...conferred by the grace of God." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (5)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 453 (к 25.03.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 24. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Bring to class the text Theosis in the Bible.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact from the beginning until the words ..."anathematizing one another."
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam, section Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact from the words Thus there came into existence... until the words "...we must shortly return." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 2)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 11.03.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - read page 6.
  • The Bible Studies: Read the article Those Nasty Thees and Thous from a series on Bible language.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Introduction from the words The Orthodox Churchis thus a family... until the end of the Introduction.
    Read and be ready to translate Chapter 1 from the beginning until the words "...the medicine of immortality". Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Alyona is kindly asked to select colors for her texts and e-mail me the HEX index of it (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.

  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Gender Issues in the Church (Part I)
    Questions on this episode (Part I)

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 353 (к 13.03.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 18. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 17-20: page 52-53,
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and of the commentary.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "But even after 1054..." till the end of the section "...has proved a great tragedy."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism, section "Two Attempts at Reunion; The Hesychast Controversy" from the beginning till the words "...the darkness of incomprehensibility." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (4)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK
    ГРУППА 453 (к 11.03.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 24. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Bring to class Sola Scriptura.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the words "The Turkish occupation..." till the end of the section ("...Counter-Reformation.")
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam, section Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Their Double Impact from the beginning until the words ..."anathematizing one another." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Fr. Evan Armatas Q/A Session (Episode 1)
    Questions on this episode

  • Your TEXT BANK


    ГРУППА 253 (к 04.03.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on page 4-5. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • The Bible Studies: Learn the Titles of the Books of the Bible (The Old Testament, all).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Introduction from the words What is meant by 'the Orthodox Church'? until the words "...officially recognized by the majority of other Orthodox Churches."
    Read and be ready to translate the Introduction from the words The Orthodox Churchis thus a family... until the end of the Introduction. Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Alyona, Katya, and Marina are kindly asked to select colors for your texts and e-mail me the HEX index of it (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.

  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Music and Hymnology in the Church
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 353 (к 06.03.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 16-17. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 14-16: page 52,
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel and of the commentary.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "At the beginning of the eleventh century..." till the words "...left matters worse than before."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204" from the words "But even after 1054..." till the end of the section "...has proved a great tragedy." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (3)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 04.03.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 22-23. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Bring to class Sola Scriptura.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: "The millet system..." till the words "...in the palmy days of Ottoman suzerainty."
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the words "The Turkish occupation..." till the end of the section ("...Counter-Reformation.")
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: Escalator
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 253 (к 25.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on page 3. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • The Bible Studies: Learn the Titles of the Books of the Bible (The Old Testament, page 1).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Introduction from the beginning until the words "...a beginning has been made."
    Read and be ready to translate the Introduction from the words What is meant by 'the Orthodox Church'? until the words "...officially recognized by the majority of other Orthodox Churches." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you! :-) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (Part II)
    Questions on this episode (Part II)
  • ГРУППА 353 (к 27.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 14-15. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 12-13: page 51,
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the text of the Gospel, of the commentary, and of the footnotes. Finishing words of this section which are absent from page 51 are: "...receive light, joy, and spiritual gladness."
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "Photius was naturally alarmed..." till the words "...the verdict on Saint Photius."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204" from the words "At the beginning of the eleventh century..." till the words "...left matters worse than before." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (3)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 27.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 21-22. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Read The Grounds of Union in Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Quick Reference (page 3).
    Be ready to explain its statements.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the beginning till the words "...the death of Archbishop Makarios III (1977)".
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the words "The millet system..." till the words "...in the palmy days of Ottoman suzerainty." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE THIS: To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you!)) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: The Cost of Independence
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 253 (к 18.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on the Content page and page 2. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • The Bible Studies: Learn the Titles of the Books of the Bible (The Old Testament: The Pentateuch and the Former Prophets).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Bring to class digital or hard copy of the Introduction.
    Learn words and collocations in bold type from "About the Author".
    Read and be ready to translate Introduction from the beginning until the words "...a beginning has been made." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you! :-) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 353 (к 20.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 11-13. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 6-11: page 49-51,
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the commentary beginning from the words "Or,it would show that the apostles..." until the end of this section.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "It was not until after 850..." until the end of the section ("...and the Crusades.") and section From estrangement to schism: 858-1204 from the beginning till the words "...was now neutral no longer."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism, section "From estrangement to schism: 858-1204" from the words "Photius was naturally alarmed..." till the words "...the verdict on Saint Photius." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (3)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 20.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 18-20. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Read through the remaining part of page 1 and 2 of Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Quick Reference on your own.
    Single out two dates/events that are new for you or that you find particularly important/interesting/strange. Find more information about it elsewhere and be ready to share with the class.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the beginning till the words "...the death of Archbishop Makarios III (1977)".
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the words "The millet system..." till the words "...in the palmy days of Ottoman suzerainty." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE THIS: To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you!)) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: The Cost of Independence
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 253 (к 11.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on the Content page and page 1. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Church Etiquette: Learn Titles of the Clergy.
  • The Bible Studies: Learn how to pronounce Titles of the Books of the Bible (The New Testament).
  • Remember English words for the major feasts of the Orthodox Church.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you! :-) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Bring to class digital or hard copy of the Introduction.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Ethnicity and Nationalism in Orthodoxy (Ancient Faith Radio)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 353 (к 13.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 9-10. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 6-11: page 49-51,
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the commentary beginning from the words "He commanded them to take nothing withthem..." (p. 50) until the end of this section.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "It was not until after 850..." until the end of the section ("...and the Crusades.")
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism, section From estrangement to schism: 858-1204 from the beginning till the words "...was now neutral no longer." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening:
      1) Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (1)
      Questions on this episode (questions 5-10)
      2) Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (2)
      Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к первому занятию в семестре)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 18-20. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Read through the remaining part of page 1 and 2 of Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Quick Reference on your own.
    Single out two dates/events that are new for you or that you find particularly important/interesting/strange. Find more information about it elsewhere and be ready to share with the class.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the beginning till the words "...the death of Archbishop Makarios III (1977)".
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the words "The millet system..." till the words "...in the palmy days of Ottoman suzerainty." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE THIS: To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you!)) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: The Cost of Independence
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 253 (к 04.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Download the book Orthodox Mysteries. Bring to class pages with the table of Contents and page 1 (The Church)
  • Church Etiquette: Download Titles of the Clergy and bring it to class.
  • The Bible Studies: Download Titles of the Books of the Bible and bring it to class.
  • Remember English words for the major feasts of the Orthodox Church.
  • ГРУППА 353 (к 06.02.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 8. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 6-11: page 49-51,
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the Gospel text and commentary up to the words "...as Ecclesiastes says." (p. 50).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "We have already had occasion to mention..." until the words "...between Germany and Byzantium."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "It was not until after 850..." until the end of the section ("...and the Crusades.") Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE THIS: To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you!)) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (1)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к первому занятию в семестре)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 18-20. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Read through the remaining part of page 1 and 2 of Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Quick Reference on your own.
    Single out two dates/events that are new for you or that you find particularly important/interesting/strange. Find more information about it elsewhere and be ready to share with the class.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the beginning till the words "...the death of Archbishop Makarios III (1977)".
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the words "The millet system..." till the words "...in the palmy days of Ottoman suzerainty." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE THIS: To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you!)) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: The Cost of Independence
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 353 (к 30.01.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on pp. 7. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 4-6: page 49-51,
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the Gospel text and commentary (p. 49-50).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "This initial divergence..." until the words "...date back considerably earlier."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "We have already had occasion to mention..." until the words "...between Germany and Byzantium." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE THIS: To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you!)) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on the State of the Orthodox Church
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к первому занятию в семестре)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 18-20. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Read through the remaining part of page 1 and 2 of Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Quick Reference on your own.
    Single out two dates/events that are new for you or that you find particularly important/interesting/strange. Find more information about it elsewhere and be ready to share with the class.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the beginning till the words "...the death of Archbishop Makarios III (1977)".
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the words "The millet system..." till the words "...in the palmy days of Ottoman suzerainty." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE THIS: To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you!)) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: The Cost of Independence
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 353 (к 23.01.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on pp. 6. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 6: 1-3: page 49-51,
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the Gospel text and commentary(p. 49).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "Cut off from Byzantium..." until the words "...- the monarchy of the Pope."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "This initial divergence..." until the words "...date back considerably earlier." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE THIS: To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you!)) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Music and Hymnology in the Church
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 21.01.13)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 18-20. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Read through the remaining part of page 1 and 2 of Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Quick Reference on your own.
    Single out two dates/events that are new for you or that you find particularly important/interesting/strange. Find more information about it elsewhere and be ready to share with the class.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the beginning till the words "...the death of Archbishop Makarios III (1977)".
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the words "The millet system..." till the words "...in the palmy days of Ottoman suzerainty." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE THIS: To make the bulk of everyone's individual contribution more easily seen "at a glance" on the page I intend to mark your texts by different font colours, assigned individually to each one of you. Please visit this page with a collection of web colours (and linked pages with other colours) and select the colour you would like your texts to be posted in. Please e-mail me the HEX index of the colour (for example, "F0F8FF", "8A2BE2", "5F9EA0", etc). Only make sure it is dark enough to be discernible on the white page.
    Even though there are obviously more colours available than people in your group, hurry lest the colour you particularly like is occupied by someone else before you!)) Colours will be distributed according to the order of your incoming e-mails with colour indices.

  • Listening
    Frederica Here and Now: The Cost of Independence
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 353 (к экзамену 11.12.12)

    В экзамен будут включены следующие аспекты:
  • Mолитвенник: Перевод слов и выражений (с. 121-139) с русского на английский (письменно).
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями (4,35-5:43): перевод отрывков с английского на русский (устно)
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: отрывок из книги: пересказ, перевод и/или комментирование слов и выражений, выделенных в тексте (устно).
    Отрывок будет взят из части, которая начинается с раздела The first Six Councils (325-681) (от слов "Christ must be fully God and fully man.")
    Слова и выражения, подлежащие переводу и комментированию, выделены жирным шрифтом в публикации текста на нашем сайте: Chapter 2, Chapter 3.
    Примеры текстов для пересказа
  • Изложение и комментирование содержания одной из ранее прослушанных передач (устно). В билеты будут включены следующие передачи: Frederica Here and Now: The Same God, The Historical Jesus, Charity, Why We Need Hell; Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware): What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other, Gender Issues in the Church (Part I). При ответе по этому аспекту можно пользоваться вопросами к передаче и своими записями ответов на них.
    См. ссылки на пройденный материал в разделах "Аудирование" и "Архив ДЗ" ниже.
  • ГРУППА 453 (к экзамену 13.12.12)

    В экзамен будут включены следующие аспекты:
  • Orthodox Mysteries: Перевод слов и выражений с русского на английский (письменно).
  • Orthodoxy and Heresy: перевод догматических отрывков с русского на английский и изложение сути некоторых ересей (устно)
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church: отрывок из книги: пересказ, перевод и/или комментирование слов и выражений, выделенных в тексте (устно).
    Отрывок будет взят из части книги, которая начинается с раздела "Two attemps at reunion: the hesychast controversy.")
    Слова и выражения, подлежащие переводу и комментированию, выделены жирным шрифтом в публикации текста на нашем сайте: Chapter 3, Chapter 4.
    Примеры текстов для пересказа
  • Изложение и комментирование содержания одной из ранее прослушанных передач (устно). В билеты будут включены следующие передачи: Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware): What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (Part II), Gender Issues in the Church (Part I), Music and Hymnology in the Church, The State of the Orthodox Church, Word and Silence in The Pholokalia (I-VIII). При ответе по этому аспекту можно пользоваться вопросами к передаче и своими записями ответов на них.
    См. ссылки на пройденный материал в разделах "Аудирование" и "Архив ДЗ" ниже.

    ГРУППА 353 (к 05.12.12)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on pp. 4-5. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 5: 35-43: page 47, page 48
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the commentary only (p. 47-48).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary:Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the beginning until the words "... but they became far more difficult."
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the words "Cut off from Byzantium..." until the words "...- the monarchy of the Pope." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, font colour, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Gender Issues in the Church (Part I)
    Questions on this episode (Part I)
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 03.12.12)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 18. Be ready to give a summary of the studied material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Quick Reference
    (be ready to read and translate page 1).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: The section The Russian Church under the Mongols from the words "Sergius of Radonezh..." till the end of the section ("...both worthy and unworthy of this vocation").
    Read: Chapter 5 The Church under Islam from the beginning till the words "...the death of Archbishop Makarios III (1977)". Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, font colour, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Lecture of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (7)
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 353 (к 28.11.12)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on pp. 3. Be ready to give a summary of the covered material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 5: 35-43: English (p. 47)
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the Gospel text only (p. 47, from the words "The little girl...").
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary:from the words "At the heart of the Christian polity..." until the end of the chapter.
    Read: Chapter 3 Byzantium, II: The Great Schism from the beginning until the words "... but they became far more difficult." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two original sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, font colour, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Gender Issues in the Church
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 26.11.12)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on pp. 16-17. Be ready to give a summary of the covered material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Quick Reference
    (be ready to read and translate page 1).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: The section The Russian Church under the Mongols from the beginning till the words "... but was ahead of it."
    Read: From the words "Sergius of Radonezh..." till the end of the section ("...both worthy and unworthy of this vocation"). Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, font colour, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Lecture of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (7)
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 353 (к 21.11.12)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on pp. 1-2. Be ready to give a summary of the covered material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 5: 35-43: English (p. 47)
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the Gospel text only (p. 47).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary:
    Section Saints, Monks, and Emperors from the words "Because of its monasteries..." until the words "... from which formerly he fled.)"
    Read: from the words "At the heart of the Christian polity..." until the end of the chapter. Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write one sentence that is true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, font colour, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (Part II)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 19.11.12)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on pp. 11-15. Be ready to give a summary of the covered material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Quick Reference
    (be ready to read and translate page 1).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: The Baptism of Russia from the words In Kievan Russia... till the end of the section ("... a golden measure, a royal way.")
    Read: From the section The Russian Church under the Mongols from the beginning till the words "... but was ahead of it." Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (you can use bold type, italics, underline, font colour, etc). Your contributions will be deposited in the Text Bank.
  • Listening
    Lecture of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (6)
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 353 (к 14.11.12)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - Download and bring to class pages 1-2.
  • Gospel of St. Mark, 5: 30-34: English (p. 46-47)
    (be ready to translate orally from English into Russian and backwards the commentary, beginning from the words "See how none..." (p.46) until the end of the passage ('...in grief and turmoil," p. 47).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Oral summary:
    Section Saints, Monks, and Emperors from the words Monasticism played a decisive part..." up to the words "... in Celtic monasticism.)"Read: from the words "Because of its monasteries..." until the words "... from which formerly he fled.)" Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write one sentence that is true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail it to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (employing block capitals, bold type, italics, underline function, font colour, etc).
  • Listening
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (Ancient Faith Radio)
    Questions on this episode
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 12.11.12)

  • Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on pp. 11-13. Be ready to give a summary of the covered material and to answer questions of an "alien".
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Orthodoxy and Roman Catholocism Quick Reference
    (be ready to read and translate page 1).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: The Baptism of Russia from the beginning up until the words "... the place of suffering in the Christian life."
    Read: From the words In Kievan Russia... till the end of the section ("... a golden measure, a royal way.") Make sure you know the meaning of words and phrases in bold, and how to pronounce them.
  • Write two sentences (not necessarily interconnected) that are true for you using any words and collocations from your reading material (above) and e-mail them to me. Highlight the words and collocations you use (employing block capitals, bold type, italics, underline function, font colour, etc).
  • Listening
    Lecture of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (5)
    Questions on this episode

    ГРУППА 353 (к 07.11.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 135-137.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 5: 30-34: English (p. 46)
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно текста Евангелия и толкования до слов "...imparted to those who learn." (с. 46).
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Читать: Со слов Monasticism played a decisive part..." до слов "... in Celtic monasticism.)" Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on Ethnicity and Nationalism in Orthodoxy (Ancient Faith Radio)
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 05.11.12)

  • The Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 10. Be ready to give a summary of the covered material and to answer questions of an alien.
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    The Dictates of the Pope
    (be ready to read and translate).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: From the words "Byzantium conferred two gifts..." до конца раздела ("... there lies an important truth)."
    Read: The Baptism of Russia с начала до слов "... the place of suffering in the Christian life." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Listening
    Lecture of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (4)
    Вопросы по этой передаче

    ГРУППА 353 (к 31.10.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 135.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 5: 21-29: English (p. 46-47)
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно текста толкования (с. 45-46).
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Читать: Раздел Saints, Monks, and Emperors с начала до слов "... was charitable work." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Frederica Here and Now: Why We Need Hell (mp3)
    Текстовая версия
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 29.10.12)

  • The Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 9. Be ready to give a summary of the covered material and to answer questions of an alien.
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    The Dictates of the Pope
    (be ready to read and translate).
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: From the words "Cyril died at Rome..." до слов "... is predominantly Latin."
    Read: From the words "Byzantium conferred two gifts..." до конца раздела ("... there lies an important truth)." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Listening
    Lecture of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (3)
    Вопросы по этой передаче

    ГРУППА 353 (к 24.10.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 134.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 5: 14-20: English
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно текста толкования (с. 45).
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Читать: Со слов God took a material body... до конца раздела ("...arise in every generation"). Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Frederica Here and Now: Why We Need Hell (mp3)
    Текстовая версия
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 22.10.12)

  • The Temple and Worship: Orthodox Mysteries - learn words on p. 8. Be ready to give a summary of the covered material and to answer questions of an alien.
  • Dogmatic and comparative theology:
    Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (be ready to read and translate Heresy Quick Reference.
  • Church History: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Summarize: from the beginning of chapter "The Conversion of the Slavs" up until the phrase "... of the principal churches in the city."
    Read: From the words "Cyril died at Rome..." до слов "... is predominantly Latin." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Listening
    Lecture of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (2)
    Вопросы по этой передаче

    ГРУППА 353 (к 17.10.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 132-134.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 5: 14-20: English
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно только текста Евангелия (с. 44-45).
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Читать: Со слов One of the distinctive features of Orthodoxy... до слов "...the Incarnation and the salvation of man." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Frederica Here and Now: Charity (mp3)
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 15.10.12)

  • Догматическое и сравнительное богословие:
    Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (подготовиться к чтению и переводу с английского на русский Heresy Quick Reference.
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    пересказ - cо слов "A second reunion council..." до конца главы.
    Читать: C начала главы "The Conversion of the Slavs" до слов "... of the principal churches in the city." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Lecture of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the Jesus Prayer (1)
    Вопросы по этой передаче

    ГРУППА 353 (к 10.10.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 130-131.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 5: 11-14: English
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно текста Евангелия и толкования (с. 44).
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Читать: С начала раздела The holy icons до слов "... as the protector of Orthodoxy." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Frederica Here and Now: Charity (mp3)
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 08.10.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Orthodox Mysteries - выучить слова на с. 7. Подготовить устное сообщение на тему пройденного материала.
  • Догматическое и сравнительное богословие:
    Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (подготовиться к чтению и переводу с английского на русский Heresy Quick Reference.
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    пересказ - Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy: cо слов "God is Light..." до слов "...the normal institutional life of the Church."
    Читать: cо слов "A second reunion council..." до конца главы. Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on the State of the Orthodox Church
    Вопросы по этой передаче

    ГРУППА 353 (к 03.10.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 127-129.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 5: 6-10:
    English (c. 43)
    English (c. 44)
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно текста Евангелия и толкования (с. 43-44).
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Читать: Со слов "Ephesus and Chalcedon..." до слов "... in the end it succumbed." (конец раздела). Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Frederica Here and Now: The Historical Jesus (mp3)
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 01.10.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Orthodox Mysteries - выучить слова на с. 5-6. Подготовить устное сообщение на тему пройденного материала.
  • Догматическое и сравнительное богословие:
    Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (подготовиться к письменному переводу с английского на русский и обратно Orthodoxy Quick Reference (раздел "The Church").
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    пересказ - Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy: cо слов "Gregory began by..." до слов "...not in His essence."
    Читать: cо слов "God is Light..." до слов "...the normal institutional life of the Church." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on on Music and Hymnology in the Church
    Вопросы по этой передаче

    ГРУППА 353 (к 26.09.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 126-127.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 5: 1-5:
    English (c. 43)
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно текста Евангелия и толкования (с. 43).
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Читать: Со слов "When speaking of..." до слов "... the first among equals." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Frederica Here and Now: The Historical Jesus (mp3)
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 24.09.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Orthodox Mysteries - выучить слова на с. 3-4.
  • Догматическое и сравнительное богословие:
    Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (подготовиться к письменному переводу с английского на русский и обратно Orthodoxy Quick Reference (раздел "Jesus Christ").
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    пересказ - Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy: со слов cо слов "For the Hesychasts of Byzantium..." до слов "...personally accept the theology of Palamas."
    Читать: cо слов "Gregory began by..." до слов "...not in His essence." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on Gender Issues in the Church (Part II 11:36-18:48)
    Вопросы по этой передаче

    ГРУППА 353 (к 19.09.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 123-126.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 4: 35-41:
    English (c. 42-43)
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно текста толкования (с. 42) со слов "So He permits the storm to occur..." до конца страницы).
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church

    Читать: Со слов "Nestorius precipitated the controversy..." до слов "... has remained self-governing ever since." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Frederica Here and Now: Anjali (mp3)
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 17.09.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Orthodox Mysteries - выучить слова на с. 1-2.
  • Догматическое и сравнительное богословие:
    Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (подготовиться к письменному переводу с английского на русский и обратно Orthodoxy Quick Reference (раздел "The Holy Trinity").
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    пересказ - Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy: со слов "This was one of the questions..." до слов "...to the mystical state."
    Читать: cо слов "For the Hesychasts of Byzantium..." до слов "...personally accept the theology of Palamas." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on Gender Issues in the Church (Part I 00:00-11:35)
    Вопросы по этой передаче

    ГРУППА 353 (к 12.09.12)

  • Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 121-123.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 4: 35-41:
    English (c. 42-43)
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно текста толкования (с. 42) до слов "...lazy and careless").
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Пересказывать: The first Six Councils (325-681) cо слов "Christ must be fully God..." до слов "Constantinople is new Rome."
    Пересказывать отрывок о сущности христианства близко к тексту.
    Читать: Со слов "Behind the definitions of the Councils..." до слов "...entered into conflict." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Frederica Here and Now: The Same God (mp3)
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 10.09.12)

  • Храм и богослужение: Orthodox Mysteries - скачать, читать с. 1-2.
  • Догматическое и сравнительное богословие:
    Orthodoxy and Heresy
    (подготовиться к устному переводу с английского на русский и обратно Orthodoxy Quick Reference).
  • История Церкви: Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    пересказ - Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy: с начала раздела до слов "...knowable and unknowable at once?"
    Читать: cо слов "This was one of the questions..." до слов "...to the mystical state." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (часть вторая, 13:05-25:50, вопросы 11-15)
    Вопросы по этой передаче

    ГРУППА 353 (к 05.09.12)

  • Mолитвенник: учить слова с. 120-121.
  • Евангелие от Марка с толкованиями, 4: 35-41:
    English (c. 40-41), English (c. 42-43)
    (перевод "с листа" с английского на русский и обратно текста Евангелия (с. 41) и толкования (с. 42) до слов "...lazy and careless").
  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Пересказывать: The first Six Councils (325-681) с начала до слов "Not only angels use that ladder, but the human race."
    Читать: The first Six Councils (325-681) Со слов "Christ must be fully God..." до слов "Constantinople is new Rome." Знать перевод и произношение выделенных в тексте слов и словосочетаний.
  • Аудирование
    Frederica Here and Now: Self and Skepticism (mp3) - Part II
    Вопросы по этой передаче
  • ГРУППА 453 (к 03.09.12)

  • Met. Kallistos (Ware) The Orthodox Church
    Чтение, перевод, пересказ - Two attempts at reunion; the hesychast controversy: с начала раздела до слов "...the darkness of incomprehensibility"
  • Аудирование
    Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on What Evangelicals and Orthodox Can Learn From Each Other (часть вторая, 13:05-25:50, вопросы 11-15)
    Вопросы по этой передаче

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